soit 2 LAKE WORTH HERALD, ete Jan. 5, 1961 * Ohio Club Slates - Important Meeting * ‘The Ohio Club of Lake m@ will--have an important picnic ~ meeting Monday noon, Jan. 9 at Sunset Ridge Park. Tickets will be _ sold for an afternoon boat ride ~ Jan. 16. A card party wiii be held at the Woman’s Club on Jan. 19 at 7:30| Wednesday, Jan. 4. p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dahn, ,. chairmen, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. * Frank Shoemaker, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sweeney and Mr. and Mrs. ~~ William Newman. “ friends are invited. 5 ———~—————— l included in the George Hastman STATE FARM . INSURANCE _ Auto - Life - Fire - FRANK J. KELLY 407°'N. Dixie - JU _2-3355 Learn to Drive TE 3-8429 AA AUTO SCHOOL feck © orien: Mgr. | ENROLL | NOW mt 55 a BEAUTY HEV SIS “S.F 4 = 4 oH SR z BEAUTY SERVICES GUARANTY. BLDG. BREE Sas POR se SS Me SN ire is ‘a? hitHiges = oss ee #23 Fas: Worth) Norton Art Gallery Members and|nominated for an international ex- ~ Don Martin, Bobby MeKown, Char- : for a Profitable Career phyae: , |Photographers’ Show ~| Opened Wednesday, The University of Florida Pho- toqraphers’. “Creative. Photogra- phy” Show, will go on view at the Norton Gallery and School of: Art, The University of Florida . pho- tographers are advanced and grad- uate students whose work is of an unusually high order. Two were hibition in Milan and three were House Museum’s “Photography in Mid-Century.” Exhibiting in the show are the following students: Andrea Arthur, Richard Cehon, Jane Conner, Buddy Davis, Leon Graves, Zelda Jackson, Norman Jensen, Anita Kiekhaefer, i les O’Neal, Nina Howell Starr, Dick Wiggins, Shelia White, Don Win- sor, Glenn Weaver, James Grover, Barbara Benton, Gene Barber, Rob- ert McDonald, Mary Davis, Ruth Raulerson, Kelsey Ingle, Donald Kluge, Catherine Little and Ste- phen Voss. CULTURE £97! § 251-1 Fo Se Seer esr See ULL NO DOWN PAYMENT | Our. Pay-As- You-Learn Method has made it possible for many of our students to join our school Plan Now To Earn High Income FREE $35 KIT IF YOU ENROLL NOW Open to ai Public Shampoo and Set: Haircuts Cold Waves from Hair Tinting from at Low School Cost | Revion Manicure FLORIDA BEAUTY ACADEMY W.P.B. PHONE TE 3-3868 120 S. OLIVE AVE First Federal Savings and Loan Poinsettia Court Announces Events: The regular meeting of’ Poin- settia Court No. 19, Order:of Ama- ranth, wags held at Carpenters’ Hall Tuesday .evening, with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Dawson, royal ‘matron and royal patron, presiding. The: next bi-monthly card party will be held on Monday, Jan. 9, at 12:30 psm, at the Friendship. Room of the First Federal Savings and Loan Association on Southern Blvd., West Palm Beach. Reserva~« tions may be made with Mrs. Etta Swan,. 508: Lake Ave.,.at JU 2-6750 or tickets may be purchased at the door. This will be a luncheon card party. The public is invited to at. tend, Mrs. Helen McHarry announced that the rummage sale, for Poin- settia Circle will be held at the cor- ner of M st. and Lake Ave. on January 26, 27, 28. Anyone with’ rummage’ should’ contact. Mrs. mee Harry at JU 2-9647. Poinsettia Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. Clark Beggs, 116 5th Ave. S., on Tuesday, Jan. 24, at 8 o'clock. All Amaranth- members |- of the area are invited to attend. Mrs. to shut-in members for: Thanks- giving and Christmas. The line officers will advance to exemplify the ritualistic work: of the Order at the next meeting of Poinsettia Court No. 19 on Jan. 17. This will, also, be Friendship Night. All members are requested to: in- vite an eligible friend to attend this meeting. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Dorothy Quinn, Mrs. Peg Humphries, Mrs. Mabel Vale, and’| ' Mrs. Alberta Gregory. DINNER HOSTS Mr. and Mrs. William F. For- moehlen of Boynton Beach enter- |: tained at dinner on Sunday at the Famous Restaurant. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Wal- lace and Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Hon- alke. Budget & B Better Dresses 23 So. Dixie, Lake Worth 9130-5:30-—-Open Friday 9’ pimyv “Ladies Can ee at WHOA : % BERT’S: PHARMACY: 515 LAKE AVE. JU 2-9937 “We Answer Phone pe QQ’ WWW STATEMENT OF CONDITION of Lake Worth Lake Worth, Florida ke a ASSETS * Cash on Hand and in Banks -_-----_- $ 1,569,875.71 “ Investments and Securities th _ (inel. U.S. Govt. Bonds) __------~- 10,026,532.89° ~ |i. First Mortgage Loans ____-_-------- 29,247,294.93 a Loans on Savings Accounts ______-_- 108,038.96 . ee Tae 23,703.23 * iil Properties Sold on Contract ______~-- 12,600.00 z | Real Estate Owned and in Judgment__ 67,064.35 * Wil ‘Office Buildings and Equipment “ less depreciation ____________-_--- 586,883.85 Deferred Charges and Other Assets... ‘17,319.82 Z $41 659,313.74 After the close of busmess December 31,. 1960 LIABILITIES Savings Accounts: ___.---- Advances from Berrowed Money -_------------.--- Nore Loans in Process __-------~+--------. 687,888.45 Other Liabilities __._..._.-.-.--.----- 44,774.80. Specific Reserves _---------.-.----- 1,517.50 General Reserves __-~-~-- $2,262/459.68. Special Reserves -_----- 19,237.70 Sirplus __._____.------ 73,254.76 2,354,952.14 $41,659,318.74. Savings Insured. to $10,000.00 by an Agency of the US. Government: CURRENT DIVIDEND: 4% First Federal Savings and Loan Assocation of Lake Worth R. E. BRANCH, President M. Z. WERTZ, Vice President-Manager. Lake Avenue at Palmway, Lake Worth,, Florida: Telephone JU 2-4133. BOYNTON BEACH OFFICE—901 SOUTH: FEDERAL HIGHWAY Dawson reported on the. cheer gifts which had been taken babes ay $38,570;180.85 Federal Home Loan'Bank __..___.. Nene | | | | | | ] | Annual Christ Child | Friendship Club Has Tea Set. For Sunday The annual Christ Child Tea: will be held on. the grounds ‘of’ the Morning’ Star School for Héandi- capped: Children, Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m. The public is invited. Rebekah Lodge Installs Officers Golden Links Rebekah Lodge’ No, 64 held installation of officers: Mon-: day evening at the Woman’s Club- house, with the following installed for 1961: Mrs. Leila Gore, noble grand; Mrs. Lillian Wittstock, vice- grand; Miss Frances Kernberger, recording secretary; Mrs. Minnie Jorgensen, financial secretary; Mrs. Emily Mueller, treasurer; Mrs: Jessie Pierce, conductor; Mts, Mie Cornell; chaplain; Mrs. Marjorie ‘| Kléuse,. color bearer; Miss Ci he arine’ Miller; right iswpporter tot noble grand; Mrs. Elizabeth Bauer; left supporter to the noble grand; |. Mrs. Jean Cole, right.supporter to} the vice-grand; Mrs.. Alta Alsop, left’ supporter to the vice-grand; Mrs. Grace Wagner, inside guard-| W ian; Mrs. Laura Drew, outsi | guardian; Mrs. Ida Berger; Mrs: livan, Mrs. Annie Hawkins, altar béarers. Prof. Simpson was ah pointed as musician. Mrs. Maud Byers, deputy presi. dent of District No. 21 and Mis. Mae Kernen, deputy marshal, with the stalling staff, installed the above officers and’ presented a drill following: the installation. | Mrs. Emma. Hayes, was pre- sented with a past noble grand’s pin and a monetary gift from the lodge, presentation made by Mrs. Jessie Pierce: and Mrs. Emily _ ler. Prof. and: Mrs. Simpson were pre- iliary in appreciation of their valu- able: services during the past year. It was announced installation’ of {Lodge in West Palm Beach on January. 