January 28-February 3, 1999 At IfAOSMi 19 — aseuttici AJ 173HG93QA y-^aJtb i ÚiOLlttlt3 I Tf»1**'» toWHUltV AtliSHMÚk I» — ¡ LÍ-wttWMí:< UITSWSJOA « ty^r^K H %£* AX imQ)39i tv ^ it 3f ■§?€ Contents . Volume 13 Number 42 January 28—February 3, 1999 Agent of Deception 26 The FBI asked speciat agent Jerry Sullivan to spend his life with criminals. Then he became one. By Bob Norman History Held for Ransom....15 For nearly a century, Ransom Everglades’ Band Cottage was a much-admired historic landmark. Note the past tense. By Kirk Nielsen Metro: Air Pirates 7 Two FCC crackdowns were supposed to put an end to Dade’s pirate radio outlets. Yeah, right. By Kirk Nielsen Are They Crazy?... 59 In a new film that recalls the Sixties, even the musicians can’t remember where they played. By Bill Gallo u . £6!lf. j Y'dV'ik'/ * 82 i'ii jiu' ^ 2 January 28 - February 3,1999 Miami New Times Letters 3 Metro 7 News of the Weird 13 Humble-Shine 13 Night & Day 40 Calendar Events 42 Earthweek 42 Life in Hell 46 Troubletown 49 The Quigmans 51 Film 59 Film Capsules .60 Showtimes 65 Theater 69 Theater Listings ...71 Art Listings.... 73 Cafe 77 Dining Guide 78 Julius Knipl 79 Eye Spy 81 Music 89 Rotations 97 Concerts 98 Early Warnings 98 Clubs 100 Ghoul Island 100 Romance 114 Classified ......126 On the cover: illustration by Dean Sebring web extra This week in miaminewtimes.com, the online edition of Miami New Times: • Real Astrology: A guide to the stars through the freaky, multihued eyes of Rob Brezsny •It’s easy as 1-2-3! Register online for the New Times 10K. ww w. m i a m in ewtimes.com Staff Editorial Editor Jim Mullin Managing Editor Chuck Strouse Staff Writers Jacob Bernstein, Judy Cantor, Jim DeFede, Kathy Glasgow, Jen Karetnick, Ted B. Klssell, TristramKorten, Kirk Nielsen, Robert AndrewPowell Copy Editor Michele Morcey Calendar Editor Nina Korman Nightlife Listings Larry Boytano Proofreader Georgia Papas Contributors Robin Dougnerty, Andy Klein, Peter Rainer, Michael Sragow Editorial Administrator Carla Diaz Art Art Director Dean Sebring Staff Photographer Steve Satterwhite Electronic Publishing Online Editor Jennifer Osorio Online Art Director Judith Green Production Production Manager Carla Peters Assistant Production Manager Marcy Mock Advertising Art Director Valerie Sebring Editorial Layout Artist Amelia del Castillo Production Daniel Burns, Scott Horton, Danyel Rivero, Alfred L Smith Advertising Ad Director Jill Muller Retail Sales Manager Frank Tomasino Senior Account Executives Alex Budyszewick, Kristi Kinard, Nancy Morales Account Executives Sarah Abrahams, Alfred Caballero, Ben Dayan, Carol Evans, Francesca Felicioni, Ewald Fuchs, Anthony Gordon, Jeff Herschler, Michelle Herschler, Paul Kendrix, Armando Lapido, Andrew Navarro, Duncan Parsley House Account Manager Brigette Lumpkins Account Manager Louise Fuller, Maritza Diaz Sales Coordinator Annika Butardo Sales Assistant Fatima Knipping National Advertising The Ruxton Group National Sales Director Susan Belair East Coast Sales Director Selene Rodriguez ' Midwest Sales Director Stephen M. 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Subscriptions: Domestic subscriptions may be purchased for $50 yearly. Mail to: Subscriptions/New Times, P.O. Box 011591, Miami, Florida 33101. Delivery may take one week. New Times: (ISSN 10723331) (USPS 010669) is published by New Times, Inc., 2800 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami, FL 33137, weekly, 52 times per year. Periodical postage rate is paid at Miami, Florida 33152. Postmaster: Send address changes to New Times, P. O. Box 011591, Miami, Florida 33101-1591. Copyright The entire contents of New Times are Copyright 1998 by New Times, Inc. No portion may be reproduced in whole or part by any means including electronic retrieval systems without the express written permission of the Publisher, New Times, 2800 Biscayne Blvd., Miami, FL 33137. Please call the New Times office for back issue information. Audit Bureau of Circulations Letters Policy We welcome letters to the editor via mail, fax, or internet Letters may be edited for length Or clarity and mustrefer to materi¬ al published in New Times. Please include pur address, daytime telephone (for con- firmation only), and complete name. ■ Mad: Letters, New Times P.O.Box 011591 Miami, FL 331014591 % Fax: 305-571-7678 ■‘tenet *; editorial@miaminewtimes.com . To Find the Real McCoy, Head South ...Way South I am writing in response to Judy Cantor’s arti¬ cle “Home for the Holidays” (January 21). May Ochun and all orichas bless them, but the days of the Sonora Matancera and Celio Gonzalez will never return to Cuban mude, in Havana or Miami. Justas the days of Louis Armstrong’s New Orleans passed long ago into the memory of Dixieland, música tropical is dead in the entire Caribbean basin. (Although it’s true some percussionists with toy drums keep dribbling on.) But there is still one place where música tropical is boiled and brewed with real blood and real fire! Where? In the mysterious and faraway city of Montevideo, where candomblé drums still shake the walls of some places past midnight on Saturdays. The sonoras of Montevideo con¬ sist of musicians who eat beef for breakfast! And during the final carnaval parade, 3000 orientales (as the Uruguayans call them¬ selves) lug their huge and heavy candomblé drums through Montevideo until the tops are colored red from bleeding hands. The Uruguayans, excuse me, the Orientales, have combined Cuban and Puerto Rican music with their own African-inspired musical tradi¬ tions. Well, if you can’t be in Montevideo on Saturday nights, the next best place for real música tropical would be on Sunday morning in any Pentecostal church in Puerto Rico! Montevideo is not only home to today’s most fiery and two-fisted música tropical. It is also the mother of tango! The universally known “La Cumparsita” was composed by the Uruguayan architecture student Gerardo Matos Rodriguez in Montevideo in 1917. Unless you can recite this fact, Uruguayan immigration officers may not let you in the country! The Uruguayan tango is more masculine and less compromising than the Argentine tango.- It retains more of the original formula; a tough man and a defiant woman must dance it! Juan Maxwell MiamiBeach Miami’s a Churning Urn of Burning Ethnicity Thank you, Judy Cantor and New Tjmes for continuously digging out and showing the hidden gold of Miami’s cultural and music scene. Fm from Miami but live in New York City. I sing in two Cuban music groups, and I get tired of hearing people up here dismiss South Florida as just a disco playground for NewYorkers. Thank you for showing the diverse Cuban, Colombian, Venezualan, Latin American, African-American, Haitian, and Caribbean e. t Miami The culture is expressed and created in the city’s music, dance, food, and fiesta. Fm homesick. JoséConde New York City A Nod to the Negative: Jen Is Mighty Fishy to This Reader I was impressed enough by Jen Karetnick’s review of Big Fish Mayaimi (“Something Fishy,” January 14) to congratulate her on an amazing accomplishment Her lack of taste as a food critic has at last been surpassed by her lack of writing ability. I was a little nervous when I saw she was reviewing Big Fish, a little gem tucked away on the Miami River that's a favorite of mine. I felt like an art professor about to read Pauly Shore's critique of Rembrandt. Not to be unkind to Mr. Shore; Fm sure he would have more sense than to stretch a metaphor so far that he winds up saying things like “... and the menus, those all-important character refer¬ ences, are shaped and colored like tongues that have suffered a nuclear accident” Aside from the baffling writing, I was amazed that Jen was unable to appreciate the atmosphere of Big Fish. She writes that if you sit outride, you might have a nice meal if you can ignore file Metrorail tracks to the left, the drawbridge to the right, the seagulls, the passing boats, and the airplanes. Amazing. I imagine she would enjoy dining alfresco next to the ityramids of Giza only if she were able to ignore all the sun, sand, and those three big, pointy triangles. The food review is another thing. She switches back and forth so often Fm left dizzy. First we have the heartwarmingly naive Jen somehow determining that “the Spanish con¬ nection is evident on both the regular menu and the specials blackboard.” (Really? What gave it away? Was it the paella? The churras¬ co? The brazo gitano? Nothing escapes your notice!) , Then we have the amazingly (pseudo-) sophisticated food critique. Jen declares things such as “the honey-mustard dressing that moistened the dish was too sweet, failing to harmonize property with file mozzarella.” Yeah. Note that she mentions, a bit angrily, that “waiters continue to remove wineglasses that aren’t empty when they bring a new round.” I imagine her review was written after afew too many glasses at Big Fish. Jen, remember next time to wait awhile before trying to sit down at the computer to write a critique. An ounce an hour should be your quota if I remember cor¬ rectly. If you feel compelled to mix “reduc¬ tion” and “harmonize” with a metaphor of your own creation, all in the same sentence, you’ll know thát you haven’t waited long enough. Lastly, it’s a shame that she concludes (rather- condescendingly): “Big Fish’s food might someday become a draw in itself.” She mentions that she realty liked the fish sand¬ wich, the snapper, the squid, rice püal sword¬ fish, churrasco, deserts, and wine. Am I miss¬ ing something? Why would someone wax enthusiastic about the great food, only to fin¬ ish with what looks like a mean-spirited barb? ¡¡¡find Big Fish to be a great little place r—; very eccentric and picturesque. The food is usually excellent What Jen doesn’t mention is really the most important draw: the food is Continued on page 4 At Inspiration, furniture is art. It must express great excitement in its design and pure craftsmanship in its execution. At Inspiration, furniture is selection. You won't find a larger selection of beautiful contemporary furnishings throughout Florida. At Inspiration, furniture is value. Lifelong quality at affordable prices. Inspiration by Scan Design. Have you seen us lately? [Inspiration /can de/ign , . V ViV; , , lYi ... . lYiY. /4V*VA'HMnitMnite January 28 - February 3,1999 . 3 Thé*RiahtOne Doesn’t Letters Continued from page 3 fresh. That’s its big appeal Sometimes dishes are a little underdone or overdone. Maybe there’s not enough breading or too much. But the seafood is always fresh and very simply prepared. Perhaps the problem isn’t with Big Fish. Jen may have toiled to harmonize properly with her role as audience member. Thomas Cermait Miami Now the Good News: Jen Is a Heckuva Lot Better Than the Others Bring back Jen Karetnick! These other food critics are really bad. Victoria Pesce Elliott: What a pretentious name! Her writing style is embarrassingly reminiscent of my ninth- grade efforts, when my teacher would say, “Lili, your style is creative, but avoid redun¬ dancy.” Elliott actually said some drinks tast¬ ed like Slurpees, then continued with: “I’m not saying they weren’t ¿odd.” She also implied she regularly writes food criticism. Surely that can’t be true. Find some real food critics. Fve read other papers, and they do exist Lili Chambers Miami ' If New Times Is Sensationalist Garbage, This Reader Is Taking Us for All We re Worth Regarding Robert Andrew Powell’s article “Pandering for Fun and Pfofit” (January 14): Okay, let’s just suppose Alan Diaz Sat in a hotel room with an attractive prostitute, (ahem, escort) and paid her $120 to tell her story. After all if anything else happened, we wouldn’t know. (Don’t ask, don’t tell) What exactly is wrong with Sonya’s enterprise? You have consenting adults ful¬ filling a basic law of economics: supply and demand. Most corporations today are hir¬ ing younger and younger executives to work backbreaking hours with little or no time for a personal life (i.e., the demands of a relationship). For these men an escort provides the physical relief without compli¬ cations. Sonya is furnishing financial independence for herself and employment for women who need it Being poor and honest is nó longer an option; remember welfare reform? No one cares whether you can pay the bills. And no one cares how you earn the money to pay them. Why the sensationalist, lurid cover and slanted article? Why not explore the reasons there are so few lucrative options for intelli¬ gent, talented women? That would be too tame, wouldn’t it? Less advertising dollars when fewer people pick up New Times. Just what is New Times selling? Damn it, New Times is pandering — to the lowest common denominator. InesDePaul Miami New Times and StreetSmarts Team to Help the Homeless Leave it to New Times to discover interest¬ ing and unique things happening in our community! Kathy Glasgow’s article on StreetSmarts (“Brother, Can You Spare a Byjine?” January 7) is one of them. I was not aware of similar papers in other cities. 1 amUware that every person on the street is there for a unique reason and if that per¬ son is to ever get off the street, he or she needs help. I know if I were homeless, I 4 January 28 - February 3,1999 Miami Hew Times Along Everyday. l: 5..Í- ( „. Ü! OwnWmtmm South Beach. Waterfront Living. From $1*4,000. Hearts race. Pulses pound. All podies and blue skies. Catch your breath. ❖ Views pour off the horizon. Moonlight ignites each wave. Cruise ships glide by your window. 4 Exercise options. Bike, blade, beach, boating, water, tennis. Make a splash. Work out with all the right equipment 4 Pursue pleasure. Night starts late and lasts until tomorrow. Tempting cuisine, satisfied appetites. Feeffhe beat Jazz, funk, salsa. Steal the scene or savor your privacy. 4 How do you want to live? Trust your instincts. You’ll know when you're there. Slip into someplace comfortable. Your plate. Go ahead. Oum up to k. Early Summer '99 Occupancy One-Bedrooms from $744,000 Two-Bedrooms from $160,000 95% Financing Available to QuaUñed Buyers. ♦ AT P ORTOFI WAT ERFR 0 N'T • C 0 ND 0 M ] 90 Alton Road at the Marina 4 Miami Beach, Florida 33139 4 305.534.4088 4 Fax305.534,4103 Sales Center Open 10am to 6pm Monday through Friday, 11am to 6pm Saturday and Sunday Oral representation cannot be relied upon as correctly stating representation of the developer. For correct USm representations, make reference to the documents required by section 718.503, Florida Statutes, to be EQUAL HOUSING furnished by the developer to a buyer or lessee. Notan offer where prohibited by state statutes. §Jf OPPORTUNITY WICKER • RATTAN • BAMBOO • WICKER • RATTAN • BAMBOO SLEEPERS • DINING ROOMS FINANCING AVAILABLE BEDROOMS 90 DAYS SAME AS CASH 12249 S. DIXIE HWY. • US 1 & SW 122ND STREET • 305 251-1976 ooawva • nvllvh • b3»dim • ooawva • nvjjlvb • bíxdim would probably become involved in some¬ thing entrepreneurial like selling oranges, flowers, or newspapers.!find it difficult to understand leaders who dismiss potential solutions for their clients. Like so many problems, homelessness has mofe than one possible solution. StreetSmarts should be given a chance to serve members of the homeless community who respond to it Steve Hagen Miami Krome Is No Ellis Island I read Jacob Bernstein’s article about Krome concentration camp (“Cleaning Up Kfome,” December 24) with special inter- ,es|. The policies and conditions he describes didn’t exist, to my knowledge, at Ellis Island. That New York City immigra¬ tion center represents a chapter in U.S. history of which we should be proud. I was appalled that Mr. Dhine had to fight just for the right to light Hanukkah candles. Bravo to those who are gallantly hying to change things. And just two words to Mr. Stubbs: promises, promises. Alan Gittelson Miami Beach Is DeFede a Pit Bull Only Natacha and Boris Gould Love? Sometimes it’s hard to toll. Is it Jim DeFede’s purpose to report the facts or attack other people? Ina recent stoiy, The Junket Queen” (December 24), he unloads on one of his favorite targets: Miami-Dade Commissioner Natacha.Seijas Millan. DeFede is a great reporter, but what good does his rage toward people in power do for the cause of truth? In Milton’s case DeFede was successful in making her sound manipulative, confused, and defensive about her trips. But he gave us very little beyond that. I guess the real questions here are these: Was fairness DeFede’s mandate when he wrote this story? Or was it to attack someone who voted against the human rights ordi¬ nance? Natacha’s vote on that issue was wrong, but it shouldn’t be the impetus for DeFede to go after her. I guess we’re all human. Antonio de Velasco Kendall Or Is He a Nattering Nabob of Negativity? Why didn’t New Times reporter Jim DeFede highlight any positive actions of Ms. Millan in his article? Why does the media always focus on trying to embarrass public figures? Does New Times think that is what the public wants? Bill Bell Revere, Massachusetts New Times, Inc. Executive Editor Michael Lacey Executive Managing Editor Christine Brennan Executive Associate Editor Andy Van De Voorde Design Director Sonda Andersson Pappan Copy Editor Victoria E. Lee Corporate Editorial Assistant Mindy Bennett Operations and ' Human Resources Director MaijorieRothrock Human Resources Specialist Kimberley Bonner Computer Systems Dave Ritter Macintosh Systems Specialist Dave Marcon Information Systems Director Richard Diamond Systems Developer Norm Penrod Applications Developer Shari Itaber Director of Web Technology Tony Rossignol Web Developer Michael Nino Systems Engineer Mike Smith Human Resources Administrator Fran Fratianni Tx»porate Administrators Sheila Smith Financial Coordinator Michelle Anderson Archive Administrator Julie Williamson Sales Director Michele Laven Chief Financial Officer Jed Brunst Executive Vice President Soott Spear President and Chief Operating Officer Hal Smith Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Jim Larkin r Appliance Depot Where the Price is always Right! FREE Digital Camcorder Carrying Case with purchase. Mail in offer. See store for details. Introducing the new Panasonic Digital Palmcorder Camcorder 18x Hi-Definition Zoom With seven different zoom speeds and 18:1 optical zoom your close-up shots will have extraordinary clarity so you won’t miss a detail. 300x Digital Zoom Through the use of digital technology you can zoom an amazing 300:1 for an incredibly close shot. Digital Electronic Image Stabilization (EIS) Whether walking or riding in a car Digital EIS compen¬ sates for unintentional hand and camcorder movement to help stabilize your recordings. 3” Color LCD Monitor You can view what you’re recording at almost any angle with the 3” LCD screen. The picture is brilliantly clear and in full color. Seeing Is Believing! Come In For A Demo Today! SOUTH DIXIE 13301 SW87HI An. Just Off U.S.1 at 132nd St Just North Of The Falls. 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Color Enhancement Light Thanks to the included color enhancement light that mounts on top of the digital camcorder, you’ll be amazed by the full color picture that the Panasonic digital camcorder can produce in low light situations. .e r T v,»:Sffertp ¿'faUFUtel *• It rffBIffiBL Miami New Times January 28 - February 3,1999 üwlBW its enviable location, powerful multicultural spirit and a thriving, dedicated business community, Miami has become one of the most important international gateways for commerce. And American Airlines, proud to be an integral part of that dedicated business community, is committed to growing with the city for years to come. It’s a partnership we’re excited about. Because as you know, we think the world of you, Miami. To find out more about American, visit us on the web at www.aa.com AmericanAirlines American/^ Proud to be a pan of Miami.m American Airlines and American Eagle are registered trademarks of American Airlines, Inc. American Eagle is American’s regional airline associate. American Airlines is a proud supporter of the United Way of Dade County. United Wby b January zb - reoruary a, lawt Miami new limes A Pirate s Mutiny Miami’s unlicensed radio stations are pumping up the jams despite the FCC’s efforts to shut them up By Kirk Nielsen Come around eleven o’clock. It starts get- tin’ thick ’n’ chunky around then,” Bo the Lover growls into his cell phone. Bo, a.k.a. Brindley Marshall, has promptly returned a page. It’s Friday night and the caller is inquiring about a hip-hop dance party that Marshall’s Pure Funk DJs are throwing at the Honeycomb Hideout on NW 79th Street in Miami.One reason the crowd is thickening; a raucous radio advertising cam¬ paign. As everyone in the music business knows, radio is die pump that streams patrons $.e., cash) into dance clubs. And- somewhere out in the Miami night, between spins of hip- hop songs, DJ Big Dog is barking into a Hot 97 (97.7 FM) radio microphone: “Get on over to the Honeycomb Hideout!” Ask any number of the young dancers lining up to be frisked by security guards and they’ll tell you Hot 97 is their favorite station. Ask people at the Federal Communications Com¬ mission (FCC) and they’ll tell you it is illegal. 5ft7/illegal. Last July FCC agents and U.S. marshals shut down the station, which was then operat¬ ing from the externally blighted and internally slick Pure Funk Playhouse on NW Eighteenth Avenue and 67th Street in liberty City. The raid was part of an operation that seized broad¬ cast equipment from fifteen South Florida pirate stations and was the subject of an Octo¬ ber 1,1998 New Times feature story, “Making Airwaves.” That crackdown was the biggest in FCC his¬ tory — until last month, when federal agents swooped down again and yanked transmitters from a whopping nineteen unlicensed broad¬ casters between Miami and West Palm Beach. Eleven of the busts were in Miami-Dade County, according to Assistant U.S. Attorney Robyn Hermann. In a repeat of events follow¬ ing the July raids, the pirates immediately began buzzing again, like bees emerging from the hive. DJs on Hot 97 were back on the very tday the U.S. Attorney's Office issued a press release on the December raids. Hot 97 is not alone. Although hip-hop DJs are still leading the insurrection, stations of every stripe are spinning outiof control They have been broadcasting regularly in January on at least seven unlicensed FM frequencies, including 891, 90.1, 92.5,94.3,94.5,103.9, playing music that ranges from Haitian com¬ pás to R&B to Middle Eastern. Two of those frequencies, 89.1 and 94.5, were targets of the December raids, but quickly returned to the air. These stations continue to provide the soundtrack for this real-life suspense thriller, with lyrics like these that Busta Rhymes drops (that’s slang for rap) to a slow tempo: "This is serious/We could make you deluious/You should have a healthy fear of us/Cuz too many of us is dangerous.” “I don’t want to be defiant, but can I live a little, too? Can I share the wealth?” former pirate Bo the Lover The FCC may have Bo’s transmitters, but he has that entrepreneurial spirit Hot 97 has returned to the air, but Marshall insists he has not Other DJs have taken over his moniker and frequency, he explained to New Times this month. “What the brothers did was they stepped to me and they asked me ‘Can we use your handle?’ Because we [pirates] use courtesy,” recounts Marshall, who has a resonant voice* the build of a full¬ back, anda tuft of black hair beneath his lower lip. “I said,‘Can I get some advertising?’ ” Marshall is heard on taped commercials for Pure Funk events over at least two pirate sta¬ tions. He says he has warned the new Hot 97 crew that they are living on borrowed time. “I told them, “You got to keep moving around, because if you don’t, they’re going to gitcha.’” Unlike underground radio in much of the United States, South Florida’s unlicensed DJs are closely linked to local dance clubs. Miami- Dáde’s pirate industrial complex stretches from the grimy streets of Liberty City to the glamorous avenues of South Beach. While Marshall was doing his thing at the Honey¬ comb Hideout, DJs on 94.5 FM promoted hip- hop shows at Club Amnesia, featuring the groups Juvenile, Big Tymers, and Hot Boys. How brazen are these pirates? They give out their phone number on the air. When New Times dialed it and askedaDJ’s opinion of the FCC raids, he quickly hung qp., The December raids worked in at least one case. SupaRadio (104.7 FM), a high-quality but unlicensed hip-hop station that eluded the FCC last July, has Men silent It advertised on flyers for “OF School Night” on Thursdays at Charlie Brown’s, a club on Washington Avenue in South Beach. DJ Nasty and DJ Eon were among the featured performers. Until recently it seemed that Mixx 96 (96.1 FM), a pirate powerhouse that played Caribbean dance music until agents shut it down, was also history. But it could again be heard last week. While some pirates press on with the mutiny against the FCC, others have jumped ship in the wake of the latest raids. “We are now strictly an Internet radio station,” says Mark Christopher, a founder of the Womb (107.1 FM), a Miami Beach ambient and techno-music station. Of course, that’s what he said last July, after federal agents visited the station but found no transmitter. Some¬ time last fall, the Womb returned to the air¬ waves. DJs fed their signal from a studio near Collins Avenue and Fourteenth Street to a building at Drexel Avenue and Twelfth Street On December 8 federal agents showed up at the Drexel apartment and confiscated a transmitter, an antenna^ and a computer worth about $6000. “We sat up oñ the roof and watched them take it away,” Christo¬ pher says morosely. Confiscations are hard on a DJ’s savings account But the punishment for broad¬ casting without a license is a cakewalk compared with penalties for other felonies. “You only have to show up in court if you are claiming that you want the equipment back,” Hermann explains. She says only four of the unlicensed broadcasters have filed suit to recoup their transmitters and antennas. - Marshall is suing to regain possession of his two 1000-watt transmitters and other audio equipment The case has yet to go to trial “We are going t<> apply for a license,” says his lawyer Bill Ferguson. “We’re going to do it the right way.”,So far a court has ruled on only one seizure, according to Hermann. Federal Judge James L King upheld the confiscation of broadcast equipment agents took from a man named Marcus Calvo at a building on SW 83rd Avenue in West Miami-Dade last July. The station had transmitted on 104.1 FM. Back at the Honeycomb Hideout, Marshall is making sure things are under control in the cramped parking lot Would-be dancers amblé past him to the security check and police tend to a motorcyclist who was hit by a car nearby. The hip-hop entrepreneur'says he doesn’t appreciate the FCC interfering with his work. He notes it is impossible for a man of little means to buy a station worth hundreds oi thousands of dollars or more, which in most cities is the only way to obtain a license. “This is how I make my monies,” he explains with an urgent tone. He suspects that commercial stationsfike Jamz (WEDR-IM 99.1) and Hot 105 (WHQT-FM 105.1) are behind complaints about the pirates. “I don’t want to be defiant, but can I five a little, too? Can I eat, too? Can I share a little of the wealth?” Despite the FCC, business isn’t bad for Marshall. Inside Honeycomb Hideout dozens of dancers are silhouetted in a dimly lit banquet hall- masquerading as a night club. Behind a twelve-foot wall .of speakers, DJ Ha-Ha works the turntables and microphone. The bass is so loud it makes people’s chest cavities vibrate. You can’t order liquor, but you can get a Polaroid taken with your sweetheart. On some nights there is a “bootie-shakin’ con¬ test” with a $250 prize for the sexiest hip swiveler. ' Five miles away Hermann ish’t swiveling much these days. She’s buried under prose¬ cution files for all the Miami-Dade pirate radio cases. “When the first raids were done, a lot of operators thought, Now it’s safe to go back on the air. Now there’s been another major enforcement in the area. We hope we’ve got it stopped,” she says. Hermann thinks the raids have had a deterrent effect. But it sure doesn’t seem that way. CD kirk_nielsen@miaminewtimes.com Miami New Times January 28 - February 3,1999 7 The hip-hep entrepreneur says he doesn’t appreciate the FCC interfering with his work. etro Nobody’s Listening A new survey of Cubans finds that Radio Marti’s island audience is shrinking by the day By Kathy Glasgow nt was just a few weeks ago that the Clinton administration nominated a new chairman for the board that oversees Radio Marti. The president also announced increased efforts to make the shortwave UrS. government station more widely heard. But the news is not all good. New Times has obtained a document that seems to indicate listenership is at or near the low¬ est point since broadcasts began in 1985. Interviews in four Cuban cities this past September revealed nine percent of the population tuned in regularly to Radio Marti. U.S. government analysts, compar¬ ing that figure with findings from a similar survey conducted in November 1994 that showed sixteen percent listenership, con¬ clude Radio Marti’s audience is dwindling. Possible reasons for the declihe include an increase in Cuban government jam¬ ming, deteriorating quality of program¬ ming, and increased competition from other foreign stations. Several people familiar with the Office of Cuba Broadcasting (OCB) say the num¬ ber of listeners has dropped by far more than seven percentage points. They argue the survey was taken during the 1994 balsero crisis, when civil unrest was high and citizens were allegedly being pun¬ ished for speaking with foreigners. Despite repeated calls over four days to the offices of the U.S. Information Agency (USIA), which oversees all of the govern¬ ment’s foreign broadcast operations, offi¬ cials couldn’t provide comment or inter¬ pretation of the survey-results. OCB director Herminio San Roman insists the study is not credible: “The methodology is flawed. Do you think if you stop Cubans on the street and ask them if they listen to Radio Marti they’re going to openly say yes when it’s against the law?” Then San Roman retreats slightly: “But even if the numbers were right, nine percent is more than a million Cubans.” Nevertheless the nine percent figure disturbs some observers. “It was a universal belief that Radio Marti had somewhere around 50 percent listenership,” says one knowl¬ edgeable source who spoke on condition of anonymity. “Of course there was some decline after the initial debut stage. I’m not so certain [the September 1998 sur¬ vey] represents full listenership, but how¬ ever you cut it, it does represent what is, in the view of most people, a shockingly low figure.” Despite the apparently declining audi¬ ence, the U.S. Congress has allocated $12.7 million to operate Radio Marti this year, and $9.4 million for TV Marti, which in the same September study was found to have a miniscule audience nationwide and “no regular viewers” in Havana. In addition, on January 5 the president promised to seek more funding for Radio and TVMarti. The same day he appointed Cuban- American labor leader Jose “Pepe” Collado to fill the post of chairman of the President’s Advisory Board for Cuban Broadcasting (PAB), which monitors the content and tech¬ nical quality of the Martis’ broadcasts. That spot has been empty since exile leader Jorge Mas Canosa died in November 1997. Most details of the survey are secret. The government won’t even name the firm that did the work except to say it is a European media consul¬ tancy. Officials confirm the inquiry was conducted in Havana, Santa Clara, Holguin, and Santiago de Cuba as part of a larger, unrelated study. All data pertaining to the Martis were gathered without the Cuban government’s knowledge. One reason the International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB), a division of the USIA, won’t reveal moré: It wants to keep open the possibility of doing future surveys. : Critics of Radio Marti management blame numerous recent programming and personnel changes for the survey results. Those changes were detailed in a June 4, 1998 New Times feature story, “Radio Free Miami.” Clinton appointed San Roman, a Miami lawyer, to lead the station in 1997. Many listeners contend the moves have had a deleterious effect; a study last year by journalists associated with Florida International University found an overall lack of professionalism and objectivity in the Radio Marti news operation. San Roman has asked the FIU panel members to visit Radio Marti studios and coach employees in “professional develop¬ ment,” according to Charles Green, the school’s International Media Center direc¬ tor. (Green praises Radio Marti’s recent efforts to include more reports from inde¬ pendent journalists inside Cuba.) By mid- February panelists will decide how they want to proceed. The State Department Office of the Inspector General is also conducting an investigation of the OCB’s management and operations. In addition the advisory board wrote a letter to President Clinton this past September calling for San Roman’s dismissal. San Roman continued to receive the unqualified support of his Continued on page 11 Many observers in Cuba have noted what they think is a long-term decline . in Radio MartTs audience. 