family oriented, so charity-oriented, so community-oriented people never knew, really. They had the veneers about them. Leonard would cry like a baby if something happened. D--What do you mean? S--If somebody got sick or somebody was hurt or somebody died who he was close to, he would, I'll tell you. Leonard, this goes back to three or four years ago. Bob Granger, who used to work with Leonard, died. Leonard flew from Las Vegas to Florida rented a car, and Bob was buried in the state somewhere. D--Who was Bob Granger? S--Bob worked for Leonard. He was involved in something overseas. Almost like an engineer, but he wasn't an engineer. He did special projects for Leonard. He lived here and did several things. And he really was not that, he was a friend of Leonard's but he was not really a close as Pacelli was. Leonard flew from Vegas to Miami and he cried. This was about five or six years ago. He had a heart that nobody saw. As with Jack. All they knew was the fact that Leonard said he could sell anything to anybody. Leonard was his own worst enemy insofaras what he said. He would just say what he felt. Sometimes it was detriment. D--What was the biggest difference between Leonard and Jack? S--Well, Leonard was in the front and Jack sat in the background. Jack preferred the background. And I guess Leonard preferred to be upfront with epople. Leonard was always there with a joke or whatever and Jack just worked at it. I mean, they complemented each other. Jack was a marketing genius, Leonard was a business genius. And they put it together. They really did a hell of a job for a lot of people and a hell of a job for the state. All the people in the state, this is what they know, what the Miami Herald printed and I guess what the governor said, they made a lot of mistakes. They did them in their