“e Page 6 RETURNS TO COLLEGE _ Miss Nancy Tuttle has returned to Florida State University, Talla- hassee, after spending the Christ- mas vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Tuttle, 246 Van- derbilt Dr. DESSERT CARD PARTY A dessert card party will be given by the Carl Vogel-Donald Lee Unit No. 47 of the American Legion Auxiliary on Tuesday, Jan. 10 at 12:30 p.m. at the American Legion Home, Garden And Lawn Tips! Dick Kelley This is the month to either continue or to begin planning year around care for your cit- rus trees. Now is the time to spray your trees with nutrition- al spray along with spreader sticker for thorough even cover- age. Your trees should also be fertilized this month with a com- plete citrus fertilizer at the rate of 2 pounds for each inch of trunk diameter. The only excep- tions to this are for a Key Lime tree which is one pound per inch and Mango trees which are fer- -fertilized when they begin to bloom whether it’s in December, January or February. The ferti- lizer should be evenly spread un- der the tree a little ways from the trunk to just beyond the out- er edge of the branch spread. If there is any grass in this area, holes should be made in } the grass with a sharp object and approximately one handful of fertilizer put in each hole. Any tree to be fertilized shou!d be thoroughly watered before and afterwards. P.S.: We are still having a drought. Don’t forget to keep your lawn and shrubs watered properly. KELLEY’S GARDEN CENTER “Where Customers Send Their Friends” 219 S. Dixie JU 5-1719 + t’s oe LAKE WORTH HERALD, Thurs. New England Club Sets Date for Annual Banquet In spite of the cool breezes served up by the weather man, more than 30 New Englanders gathered Wed- nesday noon for the club’s monthly picnic, Visitors for the first time were: Mrs. Marion McCann and Mrs. Dorothy Jewell of Melrose, Massa- chusetts; Mrs. Katherine Burley of Detroit, Michigan; and Mrs. Edith Woods of Boston, Massachusetts. Those attending included Cap- tain and Mrs. Harold Barry, Mr. and Mrs. James Beck, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Jens Bruuns, Mrs. Katherine Burley, Mrs. Loretta Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Hardy, Mrs. Elizabeth Hen- derson, Mr. and Mrs. John Hionas, Mrs. Dorothy Jewell, Mrs. Marion McCann, Mrs. Barton McLellan, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sorgini, Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Sturdy, Mrs. Edith M. Woods, Mr. and Mrs. James Wright, and Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Turner. A census by states was taken and Massachusetts won with 13 of those present. Announcement was made regard- ing the New England Club’s an- nual banquet at the Congregational Church Wednesday, Jan. 18 at 6:30 p.m.. Reservations must be made by Sunday, Jan. 15. Tickets may be obtained from the following: Richard Sorgini, JU 2- 0500; Mrs. Harry Sturdy, TE 3- 0017; Mrs. Barton McLellan, 965- 1293. Directly following the luncheon and games, President Richard C. Sorgini presided over a short busi- ness meeting. the highest quality and taste. Will Pay its Savers Dividends Totaling $712,351.95 For the 6-Month Period Ending December 31, 1960 DURING THE PAST YEAR Savers at First Federal of Lake Worth _— aaa a Total of . $1,366,399.55 We'd like to express our apprecia- tion to the thousands of thrifty people who save regularly at First Federal of Lake Worth. Saving as much as they can afford each month, our savers have helped the growth of First Federal of Lake Worth keep pace with the rapid expansion of this area. OUR ASSETS NOW EXCEED $41,000,000.00 to: wee when you can afford it best . . us Genuine Vine -Ripened Hydroponic Tomatoes Soiless Grown for Best Rich Flavor and High Color This is the only tomato grown and picked with extreme care for QUALITY FARMS hydroponic tomatoes are prime picked (selected, tomato by tomato, as they ripen) — BEST in TASTE, FLAVOR and COLOR. At Your Supermarkets or Chain Stores QUALITY FARMS Wholesale — South 14th Ave. & Wingfield St. — Retail LAKE WORTH, FLA. We Ship 8-lb. Gift Boxes — Order One Today for That Friend TT TT FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN Association of Lake Worth ‘|/Permits Drop During 1960 Building permit valuations in Lake Worth during 1960 were more than $2,000,000 behind the 1959, according to John Haeser, building inspector. Total valuation for 1960 was $4,124,812. The 1959 total was $6,- 154,041. The December 1960 total was $122,410, compared with $246,003 during December 1959, or $240,346 during November 1960. During the past month, permits were issued for four single family residences. one residential duplex, 22 residential additions, alterations and repairs, two commercial and industrial alterations, 15 roof clean- ings, two awnings, four air