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PR Iron man Bars . 5U.99per bx. Pure Protein Bor ...... ..25.00 per bx 18519 W. DIXIE HWY NORTH MIAMI BEACH HOURS: M-F 107 • SAT 11-6 • CLOSED SUN 305-792-9878 1 WE WILL MEET OR BEAT ALL COMPETITORS' RAICES Present Ad with Purchase Exp 2/3/99f 8 January 28 - February 3,1999 Miami New Times Yard Co. 1021 l|jj|p>ln Rd » Miami Beach : 305 * 581 «2002 :: 2450 Wilton Dr. * Ft. Lauderdale 954• 568*282 OPEN 7 DAYS 15,000 square fbelt showroom featuring a. rare collection of original oils, etchings, sculptures and more from around the world - Investment viewings by appointment. A “Hítame Oriyikal... Seiucacf Souiá ¿tace 197$ Downtown/Brickell (2 blocks from Bridell) 96 5W 7th Street 305358.7226 MON-SAT 9-7. SUN 124 South Miami (Comer of US1 {Sunset) 5910 5. Dixie Hwy 305.6673557 MON-SAT 9-6 VNfoet ofUSVofFZTth Ave Call 3Q5-&5&-&G6 WHERE CAN YOU BUYA $400CHAIR FOR $95 At the Antique Center Factory Wholesaler Now Opentothe PübRc After 35Years. Mahogany Chair $95 Chippendale Style Solid Mahogany Pining Table $350 Over2Ó,G>ÓO éc^ft warehouse fui of period style handmade furniture; Louis XV; Louis XVI, Empire ¿Antique (¡Leníer Factory Wholesalers 2044-SW2S Lane* Miami, FL mam Own tie city and live in the mastetl/sj planned island comrouiiity of Brickell. j other rental residencian offer you the charm of an island as well as close access to all of Miami's dynamic attractions. ■ fawo-Stoiy Health jClnb Resort Style Sun Deck iplljyimming PÓhl Hot WhirpqÉjíapa «> Squash, Racquetball & Croquet Conrts * Party and Billiards Room V (P Fully Equipped Business Center Hir. Concierge Services Valep& Corerednirking Dsry Cleaning-daily pickup & delivery jSgrnf mu Gardener s Market & Many % Other Retail Shops Water Taxi Service to Dowtown Miami iraiiWjMf Basketball & Jogging Paths I and Walo^nys I Bordering ThÜ! Island 701 Brickell Fiar Blffe 305 É3» &%?66 COURVOISIER Courts Luxurious Rental Residences On Brickell Key RENTING IS FOR DUMMIES! I I BAL . HARBOUR LUXURY WATERFRONT CONDOMINIUMS IBr/l Bath from $50,000-$2500 Down Pmt - $316/month P&I 2Br/2 Bath fiom $60,000-$3000 Down Pmt - $379/month P&I No We’re Not in dina - We’re on the Bay between Keystone Point & Sunny Isles This Has Got lb Be the Best Real Estate Buy in Florida This is the best thing since ice cream - Come see for yourself! you worft see prices and values like Ibis again! Newly remodeled in and out * New GE Kitchens * New Fixtures * New Carpet * New Large Bayside Pool & Deck * New Fitness Facility * New Gated Entry * New Fire Sprinkler & Alairri System * 278 parking spaces with covered parking * Deep Water Boat Dockage, dean, Neat & Sweet. LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION Hicked away on a quite tree lined boulevard with no through traffic, 675’ of waterfront bordered by 120 acres of lush green forest with trails for hiking, blading, jogging & walking (Florida’s largest urban State Park and FIU). 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Oral representations cannot be relied upon as correctly stating representations & the developer ; Por correct representations, make reference to the documents requiiedby section 718503, Florida statutes, to be fiimished by adevdper to a buyer or lessee. f = Miami New Turn» January 28 - February 3,1999 9 TRAVEL ITEMS • SPORT BOTTLES • TOTE BAGS • CAPS • CLOTHING * WATCHES * CLOCKS • PENS * DESK ITEMS ‘GIVEAWAYS Image For Less \fi$° 100% cotton Pique embroidered Polo shirt • T t 100% cotton Heavyweight T-Shirt w/your logo mi m f mm i / ‘minimum order required SUPER BOWL OF SAVINGS 10% off w/mention of ad SWEATSHIRTS printed Super Heavy Weight $11.95 list Super Bowl Savings 10 January 28 - February 3,1999 Miami New Times Many Items $5-$10 BRING THIS AD AND GET 10% OFF ALL REGULAR PRICE MERCHANDISE • vintage clothing •silver jewelry • leather jackets •gothic clothing • guys & gals streetwear • velvets scarves batik dresses nail polishes MIAMI TWICE 6562 SW 40TH STREET • MIAMI • 666-0127 • OPEN 7 DAYS MAKE ME YOUR NEW BEST FRIEND Come See Over 40 Different Breeds at Puppy Kingdom HEALTH CERTIFICATE 1 FREE Dog Training Session, Pet Grooming & Vet Visit w/Purchase ofPuppy 2700 SW 27th Ave. Miami, FL (305)447-9422 (305)613-0404 World Style Gallery Res $749: Sale $449: Come in and check out our prices!! India, Indonesia, and China 6766 Main Street., Miami Lakes 305-824-WORLD (9675) ROBERTS WESTERN WEAR welcomes Superbowl Fans! The Largest Lucchese Dealer in the Southeast Justin Durango Code west Boots • Jeans Shirts • Hats 5854 South Dixie Hwy»south Miami»(505)666-6647 Listening Continued front page 8 Boss, USIÁdirectorJosépí Duffey. But on January 20, Duffey announced his resignation. A government memorandum summariz¬ ing the survey results ties the lower Radio Marti audience figures to stepped-up jam¬ ming by the Castro government,'espe¬ cially in Havana. “People here don’t listen as much to Radio Marti now because it’s very hard to pick up,” agrees dissident Elizardo Sanchez Santa Cruz, a Havana resident. “You can hear it in othete provinces, like Las Villas.” But many scholars and observers in Cuba have noted what they think is a longer-term decline in Radio Marti’s audience. (No one disputes that TV Marti is successfully jammed by the Castro government and is vir¬ tually never seen.) “The young people don’t listen to Radio Marti at all, and no one tunes in during the novelas [hugely popular TV soap operas that air weeknights on the two Cuban government-run stations],” says Uni¬ versity of New Mexico sociology professor Nelson Valdes, who spends large parts of each year in Havana. “The regulars are mainly women over 50.” „ The September survey wasn’t all had news. Researchers reported that Radio Marti remained the most popula1 foreign station in Cuba. The BBC, Radio Exterior “We've spent a huge amount of money for a huge operation with a smaller audience." I de España, Radio Canada International, Radio France International, Radio Nether¬ lands, and the Voice of America all had audiences of one or two percent. And 45 percent of those interviewed were aware of Radio Marti, even if they didn’t listen. John Nichols, associate professor of com¬ munications at Pennsylvania State Univer¬ sity and an expert on international broad¬ casting, is willing to believe that Radio Marti listenership in Cuba is .declining, but he says that’s almost irrelevant to the politi¬ cians who fund the operations. “Radio Marti was offered up as a mechanism to bring down the Castro government and was a symbolically hostile act,” Nichols says. “If somebody did the hard figures they would discover a net loss [in listener- ship] by replacing the old [Voice of Amer¬ ica] with Radio Martí. VOA dedicated pro¬ gramming to Cuba starting in the Sixties ahd continued until the transmitter in the Keys was turned over to Radio Marti. I can recall sitting on a Cuban bus and every¬ body was listening to VOA. It wasn’t frowned upon. Castro listened. The rele¬ vant question is not whether the Martis’ audience figures are going up it’s, Are they greater than VOA’s were? And I think not That indicates the real reason for broad¬ casting is less Cuba and more domestic politics. We’ve spent a huge amount of money for a huge operation with what is probably a smaller audience.” CD kathy_glasgow@miaminewtimes.com APPLE A DAY Natural Food Market Miami’s Discount Health Food Supplier REDUCE STRESS NATURALLY Rhodiola 2 Rhodiola Super Adaptogen Combats Strtss aiid^Fatigue Enhanceríióód ?~>0 mmm The Super Adaptogen from Natural Balance™ Studies suggest that the power¬ ful adaptogenic herb Rhodiola rosea from the Siberian arctic can help reduce stress and enhance a variety of perfor¬ mance functions. Rhodiola helps to build up your energy reserves to improve your mental and physical perfor¬ mance. Now Natural Balance brings this natural herb to you in 100 mg capsules available at Apple A Day Health Foods. mmzi mm 100 mg Rhodiola fiosea NATURAL BALANCE® ALL VITAMINS & HERBS With purchase of one Vitamin at Regular Price get second Identical Vitamin at 50% off Regular Price. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 2/28/99, Limit 4. OPEN 7 DAYS: 8AM-10PM 1534 Alton Road • Miami Beach • (305) 538-4569 11 OWNAJEEP? BREAK SOmETHING ? relax. Factory authorized service for DODGE • CHRYSLER • PLYMOUTH • JEEP GETYOURSORRY CAR-DRIVING BUn North Store: 19400 N W 2nd Avenue (194th Street on 441) PH.: (305) 651-48.11 South Store: 17631 SouthJ3ixie Highway (176th Street and U.S. 1) PH: (305) 2354023 WE HAVE LEATHER. WvU B ¿1 'SHIÜHHI¡B 'ORTH© ;98 *gIvmwgwvfiti I* ANt> IF WE SAMK If/TO THAT SACK POOT#,coi/t.l> y0V SHRUG OFF MY GRAVttY..Oft WOUlP you pvuiur ciost ? couit> you flew* kut hot-hoip my m umirm tabu s© the vwvmess cohlpn t SEE...THE SUGAR PACKEf You FOlPkp tNto A SWAN com l/NHAVEUI» tN A C’OPFEE CUP AÍNG...COULP YOU-H0LP EOT Nof SMILE when IS lw sms ryou LOOK LtKE irWE,young toys to met News of the Weird Lead Stories •Sinee July the Totenko Chinese restaurant in Tokyo' has been offering an all-you-can-eat luncheon buffet (that regularly costs sixteen dollars per person) to the first 30 diners each day at the price of about 30 cents per minute, measured by a time clock that din¬ ers punch when entering and exiting. Other restaurante have copied the idea in reces- - sion-tom Japan, according to a December Wall Street Journal report, and some have j found that diner? stay longer when alcoholic beverages: are included on the per-minute menu. •Tim Cridland, touring as Zamora the/ Torture King in an entertainment show in which he endures massive pain, told the Riverfront Times (St Louis) in December that he broke from the Jim Rose Circus over “artistic differences/”' Among Zamora’s feats; the traditional skewers through the cheeks and neck;, swallowing swords and fire; jumping up and down barefoot on broken bottles; and his occa¬ sional piéce de resistance, swallowing a length of twine, then having it removed from his stomach with a scalpel and for¬ ceps during onstage surgery.. •According to police in Lake City, Florida, in November, Felisha Ann Copeland, age 31, on learning that her ex-husband had a new girl¬ -friend, dumped a pot of boiling grits in his lap while he was seated, naked, on the toilet of the home they shared. He suffered severe blistering.'And in Middletown/Connecticut, in December, Raquel K. Husman, age 41, was charged with assault for allegedly slashing her ex-boyfriend’s scrotum with her finger¬ nails when she discovered him with another woman. He needed 24 stitches. Latest Highway Truck Spills •Among the cargo spilled in tractor-trailer accidente in 1998: twenty-five tons of pudding (West Virginia, September); 2000 cases of beer (Michigan, July); four tons of flour (Ontario, August); several tons of noodles, which expanded in the rain (Maryland, Jiily); twenty tons of cheese, which caught fire (Wales, October); $45,000 in quarters (Illi¬ nois, June) ;50,000 one-dollar bills (Kansas, November); 500,000 honeybees (Washing- ton, October, and another four million in Wis¬ consin in November) ; twelve tons of garbage (Rhode Island, March); 6700 gallons of ani¬ mal fat (Ohio, May); and 20,000 gallons of liq¬ uid detergent (elsewhere in Ohio, ten days later). Life Imitates the Movies •In September red harvester ants in the soil at the Hanford nuclear complex near Richland, Washington, were found to be radioactive, as were flies and gnats swarm¬ ing around ordinary garbage at Hanford the following month. Plant managers feared that additional contamination might be spread by mice, insects, and vegetation such as tumbleweeds. (An Associated Press report on Hanford in October reminded readers of the 1954 movie Them!, starring James Amess, in which “huge, marauding ants are spawned by nuclear experiments.”) The WeirdoAmerican Community •Tyrone V. Henry, age 26, was arrested in September in Tucson, Arizona, and charged with possession of child pornography. Police said they were led to Henry’s home after six female University of Arizona students com¬ plained that a man supposedly conducting a test of facial cream used a substance they say tasted like semen. Police, however, said they do not have enough evidence to Charge Henry on the face-cream-testing charges. -By Chuck Shepherd $299 a month 42 month lease ESSERMAN Palmetto & Red Road Call 305-2Q3-NIS S A N 'mm FLAGSHIP New '99 Passat $269 Loaded with CD changer, alarm and power options. a month r48 month lease $999 total due at signing Beetles are here! No waiting! ESSERMAN VOLKSWAGEN Drivers wanted On the Palmetto & Red Road (next to Esserman Nissan) Call 305474V W Miami New Times January 28 - February 3,1999 13 pi SSfc M Oceanfront on Soutk Beack. Wliere tke only new report'GonJominitjxnsion tke keack range from $100'S to $300’s. | Wkere tke $25 million renovation will ke finisked tkis summer kut you can still move in. today. Wkere S outk Beack means on tke keack. And wkere fully fumisked residences kegin at $109/000. . élwi Open 9am- 7pm today at 23rd & Collins, 305-531-1821. ■HI kttp: Wwww.roneypalace. com WE ARE PLEDGED ¡®A LOT? ■ SIWGF THE I ÍÍÍII FOR THE ACHIEVEMENT OF EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY THROUGHOUT THE NATION. WE ENCOURAGE AND SUPPORT AN AFRRMAT1VE ADVERTISING Í¿W:MARf0I^^OGlto lN WHICHTH^EARE-:NO:^Í^lER$TO OBTAINING HOUSING COLORS UBJ^ION^SEX. MA^felCAFV. FiAMIUAL STATUG0R NATIONAL ORION: EQUALHOUSINGOPiTOUNríYi . ORAL REPRESENTATION CANNOT BE RETTED UP0N:AS CORRECTLY STATING REPRESENTATION OF 1HE DEVELOPER, FOR CORRECT REPRESENTATIONS MAKE REFERENCE TO THE PURCHASE AGREEMENT AND TO THE : I DOCUMENTS REQUIREO'BYSECTI0N718,503 RORlOA'iSOTfeS TO RE FURNISHED BY DEVEiOPERTG BUYER'0B,L£SS8E:N0TAN OFFER WHERE PROHIBITED HSTATE STATUTES, | 14 January 28 - February 3,1999 Miami New Times HOW SOME OF MIAMI’S BRIGHTEST LIGHTS NEARLY TRASHED A PIECE OF LOCAL HISTORY The little green wooden cottage near Biscayne Bay survived thrashings from the mighty hurricanes oí 1926,1935; and 1992. But starting in fall 1997, human forces accomplished what the storms could not: A construction crew up and moved the one-story, pitch-roofed bungalow a few hundred, feet to a new resting place. By the time relocation was com¬ plete, workers had reduced one part of the structure to a pile of old lumber. Some time after that, they cut a gaping hole in its side and installed a large air Conditioner. The cottage sat unused for months until this past summer, when workers began yanking rare planks of Dade County pine from the roof and replacing them with plywood. They also hung a door, circa 1998, in the main entryway and nailed two-by-fours under the eaves. Then, one Wednesday in August 1998, Ransom graduate David Villano walked by on his way to a iunch meeting. He was aghast “When I got there they were ripping the fucking roof off!” Villano says, still amazed. “They ripped out two of the sash windows and just threw them áway!” Villano was with a friend, architect Luigi Vitalini. Although Villano ran Off to get help, Vitalini feared it was too late to rescue one of Miami-Dade County’s oldest standing buildings. Since it was hammered together nearly a century ago, the cottage has stood on the lush and breezy bayside campus o! Ransom Everglades Upper School, which sprawls across several acres between Main Highway and Biscayne Bay in Coconut Grove. The school is among the most important places in Miami-Dade history. Students, teachers, and alumni all take pride in its storied past Illustrious people have attended or sent their kids there. The children of phil¬ anthropist Shepard Broad, one of the founders of Israel, attended. So did Paul Wolfson, whose family is among the county’s most gefreroüs donors. Harry Anderson, former New York Yacht Club commodore, is an alumnus just like Continued on page 16 16 January 28 - February 3,1999 Miami New Times Ransom Cpnt|niie<á frpm page 15 his father,,who nearly a century ago was among the school's the first stu¬ dents.,,. Although not as glamorous ^s land¬ marks like Vizcaya or the nearby Bar¬ nacle historic site, the cottage is one of'only two vestiges of the school’s original-array of wood-frame build¬ ings. Historians date it to 1906, just ten years after the City of Miami was -incorporated. Near the cottage is a two-story wood house named,the Pagoda, built by school founder Paul Kaiisom in 1902 and placed onthé National Register of Historic Sites in 1973. Both .are constructed of Dade Cbunty pine. The region was once covered with stands of this hardy tree, but lumber companies rendered if vir¬ tually extinctdecades ago.. Margot Ammidown, fonner director oftlje éouhty’s .historic preservation office, calls the cottage an important relic from another era? “Coconut Grove has its own unique architectural tradi¬ tion, basically a wood-frame, craftsman style that was not built in many other, places in the county,” explains Ammidown, an alumna of the. Everglades School for Girls, which merged with the Ransom School in 1974, “The cottage is significant for this and also for its Dade County pine wood.” In construction-crazed South Florida, developers have routinely razed unique structures to make way for the tide of park¬ ing lots, office buildings, stripmalls, and Mediterranean-tiled' stucco homes that has! sw.ept the region. Although this has hap¬ pened throughout the area, jt seems unimaginable at Ransom Everglades, where historical awareness , is a foundation of the curriculum and tuition costs about $13,000 per year. Moreover, some of the county’s most venerated minds are on the school’s 30-member board of trustees, including for¬ mer Miami Herald- publisher David LaWrence, Citibank International chairman Carlos Palomares, Pinecrest Mayor Evelyn Greer; and Flagler Dog Track owner Bar- bará Havenick. If anyone grasped the impor¬ tance of historic preservation, it would bl this group. Right? Maybe not When Villano, who has coached soccer at thé 'school for the past fifteen years, returned to the scene of the cottage crime that August day, head of school Judy Cham¬ berlain followed him.' They planned to dis¬ cuss preservation of the cottage over lunch. Chamberlain, who had been on the job .for onlyja month, was not privy to her predeces¬ sor’s plans for it. She told the workers to stop work. Six months later a leaky blue tarp remains on the roof. “There’s been a series of [bad] .decisions regarding use of that building, unfortunately,” observes Rocco CpO,a Miami,architect who specializes in historic preservation. “I don’t know who made them. I probably don’t want to know. But generally speaking, people who cared about the building wouldn’t have donq those things.” Take the idea of installing air conditioning, for instance. “It looks horrible,” ; peo critiques. “It has to be taken off” Then títere are the'iron mounts placed beneath the cottage during the move. They will eventually cause the-wood to rot, Opo notes. Every time it rains, the cottage moves toward a slow, musty doom. “There are some bad things going on with that build¬ ing. It’s been beat up pretty bad,” says Ceo. 1 “It was kind of supervised neglect,” con¬ fesses former head of school John Cotton. Some trustees downplay the debate while Cottage crusader David Villano found the door, and access to trustees, blocked others deny there was a controversy. The saga of the cottage is a lesson in how even the county’s best and brightest could become caught up in the region’s penchant for erasing history. A rare combination of adventure, desire to teach, and ailing kidneys brought Paul Ransom to Florida in 1892. A ¿O^year-old Harvard graduate with a law degree from , Columbia University, Ransom was a lawyer in Buffalo, New York when his doctors ordered him to winter in a warm climate to prolong his life. Soon he traveled to Parking was not a concern when Ransom established the Pine Knot Camp on the grounds where Ransom Everglades is located today, but virtuous principles were. In 1896 Ransom began to tutor wealthy boys from New England; he had taught five stu¬ dents the first year. Sailing, Bible study, and “the benefit of an outdoor life,” were main¬ stays of Ransom’s pedagogy. “They had to fire shotguns to call in the students,” says English teacher Dan Leslie Bowden. In 1903 Ransom married Alice Carter, daughter of the president of Williams Col¬ lege. The couple soon worked out a deal with the Adirondack School, an elite board¬ PARKING WAS NOT A CONCERN WHEN RANSOM ESTABLISHED THE PINE KNOT CAMP, BUT VIRTUOUS PRINCIPLES WERE. Florida. After a stop in Palm Beach, Ran¬ som headed south to Coconut Grove, where he met author Kirk Munroe. Munroe.and his wife Mary eventually sold Ransom seven-and-a-half acres of bayside, property to the south of the Scrubbubs, their hofise. A neighbor to the north was Ralph Munroe (no relation to Kirk), who owned the Barnacle. ing academy in the mountains of upstate New York. Pine Knot Camp became the site of a winter program and the Adirondack- Florida School was born. Ransom built a bayside schoolhouse, several cottages, and the Pagoda. Fifty-five years before President Kennedy requested, in his 1961 inaugural address, that Americans “ask not what your country ill S»j fei •, wl MU ■■ | can do for you, but what you can do * for your country,” Ransom tittered a * similar entreaty. In a 1906 letter to 5 prospective students, he wrote: “The ’ people" in this world may be divided * roughly into three classes, according i to their attitude toward life. The peo- s pie in the first class belieVe, or seem a to believe, that they were put into the world to see how much they can get out of it... The second class is made up of those who do not give life any thought at all — who do not like to think'very deeply of anything.... The : people of the third class believe that they aré in the world not so much for what they can get out of it as for what , they can put into it” When. Ransom died from kidney disease in 1907 at age 44, Alice, took charge and appointed the school’s first headmaster, livings Somers. For the next 23 years, Mrs. Ransom man¬ aged the school. A1926 article in the Miami Herald proclaimed the founder’s ideals were intact. It quoted Somers: “The Adirondack-Florida School plans to give every youngster under its charge all the advantages of living in the open.” In South Florida living in the open has its perils, of course. The unnamed hurricane of 1926, with its 130 mile-per-hour winds, demolished the school’s bayside classrooms and boathouse. Nearly all the pingjrees wereleveled, too. Other structures survived, including the Pagoda and the cottage,‘which served as an infirmary. In the spirit of Ran¬ som’s altruism, alumni sent copious funds to reconstruct the campus. A two-story, nine- room schoolhouse was completed at water’s edge by late 1927.”' After Alice Ransom died in 193§f4fehoard of trustees assumed control of the school. It was shut down by the trustees during World War II, and it reopened in 1947 with a mere, nine students. But business was slow, so the board voted to separate from the Adiron¬ dack School and hold classes year-round. And they came up with a new name: The Ransom School. By then the cottage had another use, serving as headmaster D. Pierre G. Cameron’s residence. As Miami grew so did the school. By the end of the Sixties storms, fires* or construc¬ tion workers had destroyed most of the orig¬ inal wood-frame structures. Again, only the cottage and the Pagoda survived- The [ school took on a new look. Bunkerlike, con¬ crete-block buildings and stone edifices with breezeways dominated the campus. The trusty cottage was once again uséd as the headmaster’s quarters. Throughout its architectural metamorpho¬ sis, the school’s philosophical foundation endured, says Bowden, age 70, who began instructing at the school in 1955. “We have always tried, especially with children who have so much in the way of advantage and opportunity, to teach them to give and to contribute.” The cottage survived intact during the .Seventies, but there were rumblings abqut demolishing its centurylong companion, the Pagoda. Trustee Eric Buermann discovered all repair jobs are not created equal Bulldozers were ready to topple the Pagoda in the early Seventies. Student Giulio Blanc, who died in 1995; rallied fellow classmates and teachers to appeal to.the board. Blanc and his allies prevailed, and the school raised tens of thousands of dollars for a his¬ toric restoration of the structure, which is now on the National Register ofHistoric Continued on page 18 SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Quitting Smoking Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks"to Your Hoalth. Paul Ransom and student Charles Sumner Bird at Pine Knot Camp in 1898 Ransom Continued from page 16 Sites. Eric Buermann, a 1969 Ransom gradu¬ ate who was president of three alumni asso¬ ciation at the time, recalls the episode this way:, "Hiere was a group who had no real ties tÓ; thé building and would just as soon have bulldozed it They didn’t want to waste time talking, restoring, or raising money.” Two decades later, as board chairman, Buermann would find that those words applied to the Pagoda’s little sister, the cot¬ tage. ■ In the Eighties the cottage served as an art studio, and then as a music classroom and band studio, hence its current moniker: the Band Cottage. But by 1994 it had fallen into disrepair. That year the board was develop¬ ing big changes for the upper school that didn’t necessarily include the cottage. A wish list assembled by the trustees in 1994 included a new science building for the Ran¬ som Everglades Middle School, a fine arts studio, performing arts facilities, and an air conditioning plant for the upper school. The cottage was to be moved to make way for tiie new arts building, then repaired. Villano wrote to then-head of school John Cotton: “To many of us in the extended Ran¬ som Everglades community and throughout Coconut Grove, the prospect of any modifi¬ cation to this structure is quite disturbing.... Speaking as an alumnus, I feel strongly that Ransom Everglades’ identifying strength rests heavily with tradition and continuity,” Cotton wrote back, saying that the cottage was too small for the growing orchestral music program and “in rather bad shape: termite damage, dry rot, et cetera.” He sug¬ gested that the board could afford $35,000 in repairs, but not more expensive historic preservation work. vWhen you think of the fact that the func¬ tion of that school is to do tiie very best job it can to prepare kids for lifelong learning, preserving the Band Cottage just wasn’t car¬ rying that much weight,” recounts Cotton, now headmaster at Boca Raton Preparatory School Villano feared the trustees were preparing to renovate the cottage beyond recognition. Or perhaps they even had a secret plan to bulldoze it once the new construction began. “I thought it was reprehensible that the board was going to try to do it again,” Villano fumes. He and Blanc rallied alumni to parley at the Pagoda with. Cotton and other trustees in fall 1994. One alumna, Lolly Vieth, pledged several"thousand dol¬ lars for the cottage restoration. All present — trustees, alumpi; and staff — agreed to support historic preservation of the cottage. Or so tiie alumni thought ¿ “My understanding when we walked out of there was that the school officials knew that little cottage was one of the last remain¬ ing vestiges of the original campus and that we were really concerned about preserving it,” recalls Tucker Gibbs, a 1972 grad and former Ransom teacher who attended the meeting. “We walked away saying ‘Okay they’re paying some respect and they under¬ stand our position. And at least before they do anything they’re going to talk to us.’ ” Vil¬ lano renjembéfs it similarly; “We walked away from that meeting thinking our mis¬ sion was accomplished.” Meanwhile the trustees set about raising the ten million dollars that the new build¬ ings were expected to cost Why not chan¬ nel a fraction of that for the cottage? “It was difficult to get the board to dedicate the inoney needed to restore it,” recounts Buer¬ mann, who was chairman of the board until this past June. “There were those who felt it should be saved and others who said, ‘Gee it’s an old ramshackle building. Why are we. spending money to preserve that?’ ” ^During the deliberation, several sources say, one .trustee joshed that he would bring the gasoline if someone else would bring the matches. “There was a bit of joking about whether it was worthwhile,"worth, the trouble,” admits Pinecrest Mayor Evelyn Greer, past chair of the board’s building and grounds committee. “And about the fact tháf while it is certainly an old budding, it is not a stunningly beautiful building. And that the shed of today will be the historie preserva¬ tion building of the future, But nobody ever seriously opposédfhe preservation.Oh no.” Greer says she' “doesn’t remember the slightest bit of controversy about it” But current chairman of the board Bar¬ bara Havenick remembers differently. Havenick says some board members favored bulldozing the cottage. “The truth is, there were a few,” she confesses. Her predecessor, Buermann, confirms her reve¬ lation.-Three or four, of them really pre¬ ferred to tear it down. And maybe three of us were concerned about saving it, and the rest were neutral,” he recounts. Neither would reveal names, but Buermann offers clues about their identities: None is an alum¬ nus and all have children attending the school. Buermann says that the board’s Bidifference compelled him to adopt a plan. Rather than restore the cottage to its original state, he Continued on page 21 The Pagoda that Paul built Ransom's 1902 preserved pine-wood pad OMNIPOINT (&\ 100% Digital. 0% Hassle.™ >¿7 90 300 500 700 1100 MINUTES MINUTES MINUTES MINUTES MINUTES $|9.99 $39.99 $49" $64" $99.99 iinder234/minute under 144/minute under 104/miblüté under 104/minute . < under 104/minute NO CONTRACTS TO SIGN ACTIVATION III PLAN THE EXCLUÍ OF PRE-TEE® BASMITZVAH AND WOMENS SPECIAL OCCASION DRESSES February 6th and 7th at the Grand Bay Hotel, Coconut Grove By appointment only: call Cynthia Dasen at (305) 661-5343 18 January 28 - February 3,1999 Miami New Times Seven minutes. 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We offer c unique collection of patio &Jntertor-fumilúe. Factory Direct Visit us at 1907 NE 154th Street North Miami Beach (Cpn^enfenfly, located ¿it l&Bti St and W Dbde Hwy) 305-944-67Ó6 Why Bjby New?; ! BuyTaiWai*! -own Watches - „|Wegpgeiahze ltviarge collateraltzM ajSmóáás/fe mteiWaJWl IBratliag.. • ’í&gríT&jiífc. Rolcx Acccssorils Audemars/.':^ Omega JmSr • Patck • Dtam<¡p&ials Diamofid Bezel: NotlíOfceialíftoteírsIítierdeweIel 'R“a'n"S'o;*ii^” —\ Continued from page 18 pRvprff&d To' ren^áunlTCotton and the board’s building and grounds committee, chairman Joe Buchanan coricurred. Buer- 3 mann pitched the idea this past April, while he was still chairman. “I wanted to get the thing rolling mainly, because I realized once I left, the board members who would just as soon bulldoze it might prevail," Buermann says. “And I felt it best to do a basic clean-up restoration, get the building saved, get it preserved. Get it to a point where the school could actually use the building for something. Then over time, as money allowed, as additional funds were raised, they could go back in and do the full¬ blown historical treatment” Buermann con¬ tracted with Witters Construction to put,on • a new metal roof, repair the floor, replace window frames and jalousies, and install fire sprinklers. None of the trustees consulted with Villano, Ammidown, or any of the other concerned alumni. That laid the foundation for trouble. Meanwhile construction of the three new- masonry buildings proceeded. The trustees hoped for an October 1998 opening. They would finally he able tó escape the cramped and antiquated art and music classrooms. Students would finally leave what they call “the dungeon,” the dank basement pf the math-science building where painting and sculpture classes are held. They would too; COTTON SAID THE COTTAGE NEEDED ABOUT $35,000 IN REPAIRS. THE BOARD COOLD NOT AFFORD HISTORIC PRESERVATION. longer spin pots in a ceramics studio located underneath the school’s outdoor, Olypipic- sized pool in a caged-in, cavelike space that was designed for storage. The cottage had been the scene of fresh¬ men music courses and practice sessions until the end of the Í995-96^ehool year. Then it was unused. “It was nice but rather uncomfortable. Everywhere you looked,' there were termites,” remémbers eighteen- year-old Justin Marks, now a senior and edi¬ tor of the school’s yearbook. “There were a lot of holes in the walls with bugs coming out of them. It was not air-conditioned. It” was very, very cramped with the amount of students in the class. It was just hard to learn in thát environment” . Still, Marks favors keeping it around, though he’s not too exacting about the his¬ torical detail.; “The whole point is the build¬ ing rather than this roof tile or that carpet¬ ing or that door,” he asserts. “It’s the idea of the building more than the actual door that came with it But definitely you’re not going to want to put on metal doors, and metal . windows, and start plastering the walls.” The trustees weren’t concerned with his¬ toric details, either, as Villano discovered on his way to lunch this past August "■ Buchanan, a lawyer who has two kids at Ransom Everglades, says he wanted the cot-, tage spiffed up for the inauguration of the new buildings. He has little regret that Vil- Contlnued on page 23 PARTY ON THE |f| i SUPER BOWL TAIL6ATE MENU Bucket of Free Range Chicken Wings $3.99/lb Buffalo,Teriyaki or BBQ with bleu cheese dressing and cool crispy celery and carrot sticks. 