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' •■• ., >. * ~7K ; '^--’•• '* ■ '■< 
T J «5. 
en Estate, !<>( tpe six-hijHhHs; fray 
no # f-?td«f"f at. fqia 
.. w . 
!* _ ! vll.nfiMßTMßWr'' M 
<**■ ——... >■ •- ■• 
REQUIRED for the Indians, the folk 
â– Mlibles, vizjsr' * 
I 3 Pieces Sal< mpores, 75 Qfy 43 
i 3 DuzeV Knives, 1 Jug Lar.p-otl, I 
I '.-, L Do. Falling Axes, , 1 Barrel Salty 
? x Do. Cntla w es, 2 Q mire Foobca p-»pM 
K«/ Do. RazWift' 100 Quills, %*Jr .fU 
’ g Do. &s#!,' 2 Bags Shot, jh’Mj 
2 Do. Combs,, t 75 R n^apJt 
/50 Lbs. Gun-pow<kr. An assortment pf Med ipnesj 
*» For which Tenders will be receiveddiy tbo’dSJlMi 
{cribrr, until Tnedttf the 1 Itli July, a( 
the morning when they will be opened in prophet 
Wilis Excellency th? Govflrnbnj and the lowcßjgffi 
approved 01, accepted. i 
Bcrbice, S July, 
. . lt J 
J; F. rtrA-ot/tZ .•— > IW’ • ; 
f wyn,* dita rode v.yn in Listen 
i<n per ♦ronjiuels banker, Secnlaris en 
derc k«»ekrn, gedrpogA* appelcn en p< rrji, wasclil 
Eggihthe lam pei*u.|fito’Alii VMIP- t 
.fate cJbnßcr blaauwen groen Inkemrtty igarssre.a 1 
kopere tdhfrl *mi< ve*i 
t.-r s ,&c._S.l„ly. / aWTliff-iW. ‘ 
FOR SAI/E, twenty hogsheads of Sugarapu 1 
ten puncheons of Ruin, the protlme of Plnn'attoii 1 
Ar«n»te/Z/'wg. Tenders for the above tvill.be reccivtd i 
at uic house of Dr. lkrcsf<w<l, ou lot .Vo. I, untd 1 
Toesday the 11 th inst. at ten o’clock »n the morning 
â– when the highest offt r, if approved, will be accept- 1 
ed of.—b .h ly. B. J. SCHWiIiRS. ' 
STRAY ED on S r |’OEEN, (rum 
Pabuyrty on last Tuesday’s night, a large bnitdle'* 
Bull, and a brown Cuw with a whites|x>t in hcrfor*‘- M 
Bead and the tops ofbeth hoiascnt of; whenever can. 
give any information of them, s<> as to lead fd 
ditveoytiv, wihjre handsuiuclyWewarded. 
SJuly. jh JEFFEKY. j! 
WM. TTlipjFT has recently imported, and forfj 
Sale at the Store of J. B. Rule, E- tJ . 'the ibllowmg*’ 
articles, viz,—Beef and pork in half barn I>, hams,*' 
floor, pMsfj farlry, beer, |xntcr, wine, soap, can candles, 
dles, candles, tine Msh linen and sheeting, laws patent shirt shirting, 
ing, shirting, wtling, damask talile cloths, ging-L 
hams, calicoes, nijeaud curhmoii cotton cambric, 
mal, linen, cotton and printed handkerchiefs, gen-n 
tiemen’s cloathing, consisting of coats, vests, jackets, 
trousers and' pantaloons, black, blue, brown <& green 
broad< ld|M, stationary assorted, amongst which are 
excellent ledgers, joyffthls, day, cash, and' letter 
books, gentleaien’s tool chests, writing desks, and 
«hoes, Negro clouting €onsistiagot jackets, trowsers, 
hats, shirts, laps, Ac. &c. and various other articles 
•which will be sold cheap to close sales.—B July. 
Thix into infdrr»thf Public, that the fallowing 
Persons intend quitliug this colony. 
GiibertChrrdon in 5 weeks from 3d June. 
The VvuloW of W. B. Liot in do. from do.. 
Robert Elwis, iri 6 weeks from 24 June. 
A. A. de la Court, will quit this Colony, 
» R.C.I)O\VNE»ec. 
hereby given, that a month after vKte the 
following 2'ransporrs and Mortgages will be passed 
jwitt 17. W.Hen cry qq. Francis Stewart, wilfttans wilfttansport 
port wilfttansport 10 toods of land and the buildings thereon, 
sitiiaA on lot No. 18, horth side, to W. Kutz. ? 
