MARSHAL'S OFFICE. SALES by EXECUTION. SECOND PROCLAMATION. T?y virtue of an appointment from the Honorable Court of Civil Justice of this colony, dated t7th De December cember December 1814; given upon a petition presented bv John Layfidd, as Attorney of Thomas Gudgeon, of Stoke Newington, near London. Notice is hereby given to the Public, that I the un undersigned dersigned undersigned intend to Sell, at Public Execution Sale, in the presence of two Counci llors Commissaries and their Secretary, on the first coming Monday in the month of May, 1815, tip* Cotton Estate called KIL KILMORACK, MORACK, KILMORACK, situated on the Uorrentyn coast of this colony, with all its cultivation, buildings-, slaves, and further appurtenances ther to belonging, ail of which an Inventory as also the Terms of Sale, are to be seen at the Marshal’s Office during the hours of duly ; said Estate being the property oi Simon Fraser. Whoever should think himself entitled to oppose the Execution Sale of above Estate Kilmorack, let inch persons address themselves at the Marshal’s Of Office, fice, Office, declaring their reasons for so doing, in due time and form, as I hereby give notice, that 1 the under undersigned signed undersigned will receive opposition from every person thereunto qualifi. d by law, appoint them a day to have his or her claim heard before the Court, and further act therein as the law directs. This 2nd Proclamation published as customary. Berbice, the 151 h Janinrr, 1815. K. F rancken, I irst Marshal. NE. The above named Sale is to take place on the spot. SECOND PROCLAMATION. BY virtue of an Appointment from the Honorable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, dated the 17th December, 1814, given upon a Petition presented by K. Franeken, as First Marshal, for and in name of W.Gcrdrm, as together with Evan Fraser and Angus Fraser, the surviving Attornies jointly and severally for Dmudd M’Leod, of Geanius, in the County of Kosr, North i; I’ain. Notice F hereby given to the Public, that I the undersigned intend to Sell at Public Execution Sale, in t'-e presence oftwo Councellors Commissaries anil their Secretary, o:i Wednesday the 15 of March 1815, firstly, tic- Cotton Estate called GEANIES, situated on the Ci ,rr< mvn coast, w ith al! its cultivation, slaves-, buildings, and further appurtenances thereto belong belonging,—and ing,—and belonging,—and secondly, the lower half of lot No. 80., situate in the Corret’tyn river, of which Estates an Inventory may be seen, as also of the Terms of Sale, fit the Marshals Office, during the hours ot duty: said Estates being th. ptopertyof J. C. M’Leod and John Bethune. Whoever should think himself entitled to oppose the E xrculion Sale ot the two abovementioned Es Estates, tates, Estates, let such perron or persons address tiiemsilves to the Marshal’s Oilice, declaring their reason for bo doing, as I her< by give notice, that 1 will receive opposition from every one thereuntoqualified by law, appoint them a day io have his or her claim heard before the Couit, and further act therein as the Law directs. This 2n I Proclamation published as customary. Beibfcic, 15fh January, 1815. K. 1 RANCKEN, First Marshal. NB. The Sale of said Estates is to take place on the respective spots. NOTICE. IS hereby given, that the Sale of Plantation De Voedster is postponed until the 2Sd of January next, Berbice, 51st December, 1811. K. Fr anc ken, First Marshal. FOURTH PROCLAMATION. BY virtue of an appointment from His Excellency (he Governor, dated 22J Oct. 1814, given upon a • Petition, presented by K. Francken, First Marshal, for and in n unc of James Fraser, Planter and Inha Inhabitant bitant Inhabitant of this colony. Notice is hereby given to the Public, that I the undersigned intend to Sell, at Public Execution Sale, in the presence of two Councellors Commissaries and their Secretary, on Wednesday the Ist day of March, 1815, the cotton estate called No. 40 and 41, situate on the west sea coast of