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See store for complete details. 24 January 28 - February 3,1999 Miami New Times COLLEGE GRAD M/F irSTIMETO RETIRE YOUR COLLEGE LOAN. $ Tired of coping with payments?The Army can putyour college loan to rest injustSyears. If you have a loan thaf s not in default, we’ll pay off 1/3 or $1,500, whichever is greater for each year of service. Total repayment of up to $65,000. And we’ll not only retire your loan, well give you other benefits to last a lifetime. Askyour Army Recruiter. Call: Dade: 305-594-8558 Broward: 954-733-3237 Palm Beach: 561-575-6073 ARMT.BE ALL YOU CAN BE? www.goarmy.com Ransom Continued from page 23 very long history. It will be nipe to see it pre- served,” says board chairman Barbara Havetiick, who has two kids enrolled at the school. Sh^ i^ not an alumna, but has a brother who attended Ransom before it merged with Everglades., Would she have been satisfied with the halfway repair suggested by Buermami? “You’re not going to get me to answer that,” she says with a giggle, but then responds anyway. “I would have supported what the board decided.” While the cottage failed to inspire the trustees, the construction boom is all the rage. “It’s exciting to be a part of all the build¬ ing and opportunities for new types of learn¬ ing,” Havenick raves. “The newhigh-tech per¬ forming arts building “is going to take us-info the next century. We’rp doing things we wouldn’t have thought about five years ago,” she marvels. “It’s amazingWhatfs Required for education now.” Then she hints: “We love to see positive articles coming out about the school, because it’s'a really positive place where lots of good things are happening.” Adds Joe Buchanan: “Have you seen how much we are doing? In two and a half years we’ve done seven construction projects.” “THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES HAS ABOUT THIS WHOLE PROCESS.” For Tucker Gibbs the trashing of the cot¬ tage was to be expected. “The bottom line in. any board of trustees is ‘I want to build mon¬ uments. I’m the board of trustees. On my watch I want to have more buildings with great plaques and raise more money.’ There’s nothing sexy to a school about a building like that cottage.” Indeed, the par¬ ents association, not the’trustees, came through with about $35,000 to help fund preservation of the cottage. Six months after bringing the cottage repair job to a halt, Villano is impatient but optimistic. “I want people a hundred years from now to say, Thank God someone was smart enough to preserve this building.’ But he doubts the trustees have gained any respect for the idea. "The board said it didn’t have enough money, even though they’re spending millions of dollars on new class¬ rooms!” he sputters. “The tragedy is not that small number of people wanted to tear it down, but that a large number of péople didn’t care about it” Ammidown remains vexed. “The board of trustees has been haphazard and reckless about this whole process when they knew that there was a very strong contingent of people who have wanted to save this build¬ ing and pledged to cooperate,” she chides. T just think they need to move this along. The longer they delay it the more it starts to look like a deliberate tactic to let the build¬ ing deteriorate.” : Trustee Buchanan still doesn’t understand the commotion. “It was moved at consider¬ able expense and now they’re going through the rigmarole of trying to make sure that the preservation work is done,” he huffs. CD Miami New Times January 28 - February 3,1999 25 BEEN HAPHAZARD AND RECKLESS We’ll make you feel at home. White High Gloss \ Thermofoil Raised ■ Panel Door s^l^nly^gs £>er plan 7-W1830 8-DB18 9-B36PC 10-SB36 11- DB18 122700 $215.00 $155.00 $112.00 Cash & Carry • Bring Us Your Dimensions • Assembled Kitchen & Vanity Cabinets • Contractors and Remodelers Welcome. 15405 West Dixie Hwy • NMB • (305) 956-3535 Showroom Hrs: M-F 9-6 • Sat 9-3 • Fax (305) 354-4542 Maybe you’ll do better in the market next week if you call 1-800-493-2217 this week. Jonathan H. Parker Senior Vice President-Investments PaineWebber 100 SE 2^ Street, Suite 1600, Miami, FL 33131 (305) 536-9319. ■ http://www.painewebber.com «Ix^^^l^mPaineWébbffl^ Incorporated Member SIPG| ]| C25152147A C25152247 A C 25152247A (Iff ¥OC$04SXTt7 <*w^r 4» k ' *nNé«ww»-* V occonsu XV AI 17540930 17540930 SO AX 17540930A » A AI17540930 A mmm AX 17540930 A 19 AX 17540930 A £379277050 £379277050 5 • C25152247A ISSSSMMBi I'WliVl'l IMIVifAHN aron Sanchez, sitting in his office on the second floor of the Miami FBI office, ordered supervisory special agent Jerry Sullivan to show him the money. All $129,324 of it, along with records detailing where it had been. Nine months had passed since the cash was seized from a Deerfield Beach check-cash- ng/loan-sharking joint run by Nicholas "The little Man” Corozzo, reputed to be John Gotti’s íeir apparent as boss of the Gambino crime family. Federal Bureau of Investigation rules dic- ate that confiscated money must be processed into evidence within ten days of seizure. On he morning of May 30,1997, as Sanchez, an assistant special agent in charge of the FBI in diami, peered across his desk at Sullivan, the money still hadn’t arrived in the evidence OOrit Fellow agents had repeatedly asked Sullivan, a 25-year FBI veteran who ran the organized rime unit, to produce the money. Over and over, he lied. Sanchez finally had enough of the subterfuge and made his demaúd. No problem, Sullivan replied-All he needed was an hour. 26 January 28 - February 3,1999 Miami New Times Sullivan went to his office for a moment before slipping out and driving his government- issue 1990 white Lincoln Town Car north to his Plantation home. He tossed some clothes, a hair dryer, a toothbrush, and toothpaste into a bag, and wrote a note telling his. wife, Cather¬ ine, that he loved her. Then he drove off. After withdrawing $400 from a nearby bank, he sped onto Alligator Alley, heading west across the Everglades. At some point he stopped and called home, leaving a message for Catherine, telling her again that he loved her. Agents in Miami, meanwhile, were frantically trying to call and page him. Fearing Sullivan was going to loll himself, they began an intensive FBI manhunt Sullivan didn’t stop until he reached the Marco Island Resort on Florida’s southwest coast The hotel is an unofficial refuge for federal crime-fighters, run by a former FBI agent and fre¬ quented by agents in need of relaxation. Sullivan used his credit card to pay for the room, knowing the bureau would trace it and locate him within 24 hours. ‘They’d find him sooner or later anyway. SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Quitting Smoking Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks to Your Health. /oey. fofocco. sttthktvp' | 'TzkU 1 r Sh^j ui ! 1e •ff a wat 13h i I fZuM Ru/O/UEp- U VI fox- ty ^ a >/ve / mi j dvv -K-e fíea^i, ^ I im|m r»Ji* .!*' (S/BhmWí tik?í9vai^ I v 11 IB 1 BfiH nBfffltft»' i S J •. t .voi'i I1 vS^lwwi3int8MBHí(il6E!ríiBBMIiffliKfli 1 ilii | 1 ¡r \ ií.Vl l, í r/*/*• I ((•*!.'I 1 lAt-V); 1 QS0UUM3 QS0UJSU3 At 17540930 4 * J f#llVrlrg«My 8*«j Al 17540930 A 19 DECEPTION JERRY SULLIVAN'S DESCENT INTO GAMBLING, ALCOHOLISM, AND CRIME BEGAN AND ENDED WITH THE FBI. The agent sat down at the resort bar and started knocking back beers, breaking his-five- year sobriety streák. He knew how to drink. He’d become an expert while working under¬ cover for the FBI. That night he downed a case of beer and a few vodka tonics, then waited for his years of thievery and deceit finally to catch up with him. His treacherous endgame had failed, and now the deconstruction of Sullivan’s strange and contradictory life was about to begin. FBI agents flooded the resort the next day. Agents arrested Sullivan while he was out buy¬ ing more booze, then grilled him in his room. The agents smelled the alcohol, but didn’t think he seemed drunk. Sullivan told them he’d stolen more than just Corozzo’s money. He’d taken a grand total of $400,000 from the FBI and used it to gamble with the very mob¬ sters he was supposed to have been investigating. Sullivan didn’t admit to everything. Hé’d also lied to a judge to spring a Mafia associate from prison in ho]pes the well-heeled criminal would return the favor with cash. That and BY BOB NORMAN more would come out later. But the FBI had enough to charge him with theft and lying to fellow FBI agents. A judge sent him to jail, where he spent two nights before putting up his house to post $100,000 bond. Sullivan soon became a national disgrace, his crimes of theft and lying to the FBI detailed in newspapers throughout the United States. A team of nineteen agents spent months sift¬ ing through every case he ever worked, every surveillance tape he ever made, every covertly recorded discussion he had held with organized-crime figures, every report and Continued on page 29 Miami Naw Timas January 28 - February 3,1999 21 MHfif ***$ btWíM jWlf ,1 VpwKW - It IS . We've got all shapes and sizes. candles • cards • accessories 305.538.7022 • 1661 Michigan Avenue • Miami Beach S U P E R G A S T O R E Hate It. Or Love It. NOW OPEN41$AVENTURA MALL • ,(305) 682-11 imply y, your lije. At California Closets, we offer a complete range of quality closet, pantry, garage, home office and other storage solutions designed to give you more room in yourhome and more space in your life for other things, Call for a free in-home consultation 623-8282 (305) In Nassau: 242-326-8465, ask for Fergie or Mack In Freeport: 242-373-5520, ask forTa'Shar WE EXPORT m CALIFORNIA CLOSETS. Se Habla Español Simplify Your Life Visit our Web Site: www.CalClosets.com Serving Miami-Dade & Monroe Counties 3301 NW 168th St, Miami • Ejdt Off Palmetto Expwy at NW 37th Ave just In case... ...hook cose sale • Teak • Oak • Maple • Dark and Natural Cherry ,MIL SBxM—$119 Holds up to 100ms per shelf! All Major Credit Cards Financing (305)-252-9867 Mon-Sat Í 0-6 Sunday 12-5 maam How Would You Score? 28 January 28 - February 3,1999 Miami New Times / LSAT MCAT * ISMAt GRE (DAT \ Take a Free Test Drive and find out! February 6th at FIU, University Park February 9th at the Miami Kaplan Center February 13th at the University of Miami & FIU, North Call today to reserve your seat! WtlOtettielast paper & penctt GR • Be prepared with . KAPLAN 1-800-KAP TEST www.kaplan.com Test names are registered trademarks of their respective owners. Jerry Sullivan, a.k.a Jerry Santoro, took the FBI for a ride Deception Continued from page 27 memo he had ever submitted. The massive • investigation was appropriately titled “Operar | Hon Lost Count ” Psychologists evaluated Sullivan’s mental condition and found him to be an alcoholic; a pathological gambler; a man stricken with obsessive-compulsive disorder, borderline personality disorder, and a number of other mental problems. The bureau apparently failed to discover these problems as Sullivan rose through the ranks and conducted countless sensitive investigations. The unforgiving light of Lost Count reflected on the bureau. Suddenly the truth became difficult to discern. This was more than the story of an agent gone bad. It was also the story, untold in the news mediq,,pf the FBI’s own flaws, of its maddening mis¬ takes, of its losing track not only of $400,000, but of a man once considered a prized agent Jerome Robert Sullivan spent his final Sun¬ day of freedom working around his pic¬ turesque gray-brick and stucco house. It was January 3, just five days before he would begin serving his five-year prison term. The lawn was immaculate and the air smelled faintly of freshly cut grass. About six feet tall and slight of build, the 44-year-old Sullivan stood in his driveway by his Town Car, wearing a white T-shirt and faded jeans. A pinch of tobacco was tucked in his lower lip. His graying hair was cut cleanly and his red and nicked chin looked just-shaved, making it hard to imagine him as the scraggly undercover agent who’d beep embraced by criminal types.,His demeanor was polite and wooden, but his blue eyes, large and set back in his squarish face, looked pained, betraying his emotions. It seemed that tears might fall at any time. They didn’t. Sullivan wept often, both before and after his arrest, just not in public. “I’ve been cleaning up the yard all after¬ noon,” he says before stepping back and carefidly spitting some tobacco juice straight down to the ground. “I’m leaving on Friday.” Sullivan says his house, which he bought for $184,000 in 1990, will have to be sold. After his arrest he was reduced to working in a convenience store. He says he doesn’t know exactly how Catherine and his three young sons will cope while he’s in afederal prison in Georgia. U.S. District Court Judge Alan Gold justi¬ fiably threw the book at Sullivan last November 23, gmng him near the maxi¬ mum sentence and ordering repayment of $190,500. Gold obviously wasn’t swayed by Sullivan’s attorney’s argument that the agent had committed his crimes because he was mentally ill. In hearings prior to sentencing, the prose¬ cution countered that Sullivan’s crimes were simply part of his cunning “exit strategy” from file FBI, a plan to hit it big in gambling, pocket hundreds of thousands of dollars, and replace the stolen money before anyone real¬ ized it was missing. Sullivan freely admits this is true. Even if his crimes were fueled by his disorders, they were also clearly driven by greed. But his psychologists argued that such a plan, and the wild risks Sullivan took in trying to carry it out, were evidence of a distorted mind. Distorted mind? More a mastermind, countered the government “That he committed these crimes while successfully accomplishing the complex and demanding tasks of [the FBI] and while suc¬ cessfully maintaining his duties as husband, father, and head of a household, is nothing short of amazing,” wrote prosecutor Andrew Oosterbaan. “Defendant’s FBI supervisors and his family saw nary a clue ofhiS criminal episodes during this period. Indeed, [Sulli¬ van] was promoted and served as a supervi¬ sory special agent at the very time he tells this court he was incapable of making rea¬ soned judgments.” The record shows that Sullivan left behind many clues, a number of them long before he stole the $400,000. Trained FBI agents Med to see the indications. Even when they" noticed thesehints, the agents Med to act Standing in his yard on that Sunday, Sulli¬ van says his psychologist W. Grady L Ryan, saved his life. Tm a compulsive person,” Sullivan says.. “Thats the way I am. Whatever I do, I do it all the way. I was a workaholic. I was an alco¬ holic. Tm chemically imbalanced. I’m on med¬ ication right now and that’s the only thing that keeps me walking the straight line.” The job of keeping him on that line was once attended to by a Plantation police chief who also happened to be his domineering father. Sullivan, whose family moved to South, Florida from Massachusetts when he was six years old, worshipped his Irish- Catholic father and always did as he was told, his two brothers testified. Never got into trouble, never rebelled. Under this hyperobedient veneer, however, lurked a very odd little boy. “He was very quiet growing up, very emo¬ tionally fragile, is the way I explain it,” pro¬ fessed his broker Patrick. “He would get very angry and hold it inside and then all-of a sudden start crying and you wouldn’t know why, and it wasn’t a crybaby cry, it was like an anger.” Even as a child Sullivan was obsessive compdsiver When touched, he’d spastically brush himself off, “kind of go nuts, like a fit,” Patrick testified. While other kids were out playing, Jerry would vacuum carpets in his house severa? times a day. Having a neat lawn wasn’t something that began when he was an adult; as a child he cut the lawn often, and he’d go over it several times, in different directions. “Jerry would go over and over it again until it looked like a baseball diamond, and God forbid if there was one blade of grass stick ing up,” said his oldest brother, Michael, himself a onetime cop and former FBI agent The quiet, introverted boy graduated from Plantation High in 1972, and soon he was introduced to the two entities that would dominate the next 25 years of his life: the FBI and the Mafia. When The Godfather hit moyje screens that year, Jerry bepame obsessed with it He recorded some of the film’s scenes and its soundtrack. He listened to the poorly made tapes so often that rela¬ tives began calling him the family’s “token Italian.” As his obsession with a Hollywood version of the Mob was absorbing him, Sulli¬ van, with the help of his father, joined the FBI as a clerk. “The FBI was always Jerry’s first love,” declared Catherine Suflivan, whom he met at the bureau, where she worked as a typist Sullivan earned a criminology degree from Nova University, completed FBI training in Quantico, Virginia, and then became an agent in 1979, the same year he married. Patrick Sullivan said he couldn’t believe the FBI actually let his little brother become a “real” agent “When I found out he was going to be car¬ rying a gun, I was really shocked,” Patrick testified. “I figured that you have some type of emotionally stable profile to successfully carry a loaded weapon, and I just knew that Jerry was nowhere close to that I figured the bureau had an extensive screening process and psychological testing.” Jerry Sullivan says the only psychological screening he remembers was a multiple- choice test that was supposed to determine if he was stable or not. Apparently Sullivan passed that test 5 After a stint in Los Angeles, where he worked in the fugitives unit, Sullivan was sent up the coast to a language school in Monterey to study Italian. Soon, he’d be watching and listening to real Don Vito Cor- leones. After graduating from the school in March 1982, Sullivan was transferred to the FBI’s Fort Lauderdale squad, which was run by the bureau’s Miami office. Sullivan described Continued on page 31 IT WAS ALSO THE STORY, UNTOLD IN THE NEWS MEDIA, OF THE FBI’S OWN FLAWS, OF ITS MADDENING MISTAKES. tour BiuyirlKS Windé-tJraam Comfort I3ike sm*199ss Over ÍÚOO Pikes oti Display J^feNEW LOCATION — * , CYCLE WORLD 6600 Bird Road • 305-221-2123 for $1,000,000 . Properties or other ■ 305-551-7828 GET SOME!!! . 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CENTER COFFEE TABLES DESK Ü 3 PIECE COFFEE PLATFORM CANOPY BED VANITY W/CHAJR ENTERTAINMENT TABLES TWIN, FULL OR $^0 & MIRROR £ UI^IS 3 c D-D QUEEN $-ro $109 59 $ 5 PC DINETTE 3 PC STABLES $139 $149 79 89 «ÉÜ 5 PC WOOD TWIN/FUTON TWIN/FULL TWIN/TWIN DINING SET STUDENT DESK $149 «139 s129 $ 139 s49 NIGHT STAND $59 CHEST $129 DRESSER $169 MIRROR $49 CORNER UNIT $69 DISPLAY UNIT $79 WAREHOUSE MATTRESS SAIE KINS QUEEN FUU TWIN $199- $119- $99- $79- 257 NE 79TH STREET ¡ST.»» P05I7547618 30 ^ahjmry'-Yeb^tá 5,1999 Miami New Times Deception^ Continued from page 29 the Fort Lauderdale office to his psycholo¬ gist “I was the youngest guy on the squad of about fourteen agents. About half were ready to retire, and the other half played golf a min¬ imum of two days a week, including the supervisor,” Sullivan said, “The supervisors in Miami wanted to shut down the [Fort Lauderdale office] because they knew what was going on. I kept my mouth shut because I was the young guy.” Paul Mallett, second-in-command of the Miami FBI office, which is the fifth largest in the country, told New Times that he doesn’t remember the Fort Lauderdale office, which was shut down in 1987, as a “country club” for agents. He said “there are always criticisms of recalcitrant agents, lazy agents, agents who spend more time looking for bait and tackle than working cases.” When such agents are discovered, he says, they are punished. Former agent John Hanlon, who worked in the FBI’s Fort Lauderdale office in the early 1980s, terms Sullivan’s assessment of the operation substantially correct. It wasn’t known for its productivity. While Sullivan worked in South Florida, FBI agents in New York and New Jersey were slowly piecing together information about a massive heroin ring run out of Italian restaurants. Investigators learned the heroin was coming from the Mafia in Sicily, which also had members working in the United States. The case, dubbed the “Pizza Connec¬ tion,” became one of the greatest successes in FBI history, and it gave big career boosts to two federal prosecutors, Louis Freeh, now FBI director, and current New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani. It involved the largest wiretapping opera¬ tion in the FBI’s history, one made to order for Sullivan, the language-school graduate. He was sent to New Jersey to translate the tapes and was stationed in a van in Menlo Park, near Roma Restaurant, which wa& a key heroin and money-laundering spot for the Sicilians. There was a problem, however. Sullivan couldn’t understand what the Sicilians were saying. The language school failed to account for Sicilian dialects and accents. During Sullivan’s recent sentencing hear¬ ings, the FBI conceded that none of the Monterey graduates could translate Sicilian. The FBI had to rely on just two men, both native Sicilians, to decipher thousands of conversations. Sullivan told psychologists he feared his inability to translate might cause him to miss something on the tapes that would endanger other agents. And there were more prob¬ lems. He couldn’t screen out irrelevant parts of conversations. Nor did he know when to Sullivan slipped out of this Miami FBI building and took his long, lone drive to Marco Island after one of his bosses asked for the money turn off the recorder to avoid recording sub¬ jects’ conferences with their attorneys: Lis¬ tening to such talks constitutes a civil rights violation. Sullivan and other monitors simply taped everything. “So now they couldn’t afford to pay [the translator] all die time, so we taped all Sicil¬ ian conversations, and I would call [the translator] and play the tapes to him Over the phone,” Sullivan told Ryan. “This case would have been shit-canned if the defense knew about the bureau’s procedures.” Sullivan, in just a few years as an agent, had already been assigned to an FBI office full of gold bricks, graduated, from a failed language program, and, during a historic FBI case, participated in haphazard and pos¬ sibly illegal wiretapping procedures. To Sulli¬ van, who thrived on structure, it was a fearful and stressful environment The breakdown of FBI procedure, argued psychiatrist Richard Seely, helped bring Sullivan’s men¬ tal problems and addictions to the surface. His “alcohol dependence began far take off,” said Seely, who testified for the defense. During the Pizza Connection, Sullivan stayed mostly in a hotel, spending his nights drinking. He reported that he often drank a case of 24 beers in a night and regularly blacked out. He also made his first illegal sports bets in the hotel bar, losing a total of about $200. When he returned to Fort Lauderdale after the Pizza Connection in late 1983, the FBI put Sullivan into one of the most unstruc¬ tured environments imaginable: undercover, infiltrating the Mafia in South Florida. Billy Breen was a certified lunatic and con¬ victed felon who had, in late 1983, made a career as a. professional rat for the FBI; Agents regularly worked with him and occa1 sionally gave him a paycheck, which supple- mented his income from illegal rackets. In return Breen, an ex-cop and ex-con who was on psychiatric disability, served as an infor¬ mant. The FBI’s relationship with Breen could be seen as a deal with the devil, but it was also extremely effective. Breen, who died in 1992, had an uncanny knack for get¬ ting inside criminal organizations. He helped crack numerous cases and jail hundreds of criminals. Breen was Sullivan’s undercover partner in a case dubbed “Shockwave.” Its chief target was Anthony Accetturo, a New Jersey mob boss then living in Broward County. FBI agents testified during the Sullivan hearings that the bureau believed a restaurateur named Giulio Santillo owed one million dol¬ lars in gambling debts to Accetturo. The FBI planned to use Santillo to get to Accetturo. Breen quickly infiltrated Santillo’s D.C. j restaurants, while Sullivan, posing as a cocaine dealer, was assigned to Tiberio, a Santillo-owned restaurant in Miami. Breen found Sullivan to be an “amiable, hard-bitten Irishman,” according to the book The Insider, which Breen wrote with author Don¬ ald Goddard. Breen introduced Sullivan to a Santillo associate named Valentino Mordini, who also “took an immédiate shine to [Sulli¬ van].” Sullivan, who grew a beard and let his hair grow long, was also introduced to Dario Mis- tri, a restaurant owner and alleged bookie, According to the FBI Sullivan began buying small amounts of cocaine from Mistti and Mordini, transactions which were recorded in the case file. The agent also worked at Mistri’s restaurant and helped run the book¬ making operation. Sullivan was quite suc¬ cessful in “tunneling into the Italian net¬ work,"Goddard wrote. “Mordini was now begging Billy and Sulli¬ van to take any quantity of uncut cocaine they wanted,” according to the authors. “As much as 500 kilos was mentioned, with no money up front [Mordini’s] principal source was [Medellin cocaine cartel kingpin] Carlos Lehder Rivas.” Although Sullivan appeared to be adept at undercover work, he states he was drinking up to 35 beers per night at the time, and, in addition to taking bets, he was betting hun¬ dreds of dollars on ball games. He said he wagered both his own cash and FBI money. But records show he was never officially authorized by the bureau to make bets dur¬ ing Shockwave. “This was my early exposure to gambling,” Sullivan told Ryan, adding that he enjoyed the thrill of it “These guys bet on anything and everything. My drinking also expanded, as I was always out at night and hanging out at all the wrong places for me.” He told psychologist Harley Stock, who testified for the prosecution, that one reason he gambled was that it would seem “pecu¬ liar” to his cohorts if he didn’t The introverted, obedient Sullivan became a party man. “All .he was interested in was drinking and going out and dancing,” says Mordini, who now nfns an upscale restaurant in Tampa called Donatello’s. “He was drinking like á fish. This guy is one after another. He played big shot with Bjlly Breen.” Former FBI agent Gregg McCrary, now a consultant hired by Sullivafrs attorneys as an expert on the bureau, also spent a lot of time in bars working undercover. He says the FBI Continued on page 33 “WHATEVER I DO, I DO IT ALL THE WAY. I WAS A WORKAHOLIC. I WAS AN ALCOHOLIC. 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MIR WE | home furnishings 4077 Ponce DeLeon Blvd. Coral Gobles 305.445.3848 PHATKAPS Coconut Grove The Ultimate Urban Clothing Experience Featuring EXSTO IPNBI COOGr meosHe H M_ eck5 unltd: Contemporary Streetware For Your Lifestyle LOCO We Carry Cooperstown and Negro League Collectibles pfoBaBÍÜ^r thaf we wouTÍ&ave personal and? professional tragedy.” Yet in 1984 the FBI still had no comprehe»- sive program set up to help agenl s cope with tiie perils of undercover work. The FBI now has an Undercover Safeguard Unit* Agents are sent to Quantico for evaluation by profession¬ als and require" certification to begin such -work., “Undercover work is a total mind-fuck: You get crazy as a loon,” says ex-FBI agent John Hanlon, who now prosecutes public-corrup¬ tion cases in Broward County. Hanlon says he’s,seen undercover agents not only go crazy, but also become corrupt “Its very tense, very, very tense work,” he says. “You're all by yourself. The whole case depends, on you. At any time you can be dis¬ covered, and that is dangerous.” Shockwave, according to Breen,, became extremely dangerous. Breen’s book, which Sullivan says is accurate, tells the story of how the FBI, through lack of communication and questionable decisions, nearly ¿ot Sullivan killed. First the FBI refused to finance'a lar^e cocaine buy, even though Sullivan’s assigned role was a cocaine dealer. “With the bureau unwilling to finance a major buy and the undercover operation still turning up new targets, all Breen and Sullivan could do was stall, although this made an alreády difficult and dangerous game a little short of suicidal,” Goddard wrote. Then the Washington office, after a falling- out with Breen, suddenly pulled the plug on Breen’s FBI phofie line, which forwarded his “THIS CASE WOULD HAVE BEEN SHIT-CANNED IF THE DEFENSE KNEW ABOUT THE BUREAU’S PROCEDURES.” van’s testimony about the meeting during an unrelated 1998 trial in New Jersey was cap¬ tured in a book titled The Boys from New Jersey, by Robert Rudolph. Sullivan told the jury that he kissed Accetturo’s hand out of respect On cross-examination, Accetturo’s lawyer asked Sullivan to demonstrate the kiss, which gave the proceedings a humorous twist Sullivan, playing the part of Accetturo, “resembled a royal princess waiting to be acknowledged,” wrote Rudolph. It was humiliating for Sullivan, as the scene was “less like a scene from The Godfather, and more like an episode of The Three Stooges Meet the Mafia,” Rudolph sur¬ mised. Seely testified that as a result of the Shock- wave case, Sullivan’s mental condition became, much more serious: “Here he had no supervis¬ ing entity and probably, as he first began with [Mordini and Mistri], felt that he could join them easily because he was an alcoholic at that point and this assignment involved drink¬ ing. He was enabled to become a pathological gambler. But most important, his obsessive- compulsive traits evolved at that point into a borderline personality disorder.” That disorder is marked by instability of character, dramatic shifts in perception of oth¬ ers, impulsiveness, paranoia, and a frantic fear of abandonment But if Sullivan was unstable, nobody at the FBI seemed to notice. The FBI knew, however, about the psycho¬ logical dangers of undercover work. McCrary testified that a 1978 FBI report “said that undercover work had sort of a corrosive effect on the values of agents, that there, may be some agents who are more vulnerable to this, and that it needed to be looked at more care¬ fully, because if we put the wrong agents in an unsuitable role, it seemed there was a high ¡ i rtl f fVi i t f í i calls and helped maintain his cover. So when mobsters called him, it seemed he’d suddenly disappeared. With the phone line gone, God¬ dard wrote that Breen’s “coyer story was as good as blown. So was Jeriy Sullivan’s — and he was lucky to survive.” According to Breen the Washington office never notified Fort Lauderdale that the line had been discon¬ nected. Instead Sullivan found out something was wrong from Richard Del Gaudio, a reputed mobster and alleged enforcer for Accetturo. Breen says Del Gaudio poked his finger into Sullivan’s chest and said, “Asshole, you’ll take us up to D.C. and we’ll fix Breen’s head.” “Sullivan managed to fob Del Gaudio off, but it was all over,” Goddard wrote. “In the middle of a brilliantly daring undercover run, he and Billy had been brought down by a twitch of petulance in Washington, and without an arrest to show for it” Both Mordini and Mistri, who say the FBFs allegations against them are untrue, were later convicted of minor gambling charges after an unrelated state investigation. Santillo, who also maintains his innocence and says he never bet with Accetturo, is now retired and living in Miami Beach. He was never charged with a crime and says that the FBI “exagger¬ ates everything. They turn a dollar into a mil¬ lion dolíais and small talk into big talk.” The FBI’s Paul Mallett says virtually the same thing about Breen. Breen obviously embellished the facts of the investigation to sell books, Mallett says, adding that it’s unlikely Sullivan was ever in real danger. Or if he was, he never documented it The FBI has no record of the threatening meeting between Sullivan and Del Gaudio, who was eharged Continued on page 34 DTe~ce*pTI o n Continued from páge 31 has “pockets” of alcoholism, and it seems Sul¬ livan was in one of those during the Shock- wave case. Sullivan told his psychologists that he met his contact agent at a bar, where they both drank heavily: One of the contact agent’s most important duties, meanwhile, was to make sure his undercover agent wasn’t drink¬ ing too much. Mallett says that the contact agent on the case never exhibited signs of alcoholism. If they drank together during meetings on the case, it was wrong and shouldn’t have happened, he says. Sullivan recalled one standard “counseling” session during the undercover operation, which involved two other agents and occurred over Heinejsens.,The two other agents now deny that any alcohol was imbibed during the meeting, says special agent Brian Jerome, who investigated Sullivan. _As the drinking increased, Sullivan became more conflicted. He came to like Mordini and Mistri personally, considered them friends, and feared he was entrapping and betraying them. It’s called overidentification with tar¬ gets, and it’s a common malady for under¬ cover agents. “You don’t do anything but hang out with these guys,” McCraiy says. “You get twisted.” At times Sullivan had a Toss of identity, for¬ getting who he was,” says psychiatrist Richard Seely. “[He] was caught, in my estimation, between two families that he idealized in dif¬ ferent ways.” Sullivan met Accetturo only once, at a birth¬ day party for the mob boss at Tiberio. 