D--So that really became a hurt. Do you think that the criticism, the punishment, the thirty day suspension and everything dealt out by the state was more severe than warented? S--No. I think they had a reason to punish the company. I don't know if they were severe or not severe. It is also my understanding that the cause of the problem, my understanding it was just one of those things that somebody goofed. And it wasn't Leonard and Jack. The company did things that waranted their punishment. D--It seems that from some of the things that I've read that Leonard became very belligerent. S--That he did. He was very outspoken. He told them they were unfair. He antagonized the situation. But whether the punishment was sever, I don't know. Certainly, the state thought that we needed to be punished. But what caused this as I understand was just an honest goof and not a deliberate goof. That's my understanding. From what I've heard. I heard that it was an honest goof. D--How big was the corporation at that time? What are we talking in employees? S--Oh, I would say several thousand employees at that time. I don't recollect the payroll amounts. I know that their sales were in hundreds of millions of dollars. D--When General Acceptance Corporation bought out Gulf American and it wasn't too many years that they were filing for bankruptcy. Did you ever have any feeling on that, why they did? S--I really feel that they didn't know what they were doing. Even though Jack and Leonard had a contract, they were just ignored a week after the business was sold. They sold it and whoever was running the company at that time felt they could handle the company. And they ran into the same problems of money and they couldn't handle the situation. That they had access to the money. Not knowing what they were doing, they