xml version 1.0 encoding UTF-8 standalone no fcla fda yes !-- Gait Analysis in Aged Parkinsonian Mice ( Book ) -- METS:mets OBJID AA00092437_00001 xmlns:METS http:www.loc.govMETS xmlns:xlink http:www.w3.org1999xlink xmlns:xsi http:www.w3.org2001XMLSchema-instance xmlns:daitss http:www.fcla.edudlsmddaitss xmlns:mods http:www.loc.govmodsv3 xmlns:sobekcm http:digital.uflib.ufl.edumetadatasobekcm xmlns:lom http:digital.uflib.ufl.edumetadatasobekcm_lom xsi:schemaLocation http:www.loc.govstandardsmetsmets.xsd http:www.fcla.edudlsmddaitssdaitss.xsd http:www.loc.govmodsv3mods-3-4.xsd http:digital.uflib.ufl.edumetadatasobekcmsobekcm.xsd METS:metsHdr CREATEDATE 2023-05-10T13:43:12Z ID LASTMODDATE 2023-05-10T10:58:46Z RECORDSTATUS COMPLETE METS:agent ROLE CREATOR TYPE ORGANIZATION METS:name UF,University of Florida OTHERTYPE SOFTWARE OTHER Go UFDC - FDA Preparation Tool INDIVIDUAL UFAD\renner METS:dmdSec DMD1 METS:mdWrap MDTYPE MODS MIMETYPE textxml LABEL Metadata METS:xmlData mods:mods mods:abstract lang en This study aimed to provide a deeper understanding of the motor impairments related to Parkinson's disease in the literature by analyzing the long-term gait performance of Parkinsonian mice possessing a unique a-syn misfolding and aggregation phenotype (M83+/-). The aim of this thesis was to conduct a comparative analysis of gait patterns between M83+/- mice and a control group at 12 and 52 weeks old. This research endeavor seeked to address the gap in the current literature by providing gait analysis for hemizygous M83+/- mice at 52 weeks of age, as these mice have a known pathological burden at this age and are expected to exhibit gait dysfunction. The gait analysis results at 52 weeks of age show an increase in the average limb stride length variability and average limb ataxia coefficient of M83+/- mice, indicating gait dysfunction. However, no significant differences in several other gait parameters, such as stride length and frequency, were observed at 52 weeks between the two groups. These results are consistent with human PD progression, in which pathological symptoms precede motor decline. These hemizygous mice show slow motor impairment and disease progression, thus making them suboptimal options for studying gait in PD. mods:accessCondition Copyright Xavier Becsey. Permission granted to the University of Florida to digitize, archive and distribute this item for non-profit research and educational purposes. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder. mods:language mods:languageTerm type text English code authority iso639-2b eng mods:location mods:physicalLocation University of Florida mods:name mods:namePart Becsey, Xavier mods:role mods:roleTerm creator mods:note Awarded Bachelor of Science, magna cum laude, on April 29, 2022. Major: Nutritional Sciences College or School: Agricultural and Life Sciences Advisor: Vinata Vedam-Mai. Advisor Department or School: Neurology. Advisor: . Advisor Department or School: mods:originInfo mods:publisher University of Florida mods:dateIssued 2023 mods:recordInfo mods:recordIdentifier source sobekcm AA00092437_00001 mods:recordContentSource University of Florida mods:relatedItem series mods:part mods:detail Year mods:caption 2023 mods:subject mods:topic Undergraduate Honors Thesis/Project mods:titleInfo mods:title Gait Analysis in Aged Parkinsonian Mice mods:typeOfResource text DMD2 OTHERMDTYPE SOBEKCM SobekCM Custom sobekcm:procParam sobekcm:Aggregation ALL UFIR IUF UFHONORS UNDERGRADWORKS sobekcm:MainThumbnail Becsey_Xavier_Honors_Projectthm.jpg sobekcm:Wordmark UFIR sobekcm:Tickler 2231_SPRING_2023_HONORS sobekcm:bibDesc sobekcm:BibID AA00092437 sobekcm:VID 00001 sobekcm:Publisher sobekcm:Name University of Florida sobekcm:Source sobekcm:statement UF University of Florida sobekcm:SortDate 738520 METS:amdSec METS:digiprovMD DIGIPROV1 DAITSS Archiving Information daitss:daitss daitss:AGREEMENT_INFO ACCOUNT PROJECT UFDC METS:techMD TECH1 File Technical Details sobekcm:FileInfo METS:fileSec METS:fileGrp USE reference METS:file GROUPID G1 PDF1 applicationpdf CHECKSUM c8f861437d7a88045849099253652f53 CHECKSUMTYPE MD5 SIZE 1082925 METS:FLocat LOCTYPE OTHERLOCTYPE SYSTEM xlink:href Becsey_Xavier_Honors_Project.pdf G2 TXT2 textplain Becsey_Xavier_Honors_Project_pdf.txt G3 METS3 unknownx-mets 983efd379cef83f8521bbaeaea4f53b6 6860 AA00092437_00001.mets METS:structMap STRUCT2 other METS:div DMDID ADMID ORDER 0 main ODIV1 1 Main FILES1 Page METS:fptr FILEID FILES2 2 FILES3 3