q ® _ school, School of Evangelism To Be Held By Methodists At Ft. Lauderdale Jan. 10 Representatives from 110 Methodist Churches on the southeastern coast ‘of Florida wil! assemble at the Park Temple Methodist Church, Ft. Lauderdale, at 10 a.m. on Jan. 10 for an annual school of evangel- ism to be led by Bishop James W. a of Jacksonville. Dr. Lewis N. Head, chairman of ¥ the Board of Evangelism for Meth- odists of the state will preside, and principal speakers will be Bishop Henley, Dr. Leslie Ross of Nash- ville, Tenn. and Dr. Henry W. Blackburn, district superintendent of the West Palm Beach District. Other speakers include Dr. P. M. Boyd, district superintendent of the Miami District, Dr. George A. Fos- ter, host pastor, Rev. T. ‘H. Norton, Lake Worth, and Rev. D. J. Cath- cart, Warren W. Willis, Eugene Rustland and Robert Bledsoe of Lakeland. Pastors, Sunday school superin- tendents, lay leaders, and leaders of the commissions on membership and evangelism, Methodist Youth Fellowship and Woman’s Society of Christian Service will be in attend- ance. Nazarene Giving $142 Per Person For New Record Per capita giving of $142.37 set a denominational record in 1960 in the Church of the Nazarene. The increase was nearly $7 per person over the preceding year. Giving for all purposes climbed to a record $45,350,000, an increase of $3,170,000. The total was $42,- 180;000 in 1959. The annual statistical report re- leased by Dr. S. T. Ludwig, Kansas City, general secretary, showed that membership increased to 318,- 588. This was a net gain of 7,289 persgns. The denomination started one new church a week or a net gain of 45 during the year and a total of 44,741 churches on Jan. 1, 1961. Gains in membership also were recorded for 1960 by the Sunday Foreign Missionary society and the Young People’s society. American Samoa and Denmark were among world areas in which new Nazarene work started in 1960. At year-end, the denomination had more than 450 full-time mission- aries in 42 world areas. Special offerings for world mis- sions: at Thanksgiving and Easter each exceeded $1,000,000. ee on the report, Dr. Ludwig said: “Total giving for all purposes during 1960 exceeded any- thing we have done as a denomina- tion. The $142.37 per capita .fig- ure also was a church record. “The membership gain of 2.34 per cent, while not quite up to 1959, was better than we had ex- pected in view of our quadrennial world assembly held last June in Kansas City.” WCTU MEETING The Woman’s Christian Tempers ance Union will meet Monday at 2 pm. at Calvary Methodist Church. Each member is asked to bring a hat, purse and dress wrapped separately, to be sold for 25 cents to raise funds for the WweTu. FREE BIBLE STUDY Scripture Study Fellowship LAKE WORTH, FRIDAY, 7 P.M. 710 NORTH A LANTANA, SUN., 3 P.M. 133 MAYFIELD JU 2-7193, JU 2-3580, JU 2-6698 First Church of 918 N. Lakeside Drive e Church and Sunday School and Nursery Sunday ‘Topics In The Churches First United Presbyterian Church Rev. Harry Bicksler, Interim Pastor. Morning worship, 11 a.m. Communion, Sermon, “This Do In Remembrance of Me.” Calvary Methodist Church Rev. T. H. Norton, minister. Morning worship, 8:30 and 10:55 a.m. Sermon, “What Evil Hath He Done?” Evening worship, 7:30 p.m., ser- on, “First Things.” First Congregational Church Rev. Richard P. Carter, minister. Sunday school, 9:30 a.m. Morning worship, 9:30 and 11 a.m. Sermon theme, “Hunger.” Pilgrim Fellow- ship, 6:30 p.m, St. Andrew’s. Lutheran Church Rev. Douglas Ollila, pastor. Sun- day school, 9:15 a.m., Ken Guske, superintendent. Morning worship, 10:30 a.m. Ser- mon, “The Star of Bethlehem.” Anthem, by the Chapel Singers, Mrs. Ade Lautiainen, director. First Baptist Church Rev. Dallas Pulliam, assistant pastor. Morning worship, 11 a.m. Sermon, “Now Therefore