‘‘My boy, my boy, come to me,” cried the same voice, and
the crowd of passengers making way, a pale trembling man
rushed forward towards him. It was indeed his father,
who had been delayed longer than he expected at Liver-
pool, and so had chanced to take his passage in the same
ship in which he was.

These two who had been a minute before’ so desolate -
were now happy and joyful together. The ship made a
safe voyage, and they journeyed together to their little
allotment of land in their new country, and worked to-
gether to bring it into cultivation. Adam loved to work
for his father, and his father felt that every hour’s toil
he bestowed was preparing a resting place for his son.
They never forgot the dear ones they had lost, nor the old
home on the hill side, but they were grateful and peaceful
in the new home they had found. |