this colony, with all its Cul Cultivation, tivation, Cultivation, Buildings, Slaves, &c., all of which an Inventory as also the terms of sale are to be seen at the Marshals Office, during the hours of duly; said estate being the property of the estates of Patrick Small, and William Thrclfali, deceased. Whoever should think himself entitled to oppose the Execution Sale of above estate No. 40 and 41, -west seacoast, let such persons address themselves to the undersigned, declaring their reasons tor so doing in due time and loim, a* 1 hereby give police, that 1 will receive opposition from every one thereunto qua qualified lified qualified by law, appoint them a day to have his in her claim lu-ard before the Court, and further act thereon as the Law directs. This 4th proclamation published as customary. Berbice, the Sth January, 1815. K. Francken, First Marshal. FO RS ALE By the subscriber the following fresh Dutch provisions, lately imported, for cash :— New herring in kegs, Butter in ditto, Sweet milk cneese in boxes, Edammer ditto, Potatoes in large hampers. V. bite wipe Vinegar in jugs, Choice Rhino-wine in boxes contain 4 24 bottles, Smoke Tobacco in small cases, Very good green tea, tec. 14 Jan. _ ‘ J. G. F. THIENSMA. TE KOOP By den de vi Igende onlangs aangebrachte vcrsche iloilundsciie provision, voor cassa:— Nieuwc hariny in vaatjes, Bofer in dito, JZoete nn lksche kaas in kisjes, Edammer dilo, Zeeuwschein Yriescbi- aardainelrU * * io grootc nianden, Zecr goedc witte vyuazyn in pull n, Beste Rhynsche wyn in kistrn ran 24 boitcls, Extra guide gckorvi-ne rook Tabak i.i ki>jcs, Ell zeergoedc groenc thee 14 Jan. J. G. F. TiiIENSMA. NOTICE.-—’l he urch u-ipicd recrcMs ins Fiiends and the diffi rent Bhij|vi-, who l ive enga engaged ged engaged Room in the Brig I airy, to send fin ir Produce alongside with as little delay as .le, in order that no doubt may be entertained ui hi 1 being able to leave here with the first convey. 14 Jan. Jno. SINCLAIR. N O'i ICE 15 hereby, that Mr. A. Kerschner hr?s past bis ge general neral general power of Attorney on the Sulni f iber, to col collect lect collect all outstanding debt as (morns at d Open Ac Accounts counts Accounts lor delivered bleed and biscuit, Ju reiuie the Subscriber informs i t all who it may c< .icrjn, (ocome forwards with payment, being odicr.vise in the ne necessity cessity necessity to sue tor the same; : .;d hirlh> r he informs that Mr. Kerschner not can give longer crcuil im bread, &c. as lobe paid every month. I 14 Jan. F.B. ADER, qq. NOTICE TO CREDITORS, O?\ 1 liday the 27 th instant will be disposed of 1 among the Creditors ot Plantation Clijlon and H !i. Inglis, at the house of W.n. Fiasvr, Nt w Amsterdam, 20 aSO bales Cotton. And ai the same time, by Order oi the II mor; Me Court <>i Civil Jus Justice, tice, Justice, the Cieiiitors of said Estate and 11. B. Inglis, will choose (wo among them, as their Rcj resenta resentatives, tives, resentatives, during the Trusteeship. 14 Jan. “ TEN DLRS ~~ FOR 40squiw bales of clean Cotton, from Plantt Kendall's, will be received by the Subscribers, a. Mr. Jn;>. Crust’s, New Amsterdam, until Wednes Wednesday day Wednesday the 25th January, when the highest, if approv approved ed approved of, will be accepted. . J. T.APIN, for self and 14 Jan. J M’CAMON, Sequesters. Tilly Creditors of plantation Lclterkenny, are hereby informed, that .SO bales of good chan Cotton, will be sold amongst them, at the Store of Messrs. Douglas Reid & Co. on the 251 h January, next. W. LA\VSOX,T 51 Dec. C. 1)01 GLAS,3 trustees. THIRTY bales of good clean Cotton, will be sold to the Creditors of Plantation l*loornfield,Oi\ the 25th January next, at the Store of Messrs. I ouglas Reid &Co. W. LAWSON, J! Dec. C. DOUGLAS J T,us ' fcs - SIXTY bales of good clean Cotton, will be sold amongst tin* Creditors of plantation J ass. Lothian, on the 24th January, at the Store of M««srs. Dou Douglas glas Douglas Reid & Co. S. KEN DA LL, > , r 31 Dre. C. DOLGLAM rrustees ’ ~~ ~ I ■■I fcl— H 111 1u11... I—UI 1 !