condi- tioning and duct work, and seven excavation and paving. Daniel Gorham To Be Speaker Tuesday Members of the Lake Worth Re- publican Club Board met at the home of Mrs. Ida Hewitt Wednes- day to plan a coming meeting. Mrs. Buren Webster, the president, an-: nounced that Daniel Gorham, new- ly elected supervisor of county voters registration, will be the guest speaker at a luncheon at 12:30 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 10, at the First Christian Church, North J Street at North 3rd Avenue. A monthly Newsletter contain- ing information for reservations and club news was mailed to 350 members Wednesday night. For luncheon reservation call, by Sunday evening, either JU 2- HONOR DOHERTY — Lake Worth Jaycee President William Harvey is shown presenting Joe Doherty a award. Doherty received this award for his chairmanship of the drivers license sale project during the month of September. He is presently a director in the local Jaycees. In accepting the award he urged all young men in the area of Lake Worth, Palm Springs and Lantana to join the Jaycees for the valuable leadership train- ing an individual can receive through active participation in Jay- 6779, JU 2-6270 or JU 2-1562. Anyone interested in joining this club will be welcome to attend the meeting and meet the Republican Women of Lake Worth. Cross State Barge Canal Plan Cited In connection with a _ recent article on the proposed Cross-Flor- ida Barge Canal, the Honorable Charles E. Bennett, M.C. has sent Miss Camille O’Neill of Lake Worth a mimeographed copy of a letter from President-Elect John F. Ken- nedy in which the latter congratu- | lates Bennett on his joining the “Kennedy -Johnson Natural Re- sources Advisory Committee.” Congressman Bennett has work- ed steadfastly to activate this proj- ect which was approved in 1942. Kennedy stated in his letter, “I will be glad to cooperate with you in making this project a reality. I regard it not only as important to Florida, but to the economy of our entire country.” John Henry Benner, uncle of Miss O’Neill, was reportedly first to suggest the canal to the Flagler interests around 1881 and _ the project has slowly advanced through the years. Heavy duty machinery has now made it prac- tical. Miss O’Neill advocates raised locks to conserve the water table for the orange groves. “Jaycee of the Month’ Lantana Voters... (Continued From Page One) provement. Talk of an addition to the pres- ent building again started last year, and the council, by a 3 to 2 vote, advertised for bids and awarded a contract to Robert A. Tedcastle for a $10,390 addition to the present Town Hall building. As a result of this action, Donald Lilienthal, president of the Lyndon Lanes Corporation, sought an in- junction to restrain the council from proceeding with construction, claiming that the council had not advertised property under the char- ter. At present the decision on the injunction suit lies dormant pend- ing the outcome of the election. The proposed ordinance, submit- ted with the petitions last fall, states: “The Town Council of the Town of Lantana, Florida, is hereby au- thorized, empowered and directed to make an appropriation for the erection of a new Town Hall in Greynold’s Circle and is further authorized, empowered and directed to erect such a new Town Hall at Greynold’s Circle during the year of 1961, said appropriation having been made in time so as to allow the construction of this new Town Hall in 1961. “Ordinances previously passed, parts of ordinances previously passed and any and all previous activity of this Town of Lantana, its Mayor or its Town Council in- cluding motions duly made in Town meetings that are or may be in conflict are hereby repealed.” Child Growth |Voter Forms Sent Electors Study Listed Palm Beach Junior College, through the office of the director of Evening Division, Dr. Paul W. Graham, announces a course in Child Growth and Development, to be offered in the spring semester of the evening classes. A developmental study is made of the normal child from birth to the adolescent years. Practical ap- plications are stressed, with their implications for the parent and teacher as well as for the evolving individual. Written reports on ob- servations of several age levels of infancy and childhood are a part of the course. Registration for the course will begin on Monday, Jan. 9, with classes scheduled to start on Mon- day, Jan. 30. For additional infor- mation, call JU 2-53801 or write to the Director of Evening Divisoin, -alm Beach Junior College, 400 S. Congress Ave., Lake Worth, Fla. Plumbers Oppose (Continued from Page One) ducing the possibility of damage to the turbine “buckets.” Smith told The Herald that the blowing out process will be a noisy undertaking, lasting up to six hours, as high-pressure