ty yet noe *erky ernie Ss tasbbasonbh ce: Be 12 _J.AKE WORTH HERALD, Thurs., Jan. 5, 1961 Jan. 6, in the American Legion Home, 2nd Ave. and N. J St., at 7:30 p.m. Everyone interested in the pro- gram is invited to attend. Basebaill Group Election Set The Lake Worth Minor, Little, Pony and Colt Baseball Corpora- Carlito Leads With 9 Game Victory Parade at Fronton Up until last week’s play, the battle for most wins su-|tion election of officers for the | speakers, premacy at the Palm Beach Jai-Alai Fronton was running |®°™ing year will be held Friday, | served. Avoid Last Minute RUSH! é ‘Challenging’ Offer Course Par 3 Course To Open Soon In addition to the election of officers, there will be two members of Major League ball clubs as guest Refreshments will be In Piloting Palm Beach Power Squadron will hold a free ten-week course in its usual course of being closely contested until Carlito, for- ‘Lake Worth area golfers will have an unusual and challenging new course at their disposal with the opening this month of the Palm Beach Par Three Golf Club. “Located on South Ocean Blvd., the 18-hole facility is one of the first of its kind in the country. . Pro-manager George McCamp- bell says several existing courses earry a Par Three label, but in most casen are. actually pitch-and-putt facilities “He bexpleined that the Palm piloting and small boat handling beginning at 7:30 p.m. tonight at the Palm Beach Junior High School Auditorium, Seaview Ave., Palm Beach. The lectures are given one night a week for two hours. The course is open to both men and women over 16 years of age. Registration will be at the first class. Subjects covered in the lectures will be: equipment and government regulations, rules of the nautical road, seamanship, safety afloat, the mer champ of ’58-59 busted things wide open with a nine game victory parade for his week’s play. The sharp shooting remate artist had held from a one to two game advantage for the past three weeks, but last week he went on a rampage Beristain and Coll, as in 25 to outclass his closest rivals, contests he came up with his best output of the season, nine victories. During this streak, Carlito ran four straight for the toughest of all contests, the featured 11th game which features eight of the top doubles teams in a seven-point af- as he finished ‘third among the field of six. For the second straight, Beris- tain held on to the runner-up posi- tion by copping four to bring his Open Friday 5 to 7 P.M. * Drive-in Tellers A GOOD BANK TO GROW WITH 106 NORTH DIXIE ‘61 AUTO TAGS NOW ON SALE By Travel - Aid Beach em es Club falls in the| mariners compass, aids to naviga- oe goes 2 1 tle ia a nea i 21. is ances C 0 M ME R C E N A T | 0 N A L B A N K LAKE WORTH e te hort- d | ti iloti ~ e also upped his lead among the ou aying bu ree days faatietor ives ihe seviiecs cat peepee Reeth pentery Rn? gg competitors for the fifth arid sev-| before Selhir sidelined with a knee 1200 NORTH DIXIE PHONE JU 2-3822 eee Venere | the use of long- and medium-dis- The course ic offeded. withont enth game doubles besides being a | injury, Coll, the smallest player on ™ tance irons but no woods. Greens|harge by the squadron standout for his first singles com-| this season’s roster at a mere 5 are regulation. g : Oe ee oe petition in the featured eighth | foot, came up with four victories McCampbell anticipates that the Additional pg se may be game. in 10 outings to move into third course will be a boon to golfers who geteie s ve + JU 5.9880 Ernest In his first appearance for the| Place, one game back of Beristain. ean’t equeeze enough time out of aj -" “PiCY “t 3 ee eighth Carlito walked off with the| The diminutive front court ace Busy day to play a regulation win in five straight points. To|returned to action Wednesday. eourse. terpret this to mean that the course prove this was no fluke, he re-| Rounding out the top five game “Although the course covers 27| Will be easy. Numerous pros who| turned for his second try to again| Winners are Anibal and Javier. acres,” he says, “it can still be|have inspected the facility, includ-| come out on top among the top Anibal is a newcomer this season played in about half the time—two|ing Dub Pagan and Clyde Usina, | singles stars. His third appearance | 2nd Javier is up for his second try and a half hours—it takes to go|predict that very few people will} for the week was also in the money | after a third place finish last around a standard course. ever break par.” season, ; “This factor, plus the fact that| Shortly after the Jan. 10 opening Eight doubles and three singles it requires, less physical exertion! the course will be the site of the make up the nightly (except Sun- than the regulation course, will| nation’s first “co-ed” tournament day) 1l-game program with game make it appealing to all golfers in| when America’s top men and wo- time for the first contest at 7:45 every age bracket. men pros compete in the $10,000 p.m. Daily double play is on the « “But the hes fan shouldn’t in-| Royal Poinciana Plaza Invitational. third and fourth, singles. SSG GW °q 0 06 ee 0°e 0 7yyyv Ww rqDv0v’TW00D0 °F FTC LY : | Y Y % =| | 18 KARAT es By 7 Z | a eee Be oie ) ‘ \ @ ; Uy e e Y The most important piece (HX. G 0 L D 7 p LAT E D @ ® j CARLITO (- of paper in your life... Y ; Your doctor’s prescription may well be ZY Y I Y y ’ the most important piece of paper in | From 745 PM J your life . .. make all the difference be- ] til M . d it , tween continued sickness and health. We Z fl i Nn I e a 3 Z EXCEPT SUNDAYS fill the prescription accurately, ] , MAJOR LEAGUE STARS CALL JU 5-4624 FOR FREE DELIVERY y PARI-MUTUEL BETTING 9 j (SORRY, NO MINORS) Greens y ADMISSIONS FROM 35c J COCKTAIL & SNACK BAR : Pharmacy : ana HURRY ON DOWN Y Easy To Reach on W. 45th St. 801 LAKE AVE., LAKE WORT Y a | Tae And get this unique 18 Karat Gold Plated, Monogrammed SG GQ yo ry wy Ty vo0yyy7y © ww w wy yy 5y°;6e vt F'=é= BERISTAIN pa Car Key absolutely FREE when you buy 8 gallons > oes : | aes SAVING CEIVED BY THE TENTH 7s aaa or more of SHELL GASOLINE ae 4 WILL EARN OUR 4% CURRENT DIVIDEND FROM THE FIRST , “ae ; ) The key will be monogrammed with your initial and cut to fit your car while you wait. 9 e AT SRN a Gaile, e Available January 6th thru 28th, 1961 e be EDERAL @ SAVE BY THE 10TH A é AT FIRST FEDER BY THE 10TH AND EARN FROM THE ; SAL © SAVE BY THE 1 ARN FROM THE FIRST AT FIRST FEDERAL ro ALSO aan og HE 10TH AND EARN FROM AT FIRST FEDERAL ¢ SAVE BY THE-:10TH . 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