9. A district meeting will be held | February 20 with Golden Links as hostess. installation: of their officers Janu- ary 18,.8 p.m. at 421.N. Dixie. A dessert card party will be held by the Auxiliary January 27, 12:30, at ‘the Florida: Publie Utilities rooin, 888 Datura’ St., West Paim: Beach: The next lodge meeting’ will’ be held January: 16. at the clubhouse. Refreshments were served follow- ing the meetirig to ‘50 members and | guests. = Ruby Lloyd, Mrs. June’Mae O’Sul- |. sented with a gift from the Aux-| officers will ‘be held at Gardenia’ The Auxiliary will hold| ‘} ing, New Year’s Party Friendship Circle Club, sponsored by the Palm Beach County Chapter of B’Nai B’Rith Women, held a New Year’s party when the club met for its weekly meeting Thurs- day at All States Club House in Howard Park. Members of the B’Nai Youth Organization with Israeli dances. A mock marriage was performed. Those taking part were Mrs. Sadie Joseph, Mrs. Jack Sickerman, Mrs. Rebecca Michlin, A. Levin, Ed Rosenthal and Morris Blumberg. Edward Tuckerman entertained with humorous stories. Refreshments were served to ap- proximately 75 guests and mem- bers, |Zonta Club Honors Girl Of The Month |. The regular meeting of the Zonta ‘Club of Lake Worth, held at the ‘Famous on Tuesday noon, the Girl ‘of the Month for December was ‘honored. Mrs. E. Earl Smith pre- sented Mrs. Fred Roach, mother of Miss: Sheila Roach, the student who was selected by the faculty of B’Rith entertained ide Lake Worth High School to receive the Zonta Club certificate. In telling vf. her activities, Miss Roach mentioned that her sister had been Girl of the Month two years ago, and said that she was proud and happy to have been se- lected to carry on the family tradi- tion. She stated that she is a mem- ber of the “Z” Club, president of the Pep Club, president of her class, a member of the Spanish . Club, and is on the Year Book staff. She plans to attend the University of Florida next year, and will major in home economics. Mrs. Em! Horton, a Zontian from the State of New York, who has attended Zonta Club meetings in Lake Worth since the founding of the local club, was introduced by Mrs. Wallace Johnson as the speak- er of the day, and gave an interest- ing’ review of a recently published book by Paul Bryant, Jr. entitled “Daughter of the Sky,” the story of Amelia Earhart, distinguished woman flyer, who ranked with ‘Lindbergh as a pioneer in aviation Mrs. Horton analyzed the char- acter and development of the young flyer, and outlined the steps in her tempt to fly the Pacific from west to east, and the tragic climax to this flight; Mrs. .Harry. V. Johnson, presi- dent, announced that the next meet- ing of the Career Clinic at the Lake Worth High: School, would be held cipal speakers will be Karl Easton, Jr., of the Lake Worth Herald who will speak on the subject of print- Mrs. Leona King, creative writing; Jonathon Koontz, on the editorial staff of the Palm Beach ‘Post-Times, will speak on journal+ ism as a profession. Mrs. Charles Austin showed a number of beautiful and unusual Christmas cards which she and her husband received from _ persons whom they contacted on their re- cent trip. around the world. ' Several guests from the North ‘were welcomed Edith A. Bushnell of Burlington, | Vermont. Mrs. Helen A. Soule, of | East Fairfield, Vermont, Mrs. Paul- tine’ Brown from Pottsdam, New York, Miss Edna Haskins, of Syra- cuse, and the speaker of the day, Mrs. Erm] Horton of Hornell, N. Y. There will be a meeting of the board of directors of the club on Wednesday evening, Jan. 18, at the home of Mrs. Charles Austin, 1618 N. J Terrace, Lake Worth, at 7:3 o’clock. It is important that board chairmen: and officers attend these meetings: if possible. Michigan Club |New Year Dance Mémbers and guests of the Mich- igan Club Tuesday dance were greeted by Mr. and Mrs. €rocker of Flint, Michigan. Presi- dent Cooley welcomed the group. Perc. Elstone led the singing of |“God Bless America.” New members of the club are Mrs. Florence Beaudin, Mrs. Elsie Kennedy, Thomas George and Mr. ‘and Mrs. Fred: Fleury. Guests wel- comed were Walter Hinkel, Mrs. Mary Lucas, Mrs. Ann Craig, Steve |. White, Jo Kantor, E. J. Jessup, Lee ‘Fitzgerald, and Mrs. Nettie Dufek. Happy Birthday was sung for ‘Hubert Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Leon- ard House were honored with the anniversary song and awards were presented to Charles Dorfer and Mrs, Frank Fraley. Mrs. Loretta Anderson was assisted on the refreshment com+ ‘mittee by: Mrs. Cooley, Mrs. Claude Bird, Mrs. Stephen Petrik, and Mrs. Clarence Corson. The* Michigan Club will have its regular pot luck Tuesday, Jan. 10 at the American Legion hall, N. 2nd jand J, at 5:30 p.m. Each person {attending should bring a dish to pass, beverage and table serv- ice. Guests are welcome. The Sun- ‘| day dine-out will be at the Holiday ‘Inn, N, Ocean Blvd., at 4 pint: ram = USED RE-BUILTS Kirby, Stager, — AIT Makes: Parts to er, Airway, Elee- Séava, Avalon, Royal-Aire, Compact. reka, G.E. West- ea Yocom \ ‘ career, which culminated in an at- |: on Jan. 18 at 9:55 a.m. The prin-|§ including Mrs.’ Joe’ QUICK TRICKS WITH HONEY — hot waffle is one of many. Honey in the morning, honey in the evening, honey at suppertime and in between meals. Anytime is honey time if you’ve got a sweet tooth or need quick energy. For those who prefer a natural, unrefined sweet around the house, honey is the classic answer. Honey can.turn up in some of the likeliest — and some of the unlikeliest — places and be surprisingly good, and good for you. Here are some quick tricks with honey to prod your imagination and probably you’ll want to take it from there and develop your own honey habits: Honey Sauces Blend % cup honey, % cup or- ange juice, 1 teaspoon grated or- ange rind and few grains salt. (Excellent on gingerbread.) Melt 1 cup honey, % cup butter together, serve hot over waffles. Mix 1 cup chocolate syrup, % cup honey, serve over sponge cake. Honey Butter Blend % cup honey, % cup but- ‘ter. Cover tightly and store in re- frigerator. Bring 1 cup water to boil, add % cup honey, 2 tablespoons lime juice, 1 cup raisins. Simmer 15 minutes and serve over baked ham. Honey Sandwich Fillings Beat until fluffy 3 tablespoons honey and a 4-ounce package cream cheese. Add % cup nuts, chopped | finely. Mix % cup honey with 1 cup pea- nut butter, Mix % cup honey, 1 cup almond butter and %- cup currants. coniciin TABLETS: | g38 Bottle of 100 Ce ee het RESTIN- = prescription MY v your guarantee ; ness, depend 4 Price fairness. KAY CREST Gift Wrappings 20% Di KAZ ELECTRIC | VAPORIZER oe DRISTAN WASAL MIST a 1" AR COUGH MEDICINE ae Pst 25 RELIABLE... “/ REASONABLE These three "R's" of our This honey-butter sauce over a Honey Glazes Bake a ham until nearly done. Remove skin and baste with 1 cup honey, mixed with 1 tablespoon lime