2 he ESS By JEAN ZEZULKA LWHS Correspondent Well, another new year has begun and it’s time to “wipe the slate,” in a manner of speaking, and start all over again. In making my resolutions this year, most of which, I’m sorry to say, have already been broken, a verse from the Bible came to mind. “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.”—Luke other words grow mentally, phy-*——-—— aise sically and spiritually. I thought how wonderful it would be if we could just adopt this verse as number one on our list of new year’s __resolu- tions. To grow in wisd@m through more constant study and to make a thorough search for the answers to the many problems which confront our daily lives. To grow in stature by keeping our bodies healthy, getting the proper foods, and at least trying to get enough sleep. Then strive for favor with God and men by striving for a closer and better relationship with God and our friends, always ETR - LAKE WORTH BALDNESS... CAN BE CURED WITH GUARANTEED RESULTS 1-DAY SERVICE KIDD BROS TIRE COMPANY 910 SOUTH DIXIE Drive a CLEAN Car! A-1 CAR WASH NEW EQUIPMENT - NEW MANAGEMENT Regular Cars $1.75 Station Wagons $2.00 _ All Cars $2.00 on Saturdays WAXING AND POLISHING $9.95 and up Free Car Wash with Every Wax Job Phone JU 2-9397 for Waxing Appointment 118 NORTH DIXIE HIGHWAY, LAKE WORTH 9). Cr) 52. In remembering to keep the “Golden Rule.” This I think is about the best resolution any of us could hope to make, and with God’s help, I’m sure 1961 can be the best year of cur lives. eee Everyone is invited to attend the Junior Red Cross Council meet- ing to be held at St. Ann’s, West Palm Beach, Tuesday, Jan. .10. Our school is making a special ef- fort to have as many there as possible in order to win the at- tendance banner as well as enjoy a very interesting and worthwhile program. Transportation will be furnished by the PTA, so all of you who are interested. be sure to make ar- rangements to attend. eee A note to all who are worrying EADS JU 5-9725 Page 11 about flunking out this year: Why not do it now and avoid the spring rush? The Science Club, a very active club at school, went on a camping trip on the weekend of Dec. 17-18 and are still talking about the won- derful time they all had. The purpose of the trip was to visit the satellite spotting station run by the Smithsonian Institute at Jonathan Dickinson State Park. The man in charge of the sta- tion, Robert Citron, gave an ex- planation of the purpose of the station and demonstrated equip- ment that was used. Mr. Citron will be one of the future speakers at the Seience Seminars. All attending had a most en- joyable time and are looking for- ward to future experiences of this type. Golfing Unit Winners Set The new year inaugurated an auspicious beginning for the Nine- olers at the municipal golf course. The prize winners in this week’s Tuesday afternoon play were: Class A—Frank Sumner 41-8.5-32.5. Art Goodall 42-7.5-34.5. Bill Burnett 43-8-35. Class B, Bob Bromley 46-12-34. Sandy Levis 446-11-35. Col. Don Marsh 47-11-36. Class C, tied for first, Dr. A. Garlinghouse 51-14-37 and Fred Waite 50-13-37. Dr. Howard Jack- son 50-12.5-37.5. Jack Wallace 52- 13.5-38.5. In addition to the individual han- dicap medal play, 12 teams, each named after a bird, competed in match play on a point system. The Owls were first with 10 points, tied for second were the Robins and Crows with 9 points each, and the Hawks were third with 8 points. The winning Owls comprised Dr. H. F. Tidwell, captain, Frank Sum- ner, Stan. MacKenzie, Karl Prop- per, J. R. Wallace, Harold Parks and Lee Sekulski. Legal Notice No. 4487 IN COURT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, STATE OF FLORIDA IN PROBATE IN RE ESTATE OF GEORGE W. ARNOLD, Deceased. To All Creditors and Persons Hav- ing Claims or Demands Against Said Estate: You and each of you are hereby notified and required to present