thought that they were able to do the same thing. ,. D--You said Leonard and Jack had a contract. S--For a year or two or whatever it was. D--Was it as consultants? S--I know Jack was very upset because he told people that he was a consultant and I also know that Jack would have bought the company back because they were running it into the ground. D--Had they made any negotiations? S--No. And he was very upset. They were just not consulted on it. On any major decisions. GAC had delivered what they had promised, they just didn't consult with them. And Jack felt hurt, ignored. D--When they sold, they sold in exchange for GAC stock. Were they restricted as to whether they could sell the stock. S--I think that they were. D--Were other stock holders in the old Gulf American given GAC stock? S--Yes. I still have some. D--Were they restricted as far as whether they could? S--Some were and some weren't. But Leonard and Jack, I think, were. D--It was my idea that they were and stock had changed so much in value that there wasn't a time that they could sell that they lost a consid- erable amount of money. S--They both lostmost of their money. D--Now, Your position, were you immediately let go when the company changed hands? S--I was with Modern Air at that time and I would say after about a month or two, I was let go. D--Was that pretty common? Did they just let everybody go? S--They kept key people that were supposed to be part of the family.