Arise!” Evenine worship, 7:45 p.m. “Free Religion.” First Church of Christ, Scientist Importance of understanding the spiritual meaning of the Eucharist and of truly commemorating the life of Christ Jesus will be empha- sized at the semi-annual commun- ion service at Christian Science churches this Sunday. Highlighting the lesson-sermon entitled “Sacrament” is the Golden Text from I Corinthians (5:8): “Let us keep the feast not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.” ciel Unity of Lake Worth Mary L. Kupferle, minister. Wor- ship services, 10:15 and 11:15 a.m. lesson topic, “A New Set of Val- ues,” Jan. 12 Book Review, “Selected Studies.” sieves lips oe a itn acti CELL LD. CT Jehovah’s Witnesses Sermon topic for Jehovah’s Wit- nesses, 118 N. A St., Sunday, Jan. 8 at 7 p.m. “Achieve Happiness in the Family Circle.” Speaker, F. Dietz, representing Watchtower So- ciety. Bible study, 8:15 p.m. Using Watchtower Publication Referring to I Cor. 7:15 p.m. Subjects, “Mar- ried Believers Called to Peace and Salvation.” Truth Research Fcl!owship Assembly Woman’s Club Bldg., 18 S. Fed- eral Hwy., Adlai Loudy, speaker 1961 season. Sunday at 11 a.m., “Consolation and Comfort in Trib- ulation and Sorrow.” Christ, Scientist Lake Worth Sunday 11 A.M. Wednesday Evening Meeting 8 P.M. WORSHIP SERVICES Sunday 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Baptist Training Union 6:30 p.m. “A Friendly Welcome Awaits You” Calvin Booth, Pastor NORTHSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH 1200 NORTH G ST. 500 OVERLOOK ROAD Morning Worship 11:00 Sunday School 9:45 A.M. ‘Wednesday Evening Prayer Service 7:45 P.M. EVERYONE WELCOME Nursery Open at All Sunday Services MORE GOOD NEWS “In Search of a Church?” FIRST BAPTIST — HYPOLUXO JOHN L. MILLER, PASTOR Evening Worship 7:45 Training Union 6:30 P.M. from GOD’S WORD! . . . BY ADLAI LOUDY EACH SUNDAY AT 11 A.M. Woman’s Club Building, 18 S. Federal Hwy. . What the Scriptures Say on ‘Consolation and Comfort in Tribulation and Sorrow” TRUTH RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP ASSEMBLY ' Worth Elks’ “Diary of a Bible” Theme of Devotions The Susanna Wesley Circle of Lakeside Methodist Church met Wednesday morning at the home of Mrs. Samuel Hetherington. “Mrs. Eugene Griffin led the de- votion period using as the theme, “Diary of a Bible” in which the ‘group participated. The program, “Looking Back- ward but Thinking Forward” was presented by Mrs. Harris Haycox. It was in the form of a TV broad- east with Mrs. Robert Dwiggins taking the part of Mrs. Newcomer, and Mrs. Luther Dorsey as Mrs. Longyear. Mrs. Newcomer is told about the work of the Department of Work in Home Fields of the Wo- man’s Division of Christian Service. Two new members, Mrs. P. J. Watson and Miss Lucile Springer, and the visitors Mrs. Roy Harter, Mrs. H. S. Bacon and Miss Lillie Simmons were welcomed. Mrs. John Luke, chairman opened the business meeting. Final plans were made for the father-son ban- quet to be held Jan. 10, by Mrs. Fred Huber. Mrs. Luther Dorsey reported on the sponsorships for the Chain of Missions for Feb. 26- 28. Mrs. Harris Haycox reported on the Christian Workers’ School, Jan, 22-26 to be held at Calvary Methodist Church. Hostesses were: Mrs. Samuel Setherington and Mrs. O. D. Mar- tin. Billy Graham To Address |. Florida Baptist Convention Billy Graham heads the list of out-of-state speakers who will address the Evangelistic Conference of the Florida Baptist Convention at the First Baptist Church, Jacksonville, Jan. _ Graham, a Southern Baptist, will’*--————- bring the closing address on Thurs- day evening, Jan. 12, to the pastors of the 1,257 churches that make up the convention. Also featured on the program will be Herschel H. Hoggs, pastor, First Baptist Church, Oklahoma City, and permanent