I don't think it was a question of eating up their profit, I think it was a question of whether they could pay their bills. That was their big problem D--You said you were in the administrative side of things. S--The office grew so quickly that they then took over space at 81st and Biscayne. Big office space. They didn't rent any of that out. They moved in and they took up the whole space. And they grew quickly and they wanted to get their own office space. At 81st and Biscayne they went into computers, and theytook over a very large office space. And they kept taking over more of the second floor. The whole shopping center. Then there was, they bought a Howard Johnson's. This was at 79th and Biscayne. They bought the Howard Johnson's, tore it down and they built a lovely eleven story office building on the site. Again, they figured they would need 3 floors of that. They would rent out the rest of the stories. When they moved in there we took over the whole 11 floors. Today it's part of the customs or U.S. Department of Natur- alization. I don't know what is is now. After we moved in, we took over the whole eleven floors. One of the floors, incidently, Leonard and Jack became interested in art at that time. And both of them bought a lot of art, and they made the third floor into an art museum, open to the public. A lot of good art. Things were going great so they made a museum there on that third floor. D--Was the collection of art more for their personal enjoyment? S--Well, it started off for personal enjoyment, but then it became a public thing and they opened it up. They did several things. For example, when we moved into that building the first floor was all computers. The computer thing, they used it for election purposes. They did a lot of things with the computers other than run the company. They used it for various charity fund- raising things. Every election, the computers were turned over to the public and T.V. stations and the results came from the GAC building using our computers. By the way, Leonard and Jack were very, very charity oriented.