Swift's Premium All-Meat Sli. Bologna » 49. Swift’s Premium Boneless Canned Hams :: *2”” Copeland’s Tasty Bag Sausage ». 45. Dirr’s Gold Seal All Meat Wieners.....». 49: Jewell Chicken, Beef or Turkey Pot Pies ..22:....... x 69% Stouffer's Frozen Dutch Potato Salad ......2 32" 49% Chick'n & Noodles "1." 69° Orange Juice ....4 S 89 Turnovers .......... Uc" 59¢ (Apple, Blueberry, Lemon or Raspberry) P CEL PE AAU“ Fry Gorton’s Family Size Fish Sticks Men ks, 59% + pkg. Treceure fele Family Pack Breaded Shrimp ...'%": 99¢ camay camay toilet soap toilet soap Sms 298 2 Sire 29% PTA Geers x oa xy o CY Breakstone’s Taste Treat Sour Cream .....<.2 pnt 23° Famous Lucky Whip Dessert Topping >. <=. 49° Margarine =: ec a 298 Sharp Cheddar .-.. rs, 45° Swiss Cheese ...... ™ 79° heavy-duty kirk's h.w. PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY, JANUARY 7th... TENDER - AGED heavy western beef Boneless Round ». 99: Sirloin Steak .. » 99° T-Bone Steak. . » 99° Club Steak ....... & 99% Ground Beef... » 49° LOOSEN ““traly fresh seafoods”’’ Delicious Deep-Sea Scallops...... b 49 Tasty Pink Jumbo a: Ib. > te \ Z | SZ a 7 ee ase ice ay | 1589 OSBORNE ROAD. LANTANA @ COR. OF CONGRESS & 10th AVE. LAKE WORTH (PALM SPRINGS) @ 3000 BROADWAY RIVIERA BEACH @ PALM COAST SHOPPING PLAZA WEST PALM BEACH @ 828 SOUTHERN BLVD. WEST PALM BEACH STORE HOURS MON. THRU FRI.— A.M. ’TIL 9 P.M. SAT.—9 A.M. ’TIL 7 P.M. ‘PUBL & i t MARKETS y fluffo calgon water dupont lava soap castile soap shortening . conditioner sponges see 23¢ ~ 3 see 29 - "cn, aa = & ao 10c , 25% etn Se a ee Came eee, ie eee ee en en. a ne a. a Cae oS fe ee sspears tania TE SAIC TTL O ILA TLE CRE 2 Cet aaccasiite LAKE WORTH HERALD Pg. 9 Thurs., Jan. 5, 1961 State Sells Wildlife Food Seeds at Cost TALLAHASSEE—Florida land- owners may now obtain seed and seedlings for wildlife food plant- ings at cost-price from the Game and Fresh Water Fish Commis- sion. Landowners desiring such plant- ing materials should immediately forward their orders to R. W. Mur- ray, Game Biologist, Route 1, Chip- ley, Florida. Payment by check made out to the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission should accompany the order. Prices are $5.00 per thousand for Thunbergii lespedeza seedlings, 75 cents per pound for partridge pea seed, and 48 cents per pound for common lespedeza seed. The Commission formerly dis- tributed such planting materials free of charge. However, the Com- mission has found that a better quality of wildlife plantings, ‘and a better usage of the planting mater- ials, will be accomplished if the ma- terials are made available at cost. The policy to charge a cost-price for planting materials was recently set at a formal meeting of the Com- mission, { Information about planting the material may be obtained from the ‘Commission or the State Soil Con- servation Service, according to A. D. Aldrich, Commission Director. Road, Bridge Projects Up For the 17th straight month, road and bridge construction proj- ects in Florida have exceeded the $20 million mark, the State Road Department announced recently. In a monthly progress repott, Road Board Chairman William B. Willian said the Road Department’s construction projects in November totalled more than $210 million. Monthly totals have exceeded $200 million since July of 1959, Killian said. Theve was no bid letting im November but $210,349,231 in proj- ects. continued from _ previous months. During the month, contracts were .formally executed for road and bridge construction totalling 2,414,524 while work completed and accepted by the Road Department in the 30-day period amounted to $2,773,227. This figure includes work on more than 170 miles of new Inter- state highways, plus 345 miles of primary and 402 miles of second- ary, both new and improved. _ District Four — which includes heavily-populated Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties—led in the amount cf work under way in November with a total of §57,. 826,358. District Five, including 12 coun- ties in the central part of the state, set the pace in the number of projects with a total of 70, followed closely by District Two in north- east Florida with 69. District totals in November were as follows: District One—55 contracts in 14 counties totalling $35,787,081. District Two—69 contracts in 16 counties totalling $41,209,433. District Three—46 contacts in 16 counties totalling $27,844,263. District Four—44 contracts in 9 counties totalling $57,826,358. District Five—70 contracts in 12 counties totalling $47,682,096. Delicious Pie Boasts Tangy Cheese Flavor There is no better time to try an unusual flavor in your home-made apple pies than now while baking apples are at their peak. If you are looking for a really distinctive variation of the always popular pie—one that has exciting taste appeal — let American blue cheese and dairy sour cream come to the rescue. You'll find the subtle sharpness of the delicately- marbled blue cheese is in complete harmony with sweetened,. lightly spiced:.sour cream. In combination they accent- uate the goodness of sliced apples to make a surprisingly fine pie flilng with the chee providing an elegant note. This is the kind of ‘sttrastiea, open-faced pie to serve for Sunday dinner and for parties. Blue Cheese Apple Pie (eight-inch :pie) : Pastry for single 8-inch pie shell 4 to 5 large baking apples, pared and cored 2/3 cup sugar 1/4 teaspoon each cinnamon and nutmeg 2 tablespoons flour 1/2 cup dairy sour cream 1/2 cup crumbled American. blue cheese (about 3 ounces) Slice apples thin and arrange in pastry lined pie plate. Mix remain- ing ingredients together. Pour mix- ture evenly over the apples. Bake at 375 degrees for 45 to.50 minutes. Roll out any remaining pastry and cut designs with cooky cutter, Bake them on a cooky shéet in' hot oven for 10 minutes. Place cutouts on top of baked pie. Serve pie slightly warm, tm . waitin ete aa ; f x