SD--Where is that? S--It's Clearwater. It's on the west coast. So he came down there to help 'himself and also to look for land. Somewhere along the way he met someone called Milt Mendelson. And I think with Milt's help he came up with land near Ft. Myers and it was exactly 2100 acres of land. Which he bought. He bought the land with money he raised by selling participating interest to friends and people in Baltimore. They would own so much of the company and they would invest so much in company stock. With that money he bought the land and set up an operation in Florida. D--People investing this money, were they investing in a particular invest- ment company? S--No. They were investing in a company called Gulf American Land Company. They would loan a certain amount and they would use it. At that point Leonard moved to Florida. He took along certain key people of various escelons. And, of corse, he hired a lot of people down here. That was in '59, maybe late '58. I've been trying to think of people that he brought down. He brought down a bookkeper. Of course, he used the same accountants and attorney that he'd been using in Baltimore all along. Bernie Herzfeld and George Landan came down. They were more or less corporate advisors or whatever. D--They were accountants? S--George CPA from Baltimore. Berni was the attorney in Baltimore. Of course Jack was going back and forth. I came down with the company. I was with Antel. Antel was sold, I remained with Antel until the keys were turned over to B.T. Babbit. My secretary and myself stood there and everybody else left. Jack stayed in Baltimore. He opened up the market- ing office in Baltimore. He did not come down. Leonard came down. I came down in 1959. When I came down the office was at 5420 Biscayne Blvd. It was in a little strip shopping center. It was two stories business was already in operation. There were two other people in there with the