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The Lucchese crime family at some point had a meetiiig about Sullivan in New York, Sullivan told the FBI, and it was decided that-Sullivan would pay $400 a week on the debts.' Sullivan installed a separate phone line in his house so he could bet offshore with 900- number lines.He ran up as much as $4000 per month in phone bills. Wagering hundreds of dollars every night, he even bet thousands on the Florida Lottery. “I knew I was losing. I always thought I céuldwinitback,” Sullivan told psychologists. “I didn’t feel I did anything wrong because I planned to put the money back.” ' His first major theft of FBI money occurred while he was supervising a major investiga¬ tion, called “Cali Watch,” which involved the infamous cocaine cartel. After receiving THE FBI HAS A POLICY THAT FORBIDS ALCOHOLICS TO DO UNDERCOVER WORK, BUT SULLIVAN PUSHED UN IN THE INVESTIGATION ANYWAY. $200,(XX) in FBI money for the probe, Sullivan put the cash, in tens and twenties, into his safe. Soon he was skimming from it for his . gambling and debts. Cali Watch, meanwhile, ended, and Washington asked repeatedly for the money. Sullivan came up with sufficient 'excuses to delay repayment for more than a year. He managed to keep an FBI auditor named Peter Gordon at bay with various ■ excuses.,Another agent also got curious about die money, but Sullivan would “always tell him the money was there and that there was no need to count the funds,” according to FBI reports. “All his excuses were plausible,” Mallett asserts. Sullivan also stole another $100,000 in cash that was Obtained from an informant, who’d gotten the money from a cocaine-trafficking ling that needed its money laundered. The FBI didn’t know that money was stolen until after the investigation ended. On August 12,1996, Sullivan was given the job of supervising the organized-crime squad. - By that time only $60,000 of the $200,000was . left. Sullivan told investigators that he simply put the cash m a blue bag when nobody was around and took it with him to his new office. , Seventeen days after his transfer to orga¬ nized crime,1 agents seized the nearly $130,000 from Corozzo’s safe in Deerfield Beach. The cash went into Sullivan’s safe and was soon paying off gambling debts. Sullivan lied repeatedly during the next nine months about the money, once telling an inquiring agent that he’d put the money in a sáfe controlled by the head of the Miami office. After getting caught in a lie on Muy 15./1997, Sullivan.promised his superiors that he’d enter the money into evidence “as soon as possible.” Continued on page 39 EVERYTHING ON SALE BIKES 20% TO 50% OFF ACCESSORIES 15% TO 50% OFF BIKES TOMBO 6600 SW 80 St. • 666-7702 Coral Way Bicydes • 2237Coral Way • 8565731 LOVE III TENDEI LOVE ME TWEET Proudly Offering the Finest Selection of Hand-Raised Birds, Cages, Accessories and Supplies All At Unbeatable Prices! 11445 SW 40th Street Miami (305)552-1500 1/2 block east of the SW 40th St. Turnpike Exit.Visit us at www.birds of paradise.net Super Sunday atch The Brands that Make the Bash! • #1 Smirnoff makes killer kickoff Bloody Marys. • Malibu Coconut Flavored Rum mixes delicious Caribbean cocktails any quarter. • Half Time? Time out for shots and Margaritas with the world's numero uno tequila, Jose Cuervo Gold. • T.G.I. Friday's brings your party into the fabulous frozen zone! They're all South Florida fans' favorite brands - why trust the Big Game to anything less? Available at stores and bars everywhere. Ask for them by name! UDV North America, Inc., Stamford, CT © 1999 Miami New Times January 28 - February 3,1999 57 ■-■y v":. - #1 Discounter Of Brand Name Art & Craft Supplies - ENTIRE STOCK OF COLLECTIBLE - DOLLS TAKE AN EXTRA 50% OFF THE ALREADY LOW PEARL PRICE Speedball Gallon of GeiflMedium Sku# 448589 Mfr. List s61°° Pearl Price $4880 Now Only $^Q50 Arnaco Claycrete 16oz. White Paper Mache Sku# 175990 Mfr. List $539 Péarl Price $431 Now Only $000 V ea. Contemporary Clip On Lamp Mfr. List $888 Pearl Price $710 Now Only Blue, Green or White Sku^s 329904, 907 or 913 Speedball Calligraphy Gift Set Sku# 333232 Mfr. List *19" Pearl Price SIS96 Now Only s10i Gessobord .5x7, 8x10, 9x12,11x14,12x16, 4x18,16x20, 18x24 & 24x36 Standard and Cradled Take an extra | 25% * Off the everyday low Pearl price. Entire Stock Entire Stock Paper Treasure Laser Ink Jet Compatible Imported Decorative Papers Envelopes Take an extra^MI Off the low, low Pearl price. Duncan Kiln-Firing Ceramic Glazes Take an extra 15% Off of Pearl’s everyday low price. Handley House Miniature Furniture Sets Take an extra Off the already low Pearl price. Alex Table Top Kid’s Easel Sku# 431863 Mfr. List $45°° Pearl Price $36°° Now Only $27“ Entire Stock Artist’s Gouache Paint Take an extra 20% Off the already low Pearl price. Rotnng 4 Piece Technical Pen Set Sku# 166714 i Mfr. List $75°° Pearl Price $60°° Now Only $37*° Museum of Fine Arts Boston Boxed Art Notecards Mfr. List $15°° Pearl Price $12°° r This Week Only j $1Q00 Rebelblade Roller Blade Skates Childrens & Adult Sizes Mfr. List $3495 Now Only $■¡748 Pebeo Setacolor 45ml - Fabric Colors Choose from 60 different pearlescent, transparent, flourescent or opaque colors Mfr. List M50-, Pearl Price $27 This week only! $-| 65! Loew Cornell 5002 Chinese Bristle Artists Brush Set of 5 Mfr. List ^ Pearl Price $581 Now Only $060 While they last! Winsor & Newton Cotman Watercolor Half Pan Gift Set Sku# 578504 Retail Value *46°° Pearl Price $3395 Now Only 80 *13' ★★Stone Hours: Monday-Saturday 8am to 9pm & Sunday 11am to fipm^k IMiAIII- Pricing Polic SALE PRICES NOT VAUD FOR PREVIOUSLY PURCHASED MERCHANDISE South Miami, FL • 6448 South Dixie Hwy. 305-663-8899 Ft. Lauderdale, FL • 1033 East Oakland Park Blvd. 954-564-5700 Miami Lakes, FL • 16801 NW 57th Ave. 305-828-4900 Altamonta Springs, FL • 1220 East Altamonta Dr. 407-831-3000 Tampa, FL • 3916 West Hillborough Ave. 813-354-8555 Atlanta, GA • 3756 Roswell Road 404-233-9400 SALE ENDS 2/2/99 Sale Items only while supply lasts. All Items may not be available at all locations. We are not responsible for printing errors. flflB ■ Canil B 38 January 28 - February 3,1999 Miami New Times PARTY WHOLESALERS RESTAURANT & PARTY SUPPLIES UNIQUE PRODUCTS & SERVICES Hours: Mon - Sat 8 - 7, Sun 11-5 305-285-1551 2638 SW 28th Lane Coconut Grove IIS1 and SW 27th Ave. Behind the METRO RAIL Up to 75% OFF LOWEST PRICES Rustic & More 2761 SW 27 Ave. • (305) 8643252 M-S 10:30am6pm • Sun 12-5 10% Discount w/ this Coupon South Beach Flower Shop • BIRTHDAYS • WEDDINGS • FIRST DATES • BARMITZVAHS i PARTIES • FLOWER CREATIONS the flower bazaar WE DEIdVER AJ1 MAJOR ( RfcDI r CARDS AC CbPThD Ixsich • (3031 604-34; Sports Supplement Depot Lowest Prices in N. Dade I Andro-6 46.’5 Androstene lOOmg 90cp 2T.95 Nortesten .... ...27.i0 Diet Fuel 12Qtp... 16.' Perfect RX...... .25.^ Fhosphaqen HP.. .34.' Pure Protein Bars .24.’5 Chitosan ........ 15.* SliMsií’lílQfe EAS Creatine Buy one & get 2nd 1/2 OFF BLUE NITRO (305)792-0505 Open M-F 10-7 Sat 10-5 18984 West Dixie Highway (3 blks. N of Miami Gardens Dr.) WE WILL BEAT ALL LOCAL COMPETITORS PRICES Deception Continued from page 36 Just five days later, Sullivan told a federal judge that Danny Laratro, who was serving a fiVe-year prison term for his role in a Mafia- ; related marijuana-smuggling scheme, was giving him information on mob infiltration of South Florida’s garbage-hauling business. Based on Sullivan’s testimony, Judge Stan¬ ley Marcus sháved twenty months off Lara- ' tro’s sentence. Sullivan was lying again. Laratro didn’t pass along any information. Sullivan had gotten itfromanother agent Sul-r livan did the favor for Laratro, a wealthy garbage hauler, in the hope that Laratro would reward him with money, according to both mens’ lawyers. Sullivan’s involvement with Laratro pro¬ vides a glimpse into his work with his other “family.’’During the late 1980s, Sullivan used to visit Danny Laratro’s father, Lucchese crime-family capo Joseph “Joey Narrows” Laratro, in the family’s $500,000 Hallandale home. Sullivan; who was apparently trying to pry information from Joseph Laratro for ' cases, Called the meetings “updates,” says Joey Laratro, son of Danny, grandson'of Joey Narrows. “He’d come and knock on the door, and they’d just talk about things.” The grandson said the fallen FBI agent still has a good name in the Laratro household. Joey Narrows used to tell relatives: “If this guy [Sullivan] ever comes to the house to arrest me, don’t get mad at him. He’s a good man. He’s a class act He’s just doing his job.” Sullivan’s job was about to end. Around the time he sprang Laratro, he also entered the remaining Corozzo money in evidence, just? $30,064 of the original $129,324. On May 30 Sullivan was called into Sanchez’s office, prompting Sullivan’s solitary drive to Marco Island. The lóng and. terrible marriage between Sullivan and the FBI was finally over. Paul Mallett sits in his office in the FBI build¬ ing, along with Miami FBI chief Hector Pes¬ quera, special agents Brian Jerome and Mike Fabregas, and an FBI lawyer. Théy’ve come together, for the first time publicly, to try to explain their side of what Mallett calls the “Sullivan betrayal” It was January 8, the very morning Sullivan was transported to federal prison. Mallett, a white-haired bureau veteran, says he’s been criticized by FBI higher-ups for his role in the Sullivan affair, but declines to pro¬ vide specifics. He says numerous FBI agents háve been criticized or disciplined for their shortcomings in regard to Sullivan. He won’t' say specifically whether Smith was punished. The Sullivan case has, in fact, led to numer¬ ous nationwide policy changes in the FBI. Accounting policies have become more strin¬ gent, Mallett says. “The procedures' were flawed,” he acknowledges. “Changes have been made. We now do our financial dealings with a degree of thoroughness we didn’t have before.” Though Mallett once considered Sullivan a friend, he now thinks of him as just another criminal. Mallett believes the former agent had psychological problems, but doesn’t excuse him. He is angry that Sullivan didn’t just admit “that he’s a dumb shit, and Say, T lied and I stole and now I have to pay for it’” Mallett points out that Sullivan never complained about undercover jobs and that nobody forced him to do such work. Indeed, Mallett claims the FBI failed by trusting Sullivan too miich. Agents depended on Jerry Sullivan and now they’re paying for it. “He’s tarnished every badge in this building,” Mallett says. CD Bring StUxsl^me to your Valentine $15.00 BotL-**■ known as ArtCenter/Sputh Ü UK£ -CHECK rr ourr making it rich by using grant to buy several buildings on nascent Lincoln Road, Schneiderman toft that cultural hub to mid-1992. She returned to her craft — hand-' thrown pottery that features finé textures and, to the pieces at her I new space, jungle-catinlays —- but ‘ soon got the itch to reclaim her maveniy role as a self- I described benevolent.dictator 'Of a diverse and spirited artis¬ tic enclave. Joto under a year ago she set up shop as Miami Artworks, Inc. (MAW) on the first floor bf Paseos with six studios that also offered lessons and gallery FING£RPAINTIHg Y VJHINING GUILD “Things were going good down- [stairs,” she. remarks, “but the artists wanted more privacy.” They' toso got more space? The unit is a two- Miami? Now there are about 750, so the ’ story affair with dozens -of rooms, - money’s tight Artists struggle to pay nooks, crannies, and niches. Walking rent” upstairs to where she plans to open a As the new ArtWoriks evolves, Schnei- r^fiafé for members, she offers a pltia^'dennafl plans to offer part-time Jobs to her anfryto a man installing theatrical light- resident artists to help subsidize their tog from the high ceiling and stops by a ,more vital pursuits. “The priority is the; ■ backroom where a jeweler named Sen- artists," she says, “teaching, working, ufa Salley (one of twenty tenant artists) - selling” PÍs tucked away, plying her craft Monthly, art parties for members (it I . From this petch onp'ean tpeTffiocosts fifteendoflarsperyear tojpiix, and j entirety of Schndderman’s latest vision: fhat includé|n cool black T-shirt) are the spon-to-be wood-and-metal sculp- one way Schneiderman hopes to involve ture shop (soundproof), the kiln room, the offices, the not-yet partitioned stu- - - d|os and galleries, all of it wrapped around a vast floor space already lie, the people for whom art is I toArtWoflm. “That’s one thing | about.malls,” she adds. “It’s a wayte JÉ reach the not-so-elite;; To reach a enlivened by pottery, statues, triptydhs, broader audience.” Art not for poseurs oils, and acrylics ranging from wall-size and pseudotintellectuals, but for every- [to mini,ature. The striking original stuff one. Pretty paradoxical. - Greg Baker well for Schneiderman’s multifaceted aspiration “Malls aio being so over¬ boil^” shé says. “I’d like to make this a ’ * ural destination. Fd iiketoseeballet January 28 - February*; 1999 Í Miami New Times 6:00 p.m. Thursday. January 28, at 3301 Coral Way, third fleer. Call 305444-8890, extm M unday Fans of offbeat independent cinema take nóte. John Waters, the man who brought you the wonderfully heartwarming flicks Ping Flamingos, Polyester, Lust in the' Dust, Hairspray, Cry-Baby, Serial Mom, and most recently, Pecker, is the subject of a documentary to be broadcast on cable’s Independent Film Channel. But before that happens, In Bad Taste: The John Waters Story is previewed right here in our lovely town. The film feátures behind-the-scenes footage of the king of bad taste’s movies and interviews with several actors — Kathleen Turner, Deborah Harry, Steve Buscemi, and Patty Hearst, to name a few — who have had the pleasure of work¬ ing with the genuinely nice guy. Fob' lowing the screening director Steve Yeager will lead a discussion. And for all those 300-pound'cross-dressers to the audience, a Divine look-alike contest will be held as well. Showtime is 8:00 p.m. at the Colony Theater, 1040 Lin¬ coln Rd., Miami Beach. Admission is free. Call 3Ó5-674-1026. (NK) On his Grammy-nominated album Obsesión, 29-year-old saxophonist David Sanchez sonlfolly performs pan-Latin stan¬ dards, combining classical lyricism and passionate jazz improvisation with varied Latin rhythms. One of the hottest np-and- comers on the jazz scene, the Puerto Rican Sanchez and his quintet, which fea¬ tures celebrated young Cuban drummer Horacio “El Negro” Hernandez, headline tonight’s Miami Latin Jazz Festival at the Gus¬ man Center for the Performing Arts (174 E. Flagler St.). Cuban percussionist Daniel Ponce, Venezuelan pianist Edward Simon, and Miami’s own Latin Jazz Crew, headed by bassist Eddie “Gua Gua” Rivera, are also on the bill Tickets range from $27.50 to $37.50, with proceeds ben¬ efiting the Gusman Center. The show starts at 7:00 p.m., and the beat goes on until midnight Call.305-372-0925. (JC) The bawdiest of Cuba’s popular young dance groups, La Charanga Habanera was known for the comical locker-room lyrics of catchy if sometimes offensive songs about prostitution, safe sex, or just getting a girl. The group set itself apart from other bands to Havana with their acro¬ batic choreography, which proved a little too nimble when censors suspended the group after the lead singer’s pulsating pelvis was captured in closeup on Cuban TV, La Charanga Habanera broke up shortly after they began playing again, splintering into two groups. Bandleader David Calzado and the lead singer kept the name and are performing new mater¬ ial. Other musicians from the band decided on the rather unfortunate moniker La Charanga Forever, and have stuck with a repertoire of the original Cha¬ ranga Habanera’s hits. In town from Havana, La Charanga Forever plays tonight for the inaugural concert at Timba, a new venue at 2898 Biscayne Blvd. Doors open at 9:00 and the show starts around 10:30." The band gives a repeat performance tomorrow night. Tickets cost $20: Call 305-438-0500. (JC) Saturday Best known these days as everyone’s psy¬ chic friend, Dionne Warwick has always been an exceptional vocalist, especially when it comes to singing the songs of,Burt Bacharach and Hal David. “Walk on By,” “I Saya Little Prayer,” and “Do You Know the Way to San José,” are justafew of the 55 hit stoglés she had on the charts during her 36-year show-biz career. The savvy War¬ wick hasn’t stopped yet Her latest album, Dionne Sings Dionne, features remakes of some of her most famous songs. Tonight Warwick joins the Florida Philharmonic Orchestra for the orchestra’s annual fundraising gala at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts (201 SW Fifth Ave., Fort Lauderdale). Tickets dost $25 to $65 for the 8:30 p.m. concert. The full gala experience starts at 5:30 with a cocktail hour, followed by a gourmet dinner, fash¬ ion show, and dessert with Dionne, as well as the performance, and will cost you $175. Call 9544566-5377- (NK) Yeah, there’s some big football game going on today, but if you ask us, we’d rather be at the movies, namely at the EVENTS • 42 FILM • 5 9 THEATER •69 ART • 7 3 CAFE • 77 MUSIC • 89 ÍÉ Dionne Warwick gives out good vibes when she performs with the Florida Philharmonic Orchestra Saturday Alliance Cinema’s (927 Lincoln Rd., Miami Beach) Cinema Vortex film senes. The Sunday-only Vortex usually fea¬ tures the classic films of legendary directors such as Jean Paul Godard, Federico Fellini, Luis Buñuel, and Nagisa Oshima. Today organizers do something completely different and highlight seven short flicks by local filmmakers (many of them alumni of the Alliance’s Film/Video Coopera¬ tive) in a program they’ve dubbed Miami Mafia. They’re not gangster movies, just an eclectic array of shorts curated by former Miamian Mark Boswell. On the bill: Basura by Lorenzo Regalado, / Was a Teenage Bom Again by Rick Gann, Fleisch by Suzanne Boswell, Rhumba Abstracta by Ray Parla, Party Trick by Barron Sherer and José Izasa, The True His¬ tory of Crime by Sid Garon, and I Hate the Poor by Trisha Golubev and Sascha Lemer. The five clams you pay to get in benefit the Alliance’s Co-Op. Call 305-531-8504. (NK) Hey, hey, hey, it’s Tom Brokaw! So what if when he speaks he sounds like a white version of Mush Mouth, the mumbling garbled-voiced character from Bill Cosby’s Fat Albert cartoon show? NBC Ñightly News anchorman Brokaw makes millions of dollars by reading tiie news every night — and you don’t Now he’s written a book, The Greatest Generation, because that’s the fashion¬ able thing to do if you’re a big-bucks- collecting broadcast journalist Brokaw reads from his tome about men and women who came of age during the Depression and World War II at a Books & Books-sponsored event tonight at 8:00 at Coral Gables Congre¬ gational Church, 3010 De Soto Blvd., Coral Gables. Space is limited to those who obtained admission tickets by fork¬ ing over $24.95 for a copy of the book. Call 3054424408 to complain. (NK) tuesday Chairman of the creative-writing department at the University of Miami, poet, and novelist Fred D'Aguiar reads from his third novel, Feeding the Ghosts tonight at 8:00 at Books & Books (296 Aragon Ave., Coral Gables). Inspired by a truestoiy, the book starts out on a slave ship whose passengers are in danger of being infected by disease while returning from Africa in 1781. (D’Aguiar’s Dear Future was voted Best Book by a Local Author in this very newspaper’s 1997 “Best of Miami” issue.) Admission is free. Call 3054424408. (NK) The scene: a lonely desert isle. No Gilli- gan, Sldpper, Ginger, or Mary Ann, just a cast¬ away who lies uncon- scious. He wakes up, walks over to a palm tree, and begins to shake it, attempting to release a coconut. He succeeds. The fruit falls from the tree and bonks the castaway on the head, rendering him unconscious once again. The scene repeats over and over and over again. No, you’re not watching an outtake from Gilli- gan’s Island, but ¡artist Rodney Graham’s Vexa¬ tion Island. The maddeningly humorous film, featured at 1997’s Venice Bien¬ nale, is being shown at the Museum of Contemporary Art (770 NE 125th St., North Miami) through February 14. Screenings are held at 11:30 a.m., and 1:30 and 3:30 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday, and at 12:30,1:30, and 3:30 p.m. Sunday. Admission is five dollars.- Call 305-893-6211. (NK) By Judy Cantor and Nina Norman Rockin' Horses There’s only one spot in South Florida tfeere on any weekendfrom Jahuaryte oM~ March you can catch acts such as Cheap Trick, Air Supply, or Joan Jett and the Black- hearts, aud its not the Button South. It’s the OrtHkely locale of Gulfstream Park. “We’re seH- ing a day of entertainment," says David Rovine, GuMreafitfs director of marketing. ’The main product is horse racing, but there are many other things to do; we’re a multi¬ faceted entertainment complex.” Mighty ambitious words to describe a place that in the past attracted mostly soli tary men content with sticking their noses in racing forms and chugging beers. But fGuIfsireatn is a hip racetrack for the Nineties. To help combat an industrywide ■lull in attendance, it has incorporated chil¬ dren's activities, a, skit in which actors give r • instructions on how to bet, and good old rock and roll. In feet, there’s so much music that for Gulfstream’s two-and-a-half- month racing season, the track is fee most prolific, affordable concert venue in South Florida* With the possible exeeptidn of swing band Big Bad VoodooDaddy,scheduled to play February 20, the performers are generally less than hot commodities! JThfptóré holds REO SpeedWagon, Mck Springfield, Christopher Gross, and mor^Nonethelessfee majority of acts aren’t quite ready for the glue faeforyf arid fee public seems to agree because ^ Saturday attendance is up 25 percent since 1995, the year before the concert series started. (Earlier this month, Huey Lewis and the News helped lure a crowd of more than 30,000, setting an opening L day record.) Safciraay suctie&.paved the'j way for Sunday concefts. which began this year and have also proven a strong draw. Rovine notes that attendance at a recent Air Supply'concert was greater . (tin. anySundayml998. “No other track offers this type of ■ d&íetlaihménC’ Rovine explains. “No one Ü has done it full-blown Hke |iS; and smaCk dab in the middle of the races. Some tracks will have bands here and there, but not on a consistent levfeh Many other track owners r are afraid to dd this, espe-1 dally in the middle of the race card, fed tbe goal istd attract inore people to the 4rack, and the numbers speak for themselves.” Performers this weekend include the Pointer Sisters on Saturday and Buster Poindexter on Sunday. Fox Sports will be on hand Saturday to cover the Donn Handicap, which features; internationally famed horse Silver Charm making its Florida debut. They’ll broadcast the race and perhaps footage of the show and attendeesaspartoffeeH'prh-SuperBowl coverage. Even the biggest sporting event of them all can’t resist the combina¬ tion of horses racing and musicians rock¬ ing.- tarry Boytano dale. Concerts are free with $3-$5 admission. Sea¬ son passes are available for $40. Ball 305-931-7223. Miami New Times January 28-February 3,1999 ft r*Far sw<*vinnn ' ; 11 ! I ' CAPTURE THE ADVENTURE OF YOUR LIFE!!! PLAY PAIMBAIiL “THE ULTIMATE SPORT” 100 FREE ROOTDS • JUST MENTION THIS AD Private pm«, challenge mafthw, Birthday Parties, orjust for die thrill of it! We have it all! (over 2,500 items in stock) For Field info (305) 267-1122 Store Address: 7232 SW 8tH St. Miami HELP BATTERED WOMEN & HELP YOURSELF TO A UNIQUE LOOK 1435 NE 162nd Street N. Miami Beach, 947-4560 19740 S.Dixie Hwy, Cutler Ridge 253-5743 Proceeds support safe shelters for battered women. Schedule your consultation 1.800.538.0226 Arlene Spertus M.D. 50 NE 26th Ave. Suite 404 Pompano Beach FINANCING AVAILABLE WITH APPROVED CREDIT THE PATIENT AND ANY OTHER PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYMENT HAS THE RIGHT TO REFUSE TO PAY, CANCEL PAYMENT TO BE REIMBURSED FOR PAYMENT FOR ANY Offflt, EXAMINARON OR TREATMENT WHICH IS PERFORMED AS A RESULTDF SUCH MTMN 72 HOURS OF RESPONDING 10 THE ADVER¬ TISEMENT FOR FREE DISCOUNTED FEE, OR REDUCED FEE, SERVICE EXAMINARON OR TREATMENT. Calendar listings an offend as a free service to Mew Times readers and an subject to space restrictions. Submissions should be mailed to Calendar Editor, Mew limes, P.O. Box 011591, Miami, FL 33101. Items must be received ten days prior to date of issue. Events Thursday, January 28 Celebrity Super Bowl Kick-Off party: Celebrate the big game with celebrities and athletes including Jerome Béttis, Thurman Thomas, Lawyer MiHoy, and others. $35 and $100.9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Penrod’s Beach Club, 1 Ocean Dr, Miami Beach; 1-877-776-7376. Magic Bowfc This event sponsored by the Magic Johnson Foundation features a celebrity basketball game at 4:00 p.m. at the Miami Arena (721NW 1st Ave) and a charity dinner and celebrity fashion show hosted by Johnson at 7:00 p.m. the Biltmore Hotel (1200 Anastasia Ave, Coral Gables); call 305-835-6063 for tickets. Queens of the Mile: This national theater production depicts African queens through the ages. 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. today, and 9:30,11:30 am., and 7:00 p.m. tomorrow. Joseph Caleb Center auditorium, 5400 NW 22nd Ave; call 3054536-2350 for tickets. Super Jam '99 at Bayfront Parte This four-day event features a ribs festival; a 5K run/walk; sports memorabilia display; jazz, blues, Southern rock, Caribbean, and Latin concerts; laser and fireworks shows; and more. Free. 2:00 to 10:00 p.m. today, 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. tomorrow, 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. Saturday, 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Sunday. Bayfront Park, 301 Biscayne Blvd; 305-358-7550. Friday; January 29 Queens or the Mile: See Tnursday. Super Jam '99 at Bayfront Parte See Thursday. Saturday; January 30 Antique Car Show and Rea Market: Check out antique cars and hunt for rare collectibles. Free. 9:00 am. to 3:00 p.m. Harris Field, SW 312 St and Homestead Boulevard, Homestead; 305-247-6304. FamHy Music Night Listen to music by the Saxy Boyz while you enjoy an array of healthy food samples. Free. 6:00 p.m.-Wild Oats Community Market, 11701 S Dixie Hwy, Pinecrest; 305-971-0900. Festivart Stroll among artists displaying their wares and listen to live music at this weekly outdoor event Free. 8:00 p.m. to 1:00 am. every Saturday. Española Way and Washington Avenue, Miami Beach; 3056043889. Groundhog Day Celebration: See if the gopher tortoise comes out of his hole and sees his shadow, take part in family-oriented activities, and tour the Environmental Center. Free. 10:00 am. to 1:00 p.m. MDCC Environmental Center, Kendall Campus, 104th Street and 110th Avenue; 305237-2538. Miami Dog Obedience Club Dog Shew: See well-behaved dogs of all kinds at this two-day event Free. 9ZX) am. to 5:00 p.m. today and tomorrow. Tropical Park Equestrian Center, 7900 SW 40th St; 305226-8315. Moble Animal Care Unit: Metro-Dade Animal Care and Control’s mobile clinic will be open to spay and neuter cats and dogs for a low fee (or free for low-income families). $25$35.7:00 am. to 4:00 p.m. today and tomorrow. North Dade Justice Center, 15665 Biscayne Blvd, North Miami; 305884-7729. Normandy Isle Farmers’Market Shop for farm-fresh fruits, vegetables, flowers, plants, and baked goods from vendors gathered around the fountain. Free. 10:00 am. to 5:00 p.m. every Saturday. Normandy Isle Fountain, 71st Street, Miami Beach; 305-532-1366. Super Jam'99 at Bayfront Parte See Thursday Sunday, January 31 GocoWah Farmers’ Market This village square-style outdoor market features flowers, fruits, veggies, and more. Free. 10:00 am. to 8:00 p.m. Grand Avenue and Virginia Street, Coconut Grove; 3054440777, ext 5. Lincoln Road Farmers’ Market Purchase fruits, vegetables, flowers, and baked goods from vendors on the Road and enjoy music by John Roush. Free. 10:00 am. to 5:00 pan. every Sunday. Lincoln Road, between Pennsylvania and Euclid avenues, Miami Beach; 305532-1366. Mayfair Farmers’ Market Shop for fresh flowers, fruits, vegetables, and crafts at this outdoor market Free. 11:00 am. to 8:00 p.m. Streets of Mayfair, Mary Street and Grand Avenue, Coconut Grove; 305739-7924. Miami Dog Obedience Club Dog Show: Sec Saturday. Mobile Anbnal Care Unit See Saturday. SuperBowl Sunday Celebrity Brunch: Enjoy an all-you- can-eat brunch and mingle with singers Ronnie Laws, Kenny Lattimore, and Tamia $50.11:30 am. to 3:00 p.m. Radisson Deauville Resort, 6701 Collins Ave, Miami Beach; 305621-3700. Super Jam *99 at Bayfront Park See Thursday Super Sunday Gospel Brandt Mingle with current and former NFL players and listen to top gospel artists Nanci Jackson, Dawkins and Dawkins, Jad Velasquez, and more at this event held right on the sand. $15 and $50.10:00 am. to 1:00 p.m. 20th to 22nd Street Beach, Miami Beach; 305448-7450. Sports & Recreation Saturday, January 30 Super Bowl XXXIII PraAm Golf Tournament Join some of the biggest names in sports, play eighteen rounds, and help raise funds for Take Stock in Children, an organization that provides college scholarships and mentoring to disadvantaged youths. Crandon Park Golf Course, 6700 Crandon Blvd, Key Biscayne; call 305237-3880 for details. Three Generations Walk-a-thotr Meet local celebrities while you walk to raise money for the Pan American Hospital Auxiliary. $25.8:30 a.m. Pan American EARTHWEEK: A DIARY OF THE PLANET By Steve Newman Argentine Spill The remains of hundreds of oil-soaked fish and birds washed up on the banks of Argentina’s Rio de la Plata as clean¬ up crews worked to contain the 120,000-square-yard oil spill that threatens the region’s rich plant and animal diversity. A Liberian oil tanker carrying oil for the Anglo- Dutch company Shell Oil leaked more than 65,000 gallons of crude when it collided with a German ves-, sel about 50 miles from the capital Buenos Aires on January 15. Res¬ cue and hazardous-materials teams worked to prevent the slick from spreading by using floating barriers and recovering some of the oil with hoses and canisters. South African Storms For the second time in just over a month, South African President Nelson Mandela narrowly escaped injury from fierce storms pounding the country’s Eastern Cape province. The incident was only one in a series of storm-related disasters during a two-day rampage of severe sum¬ mertime weather. At least 21 people were killed by fierce lightning, high winds, and torrential rains, including many In the towns of Thabankulu and Mount Ayliff, which were said to be scenes of total devastation. Indian Chill Freezing weather engulf¬ ing the Indian subcontinent during the past the three weeks claimed fifteen more lives in the state of Uttar Pradesh, raising the death toll from cold-related con¬ ditions to 150. Temperatures in the low-lying parts of the country have reached an unusually cold 37 degrees Fahrenheit and most peo¬ ple in the impoverished areas have been unable to heat their homes. Several people have died from car¬ bon-monoxide poisoning after light¬ ing coal fires Inside their dwellings. Winter Twisters HAt least nine people died and scores of others were Injured when fierce storms coupled with ten tornadoes ripped through western Tennessee. Seven of the casualties occurred in the city of Jackson when one of the twisters descended on Madison -County. More than 70 residents were hospi¬ talized and dozens of homes were wrecked. The tornado also heavily damaged the Tennessee National Guard’s helicopter-maintenance and training facilities, a shopping cen¬ ter, and an apartment complex. Earthquakes A magnitude 4.2 earth¬ quake shook Turkey’s Adana Province, causing minor damage but no injuries. Earth movements were also felt in Geor¬ gia, western Iran, southern Italy, central and southern California, and Alaska’s Kodiak Island. hS ««PiJsíá WYy?w WfebtetT-l SATURDAY, DON'T MISS THE $500,000 BONN HANDICAP FEATURING | AMERICAS CHAMPION SILVER CHARM AS HE TAKES ON ALL CHALLENGERS | IN THIS NATIONALLY TELEVISED BATTLE OF THE BEST! ON SUNDAY, THINGS HEAT UP EVEN MORE At noon enjoy a free concert with Buster Poindexter partying to “Hot! Hot! Hot!” And before things cool down, catch die thrilling Hutcheson Stakes - America’s premiere early season three-yeár-old stake, which will also be broadcast live on ESPN’s “The Road to the Kentucky Derby.” SUPER FUN FOR YOUNG AND OLD. Sunday is Family Day. And kids are free! So are adults who accompany kids. We have free pony rides, a petting zoo, games and more. Plus all the fun of our Junior Jockey Club. 3 BUCKS NEVER BOUGHT MORE F EXCITEMENT AND IT ALL BEGINS THIS SATURDAY! Don’t miss the incredible Pointer 1 Sisters live in concert singing all their great hits like “ I’m P So Excited,” “Jump,” “Neutron Dance” and moré! Plus, ’ join all your favorite celebrities from FOX Sports as the network anchors live from the Park from 2 p.m. - 6 pan. THE EXCITEMENT CONTINUES WITH $500,000 . DONN HANDICAP! National champion Silver "Charm headlines a star-studded field as part of the nationally televised NTRA “Champions on FOX” television series. Having already amassed close to $7,000,000 in lifetime earnings, this “Goliath” of thoroughbred racing is already being touted as “America’s Horse” for 1999. WE RE STARTING EARLY SUNDAY. Gates open at 9 aun. Post time is at 11 am. Concert is at noon. Our last race is at 3 p.m. So you cah have a great day before kickoff. Be here. For a super day. Pointer Sisters SATURDAY, JAN. 30 AT 2PM ■ •TI* W£Mcf| Oultsiraam Park Celebrating 60 Years of World-Class Racing Entertainment PROUD HOST 1999 BREEDERS’CUP Located on US 1 between Ives Dairy Road & Hallandale Beach Boulevard 954-454-7000 • 305-931-RACE • www.gulfstreampark.com Racing Daily except Tuesdays. Children under 18 free with adult Join us for evening simulcasting. See thoroughbred racing across the country in state-of-the-art viewing centers. KATWIUL THOROUGHBRED MCMG ASSOCIATION GATES OPEN 10AM ON SAT. ft 9AM ON SUN. • GRANDSTAND $3 • CLUBHOUSE $5 • VALET PARKING $5 • ENTERTAINMENT INCLUDED! Miami New Times January 28 - February 3,1999 47 Come celebrate our grand re-opening. Cosmetic enhancements aren't just for boobies anymore. Feb. 4th-7th A weekend of body-slammin sweat kickin' Crunch events..... parties at CHAOS, Liquid Lounge, Groove Jet, and many more to brag about later! Specialty fitness classes with infamous New York and Miami Crunch Instructors All this... and a 3 day all access pass to Crunch for just $40 For tickets and information call 674-8222 Crunch Fitness 1259 Washington Ave 48 January 28 - February 3,1999 Miami New Times Are You On Your Feet All Day? Great for work or gardening. : suppo: leather, or water friendly in a variety of fun colors. BIRKENSTOCK. Birki Clog Footworks2 5712 Sunset Drive • South Miami 667-9322 • Open 7 Days www.footworksmiami.com CALL FOR A FREE CONSULTATION Complete Dental Exam * Routine Cleaning • Cavity Screening (Bitewing) X-Rays • Oral Cancer Screening • Consultation Jacqueline X. Galdc, D.M.D. University of Miami Graduate University of Florida Graduate _ Se Habla Español • Most Insurance Accepted * Mastercard & Visa 3005 Salzedo Street, Coral Gables • Ph 305-444-5926 The patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay,-cbncel payment, or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination, or treatment which is performed within 72 hours c ' Hon, or treatment. xiyment tor any other service, examination, or treatment which is pern of responding to the advertisement for the free discounted fee or reduced foe, service, examina: - Root Canals 4 Extracions . Gum treatment Bonding Emergencies Welcome Í into comedie Skits. §£$10. Every Friday and Saturday at 11:00p.m. New Theatre, 65 Almena AVe, Coral Gables; 305461-1161. !: Deja View; See Thursday. 