D--Tell me a little bit more about your role. S--My role in Gulf American was pretty much the same as it was in Antel. I was the administrative. I helped set up the system, I supervised the offices locally, both the main office and the outside offices. But never in the marketing. I did participate in the marketing meetings but more as it related to the controls and the money costs and things such as that. I got involved in all the subsidiaries of the company. I was the president of Congress International. For example, when they started Cape Coral Construction, I was the senior vice-president of Congress International. When they bought Modern Air, I was moved around whever they needed some- body to supervise, run or watch, this was where I would go. During this time I was the director of the parent company. I guess I held more titles than anyone in the company. I was moved around as they needed. D--So you would go in there and just make sure the operations were run properly? S--And watch. And coordinated it with the other aspects. In other words, at Cape Coral Construction I would coordinate sales people with head offices as to the money, as to the needs of the various operations. With Congress, which was a franchised operation of motek, I, of course we had several of our own operations, coordinated those again with the main offices as to their needs. And kept them informed as to what was going on in the other aspects of it. I also discussed very early with them what I was doing. If an operation was not up to par, we spoke and we got rid of a lot of them because they not what we wanted them to be. D--In other words, you had certain motels around the country... S--They were not the greatest. i would consult with the people involved. I was more or less a coordinator for a lot of aspects of the business. At Modern Air, I was in there as vice president and I worked with the presi- dent in trying to run the company. And made sure that things were the best that I could make them, keeping people intermed. We had coordinated with Modern Air the flights, Gulf American flights. Though they did other