Comments continued = ~2— Bldg. Number 127 & 06 1 Porte Cothre and a 2 car garages Lumber Floors 2 Avea Sq. Ft. 7570 Cost Calculations: Cost Eeference Costs used * Report Page Base Cost Per Unit Foot 3 15027 Adjustments; None Adjusted Cost Fer Square Foot o___ 15027 Square Feet Volume 7570 Replacement Cost New 115,600 Estimated LifehO yrmrfective Age © Depreciated $__ Depreciated Replacement Cost Add Depreciated Value of Improvements te 2. 3. Estimated Building Value $115,600 Building Value Rounded 3 3 Appraisal Date Appraised by Approved by Square Feet Calculation * Actual cost used