; a 10 RODNEY UNHAPPY IN A GOOD HOME. ‘But I would rather have a stroll here, and a fig er it, than be shut up in school @nd church all day to escape it. I wish, Willjthat mother was like your grandfather, and would let me do as I please on Sunday.â€â€™ _ **Now that I am an apprentice,â€â€™ replied Will Manton, ‘‘and shut up in# the shop all the week, it would be rather hard to prevent my having a little sport | on Sunday. I think it is necessary to swallow a little fresh air on Sunday, to blow the sawdust out of my throat; and to have a game of ball oecasionally, to keep my joints limber, for they get stiff leaning over the work-bench, shoving the .Jack-plane, and chiseling out mortices all the week.†** Well, Will, I, too, get very sick of