11mprov: See piday. Punch 59: Sketch-comedy, mude, and mayhem rule- ..; when this troupe takes the stage. $10.8:00 p.im. Hollywood Boulevard Theater, 1938 Hollywood Blvd; '9545834577. -' - Separate Checks: The audience picks the show from a vast menu of humor when this improvisaüonal sketch comedy troupe performs; 87.50-11:00p.m. Hollywood Playhouse, 2640 Washington St, Hollywood; 9549230404. Monday, February 1 Def Comedy Jam: Local-comedians and yucksters from HBO’s Def Comedy Jam TV show try to get the ; audience roaring at this open-mike night 7:30 tonight and tomorrow. $10815. The Improv, 3399Virginia St - (Streets of Mayfair), Coconut Grove; call305441-8200 i Tor details . _T , Tuesday, February 2 Def Comedy Jam: See Monday. Thursday, January 28 In Bad Taste; The John Waters Story: See “Night & Day.” Video Rewind: Dqa View: The Louis Wolfeon II Media History Center screens programs from its archives &¡' every Thursday and TUesday, presenting a look at issues and events that have affected our community. ■ Free. 1:00 p.m. today and Tuesday. Main Miami-Dade library, program room; 101W Flagler St; f 3053751505.1 Saturday, January 30 Independent Filmmaker Seminar: Lance Webster, former,head of the PBS Los Angeles office, leads this seminar for filmmakers who are gearing their Work toward public television, $125.10:00 am. to ^5:30p;ti¿Miami Beach'Community Church, Lincoln Road and Drexel Avenue, Miami Beach, 800484-2569. Silence Is Golden: Enjoy silent films under the stars every Saturday night at 8.00 p m. Free 123 N Krome Ave, Homestead; 305-2468878, Sunday, January 31 Cinema Vortex: See “Night & Day.” Readings & Lectures 28 DiscriminationHearing: The Miami-Dade County Equal Opportunity Board inrites those who feel they have suffered discrimination to air their grievances at this ' hearing. Free. 4:00 p.m. Joseph Caleb Center, 5400 NW 22nd Ave; 3053755272. „ Nestor Diaz de Villegas: In a multimedia presentation featuring punting^ Videos and music, actress lili Renteria and Diaz read (in Spanish) from his" latest book Confesiones del Estrangulodor de Flagler Street (Confessions if the Flagler Street Strangler); poet Felix Lizarraga also reads. Free. 7:00 p.m. Café Nostalgia, 2212 SW 8th St; 305541-2631. Ghost Stories at the Biltmore: Storyteller Linda Spitzer ■: áts by the fireplace every Thursday and recounts the celebrities and ghosts who have haunted the Biltmore. Free. 7:00 p.m. Biltmore Hotel, 1200 Anastasia Ave, Coral Gables; 305-665-8429. The Mystery of the Number Seven: Key to Seif Mastery: Learn the important role die number seven plays in die seven stages of human evolution that lead to wisdom, $5. -7:30 p.m. New Acropolis, 320 Miracle Mile, 2nd fl, CoralGables; 305461-5758. Ana Lazara Rodriguez The Ffee Cuba Foundation sponsors this lecture On English) by former Cuban prisoner Rodriguez. Free. 7:30 p.m. FIU University Park Campus, Graham Center, SW 8th Street and : 107th Avenue; 305-5953346. Geshe Lhundup Sopa: Soi», professor emeritus at the University of Wisconsin and abbot and principal teacher at the Deer Park Monastery and Buddhist ‘ Center located near Madison, delivers a lecture titled "The Path of Compassion” tonight at 7:30 at Flu’s University Park Campus (SW 8th Street and 107th Avenue, DM-110) ; he also speaks on the topic (The Guide to thé BodhisattvaWay of life” tomorrow at 8:00 p.m. (12815 SW 119th Terf) Free. 3053728236. Nancilee Wydra: The author discusses her book,izwA Before You Love: Feng Shut Techniques for Revealing - Anyone’s True~Naturé, which combines the Chinese art of placement with relationships. Free. 8:6b p.m! ( Barnes & Noble Bookstore, 1240 SW 88th St; 3055957-727. Friday, January 29 Africairitew World Studies Lecture Series: Distinguished historian John Hope Franklin, author of From Slavery 11111 m BY LLOYD DANBuE thc somber proceedings begin WITH A RITUALISTIC PRESENTATION Of THE AAT/CtfS... THE Y CRACK OifT Wf CRUSTY, OLD eiBlf R ESSAYED IMPEACHMENTS AÑO RENQUIST PONS HIS STRIPED VARSITY CHIEF JUSTICE ROSE/ STROiYi THURMOND, WHO WAS T9ST A Young, Plantation owner DvftikSi the LAST 1 »V|f»eAcHMENT TAIAL* IS PRÓ'pfcéQr^íkPON we CEREMONIAL l,PQDn/m. Senators, sworn to Silence and impartiality, speak in hushed Tones on the Sunday talk Shows with Saw and cokie.i fSCUMBAG /1Ü3T HEY-’ m—medPM Who saiDl . A«f rdi Portentousness Fills the senate CHAmBER AND THE SMELL OF HISTORY ^CANGSTN^THrAJ^RYj^J^TAlNfr ' Tvsr farted* And So, with the Symbolic Toss OF A THoNG, THE SENATE EmBARkS ON A NEW ERA OF 6 OVER NTH ENT' KICK IT OFF IN ’99 We’ll help you keep your resolution with our triple fat burning TKO Kickboxing Classes WE NOW HAVE MORNING & WEEKEND CLASSES! Sang's TKO Cardiovascular Ki 7128 Collins Ave. Miami Beach ff\ 305 861 7166 *1960 @1999 FREE HI a s e r Ha i r R emoval NEVER W'ham AGAIN sfigine havi | wititeul; shgvi HH&fejyg Nawthaif way urtwci body fidlr for bjg$ 4 Discover 1tie4<5jiMr.d gentle, featuring the ‘worlds most trusted I jagerjfechnolagy, Tr temblé, ffiffipfM ticflbf the 1ftrrrev# o(Musing creams, pr ln| orneedies.. a f\f.‘e smooth, haigfreeslcfn py ^wlgr .dlbking ipr nted hair safe, íast ánd effective b facial and itage of the wcslhéfic re-com Ma.frac- ds, with- ent gels. wmmm ¡:e* a Spider Vein Treatment f CellMke Reduction))' Tattoo Removal er hIiíinItituie DR GLE?W§T- CHARLESfm?" H049N.E. FL0$16O 1b ¿ckedtde yourFreepersonalcbifemltatiaffe please mil '005)947-7878 * Free one jeoaion treatment qfupper Lip, win ara $200credit towards , i, )K^ather mvaa. FirM timepaimnts only. The patient arid any other person responsible for payment has a right to ref use to pay, «AwBeteavrtM^CÉWWtéeWaiWeadHBflififK AiijiDie'iiiilBldpWI upWjillipiWti ariSjffiof andvYV * iPyf.iBff?lmiHqra> . *>-rv-A SO January 28-February 3.1999 Miami New Times PIGEON KEY ART FESTIVAL ABIC ■KM Our Sponsors ^3* First National Fishermen’s Hospital General Rental and Party Center Lynn Voit Studio Partney Goldsmith Jack Hill Sculptor Premier Beverage Co. Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Key West Brewery I Keynoter | WAVK 105.5 Radio Key West Trolley I GO TOUrS ON A TINY ISLAND SPONSORED BY PIGEON KEY FOUNDATION FEBRUARY 6 - 7, 1999 M.M. 45, MARATHON, FLA. KEYS 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. • A judged art show limited to 70 locally and nationally selected artists. • $7 adult admittance includes parking and round trip shuttle from Knight’s Key. • Island music • Food and Drink • • Fabulous raffle of the artists’ donated work. W • Pigeon Key Art Festival is nationally ranked among the top lOO Fine Art Shows in the country and no. 1 in Florida. • For further info, call 743-7664 CJom£ as you ' LOU BARON PHODDLY PRESENTS fDP ORIGINAL ANTIQUE SHOW 38 YEARS IN THE SAME LOCATION WORLD’S LARGEST WORLD’S FINEST 800 INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITORS FOR EVERYONE SIX DAYS OF DISCOVERY IAN. 20- FED 3. 1000 ADMISSION $10.00 - TICKETS GOOD FOR 0 DAYS COME AND GO - EVERY DAY OF THE SHOW! SHOW HOURS: DAILY I TO 10PM LAST DAY I TO GPM CONVENTION CENTER HALLS A 8 R • VALET PARKING Produced by: Lou Baron - 266 HE 70th St, Miami FL 33138 Tel: 305-535-0328 • Fax: 308-704-1717 • Antiqueeaski.net 117 Bine Ridge Dr., Naples, FL 34112 Tel: 041-732-6642 «Fax: 041-732-6652 • Baronmbaseaol.com to Freedom: A History of African Americans, delivers a lecture titled '“Plantation Rebels and -Runaway-Slavesf Free. 7:30 p.m.'FItís University Park Campus, SW 8• Noble, 18711 Biscayne Blvd, Aventura;30593&9770. * Poetry Readings: Ana from Havanahoste this night of original poetry and short-stoiy i€ading.Trée.-8:30.r“ * p.m. Warehouse Cafe, 71815WÍ17Ü1 Aver - 3052^3-0870. S Wednesday, February 3 John J. McNeill: Expelled from the Society of Jesus in 1987. after. 40 years for his.Vieyys on gay and lesbian ,sexuality, McNeill,- the man some call “the gay saint of fheTwentieth Century,” tells hisintriguing story in Both Feed Planted in Midair, which combines religious autobiography with gay memoir.Tpk 8:00 p.m. Books-& Books, 296Aragon Ave, Coral Gables; 3Q54424408. ,, Photography Lecture Series: Tucker Arnold, professor. - of English at FIU, delivers adedpre and slide presenlhtion^bout author Eudora Weltyand her • • contributions to the world of photography. Free. 7:00 p m Art Museum at FIHrMuseum Gallery, PC110; University Park Campus, SW 8th Street and 107tii Avenue; 305348:2890.. Gail Sheehy: As part of the Unique Lives and Experiérices Lectóre Series, Sheehy discusses her experiences and hei perceptions at topa KM Board Certified by the Arriencln Boartnp "Well trained doctor, well tremed patient!' V3^672-58JL * 801 Arthur Godfrey Road P JJ : feh4iatniBeaclíi,íütó,33J40 ■ Liposuction, Botox, Collagen, SoftForm, La Leg Veins, Age SpoS, and Unwanted Hair. 1 THE PATOU NO AW OTHER PB50H RESPONSBU FOR Plj»|MHASjIjHÍ f^gEIO PAKAMR PMHBIT. OR B TiSkplants. Removal of Wrinkles, Tattoos, ^ssfw^eating. flj WHICH IS PERfOAHEDAS ARE9ILTOf AND WITHIN 72 HOWS Of RSPOffiNSTQ1 Find out about tumescent liposuction. Performed by a vyell trained, board certified dermatologist, Reliable, safe, effective, and, for a limited time, very affordable: Come for a free consultation. www.surgdertn.com If you think a great haircut has to cost a lot of money, well RAISE our prices. North Miami 13404 Biscayne Blvd. 305-956-7740 402 N. University Dr. 7734 Peters Rd. .-(Next to Bread ofUfe)^ 954-436-3535 954-472-7753 54 January 28 - February 3,1999 Miami New Times Danes, Dance, Dance!: See Thursday. f International Festival of Middle Eastern Dance: Argentina’s top Oriental dancer, AmirThaleb, and Argentine béfly dancers Veronica Helou and Monica■ Veitz perform with Fajwa of Morocco and The. Mideastern Dance Exchange’s Tamalyn DallaL Free. 8:00 p.m. Lincoln Road and Euclid Avenue, Miami Beach; 305638-1608. Latin Dance: Debra Tessler, former dancer with the .. Arthur Murray and Fred Astaire dance studios, . teaches this class, which includes mambo, chacha- cha, lambada, and more. $10.8:00 to 960 p.m. Studio 23;247 23rd St, Miami Beach; 305-201-7911. Latin Dance with a Live Band: Swing or salsa to the sounds ofaliveband. $1.6:00 p.m. 21st Street Recreation Center, 2100 Washington Ave, Miami Beach; 305673-7784. Lindy Swing Classes: Randy Atias teaches yoii to put some swing in your step. Free. 8:00 p.m. CMr Pepper, Streets of Mayfeir, 3339 Virginia St, Coconut Grove; '800404-7693. Rotating Dance Workshops: Try out a new dánce step— tango, merengue, disco, chicha-cha—with a different class every month. $10. Every Friday at 7:00 p.m. Angel Arroyo Studio of Dance, 16467 NE27Jh ; Aye, North Miami Beach; 305-949-7799. ■ ■ Saisa for Beginners: Novices can learn to move to the hot Latin beat $10.7:00 tonight 8:00 p.m. Monday ^ and Wednesday. Gil Santos Dance Studio, 350 littColn Rd, Miami Beach; 3056740709. Searching for Me: Tza-Yu Chen, a native of Taiwan, performs traditional Chinese dance, ballet and , modem dance. Free. 7:30 tonight and tomorrow. New World Dance Theater, 25 NE 2nd St 8th tit; ■ 305-237-3341. Afro-Cuban and Latin Dance: See Thursday. AftoCuban Dance: See Thursday. Alvin Ailey Repertory Ensemble: See Friday. Beginners Belly Dance: Tamalyn Dallal teaches the hip- ■ shaking basics today at 12:30 pm. arid Tuesday at ' 7:30 p.m. $10. Mideastem Dance Exchange, 350 Lincoln Rd, ste 505, Miami Beach; 305538-1608. Belly Dance Class for Beginners: Kahreen teaches you - the basics, including transitions and choreography, in' this twelve-week workshop: 10:30 aan. Miami Shores Community Center, 9617 Park'Dr, Miami Shores; 305-754-0258 Capoeira Dance: Get in shape by learning the Affo- Brazilian martial art $10. Noon every Saturday. Miami Folldoric Institute, 2772 SW 8th St ste 202; 3056423889. Dance, Dance, Dance!: See Thursday Egyptian Dance: Dancer Jihan Jamal teaches intricate techniques and choreography for advanced students of Middle Eastern dance $10 1130 aun to 100pm Performing Arts Network, 55517ffí St Miami Beach; 3056726552. Haitian Dance: Move to the beat of a live drum while Manno Merisier teaches you all the right moves. $10. 4:00 p.m. today and 6:30 p.m. Wednesday. Iroko Dance and Performance Center, 1860-A West Ave, Miami Beach; 305604-9141. Intermediate Belly Dance: Tamalyn Dallal leads this ; workshop for experienced dance students. $10. 2:30 : p.m. Mideastem Dance Exchange, 350 Lincoln Rd, ste 505, Miami Beach; 305538-1608. The Jamal Method of Basic Middle Eastern Dance: Beginning dancers can learn fundamental techniques and choreography of dances from Egypt Lebanon,. and Syria. $10.10:00 to 11:30 a.m. Performing Arts Network, 555> 17th St Miami Beach; 3056726552. , Saturday Evening Dance: Make Mends with other , dancers while you move to the sounds of a live band. $177:00 p.m. 21st Street Recreation Center, 2100 Washington Ave, Miami Beach; 3j)5673-7784. Searching for Me: See Friday. Spiritdance: Fatima Gueye hosts an Afro-Cuban dance workshop. $5. Every Saturday at 4:00 p.m. 21st Street Community Center, 2100 Washington Ave, Miami Beach; 305532-2839. ■ Swing Classes: Teachers from Salsations Dance Productions show you the way to swing. $10.7:3P > p.m. every Saturday. In Motion, Dance Center, 4542: SW 75th Ave, South Miami;,3056752762. West African Dance and Percussion: Corina Fitch teaches you the rich dance-drummingtraditions of the Anlo- Ewe people of Ghana. $l0$15.2:00 to 4:00 pun.Troko Dance and Performance Center, 1860-A West Ave, Miami Beach; 305604-9141. Sunday, January 31 Israeli Dancing: See Thursday. Israeli Dancing: See Thursday. Salsa on the Beach: Dancer Luz Pinto leads this workshop on salsa casino. $10. Every Sunday at 6:30’ p.m. Performing Arts Network, 55f>’17th StyMiami Beach; 3058689418. Sunday Evening Dance: Twirl around the dance floor and groove to the music of a live band. $1.7:00 p m North Don’t miss this HUGE, UPSCALE TRADE and CONSUMER SHOW., a premiere event! OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! Coconut: Grove HOME DESIGN AIMED L—Ü REMODELING HID l/M FEBRUARY 5-10 COCONUT GROVE CONVENTION CENTER Shop with the Decorators Florida’s largest collection of the finest home furniture, accessories, decorating, remodeling, interior design, architecture, and home improvement services...many at SPECIAL SHOW PRICES. INCLUDING: kitchen, bedroom and bathroom, appliances, cabinetry, entertainment systems, lighting, flooring,hardware, fine art, window and wall coverings, garden, pools and spas, collectibles, antiques. See Great Designer Rooms Created For South Florida tv Meteorologists Meet Erik Estrada “Ponch” of CHiPs SUNDAY 1-3 pm LG3H1 home improvement tips from the experts Mti -wFSL,- rfr *SL WIN a trip to Jamaica, courtesy of QinJQmQiGQ Discover the latest decorating trends for 1999 Free Parking! It’s More than a Home Show ...It’s a Great Family Event! OPENS FRIDAY FRIDAY: 6-10:30 pm • SATURDAY: noon-10:30 pm SUNDAY: noon-7:30 pm • MONDAY thru WEDNESDAY: 6-10:30 pm Receive a $1.00 adult discount with any supermarket receipt. Miami NewTimas January 28 - February 3,1999 55 ZioMfy-Ss- BST&WPfMfti & mlw TUílimt of-Beazvty FLAMINGO 30S-S91S373 your beAMty superstore, 82/5 Oil] 36 St' IJlJflfT EXCITING COMPUTER CAREER! 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Call to Get Started Today ¡"free BOX of"PROTÜÑBARS] Ge# Stflrted fpr jjw/Full- Program Purchase Exp2J.99J *34*5 AVENTURA 305-932-7774 • HIALEAH 305-557-4993 • KEND^4.305-271-8110 j TELEPHONE ORDERS GLADLY ACCEPTED » WE SHIP ANYWHERE« SE HABLA ESPAÑOL • e-ma8;getfit@r4keii*efpri«es.cM» , EXPRESS OIL A FUTIR SERVICE 1699 ' Includes: ' 'fm top Off flulds And Safe^ Check -', Some Models Sfightiy-Higlier . M nn^ni MAJOR SERVICE $|7500 Stime Models Slightly Higher ! I OFFER EXPÍRÍS2-12^ VV; h BRAKE i MINOR i i ZEES 1 SERVICE j i 83P5 i 1> -;FRpNTPB BÉAB BRAKES 1, ! l;)ncl(ié¿frort pads & performance I J check Sbirné MódélsiSlightly Higher1 ! H 0FFEREXPIRES2-12-99‘ 11 Some Models Slightly Higher ¡ i. S hOFFEB;B(PIRÍES MS? 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Here we Can erase ■ spider veiñs with, a simpleza procedure called "laserirt^S Uplike other treatments, laser therapy does not use needled and it's almost painless: With lasering, spider veins fqdé from view as it's being done, A young, healthy and clearer skin appears. Kiss those veins goodbye. Call us today for an appointment fete", and “MHiming the effects ofA&ng" Discover ihe vvecrlih of information at your fingertips mtm www.beraja.com — 56 January 28 - February 3,1999 Miami New Times MICHAEL WOHlFEHiER, A$D./J.DÍ JOSEPH PiPERATO, M.D, & KEVIN KING, M,D. Are pleased to announce the relocation of their practice as of February 15th, 1999 to 1680 Meridian Avenue Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Initially we will occupy temporary space on the second floor (Suite 200) while our permanent pace on the buildiny’s sixth jloor (Suite 600) is renovated. Our telephone number and web site are now and will continue to be:. Telephone: (305) 538-1400 Sfcilastersin the art of tile. 7890 NW 29th St in Miami 591* 7283 OPEN 7 DAYS • G14D S. Dixie Hwy. (on US1] 305-665-0133 LIFETIME SERVICE & WARRANTY ON NEW BIKE PURCHASE VALID THRU 2-5-9S Shore Bandshell, 7275Cpllins-Ave, Miami Beach; Swing Dancing: Dancers Luz Pinto teaches you how to swing with zing. $8.8:00 p.m. every Sunday. Performing Arts Network,-555i?th St, Miami Beach; 305=8689418.- * Advanced Belly Dance: Kahreen, Kira, and Helenalead this’class for advanced-level dancers. $8.7:00 p.m. Miami Shores Recreation Center 9617 Park Dr, Miami Shores; 305-7588103, S Bally Dancing with Maja: See Thursday. County Line Dancing by Pat Cocchc Cocchi, half of the • Kismet Dancers, leads a beginner and intermediate workshop $5 10.30 a.m Miami Shores Recreation Center, 9617 Park Dr, MiamifShojes; 305-754-0258., Ramoneo and Sevillanas: Celia Clara teaches you Spanish dances. $|ih#:00 tonight and 8:00 p.m. Wednesday. Iroko Dance and Performance Center, 1860-AWestAve, Miami Beach, 305-6049141. " Flamenco Dance Classes: Juana Magdalena, director of Gypsy Fire, shows beginning and intermediate students how to improve their flamenco moves 810 17:00 p.m. every Monday. In Motion Dance Center, 4542 SW 75th Ave, South Miami; 305-633-4061. . Salsa for Beginners: See-Frfday. - Salsa Lovers Dance Studios: See Thursday. Salsa Workshop: Put on, your salsa shoes and shake it $10 7 00® iruéach Monday and, Wednesday* Angel Arroyo Studio'of Dance, 16467 NE 27th AVe, North Miami Beach;-305-049-7799* Swing and Latin Dance: ^^^^^flnjgdance moves,, with The Best of Times. $1(1*7:00 p.m. every Monday. LaSalle High School cafeteria,3601 S-Miami Ave; ~ Tango: Argentine dancer Marlene teaches you all the light rnoves.IM|,i Every Monday at 9:00 p.m. Gil Santos Darice’S|iidio; 350 EmcblfiRd, JVIiami Beach; 3056740709. K Tuesday, February 2 AfrnCuban and Latin Dance: See Thursday. Afro-Cuban Dance: See Thursday. Ancient Art of Belly Dancing: Practice your shimmies and hip movements with dance mstructoi rvihnllamscy ;'$30 for six lessons. 7:39p.m. every Tuesday. West Miami Community School, 7525 SW 24th St; 305-261-8383. Beginners Belly Dance: See Saturday. Belly Dance Workshop: Beginning and intermediate- : level students can learn to play finger cymbals and use a veil and cane in their dancing. $10.7:00 p.m. Conservatory of Fme Arts, 77 ÑW 166th St 3059497200. Brazilian Jazz Dance: See Thursday. Salsa Lovers Dance Studios: See Thursday. Strictly Passion, the Tango: The Best of Times teaches you Argentina’s romantic dance. $10.'7:30 p m. every Tuesday. Elks Lodge, 22 Giralda St, Coral Gables; 305=267-6923, Swing Night Dancers Randy Adas and Luz Pinto offer ; tody swing leslpife $10.8:00 p.m. every Tuesday. Starfish, 1427 West Ave, Miami Bea$; 809404=7693. Wednesday, February 3 Ballet for Adults: Dancer Pilar Saavedra, formerly offhe Ballet de Santiago de Chile, offers these classes for nimble adults. 21st Street Recreation Center, 2100 Washington Ave, Miami:Beach;. call 305673-7784.for details. Belly Dance Intensive Workshop: Kahreen, Kira, and Hb1ená;tead an'dght-week workshoprfor . beginning/intermediate students that willpover p everything from the basics to a complete ' choreographed piece: $8::7:00 p.m. Miami Shores Recreation.Ceiiter;9617 Park Dr; Miami Shores; > ■3057588103. Dance Aerobics: Get á workout while you listen to hip- hop and club tun'es¡ $3:;5:30 p.m. 21st Street ' Récréadbn'-Cefítér^LOO. Washington Ave, Miami Beach; 305-532-2839." Flamenco and Sevillanas: See Monday, Haitian Dance: See Saturday. Intensive Belly Dance: Mariajarhal teaches this workshop forexperienced students; $19,5:30 p.m:?. ’ Mideastem Dance Exchange, 350'Lincoln Rd, Ste505, £ ‘MjanfilBeach; 30^^-169$ Modem Dance: Raymond Sullivan teaches this class for beginning and intermediate students. $10í6:3|jp.m. =eveiy Wednesday-. Performing Arts Network,<555lte: St, Miami Beach; 305672-0552. Salsa for Beginners: See Friday. Salsa Lovers Dance Studios: Sée Thursday. Salsa Workshop: Seelhjonclayv- I s Tango Argentino Dance Parly: Ptáctíéefhe proves of oiftj* of the worldsmoSt elégaíit and sénéüáT dances. $lftj f j Dance classes from 8:30 to 9:30;: dance starts at 9:30 p,m. every Wednesday. Elks,Club, 2916 Ponce de; v Leon Blvd, Coral Gables; 305-4459444. ¿ Exclusive lo ACIDS • ||ÍD LASERS ftO PAIN Safely Used onall skin types Reduce fine lines & wrinkles ) Soft,smooth, fresh-looking skin (305) 670-111? DEBRA PRICE M.D., RA. Dermatology & Uaser Surgery 7400 N. Kendall Dr., Suite 502 Miami CANOPY FRAME $89 GREAT PACKAGE FITION SALE TV STAND *2 FREE PILLOWS WITH I VS I AND SOY EVERY PACKAGE 1 Fi nrS/iop 713 Sth Street • South Beaat 305-5313442 • WE DELIVER M-F 11-8PM SAT-SUN 11-6PM ^Áift'léw frdrnl Styles! 19 designs to choose from Frame Only $89 TATAMI Twin, Full, ble in: & King Miami New Times January 28 - February 3,1999 57 invite you to I original John Wat< loofe-itlifee co»Ust! Grand Pri*e: red Vack tom Cab\ev\«onUmmu« and other fcbotous |taes Hunnet up Ortas for Best in Dng Divine $25» Cash, COM.-U 58 ¿ January28-ftbruary 3.1999 MiamiHew^ FREE 30 Min Cellulite Reduction Treatment* SUN SPOTS {TINEA VERSICOLOR) Volunteers Needed: With skin patches (white, brawn or brownish red) on the chest, back, shoulders or neck to participate irfb|§| research study with ah - investigational shampoo. • Males and females 12 to 16 ; years old. • Study related medication and office visits free of charge. • Qualified participants will be paid. For details please call: International Dermatology Research Inc. 8370 West Flagler Street Suite #200 305-225-0400 New AJexandriff Laser now 5 times faster! Remove unwanted hair froh| anywhere on your body Sale • Effective * Affordable .f your dimples aren’t limited to your smile We have the solution for those problem areas —. thighs, hips, buttocks.you name it. A fabulous new technology first introduced in Europe is now available to you. Vbu’ll love what it does for those places where you’d like some extra help. LASER HAIR INSTITUTE : |||^ 1 ■ : • Dr. Glenn M. Charles 3049 NE 163 St. North Miami Beach, FL 33160 To schedule your free consultation please call . 305-947-7878. *w/purchase of Bodysuit, first time customers only. RENAISSANCE PLASTIC SURGERY • FAMILY MEDICINE ^COSMETIC DERMATOLOGY ' SEE OUR LASER DEMONSTRATION ON WPXM, (CH35) SUNDAYS ÁT 10:30AM DAVID CABRERA, M.D. (305)443“2666 1301 PONCE DE LEON BLVD. CORAL GABLES vfülWMUUIJHi «> t LüéM VWHB'TVNWI.Uili; UaVrfWiC’iWW How Strange Groove Back Fruit Got Its biopic What’s Love Got to Do with It? (1993) for the big screen). Older but not necessarily wiser, Strange Fruit is thrown back together on the whim of a pro¬ moter who turns out to be the son of the pro¬ moter who last booked them. But before return¬ ing to Wisbech, these rock-and-roll dinosaurs must rehone their ¿hops. That means argument- ridden rehearsals, the reconstruction of shat¬ tered egos, and a,tour through the scummier rock clubs of snowy Amsterdam and Antwerp, where they face audiences both hostile and bewildered. It’s not for nothing that the script calls for the band bus to break down on a sweep of plain decorated with fat windmills: The Fruits’ quest to revivify themselves is nothing if not quixotic. “History teaches us,” the movie’s wry narrator observes, “that men behave wisely once they’ve exhausted all other alternatives.” The alterna¬ tives are the fqn part here, of course: Addled Beano struggling to remember if Strange Fruit really did price play the Hollywood Bowl, as he So fondly recalls; váiri Ray, still decked out in green feathers, presuming that a smirky pizza driver wants his autograph; brokenhearted Karen still chasing the ghost {'NlGtL.SIN’aAIR TUCKER -//X S&StSmS. wmm&s ’ ms ^^w**^*.** m FOR SHOWTIMES & TICKETS CALL 888-FILM® NOW SHOWING AMC THEATRES AVENTURA 24 19501 Biscayne Blvd. _ 448-2088 . AMC THEATRES SUNSET PLACE 24 U.S. 1 @ Red Rd. & Sunset Dr. 448-2088. . .. January 28 - February 3,1999 Miami New Times Everyone does topnotch work, with Strathairn particularly strong If you hjayg a taste for tales of truth and illusion, Bad Manners is both bracing and, in its nasty way, delightful. (A.K.) Bride of Chucky (R): “Chucky gets lucky!” toeads proclaim ...v and so da the owners of the Child’s Play franchise with this droll, campy fourto feature installment in the series. Jennifer Tilly stars as Tiffany, faithful former lover of the dead , .