■.. _ .. - — TEN or twelve thousand pounds, first quality cos fee, from Plantation d’Edward, for which Tenders will be received till the 22nd January next, at the house of Wm. Fraser, Esq., where a sample of the same may be seen ; the coffee to be received by the purchaser, on the Estate, and pajment to be made in colony money. , T L. C. ABRENSETS for self and M. RABERp Si quustrators. Berbice. I>Y His Excellanev Henry VFn I Bentinck, Lieutenant-Governor andr U| I , wander in Chief in and over the Settle I of Berbice and it* Dependencies Pr I &e all &c°&c ai ' d COll< ’ Ses 1 ■Wherea S I have received I ! Right Honorable the Earl Bathurst the Di' I whereof a copy is hereunto annexed, which I municated to, and made a Provishmal R n |,. I Honorable the Court of Civil Justice, durin<> id 1 I Session. a ■Asa further measure to prevent the proceeds I therein mentioned, and the parties incurrineni? I less costs in the adoption thereof, I have d C(n .’? I expedient to publish the same for the inf<>r ! »'. t : lt | and guidance of all those who are, sh dor in./'! I any wise concerned, 111 1 Liven under my Hand and Seal at Arms aftv| King’* House, this Ith day of J nuarv’ ’ki- I H. W. BENtim I By Com-wW, F. \» 11 1 TE, Gov. Fee. • p t, 13th Oclober. I u 'I Y atteutimj Ins been called to the sitm. I turn of E fates in the Colonies in Guyana, snljiectti I the claimsot Cutch Moitjrages; a-,id’it has been k, I presented (hat great hardship will be sustained bt' | the iMiLh Proprietors and Mediants, if, in cons | I queiice of the change <>f 1 ircuiustances which hat I lately taken place, those Mortgage’s are penniltcd I ■imincdiiteiy to <ll on e their Mortgage’s, according I ! to (lie Sflmmary Laws oi (be Il ha#, in coj I j u qurnce, been proposed that some arrangement I should be entered into between the Government of I this country and Ilolhml, under which a n-asotiahle l time may be allowed to meet (>y demands oi tbjl ’•origiige’s • and as this subject is now under cnnsi.l ih ration, I am to desire that you will take the nt*ce«.| sary measures to prevent such proceedings as mw I have the effect of cnnblmg the Mortgages to obtain I possession of Estates so situated, nndl you shall fs . I wive further ii. ..notions upon this subject. i have the honor to be, Sir, “ 1 our must obedient humble semnL I “BATHURST." I To Lieutenant Governor Bfcvritou, &c. 6,e. Ac. 1011 S ALL by the undersigned, new Cod I fish in 6 a i.i s qtiiii* d casks, fine sail in tiercelaol I Jarre:-, < rabwoin! lumber, tic. 14 Jan. G. BONE fi. I I ondergetet-kenden, zoo wel in price alsvoofl de 1 irma van Ih-hnert and Zimmerman, antboriiectd I i-n volmagtigd by dezen, den beer P. de Goeje, am I alle nitstaaude preteutien intevoAleren en daarvoot I quitantie te passeren, zu l< nde zulksbeschouwdwofc 1 il«u alsdoor bcmze’ve ges hied. J. A. DEH N ERT, prive, en qq. I 1 Delmert & Zimmerman. ToiFsTCiLe r I 7,’7 /Zrr Subsrrilt r; Long 1 -: t f tobacco f 2-10 per lb. Nigro rum / I-if) per gallon. Striped Negro blankets f 48.' per dozer, Negro hats J 22. per dozen. Negro lined jackets fUA . p-.-r dozen. Two gallon jags paint oil f 16-10. Kegs white lead 28 lbs. f 16-10. Florence oil perbottlc fl. Lencasliire hams f 1-5. per lb. Hung beef ff~s. per lb. Potatoes per hamper / 9. &c. I Boxes ling-fish f 16-10. 7.Ln. Jno. WULFR 'HIE Lottery of Mr. A. Fleury, will take plact I on the 23d of January next, at the New Town T»* vern, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. 7 .lan. A. FLEURY. I FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. The Manners of Proceedings before the Court ofCift Jtstice, in English and Dutch. I he Charter of the colony Berbice, in English. The new Dutch Constitution, in Dutch. Coffee Certificates, Bills of Exchange and Lading. All kind of Books, blank and ruled, Quilhy Rttidy made Ink in Bottles, &c. Published every Saturday at 4 o'clcch, P. By W. SCHULZ & Co. Privileged Government Print erg. on an an