/• / - •: JM# n LS i; •* J '' 
<*• I 
V t T TU •• -. ’IS". . It. f C %JK'; '?,'»-•> 1 
- :^“«c M »a*t,?7«ay!3ls. 
‘TXt> it by »; .f .mpKfcrtHm «rs 
tt» ea»cte<l by thi» C<mjtfe» tub ac acc»u»rt»T. 
c»u»rt»T. acc»u»rt»T. 
°Ui < 2Z?^ r ES r 3!I AST * > fe y the 
sad Ai«nulrt> ud «*en; .«< thM the pM 
MapbficattoabaaMuraanicatedtotbePablie ia tie 
customary manner. M : •■ 
“ P. Thatthr famish the Secre Secretaiy 
taiy Secretaiy of the Court with a Lisi of fae site ports they ia. 
|ao!l to make, ms todfato psbvkjus to each Ordi Ordi< 
< Ordi< wary hesMMMi ot the Court. 
‘. Tbat the’Secref ary, pn receiving the same, shall 
advertize such List, as being set downier bearing the 
aiixt Session, *t xpast oxs month pbkyious to 
fa order that the Person* interested may 
.Ujgpear at the Bar and eoratest the conSrmatuM of the 
- A -couqhmts Report, ifthey sbofad deem it reqnmte. 
• ■;<* “ By CummaudfatheCcmfa. 
“R. C. DuWNEB. Sec.” 
’ ~ ~~ * 
accountants office 
Os 'hr Honorahle the Cosrt of Chit Justice, 
e ; agrarians of Plan tat ton Goode Hrop, 
Pi. C -A V -a?A'A 
h' mfa Pl No. 40& 41, 
Idem df PI. Palmyra, from 10 Jan. to 21 
’’ ' ' ' • £W" jfc- &T*- 1814 - 
Idem Pl. Palmyra, from 21 Sept. IS hl, to 
* 2D Feb. IS 15. 
idera Pl. Graubafidertand en Zorg doch 
met Vergenoegen, , 
Idem of PL Hope, I 
Idem of 2-3d*. of No. 11 Coreiitni i 
Idem of Pl. Profit, *. I 
AiTrnfairtrfaton of pl. Zafawyk, 
Idem oi Pl. Buzedurt, 
Idem of Pl. Benfield 
Caratorship fa Pl. Planter* Last, 
Idrarof the Estate of C. Forking, 
- : ;i _ idem - ■ n '-—St. B»n>, L 
Idem —-—Gwyn. Jones, 
Idem - -- - -■—L. Zaegire,/■;•'*’•'■ 
Idem Hey wood & Taylor, 
Idem——— Henry Croft, 
Idete J. H. C. Salanger, 
Lien— M. E. F. Treuruiet, 
Deliberating Executor* to the Estate fa R. Barty. 
W«e»eas the Honorable the Court of Gird Jns Jnstick 
tick Jnstick fry Order, aavfag referred to rm the Account* 
«>i the perrons hereaftefr named, via. * ‘ -V a 
W. Lawson and J. €. Spangenberg, Scq. tp Phirta~ 
taf ion Goede Hoop. 
J. H. L. Manntohrecher and B. J. Schwiers, Seq. of 
Frasrr and Ix*wi» Cameron, Seq. No. 40Ac 41. 
y? fiora 19 Jan ’ l * a4 
ft. A .7% and F. Rriitlebank, from 24 Sept. ISU, 
tip 20 Feb. ISIS, Seq. R. Palmyra. ; ; 
J. G S|»Bgenb<'rc and J. Downer, Seq. to PI. Gran- 
en Z»rgtkN:h met Vergenoeg ’n. 
J. 0. Snemge»b»jrg ‘and P. Fanbain, Sfco. PL Hope. 
' W. Kalx and W. Lawwn, Seq. 2-Sds. oi No. 11, 
. CoWwe rnmt. * • \Jg| 
P. Quhi am! L. Camenw, Seq. Pl. Profit. 
W. Hair, AdH&Wmtor of Plant. Znidwyk. 
L. ran Ruwrnm, Administrator Bures Last. 
. Ra*z, Administrator of Benield’s Estates. 