speaker on the Southern Baptist Convention’s world-wide radio program, “The Baptist Hour.” Other out-of-state speakers in- clude Charles B. Howard, Buies Creek, N. C., Vernon Yearby, Dal- las, and Howard B. Foschee, Nash- ville. Claude Rhea, New Orleans Baptist Seminary, will direct the music program. Florida Baptist leaders appear- ing on the program are E. C. Aber- nathy, Tampa, Albert L. Carnett, Winter Haven, R. B. Culbreth, Miami, James A. Sawyer, Cocoa, and John Maguire, executive secre- tary, Florida Baptist Convention, Jacksonville. Homer G. Lindsay, Sr., is the host pastor. The program, an annual affair, is directed by Paul A. Meigs, di- rector of evangelism, for the con- vention. ALTAR-ROSARY SOCIETY TO MEET The January meeting of the Sac- red Heart Altar and Rosary Society will be held Thursday, Jan. 5, in Madonna Hall, at 8 p.m. “Let’s Stop Desecrating Christmas!” Guest Church Editorial by the Rev. John B. Bass Pastor of Lakeside Methodist Church This is to all who observe the religious holiday of Christmas. This is NOT directed to those who see in Christ- mas only a secular winter holiday. On December 27, as I was getting my gas tank filled, the attendant told me that he was glad that Christmas was for one day, as he was so worn out from building up to it that he had no energy left now. Now this is unfortunate, but it is the overwhelming feeling of people today regarding Christmas. “Whew! Am I glad that’s over!” The ironical thing about this attitude is that this is precisely NOT what Christmas is supposed to do or be. We are to relax, and in the calm and serenity of this special time, think about the gift of God’s Son to His children. It is the time to enjoy our families and children, our churches, our fellgw-Christians. A person can hardly enjoy or appre- ciate things if he is continually on the go—go—go. Seldom during the year do we have time or inclination to think deeply about God coming to earth in human flesh as a Babe, and our subsequent relation to others because of the fact; but Christmas is that time. Let us state, further, that it is psychologically dangerous to build up to a frenzied, emotional climax, and then have it ended so rudely in such an amazingly short time. And if we are aware of the high emotional pitch on which life is lived today, we should be especially careful not to strain our resources. Here, then, is what we fail to realize: the Christian observance of Christmas is NOT just a day—it is a season of twelve days. Traditionally, Christmas begins with Jesus’ birth (December 25) and ends a dozen days later when the wise men bring their gifts to the Christ Child (January 6). (It would, of course, take the wise men some time to get to the stable, for they had a long way to travel on camel.) Let us then, Christians, return the sacredness and thus the sanity to the season of Christmas, and do away with the un-Christian frustration, hurry, and anxiety that so characterizes our observance of this Christian season today. College -Career Group Recognized at Service Members of the College and coe and Becky Pettit. Other Career Group of Lakeside Meth- | members of the group are George odist Church were recognized at the Student Recognition service at the Sunday evening service. Mrs. V. P. Conway, secretary of Student Work of the Woman’s So- ciety of Christian Service, told of the Society’s student work program in the local church and introduced the following college students; Jo Ann Alvarez, Beverly Hathaway, Sandy Hardman. College students not present were Marvin DeVos, Phil Bacon, Harvey Fountain, Susie Switzer, Larry Bornillaud, Ethel Sadosuk, Linda Akin, David Akin, Barbara Gregory, Maureen Batten, Lee Brown, Carol 'Huber, and Ken- neth Huber. Mr. and Mrs. Del Hardman and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huber