charter work for the government. They had the right to fly anywhere in the country. It was originally bought to handle the Gulf flights. Also, some charter flights, which were from the military air command. And they did flights for various travel agencies. The big things though was Gulf American flights. They did more flights out of Sious Falls and Sious City to Florida than anybody in the country. And wherever else they had the range. D--So, was Gulf American business the biggest part of Modern Air's...? S--It was the biggest. D--What were some of the other companies that they owned? S--Of course, they owned the utility companies in Cape Coral and Cape Coral Construction. Cape Coral Construction was not the primary builder. Art Rutenbery & Butch Duffala were the primary builders at Cape Coral. Home builder. They had their own development company under Tom Weber. There was a hell of a lot of them. D--I know they had an insurance company. S--They Stuyesant Insurance, which was a credit life company. It was the people who bought land and the average policy they would have their land paid for. They owned Congress. There was a lot more companies. But their biggest thing was Modern Air. D--Why would they buy these other companies? Was it to diversify? S--More so to cater to people. All of these were catered to the land sales business. One thing or another, they served the land sales business. Construction company, airline company, the insurance company, the motels. Of course, the Nautilus in Cape Coral became a Congress motel. They would develop these properties. Congress was not very successful. They bought a lot of properties. But the only things that they bought were basically to get them more land sales for development. Cities were quicker. D--One attempted purchase of the company that I didn't' really understand that I read about a little bit was called Fenestra. S--Fenestra was born for the primary purpose of, Fenestra is on the New York