J. C. Spensr.-nberg aad P. Bender, Curator* PLnt’*!. 
Planters Lu>t. . " -fM 
H. Luthers, Cat. EstateC. Faching. 
K. T-KI&W. KewlQ, H lUrry. 
Kewit - v, ==L w «r- 
W. Fr.iser ar4 Leach,— — Hrywt>xl& Taylor 
E. ThewtxiM Henry Croft. 
J. M. C. Brass, —J. H. C. Stringer. 
E. The.d»tk’i, M. E. F.Trewrniet. 
G. Munro ami R. Taitt, Driibewwg Executor* to 
the liHtate of R. Barry. 
therein, • hat alteadsmce will he given at the Accoun Accountants 
tants Accountants Office, held at the house of the second tinder tinderfcirro 
fcirro tinderfcirro u! owi pH/rtlh fom the date hereof, » artier to 
er *«ch person to inspect raid Accounts, and 
state the it objects or obwrvations in writing, at 
thre*pitoti-m of which time, the required report 
tjte abwemeidronod matters, and of 
wMeh sis requited), the parties i*rty obtain an oflicc 
eeqjkax then own expence, in order duraid they 
ttoraw it expedient, to attend the fioa*frle the Court 
trprrrt, and contest the coafrrnrabo* thereof. 
f *»i«<V Hih June, 1815. 

| On Monday the 3d inst. will be sold by order of 
lj»e Curators F. L. Smith, .without reserre, the 
wisrie of his effects, amongst which are preserved 
animals, iitsecte, hirrfa t 
On lhe same day will he sold, without reserve, an j 
araortment rt Wu« painted earthen ware, empty casks 
cotton and coffee bagging, Irish linen, linen checks, 
!^*?^ che T’ and giu, ne- 
gro clothing, feet. 
D-C. CAMERON, Dey. F«Mbe Mester. 
Weditosday 5 July, will he sold at the Vendue Os. 
flee, ala, 12,* 18 months credit, Plantatioa Rortonr, 
(80. 37.) East coast of this colony, consisting of TOO 
acres of land, 320 acres prime bearing cotton and M 
acres of plantains, with a capital logic cf hardwood 
frame, and a baling prera (feuthwaits), and other 
conventent building*, and fixtures in the best repair; 
there is a canal 16 feet wide, running thro* the mid middle 
dle middle cf this Estate, from the sea to th* East coast grand 
caiwl. ‘ k* 
This property is too well known as one of the most 
productive in the colony to require birther descrip description, 
tion, description, the cultivation may be reviewed at any time, 
previous to the day ©f sate, by appficaibn to the 
Manager. | , 1 
Aho at the same time * few heed of cattte and 
On the same day, by order of Mr. T. Thompson, 
in commisrioe, part of the cargo of the sh ip Prince oi 
[ Orange, confuting to barley in bands, oats in ditto, 
ship bread in do., beer to bbds., vinegar to dUto, 
white lead in kegs of 100 tbs. ewch,pauH oil, Ume 
and terras, grey ami green pease, rtaurcb, rolpeus, fee. 
Oh the same day, dry goods, provisions, feonitare 
D. C. CAMERON, Rep- Vendue Master. 
I— ■ . II II 111 I 
Barbstfei, islk May, 1815. 
WHE Contracts for tapplving His Majesty’s 
Trooj/S in the Windward and Leeward Jdaads anti 
Culonte* with Fa esh Bees, terminating an the 17th 
day of August next .the Subscriber wiltretieiveScai wiltretieiveScait*d 
t*d wiltretieiveScait*d Tenders to Triplicate (which must express the 
price in Sterling Money in words at length) until the 
.10th July, at ten o’clock in the morning, from such 
persons as may be willing to enter into Contract* for 
supplying the Troop* stationed at-— 
Surinam, L? Grenada, 
Berbtee, St. Vincent, 
‘ Gesßcrnrr, St. Lt* eta, . ' ' 
Barbados, Dominica, 
•>■ . Trinidad, ' ". Antigua, and 
s P Tobago, St. Christopher.. 
Separately or jointly, with Fresh Beef,df the best 
quality, u> be approved of, if necessary, by Boards 
of Survey. The Contracts to commence in ow 
month from the date of the notification being receiv received 
ed received of the Tender having been accepted, and to conti continue 
nue continue for six months certain.—Two Security will be 
required, who mast be named to the Tender, to fee 
bound in the sum of u£2so. Sterling each, for the 

due foßimeot oi the Contract at each Idand. 
Payment wiU be made on IheSUh of each month 
at the respective Stations, in Government Bdls, at 
«>. p. Dollar, for the quantities delivered in the 
preceding period. JOSEPH BCIAOCK, 
Any information required may be had on applica applicai 
i applicai turn to the C'amnus&arial Offexva at the UUmu ond 
‘‘i=_ ; 
NOTICE—Those gentlemen who subscri subscribe 
be subscribe i to Burnings Rooms and have not paid their sub subscription, 
scription, subscription, are hereby informed, that if payment ts 
not immediately made, the subscriber will be wider 
JTJuoe. 3. BINNING. 