were in- troduced as counselors for the group which meets at 8:3 p.m. every Sunday. After church the group met at the Huber’s home for a meeting and party. Also attend- ing were Mrs. Hardman, Sr. and The Rev. and Mrs. John Bass and son, Ben. Does To Install New Officers All Does, Elks and their guests are cordially invited to attend the installation of Lake Worth Does officers, Drove 146. The impressive ceremony will be held at the Lake Lodge, South Dixie Hwy., Sunday afternoon, Jan. 9 at 3:00 p.m. Mrs. Ida Walker, out- going president will present Mrs. Verda Brockseker, 1961 president with the Drove gavel, Special guests from Orlando will be Mrs. Esther LeFever, deputy supreme president, who will install Mrs. Brockseker and her officers, and deputy supreme conductor, Mrs. Florence Hoff, who will assist. | After the ceremony, refreshments will be served in the club lounge by Mrs. Rose Strauss and her com- mittee. ART EXHIBIT WEST PALM BEACH—An ex- hibit of Seth Eastman Art, sched- uled to be shown at the Norton Gal- lery and School of Art from Jan. 4 through Jan. 26, was warmly re- ceived at a preview for Palm Beach Art League members Monday aft- ernoon. Serving at a tea following the preview were: Mrs. Fred K. Her- pel, Mrs. Anne E’Del Deacon, Mrs. Russell J. Conn, Mrs. Vaughn Spalding, Mrs, Fred Johnson, Mrs. Gene Gavin and Miss Helen Bur- gess, Dean of Students. Opening simultaneously with the Seth Eastman exhibit was the Uni- versity of Florida Photography Show “Creative Photography,” compiled by Van Deren: Coke, assistant professor of art, College of Agriculture and Fine Arts, Uni- versity of Florida, Gainesville, The above show will be on view in Gal- lery 9 through January 20, Wesleyan Guild Views Slides of “The Holy Land” The Wesleyan Service Guild of Calvary Methodist Church met in the nurses home of Southeast Flor- ida Tuberculosis Hospital, Lantana on Monday evening with Miss Beth Byers, Miss Melanie Doldie, and Miss Bernice Lovell as hostesses. Miss Nelle Barker, president, presided and opened the meeting by reading “A Prayer for the New Year,” by St. Francis of Assisi after welcoming the members and guests. Miss Mae Lines conducted the devotions using as her theme, “Our Horizons.” The program chairman, Mrs. Edna Olcott, introduced Sam Phillips who showed films of his visit to The Holy Land, Egypt, Jor- dan, Israel, Bethany, Paris, and Switzerland last summer. The pic- tures of the flowers in Switzerland were gorgeous especially the many varieties of pansies. During the short business ses- sion Mrs. Jean Burr, supply secre- tary, read a letter from the confer- ence secretary stating the needs in the home and foreign fields to which the Guild will contribute. The Christian Workers School of West Palm Beach District to be held at Calvary Methodist Church January 22-26-and the revival meet- ings to be held January 29 through February 3 were announced. Sev- eral Guild members signified that they will take part in the Fellow- ship. of Intercession. Cheer cards were signed by the Guild members to be sent to Mrs. Sue Selleck and Mrs, Berta Jones who are ill. The next meeting February 6 will be with Mrs. Marie Livingston with Mrs. Mayme Goebel co-host- ess. The hostesses served spiced tea and fancy sandwiches to the new member, Mrs. Mary Ann Mann, guests Sam D. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Phillips, Mrs. Ethel M. Lutts who was on the conducted trip and Mr. Phillips and 27 others, Mrs. Mildred M. Newton, Miss Mary Spiker, and Miss Edith Greely, and members Miss Barker, Mrs. Edna Olcott, Miss Edith Grupe, Mrs. Gertrude Orr, Miss Mae Lines, Mrs. Mayme Goebel, Mrs. Jean Burr, Mrs. Laura Turner, Mrs. Anna Austin, Mrs. Ida Chand- ler, Miss Edith Ford, Mrs. Ruth Hein, Miss Helen Hon, Mrs. Lucile Stears, Mrs. Marie Livingston, Miss Lottie Laughman, Mrs. Lucy Slack, and Mrs. Eleanor Switzler. Finlandia Group Has Holiday Party Finlandia Foundation Palm Beach County Chapters’ Holiday party was a great success with over 60 members and guests at- tending. A new member was wel- comed into the club: Mrs. Emma- Liisa Hakala. “America” was sung by Mrs. Cecelia Panella and Mrs. Fanny West. Little Virginia Petterson played Finlandia and another little girl Emily Erickson played selections on the flute. Sisters Linda and Laila Lundstedt sang a song “Give Us This Day.” Tauno Kiuru gave a trumpet solo, accompanied by Arvo Paananen. Mrs. Hakala re- cited a poem, “Change of the Year.” Mrs. Panella sang Ameri- can and Italian songs with the ac- companiment of Alfred Anderson. A visiting singer Paul Oksman sang two numbers and also showed slides of the Squaw Valley Olympic games. Refreshments were in the holiday motif, served by Mrs. Pan- ella, Mrs. Alma Nummela, Mrs. Fanny West, Mrs. Anna Virta and Mrs. Olga Sjoblom. Thor Soder- holm, president, acted as a master of ceremonies. Lakeside Circle Program Meeting The Elizabeth Asbury Circle of Lakeside Methodist Church met at the home of Mrs. John Bass on Wednesday morning. The devotions were in charge of Mrs. Frank Osborne and Mrs. Bass. The program, “Looking Back- ward, Thinking Forward,” was given by Mrs. Joe Alvarez and Mrs. Warren Hamilton. Mrs. Osborne led a quiz on “What the Woman’s Society of Christian Service Means to Me.” The business meeting was con- ducted by the chairman, Mrs. Tida Ike. Mrs. Stanley Bowles announced the study course on “Basic Chris- tian Beliefs” will be given on Jan- uary 19, 26 and February 2 and 9. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Guy Gregory. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Bass and Mrs. Ike, the co- hostess to Mrs. Isaac Ramey, Mrs. James Lays, Mrs. Stanley Bowles, Mrs. Joe Alvarez, Mrs. Bennie Von Drak, Mrs. Mentor Herman, Mrs, Tida Ike, Mrs. Jesse Rushforth, Mrs. George Ripley, Sr., Mrs. Frank Osborne, Mrs. Guy Gregory, Mrs, Warren Hamilton, and Mrs. Bass, er ‘were made at the ae lar December meetings (first and third Sundays) for two bowling parties and a Christmas party. The bowl- ing parties were held on December 21 and 30. The group met at the church and from there went to Major League Lanes and then to “McDonalds” for lunch. The Christ- mas party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pierce, 302 Vanderbuilt Dr., Tuesday the 27th from 8 to 10:30 p.m. Games were played and general dancing was enjoyed. Refreshments were served and a gala time had by all who at- tended. Further plans for the district rally to be held here April 27-30 will be made at the regular meet- ing on an. 1 at 2:30 p.m. CALVARY METHODIST CHURCH First Avenue South at O Street Rev. T. H. Norton, Minister Mrs. Louis Dring, Organist-Director 8:30 and 10:55 a.m.—Morning wor- ship. 9: 45 a.m.—Sunday School. 5:00 p.m.—Youth Choir Rehearsal. 6:00 p.m.—Snack Supper. 6: 30—Fellowship Groups. 7:30—Evening Service. FRIENDS MEETING (Quaker) 823 North A St., Lake Worth Sundays—10:30 a.m. CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH The Church of the Back to God Hour A Street and 11th Avenue North Rev. Wilbert M. VanDyke Morning Worship—10 a.m. Sunday School—11:15 mat Evening Worship—7 p.m. Bible Hour, Thursday, 7:30 p.m. CHURCH OF CHRIST 720 North Federal Highway Rev. J. G. Burner, Minister Sunday School—10 a.m. Morning Worship—1l1 a.m. Wednesday —7:30 p.m. Woman's Class, Tuesday, 10 a.m. Mid-week Service, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. CHURCH OF CHRIST 4101 - 10th Ave. N. Eugene Pitts, Minister Sunday School—10 a.m. Morning Worship—1i a.m. Evening Worship—7:30 p.m. Riidweek Service, Thursday, 8 p.m. CHURCH OF GOD 713 North F Street . Rev. T. G. Pearson, Pastor Sunday School—9:45 a.m. Morning Worship—11 2.:1. Evangelistic Service—7:30 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service — 7:30 p.m. Youth Service Friday—7:50 p.m. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Rev. C. R. Moore, Pastor Second Avenue North at C Street Sunday School—9:45 a.m. Morning Worship—11 a.m. Evening Worship—7:30 p.m. BETHEL TEMPLE ASSEMBLY OF GOD 11382 North 16th Avenue Rev. John Wilkerson Sunday School—9:45 a.m. Morning Worship—1l1 a.m, Evening Service—7:45 p.m Wednesday Evening Service — 7:45 p.m. EVANGELICAL COVENANT CHURCH Highridge Road, Lake Osborne District Rev. J. Arvid Jones, Pastor Sunday School—9:45 a.m. Morning Worship—11 a.m. Evening Worship—7 p.m. Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., Bible study and prayer service. FAITH UNITED PRESBYTERIAN Palm Springs Village Hall Rev. Robert P. Heim, Pastor Sunday School and Nursery, 9 a.m., 56 Pinehurst Rd. Morning worship, 11 a.m. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Second Avenue South and M Street Rev. Dallas E. Pulliam, Asst. Pastor Bible School—9:45 a.m. Morning Worship—11 a.m. Training Unton—6:30 p.m. Evening Worship—7:45 p.m. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Third Avenue North and J Street Clarence E. Rhodes, Pastor 9:39 a.m.—Church School, Mr. J. BH. Williams, Superintendent. 10:45 a.m.—Morning Worship. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST 918 North Lakeside Drive Sunday School—11 a.m. Nursery. Morning Service-—11 a.m. The Christian Science Reading Room, including circulating library, at 608 Lucerne Avenue, is open daily except Sundays and legal holi- days from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Mondays and Fri- days. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH K Street at 14th Avenue, North Rev. Richard P. Carter, Minister. Sunday Sclool—9:36 a.m. Worship Service—9:20 a.m. Pilgrim Fellov-ship — 6:30 p.m., Parish House. FIRST FREE METHODIST Broward Street, Greenacres City Rev. Charles F. Gallup Sunday School—10 a.m. Morning Worship—11 a.m. Young People’s Meeting—7 p.m. Thursday—Mid-week Service, 7:30 p.m. FREE METHODIST CHURCH 1208 Lucerne Avenue Rev. Homer Browne, Pastor Sunday School—$9:45 a.m. Morning Worship—11:00 a.m. Young People’s aa p ee Evening Service—-7:30 Prayer Meeting, Wednesday—7: 30 p.m. FIRST UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 231 No. Federal, Lake Worth Rev. Harry Bicksler, Interim Pastor Sunday School—9:30 a.m. Morning Worship--11 a.m. Youth Fellowship, 6:30 p.m. Evening Worship—-7:30 p.m. William B. Freer, superintendent. Geraldean Wilhite Smith, minister of music. Loren Rowley, organist. LAKE WORTH HERALD, Thurs., Jan. 5, 1961 Town and Country Circle Meetings Are Scheduled Circle meetings vf Town and Country Garden Club for Monday, Jan. 9, are as follows: Hibiscus Circle will meet with Mrs. A, J. Butler, 1802 N, N St. at 1 p.m. Holly Circle will meet with Mrs. Lauri O. Hiltunen, 1715 - 18th Ave., N., at 8 p.m. ’ Jasmine Circle, with Mrs. Clarice Fennell, 130 Hart St., Lantana at 10 a.m. Orchid Circle, with Mrs. Norman S. Baer, 3514 Lake Osborne Dr, at 9:30 a.m. Go to the Church of Your Choice Each Sunday CHRISTIAN CHURCH W. Palm Beach at Forrest Hill Rd. Rev. Robert P. oo Minister sible School, 9:30 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. p.m. Meeting, Se seedie, Evening Serv ice, 7:30 Wednesday Prayer p.m. 7:30 COMMUNITY REFORMED CHURCH OF PALM SPRINGS 153 Henthorne Drive Rev. Stuart Blauw, Pastor Morning Worship—10: 00 a.m. Sunday Schooi-—i1:15 a.m. Young People's Meeting—6 p.m. Evening Service-——7:30 p.m. Wednesday, 3:15 p.m., Children’s Choir. Midweek Service, Wednesday, 7:30. BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH In fellowship with General Associa- tion of Regular