PRIVATE DUTIES. 107 communion with God will be neglected; and thus, like the tree with a worm at its root, the soul will wither under the genial rain and sunshine of the gos- pel. With a few practical directions on this pvint, J shall close this letter. 1. Spend as large a portion as possible of the.inter- vals of public duties in your closet. The time thus spent should be employed principally in the devotional reading of the Holy Scriptures; meditation, for the purpose of getting your own heart affected with divine truth ; self-examination, and prayer. If you have very much time to spend in this way, you may employ a part of it in reading some devotional book ; but I think our reading on the Sabbath should be principally con- fined to the Scriptures. But prayer should be frequent, and mingled with everything. 2. Spend no part of the Lord’s day in seeking your own ease or pleasure. We are required to turn away our feet from finding our own pleasure on God’s holy day. All our time is the Lord’s; but the Sabbath is his in a peculiar manner. On other days of the week he allows us to do our own work. But on this day we must do his work only. There is no room, then, for the indulgence of idleness, indolence, or sloth, upon the Sabbath. The duties of this holy day are such as to require the active and vigorous exercise of all our faculties. That you may not, then, be tempted to indulge in sloth, use every means in your power to promote a lively state of your bodily energies. Make all your preparations on the afternoon of Satur- day. Spend a portion of the evening in devotional exercises, for the purpose of banishing the world from your mind, and bringing it into a heavenly frame ; and retire to rest at an early hour. By this means, your animal powers will be refreshed, and you will be a early to meet the Lord, on the approach of holy morning. 3. Watch over your thoughts. The Sabbath is a season when Satan is exceedingly busy in diverting our thoughts from holy things. Evil thoughts also