Lor 14 ~a, k 0 5 S0 15 *. , .j .. ,...,,^ late XXXII. Pottervy rom New Sandy Bay and Iot 11, St. Vincent. a, uini(iue Sua /e; paste vessel (i inches in diameter) with appliqued handle and side ornament; b, enlargement of side ornament; c, Simon Rim Adorned; d, Simon Rim Lutgged; e, j-k, Simon Whlite Painted; f. top of small Tronumassec Decorated C(linder; g-i. St. .Lucia /oned Incised. a-b, New Sandy Bav; balance Iot 11. Zoned Incised sherdts formed a restorable vessel with a fired or heavily burnt central area (Pl. XXXII, i). It has been suggested ~*'