Baptist Churches Woman’s Club of Lake Worth 20 S. Federal Highway Rev. Stanley Smith, Pastor Sunday School—9:30 a.m. Morning Worship—11:00 a.m. Evening Service—7:30 p.m. GRACE BIBLE CHURCH 1915 North A Street Rev. G. Hunter Norwood Sunday School—9:45 a.m. Sunday Service—11 a.m. Evening Worship—7: 30 p.m. —e 7:30 p.m., Prayer Serv- ce GRACE MEMORIAL SPIRITUAL SCIENCE CHURCH Carpenters Hall, 611 Lucerne Ave. Rev. Harry A. Tubbs, Pastor Sunday Service, 7:30 p.m. GRACE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Hypoluxo Road Rev. Thomas L. Harrington, Minister Church School—9:30 a.m. Worship Service—1l1 a.m. Nursery. GREENACRES FIRST BAPTIST Sunday School—9:45 a.m. Worship Service—1l1 a.m. Yraining Union—6 p.m. Worship Service—7:15 p.m: Wednesday, 7 p.m.—Prayer Meet- ing; 8 p.m.—Choir Rehearsal. HYPOLUXO BAPTIST CHURCH Hypoluxo, Florida “In Search of a»Church” (Turn at caution light on S. Dixie) Sunday. School—9:45 a.m. Morning Worship—11 a.m. Training Union—6:30 p.m. Evening Worship—7:45 p.m. Wednesday Evening Prayer Serv- ice—7:45 p.m. JEHOVAWS WITNESSES Kingdom Hall, 118 N. A St, R. Duling, Minister Sunday, Public Lecture—7:00 p.m. Watchtower Study—8:15 p.m. Tuesday, Congregation Bible & —:00 p.m. LAKESIDE METHODIST CHURCH Corner 12th Ave. S. and Lake Osborne Blvd. Rev. John B. Bass, Pastor Sunday School—9:45 a.m. Worship Service—11:00 a.m. Evening Service—7:30 p.rn. MYF and Junior Fellowship—6 p.m. tudy LAKE OSBORNE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 2101 Sixth Avenue So., Lake Worth (Qne block East of Lake Osborne) Rev. John T. McCrea, Pastor Morning» Worship-~—8:30 a.m. Sunday School—9:45 a.m. Morning Worship—1ll1 (Nursery) Youth Fellowship—6:00 . - Evening Worship—7:30 Mid-week Fellowship, Wy cdiketew —7:30 p.m. LANTANA COMMUNITY CHURCH INDEPENDENT 900 Block, S. Broadway Rev. Samuel Johnston, Pastor Sunday School—9:45 a.m. Morning Worship—1l1 a.m. Young People’s Meeting—6:15 p.m. Evening Worship—7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting Thursday, 7:30 p.m. LANTANA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 114 N. O St., Lantana (Around the corner from the Post Office) Rev. Robert F. Baier, Pastor Sunday School—9:45 a.m. Worship Service—11 a.m. Evening Service—7:30. Thursday Evening Service—7:30. LIFE TABERNACLE CHURCH Kirk Rd. and 10th Ave. N. Rev. Noah Tuttle, Pastor Sunday School—10 a.m. Morning Worship—11 a.m. Evening Worship—7:30 Friday Night Youth Service—7:30. NORTHSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH A co-operating Southern Baptist Church 1200 North G Street Calvin Booth, Pastor Sunday School-—-9:30 a.m. Morning ‘Worship—11 a.m. Baptist Training Union—6:30 p.m. Evening Worship—7:30 p.m. OUR SAVIOUR LUTHERAN CHURCH Corner Lake Avenue and B Street Rev. W. A. Kimberley, Pastor Parsonage, 7 South B Street Sunday School—9:45 a.m. Morning Worship—1l1 a.m. ; Page 5 : Sanseviera Circle, with Mrs. Mil- ton D. Wells, 1407 - 18th Ave., N. | at 1 p.m. Sea Grape Circle with Mrs. Wil- liam M. Swanson, 1413 Lake Vic- toria Dr., at ans 30 ae m, OPEN HOUSE ateiut: a Lapaz of Palm Beach new address SOUTH COUNTY ROAD AT ROYAL PALM WAY, PALM BEACH - CAUBCHES - SACRED HEART CATHOLIC Corner 4th Avenue North and M Street Sunday Masses—6, 7, 8, 9:15, and 11:30 a.m. Confessions on Saturdays from 4 to 9» and 7 to 8 10:30 SALVATION ARMY 110 South Dixie Highway Capt. and Mrs. John Kroeze Sunday School—10 a.m, Worship Service—11 a.m. Y. P. Legion—6 p.m. Open-air Meeting—7 p.m. Salvation Meeting—S p.m. CITADEL CHURCH OF THE REDEEMER (ipiscopal) HOLY 10th Avenue near Military Trail Rev. Leslie B. Jenkifis, Vicar Sunday School—9:15 a.m. Church Worship—9:15 a.m. Morning Worship—9:15 and 11 a.m. SKVENTH DAY ADVENTIST 7th Avenue North and Federal Hwy. H. L. Flynt, Pastor 300 Winged Foot Rd., Palm Springs