FNP 51 Page 15 G: Yes. I worked with them hand and glove, rode with them, backed them up when it came to fights. I reckon that I'm probably one of the extremely few people [who have had] more assault-and-batteries filed against him than speeding tickets. But, I always worked hand-in-hand with law enforcement and still do. So when I found out that the sheriff had gone out there and busted a liquor still-we [were] getting ready to go to press the next morning-I just wrote a front-page notice that I knew nothing about this liquor still. [And] did the sheriff own part of it? You'd have to ask him. I asked a whole bunch of really intimidating questions. Had the sheriff been involved with other liquor operations in the county? Don't know, have to ask him, and all the way through. All of these things that--I didn't say that he did any of it, but I asked those questions, and every time I'd put his night number and his office number and told them that both phones [were] twenty-four- hour-a-day phones. Of course, when the paper hit the street, he pitched a fit. I told him, next time, you call me. He managed to call all of his friends, and they'd gone out there and carried the drums and the tanks and the cookers all back and cut them up and made cattle troughs out of them, but he didn't think about calling me. That got his attention, and we [were] called from then on. P: When did you publish? G: I hit the street Wednesday night, Thursday morning [was the paper date]. P: Did you have paperboys selling on the street? G: Not in the beginning when I was giving them out. P: Later on after you got established? G: Yes, sir. P: And then the other ones would be mailed? G: Yes, sir. P: How far did you mail your papers? G: We [were] primarily a Madison County deal, and my theory was that if the moon fell, we didn't care unless it messed up fishing in Madison County, Florida, or somebody from Madison was on that moon. Our target was Madison County, Florida, and its people. P: And was that enough? G: That's what we lived off of. That survived it because, to this day, if the United States bombed Canada, we'd probably have something to say about it, but that's not of interest