90 + REPORT OF THE GOVERNOR OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS Caseload distribution by district offices St. Croix St. Thomas Total Children receiving service, July 1, 1961 ----------..---------- 276 328 604 Children accepted for service during year ..-----------. ------ 148 154 302 Children receiving service, June 30.1962___. ----------- 389 343 732 Total number of dependent children receiving services during year -...-------.----------------.------------- 424 482 906 Whereabouts of children receiving service, June 30, 1962 St. Croix St. Thomas Total In home of parents ---..-------------------------------- 176 186 362 In home of relatives ..-------------------- ---------- 68 29 97 In boarding homes -___ --------------------------- --- 60 54 114 In free foster homes--------- ----------------------------- 33 20 53 In adoptive homes..----------------- -------------- 6 15 21 In institutions ---.----------- --------------- 27 37 64 Juvenile Center ------------------- .----- 12 12 Elsewhere... ------------------------------------ 7 2 9 Total... ------------------------------------ 389 343 732 Foster Family Care The program continued actively during the year and remained one of the most encouraging operations. The foster care caseload was 188 of which 21 were in adoptive homes, 53 in free foster homes, and 114 in boarding houses. Insular Training Schools The schools continued to achieve heartening improvement in serv- ices and in child and staff morale. The Department of Education provided academic services to the schools through two full-time teachers. The Mental Health Bureau of the Department of Health provided psychological and psychiatric services to the children. The Boys School maintained 69 boys, the average age being 14. Vocational projects such as poultry raising, gardening and animal husbandry were expanded. Fifteen boys attended high school in town. The Girls School established in March 1958 cared for 17 girls at an average age of 15 years. Eight girls attended high school in town. Detention facilities continued to be an area of great concern to the Department and to citizens of both islands. A temporary center for delinquent boys 16 to 21 years of age is still in operation at the fort in Frederiksted. Funds were appropriated for the construction of a Detention Center in St. Thomas and construction plans are being completed. During the year 49 children were in detention care as compared with 110 in 1961.