CRE dre WIOMAAY Art Exhibition Opened At New Year’s Reception An exhibition of representational paintings by members of the Lake Worth Art League, Inc., in Strait Museum of the Public Library was previewed on New Year’s Day with a reception for more than 70 mem- bers and guests. The exhibition is now open to the public 3 to 5 p.m. every day through Jan. 12. There is great variety in subject matter and media in this collection of representational paintings and the exhibition should be a joy to the gallery visitor who prefers to easily recognize the subject of a painting. The Lake Worth Art League is unique among art Jeagues because it maintains a pol- icy of having many members’ exhi- bitions each season so that as many of its painting, sculpture, crafts and photography members as pos- sible have the opportunity of be- ing represented in its rather small gallery. Last season 74 different artist members had their work in cne or more exhibits. In the cur- rent exhibition 29 artists are rep- resented from the many who sub- mitted entries. Exhibitions still on the calendar for this season are: Non-objective and abstract, faces and figures, crafts and photog- raphy. Juror of awards for these repre- sentational paintings was Leonard Lane, marine artist whose oil paint- ings are included in many perma- nent gallery and private collec- tions. A member of the Nova Sco- tia Society of Artists, Lane moved from Canada to Lake Worth eight years ago. He is being honored this spring with a one-nian show at the Grand Central Gallery in New York City. Awards were won by Helen Krieger for “Mountain Mist,” a delicate polymer water-color; Russ Conn, “Pilgrimage,” an unusual use of mixed media depicting a long line of weary pilgrims and Ray Riggin for a tall arrangement of flowers done in oil titled “Pintura de Flores.” Honorable mention was LAKE WORTH ‘OVER-INDULGE DURING THE HOLIDAYS ? REGULARLY $50 SAVE $20 FIGURAMA “the newest slimming sensation” 5 NORTH L STREET awarded to “Poetry” by Dorothy Henderson. Other artists repre- sented are: Mabel Appleby, E. Hal- leck Brodhead, Dr. E. R. Bush, Pauline Carr, Ivan Chisholm, Mary Cox, Imogene Evans, Elizabeth Fernau, Dorothy Fuldner, Florence Jacomini, Lou Kormendy, J. D. Les- ter, Mary Lester, Austin Love, William Lundeen, Harry Markley, Charles Michaels, Wilfred McGib- bon, Helen Sackett, Ray Mars Simpson, Alice Stearns, Mary Stomm, Ron Thompson, Elizabeth Underwood, and Edward Weidl. The exhibit was hung by Leonard House, exhibition chairman, assist- ed by league president Franklin Blundell. Hostesses at the patio refreshment table wer Mrs. J. D. Lester and Mrs. Edw. Sammis, John A. Sezymanski To Wed Indiana Girl A fall wedding is planned by Miss Jaunita E. Eatinger and John A. Sezymanski. Their engagement is announced by the prospective bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, Gai- len Eatinger of Angola, Ind. Mr. Sezymanski is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent M. Sezymanski, 105 N. O St., Lake Worth. A secretary tor the Courtesy Cab Co., Angola, Ind., Miss Eatin- ger was graduated from Angola Metropolitan Schools of Steuben. Her fiance was graduated from Lake Worth High School and Palm Beach Junior College, where his fraternity was Alpha Fidelphia. He is now studying civil engineering at Tri-State College, Angola, Ind. RETURN HOME FROM HOLIDAY VISIT Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd Woofenden, 4001 S. County Rd., Palm Beach, have returned from a holiday visit with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. Davidson in Cleve- land, O. LOSE THOSE UNPLEASANT POUNDS . .. and YOU TOO can feel like a QUEEN! TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS OFFER! 5 Slimming Sessions For Only $30 ° JU 2-8600 PICTURE FRAMING We make Frames to order (over 350 selections) and have all standard sizes in stock, prices. Deluxe work at very modest © Original Oil Painting for Sale © Complete Steck of Artists and Architects Materials Jenn ings Art Shop 705 Lucerne, Lake Worth Opposite Post Office — JU. 2-1045 lo MRS. FORREST E. KEESBURY Photo by Oscar Owen Couple Wed In Methodist Ceremony To Live In Ohio Calvary Methodist Church was the setting for the mar- riage on Dec. 28 of Miss Judith Ann Exline, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Steele Exline, 1515 N. D St., Lake wi ‘ r oy a 3 OL ™ coe ey LAKE New Year’s Day Open House Mr. and Mrs. Jack Myers of Orange Grove Trailer Court held “Open House” New Year’s Day at their home on S. Sixth Ave. from 2 to 5 p.m. Coffee, tea and fruit punch were served with party squares of cake, cookies, mints and nuts. About 140 friends called dur- ing the afternoon. Those pouring were: Mrs. Robert Rankin, Mrs. Ross Pepper, Mrs. Alfred Parrott, Mrs. Clarence Forburger, Mrs. Merton Walker and Mrs. George Myers. Mrs. Bruce Davis and Mark Davis, also helped in the serving. Mrs. Margaret Stanford kept the Guest Book which was signed by the following guests: Mrs. Chas. R. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jonas, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Colby, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Thompson, Mr and Mrs. Merton Walker, Mr. and Mrs. H. Morley, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Irish, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Leavitt, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kilmer, Vern Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bacon, Rev. and Mrs. Howard Bacon, Mrs. Celia Hills, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. E. W Tuttle, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Yando, Mr. and Mrs. Jule Kemeny, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis LaRock, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dumke, Miss Sheila Van Drunen, Miss Merridell Van Drunen, Rev. and Mrs. L. Van Drunen, Mark Davis, Mrs. Marga- ret Stanford, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schuitema, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Van Drunen, Mr. and Mrs Mur! Pollock, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Davis, Mr and Mrs. L. W. Hahn, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Snyder, Mrs. Ross Pepper, Mrs. Robert Rankin, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Pendell, Mr. and Mrs. E. Pearcy, Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. ‘Harry Hoyles, Mrs. Helena McGuire, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Sweeney, Neil McKay, Mr. and Mrs. James Klok, Mrs. Clara Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Allen, Mr. and Mrs. George Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Downs, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Beal, Mrs. Adrienne Cloutier, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Trippanny, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fountain, Mr. and Mrs. John Mikula, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kucha, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Dye, Mrs. L. J. Warner, Mrs. Ada Leon- ard, Mrs. Alma Blad, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arnold, Mr. and Mrs Alfred Parrott, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. For- burger, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hayton, Mr. and Mrs. A. Stumborg, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walk, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Shortell, Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Ascherman, Dr. and Mrs. C. B. White, Mr. and Mrs. William White, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Bessire, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Snyder, Mr. and Mrs Warren Osbeck, Mr. and Mrs. John Berends, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Albert Worth, to Forrest Earl Keesbury, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ear}Lutke, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gillett, Keesbury, Sherwood, Ohio. The Rev. T. H. Norton performed the double ring cere- mony at 8 p.m. Vows were spoken | = Mr. and Mrs. True Spear, Mr. and Mrs. William Dreher, Dr, and Mrs. Sam Chernasek, before an altar banked with red poinsettias and baskets of white gladioli. White candelabra with tall lighted tapers were on either side of the altar. Mrs. Louis Dring was organist and the soloist, Joseph Gallo, sang “Because,” “At Dawning,” and “The Lord’s Prayer.” Given in marriage by her father, the bride was radiant in a ballerina length gown of white silk organza over taffeta with a scoop neckline and cap sleeves. Around the hem- line of the full bouffant skirt were roses embroidered in white silk. The shoulder length veil of silk illusion fell from a Juliet cap em- broidered in seed pearls. She car- ried a bouquet of sweetheart roses and white carnations. Maid of honor was Miss Diane Exline, sister of the bride. Brides- maid was the bridegroom’s sister, Miss Carol Keesbury, Sherwood, Ohio, They wore identical bouffant dresses of scarlet chiffon with three-quarter length sleeves and bateau neckline. White fur half hats were worn and they carried matching muffs adorned with red carnations. James Marmon, Defiance, Ohio, served as best man. Ushers included Jerry and James McCoy, cousins of the bride, Leroy Parker, Sherwood, and George]; Keesbury, brother