19 D-.-re you involved in anything with Rio Rico? S--There again, I was primarily out with the airline. But that was going to be a combination city and recreational area like Oddenbate. My brother worked with Jack originally. He moved to Tucson. D--What's his name? S--Ronald Sandler. He's still out there, he loved it so much. In fact, his son today is working for Rio Rico. D--Rio Rico has finally made it? S--Avatar reopened it and now Ronny's out there, second in charge of sales. they are now selling land in Rio Rico again. D--Are there people living there? S--Yes. I was out there. It's about a couple thousand. My nephew is out there working for Avitar. My brother loved it so much, he moved out there. He went out there and worked with Jack in Baltimore. He was an attorney, worked for the company. He moved out there to work with the property. It's beautiful. They had a Sheraton there, which was the companies. They have people living there. My nephew lives there and he works there. That was my extent in the office. Rio Rico is a beau- tiful place. D--I've read somewhere that the company owned a lot of lard out in the British Honduras. Whatever became of that? S--I don't know. They were trying to sell it. I'll tell you something funny about that. The idea originally was to make some kind of resort there that anybody who owned land could use. There was a lot of land bought. And one day, I had gotten a letter from somebody from Belize. Saying he's had a chicle for years. It was the same for me. We got a check for like 22 dollars and 16 or 18 cents. They were taking chicle out of the trees over there? D--What's Chicle? S--It's the stuff you use for chicklets chewing gum, out of the trees.