The company computers were used for fund-raising. For their personal charities, and for United Fund and all. All the companies employees worked down there. We did the fund-raising. We were one of the first companies in south Florida. And this was my idea. But at Christmas we took over the children's ward at a hospital. The company donated money for the gifts and the employees went down there and we used to work at Christmas time for the various hospitals. I was going down to the hospital for the first time and one of the fellows, Gordon, who was a great guy, dressed up as Santa Claus and we used to work at the hospital. But with the WATTS lines there you could work for the various charities. Jack and Leonard had certain personal charities. What was the next question? D-- The administration. S--My function basically was administration wherever they needed somebody. That's where I would go. I would help coordinate. I did a lot of travel- ing back and forth to Cape Coral and Naples. It worked with my schedule that you could waste a day flying. We had a way of flying back and forth for myself. Modern had its own fleet of airplanes. The pilot, Joe Gibson, was the one that taught me how to fly. John Rogers, he was the head pilot over there. The Cessna 310, and a half a dozen Cessna 172's. We could bring 5 people over to see the property. But the first flight over there was Cape Coral Blvd., which was a one lane highway. We used to have a guard to stop traffic so they could land the plane on Cape Coral Blvd. One land street. The tow tripleses that the company built on Cape Coral Blvd. The plane was used to fly people over to the property. So while the plane was coming in, he would buzz the property. They would put a guard at each end of the boulevard. We used to have meetings at the property. But we'd find because of the telephone, we'd be interrupted constantly. So, what we would do, we would use Wally Pearson's boat and meet. And they would meet in Sanibel. We would drive to Sanibel and we'd cruise back