juice and pinch of salt. Cook 18 small carrots in a little water until tender, Add 6 table- spoons butter and 2/3 cup honey and simmer until brown, turning once or twice. Peel six ripe bananas, place in buttered baking pan, pour mixture of % cup honey, 1 tablespoon lime juice and 1 tablespoon butter and pinch of salt over them. Bake 15 minutes at 350. Prepare six grapefruit halves for serving, put 1 tablespoon honey in each center and broil 15 minutes. Top with fresh strawberry. Honey Drinks Mix 1 tablespoon honey and 1 cup milk. Serve hot or cold. Mash a small ripe banana and add to the above. Dissolve 2 tablespoons honey in 2/3 cup cold milk. Top with vanilla ice cream, Honey Hints Lightly grease cup or spoon so honey will pour more readily. A small portion of honey adds greatly to keeping properties of cakes, breads, pie crusts and icings. Reduce liquid in recipe by % cup when using 1 cup of honey in place of 1 cup of sugar. Keep honey well covered to pre- serve its quality. Store honey at room tempera- ture. Use a generous pan when cook- Premo service are of prompt- ability and * scount ABBOTT'S ay) VITA. PSF 100 ttl ifirst one-man TAKE CARE! It’s the sneezin’ season— time to steck your medicine chest with tried and proven home remedies that will lessen the miseries and shorten the duration of colds. Get your “cold war fighters” at OWL DRUG. TICK 6Vits. 6 Mins. 100- 2.69\\ Ten Vitamins . . 100 Vit. C50 Mg. 69c Premo 100 Thiamine nt 50 Mg. 1.08 , sy Artists Guild To |View Demonstration At its meeting Monday night the members of the Artists Guild of the Palm Beach Art League will be privileged to view. a demonstra- tion in painting by the new guest instructor of the Norton. Gallery of Art, Zubel Kachadoorian of Chi- , cago. Zubel, as he prefers to be called, is presently painter in residence at the Art Institute of Chicago as well as being associated with the Nord- ness Gallery in New York. Born in 1924 he was honored by four schol- arships in art before he was 23 years old, at which time he had his show in Detroit. Other one-man shows followed in Paris, New York and elsewhere to date. The work of Mr. Kachadoorian is found in the collections of Muske- gon Museum, Detroit Institute of Arts, Art Institute of Chicago, Tate Gallery of London, Worcester M seum, and in many private collec- tions in this country and in Europe. He has’ won fine major Michigan awards, the Pepsi-Cola Midwest Fellowship of $1,500 in 1946-47, Michigan Watercolor Society Prize in 1946, the Scarab Club Gold Medal Award in 1947, the Prix-de- Rome, Three-year Fellowship to the American Academy in Rome in 1956, and others. He has participated successfully in many of the more important national exhibitions and in Europ- ean shows of high calibre. His classes at the Norton School of Art start this Tuesday. Mrs. Helen Krieger will preside at the meeting, at which time will be announced the program of out- door sales shows to be held in the near future. As usual, the meeting will be held at the Norton Gallery of Art. P.B.C. SHELL CLUB MEETING JANUARY 6 The Palm Beach County Shell Club will hold its annual meeting, Jan. 6 at 8 p.m. at Strait Museum. Thesre will be a revision of by-laws and election of officers. Members are to brin ga gift wrapped shelly ing honey. It tends to foam or boil over. Freezing honey breads and cakes intensifies the honey flavor arti? aroma. 3:PIECE..’ THERMOMETER ORAL, RECTAL AND CASE | 75 Sealets 2.39 OWL RUG CO. 6 South Dixie Lake Worth “Where Wise Shoppers Save” Phone JU 5-0302 a LOWEST. PRICES. PLUS S&H GREEN STAMPS