RETURN GOOD FOR EVIL. 117 “Thus, you see, he was not very suc- cessful in his pursuit of revenge. I would advise you, therefore, to pass over this in- sult, and leave others to punish him, with- out your taking any part of it. Besides, he is a wicked boy, and much stronger than you are; so that your ability to obtain revenge may be doubtful.†“T must own,†replied Philip, “ that your advice seems very good. So come along with me, and I will go and tell my father the whole matter, and I think he will not be angry withme. Itis-not the cane that I value, on any other consideration thanethat it was my father’s present; and I would wish to convince him that I take care of everything he gives me.†He and his friend then went together, and Philip told his father what had happened, who thanked Stephen for the good advice he had given 8