any claims and demands which you, or either of you, may have against the estate of GEORGE W. ARNOLD, de- ceased, late of Palm Beach County, Florida, to the County Judge of Palm Beach County, Florida, at his office in the court house of said County at West Palm Beach, Flor- ida, within eight calendar months from the time of the first publica- tion of this notice. Each claim or demand shall be in writing, and shall state the place of residence and post office address of the claimant, and shall be sworn to by the claim- ant, his agent, or his attorney, and any such claim or demand not so filed shall be void. /8/ JERROLD F. JACOB As executor of the Last Will and Testament. of GEORGE W. ARNOLD, deceased > JACOB AND HARVEY Attorneys for Executor 28 South “J” Street Lake Worth, Florida Pub.: Dee. 22, 29, 1960; Jan. 5, 12, 1961. 7500 ARE “MADE | RAYS 0 SUNSHINE FLORIDA”! Be a sport! It’s easy to spread Florida sunshine to family and friends back North. More than 7500 different Florida Products—gifts and souvenirs—are made, grown, or processed here in the Sunshine State. Put “Florida-made” at the top of your shopping list... and take your choice! P.S. Another “Florida-made” product is “Sunshine Service” ~for happier Florida living... electrically! , FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ‘ ’ ee a 2k PER A REET Le orm - 6 MRO SE | Helping Build Florida ta he MOS gay ; x ‘ a eee LAKE WORTH HERALD, Thurs., Jan. 5, 1961 Fall and winter vegetables pro- duced in Florida for the national market include snap beans, cab- bage, celery, sweet corn, cucum- bers, eggplant, escarole, pepper, potatoes, radishes, squash, straw- berries, and tomatoes. The University of South Florida at Tampa is becoming a major tourist attraction. Some weeks more than 1,000 visitors stop just to look at the state’s newest Uni- versity just 8 miles from down- town Tampa, LEGAL NOTICES Legal Notice No. 4494 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO MAKE APPLICATION 'FOR FINAL DISCHARGE IN THE COURT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA; IN PROBATE, NO. 16,388 IN RE: ESTATE OF WILLIE MAY DARBY, Deceased. TO ALL WHOM IF MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that L. R. GAYLER filed his final report as Aneillary Administrator of the estate of Willie May Darby, de- ceased; that he filed his petition for final discharge, and that he will apply to the County Judge of Palm Beach County, Florida, on the 5th day of February, 1961, for approval of same and for final discharge as Ancillary Administrator of the estate of Willie May Darby, de- ceased, on this 5th day of January, 1961. L. R. GAYLER Ancillary Administrator of the estate of Willie May Darby, deceased. McGEER, McGEE & EWING Attorneys for Ancillary Administrator 202 Lake Worth Federal Building Lake Worth, Florida Pub.: Jan. 5, 12, 19, 26, 1961. Legal Notice No. 4485 IN THE COURT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, STATE OF FLORIDA IN PROBATE IN RE ESTATE OF LOTTIE BEATRICE BLACK, Deceased. To All Creditors and Persons Hav- ing Claims or Demands Against Said Estate: You and each of you are hereby notified and required to present any claims and demands which you, or either of you, may have against the estate of LOTTIE BEATRICE BLACK, deceased, late of Palm Beach ‘County, Florida, to the County Judge of Palm Beach County, Florida, at his office in the court house of said County at West Palm Beach, Florida, within eight calendar months from the time of the first publication of this notice. Each claim or demand shall be in writing, and shall state the place of residence and post office address of the claimant, and shall be sworn to by the claimant, his agent, or his attorney, and any such claim or de- mand not so filed shall be void. /s/ T. R. Hansen As executor of the Last Will and Testament of LOTTIE BEATRICE BLACK, deceased JACOB AND HARVEY Attorneys for Executor 28 South “J” Street Lake Worth, Florida. Pub.: Dee. 22, 29, 1960; Jan. 5, 12, 1961. 