FNP 51 Page 32 G: No. We have promoted the local businesses so hard and heavy anyway. We really have. P: Maybe you can tell me how you've changed over the years with new technology. How has that enabled you to operate more efficiently? G: When something new was on that drawing board, we wanted to be the first to get it. We [were not] always the first to get it, but we've always tried our best to stay, I guess they use the word, cutting-edge. In 1982, I got to hearing about this LP TV, and I didn't even know what it stood for (low power television). They had to retrain me to operate one of these remote controls. So I'm not technically knowledgeable. But the first thing I did was applied for the TV license, for a television station. Somebody asked me why, I said, about like the mountain climber. You know, why'd you climb the mountain? Because the mountain was there. So, in 1983, we put our television, we owned a local television station, and we put it on the air. That works hand-in-hand with our newspaper because we were already in the news-gathering business. I realized back then they [were] talking about computers and Internets and stuff that I just wasn't familiar with. One day at the Florida Press convention, one of these farsighted individuals was talking about one day we'll be reading our news off the pages of a TV set-type deal, I guess maybe not knowing the terminology because it probably wasn't invented at the time. He was talking about Internet type stuff. And I read in the business pages about this low power television, community television. So we became the second in the nation and the first in the state of Florida to have a TV station here, and we still operate it. P: What do you mainly have on the station, and how many hours do you operate it? G: We operate twenty-four-seven, 168 hours a week, around the clock, twenty-four hours a day. We've got several things right not that's never been tried anywhere else in the country that we think will work, and we're getting ready to [implement] that. My son William resigned after thirteen years with the law enforcement. He's now come on board with me full-time. My oldest son Harvey, [who is] in charge of the emergency medicine for the hospital, works with us on our computers. All three of my children live on our farm, so it's all-in-the-family-type deal. Right now, we're running video classified. Any time of the day or night, you can turn on and we've got these ads up there where you can buy and sell and trade and swap. P: So it's twenty-four hour ads? G: Yes, sir. P: You don't have any programming? G: Yes, sir. We've got it set up so that on our Intemet-our Internet comes in on those same deals right there-when they're working on the computer, we--not the Internet, it would