Z —Z —T r — — 
Tie Sulger cferftr Safe, the/<&*** ar^ltt 
% Jeraah, aiu— > 
Dutch beer in casks, sausages ia kegs, rolpeus to 
HktA coh< prmst in flitfr* 1 
en/iaß X«<**K*b3M* aJwE«k»C7*« 
y xc?s** 1 tji y { 
month in jugs, double eases of brandy & gio, Dutch 
MaAmerwao nowr, cmney^aflo^ptitpease,soaipand 
rock salt in tierces, tar,’pitch, 2nd tnrpeotiae m bar’ 
SkSd f J -T'T “tot^d 
soda water, tripe, boms and shoes, Dutch nori 
ter ood beetmbarrefo, a huge asaotbnent ofearthen 
bricks, Mme am! English and 
cheese, and hampers 
&c.—l7 Jane /m. WbLFF? 
* • , aS . t. W .-.Xjk s ' ■*-.. 

Vrouwe H. Aulfaeh, gebXen 
tarar—Taberagaa by C. C. SWAV W c'' e «-fl 
«* Juof - H- 3TA.IL, « 
FOR SALE, the undivided quarter to 
•ogee Estate called Nkawe uHcob, riltute rm aS 
wettbaak of the river Berbice, with aft ft. enlK I 
bon, bmldtogs, and further appurtenant a ±^f v 
hundred Negroes, the property ofMr*.H A rJ? W' * 
bora Nieteb, «f Petersburg. For farther tofaffi 
turn ptearaapply to C. C. SWA liNGto P 4,1 
MJuae. - H.STAAL) qq. |i J ’ i 
~FOR SALE, the lot of Land of Ihd 
the buikltngs thereon, belonging to the I 
div uled in two parcels, ail made of colony bard 
strong and neat, with all t&g out-bniidings 
railed ia w&blnta, &c. An extend credit wiuol â–  1 
given to a solid purchaser. Fur farther particnW I& ! 
apply on raid Urtby fit 
MJune. - v H. SNEEPBL# 1 
have claims on the fate Alex. Sfaspran, Esq. of fito. 1 V* 
fiekG aw requested forrader them fa for eumfastSH he 
ed to the Estate of the late Wm. Duncan, or Wb t» 
Ker, are requested to make famnedfate payment; *m St 
throe who have claims, to render them fa for exfak w 
ratfan ami settlement, to * C 
D.C. CAMERON, > n t > 
MJane. CHARLESKYTE. C C,rat * 
- ... . — - --1 —- -_ - . - _ ' 
DRI.FTKD from the Winkel’s boat budt rt 
tog shed, on the night of Wednesday the 7th J«n k 
asn ail Pant filled with Reed* for making ! v 
Information respecting the same, i* rerawtoed tofc « 
sent to Mr. Nicolay, Coauairaary of the WinkA U 
New Amsterdam, who will pay a reward.-—H Jim*, rt 
- A- ....I - - ; ' j > 
FOR LIVERPOOL, the sveh knom c 
“Brig tub fatby, John Sinclair, Masto p 
rail* remarkably fast, well armed and manned, mt* â–  
will poMlively take the besefa of the July convex, i 
ha* exceltent -accomodation* far passenger*,—fa t 
freight ar passage, apply m the Master oo board. I 
: - ' New Amrt. July 17. i 
NB. Capt. Sinclair lirgs leave to inform h•* Frtewb 1 
and the Planters in general, w ho intend shipping pram 
ihiceon board hi* vessel, to use as fatfe delay uw| I 
ribte, the time appointed f.»r sailing btoag so short I 
THE Subscriber informs his Frieudsandtbsl 
Public, that be tm&fc Schooner*, Frats,Tent-punts,l 
Boats, fee. ami Repairs, all nroen reroonaMe terms. I 
A Fhrt I 
— - I 
Jexx 1, lb!s. I 
By an arrival from Barbndon, Sunday W, we hare I 
received London Papers fa May 13th. Nothmgofl 
importance appears in them. Our Picket also came I 
to band this week, bat brings only papentothe Hth I 
of May. I 
A Letter Bug for the Packet will be trade up here I 
and closed on Tharsday next, fa 6 a’cfock to the I £ 
morning. I 
The Sloop Zfemfan, Cnpt. Wychgd, far I 
-terdam, will cW her Lcttex Bag at the Boat CMfa, 1 
ou Wednesday the sth fast. , 1 
* . - ft I 
*>«» mainly > ssip WuKlfc wit tfttß- OB 188 W/.-- 
tbfa Island, j ? the behalf of RuhSq? I 
°Cf Mwra. R;| 
tinifin* M *** ** I