2 Legal Notice No. 4486 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO MAKE APPLICATION FOR FINAL DISCHARGE IN THE COURT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA;~- IN PROBATE NO. 16,264 IN RE: ESTATE OF GRACE E. THURBER, a/k/a 4 GRACE B. THURBER, + Deceased. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that L. T. McGee filed his final report as Executor of the estate of Grace E. Thurber a/k/a Grace B. Thurber, deceased; that he has filed his peti- tion for final discharge, and that he will apply to the County Judge of Palm Beach County, Florida, on the 20th day of January, 1961, for ap- proval of same and for final dis- charge as Executor of the estate of Grace KE. Thurber a/k/a Grace B. Thurber, deceased, on this 22nd day of December, 1960. L. T. MeGEE As Executor of the estate of Grace E. Thurber, deceased. McGERE, McGEE & EWING 202 Lake Worth Federal Bldg. Lake Worth, Florida Attorneys for Executor Pub.: Dee. 22, 29, 1960; Jan. 5, 12, 1961. Legal Notice No. 4481 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO MAKE APPLICATION FOR FINAL DISCHARGE IN THE COURT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA; IN PROBATE, NO. 15,178 IN RE: ESTATE OF CARRIE STEVENS SMITH, Deceased. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that AT- LANTIC NATIONAL BANK OF WEST PALM BRACH filed its final report as Executor of the estate of Carrie Stevens Smith, deceased; that it filed its petition for final dis- charge, and that it will apply to the County Judge of Palm Beach Cegmty, Florida, on the 13th day of Janwtary, 1961, for approval of same and for final discharge as Executor of the estate of Carrie Stevens Smith, de- ceased, on this 15th day of Decem- ber, 1960. ATLANTIC NATIONAL BANK OF WEST PAIM BEACH, Executor of the estate of CARRIE STEV- ENS SMITH, deceased. McGEE, McGEE & EWING Attorneys for Executor 202 Lake Worth Federal Building Lake Worth, Florida Pub.: Dec. 15, 22, 29, 1960; Jan. 5, 1961. eee nue een COMPLETE MECHANICAL AND ROAD SERViCE Guaranteed Auto Repair and Parts Co. 24-Hour Wrecker Service DAY PHONE JU 2-5501 NITE PHONE JU 2-4625 We Buy Wrecked Cars and Tracks 305-11 S. H St., Lake Worth Et Ls POA ARSE TREE RCE E NB BBE ee BURR OR AOS O EERE Eee | Renault-Peugeot SERVICE from $1,395.00 New Cars 45 MILES PER GALLON SALES - 133s Hirth abe © JU 5-9707 ‘Galion ani- aa. Ul Pe elt ees Vase HELP WANTED -E LEGAL NOTICES Legal Notice No. 4480 IN COURT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, STATE OF FLORIDA IN PROBATE NO. 17.410 IN RE ESTATE OF EDGAR G. TURNER, Deceased. To All Creditors and Persons Having Claims or Demands Against Said Estate: ‘ You and each of you are hereby notified and required to present any claims and demands which you, or either of you, may have against the estate of EDGAR G. TURNER, de- ceased, late of said County, to the County Judge of Palm Beach County, Florida, at his office in the court house of said County at West Palm Beach, Florida, within eight calen- dar months from the time of the first publication of this notice. Bach claim or demand shall be in writing, and shall state the place of resi- dence and post office address of the claimant, and shall be sworn to by the claimant, his agent, or his at- torney, and any such claim or de- mand not so filed shall be void. /s/ GLADYS VALENTINE TURNER As executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Edgar G. Turner, deceased. JACOB AND HARVEY Attorneys for Executrix 28 South “J’’ Street Lake Worth, Florida Pub.: Dec. 15, 22, 29, 1960; Jan. 5, 1961. Legal Notice No. 4482 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COURT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA; IN PROBATE, NO. 17389 IN RE: ESTATE OF CARMINE A. ROMANO, Deceased. To All Creditors, Legatees, Distribu- tees and Persons Having