¡murderer (voice by Erad Dourif) whose soulmigrated into the body of a Chucky doll. Following the instructions in VoodooJor Dummies, Tiffany resurrects Chilcky from his most recent “death,” hoping to marry him after finding s suitable human body for him. You know what happens next Instead of Chucky turning human, Tiffany turns doll, and the two homicidal homunculi go on akilling spree while trying to squeeze themselves into the bodies of teenlpyers jade fEalherine Heigh and Jesse (Nick Stabile). Lustful Tilly fans qre forewarned that the star is only onscreen in the flesh for the first half hour; and followers of ace Hong Kong director Ronny YU (1993’s The Bride unth White Hair) shouldn’t expeetto see many identifiable stylistic touches, despite the participation Gibáis long-time collaborators David Wu (editor) and Peter Pau (cinematographer). Even with those caveats, if s easy to recommendBnde of Chucky, which _ - delivers exactly the level of stylish, over-thetop humor that its ads and.trailers promise. (A.K.) The Celebration (U); Family and friends gather at theremote estate of wealthy Helge Kfingenfeldt (Henning Moritzen) to celebrate his 60th birthday. What at first appears to be a simple comedy of manners turns into something far more savage when, in the presence of the assembled guests, the patriarch’s favorite son (Ulrich Thomsen) jovially accuses toe ofo man of toe worst sorts of crimes. This Danish film is credited to director Thomas Vinterberg, but if s also the first production of Dogme 95, a filmmakers’ collective founded by Vinterberg and his more famous colleague Lars von Trier (Breaking the Waves). Dogme 95’s manifesto is a series of restrictive rules of production that seem counter to nearly ■ everything von Trier has done in his careen the doctrine ' prescribes abort of enforced filmic naturalism that calls to mind Some of the ideas behind Italian neorealism. In fad; while toe aesthetic serves Vfo.terberg's material well here) be still manages to break several of Dogma 95’s rules. (Big deal.) Thé Celebration is, to a large extent, a comedy — a nasty, bitter one,-to be sure,, but a comedy nonetheless — an acid-etched, take-no-prisonfers allegory ofi bourgeois superficiality at its worst. In Danish with English subtitles.' (A.K.) Central Station (Kj: This Brazilian film about a homeless nine- year-old boy and toe cynical, insensitive woman who reluctantly agrees to help him find his father has a documentary’s sense of verisimilitude. Vinicius de Oliveira, who plays toe boy, had never even seen a movie, much less acted in one, when director Walter Salles discovered him shining shoes at toe Riode Janeiro airport But he is a complete natural in front of the camera, bringing an J extraordinary combination of solemnity, innocence, dignity, and intelligence to toe role of Josué, whose mother is run over by a bus Just outside Rio’s central train station. Brazilian stage and screen star Fernanda Montenegro portrays Dora, a selfish 67-yeafcold former teacher who makes her firing writing lettefs for illiterate travelers. So willfully perverse is Dora that she never mails toe letters. If toe-film’s premise. v and plot sound overly familiar and predictable—odd couple overcomes initial aversion to form a close bond—Salles’s handling of toe material is anything but routine. He presents: Dora as an unlikable, shockingly unprincipled character. Montenegro is an actress without vanity; so unselfcpnsdous, ¡S her performance that viewers feel they are peeping though a half-open window, catching some silly, sad behavior that would surely embarrass toe unsuspecting subject The mam body of the film lacks toe poignancy and piercing sorrow one might have-expected, but in a calculated move that pays off handsomely, toe story’s remarkable power is reserved for toe end. Ultimately Centralisation reyeals that communication and human interaction are as essential to human existence as food and water, oxygen and light. Winner of the Best Film„award at the 1998 , Berlin Film Festival. In Portuguese withEngHsh subtitles. (Jean Oppenheimer) A Civil Action (PG-13): The great attorneys of our time — Tom Cruise, Susan Sarandon, and Tom Hanks —must now make room in. toe firm for a new partner. As Jan Schlichttnann, a greedy personal-injury lawyer who risks everything on one Byzantine monster of a case, John Travolta pushes all toe right emotional buttons while revealing the grime and toe majesty of the law. Written and directed by Schindler’s List scenarist Steven Zaillian (and based on a nonfiction bestseller by Jonathan Harr), this is not just another lawyer moyie. It surpasses the : usual John Grisham-style pulp to become an authentic moral tale, based on toe real-life case of eight Massachusetts families whose children died from leukemia as a result of drinking poisoned water. Travolta’s cocksure go-getter is taken down but redeemed by conscience! an evolution that giSjés.toe filmits edge. Look for great supporting performancesby'Sydney Pollack as an ultraslick lqgal negotiator, andtoe great Robert Duvall as toe eccentric slyboots who heads toe high-powered legal team fot toe' accused industrial giant Beatrice Foods. (Bill Gallo) . : Dancing at Lughnasa (PG): Pat O’Connor’s poignant adaptation of Brian, Friel’s prize-winning drama features Meryl Streep (complete with a brogue as thick as Guinness Stout) as toe eldest of toe five unmarried Mundy sisters, whp've.paidtoe price for growing up Catholic, unlettered, and unliberated in toe rural Ireland ofjthe 1920s and 1930s. ]fs based on toe quaintnotion that once ujfonla time, people whose youthful dreams were dashed (even those who lived entire fives, of quiet desperation), might attain a state of grace It’s hard to grasp that today, inJhe age of instant gratification. But the minor miracle that sets toe Mundys .free for a moment — an unfettered linking of arms and spirits as a glory of fiddle, fiute, and drum pours out of their radio set)— creates'a vivid, bittersweet portrait of a time, a place, and a condition of life. With Catherine ■ McCormack, Kathy Burke, Sophie Thompson, and Michael Gambon-CBill Gallo) Elizabeth (R); Even students of English history may have trouble sorting out toe palace intrigues and intragovemmental conspiracies that fill Elizabeth, toe handsome newproduction about Queen Elizabeth Fs ascension to toe British throne. With toe bewitching -- Australian actress Cate Blanchett (Oscar and Lucinda) in the titieiole|toeifilm:follows Elizabeth’s transformation from a young woman ofjndependent spirit and private passions (for Lord Robert Dudley, played by Joseph Fiennes) but little knowledge of toe world into á shrewd, indomitable leader who brilliantly consolidatedhet-— and her nation’s — power, reestablished order, and presided over Britain’s “Golden Age.” Although frustratingly confusing r—.toSe J J viewer is seldom sure who is on which side or why—toe film brimswito physical grandeur, exquisite costumes, and a captivating performance by Blanchett. The story opens in 1554, during toe reign of Elizabeth’s half-aster and; predecessor, toe unpopular Queen Mary I. Four years later, when top 25-year-old Elizabeth ascends to toe throne, toe country is financially bankrupt, has no army, and is under : serious threat from abroad; Elizabeth also has numerous enemies, including toe dangerous Duke of Norfolk (Christopher Eccleston). The film works as well as it does because Blanchett makes Elizabeth such an accessible > | figure, conveying a combination of vulnerability and A strength, intellect and instinct Blame director Shekhar Kapur and screenwriter Michael Hirst for toe story’s confusing chronology. As a history lesson or even as an enthralling historical thriller, toe picture proves disappointing, butBlanchetfs performance, beautiful costumes, and fine production design make toe film worthwhile. (Jean Oppenheimer) Enemy of the State (R): Washington, D.C., labor lawyer Robert Dean,(Will Smith) unknowingly comes into possession of a video proring that National Security Agency functionary Thomas Reynolds (Jon Voight) oversaw toe murder ofa congressman Qason Robards) who opposed a bill to expand repressive surveillancepractices. Suddenly Dean’s whole fife is in shambles: His credit cards are voided, he is accused of malpractice, and, worst of all, he is publicly exposed as a philanderer. His only hope at turning around his life is in - 'enlisting toe help of a renegade surveillance expert (Gene Hackman) wh.o fives and works in a heavily protected loft (apparently the very same loft that Hackman inhabited in Francis Coppola’s 1974 The Conversation). This assaultive film from producer Jerry Bruckheimei and dircttoi Tony Scott, hie kings of assaultive actioners, owes a lot to toe Coppola film as well,as to Wim Wenders’s less exalted The End of Violence. But as á work of art it'js to The Conversation what Friday thel3this to Psycho. Its major redeeming feature (s Smith, who prorides a genuine warmth and charm usually lacking Bruckheimer’s inories. He goes.a long way toward making toe film palatable, despite its shrjll hammering at,our senses and its egregious plot holes. (AK) The Faculty (R): Even before things get, you know, weird, Herrington High is like toe ninth circle of Hefi. Half toe kids foe world-weary stoners, toe other half are controlled by a brutal sodal hierarchy; toe teachers are mostly indifferent, serving out their time until retirement Then orieriay toe’ | p faculty starts acting strange, arid geek-for-fife Casey (Elijah Wood) finds an unearthly organism that comes to fife in water. Soop Casey and his heartthrob (Jorriana Brewster), her ex-boyfriend (Shawn Hatosy), a brilliant dope dealer (Josh Hartnett), a.sci-fi-reading outcast (CleaDuValfi, and toe new girl in town (Laura Harris) realize that toe teachers —and, soon, most of toe student body—have been taken over by interplanetary parasites. Who will believe them? How will they stop it? This thriller from director Robert Rodriguez (Desperado, 1995) and screenwriter Kevin, Williamson (Scream 1996) is yet another retread of Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956), which is explicitly mentioned several times in toe story. (At one point toe dialogue is identical as well.) It’s a pretty effective scare machine, though toe plot doesn’t always quite compute'and th,e soundtrack is often grating. So, it’s no Scream, but it is creepy and sometimes funny and basicallv does the job The sterling supporting cast includes Robert Patrick, Bebe Neuirirth, Piper Laurie, Famke Janssen, Jon Stewart, Christopher McDonald, Salma Hayek, and Wiley Wiggins. (AK.) , Gloria (R): In this oddly uncredited-remake of toe 1980 urban folk tale written and directed by John Cassavetes and starring Gena Rowlands, Sharon Stone takes over toe-title FORADVANCE TICKETS & SHOWIÍMES CALL 888- FILM® OR VISIT www.movielifik.com ROLLING STOKE It ps THE BOMBAST OF SEVENTIES ROCK) EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT sunsetpEvce24 STARTS FRIDAY, JANUARY 29 I NO PASSES OR DISCOUNT COUPONS ACORTO FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT. 11 CHECK DIRECTORIES .OR (All .THEATRES FOR SHOTTIMES I "LIKE 'THE FULL MONTY' AND WAKING NED DEVINE7 'STILL CRAZY' IS A COMIC IMPORT THAT HAS MADE THE TRIP ACROSS THE ATLAHTIC WITH ITS SEHSE OF HUMOR EBULLIENTLY INTACT/ - Leah Rozen, / PEOPLE MAGAZINE They were ‘Strange Fruit: Some called them the greatest rock band of the 70s. They haven't played together in 20 years. A coming-of-middle-age comedy. liinspi» with the participation of I Mill FI aMARMQI TANOYproduction A BIN GIBSON FI 111 CRAZY’ STEPHEN REA BILLY CONNOLLY JIMMY NAIL Till SPALL GW JULIET AUBREY HELENA BERGSTROMandRRUCE ROBINSON “WIVE LANGER SDICK CLEMENTand IAN LA FRENAIS "ÜBlMTilAN LA FRENAIS “SAMOA MARMOT "BRIAN GIBSON | ÍRl“S~l. SncJSS IMIMMUII—1| Cp?cLTURBM No wonder they're worried about their performance. Miami New Times January 28 - February 3,1999 ^Jl MELD OVER - - ONE WEEK!! “THE .BEST FIEM OF THE YEAR” - John andkrson, newsday - 1 GOLDEN GLOBE NOMINEE BEST FOREIGN LANGUAGE FILM WINIMER - LOS ANGELBS FILM CRITICS ASSOCIAWR iRlgg» l OCTOBER www.octobwfilms.com Alliance Cinema Miami's real art cinema 927 Lincoln Road #119, Miami Beach Call for showtimes 305/531-8504 Kevin Thomas of theCoaAnfldca gimes raves: “Playing By Heart’hits the bulls-eye! . This ajl.star cast is beautifully headed by Sean Connery and Gena Rowlands!” “A hilarious romantic comedy surprising 'Gillian Anderson and Jon Stewart have comic chemistry and generate A romantic comedy with a twist. 1 Intermedia | www.fmramcix.com C soamroaiwiiiABifoii cgnoLM^iaiiiiic. bom wn bbh mil tono, m ig, hwd mm/m «an m piamiito FOR SHOWTIMES & TICKETS CALL 888-FILM NOW SHOWING! r PLACE 24 <@'Red Rtf. & Sunset Dr. JJ.CtóFI ^pRKÍl 62 January 28-February 3,1999 Miami New Times 'Great Fun! Voight Is Terrific. Breathtakingly Exciting" * JAMES VANDERBEEK JON VOIGHT Varsity Blues Make your own rules; www.varsitybluesmQvi^.cpin t»%l & Copyright ©1998 by Paramount PidURS.AH Rights Reserved. *■' NOW SHOWING! S KmiLifficounnfflf oceanwÜÍxio Y "“SW*4 Jl a OMNMO International 448-2083 SHENDMM2 >969 Sheridan St 448-2088 SOUTÜMDE AVENTURA SUNSUP&CE 24 INTRAC0AS1AL U5.1E Red Rd. & Suñsét Dr. 3701 NE163id9 _448-2)88 Jl 945-7416 MIRACLE CENTER 10 REGAL CINEMAS OAK WOOD 18 nodPbzaMS&Sti 923-7777 role, a tough-talking New York City moll struggling to protect a six-year-old boy (Jean-Luke Figueroa) from die gangsters who’ve massacred his family. The material is only a notch or two away from Damon Runyon, but it has its appeal, and the first half of the movie plays more " ? compellingly than you might expect. Stone showed some real bhopsin TheMighty (alongside Rowlands) lastyear, and she does heartfelt work here as well. Figueroa is suipriringly vigorous and funny, he seems like a real kid, and Stone doesn’t have to strain in avaeuumto create a sense that they’ve become friends. At about midpoint, however, flat pacing and aimless dialogue (the new script is by Steven Antin) startto take their toll, and the movie just peters out s.." Sidney Lunfet directed, with far less crispness than he's known for. George C. Scott projects an avuncular menace in die small part ofan Irish-American mob boss, and Barry McEvp/s hilariously deadpan line readings make him stand out from the pack of standard-issue movfe thugs. Jeremy Northam, Cathy Moriarty, Mike Starr, Tony DiBenedetto, and Bonnie Bedelia also appear. (M.V. Moorhead) The HRo Country (R): Director Stephen Frears has taken a roisterous novel-that Sam Pecldnpah wanted to film for years and turned it into a polished, lifeless curio. In post-World War n New Mexico, a cattle rancher named Pete (Billy Crudup) narrafes the short, unhappy life of his cantankerous: best pal Big Boy (Woody Harrelson), and Big Boy’s affair with Mona (PatridaArquette), the married woman who enthralls both men. MaxEváns’s 1961 book is a teeming ; pede of Americana; in its pages the rdmance setdes into a Communal tragicomedy more akin to Steinbeck’s Cannery Row or Tortilla Flat than to a conventional Western. But ” Walon Green’s scriptremoves the novel’s cfudal vertebrae —a whole fange of citizens exercising earthy intuitions — and cripples the picaresque charm of men and women careening unselfconsciously from Hi-Lo crises to hijinks.. Frears may have scoured the Southwest for photogenic locations, but as-a director he never puts yo» there. So the love story stands alone, taking on unwarranted weight Only Harrelson energizes the film with his point-counterpoint oí < physical menace and skewed humor. The rest of the mordé¬ is wrongheadedly severe. When Pete sums it up and says he’ll always remember the good times, you can’t remember any. (M.S.). Hilary and Jackie (R): This affecting biopfechronicles the life of Jacqueline-du Pré, the brilliant British cellist who enraptured audiences in the Sncties and Seventies with her 1 - musical passion and intensity. The film is an examination of du Pré’s (the exquisite British actress Emily Watson) love- hate relationship with her own musical genius and her similarly conflicted relationship with her slightly oldér sister Hilary (Australian actress Rachel Griffiths). Hilary was a talented flutist whose parents doted on her. Told she could not accompany Hilary to music recitals unless she played ás well as her sister did, Jackie dove-intolhe cello, practicing day and night. Her prodigious talent soon commanded the attention of both her family and the music world at large. Jackie’s rapid rise to international fame took its toll oh both . sisters. Based on the book A Genius in the Fawi/y written by Hilary du Pré and her brother Piers (playedin the film by RrrpertPenry Jones), Hilary and Jackie explores the fragile but durable love that bound the two sisters; It also covers Jackie’s battle with multiple sclerosis, which ended her musical career. Diagnosed in 1973 at the age of 28, Jackie succumbed to the illness fourteen years later. The film proves a haunting emotional experience, thanks in large measure to its outstanding cast Despite Jackie’s frequently atrocious insensitivity toward her loved ones, Watson never turns her into a monster. Gredit-múst also goto Anand Tucker, making his feature directorial debut here, for drawing such amazing performances from his cast 0ean Oppenheimer) Hurlyburiy (R): Almost fifteen years after it electrified Broadway, playwright David Rabe’s vision of the drug- snorting, ego-fueled corruption of eariy-Eighties Hollywood seems a bit dated. It may yet prove to-be a play fbf the ages, : blit the movie version seems merelyáged, even a little quaint Rabe has rewritten the script to focus on Eddié (Sean Penn), the self-absorbed cokehead who’s smashed his moral compass against his ambition somewhere along the way. Penn puts in another spectacular performance, perhaps the « equal of his doomed killer in Dead Man Walking. But after T24 minutes of bleak-malaise and LA blah, blah, blah, you . may not give a damn if he saves himself or not Anthony Drazan (Zebrahead) directs. With Kevin Spacey as Eddie’s cynical roommate Mickey, Robin Wright Penh! Meg Ryan, and Chqzz Palminteri. (Bill Gallo) In Dreams (R): Claire Cooper (Annette Bering), an editor and illustrator of a collection of Grimms’ faiiy tales, finds herself trapped in a horrific fairy tale ofher own: Long plagued by psychic dreams of past events, she is slow to realize that her current dreams, of children being kidnapped and murdered, are in fact premonitions. Her husband (Aidan Quinn) barely believes her, and her psychiatrist (Stephen Rea) is even more skeptical. It quickly becomes clear that the change in her psychic abilities is the result ofher dreams having been invaded by another psychic, a deranged killer (Robert Downey, Jr.) who doesn’t actually show up until more than twothirds of the way intolhefilm. This is essentially an arthouse Freddy Krueger movie, and notas good as several of the. entries in the Nightmare on Elm Street series. For years director Neil Jordan has slipped back and forth between his projects (The Crying Game, The Butcher Boy) and Hollywood workforhire (Interview with the Vampire, We’re No Angels, and now In Dreams). He should stick to the smaller, more personal films. Although the subject matter 1 here echoes Jordan’s second film, The Company of Wolves, i the style is far less interesting, despite the work of the always great cinematographer Darius Khondji (Delicatessen^ Seven) and a fine score by Elliott Goldenthál that seems to : be defiberately patterned on Angelo-Badalamenti’s rmtsic for . ■Dawd lynch. (The use of certain sound effects and of Roy Orbison’s title song only points up the association.) An effective sense ofereépiñess runs throughout this picture, and there's one moment of jumpout-nf-your-seat violence, but taken aera whole it seems a bit siHy.The plot is neither wild enough tocóme close to Lynch’s unreality nor logical enough to pass muster asa standard thriller, (Ait) Ufa Is Beautiful (PG-13): Deceptively light in tone, this tragicomedy was directed and co-written by Roberto Bcnigni, who stars as Guido,a wacky, high-spirited man who convinces his young son thattheir imprisonment in a Nazi concentration camp is all an elaborate gante. Maybe Berigni is aware of his potential to come off as coyly dosing and chooses this sort of subject matter to cut the sweetness; or" maybe he just wants to test-the limits of what gnm- _ circumstance his humor can’t stand up to. St either case itfs a surprisingly well-rounded film. To find it reckless and ' unbearable or to find it touching and inspiring are probably i equally defensible positions, but either Way the movie feels honest Guido’s stubborn refusal to acknowledge horror doesn’t make him a Poliyanna; rather, it makes him a partisan against horror, a champion of imagination and freedom; The story is set up so that Guido's playfulness is a survival tactic, which keeps him blessedly free of the pixyish cuteness that has sometimes afflicted Benigri’s characters in earlier movies. With Nicoletta Braschi, Sergio Bustric, ff Giorgio Cantarini, and, in a small role, Horst Buchholz. In Italian with English subtitles. (M.V. Moorhead) Little Voice (R): British actress Jane Horrocks is thrice-gifted: She can act, she can sing, and she can ring like Judy • Garland. Aarflike'ShirieyBassey, Marilyn Monroe, and . Marlene Dietrich, That ability lies at the heart of the terrific Little Voice, which manages to invest kitchen-sink realism with the soul ofa fairytale. Horrocks plays little Voice, LV for short, a desperately shy young woman who uses song to escape her abusive mother’s daily barrage of sconrand criticism. Brenda Blethyn is the self-centered, foul-mouthed Mari, who, in sharp contrast to her daughter, never stops .talking! Adapted from a stage play, the film centers on what happenswhen sinall-time talent agent Ray Say (Michael Caine) hears LV sing and realizes he has found his ticket to the big time—if only he can convince the terrified girl to j cooperate. Trying to protect LV is Billy (Ewan McGregor), a young telephone repairman who is almost as reticent as she is. The film has the look and feel ofafairy tale. Tapping into both the comic and tragic components «fits story;, ft - presents a sparkling world in ^jaich glitz and dreams somehow coexist with harsh reality. Blethyn is marvelous; by all rights we should loatheher, but the crestfallen expression that washes over her face when she realizes that Ray isn’t-ipterested m her elicits genuine compassion. Caine, gives one of his best performances, while McGregor brings believability to theroleofa tongue-tiedyoung manwitha passion for horping pigeons and a crush on LV. Horrocks is a sensation, and not only because of her vocal abilities. She lends both humor and pathos to LV, creating an odd but' lovable little bird who,like BiBy’s treasured pigeons, must leam to spread herwingsand fly. (Jean Oppenheimer) Playing by Heart (R): Elevate The Jerry Springer Show a notch of two, dispense with the oneJegged serM killers who are having sex witii their blind mothers, and other such nonsense, and you’vegot writer-director Willard Carroll’s well-meaning, relentlessly sincere ensemble drama. It shoots for no less a goal than understanding the varieties of love in postmodern He: old love, new love, parental love, and terminally blue love/ The large cast is talented: Veterans ; suCh as Gena Rowlands, Ellén Btirstyn, and Sean Connery rilare facetime with talented newcomers Angelina Jolie, Ryan Phillippe, and others. And the dialogue is spiced with clever witticisms. But Carroll’s half dozen seemingly J unrelated story lines, which encompass three troubled marriages, two cases of AIDS, three pampered pet dogs, and a pair of hoteLroom lovers who leave reality at the front desk, come from the same mindset that has turned the American airwaves into a raving public confessionaL It pretends to be high-minded and authentically felt, but if s drenched in the indulgence of the tefl-all talk show and the greedy ethic of the self-help movement Some will find it profound. (Bill Gallo) Regeneration (jj); Setfti a shellshocked dime in rural Scotland in tiie waning days ofWoridWar l, this oh-so- literary adaptation of Pat Barker’s novel maintains a veddy stiff upper lip as it chronicles various case pathologies, including those df the poets Siegfried Sassoon Games - Wilby) and Wilfred Owen (Stuart Bunce). Jonathan Pryce - plays their doctor and father-confessor; his empathetic Freudianism stands in marked contrast to the standard : ’ electroshock of the day. Director Giffies MacKinnon is best known for a handful ofsmall films; Small Faces (set in Scotland), Trojan Eddie (London), and The Playboys (rural PAID AllVFKTISFMEN B Miami New Times January 28-February 3.1999 63 IMAX' Theatre Opens At Sunset Place gi South Miami movie-goers now have the luxury of encountering the ultimate film experience in two ways according to, Pat Marshall, Vice- President of IMAX Theatres for Imax Corporation of Toronto, Canada. The unveiling 0f the newest IMAX Theatre at Sunsef Place marks the mtroducri ’ E e«i Miami. Now gg Soothe ifllll an attraction like no other. Larger- thail-life images will appear, taking people to places they, can' only 'dream of going: from a grueling expedition to the top of Mount Everest to spendings a day among 3D dinosaurs, to coming facte-to-face with a killer shark. These áre just a few of the many films that will appear here,” said John LaRochelle, IMAX Theatre Director. The screen' is enhanced by a specially-designed 12,j)00-watt Wraparound IMAX Digital Sound System which will put you right in the center of the action. The Cutiré feeling’is an experience like no other. In fact, the'new theátre offers the most powerful and involving film experience possible. The giant six- story screen, superb Wraparound IMAX Digital Sound, and unique theatre design combine to create the feeling that you’re not watching a movie at all, but are actually part of the action. IMAX truly is the next best thing to being there. The new lhrgeTnrmat film EVEREST, takes you on" an inspirational* land .¿pell-binding journey to the top of the world. You’ll join a daring team of climbers who found hope,, beauty and triumph in the wake of tragedy. Or, put on your IMAX 3D héadset and expélante a time- when dinosaurs ruled the ’ eárthl ' in ■the IMAX 3D adventure, T-REX: BACK TO THE CRETACEOUS. You’ll tVaVel back in time with .Ui'jteam of paleontologists and encounter tlje largest meat-eater that ever, lived: T-Rex. And since the- 3Dt images projected onto our giant screen feel so incredibly real, you’ll have to fight the urge to run for your life. EVEREST shows at 1:15,3:45,6:15 arid 8:45' daily with an additional show Friday and Saturday evenings at 11-15. T-REX: BACK TO THE CRETACEOUS shows at noon, 2:30, 5:00, 7:30 and 10:00pm daily IMAX Theatre’rS,unset Place is ¿located at US1 and Sunset Drive. Caíl (TOS)! 66-3-ÍMAX(4629)' for more information. ■ IBB mmm m HOT ■ GET INTO IT At Sunset Place Call (305) 663-IMAX ...Y? YOU SHOULD BE IN MOVÍS at a GENERAL CINEMA THEATRE GENERALaNEMAS I I I iNTOACO^^a I IN SOUTH FLORIDA 1 c¿£!*¿J¿t«gg»5?3 I 1 ’S^SSS^SjsT^nnH A J |>OW^&»,SuliW.| |pEMagO^||M^5 »| | PBhSS^D^&^^I |owaiftl|ATWgBK| |WISs1jw|BAYfp^»81 I COkXlIwK&I | | | | PCfl^S | ONE 0? THE TOP IO FILMS OF 1998 JANET MASLIN, THE NEW YORK TIMES * CHICAGO TRIBUNE 1 NATIONAL BOARD OF REVIEW • ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY - PETER TRAVERS, ROLLING STONE • NEW YORK POST ! EARLY BIRD SPECIAL OUR AUDITORIUMS ALL SHOWS STARTING CAN BE RENTED BEFORE 2 PM EVIBY BAT ,S£?g.‘SgíüSS¿*.gSS. GENERAL CINEMA GIFT CERTIFICATE MAKE GREAT GIFTS OVHI $10 M COUPONS WITH EVERY $25 GIFT CERTIFICATE PURCHASE 'V*©'" 1 PST — G O X P E IsT-l C 'L QBE A W ARPS BEST PICTURE! “★★★★! THE YEAR’S BEST PICTURE and most Original Comedy! Director John Madden manages the rare feat of blending humor and genuine emotion. A picture of perfection fiom every angle. The performances are across-tbe-cast superb.” -Jack Mathews, NEWYORKNEWSDAY “The Most Enchanting Entertainment of the year! Joseph Rennes plays the title role tempestuously well. Gwyneth Paltrow, in her first great, folly realized starring performance makes a breathtaking heroine. Judi Dench is one of the films utmost treats.” - Janet Maslin, THE NEW YORK TIMES / “A Glorious Film That makes Moviegoing Fun Again!” ,-DmidJnsm, NEWSWEEK -Over 130 top critics agree ‘SHAKESPEARE IN LOVE’IS ONE OF THE YEAR’S BEST FILMS! |WÑNERÉMrgS| Shakespeare In Love NOW SHOWING! HBi S SUNSET PLACE 24 ; U.Si i!@Red Adi & SunsetOr. ' Above Pbnet Holywood Coconut Grow Oakwood Plaza 1-95 & Stirling ¿’.Coral Way & 122nd A 255-5200 447-5969 923-7777 221-1801 FOR SHOWTIMES & TICKETS CALL SBS-FIIM* IPAS, PGA, DGA, WGA, ACE, ASC, CAS, MPSE, MPEG and SMPTAD: your card, will admit you and a guest to any performance. 64 January 28 - February 3,1999 Miami New Times .Mills sSstfaB#® 2CÍQB ,21 i-,01 (El-39) irowcsil ", " Ireland), Jomgf Lee NÍffler (Trainspottings SickBoy) stands out as an officer-victim. (Paul Cullum) Shakespeare in Love (10: Set in 1593, this playful, delightfully / V. cheeky romantic comedy finds the budding Bard of Avon, played by. trim, wide-eyed Joseph Fiennes, falling in love with a young gentlewoman named Viola (Gwyneth Paltrow), who, unbeknownst to the playwright, is also in disguise as the | new boy actor in his troupe, which is at work on a play called Romeo and Ethel, the Pirate’s Daughter. This speculative film offers a yarn about how their brief affair turns a potboiler into a masterpiece. Historically this is baloney—Shakespeare didn’t invent the plot of Romeo and Juliet, or of most of his other plays—but it’s not stupid baloney; if s actually pretty learned baloney. The story, by Marc Norman and Tom • Stoppard, is studded with allusions to or paraphrases of , . famous Shakespearean quotes, as if we’re seeing théir genesis. And the narrative is interwoven with themes that will become recurrent in his plays: beguiling heroines who disguise themselvesasboys.ardent lovers climbing up balconies, and women trapped in unhappy betrothals. There’s also a rich gallery of familiar figures from the ■ Elizabethan theater scene: the corrupt, officious Master of ■ tiie Revels EdifiundTllney (Simon Callow); Shakespeare’s illfated fellow genius Christopher Marlowé (Rupert Everett); a guttersnipe (Joe Roberts) who will grow to be the great v ’. Jacobean dramatist John Webster; and famous actors of the . time such as Edward Alleyn (a comically buoyant Ben Affléck). Paltrow delivers a heartfelt performance, and while the boy-ingénue Fiennestioesn’t seem fike he has Shakespeare’s abilities in him, it’s doubtful that there’s any . actor who could. The best performance is by Geoffrey Rush, who makes the producer Philip Henslowe absurdly endearing. (M.V. Moorhead) ’ A Simple Plan (IQ: Sam Raimi’s psychological thriller shows | us how dangerous life can get after three ordinary men from a Minnesota farm town find $4.4 million in the snow- shrouded wreck of a small airplane. Like their models, the glitter-blind prospectors of The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, college-educated Hank (Bill Paxton), his downtrodden brother Jake (Billy Bob Thornton), and Jake’s boozy pal Lou (Brent Briscoe) sink ever deeper into the coils of gold fever, paranoia, and violence. Inevitably the body count begins to mount little matter that Scott B, Smith’s script (adapted, from his 1993 bestseller) trades on the oldest saw in the book: Money ean’t buyyou happiness. Ithasn’t been this vividly reexamined in decades, and we’ré richer for this great companion piece toihe Coen brothers’ Fargo. The three actors are terrific together, and Bridget Fonda shines as a wife and motila'whose contentment sours ini» avarice and calculation. (Bill Gallo) Stepmom (PG-13): Given the manqxilative tendencies of many mainstream pictures, Stepmom could have easily slipped into a sticky morass of sentimentality .and , melodrama. Instead, it proves genuinely affecting, approaching its adult themes with intelligence, maturity, and rare authenticity. The film centers around two women—ex- wife JacMe (Susan Sarandon) and girlfriend Isabel 0ulia • Roberts) of Luke (Ed Harris)— who must learn to deal with each other when Jackie is diagnosed with terminal cancer. The film poses painful, true-life questions, the kind that hang in the air “Why do you think this marriage will work and ours didn’t?” Jackie asks Luke. Sarandon invests her role with a ferocious understanding and a complex web of emotion, exhibiting a totally believable mix of wounded pride, heartache, petty jealousies, and a determination to make peace with Isabel Roberts gives one of her best ' performances to date, while Jena Malone and Iiam Aiken, two of the most gifted child actors working today, bring a • rare emotional range to their roles as the divorced couple’s ; kids. Although credited to five writers, usually a sign of f) trouble, the script manages to avoid ntost of the clichés you’d expect to see, with only a few incidents that seem contrived or artificial. Overall the writing has, an ’unequivocal ring of truth, conveying how tough it is to lose someone’s love when you are still in love with that person; how painful it is to watch your children form an attachment with their father’s new girlfriend; and how, even in the best of circumstances, it is difficult to let go of your kids. (Jean Oppenheimer) Hie Thin Red Line (R): Terrence Malices adaptation of James Jones’s World War H bestseller follows a group of soldiers : before, during, and after the battle for Guadalcanal, a turning |y point for the war in the Fadfic. Malick has fashioned an 1 impressionist mosaic of our common, yet varied experience . of Me and death, as focused and clarified through the relentless lens of war. The ruminating voice-over narration leaps from Jim Caviezd’s Witt (a likable private whh twin propensities for philosophical speculation and going AWjOL) to Sean Penn’s Welsh to Nick Nolte’s Tall to Ben Chaplin’s Bell to Elias Koteas’s Status to several other lesser % characters. Malick’s unconventional approach can be frustrating for unprepared viewers. So be prepared: Yes, The Thin Red Line has thrilling battle scenes; just don’t expect - the usual pace of an action film. Yes, it has significant thematic content at its core; just don’t expect the usual dean resolution of these ideas. And, yes, it allows us to identify with the characters’ inner lives; just don’t expect any reassuring neatness or catharsis as each meets his random fate. If you dear your mind of the genre expectations established by Saving Private Ryan and four decades of : Iffllffff*** World War II epics, this film’s Images and performances create a powerful experience that stays with you. (AJC) Varsity Blues (R); This glossy irpbqqijify is set in the small town of West Canaan, Texas, where high school football is bigger than the NFL, where the quarterback is a celebrity, where even the sheriff defers to the varsity team’s coach . (Jon Voight). TV heartthrob James Van Per Beek plays the hero. Moxon, a sensitive second-string QB who’s thrust into the spotlight when misfortune strikes the starter. (We know hejs sensitive because he hides a copy of Slaughterhouse Five in his playbook, and because he gently turns down the advances of a gorgeous cheerleader, even when she approaches him wearing only whipped cream and cherries over her naughty bits.) But lest we think he’s some kind of fafry pr somethin’, he aissures his steady girl, who seems neither as smart nor as sweet as the cheerleader, that he : , loves football “when it’s pure.” Its hard to imagine that anyone behind the camera feels the same way about filmmaking. Originally somebody may have wanted this to ¡S be a serious exploration of the dark side of high school sports, but it ended up as just another sports movie. Its imagery has the hollow sheen of abeer commercial; there’s j a scope at a strip club; characters include a sultry sex-ed teacher out of an Eighties rock video and acute little brother to the hero; and, of course, we get a big comefrom-behind game finale. (M.V. Moorhead) Virus (R): Like last year's sillier, but livelier, Deep Rising, this monster picture is a set aboard a derelict ship at sea. A salvage crew boards an apparently abandoned Russian space-tracking ship in the eye of a typhoon and finds that the vessel has been possessed by an entity from outer space. The bodies of the Russian crew members have been turned . into gruesome robot monsters (more tiiaha little similar to' Star TrePs Borg) that act as antibodies against the invading human “virus.” The film is slow to get going, and most of the ideas are derivative, but when the action moves to the | bowels of tiie ship there’s a fairly potent abattoir atmosphere. Jamie Lee .Curtis is the heroine; die still runs whimpering from the bogeyman like a champ, but her performance lacks that touch of Greek tragedy that elevated 1998’s HáUoween: HZOfromroutine slasher stuff to something like a feminist warrior fable. The least of the Baldwins, William, is her ( leading man, but Curtis seems to bond tttiich more truly s with Joanna Pacida, whose makeup has held up spectacularly during the seven days she has been hiding out from the monsters. Donald Sutherland is amusing as the scurvy captain of the salvage crew. At times he simply site chuckling away at the mayhem going on around him; it’s : hard to tell whether it’s the character’s indifference or the actor’s. Marshall Bell and Cliff Curtis also appear. John Bruno directed this adaptation of a Dark Horse comic book. (M.V. Moorhead) Waking Ned Devine (PG-13): The relentless charm of young Kirk Jones’s first feature lies in its embrace of two lovable Irish geezers (played by Ian Barmen and David Kelly) who manage to work beautiful mischief on the world, in the raw beauty of their coastal vijlage, and in the general notion that Ireland is the land of poetic conversations, enduring • friendships, and perfect pints of Guinness. In scenic: Tullymore (population 52) someone has just won seven million pounds in the national lottery. But who? And if tiie winner happens to be dead, what will become of all that money? Before you can say The Full Monty, Jones puts a bewildered old man, stark naked, at the controls of a ; motorcycle. He cooks up a sweet conspiracy of heroic f ’ proportions, then tops it off with a heart-wrenching funeral featuring a two-hanky eulogy. And he charms us light out of our seats. Credit Barmen and KeDy for a lotof the magic, and don’t forget beguiling Ireland itself. Irish moviemakers may not be telling us everything that's going on in their country, but they sure know what works: (Bill Gallo) You’ve Got Mail (PG): Kathleen Kelly (Meg.Ryan), owner of a small neighborhood bookshop in New York City, has an online romance with someone she knows only by the IogMJ*NYlrst time visitors only. Must be 18 years or older. Bring this ad. Call for more details and location nearest you. 305 667-221 0 Great entertainment awaits as Miami City Ballet brings you four exceptional ballets created by ; resident choreographer Jimmy Gamonet De Los Heros - including a World Premiere and his sizzling rendition of Carmen, Spain’s classic Story of passion and tragedy. GLEASON THEATER 3 Performances Only Friday, February 5 & Saturday, February 6 at 8 pm Sunday, February 7 at 2 pm Tickets $18-$58 For information: (305) 532-7713 930-DANCE (3262) Toil-Free Performances also at Bailey HaU, February 24-28 MIAMI CITY BALLET Miami-Dade: (505) 358-5885 Broward: (954) 523-330? (305) 673-7300 lKterkMiiwH4U}-Accl*ÍMtd ÜMftct company Web Site: http^www.ralamldtyballetorg THIS PROGRAM IS SPONSORED III PART BÍ THE SUTE OF FLORIDA. BEFMTMEN! OF SIHI, DfflSKM Of C0U1M AFFRBS, AND THE FIORRK MS COUNCIL FUNDING FOR IMS EVTKI IS HÍ0V1DEI) IN FMU BYTHE BROWARD COUNTY BOARD Of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, TUT EROWRRD CULTURAL AFFAIRS COUHOT. AND THE GREATER TOUT lAUDQHUIS COHVEIOIOM 8 VISITORS BURUIL WITH Hit SUPPORT flFIKEMUMHUDEQTUIliY CULTURAL AFTTURS TOUNCIL AND TTTS MJAMHTADE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. WIITimE SUP?ORT Of THE CITY OF IA1AMI BEACH S CTTY OF ««All BEACH CTjUTlRM. ARTS CO JlTCIL WITH THE SUPfORT:OF THE MISMHUU1E C01JMIYI0U8IST DEVEUTPMEKT COÜTiaL Í.1AV0R «10 BOARD OF. COUHIV CO/MITS- SIOIITRS.MBKClilOOlITVTlOBDJ.