aggressiveness, but they did it and tried to correct it. D--Do you feel there was real honest effort to correct? S--Oh, absolutely. D--In other words, if people felt they were misrepresented or what ever, that would have been...? S--They sold a dream basically. And I guess the best case is that, like Eileen Bernard said in Lies that Came True, they really felt that they were going to build a city at Cape Coral. They really felt that. I've know these people for a lot of years. They honestly felt that they were going to build a city. And to prove it, they did it. They were a little late in some of their promises, but they kept their promises. As they grew, they felt they could do it everywhere they went. It was more difficult to do. But their showcase really was Cape Coral. They didn't realize how much each step would be harder to deliver. I think Cape Coral is something everyone should be proud of. Of course, Golden Gate, they had some problems there. They recognized their problems. D--Do you think that the philosophy was different with Golden gate and Remuda and stuff like that? S--Only to the extent of the marketing part. They had to market it different- ly over there because of the land and the way it was situated. But they really felt they could build two different cities at Golden Gate. And Remuda was, I understand, I wasn't there at Remuda. What I understand is that they really got carried away with themselves. This was a dream that they thought they could do and they just couldn't do it. D--They really didn't believe that they were going to build a city at Remuda, they just sold it as hunting? S--A hunting, fishing, recreational campsite. The same with River Ranch. They weren't going to build a city at River Ranch. It was going to be a hunting, fishing for the outdoor people. This would be different concept. River Ranch was the same way.