Phone JU 5-4494 Mid-week Service Tuesday—7:30 p.m. Worship Service Saturday—9:30 p.m. Sabbath School Saturday—10:45 a.m. ST. ANDREW’S EPISCOPAL Lucerne Avenue at North Palmway Rev. Mason A. Frazell, Reetor Edward H. Tickner, Curate Sundays — 7:30 a.m., Holy come- munion; 9 a.m., family service and church school; 11 a.m., Holy com- munion — first Sunday, morning prayer—other Sundays. Wednesdays—10 a.m., Holy com- munion;: 10:30 a.m, service of Spiritual healing. ST. ANDREW'S LUTHERAN South Ff and 9th Avenue Rev. Douglas Ollila, Pastor Sunday School—9:30 a.m: English Worship Services—10:30 a.m. Finnish Worship Services—3 p.m. CATHERINE'’S GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH # an en J. Anthony, ) Washington Road Wuee Palm Beach Sunday School—9:0" 2.m. Orthros or Morning Prayer—9:30 a.m. ST. Rev. F Pastor Divine Liturgy, Sermon—10:30 a.m. ST. LUKE'S © ATHOLIC CHURCH Te mporary Location American Polish Hall Lake Worth Rd., and Military Trail Sunday Masses—7:00; 8:15, 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. ST. JOHN'S METHODIST CHURCH 1457 Hypoluxo Road Lantana, Florida Rev. Harry G. Leng, Jr., Church Schooi—9:45 a.m. Morning Worship—11:00 a.m. Pastor ST. LUKE’S METHODIST CHURCH FLORIDA GARDENS Rev. Harry G. Long, Ir., Morning Worship—9%: 30 Church School—10:45 a.m. Pastor a.m. TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM 315 North A Street Dr. Samuel Freilich Conservative Service—Friday, 8:15 p.m. Sunday School—10 a.m. Hebrew School—Monday and Wed- nesday, 3:30 p.m. TENTH AVE. PILGRIM CHURCH 1106 - 10th Ave. N, Rev. F. A. Sumwalt, Minister W orship—9:45, 10:45 a.m., 7:30 p.m. CHRISTIAN & MISSTONARY ALLIANCE CHURCH North Dixie Highway at Sth Avenue Rev. David Carnifex, Pastor Sunday Bible School—$:45 a.m. Hansen Oates, superintendent Morning Worship—1l1 a.m. THE A.Y.F. Meeting—6:30 p.m. Wednesday, 7:45 p.m. — Mid-week Service of Prayer and Bible Study. TRINITY BAPTIST CHAPERL Elizabeth Street, one block North of Second Avenue North Aaron A. Smith, Pastor Sunday School—9:45 a. m. Preaching—1I1 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Mid-week Services, Wedne asday, 7:30, TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH Congress Avenue Sunday Services — 10:45 7:45 p.m. am. and UNITARIAN-UNIVERSALIST 2020 Broward Avenue West Palm Beach Dr. William J. Arms, Minister Worship Service—11 a.m. Sunday School—10:45 a.m. UNITED LUTH LSRAN 2740 Parker Avenue West Palm Beach Dr. Paul. KE. Arnold Wership Services—S845 and 11 a.m, Sunday School Classes — Alb ages 9:45 a.m. UNITY CENTER OF LAKE WORTH 628 North H Street Phone JU 2-3569 Mary Louise Kupferle Sunday School and Adult Bible Class, 9:15 &.m. First Morning Service, 29:15 a.m. Second Morning Service, 11:15 a.m, (Identical services.) Tuesday ‘class, 1 p.m., by Louise Barle, on book, Christian Healing. Wednesd: Ly class, 2 p.m., by Faye Fox, on book, Beginning Again. Thursday mid-week service, 7:30 p.m., Sermon on the Mount, by Min- ister Mary L. Kupferle. TRUTH RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP ASSEMBLY Adlai Loudy, Speaker 1961 Season Woman’s Club ‘Building 18 S. Federal Hwy. Sunday Worship, 11 a.m. The Sponsoring Firms Whose Names Appear Below Are Interested in Lake Worth Area Churches and Make These Church Messages: Possible. MAR-JLONS Women’s Apparel & Accessories: A GOOD PLACE TO SHOP —Quality at Moderate Prices— 21 S. Dixie, Lake Worth First National Bank in Lake Worth s 802 Lake Avenue SMITH LAUNDRY FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY JU 2-4741 119 S. H St. Lake Worth Vernon's Millworks Inc. Cabinets & Store Fixtures 1834 N. 10th Ave. JU 2-1019 8th AVENUE SUNOCO SERVICE Free Pickup and Delivery A to Z Lubrication Bradley & Sons—8th & N. Dixie LAKE WORTH ELECTRIC SHOP PHONE JU 2-4086 1103 North H Street