Any Claims or Demands Against Said Estate: You and each of you are hereby notified that you are required by Law to present any claims and de- mands which you, or either of you, may have against the estate of CARMINE A. ROMANO, deceased, late of said County, to the County Judge of Palm Beach County, Flor- ida, at his office in the court house of said County at West Palm Beach, Florida, within eight calendar months from the time of the first publication of this notice. Each claim or demand shall be in writing, and shall state the place of resi- dence and post office address of the claimant, and shall be sworn to by the claimant, his agent, or his at- torney, and any such claim or de- mand not so filed shall be void. ERNEST ROMANO and VIVIANO ROMANO As co-executors of the Last Will and Testament of Carmine A. Romano, deceased. McGEE, McGEE & EWING Attorneys for Co-Executors Pub.: Dec. 15, 22, 29, 1960; Jan. 5, 1961. - Legal Notice No. 4490 IN THE COURT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. Probate No. 17,473 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN RE: ESTATE OF FRED M. RIDDER, Deceased. TO ALG CREDITORS AND PER- SONS HAVING CLAIMS OR DE- MANDS AGAINST SAID ESTATE: You and each of you are hereby notifed and required to present any claims and demands which you, or either of you, may have against the estate of FRED M. RIDDER, de- ceased, late of said County, to the County Judge of Palm Beach County, Florida, at his office in the Court House of said County at West Palm Beach, Florida, within eight calen- dar months from the time of the first publication of this notice. Each claim or demand shall be in writing, and shall state the place of resi- dence and post office address of the claimant, and shall be sworn to by the claimant, his agent or attorney, and any such claim or demand not so filed shall be void. /s/ Edward O. Ridder /s/ Allen E. Ridder Co-executors of the Last Will and Testament of FRED M. RIDDER, deceased. - TRA VAN BULLOCK Attorney for Co-executors 518 Lake Avenue Lake Worth, Florida First publication Dec. 29, 1960. Legal Notice No. 44938 IN COURT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE | IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, STATE OF FLORIDA IN PROBATE NO. 15,003 IN RE ESTATE OF JANIE SCOTT DREW, Deceased. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that GEORGE W. DREW filed his final report as Executor of the estate of JANIE SCOTT DREW, deceased; that he filed his petition for final ;discharge, and that he will apply Jto the Honorable Richard P. Rob- bins, County Judge of Palm Beach County, Florida, on the 8rd day of February, 1961, for approval of same and for final discharge as Executor of the estate of JANIE SCOTT DREW, deceased, on this 5th day of January, 1961. GEORGE W. DREW, Pxecutor of the estate of JANIE SCOTT DREW, deceased. McGEE, McGEE & EWING Attorneys for Executor Lake Worth Federal Building Lake Worth, Florida Pub.: Jan. 5, 12, 19, 26, 1961. Legal Notice No. 4496 IN THE COURT OF THE COUNTY moe, IY AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, STATE OF FLORIDA. No. 16,147 CITATION IN RE: ESTATE OF RAYMOND R. FERRIS, DECEASED. The State of Florida to Dorothea R. Miller, San Antonio, Texas and all other persons concerned: You are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in said court praying for an Order declaring that the homestead of Raymond R. Fer- ris, deceased, was abandoned and you are hereby required to file your written defenses’ thereto . within forty days after the first publica- tion or posting hereof. Should you fail therein, decree will be entered in due course upon said petition. WITNESS my hand and the seal of said Court at Palm Beach County, Florida, this 4th day of January, A.D. 1961. s/ Paul T. Douglas County Judge Pub.: Jan. 5, 12, 19, 26, 1961. Legal Notice No. 4495 IN COURT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, STATE OF FLORIDA IN PROBATE NO. 16,599 IN RE ESTATE OF GEORGE W. MILLER, Deceased. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that FRAN- CES E, HOOVER filed her final re- port as Executrix of the estate of George W. Miller, deceased; that she filed her petition for final discharge, and that she will apply to the Honorable Paul T. Douglas, County Judge of Palm Beach County, FPlor- ida, on the 5th day of February, 1961, for approval of same and for final discharge as Executrix of the estate of George W. Miller, deceased, on this 5th day of January, 1961, FRANCIS EF. HOOVER Executrix of the estate of GEORGE W. MILLER, deceased. McGEE, McGEE & EWING Attorneys for Executrix 202 Lake Worth Federal Building Lake Worth, Florida. Pub.: Jan. 5, 12, 19, 26, 1961, PLOYME, TS se.) CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES LAKE WORTH HERALD JU 5-2528 ,LAKE WORTH, FLORIDA Min. 1st 2nd 3rd TF Chg. Issue Issue Issue Per 50c Issue 5 to 15 Words 50 75 | $1.00 30 16 to 20 Words .60 | $1.00 | $1.40 .40 $1.25 | $1.75 $1.50 $2.10 31 to 35 Words | $1.05 $1.75 | $2.45 70 36 to 40 Words | $1.20 | $2.00 | $2.80 .80 41 to 45 | Words | $1.35 $2.25 | $3.15 .90 46 to 50 Words | $1.50 $2.50 | $3.50 | $1.00 (TF—Until Further Notice without Change of Copy.) 25c extra if taken over telephone and billed out. LET'S SWAP This column is a free service for Herald readers desiring to swap or exchange items only, (not for selling). The Herald will not advertise automotive, labor, maqney, or real estate in this column. If The Herald finds that this free service is being misused, it reserves the right to bill the advertiser at the news- paper’s regular classified ad rate. 9 ~- TEA cart, gold, for books S&H Stamps. JU 2-8110. bicyele for 3 books Top JU 2-1925. BOYS 26’ Value stamps. 20 GAL. gas dinette set, JU 5-0606. water for heater; oak trading stamps. DINETTE table and tuxedo; for Top Value stamps. JU 2-0392. two chairs; or S&H 3 BOOKS of TV stamps for 3 books of Merchant green. JU 5-7295. ADJUSTABLE dress form for 38 books stamps; child’s toy 3-octane piano for 2 books stamps. JU 2- 3748, ; 15-GAL electric hot water heater for gas hot water heater, 20 gal- lons or more. JU 5-4940. 21” TV, HOLLYWOOD bed, window fan for good sofa bed. JU 2-097. NEW, never used household meat slicer for used golf caddy car in good condition. JU 5-7470. MAN’S NAVY blue slacks, size 30; lady’s black faille dress, and purple wool dress, size 11, for stamp books, two for the slacks, and two stamp books for each dress. JU 5-0489. ONE SINGLE and one three quarters beds for 2 books each of trading stamps. 3530 North 2nd Ave. LADIES high-priced Dickerson shoes, size T7%AA for trading stamps. JU 2-4829, 4 BOOKS S&H stamps for 3 books Merchants stamps. JU 2-3228. ELECTRIC Oster massage for five books of stamps. 2-3788. BOOKS Merchant stamps for books Top Value. JU 5-7295. W ANTED—Good home for beautiful 8-months old black cat, spayed and pillow Tel. JU 9 9 “ shots. Lovable. JUstice 2-9534; evenings JU 2-9063. ROTATING clothesline, apartment refrigerator, for metal wall cab- mes or outdoor furniture. JU 2- 3543. 2-TON reverse cycle air conditioner, practically new, for small piano. JU 2-02s89. LADIES wool suit, size 16 for 2 books TV stamps; pink raw silk embroidered dress, size 16, for 1 book TV stamps. JU 2-9481. WE WANT 3 used 2’8’xé6’8” solid exteri.- Zoors, for three 21’x61%” jalousie door windows. Call JU 2-6348 or JU 2-8713. 19” CAN CAN doll for 3 books Top Value stamps. JU 2-9525. PORTABLE radio; Elgin 17 jewel wrist watch; medium theatre bi- noculars for ring. 417 E St. No. 2 TABLES for 1 book stamps each. JU 5-7633. 1— 12-ton Hydraulic Garage Press for Air Compressor; 1—30,000 BTU Coleman Oil Floor Furnace for 1 HP AC Motor. JU 2-4017. BEIGE upholstered love seat for 8 books stamps. JU 565-8080. WILL SWAP 100-lb tank for gas (all filled with gas) for chiffer- robe or material for partition 9’x12’. JUstice 5-8635. SWAP—Voit sports treasure chest includes foot ball, air mattress, mask, éte., trade for 8 books of tracing stamps. 