the galley, related to the cook what had occur-
red'in the cabin; and the good-hearted old
negro received the news with real pleasure, for
little as he had seen of George, he had become
quite attached to him by his deportment and
manners. He promised to make a sailor of
him, and, while they were at work in the cabin,
gave him a great deal of advice in his own
homely way ; but it was all good, and George
listened respectfully, for he felt his need of a
friend, though that friend should be a negro

The day was passed by George in such work
as was pointed out to him by the cook, and at
night he retired to rest in the forecastle, not,
however, until he had poured out his soul in
grateful praise and thanks to the Great Dispo-
ser of events, whose goodness had provided for
him so kind a friend and protector in his hour
of direst need.