—W II mil AV. Hcncry will transport to John M’CauwiJ 

OwIpAY, vUMre3|Pi|jg 

w ft! 
u 1 â–  >F ' "'ja 
I â–  Mt&tijZwhbst^are sceii al th 
—.JamesMDonal, qq. N;dWni<l Winter &-G 
|C v ill remote from ilrft to 
I hmiikcdand eigntv-twoNVgroc ititves, iiaHU‘3l 
1 ImseenatthhOftTcet y > 
Malcolm JXichokon yvfll transpon io* Lewis.Ci 
meron, 8 iu#dspi iaiujof lot No. 3, tirsi empo 
h| 5 dvr of fhie’fowf between |hc nudine road »ji 
fW\- buck dmny Urgwher with tirebmhlings th.reoi 
! July 8. W. bi oss .'llus.3 will transport toO 
| O' Mwfery 52 ; Ne j gft>cs, natnes’tti bciiecn at 
Wgjpflqe. :s r 7 " O" • ' 
Px'-V '■•'.' , ~/-' ,p W?' E ?vV 
lumcc they marcheil tolhe TinHi'i nuhlary 
Ind accompanied them; M. Richard Lenoir, Mein Meinrof 
rof Meinrof the Legion of Rononr, and Chief of the Eighth 
Igioh, was at the head r»f the Confederates pl 
Itoine. The sbootsof were heard 
I whole way. , . 
EWlien the zealous Citizens were drawn up in the 
(hrt-vard of the Tatlkries, the Emperor mounted 
ft horse, and the Deputies were permitted to ha r 
U<r UC him. The Emperor addressed them in a 
lleech. ‘ , rr-» T- 
iifter this, shouts of Pive lc Patrie I Vive la Li Liâ– t 
â– t& Liâ– t 1 five I' Empereitr! res ided from all sides, 
e Emperor gallopped through the ranks, andre andretWed 
tWed andretWed a large body’of regular troops. 
j Courier Extraordinary/, Sunday Morning. 
ccording toleitt'-ri Irom Italy, the King and Qu< en 
} Naples and Suite have emlwrked at Ancona on 
Urd‘three frigairs, to return to Naples. 
It is said that (lie French troops eiltercd Bade on 
ie 9lh at night, it is said also that we occupy Forcn Forcnuy. 
uy. Forcnuy. But this wants Confirmation. 
Instead of 300 .pieces cannon defending the 
Ights of h»ri«, there vviß Be 600. _ 
Some thirlv brigands tried to disarm the Gendar GendarxerieatSi. 
xerieatSi. GendarxerieatSi. Brice; Imt they were-put to flight by 
ic Chasseurs of the Line in the environs. 
Letters from V« rtice B talo ». tha^s^B e English ships 
f war have appeared in the Adriatic, and that a fri- 
Wte ar J two brigs have anchored before Ancona, in 
nlm to watch (hat purl. 
On the Tlh inst. a new riot took place at Boar Boareaux. 
eaux. Boareaux. A voting man attempted to tear ofl the epau- 
Mtes ot au ollicer ol the garrison. He was immedi immeditcly 
tcly immeditcly arrested. ' . ~ , . 
They also write from Bonrdeanx on th? 1 Uh, that 
pore than 700 young men pi. the Dcp irtment ol the 
Jironde voluatarily enrolled themselves for the 
lefence of their country. 
Courier Extraordinary, Tuesday Morning, 
News from Vienna of the 20<h state, that tire Con Conrress 
rress Conrress has disposed of the kingdom of Naples tn favour 
â–ºf Prince Ferdinand, second son of the King of the 
ai»;Gor Hh set out for Italy. 
Capt. J. BRAND, respect fully inifonns tl 
gentlenien loaders in tim ship Cranthaw, to 
kmgside with their prddice, as soon as possmie, s 
he will positively ieaVt this river oii the J 2 instan 
1 July. 
I ■lllfei** IWWI 1 *■* - *»" **■ "■■'■ < — dli» 
TENDERS for 35 round bales good clea 
and 2 bales of yellow cotton, from plantation Gmt 
ilope, Correntyn-coast, will be received tohi 
of B. Ziegler, Esq. New Amsterdam, u|ti| Mirndni 
the 10th July next ; when they will be bp|ned, an 
the highest offer, if approved, wilt be acccjrtetl» ' 
Oh the same day and place, will be 
the of said Estate, 18 bales good clean co 
ton, to the highest bidders. 
J July. for F. BRITTLEB.ANK7 ♦ W 
and self, J. C. SPANGENBERgySeq’r 
STRAY ED on the ,lsth ult. 
Cohhester, on the East-coast canal, tour head oHTa 
tie, (say) two red edws, a red calf, and a ife 
any person taking up the same, or giving sOj info 
tend to the recoverjFtWâ„¢P } > i % 
greatly oblige the subscriber, and any expences*] 
curred thereon, shall be jmnuxliatcly paid• I*s 
iJuJf , W. 
h|?.' r '<* > y r 0N&J& 

L J? f? J-, -p ts. J'jk' .uaLC. • fc F*. 