steam is passed through the lines. He said area residents should not be upset by the noise, that it will be strictly a temporary measure. Russell and Axon was authorized to check preliminary plans of Town of Palm Beach engineers for hook- ing into the city’s outfall sanitary sewer system. The consulting en- gineers will also set up a rate fountain pens. The office of the City Clerk of Lake Worth is sending out 1,100 notices to registered electors who have not voted in city elections for the past two years. Since many voters have been confused because they have to register in both the count and state, and also the city elections, the notices may clarify the issue. for them. A postcard is enclosed with each notice, which must be returned within 30 days, to advise the City structure for handling Palm Beach sewage. A public hearing was set for 7:15 p.m., Monday, Feb. 6, for authorizing the spreading of assess- ment for paving 7th Ave. S., be- tween South J St. and Dixie Hwy. In other business, the commis- sion: Tabled a request from the City of Atlantis to relinquish Lake Worth’s power understanding with that community. Donated $125 to the Lake Worth Men’s Golf Assn. for the annual Lake Worth Pro-Am Golf Tourna- ment. Authorized the changing of the flashing amber light on 7th Ave. N. at Federal Hwy. to flashing red during hours that it is not in reg- ular service. Heard the City Manager report that the city engineer has applied to the State Road Department for permission to widen Dixie Hwy. in the downtown area along the lines of the McCoy Plan. Heard a letter, read by Hossler, from an Ohio man, concerning the police, garbage piles and signs and shrubbage blocking the view at intersections in the city. (A copy of the letter is published in the “Letters to the Editor” column of this newspaper. It. was held up One Day Only — — Saturday, Jan. 7 — 11 a.m. to 5 p.m." m. 6—HOURS ONLY —6 This certificate and $1.00 entitles the bearer to one of our genuine Tuckersharpe precision made And the new Tucker 500 ball pen, a complete writing set. The fountain pen has visible ink section. Costs less than le to refill withe ordinary ink. THE PEN SET morn A RIFE TIME GUARANTEE — ASSORTED COLORS At last a ball pen that han 2 a king ‘dite tanker refill ‘that can’t skip. Has the carbide gripper ball point that writes on any surface. Tested and approved by leading banks. The longest writing refill on the market. This set given FREE if you can buy one in the city for less than $5.00. This certificate good only during advertised sale. Mail orders add 25c for postage. IDEAL Drug Store LIMIT 3 THIS SET SETS 'TO WILL BE EACH $ AFTER CERTIFICATE SALE Corner Lake and Dixie One Day Only — Saturday, Jan. 7 — 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. How to Plan Your House to ,Clerk whether or not the elector’s qualifications remain the same as they were when registering, and also whether or not the elector has moved. If the elector fails to return the form within the 30-day period, his name will be withdrawn from the registration records, and then can be restored only by the elector go- ing to the office of the City Clerk, while the registration books are open, and advising that he is still qualified to vote. The City Clerk states that unless these persons comply with the requirements, they will be unable to vite in the next municipal election. TV SERVICE| GUARANTEED | REPAIRS WE SERVICE ALL MAKES & MODELS AUTHORIZED RCA - PHILCO - ZENITH DEALER ESTERLINE'S TV JU 5-6218 523 LAKE AVE. $100 SET Suit Yourself! @ Have money when you need it most : Florida Gardens is a custom-built community where you can build the home of your own design on a large king-size lot-—— 100’ by 120’ is the minimum. Therefore you have a home which re- flects the style and size of your choice. Our help is available for your convenience and the resi- dent*builders will be glad to assist. This beautiful 3-bedroom—2-bath home is on an oversize lot—100’ by 150’ fully landscaped, with large front and back porches, carport, full ceramic tile baths, beauty-vanity bar, built-in all elec- tric kitchen, indirect lighting, attractive brick planter-dividers, terrazzo floors and central heating. The low down payment on this home is just $1500.00. This may be the home you have been planning to own. | Nc THAUUAUQUOUOQQQQQNOGQQGOOAAEOOOT Kederal SAV NG ' OAN LAKE Sk TH 200 Lake Ave LAKE WORTH R. E. BRANCH, President MEMBER FEDERAL SAVINGS ‘AND’ LOAN INSURANCE CORPORATION ee eel aetna QULUUQHOAUGEAASUOOLUGUAGUAGUOGEUUAGOEAAUUAUAATAA AE @ NO WATER BILL @ NO SEWER BILL @ NO CITY TAXES FLORIDA GARDENS Q Suburban Commumity Camong The Fimese ACROSS FROM LAKE WORTH ROAD INTERCHANGE % % KARL BEACHLER & SON @ LAKE WORTH ROAD @ 965-1929 BOYNTON BEACH OFFICE: 901 SO. FEDERAL HWY e BOYNTON BEACH Sel NN TTA