the young birds in a nest. When Smiler
moved on, they set up a shout, and grand-
papa himself came out to see what was

“Here we are! Ah, grandpapa, come
up too!” cried Alice and Willie; but he
laughed, and said, “that would never do
for him.”

Now they had to be handed down again,
sliding and jumping as well as they could;
for the wagon was led to the right place,
and the hay was to be forked out and laid
_ In order on the wood. Joe and Roger
built the stack; Thomas, Robert, and
Uncle John, threw the hay out of the
wagon; the rest had time to rest or play ;
only a few had to rake what was scattered
by the wind or dropped, and Thomas goon
sent them all to shake the rest of the cocks
into ridges.