1605 Crestwood 3lvd. LADIES pink shorties suits size 14, also girls’ teenage clothing, for trading stamps. VI 8-3946. 2 ELECTRIC waffle irons books TV stamps. 965-2136. 120 BASS accordion like new for girls bicycle plus. JU 2-6985. BOY SCOUT uniform, size 12, boys’ Shoe skates, size 7, for trading stamps. JU 2-5220. 4 BOOKS Top Value stamps for 5 books S&H stamps, equal value. JU 2-7138. SEVEN-MONTH old electrie ilve.- tone guitar for a used instrueto- graph. JU 2-9595. 1% HP ELECTRIC Induction motor, 1750 rpm, 110-220 volts, complete. 9 > «- for 6 od Rewired for paint spray or % inch 4444 drill press, or what have. Marilyn Drive, Lake Worth. 1 OVERSTUFFED chair; 1 Universal deep fat fryer; 1 pressure canner, for books of stamps. JU 5-2963. a4 20” GIRLS bicycle for 5 stamps. JU 2-1523. books of , 30-GAL gas water heater for dinette set. JU 5-0261. 3 S&H Stamp books for 3 Top Value Stamps OV 38-4474. 6 BOOKS Merchants, 2 books S&H Stamps for Top Value. JU 5-2854. ONE 6x6 TENT for 4 Stamp books. JU 5-9720. GIRL SCOUT uniform for 2 books trading stamps. JU 5-3294. 5 BOOKS Merchants stamps for 5 books Top Value. JU 5-6460. STORK LINE feeding table for 5 books trading stamps; sewing ma- chine for 5 books trading stamps. Phone TE 2-7976. TOYS, tent, bicycle, stamps. Call 965-2190. SCHICK electric razor for 2 books stamps; waffle iron-sandwich grill for books of stamps. JU 2-2139., 2 BURNER kerosene heater, Sears model, for trading stamps. Call 965-0915. PORTABLE washing machine for portable sewing machine. TE 2- 6396 before 3:00 p.m. oS for . trading: GOOD gas heater for three books of stamps. JU 2-5358. NEW red dish drainer, never used, for 1 book of Top Value stamps. JU 2-5907 or JU 5-2528. IRONER for 6 books of stamps. 5-8578 after 5:00. BASINETTE for 2 books of TV or S&H stamps. JU 2-0506. BUSINESS SERVICES ALTERATIONS, all types, fur styl- ing and remodeling. 35 years ex- JU perience. JU 5-2883. WANTED—Alterations, plain sew- ing, mending. Very reasonable. 585-0239. SNOW WHITE LAUNDRY Rough dry, wet wash and finish. Pick Up and deliver, 225 South Dixie, Phone JU 2-5113. HELP AVAILABLE PICK UP and deliver—Ironing and alterations. OVerland 3-0453. IF YOU need a carpenter, call Brady Beverly, Boynton 3759. VILL MOVE your furniture or what have you reasonable. 965-0583. HOUSE cleaning, rugs shampoced, floors waxed, handy man, repairs, window washing. 683-2078. PAINTING and paperhanging—in- side and outside. 582-0462. HELP WANTED WHITE, dependable, mature woman to do housecleaning, -.washing and ironing. $1.50 per hour. 683-2078. AVON IS CALLING In your neighborhood through TV. Be the Avon Representative in your neighborhood and turn spare time into money. Phone TE 2-5111 or write P.O. Box 1101, West Palm Beach, leave phone and street number. serene iby iced cance gta sipae ast AsN EERIE PERSONALS MARTY’S RADIO & TV Service, 111 N. M St. JU 5-9720. Evening and Sundays for your convenience. HASON NURSING HOME—Courtesy and friendliness always. Special- ists in nursing care. Reasonable rates. Your inspection invited. JU 2-5998. FOR RENT STORAGE space _ for amount to 1,000 sq. ft. 116 No. Dixie. rent, any See Coles, FURNISHED apt., bedroom, living room, kitchen, tile shower, util- ities included. JU 5-4055. 1 BEDROOM house, wall heater, screened porch, garage. Close in. Couple only. 307 North K. FURNISHED - bedroom house, yearly or seasonal. 1302 So. M St., apply at 930 So. N St. MODERN 3-bedroom house, furn- ished. Reasonable. 1518 - 16th Ave. North, Lake Worth. ) ~ 2-3 ROOM. beautiful heated duplex apts. in Lantana. $600.00 season, or monthly. Utilities. JU 5-8245. 3 BEDROOM upstairs apartment, double entrance, near golf course. Utilities furnished. Reasonable. 