-IIICOiSTOTWEIimB.ClWOOlJST'OEmoraERCOUlttralDiOPÍOlÉO. iniSPUOICaTSSlIlTOIlIDIIIPAJTBTAOMIITFIIOB'IHEWmilñlOMBirTORTlIfifflÍRIOIlOFTHEOÍTmKG-- [SMIOIIAIID Flimil|FI)BMOIIMBígSmEOjRO»,T!l![IIVlSIO».OFCg«Sl'!«S!RWCISOI.CAUl»GTOÍ|.-TTi!'aOO/<3S7S5!WIT»IIITIIÍ STB. (TCISMOII DOTS HOTimiYEIIDOMEIHOiriItlOWITIBTIOÍl ITT»!SIME. . ‘Pro|rBn«ibfetttotliiüigrMlhdW noHcr íaftífciiMitrfesuseli QrasroeiflUfllftna !»ptz “ * » - » . • *•*■*■* »-» *■« ■» , Saturday January 30, 8pm NEW MUSIC Oliver Knussen, Conductor Gall Williams, Horn Peter Lieberson . Free and Easy Wanderer ^ É|g Oliver Knussen Songs Without Voices Series wmm: i |¡¡¡§¡p¡ i iilllf ¡Mpli l; Michael Tílson Thomas, artistic director .. Julian timmm ; KKhprgyod Oliver Knussen Horn Concerto Peter Lieberson Dráta Hurry! Get YourTickets Now! Limited Seating Available FOR FREE TICKETS CALL (30|)673-3331 Monday February !, 7pm MUSICIANS’FORUM an eclectic blend of old & new Produced & Presented!^ NWS Musicians NO TICKETS REQUIRED! Lincoln Theatre ■ ...£41 Lineoln Roaá; Miami Beach • - 70 January 28 - February 3‘, 1999 Miami New Times [heater Listings Beauty and the Beast This new musical .adaptation of fife children’s classic, by Mark A Pence, took first place in the National Children’s Theatre Festival competition. Through February 20: Matinee Saturday at 2:00. Actors’ Playhouse at the Miracle , Theatre, 280 Miracle Mile, Coral Gables; 305444-9293.. . Beguiled Again: Return of a’1997 musical revue featuring the works of Rodgers and Hart, including i'í/ÍBlue Moon” and “The Lady Is a-TrampThrough February 7. Evening performance Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday at 8:00j Sunday at 7:00';i; matinee Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday at 2:00. Florida Stage at the Clematis Street Theatre, Cuillo CenterfortheArts,201Clematis St, West Palm Beach; 561:585-3433. La Casa de Ramon Iglesia: Tins new play is described by its creators as “the first Spanglish Drama Comedy of Miami” (and perhaps anywhere) . January 30 through February 28. Evening ■ performance Saturday at 9:00, matinee Sunday at - 3:00- Splendor of tifie Arts at the little Stage, 'Acorns Civic Theatre, 2100 Washington Ave, Miami Beach; “•3058828855,, | The Cemetery Club: Comedy'about a group of - widowed women who bond while visiting their : ■ rÍ husbands’ graves. Through February 7. Evening , performance Thursday and Saturday at 8:00;-;f matinee Sunday at 2:00. Samuel M. and Helene ^, Soref JCC, 6501W Sunrise Blvd, Fort Lauderdale; .9547924839. . Clarence Barrow: Bill Hindman stars in thisjme-man r show about one of the lawyers involved with the ' Sieves Trial. February 1 and 8. Evening ^performance at 8:00, matinee at ^OOi'Caldwell Theatre Company, 7873NFederal Hwy, Boca Raton; 561-241-7432. Comedy of Eros: Reviewed in this issue. World- premiere of PaulEirestonfc’s comedy about an - Alabama socialite with political connections whose daughter announces she wants to marry a woman. r Through February 14. Evening performances ■: Tuesday through Saturday at 8:00, Sunday at 7:00; . . matinee Wednesday and Sunday at 2:00. Caldwell Theatre Company, 7873 N Federal Hwy, Boca Raton; 561-241-7432 or 800-9306400.- - Comics Anonymous: Improv comedy troupe - featuring sketch comedy, original parodies of songs and commercials, and short skits. Ongoing. Evening performance Saturday at 10:45'and some . Fridays at 7:30. Jan McArfs Rooftop Cabaret Theatre, 303 SE Mizner Blvd, Suite 213, Boca Raton; 800841-6765. Fatal Attraction: Misogynist thriller about a married man stalked by a woman with whom he. once had an affair. Through January 31. Evening performance Tuesdaythrough Saturday at 8:00, matinee Saturday and Sunday at2:0Ó.Tfelray Beach Playhouse, 950 . NW 9th St, Delray Beach; ,561-272-1281. ' - Finding the Sun: Edward Albee’s seldpm-produced drama about characters stranded on a beach is i presented on a dbuble bill .with Tennessee Williams’s evenmbre' obscure play, The Chalky White Substance. Through January 31. Evening performance Friday through Sunday at 8:00. A little more than coffee talk ensues when everyone tries to find A Mensch for Mrs. Mendelbaum FOGE/Theatre^Ofi Española Way, Miami Beach; ,305-531-6083. Forever Plaid: Musical-comedy-reirae featuring music from the pre-rock-and-roll éfaj organized around the premise that a pop group, -killed in a freak car accident, is allowed to return to Earth for one last concert. Through March 7- Evening performances Tuésday through Saturday at 8:15 (dinner át 6:00)i’. Sunday at 6:,15, (dinner at 4:30) ; matinee Wednesday and Saturday at2:15 (lunch at 12:30). Jan McArt’s Rooftop'-Gabaret Theatre, 303 SE Mizner Blvd, Boca Raton; 800841-6765. ‘ Gypsy: There are no real surprises in the familiar v; story- about-the ugly-duckling sister of vaudeville : - star Baby June who grew up to become stripper Gypsy Rose Lee. Nor is there anything close;fo the smart direction that can turn this musical into a : fable about the American yeaming for- feme, the contradictory drives of motherhood, and the dark undercurrents that accompany both' phenomena. The show-is lethargic where if should be snappy, depressing where it should be uplifting. Its child actors are not particularly adorable, its ádults not particularly talented. In addition tiieRoyal Palm -4, lacks live music. But in Jan McArt, a veteran. ■: performer with limited Broadway experience, the production has a leading lady whose voice is still in good form. Through February 28: Evening, performances Tuesday through Saturday at 8:00''¡J (dinner at-.6:00)-, Sunday at 6:00 (dinner at 4:00); | matinee Wednesday and Satittday at 2^ft ^nch at noon). Royal Palm Dinner Theatre, 303 SE Mizner j Blvd, Boca Raton; 561-392r3755; r ’. Ike Horror Center: Dracula, Frankenstein’s monster, and other creeps (impersonated by actors) interact with the aiidience, who walk through, the performance area in a facsimile four of a haunted house. Evening performances - Wednesday through Sunday beginning at 6:00. « Indiana Mystery at the Horror ¡¡Center, 2895 McFarlane Rd, Coconut Grove. His IGss of the Spidsrwoman: Manuel Pug’s play tells the story of two cellmates in a Latin American prison — one a homosexual, one a political-' ’ revolutionary—who strike upan unlikely ■ friendship. Through March, 28. Coconut GrpVe í Playhouse, Encore: South Beach - The Play: Six sunbathefs on the beach I are surrounded by two mysterious visitors and forced to become jurors in an unusual triák Through January. 131. Evening performances Friday and Saturday at 18.00, Sunday at TJX). The Studio, 640 N Andrews Ave, Fort Lauderdale; 954764-0765. j-. Tallulah: Movie star Kathleen Turner is fantastic as Tallulah Bankhead, me actress who headlined in Lillian Heilman’s Little Foxes in 1939 and Alfred. Hitchcock’s 1944 film Li^Joaf. The show is an engaging mix of several overtopping themes: life m : the-theater/campaignmgofvarioüs sorts, and tire difficulty offinding roles for actresses over age 40. I Playwright Sandra Ryan Heyward (this is her first 1 major production) has written the rareplay that1 7 I explotes a woman’s difficult midlife crisis, and for that [reason alqne its compelling. Through January 31. Evening-performances Wednesday through Saturday: at 8:00, Sunday at 7:00. Coconut Grove Playhouse, [3500 Main Hwy, Coconut Grove; 3054424000. Too Jewish Two!: Avi Hoflman stars in the sequel tohis coinedy Too Jewish? Ongoing. Evening performance j Tuesday at.8:00, matinee Tuesday at 2:00. Hollywood Playhouse, 2640 Washington St^ Hollywood; :* 954-923-2623, Two Pianos, Four Hands: Comedy about two would-be I concert pianists. Through February 14 at Parker Playhouse, 707 NE8th St, Fort Lauderdale; j 954-763-2444. What I Did Last Summer This is not the Jennifer I Love Hewitt slasher movie but the AR. .Gurney | play about four teenágers who come of age in upstate New York in 1945. Evening performance Monday through Saturday at 8:00, matinee.. Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday at 2:00. 4 Through January 31. Evening performance Thursdaythrough Saturday at 8:00; matinee: Sunday at’2:00. New Theatre, 65 Almería Ave, ' Coral Gables, 30J5443-5909. Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?: Edward Albee’s [ celebrated drama about a marriage in trouble. 1 Through February 7. Evening performances Friday and Saturday at 8:00; Sunday at 7:00, . [Academy Theatre, 2-700 W Oakland Park Blvd, ste 200, Fbrt Lauderdale; 9544868876. LAST CHANCE FOR FEBRUARY MASSAGE PROGRAM Fitness Center “Fit For Life” (How about that for a slogan!) Miami’s Newest Training Facility Featuring: • State of the art equipment • Personalized training bv: k . cert, instructors í‘ tf ” Grand Opening! WARNING: as determi^pd thal| in become serra^sly addicting! Bflffc what a Iqyeiy ride! 245i5'S.W. 27 Awe. Suite 5oO--’? 305-740-EDGE (3343) Acupressure - Acupuncture Institute 10506 N. Kendall Drive, Miami, FL 305-595-9500 Thelargest selection of Spanish Colordal 8t Mexican Furniture and Accessories Over 900 pieces of furniture in-stock. Take an additional 10% off our lowest prices, (bring ad) RUSTIC DECOR, ing. 4207 SW75 Ave • Miami, FL»(305) 261-7747 Mon-Sat 10am6pm * Sun l-5pm •Closed Tuesdays • 6 Month Program • Day & Evening Class • Swedish • Shiatsu • QiKung Only Program with SHIATSU AT No Additional Cost Out Mow to Rcaisne for fiB. 15 Class • Miami New Timer January 28 - February it1999 71 I TIRED OF HIDING* I BEHIND 1 | LONG SKIRTS? | AnSURGICAL TREAÍMENT FOR Í VARICOSE ErSPIDÉR VEINS ALSO OFFERING COIlAGEti THERAPY ■Bf (Smooths out {acial lines, wrinkles and scars) ; COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATION 1680MERIDIAN AVE, SUITE 406 'mMlAMl BEACH, FLWM 1É)5-531-77a7 JUVENOA’fLASTIC SURGERY CENTER 2310DIXIE HIGHWAY, H MIAMI, FL 3CÉ-446-06Ó5 ONE TÜRNBERRY PLACE 19495 BISCAYNE BLVD. *wmrE200 g AVENTURA, FL M 305-932-555M HARLAN C. BIELEY, M.D. l I I 1 j! THE PATIENT AND.ANY OTHER PERSON ..RESPONSIBLE if FOR PAYMENT HAS A RIGHT TO REFUSE PAY, CANCEL' iff PAYMENT OftfiEREIMBURSEDFOR PAYMENT FOR ANY’ ÉM §§l ’ SERVICE, EXAMINATION,OR TREATMENT WHICH IS - IB PERFORMED ASARESULTOF AND WTMN72 ftóURS OF K Wf RESPONDING -TO THE AD POR PREE SERVICE. EXAMINATION OR TREATMENT. Taoist Tai Chi For Health NEW LOCATION 6301 Sunset Dr., Suite 204 Come join us at our new location! Close to US-1, close to the metro, and plenty of parking. Wé start new classes for beginners at the start of each month. Daytime, evening and weekend classes to fit everyone’s schedule.. Bai Chi originated in the Taoist monasteries of ancient China. It is a sequence of slow and graceful movements that relax and strengthen both body & mind. Taoist Tai Chi was introduced to North America by Master Moy Un?shin, a monk who studied the Taoist arts of health and longevity for over 40, years. '& By bringing together the theory and practice of the Taoist alchemical arts, Taoist medita¬ tion, and traditional Chinese medicine, Master Moy developed a form of Tai Chi benefi¬ cial to people of all ages. Taoist Tai Chi can assist in integrating the mind and body, pro¬ moting both physical and spiritual health, and leading toward harmony between pur- selves and the universe. The Taoist Tai Chi Society is a hon-profit, charitable Organization. All of our instructors volunteer their time to make the benefits of Taoist Tai Chi available to others. There are no fees for classes. The Society is supported by membership dues which are donations. There is no limit to the number of classes a member may attend, there are currently Over 450 branches of the Society in more than 30 countries around the world. 662-5282 www.taoist.org True Self Specializing in Surgically Assisted Physical Transformation Breast Enlargement Breast Reduction Ultrasonic Liposuction Abdominal Tightening Nose & Chin Reshaping Laser & Surgical Facial Rejuvenation Member «xnmk1 HE IDEAL YOU SANCE THE ART OF PLASKMURGERY HERBERT STERNJ^.P. 1301 Poncelle Leon Blvd. • Coral Gables * (315)443-2666 72 January 28 - February 3,1999 Miami New Times mi ñmmmm A rt 1 Museums Ah-Tha-Tht-Ki Museum, 17 miles north of 1-75 at exit 14, Big Cypress Preserve;9544792-0745. Ongoing— A museum dedicated to documenting the 200-plus-year ; history and culture of the Florida Seminole Indian tribe, featuring exhibits, more than a mile of nature trails, á living Seminole village, and ceremonial 'grounds.' { Art Museum at HU, University Park Campus, SW 8th Street and 107th Avenue, PC 110; 305-348-2890. - Through February 13 “Photography from the Martin Z. Margufies Collection,” more thanlOO -; photographs by Eudora Wehy, Thomas Struth, William Eggleston, Bereftice'Abbott, Dorothea Lange, and Robert Frank, part of the collection of tocal art ■ patron Margulies. Bass Museum of Art, 2121 Park Ave, Miami Beach; 305-673-7530. Through February 21—“Maxim i. Kantor,” 25 laig&scale colorful paintings by the Russian artist, depicting the anguish of the individual in society; “Liza Lou’s America,” installations made entirely of beads and sequins, including the 168 ■ square-foot “Kitchen,” which took five years to , complete and encompasses a stove, refrigerator, ■ cupboards, a sink (with running water), andmore; “Back Yard,” a 529 square-foot-work, complete with ag • picnic table, barbecuegrill>clothesline, anda - - shimmeringlawn made up of250,000 blades of grass; and “Portrait Gallery,” aseries óf 42 presidential portraits made hum black, white, and gray beads, Florida Museum of Hispanic and Latin American Art, 4006 Aurora St; Coral Gables; 305444-7060. Through January 30—“Cuba-Cuba,” works by Cuban artists : residing in the United States “Waterworks,” works by local watercolorists. Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami; 1301 Stanford j Dr, Coral Gables; 3052843535. Through February W —“Walter O. Evans Collection of African-American Art,” more than 80 paintings; sculptures, prints, and photographs byartists such as Rofnare Bearden, Charles White, Aaron Douglas, Jacob Lawrence, and ! others fliat delineate the role that African-American artists played m the visual arts from the mid-' Nineteenth Century to the present Through June— 'Five Qreco-Romafi antiquities from the J PaulGetiy Museta.,' ■ Miami Art Museum, 101 WSagler St; 3053753000, January 28 (reception 5:00 p.m.) through April 4— “New Work: Nancy Rubins,”-a lafge-scale sculptural project made from found objects by California-based artist Nancy Rubins. Through March 7 “George , Segal, a. Retrospective: Sculptures, Paintings, Drawings,” more than 50 works by the artist known > ’ for his eerie plaster casts of the human figure, covering his four-decade carpa1. Through May 2 — “Personal Visions^ Focus on Photography: Dream Collection... Part Four/1 more than 150photographs spanning the years 1901 to 1908 from the Charles Cowles collection, including works by Eugene Atget, Man Ray, Margaret Bourke-White, Edward Stéichen, Cindy Sherman, and Bruce Weber. Miami Children's Museum, Kendall Town and Country $ Center, Food Court, Kendall Drive and SWlWth Avenue; 305663800. January 31 (reception 2:00 p.m.) through February 10—“Crayola Dream Makers,” more than 100 works by elementary students from ; Miami-Dade County public schools exploring the Uthiia <£wn < diomsAlsnd 'A mnii uniqm Qaffti Ufa MwaJiSioAi IfouA.WaalUfjkbud Iftm! Serving Lunch: Mon-Sat 11 am-4pm Serving Dinner: Tues-Sat 5pm till the fat lady sings! "Live Entertainment Friday & Saturday ;7'btn fill the'Fat Lady sings!'’ 146 N W 7th Street Homestead FL 33030 ^ -(305) 248-Í076 See the work of George Segal at Miami Art Museum thememiilennium traveler. Miami-Dade Art In Public Places - Miami International Airport Concourse E, Concourse Gallery^' v; 305375-5362. January 28 (reception 6:00 p.m!) through April 27—“The Florida Sunshine State,” works by Barbara Robbins.5, Miami-Dade Public Library, 101W Flagler St; • 3053752665. Through April 1—“Resurrection City; A Look Back, Photographs by Jill Freedman,” a series of photos-taken by Freedman during the months a following Martin Luther King Jr.’S assassination,^ when she joined the protesters of the Northeast ICaravan of the Poor People’sCampaign, ridingia a , bus and marching from New York to Washington, D.C., where they erected Resurrection City, an " encampment along the distriefs Mall. Miami International Airport Concourse A 2nd fl; 305 '3583111, ext 427. Through March Í999—“The Art' and Soul of Peace Through Humor,” murals and paintings by Israeli students who participateddn workshops conducted by innovative educator \ Maureen Kushner. ■ Miami Museum of Science and Space Transit Planetarium, .3280 S Miami Ave; 305-8544247. January 30 through May 2—“Turbulent LandscápesVTlie Natural Forces that Shaped Our World,” works of art in which artists use natural elements (water, wind, salt, seeds) and the Torces of nature (Whirlpools, air currents) as their media té explore whether there is an underlying order in nature. ■ Museum of Contemporary Art, 770 NE 125th St, North Miami; 305893-6211. Through February 14 —- (“Vexation Island” (see “flight ,& Day”),, Through 'February 24— “Datad Smith: StopZActioñ,” more’ ' .than 30 sculptures and 20 works on paper from fríe. Thirties fo the Sixties by the sculptor fenowned for Ms expressionistic abstract constructions of welded metal, which suggest swiftness and growth. North Dade Regional Libraiy, 2455 NW 183rd St; 3056256424V February 1 through March 13— - “Martin Luther King, Jr.: A Retrospective 19631968,” a photograpMc essay covering the five-year period before King’s assassination. North Miami Beach Public Library. 1601ÑÉ 164th St, i North Miami Beach; 3059452970. Through March 25 — “Haiti, the Country. Mother Face,” works by David Saintus, Farol Pierre Hugo, and Jacques Pierre Francois. Sanford L Ziff Jewish Museum, 301 Washington Ave, ’ Miami Beach; 305-672-5044 Through May 5—“Deco to Deli: The Jews of Miami Beach: 1945 -Presentían exploration of the growth, decline, and reemergence of the Jewish population inthecommunity. The Wolfsonian-FlU, 1001 Washington Ave, Miami Beach; 305331-1001. Through January 31 — “Maih Street Five-andrDimes: The Architectural Heritage of S.H. Kress & Co.,” hundreds of photographs and drawings, plus architectural fragments and store merchandise highlighting both the Kress design philosophy and discount retailing in America Through January 31 in the Bridge Tender’s House =— “American Estética,” artist Michelle Wienberg’s - garish installation featuring cosmetic'war-es fit oversize containers that play on the promises made by rafaipant consumerism and beauty products. Through February 14—‘The Talk’tifth'eTcrWp: Rea Irvin of The New Yorker,” more tharr80 qrighjalfflustrations, ■ including eovers, drawings, and cartoons made i during the tenure of hvin, the magazine’s first art director, who created the drasying ofthe dandy Eustace Tilley for theJnaugilraT issued qover. , Galleries Adamar Fine Arts, 177^fE 39th 3055751355.', } ¡ Through February 5—“Barbara Strasem 'Contempo1 Italianite,” paintings inspired by the ancient city of Pompeii; “Ora.Segalis: Bronze Seulpfeires,” realistic sculptures.of ordinary people.,.-^. African Heritage Cultural Arts Canter, 616Í'NW 22nd ’ - Ave; 3056383771. Through January 29 — - “Expression,” student art exhibition. Ambrosino Gallery, MSW 39thAve;305-445&l Through January 23: “Seven Year Itch,”-works by , John Beech, Robert Chambers, Katalin Deer, Maria Elena Gonzalez, and others; commemorating the ■ gallery’s seventh anniversary. Americas Collection, 2440 Ponce de Leon Blvd, Coral Gables305446-5578. Through January31—Recent works on canvas and paper by Andres Tremols; “Loin de Cuba/Ynr From Cuba,” works by Miguel Padura,. Baruj Salinas, Connie Lloverás, and Demi. ArtCenter/South Florida, 800 Lincoln Rd, Miami Beach; 3056743278. Through February 20—The Art of Work, Work of Art,” a show featuring works by fifteen visual artists and local professionals in the ' community, who were paired and required to create portraits of each other in their respective media. 92# J Liftcoln Rd, Miami Beachi Through February 6— works by resident artists including Luciana Abait, Margarita Cortes, Steven Gagnon, and others; 924*”^ Lincoln Rd, classroom, Miami Beach: “Fall ArtStudies students exhibition,” drawings, photographs, sculpture, and works mother media,by former ArtStudies participants. Artspace/Virginia Milter Galleries, 169 Madeira Ave, Coral Gables; 305-444-4493. Through January 31 — Recent-etchings and paintings by Russian artist Maxim Kantor. Barbara Gillman Gallery, 939 Lincoln Rd, Miami Beach; 305-534-7872, Through February 9—“Deborah Putnoi Life Lines: Boxes, Totems, and Work&on ¿ Paper,” an exhibition by the artist, including works produce^foF the prpjecttitled “Women Whose Lives Span the Centtiry.” Ongoing—“Icons of Jazz,” photographs of musical greats by Herman Leonard. BCC Fine Arts Gallery, 3501S Davie Rd, Davie, 395-4756517: Through January 30—“Organic ” Technology and ConfemporaryHistory,” woiks by Victoria Gitman and K^ren Brown. BCG South Campus Art Gallery, 7200 Pines Blvd, Pembroke Pines; 954*963-8895. Through February 26 —“Once Upon a Time,” Works by MargaritaDiaz. Bettcher Gallery, 919 Collins Ave, Miami Beach;. 305534-8533. Througli February 19 —- “Seventh Mile Blue,” Abstract Expressionist landscapes and í seascapes in acrylic on canvas. ' Books & Books, 296 Aragon Ave, Coral Gables; 3054424408. Through January 31 — Photographs by Mauricio Rodriguez. Center for Visual Communication, 4021 LagunaSt, Coral Gables; 3054466811. Through February 3 — “Carlotta Corpron: Usheringin,Abstraet Expressionism,” a comprehensive show of photographs (the first in two decades) by photographer Corpron, who used photographic materials to create some of the first Abstract Expressiohistworks of art in the inid-Fórties, Couture Frame Gallery, 427 Washington Ave, Miami' Bracft^b5674(6^98ípngoitíg—Worksby Kelvyn Davila. Dorothy Blau Gallery, 108&Kahe Conconfsé, Bay llafbor Islands; 3058659986. ThroughJanuary 30— ‘Ten Americans,” Works by Warhol, Stella, Frankenthaler, Rauschenberg, and others. , Borsch Gallery, 2157 SW 13th Avfe;£O5856408O. Through February 13—“In the Artist’s Hand,” a group exhibition featuring works by five artists from thd 1999 graduating class Of thfe Design and, Architecture Senior High School EievenFiftyFive, 4421 SW 75 COMPLETE CARDIOVASCULAR AREA • A LARGE VARIETY OF CERTIFIEPJMEftSONAL TRAINERS SHOWERS/LOCKERS SUPPLEMENTS AND ACTIVE WEAR. \ 3737 S.W. 8th St. • Coral Gables • 305-445-5161 ■ *1999' ■ WOULD YOU W^R THIS, THIS YE4R? Ü START YOUR NEW YEAR OFF RIGHT! The Medical Institatfjlbr Weight Loss can help ypp lose weight and keep it off. Utilizing the latest FDA approved medication therapy, our program requires a physical exam anoTaBoratory tesnitfiraPevery new patient. Each visit also includes a physician evaluation, counseling on fitness/nutrition plus the appropriate medications - all for just one affordable fee. With such a comprehensive program, it is no wonder so many of our patients lose up to 20 lbs. in 4 weeks. Let us help do the same for you! I g ¥ W CcdL Noiv! Start Today! MEDICAIS -1 INSTITUTE BOR, WEIGHT LOSS . Richard J. Rose, M.D. AVENTURA 2999 NE 191s» $». Concorde Center II (305) 935-9448 FT. LAUDERDALE K716 SE 17th St. Cswy (1/2 blk. East of Federal Hwy) 1999 (954)462-0092 * iC/January 2Í- Febru^3j1??9 .Mlami Nsw.T|mes m m Experience The Uni.k,wax Difference ■ W WOMEN S EUROPEAN WRX SPECIAL r;free : BIKINI LINE WITH H FULL LEGS m / Jg? Most Present Coupon -m l First time-clients only m I European Waxing and Permanent Hair Removal INMXSKCUL ! : MOTS EUROPEAN VWX SPECIAL dftEi Í back loe yVvi ¡SHOULDERS ■ -,«0,00 I -• I. expires 1/30/99- ■WITH ¡SHOULDERS . j Musi Present Coup.n _ _ _F¡reUiiwcHente_only_ ffILIGHT™ DEEP Must Present Coupon” . per session '■ 3 • ■ • .<* ■■■■•• expires 1/30/99 •• First time diente oni^_ ÜHÉ massage skin care acupuncture 3 Great Careers offered at Florida College of Natural Health. SINGLE VISION $ A COOl FROM A# j SOFT CONTACT LENS PACKAGE : V?(includes;Eye Exqm&L^/fSiate Kit) DAILY OR EXTENDED WEAR $99 DISPOSABLE CONTACT LENSES $99 daily Wear color . \ $ 129 Contacts for most prescriptions indude special group lenses from Bausch & Lomb, Sola Barnes & Hind, Gba (some other brands slightly higher.) 7292 Bird Rd.-^ Miami (3 bldclc$ East of Palmetto) 266-6949 * Minimum eye glass purchase of $^p.QQ^>' T . Check out who *s looking for employees in this week’s NewTunes CLASSIFIEDS. Miami Campus (Addl Location) - 7925 NW 12th, St, Suite 201 - Miami, FL 33126 597-9599 - Financial Aid if Qualified - Flexible Day/Evening Classes - Job Placement Assistance W •mm AX: (954)9 Hair 8c Body Care By MABY I I ifci-r rasen: \ NIHwU PWL Sjr ' t * \ \j 1||| j^ojiÉY Palaóe BCoteu i Sou'm‘BE/CoBrFL* 1 tBL (305)534j !■ ÚNisÉi» KKiRCufs vIpArf icure & ■ amkcunE.-. ¡ ■’Facíais 8f Bqdy ‘ I íkfeÁTMEÑT ’¿Waxwg -: ■ 23íí9 COU.IN'sffil NUE, WHO Pili YOUR PAYCHECK NI TIIS ISSUE H NEW TIMES? ■■WM Women’s Wax Special 30 Mens Wax Special $30 quick and clean Exp. 2/3/99 . J |y, J . b ; Ex$?/5/d9,.1 free Bikini tine ! . • Back and with Bull Legs I I Shoulders Must Present | | MustPresent Coupon Coupon Jj WE DO NOT RECYCLE OUR WAX 1352 Washington Ave. South Beach * 305-531-3130 MON-FN 9:30AM-8PM • SAT 9AM-4:30PM • SUN IIAM-5PM MANICURES. PEDICURES. ACRYLICS Vega, and others. Embassy Gallery, 288 Aragon Ave, Coral Gables; 3054438543, Through January 28—“Image and Presence of Cuban Artists in the New Millennium ” Fill Graham Center Student Gallery, University Park, SW 8th Street and 107th Avenue; 305-348-T735. Through January 31 — “Awkward Association', paintings by , Steven Cruces. Fredric Snitzer Gallery, 3078 SW 38th CL 3054488976 Through February 6—“Roberto Juarez: Spivey New York-Miami, 1989-1999,” aselectipn of works by Aj, Suarez from the last decade. Freites-Revilla Gallery, 3200 Ponce de Leon Blvd, Coral Gables; 3055694)666 Through Jarman 31 — Works by contemporary Latin American artists, including Ruben Torres Llorca, Ana Albertina Delgado, Lilliam Cuenca, and others. Galería del Sol, 1628 Michigan/Sye, Miami Beach; 3056747076. Through January 3ÍJ-4 “Meditations,” works by J’Shri Khiani; “Energy Landscapes,” works by Josh Buckner.' Haveli Gallery, 137 NE 40fh St;'3055730308. Through January 31>y- Handpainted textiles by designer Christina Painter Lost Weekend, 218 Espafiola.Way, Miami Beach; 305-6724.707. Through January 31—Hanging sculptures;by David H. White. • MDCC Centre Gallery, 300 NE 2nd Aye, 3rd fir; 305237-3696. Through February 5—“Eugenia Vargas: The Abject Body,” a site-specific installation. MDCC Frances Wolfson Gallery 300 NE 2nd Ave; 305237-3696. Through February 5 t- “Glexis Novoa: Te Quiero, Te Quiero, Te Quiero? ■ MDGG Gallery North, 11380 NW 27th Ave, Collins Campus Center, rm 4207-1" 3,05-237-1532 Through January 29 — “Black Florida History: The South Florida SCeÍ¡e| i8,80-1960, Part One,” a variety of images depicting the black presence in South Florida.: MDCC Kendall Campus Art Gallery, 11011 SW 104th St; 305237-2322,’Ehrough January,29—“Fritz Bultman: Figurative and Abstract Drawings,” graphite drawings made by a recognized member of the first generation of New Ydpfc Abstract Expressionists. Meza Fine Art, 275 Giralda Ave, Coral Gables; 305461-2723. Through March 31—Works by Evelyn Valdirio. Photogroup/Florida Center for Photography, 403TLaguna St, Coral Gables; 3054447122. Through February 1 — “Des Photographies de Paris,” works by 20 Bany University students who studied photography for three weeks in Paris. Regina Nuessle Gallery, 1630 Jefferson Ave, Miami Beach; 305^674^123. Through February 27 — “Paris Thirties,” French Modernist period drawings, original Art Deco textile designs, conceptual drawings for parks and interiors, and costume studies for the Follies Bergere and the Ballet Russe. RitaGombinski Contemporary Art, 1628 Jefferson Ave, Miami Beach; 305-5324141. Ongoing — “Portraits J» Pattern Painting,” works by Rita Gombipski and Andrea Zemel. Rubell Family Collection, 95 NW 29th St, 305-573- ¿6090.' Ongoing—A collection of contemporary arti including wibrks by Cindy’Shermaq, Julian Schnabel,’jean Michel Basquiat, José Bedia, Jeff Koons, and others, from 1975 to the present Salvare Gallery, 10 NE 39th S%'3054381571.' Through February 12 — “The Wild Eclectic Art of Craig Perry.” Ongoing— art furniture and - accessories by gallery artists. Santander Gallery. 