of the groom. The mother of the bride chose a beige brocaded suit with brown accessories and wore a corsage of bronze colored mums. After the ceremony a reception was held in the Fellowship Hall of the church. Assisting were Mrs. Robert L. Pettey, Miss Carol Hu- ber, Aleda Childs, Nancy Tuttle, and Mary Ruth Johnson. Mrs. Peg- gy Lee presided at the bride’s book. Mrs. Keesbury attended Lake Worth High School, Palm Beach Junior College, Florida State Uni- versity and the Defiance College, Defiance, Ohio. Her sorority affi- liation was Philo. Mr. Keesbury was educated at Sherwood High School, Huntington College, Huntington, Ind., and was graduated from the Defiance Col- lege. He is presently teaching in the Delta, Ohio, Junior High School where he is also an assistant ath- letic coach. The couple will make their new home in Swanton, Ohio. — ONE DAY — LAUNDRY SERVICE “Our Shirts Sparkle” Plenty of Free Parking FERGUSON’S SPIC ‘N’ SPAN 209 N. DIXIE, L.W. Next to Famous Restaurant ' ae Parking Lot JU 2-6644 802 LAKE AVE. ee It’s Fun to Play Sant WORTH HERALD, Thurs., reer ta’ Jan. 5, whee pay Miss Dummett Is Engaged Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dummett, 1509 High Ridge Rd., Lake Worth, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Carol Ann Dum- mett, to A/3c James N. Beckman, United States Air Force, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl G. Beckman, 1706 Katherine Ct., Lake Worth. A graduate of Lake Worth High School, Miss Dummett attends Palm Beach Junior College where she is co-editor, of ‘!‘The Beach- comber,” college newspaper. Airman Beckman was graduated from Lake Worth High School and attended Palm Beach Junior Col- lege. He is stationed at Keesler he is in the 3404 Technical Train- ing Squadron, pursuing a course in semi-automatic ground environ- ment. Upon graduation he will be assigned to the Air Defense Com- mand. A summer wedding is planned. Plans Discussed For Benefit Party By Soroptimists Soroptimist Club of Lake Worth and Lantana held its January busi- ness meeting Tuesday night at the Lake Worth Federal Savings and Loan building. Mrs. Paul L. Desch, presided. Plans were discussed for another benefit card party to be held in}} February. It was announced that Mrs. Nel- lie Campbell, Miami, governor of the Southern Region of Soroptimist Clubs will be a guest at the Feb- ruary meeting. with a 1960 C Club Account Ast NATIONAL BANK im LAKE WORTH. Ist National in Lake Worth CHRISTMAS CLUB CHECK $55,000 has heen paid to far-sighted hristmas Club Savers | by Ii i a Santa who can give with an open heart and a lavish hand . . . espe- cially when he can play the part without worrying about bills to || come. It’s easy with a Christmas | There’s no happier role that that of ... see for yourself ! JOIN OUR 1961 CHRISTMAS CLUB NOW ~ LAKE WORTH’S OLDEST AND LARGEST Member: Federal Reserve System Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 19611 ditet ns Air Force Base, Biloxi, Miss., where | | | 7 Bleached muslin, hemmed. ‘borders. 10 in polyethylene bag. UNTAIN’S 726-730 Lake Ave., Lake Worth OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY NITES © TOP VALUE STAMPS ® WHITE GOODS SALE Large Polka Dot Jacquard Turkish Towels Lasting color beauty. ee Se ee ee a deuce Matching Hand Towel — ie 16-27" ose uate st ea Matching Wash Cloth — Size 12x12” FOXCROFT Sheet & Pillow Cases BLEACHED WHITE SHEETS 81x99" 72x108" TWIN FITTED EACH 81x108” $174 DOUBLE FITTED EACH BLEACHED WHITE PILLOW CASES 42x36" . . . 2 for 78c PASTEL COLORED SHEETS 81x99” 724108" $197 | 81x108” $217 Ji PASTEL COLORED CASES 42x36" ... 2 for $1.00 GOLDEN SEAL SOLID COLOR BLANKETS A blend of -75% rayon, 15% cotton and 10% orlon acrylic fibers. Size 72x84”. 00 EACH Six inch acetate satin binding to match blanket color. Rose, Blue, Turquoise,” Red, Emerald, Yellow and Harvest. INDIAN BLANKETS 2 for $ 500 FINE BLEND ASSORTED COLORS TURKISH TOWEL AND WASH CLOTH ASSORTMENT Large, fluffy, size 22x44” Towels, 12x12” Wash Cloth. Assorted stripes and solid colors. Aqua, Brown, Pink and Yellow. 2 for $1.00 22x44" Towel 12x12" Wash Cloth 6 for $1.00 SPECIAL VALUE 12x12" TERRY WASH CLOTHS First Quality Wash Cloths, 10 97 c pkg. in package, 5 assorted colors. PRINTED TERRY DISH TOWELS Large size 18x30”. Assorted Cc 2 for 97 patterns. Bright, cheerful colors. KNITTED DISH CLOTHS Special Value. White with colored stripes. 10 in package. pkg. 87° FLOUR SACK TYPE DISH TOWELS 4 «97° IDEAL DIAPERS Bleached, heavy duty, white cotton diaper. Full 27x27” size. Large 27x40” size. MEN’S SPUNWELL SNOWY WHITE COTTON HANDKERCHIEFS Fine quality. Soft Finish. Hemstitched 87 c pkg.