opinion. We even bought our own airline to fly people in, we offered people a 3 day, 2 night vacation in Florida at 29 dollars a person. All expenses paid. Put them in a airplane, put them in a hotel, feed them in our restaurants. At that point, if they hadn't bought or if they had bought, they would either ask for their money back or they kept it. D--Did you have most of the people that came and purchased were generally satisfied? S--Oh. I would say. We had those numbers, but we did surveys and kept very very accurate records. And the people who didn't buy who came down they were impressed with what they saw. We had two types of clients. Ones who had bought and we solidified them. Or people who hadn't bought and came down and bought. I think the numbers were good, otherwise we would'nt have flown them down. We kept good records so we would know if the percentages were in reason. If they liked what they saw or they didn't like what they saw. D--How much did the people that worked for the Rosens, how much did they really believe in what they were doing? Did they really believe that they were building cities or did they just believe what they were taught? Did they do what they did out of personal loyalty to the Rosens? S--Well, I think the key people, most of them believed very much in the company. And your key people developed a very intense sense of loyalty to Leonard and Jack. And I feel that Leonard was in contact with his people almost until the day that he died. And I know that when he spoke to you, people came to visit him in Nevada. He would talk to them about his problems or their problems. He hired people that came to work with him in Nevada. I know that Bob Finkernagel used to come out and meet with him in Nevada. Ed Caldwell used to come out and see him. Because I was there. I went back with Leonard for three years in Nevada. They would come out there.