218 N. Palmway. NICE quiet place for one to live. $60.00 month for winter; $40.00 for summer. JU 2-8308 YEARLY or seasonal, exceptionally attractive ground floor bedroom apt. Heat, TV, air conditoning. 32 South L. NEWLY finished cottage, ideal for couple. 1204 South Mathis, 965-2498, DE LUXE furnished apt., built in kitchen, TV and heat. Week, month, season, reasonable. Phone 585-6209, 226 So. Palmway. sisticceiaiilenicpaliiainaliadadiliaiais seca ie CLEAN, attractive 3-bedroom un- furnished house, also 2-bedroom unfurnished house. 482 South J St., Phone JU 2-4468. EXCEPTIONALLY attractive 2 bed- room furnished apt. JU 2-8157. After 6:00 and Sat. and Sun. JU 2- 4708 or JU 56-7030. FURNISHED 2 bedroom, 2 porch house. Off street parking. Shade, Patio. 224 North C St. EFFICIENCY apartments com- pletely furnished. All utilities. Season $350. Phone JU 2-4812. FURNISHED apt., season or yearly 307 No. O St., off street parking. OFFICE ROOMS, 521 Lake Max Cyr, 610 Ave. No. Apply owner. Lakeside Dr. Attorney desires to Share 2 Office Rooms Also secretary with someone in like business. Apply 610 Lake- side Dr.—JU 2-5214. FOR SALE HAVE 17-piece 8-ply stainless steel waterless cookware sets, original factory carton, was $149.00, sacri- fice $39.00. Will deliver. VI 4-1239. SALE — Double FOR | bed, box springs, innerspring mattress, $35.00. 26 So. B St. FOR SALE—20 guage Ithaca pump shot gun, like new and used very ae $60. Call JU 5-2528 or JU 2- on . a all tna ei scl saga FOR SALE—One 6 gal. gas tank and gear shift controls for Mercury Mark 25 or Mark 30. Price $25, Call JU 5-2528 or JU 2-5907. FOR SALE — Brass propellers for Mark 380. Price $8 each. Call JU , 5-2528 or JU 2-5907. ‘5 ACCORDION, clearance sale, and used. Lowest prices. Hall. JU 5-3215. rICTURE FRAMES — PHOTO—OIL Water colors—in stock and cus- tom made. Expert restoration. also art supplies and architects materials. JENNINGS ART SHOP, 705 Lucerne, opposite Post Office, Lake Worth, JU 2-1045. Automobiles For Sale 59 DODGE 4-door royal custom sedan, loaded with full power and extra accessories. Was a show car at the dealer's show. Including air and 6-way electric swivel seats, excellent condition, impossible to describe $2,400.00. JU 2--4083. 1959 RAM drive, 2728. new Victor BLER station wagon, over- low mileage, clean. 5- REAL ESTATE SACRIFICE by owner—Cooperative luchished efficiency apt. with patio and pool, on ATA, opposite ocean. Maintenance only $18.00 per mo. Total price $8,000.00. Sitwated in Tropicana Gardens, 4001 So. CEvasy Rd., So. Palm Beach, ‘Apt. INCOME Property—4 furnished De- Luxe Apartments. Patio, garden. Attractive returns. $7,500 cash re- quired. 226 South Palmway. Phone 585-6209, FOR THE better type home see &12 Minnesota St., Lantana. 2 bed- rooms, dream’ kitchen, Florida room, oak fioors. Nicely land- scaped, deep well, sprinkling svs- tem. A real buy. Phone JU 5-1221. BEAUTIFUL waterfront lot 60’x250’, Riparian rights, South Lakeside Dr. $200 front foot. Must sell, Box 23, Lake Worth Herald. {NCOME property, 4 furnished apts. JU 22-6957. Serre teeny —eretconernetneeneeseeresns ies einai alia Su BOUT Ol, home, 2 bedrooms, 424 wt Ned . CLOSE IN—Comfortable retirement home. Many desirable features, including low taxes. $7,400. Phone owner, JU 5-509. MALE AND FEMALE HELP WANTED NN saa SCHRAFFT’S RESTAURANT at the ROYAL POINCIANA PLAZA OPENING SOON ! Interviewing and Training Starts: THURSDAY, JANUARY 5 for all types of restaurant positions including: COOKS KITCHEN HELPERS SALAD AND SANDWICH WORK DISHWASHERS PORTERS WAITRESSES CASHIERS HOSTESSES BARTENDERS Restaurant will be open year round Experience preferred but not essential Full and Part Time Hours Available INTERVIEWS THURSDAY, FRIDAY JANUARY 5, 6 AND 7, 10 A.M, AND SATURDAY - 6 P.M, If not convenient telephone: TEmple 2-SHs7) for appointment APPLY SCHMMTETS TAURANT “TIANA PLAZA Cocoanut Row and Royal Poinciana Way, Palm Beach "