LAKE WORTH HERALD | Road: tneonte Shows’ Rise’. _Retehue from the State "Road 5 Oepartthent’s “eight ‘toll’ projects totalled $465,650 in November, sur- ) Passing the earnings for the same hr diionth ih 1959 by $100,000. . The Road Department’s toll ‘fa- oon NR, ‘prodiéed $365,801 “during apie previoys November, actording to ‘Assistant Director of Revenue _s, PPoigets. Sam Draper. apt “© 2" Phe Department increased its toll ie ities to’ “bridges, ‘one ‘road- ay and Oné fefry’ withthe fecent “4s ‘see mpletion of ‘the Navarre Bridge ao-aip SH Sdhta’ Rosa County, Draper said. “is “However, revenue from the new #O'Piake” Was “hot “iticltided' fn the November ‘report: as it ‘was not so dpened to’ traffic: until “December *\ 4Q.. The. one-million dollar struc- seeture;’ located half: way: between 421 Pensacola and Fort Walton’ Beach, links Santa. Resa- Island - with. the «gs? 0 ge tat Navarre. ‘ avin ‘he Sunshine Skyway helow, St. «moPetersburg produced the most rev- 44jsenue, in, November, earning $142,- # $266. while. accommodating 133,097 sec¥ehicles. -on oDhe three. toll. bridges in. the Aeodacksonville. ’ Exxpresaway system eu. wanked second, third and fourth in y ‘tsevenne . earnings with the ,follow- go omg -figures:: Warren Bridge, $124, 266 from eds 765,280 vehicles; Mathews Bridge, oss HERE 3,698 © from 780,692 vehicles; i River . Bridge, $38,146 from ener vehicles, oe The two. Manatee County facili- ties—the Cortez Bridge and the Anna Maria Bridge from the main- land to Anna Maria Island—re- + néd a combined total of $17,460 in*® £76,850 * vehicles. é he Buccaneer Trail northeast, of Jacksonville, which includes the fegry\ Between Fort Gedrge’ and Mayport, was the only other toll project to produce more than $10,- 42000. ‘This combined highway-ferry “(was utilized by 19,887 vehicles and ed; earned $10,246: ~ bess ‘#6 The Department’s: other two. toll “projeets enrned’the remaining rev- .?.venue. with the following totals: 4 «Pensacola: Beach Bridge in Es- #*+«@ambia,; $5,099 from 72,878 vehicles. Shi Mattin -County.. facilities — nc: Bridges: over ‘the St. Lucie River oo° and Indian- River’ and the Jensen «ani Bridgé:—' $4,469 from 40 22: ve- hicles. fe were sf Aty! eo war otis “Rogers Sworn &%59¢ . We 39 3 » 29¢ DIXIE CRYSTALS PURE CANE ° limit 1 with purchases of $5.00 or more cascade detergent 2 A5¢ new comet cleanser cy oo new comet cleanser 2 Sue 49% eo? OOP 0 Ooo,