Bg veils .issurfed, 
full <OgW.. s , caps mJ 
â– Whnncla, 
.. t rigjpjftff HfiONiati and r' <>r- • 
and clopkv,.'rich 
( ‘ aud chanties and ruffs, Whalebone arid ‘’'ji ‘ 
weed .osettes, whita and coloured figured muslins, 
a . satcrneU and satins, ribbons, biMdmg, 
i" UfimAgs; cambricksy d unit ics, *arftl 
u J.l fans ’ MVB a*nl snort white Fftfcltl) kid glovea- co- 
Mjrtoves; full trinyped while kid anil co- 
a great variety pl Uimtnings, &c. 
Jlsb, frdm London: 
f splendid articles and three mo mo| 
| mo| Watches, warranted excp/lwtt timc-keep- 
town r printed calicoes, Fnrnityrd chimz, ging- 
C olj hams and lav.rts, laches’ and gentlemen’s iugpr fine , 
p!i ,los F» Madms ami Policate handkerchiefs, Iyka as-* 
tiannejs, quilting, platings and liritah liritahcalicoes, 
calicoes, liritahcalicoes, cotion shirt inland sheeting, 
(hJIRBW? table Vluthsj nroad cloths of dilfeient <o <oha 
ha <oha blue and green with 
an and walking shoes, blue anti white 
■salt^powp,gentlemen’s vearirqpippau I , ffidia silk. 
.■kZß^Also- elegant portable tfrififtg and 
bOßlc, brandy, geneva, dargt in 
4’oH do., cAfet, old rum, 
ibams, clieese, Sjftjgf, ' 
'. in spiW» picafeS®rajjf rsj viuegar r mtrstftrdfj 
iror. tit-, aiio ■• i<Chenjdo./Kv* w 
7 l 
110 — a,, ,»„.,^A;,.y-,yP —x«.«».. ■ —L- L—* 
Berbice, SOfh June, 1815. ‘ 
tin Churl ofNfivil LaA'ip*, bv Sgßt 
.fence dated the 9th instant, ordered 
on.ibis known by the NipnA>f “Benfiri.d’s,” 
Jtieutf IVelgelegen, Belmont, 
Eddertozsn, '’Union, Edrn Edrntssburg/i, 
tssburg/i, Edrntssburg/i, Mon Choisi, and Zeelust, to be delivered 
aver to the Assignees of<Y r FgroksiS' Co., 
their Representgtiiej And IJ m. Broderick'Hs 
jeing with Jon if Ross and Qpo. Her nr Jtoo- 
J a p£/?, Assignees of the Bankrupt Estafe.oi s aid Turn TurndcPhll 
dcPhll TurndcPhll Forbes 4 Co. having Substituted me to !«• At Atslijorftcy 
slijorftcy Atslijorftcy for the Adininistratioif of the said 
O. which have been delivered over accordirgly. Ajr 
depersows who hate any tlaiyis against the said Estates 
C;i»>e hereby required to render the same to me, at the 
A^tor^ >t Messrs - co - B“»c &Co. ; and all persons 
i.dctWed to the said Estate-;, arc rcquesied lo pay U>* 
- uc the amount of their debts. 
: vUcx. FRASER, qq. 
> I July Benfield’s Estates and the Assign- 
ees of Turnbull Forb s & Co. 
i ic ' -■ - ■ — — -■■ - 
a . A LEEde genen die iets te vorderou ti ebbea 
a S van de Boedel wylend J. A. van Grocncveldt, wor wor,t. 
,t. wor,t. den verzogt in de fytl van zes wee ken, na datodezes, 
h unne pretcnl jen intelevcrcn on beta huge tc Ontvag- 
— gcn« op de plauliugie de llcsolltlic, by 
yd J July. Execuhmr Testamentnir. 
rse w-—— —~r- — -»-.,y...... ——__ — 
FOR SALE by the Subscriber, at bis house 
f ophite*Mrs. Marydandner*s,afew thousand feet of 
. cnKqcllent crab-wood inch lumber.. 
J 11 1 1 July. 'WALTER 
— —— — j-- - .-..-...-a. ■ 
yWoR SALE ? choice London particular Ma Ma! 
! Ma! deij< Wie in hogsheads and qnarkr casks, reason reasonpresent 
present reasonpresent payment. 
rJ TO JOBBERS. Wtnthd pn a coffee Es Es>r-'late, 
>r-'late, Es>r-'late, not rar up the "river, h with twenty 40 
ill thirty able Negroes, to dig on* the trenches iunE n* 
irvi dtaSi the small drainings <ft |»art <Zthat Eatalcx I ? or 
Tnr|her Information, please, apply to 
June. ’H.STAAL. 
