D--And you would let Leonard and Jack know? How long was that going on? Was that going on all the way through? S--No. When your business is small you don't have problems. When your business gets big you start having problems. I would say about the middle of the sixties the company really started to go to hell. We would hire people and it got to be a problem with everybody. We were the biggest. We took a lot of heat. Some of it was deserved. D--Did the company, Gulf American have a lot of competition from the other companies like General Development and stuff like that or were they pretty much just doing their own thing? S--The competition never bothered anybody at Gulf American. We came to Florida and General development was like number one. They had started this thing. They were the original with Deltona. The Mackles were the original owners with Deltona. We were like number three and we were growing. We were the innovators in marketing in that business. We started the parties, the house parties. We did a lot of things that were real innovative. But the competition never bothered Leonard and Jack. They did their own thing. They didn't look at what the other companies--yes, they looked at what the other companies were doing sales wise. At least I felt they were never bothered by the competition. They innovated a lot of their ideas, especially in marketing. They had a lot of good people, like Pacelli and Kenny. A couple people who worked out of Baltimore with jack, John Chinelly, who was fantastic. He worked covering the various marketing areas. John Chinelly worked very very close with Jack. he was a great motivator of people. Jack used to call him Father John because he loved his church. he was the guy who would get you in a meeting and really, really get you all gassed up.