and forth and have our meeting uninterrupted. Now, they would meet us, one of the planes which would fly over and drop a bottle in the water. We'd pick up the bottle and we would be at Sanible, which had one telephone at that time. Whoever was needed would go to the phone to call and find out who needed who and why. That was when Sanibel was only a ferry boat ride with one telephone. Early '60's. You'd pack a lunch and go on there. I'm trying to think of the original people. Harry Hirsch, who has since died, Kenny Schwartz was the first person to live at tha property. I'm trying to think of the original... Of course, Kenny was the original who was our president or mayor, our p.r. person there, in charge of sales. He got involved in everything in Cape Coral. I think Butch Duffala was the first builder there. And then Rutenberg came in and we of course developed our own. That's when we had brokers all over the country. And Ed Pacelli was probably number two in the hieracy, basically. Denny and Ed were both vice presidents of the company in marketing. Ed was in Ft. Myers. Ed was primarily the person who supervised outer brokers throughout the country. He travelled quit a bit. He and Kenny shared the marketing responsibilities under Jack's direction. Eddie was the jack-of-all trades. He was kind of Jack's right-hand man. He was Jack's troubleshooter. And took care of all the outside sales problems for Jack. Kenny was more or less the property manager, so to speak. Very much involved with marketing at the property. Again, he along with Eddie took care of the outside sales people. They were just right for each other. Bob Finkernagel cane in as the p.r. in charge of public relations at the Cape. And he became more and more things. But he was more the public relations department. And, again, a trouble shooter at the properties. Gulf American was one of the