1401 Brickell Ave; 305-446-5578. Through January 29— “An Infrared Adventure/ > photographs by JJ., Castro. Shadow Lounge, 1532 Washington Ave, Miami Beach; 305531-9411. Through February 12 — Wjyks by Gonzaid ¡Cabrera. SIBI Art Gallery, 4 '-4\ ib u i.l IH>I January 29 (reception 7:00 p.m.) — “The Seasons of Change,” photographs by'Fqbian Perez-Crespo, South Art, We/iW/ytli^t; 305^8-4237, Through February 8 — “Coptemporary Latin American Artists,” works by Raimundo Garcia, Gonzalo Quevedo, Lazaro Amaral, Yomarie Silva, and others’- - Turning Point Gallery. MNft 24th Se305576-9Í64. ■ Through February 28 - Three-dimensional wall¬ hanging constructiops, freestanding steel sculptures, paintings, and prints by Jonas Gerard UM New Gallery, 1300 Campo Sano Dr, AR101, Coral Gables; 3052842542. February 3 through February 13 --- Works by sculptor Johann Feilacher Wirtz Gallery, 575STSupset Dr, South Miami; - _ 305-662-5414 Throughjanuary 31— “Welcome Medusa,” paintings based on Gréek mythology by Xavier Cortada; Architectural renderings of the Shops ait Sunset Place by the McBride Company. February 1 through Febfuary -28T— Works by Hattie Friedman. ■ i | Draw Th 11 AI.I4M Wm ÜHL % Improve your appearance, confidence and self-esteem. Laser Hair Institute utilizes the latest, state-of-theart techniques ^technologies w in the field bf MitaPteuj^cal Hair Restoration Surgery. Wealéo offer Laser Hair Removal • Tattoo Removal • Financing Available LASER HAIR INSTITUTE Dr. Glenn M. Charles 3049 NE 163 St North Miami Beach, FL 33160 Plea-.e call fur your perso nal consultation. 305-947”7878. , cancel fm&nm or he jafotesetf far psxf otiw service «tempüao or vestment wSftb Is Fiends o j- Pepfomti ng f-T Miami Latin Jazz Brought to you by lohnAietWallcejlBifck Label ■ ' aa ' Friday, Januai^9tM?1999 Ipuper Bowl ^el^pl) ■' - PMKX)MkAt Maturing L&TIN m The David Sanchez Quintet dward “Ed” Simon uartet Daniel Ponce & His Group The LATIN JAZZ CREW ril A Fund-Raising Bventto benefit Gusman Center for the Permorming Arts t SBBBb Hi, FÍM» iüH . Box Office PÜoné33tó):372-0925 Dade: 358-5885 -• Broward: 523-3305» Palm Beach; 966-3309 II NewTimes HaimnM ■ II® The Metropolitan Dade County Cultural Affairs Council *TheMetro-Dade County Board of Comisstoners Official Sanctioned Event of the South Florida Super BpwlXJpcni flo^t Committee ¿ÍL Miami New Times January 28-February 3,1999 75 What if itfaebaj Chinese h^BKong Cuisine SPEfllfKED CATERING FORBCLPARTY! ;ken wings w/ URCHASE tgpipen 7 Days M-Sat 11AM-10PM • Sun 4PM-10PM 305-279-2191 10860 SW104 St (Shoppes of Killian) va supFfi bowl PARTY PlATTeRS AVAILABLE OM!S Go Overboard! 12170 SW 8th St, Tamiami ♦ 62128. Dixie Hv/y, South Miami | 7996 Pineafilvd, Pembroke Pines 18750 S. Dixie Hwy, Cutler Ridge • 16435 NW 67 Ave, Miami Lakes • 12620 Biscayne Btvd., North Miami SUNDAY BRUNCH Famous Gourmet Brunch featuring 200 items Adults $22.95 • Children $12.95 HAPPY HOUR Friday 5-9pm |-$1 Rum Runners • 500 Shrimp & Oysters | Monday - Thursday 5-7pm Drink Specials & FREE Hors d'oeuvres Early Bird Sunset Special T1 /41b. Live Maine Lobster • Prime Rib Includes Salad, Dessert & Coffee $12.95 Monday-Friday 47pm Live Caribbean Music Every Friday, Saturday and Sunday THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY INFL PLAYERS MEET & GREET PARTY] - COVER CHARGE $20 - SUPERBOWL SUNDAY Watch the game on one of our 10 screens! Mve come to the Piylll plaC6. 78 THE BLUE GROTTO IPEN FOR ■ TUES - FRI: 11:30AM - 3PM JOIN US FOR DINNER TUES, WED, THURS& SUN,4:30 - FRI, SAT ’4l30-1 1:30PM ~ lAll You Con Eat'Lunch BUFFET $1^.95 IrUESDAY NtGHTS - AH You Can Eat Spagetti $8-25 |57thAve Miami • 305 26455171 CATERING & TAKEOUT i SilAliWAT . Fine Indian Cuisine EAT FOR FREE! Purchase one entree at regular price, receive second entree of equal or lesser value for FREE! lunch or Dinner ala Carte only! «Expires 1/31/99 LUNCH SPECIALS from $3.99 V and *’ ALL YOU CAN EAT LUNCH BUFFET DELIVERY AVAILABLE $20 Minimum; Dinner Only 9564 SW 137 Ave. • 305-386-0545 LocafédbvUleátopsdfWesttjury'SoÜfh qf Kendall Dr LOFC Starting February 7 SUNDAY BRUNCH k Build your own Omelettes, Pancakes, Waffles, Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner items. S COMPLIMENTARY MIMOSA'S S 1 WITH BRUNCH Salgd Bar & Soup included t Adults $10.95, Children $6.95, 17 Westward Drive • (305)885-3435 ■- Miami Largest Chinese Gourmet Buffet Dinner: Over 60 items Mon-Thur $ 10.45 Fri-Sun $12.46 Lunch: Over 40 items Mon-Sat $6.96 Sun $6.96 TAIPEI GOURMET BUFFET 8800 SW 72nd Street (sw 87th Ave & Sunset Drive) (305) 275-8801 • Call for more information FuH Course Dinner $13.95 from 6:00pm - 7:30pm FREE Dessert w/mentlon of ad for you & your party Lunch n :30am - 2:30pm Tues.-Fri. Dinner 6:00 - 10:00pm (closed Mon.) 1630 Ponce De Leon • Coral Gables 305-569-9130 Private Rooms Available If you're looking for some Serious Seafood... mu every day were Sunday Sunset Waterfront Dining Cantonese Reprise By JenKaretnick Season has returned to South Beach. I know this not because Lincoln Road is so jammed with tourists that shopkeepers Routinely ask, “Where are you from?” (God forbid you should have a semblance of a sun¬ burn: Automáficafly you’re assumed to have fled the Midwest) I know it not because jogging on the beach has become akin to dodge ball, given the number of Frisbee, football, volleyball, and pick-up soccer games being played on the sand. Nor do I know its season from the turkey vultures now wintering along tii| causeways:. No, the region I realize the annual mania has resumed i§< because local restaurants have been turned topsy-tdrvy. A recent meál at Rosinella, a usu¬ ally reliable Italian joint on Lincoln Road that I fre¬ quent for its homemade gnocchi, was a logistical dis¬ aster: Of the three dishes we ordered, only one arrived after a 40 minute breadless wait Servers at NOA (Noodles of Asia) brought us the wrong items twice.before finally hitting the márk with the duck and soba noodle combo we’d actually requested; they are also unfamiliar with the menu, assuring us that some dishes weren’t spicy when they practically vibrated with chili peppers. But I can deal, sort of, with discombobulation and poor training. On SóBethafs par. What really drives me nulá, though, is the condescending atti¬ tude I encountered at Joe Allen, one of my few genuine haunts. Last year when I wrote about the upscale diner, I admired several of its characteris¬ tics: the hidden location, the neighborhood crowd, and both the menu and waitstaffs refresh¬ ing lack of pretensuhuj’ve recommended the place not just for its tasty American fare, but also because I’ve always felt com-1 fortable'dropping by, my daughter in her stroller in tow. Well, no more. When the baby and I showed up at 6:30 p.m. recently; the hostess turned me away. “Oh, Lam so sorry,” she said. “We sim¬ ply can’t accommodate the stroller.” I glanced around the restaurant. It was full — of empty tables. Few people dine on South Beach before the moon rises, which is precisely why baby and I have become early birds. “I eat here all the time with her,” I protested. “We’re about to get very busy,” the hostess replied with an air of self-importance. “From now on you sim¬ ply must malm a reservation.” In other words we couldn’t even tuait fora tablé. She quickly turned her attention to the party of four that had entered behind us, who also had no reservation. But then they didn’t, have a baby. “Can you be out by 9:00?” she asked them before leading them to a table. Christine Lee's, a Cantonese restaurant in Sunny Isles Beach, could give Joe Allen a lesspn in cour¬ tesy. Like Joe Allen, the 202-seat eatery is subject to seasonal fluctuations. Like Joe Allen, cus¬ tomers are catered to in theofí-séasón; And like Joe Allen, when the restaurant is busy, as it has been since the snowbirds have come to roost, Christine Lejjj’s encourages reservations. But unlike the suddenly snotty Joe" Allen, Christine Lee’s doesn’t sneer at business: It accommodates customers regardless of time of year, baby orno . baby. On a recent Sunday évening when the place was packed, my daughter and I were welcomed, even courted; the staff gave her chopsticks to play with and orange slices to teeth on while I exer¬ cised my grown-up choppers on a prime sirloin steak. Th^jui^te^er.j!|^^mg^;.|ir^il^;a^(^.ag^)ar^,s, ble in quality to that served in finer local steak houses, is probably the'best reason to visit Christine Lee’s. (It can also be ordered as Chinese steak, which is served sliced over vegeta¬ bles.) Owner Mary Lee Carotiiers’s mother Christine Lee started the business in the early Sixties in New Jersey before opening a second location in, the' Golden Strand hotel in North Miami Beach; she even¬ tually closed the Jersey restaurant to concentrate on the Florida business, moving it to the Thunderbird ■ hotel when the Golden Strand was sold. After^1 years in the Thunderbird, problems with the land¬ lord and the threat of another sale pushed Lee and her husband Steve Mallock out the door and across the street to the restaurant’s present home, a former store in the RK Haza. But while locations have changed and management shifted (Lee passed away two years ago and Mallock retired) the menu has remained consistent. “My mother believed that • not everyone could eat Chinese every day of the week,” Carothers confides. “She wanted to get them [customers] out one night for Chinese food, the next night for Continental. She didn’t want to be identified as just Chinese.” That philosophy explains the menu’s Continental specialties, which include Dover sole almondine, shrimp scampi, and broiled spring chicken. These main courses are served with rolls and butter, choice of starch (baked potato, French fries, potato skins, or pasta), and a tossed salad. Many folks stick with meat dishes, however; a glance around the diiiingroom revealed at least as many double-cut loin lamb chops, veal chops, and steaks as covered dishes of mu shu TheChinese appetizers could use someimprovementAllof the ones we ordered arrived dripping with grease. pork and honey-garlic chicken. In fact Carothers notes that American fare accounts for about 60 per¬ cent of her sales, adding, “A lot of people like to start with Chinese appetizers, then order a steak.” A good dining plan, I agree, except for one prob¬ lem: The Chinese appetizers could use some improvement. All of .the ones we ordered arrived dripping with grease. Shrimp tempura was soggy, the shrimp lost in sticky breading] Chicken wings with oyster sauce were slick with oil. The skin of the egg rolls, where it wasn’t limp, oozed pockets of liquid fat, and the cabbage-pork-shrimp filling tasted old. We fared best with tbé. sliced roast pork tenderloin and the barbecued spare, ribs, both of which were meaty where they weren’t marbled. | We gave the egg rolls a second chance at another meal, but again it seemed as if they had been prepre¬ pared -— cooked twice. Pork fried rice, served with the main courses, was cold, lumpy, and lifeless both times we triedit An entrée of pork lo mein was more invigorating, the chunks of barbecued pork bursting with flavor. And an appetizer of plump steamed spinach dumplings was a great way to dodge the artery-hardening stuff. Soups, however, were disap¬ pointing. Only two mushroom slices drifted through ajbovri oj lukewarm mushroom egg drop soup. As for tiie house special, won ton soup, it contained one jumbo shrimp and one slice of roast, pork; the more plentiful won tons were doughy, and the broth was insipid. The Continental main courses reminded me of a time when people here knew only two Chinese dishes, chow mein and chop suey, and diners were offered a choice-of dinner rolls or ricé with their entrée. I skipped over the filet mignon with béarnaise sauce in favor of the steak kew (the same cut of beef); it was cubed and stir-fried with bamboo' shoots, black mushroom caps, wafer chestnuts, snow peas, and bok choy, then served in a rich brown sauce. We were impressed by the medium-rare meat. (I’ve often found lower-quality, gristly beef in dishes such as this ohe:) Christine Lee’s doesn’t cheat hefe. On the other hand the Sc^oks could use some practice differentiating between pork fat and pork. Imperial pork chops were thin-sliced and then deep-fried and coated with a glaze as red as a fire engine. The sauce sue qessfully masked the fact that some -of these pared-down pieces were all suet ana no meat. I often crave good Cantonese fare, which its detrac¬ tors call bland but its proponents consider subtle. Shrimp with lobster sauce was a terrific example of the difference. A handful of jumbos, succulent and tightly curled, were dressed with a ground pork sauce rife with swirled egg. The shrimp easily stood out from the sauce, which in some restaurants can be garlicky and overwhelming. And I’m all for lemon chicken when the white-meat poultry is battered and deep-fried rather than stir-fried. But Christine Lee’s version didn’t work. Though the chicken itself was exeeptionally pliant, the coating was sodden and leaden rather than crispy and light The lemon sauce, served on the side, was too, sweet more like orange marmalade than a sophisticated citrus accent Actu¬ ally the lemon sauce could suffice as'-a dejisert of sorts, an alternative to the current and uninteresting choice between ice' cream and pineapple chunks. • ■ Unlike the dessert menu, the wine list is sophisti¬ cated and varied, with vintages from California, ‘'France, Italy, and Chile. But I question how the wine is being stored. Our Chilean Caliterra chardonnay was spoiled, and the replacement we ordered, a Round Hill chardonnay reserve, was on its way out As is Christine Lee’s — literally. In about eighteen months the restaurant plans to move yet again, this time to the Diplomat hotel in Hollywood. No doubt the loyal clientele, which has trailed the restaurant like Deadheads from locale to locale, will follow. And for Christine Lee’s good steak and fast efficient ser¬ vice, Fd consider doing so myself. But if we’re talking only about the Chinese fare, then I guess it’s just a lit¬ tle too far to push a stroller. CO Christine Lee’s 17082 Collins , Ave, Sunny Isles I Beach; 305-947-1717. Lunch and dinner Monday to Friday from 11:30 a.m. till 11:00 p.m. Dinner Saturday and Sunday from 4:00 till 11:00 Egg rolls (2) $3.50 Steamed spinach dumplings $5.25 Lemon chicken $12.50 Shrimp with lobster sauce $16.95 Sirtoinsteak $27.95 Miami New Times January 6!,771 MM! EÁT I SUSHI $1195 7PM-2AM DRINK WITH BUFFET & KARAOKE FRI& SAT ONLY WM. $1199 MEN $15.99 CLOSED-MONDAY 3425 Collins Avenue Miami Beach (Inside Hotel Versaillés) (305)534-5358/(305)673-9702 FREE PARKING TOKYO CLUB KID SPECIAL $2.99 Under 10 Years Superbowl Hint: Wings and Chips Áre Out. Stone Crabs and Key Lime Pie Are In. Upgrade Your Plans Accordingly! TIME flWAV Claws and More Ify, North 36th Sheet; excluding the areas covered under West Dade-Hialeah (see below). North Beaches: Ml bcachside communities north of 41et Street in MtemLBqách.' ' South Beach: Miami Beach south of 41st Street. " Miami-Central Dade: Mainland east of SR 326, from North 36th Street south to Miller Road. West DadeHialeah: Hialeah and adjacent municipali¬ ties (Hialeah Gardens, Opa-locka, Medley, Miami Springs), as well as everything west of SR 826 from Okeechobee Road south to Miller Road. Coconut Grove-Key Biscayne: Key Biscayne proper and everything in the City of Miami east of U.S 1 \ and south of the JRickenbacker Causeway. Coral Gabies: Everything within the Coral (Bibles - city limits. South MiamMCendall-South Dade: South Miami proper, and everything south of Miller Road. North Dade. JU Amir 12953 Biscayne BJvd;30&3926500. Chef- _ownerAli Husseini brings a bit of Lebanon to Italian- heavy North Miami. Delectable and authentjc Middle Eastern cuisine includes-the traditional baba ghannouj, tabbouleh, tahini, and felafel raised to new heights. Shawarma is made with real bed tenderloin, while zucchini stuffed with lamb and rice satisfies with a-host of spices. Homemade dessert spédals—like, for instance, an upside-down yogurt cheesecake fragrant with honey and orange-blossom water—are a garden for the palate. Lunch and dinner. $$ Bamboo Garden IIÍ3Í95 Biscayne Blvd; 305899-9902. For information see listing under North Beaches. Biscayne Wine Merchants & Bistro 738 NE 125th St; 305399-1997. A bacchanal’s delight Choose abottie from the cellar priced lower than oh most other wine lists and only slightly higher than liquor store rates) to drink with dinneror take home—browsers are welcome. You’D feel right at home if you’re a lover of pátés and pastas; sautéed, blackened, poached, or griDed fresh fish; or brofled pork chops and New York sirloins. Blackboard specials often yield the best dishes, though the chicken crustacés stuffed with leeks is a tasty menu mainstay. Lunch and dinner. $$ Cafa Tu Tu Tango 19501 Biscayne Blvd (in Aventura Mall); 305-932-2222. For information see fisting under - Coconut Grove-Key Biscayne. Chef Mian’s 19088 NE 29th Ave; 305-935-2900..Since opening in 1986 this unique restaurant has dominated the New World scene. These days * innovative chef-owner AUen Stisser continues to cater to his community’s fine-dining needs. A james Beard Award-winning chef he prepares the finest fish in Miami, particularly whole yeflowtafl „ smothered in a coconut-milk-and-curry sauce, Caribbean antipasto, featuring tamarind-barbecue . shrimp and jerk calamari, is a fiesta of fire; swordfish, dotted with sum-dried fruit confit, is moist and meaty. Nightly soufflés range from lemon-. blackberry to chocolate-brownie and are an exceptional end to an outstanding meal. $$$$ Fuji Hana 18757 Biscayne Blvd; 305-932-8080. Mainly a sushi bar, this Japanese restaurant sidelines with tasty Thai dishes. Qn the Japanese ride of things, raw fish is fresh and beautifully cut The salmon tempura roll is deep-fried for the cooked-food fiend, as is (Dump shrimp tempura. Thai entrées include a meaty sweet- and-sour duck anda lovely dish of steamed seafood over glass noodles. Lunch and dinner. $$$ Gourmet Diner 13951 Biscayne Blvd; 305-947-2255. Cheto >n price but not in quality, this North Miami Beach institution serves some of the best French- roots cuisine in Dade. Steamed artichoke served chfiled with a fabulous pink vinaigrette makes a simple but satisfying appetizer; snails are succulent in ’’biAtfcr, ¿aflfc; a powerful portion of white wine; andioinoflamb encrusted with herbs is served rare and juicy. House-made desserts are popular—you’d - better reserve á piece of that custard fruit tart : digging in to your seafood au gratín. Lunch, dinner, and weekend breakfast $$ Kyung Ju 400 NE 167th St; 305-947-3838.11118 Would be worth a visit even if it weren’t one of the only Korean dining spots in Dade. Highlights include atofu-with- hot-sauce appetizer that will have you contemplating the fireextinguishing properties of tea, and a dish of cold noodles with beef in a red chili paste dressing - that rivals nasal spray for clearing the sinuses. Less - spicy but equally flavorful are the traditional barbecue dishes: beef pork, ribs, and chickencookétlóú am open gas grill brought to your table, then dipped in a~ variety of homemade sauces and wrapped in lettuce leaves. Lunch and dinner. $$ Little Havana 12727 Biscayne Blvd; 305899-9069. (Also jn Sduth Beach and West Dade.) Elegant and efficient service make the tasty Cuban fere that much'more satisfying: Beyond-basics include yucápastry stuffed with lobster, shrimp in brandy-laced “flamingo” sriice, and pork filet in tamarind sauce. Also great house- specials such as dolphin stuffed with shrimp and oxtail with wine sauce. Crema catalana makes for a smooth, sugary dessert $$ Mike Gordon Seafood Restaurant 1201 ife 79th St;?i 3057514429. Mike Gordon calls itself “a touch of Cape Cod on Biscayne Bay,” and New England cfeffi ; chowder, oyster stew, Maine lobster, and steamed fittienecfc clams make good on that claim. But a meal of snapper chowder followed by black grouper (served brofled, grilled, sautéed, panfried, blackened, orfranfaise) and a slice Of quivery key lime pie—not to mention the viewofBiseayne Bay, animated with, swarming tarpon ahd pelicans that roost on the pifiqgs —is afl Miami. Lunch and dinner. $$ El Novillo 15450 New Bam Rd, 305818-2755. For- Information see listing under Miami-Central Dade. Palm Grill 16145'Biscayne Blvd; 305-9498448. Relocated from Key West, this fusion eatery is a playful place —not for kids, but foradulfs who think like them. “Big Ass” fried conch won tons, for instance, are terrific, as is a portobello “bear daw” L layered with Montrachet goat cheese: Cuban pork Weflifigton, With a pastry puff surrounding .the meat and a black bean pité, is a signature entrée. Triple vanilla cheesecake brülée with candied violets fea: flower of a dessert $$$ Paquita s 16265 Biscayne Blvd; 305947-5027. If the colorful décor doesn’t grab your attention, the fiesh chips, oniony guacamole, and cilantro-spiked salsa wifl. Among the starters, a spicy shredded-beef salad is filling enough to be a main course. But don’t neglect the entrées—particularly mole verde (Over ' pork, chicken, or beef), sirloin steak flanked by cheese enchiladas, and jumbo shrimp simmered in a tomato sauce laced with ofives and capers. Fried ice cram and key lime pie sweeten the pot Lunch and dinner. $$ Rainforest Cafe 19575 Biscayne Blvd On Aventura Mall); 305-792-8001. (Also in Broward.) A theme restaurant with an irresistible (and noisy) sense of humor, it features the sounds of roaring alligators, 1 trumpeting elephants, and thunderstorms. Warm yourself up with the tasty calypso dip, made with salmon and artichokes, or cool down with the ' ‘Volcanic Cobb salad,” a plateful of tossed greens and marinated chicken. Not suprisingly, Amazon burgers are huge, and Kalahari safari potpie is an adventure with mashed potatoes. Desserts named after animals — such as “monkey business” (coconut bread pudding) —may turn you into one. Lunch and dinner. $$ Roadhouse Grill 12599 Biscayne Blvd; 305-893-7433. (Also at 1400 NW 87th Ave; 305^599-1413, and in - Kendall.) One of the more consistent chains ■ around — the barbecued and grilled steaks, burgers, ribs, shrimp, and chicken are consistently cooking in the open kitchen, the staff is consistently hustling in the dining room, and the reasonable prices are consistently smoking. A great place to take the kids, if only for the fact that you can throw your peanut shells on the floor. Take-out; lunch and dinner. $$ Rugantino 2286 NE 123rd St; 305-895-5542. Upscale Italian fere is complemented by exquisite, polite service. Order a bowl of minestrone and one . server will deliver it while another grates cheese and a third grinds fresh pepper. Rich pastas include a sumptuous fettuccine Alfredo with bits of silky foie gras and shavings of black truffles. Fish is always fresh, and the chef has great zeal in using the mallet—pounded chicken and veal - dishes are especially gdod. Lunch and dinner. $$$ Sara's Dairy and Vegetarian 2214 NE 123rd St; 3Ó5-89T3312. An orthodox pizza parlor, Sara’s also offers some of the most authentic Middle Eastern and home-cooked Jewish fare in Miami ¡.Hummds and falafel, stuffed cabbage and mushroom barley Julius Knipl, Real Estate Photographer THIRTY IN THE MORNIMG. A GROUP -* GUESTS WAIT FOR THe a in the Logey of an apartment ‘L ON ALNVOND AVEVIÜE, THE.') ARE GRE! by Ben KatrW ERNEST Don aiw (IHTHESE »51 ; RENECS OF THE IctN-r^wE^ InNORSOHG W**5ic-y I IH THE A'Oea'JATt, 1 I GLOW of THE I tVJCRSSCEVT fgSffi p¡|p^ ■ 53 T>«0««.SS A*1» » ■ A SrtAOiTNT ENSTEJ I f«(Si:tB-.OWS FK-THt ■ CANOteuT ptwNEA ■ FAOYIE THEATERS a » INOtRECT U&HTII 'NE NAVE MIDMKkYT HOT MU* SLEEflNtt —H6V.VTOI :OHNS THAE ^ :oR- A CpCKTA'L pucri/ j vans VATftMKS UHpEA THIS- ' «.OT YMS , MW>St p TO t^5fc^y , OP WO^DERfl*- kü€~t>AKK PSVU^S * l^r awn AMD Spy X TO ^TeToW^^lHT sTF-oLv-^ir'v,F nite q-u»N-»N-tHe SWITCHES, LOCHES CLOCK f*«S 'Vs? TOUCR-TOHE FHONt I BHOSTHORESCEHT Sutters Mtvvvu.- PaT-gl» toilet h k AHP POOH. VCNOE TUt^gil he sot us HESE AT TWO o'CvpcK , IH1H6 I MOMiViQ’ F\NO ah, view’s TVkG FRoMT Poo n./ L Good NiOtfT T*E. PLACE I 1* UT 1 UP Lv«e 1 A SECowH RUS Mwld [tseater. PS SwyEtJ CURSING BROUGHT AÍOUT fcT STUB*** TOES AH» BRU'SEP SHIW5 RUINS 'T For evewowe. v'tW't i GROPE APOUHP UKE A | PRlSOWER IK THESTTGIMI k Park Hess of your own : APAR.TTAENT T -J copy of “The Evening Combinator” send a 32C stamp to Katchor, P.0. Box 2024, Cathedral Station, New York, NY 10025 soup have two things in common: They’re meat- free, and they’re fantastic. Complimentary egg bread with entrees is a challah of a good time. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. $ Thai House il Restaurant and 0-Shin Japanese Sushi Bar 2250 NE 163rd St; 305-956-3909. The menu, bears an emphatic motto: “We deliver!” And they do, whether you phone your order in or take a table. Two different dining rooms with nationality- appropriate décor offer well-prepared Thai and Japanese creations. Tangy tom kar gai soup replete with white-meat chicken and straw mushrooms is especially good, as are tofu dishes. If you’re turning Japanese, rely on the tuna and salmon sashimi, or any number of interesting rolls. Lunch and dinner. $$ Tivoli Restaurant 3439 NE 163rd St; 305-945-7080. Old World style is a permanent fixture (and a welcome one), evident as soon as the complimentary crudités with creamy mustard dip are served. In business for a decade and a half in this strip-mall town, Tivoli is distinctive for its Danish roots and pretty foliage, but more so for its roast duck with apple chutney, tender lamb (rack or loin), and a host of fish dishes, including red snapper sautéed with garlic butter and seafood and layered over spinach. Caesar salad comes with all entrées. $$ Toojay’s 3585 NE 207th St; 305-936-9555. A gourmet deli with all the trappings: gleaming display cases filled with sweets and salads, comfy contemporary booths, and a menu stocked with Reubens, meat loaf melts, knockwurst on rye, smoked whitefish and baked salmon on a bagel. Great matzo ball soup and a host of Eastern European specialties like stuffed cabbage, crunchy potato pancakes, and sweet cheese blintzes. Chocolate desserts number into the teens. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. $ Walter’s Cafi 13505 Biscayne Blvd; 305-9444744. Don’t be fooled by the American-sounding name. Chef-proprietor Walter Lucchi, former papa of now-defunct Pappagallo, is as Italian as they come. His vitello tonnato, tender white veal topped with a smooth tuna-caper sauce, will prove it, as will his lusciously light, crisply fried calamari. A rack of lamb — eight riblets — for twenty bucks is a bargain in this neighborhood; the “tower of sweets” dessert cart speaks for itself. $$$ Wong's Shanghai 12420 Biscayne Blvd; 305-891-4313. This family affair boasts a pan-Chinese menu stocked with all-time faves: beef with broccoli, honey chicken, sweet and sour pork, and shrimp lo mein, not to mention chop suey and egg foo yung. More adventurous? Try a generous portions of scallops Hunan, curry chicken, or shrimp Szechuan. Lunch and dinner. $$ North Beaches al Carbon 9701 Collins Ave (in the Sheraton Bal Harbour Beach Resort); 305-865-7511. literally “over coal” — and if you stick with the name, you won’t go wrong: The best items at this pricey Argentine- Mediterranean supper club are the succulent grilled steaks and chops, which come with all manner of relishes and chutneys. Among the appetizers, empanadas areexpertly turned out, as are a combo of feta cheese, rock shrimp, and kalamata olives served on a bed of bitter greens, and grilled baby calamari stuffed with minced shrimp. Live music frequently spices up the dinner hour. $$$$ Arate and Richie's 525 41st St; 305-531-7691. As you walk in, you know you’re in deli heaven: Fresh cuts of smoked fish, ham, salami, roast beef, cheese, and other favorites line the refrigerated display case. Sandwiches are hard to beat here; there’s no better pastrami on rye anywhere. Knishes also excel. Breakfast, lunch, and early dinner. $ Bal Harbour Beach House 9701 Collins Ave fin the Bal Harbour Beach Resort); 305865-7511. The prices aren’t as casual as the name implies, but the atmosphere at this resort restaurant is comfortable and relaxing. Set in a foliage-laden paradise of manmade streams and waterfalls, the Beach House is the perfect spot to sip a frozen pifia colada and munch on fine starters like crabcakes and fried calamari. Of the entrées, sea bass is a succulent bet; a low-end section of the menu also offers sandwiches and burgers. Lunch and dinner. $$$$ Bamboo Garden 11232 NE 163rd St; 305-945-1722. Make sure to ask for the small “Chinese” menu—it yields authentic goodies like kung po frog legs and beef tripe with preserved mustard greens. Steamed whole flounders and Maine lobsters—not to mention dishes like stir-fried rice noodles with seafood, stocked with shrimp, scallops, squid, and lobster— are big enough for four to share, as is the terrific hot- and-sour soup. For dessert, mango pudding is an alternative to fortune cookies. Takeout and delivery; lunch, dim sum, and dinner. $ Cafe Prima Pasta 414 71st St; 305867-0106. One of the best pasta cafés in town. Eat here for fine handmade pasta at fine-with-everybody prices. Coarsely chopped fresh tomato sauces are especially good. But be prepared to mill about on the sidewalk for a while — this establishment always has a wait Lunch and dinner. $$ Caffe Da Viltci 1009 Kane Concourse; 3058618166. Run by the folks who made Oggi a pasta-producing legend in this town (see separate listing below), this elegant trattoria serves gnocchi that float in pesto, addictive ricotta-and-spinach agnolotti, pappardelle that rival your wrist for width. Fish and seafood specials are always fresh and feisty, and a meringue layer cake for dessert is like a cloud sandwich. Lunch and dinner. $$ Charlotte's Chinese Kitchen 744 Arthur Godfrey Rd; 305-535-1555. For information see listing under South Beach. Crystal Cafe 726 41st St; 3058738266. A dressed-up Gourmet Diner. Lovingly prepared Continental cuisine bears a touch of reinvention — chef-owner Klime Kovaceski has lightened up traditionally heavy recipes and eased up on prices. Osso buco is a fantastic bargain, pink veal falling away in tender hunks from the eye of bone. Served on herb-specked and paprika-dusted plates, penne with plump shrimp' bears testimony to the qualify of ingredients; chicken paprikash is a tangy version of an old favorite. $$ India Chicken Tandoori Restaurant 705 NE 167th St; 305853-9960. Owner-operator Firoz Chuñara of Bombay has created what he considers “a new concept in Indian cuisine”: fast food. The best of his fast fare, served cafeteria-style, rivals the entrées found at more posh establishments, but at RFC prices. Sarnosa appetizers are the crispiest around. Biryani platters heaped with basmati rice and tender chunks of meat go for less than five dollars. Those with an adventurous palate should order a side of achar (spicy Indian pickles). The pistachio-encrusted ice cream dessert, kulfi, will cool your tongue afterward. The ambiance is a bit glaring, but Chunara’s personal warmth and professional vision — to create a chain of fast-and-delicious-food outlets— offer a quirky, not to mention tasty, twist on traditional Indian fare. $ Irie Isle 168 NE 167th St; 305354-7678. Beef patties are a flaky highlight of the limited selection of appetizers at this counter-service Jamaican joint; among main courses, tender oxtail and butter beans is a winner, as are ultra-zesfy jerk chicken and “brown stew fish,” a- pan-fried whole snapper. One slice of the rum cake for dessert and you’ll sway to the omnipresent reggae music. Take-out; lunch and dinner. $ Islands Café fin the Bay Harbor Inn) 9601E Bay Harbor Dr; 3058684141. At the off-campus practicum facility for the Johnson & Wales University culinary school, the key word is practice', students cook the fusion fare, which is influenced by the Caribbean and Asia. Pan-fried dumplings, crab-stuffed quesadillas, portobello mushroom sandwiches, and seared tuna over soba noodle salads work wonderfully; main courses such as seared salmon with a mango- cucumber vinaigrette and a plantain-crusted mahi- mahi may be too dry or greasy, and baby lamb chops can be fatty. Patience required. Indoor and outdoor dining. Lunch and dinner. $$$ las Vegas VI6907 Collins Ave; 305864-1509. The sole Miami location amid the VDanno family’s Broward “A well known spot 4>n Calle Ocho...” . The New York Times 1998 Bést —New Times Daily Lunch Specials starting at $3.50! Pot Roast, Moros and Sweet Plantains...$4.95 Just 3 Minutes from Downtown! Exquisito JZ esmu retnt Open fin-Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner 1510S.W 8St Miami (305) 6430227 You'd Be Amazed At All The Things You Can Dor With A Cucumber... Hip éArtb Natural Food Restaurant and Bakery Live Music Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays @ 8pm 9th & Washington Ave. at Parking Plaza South Beacfi FL • 305-531-2171 Iff THE NATIONAL HOTEL 167/ Collins Avenue Miami Beach PLEASE CALL 305-532-2311 Miami Raw, Tune* January 28 - February 3,1999 2 FOR 1 INCLUDES ALL SPIRITS, COCKTAILS, BEER AND WINE FRIDAYS 2*1 VERY HAPPY HOUR First we restored the hotel to ITS ORIGINAL BEAUTY, THEN WE COMMITTED ourselves to th^, VERY FINEST FIRST CLASS SERVICE. NOW WE ARE REINVENTING THE HAPPY HOUR * - 'i '' The National Hotel BRINGS BACK THE VERY HAPPY Hour featuring weekly CLASSIC DRINK specials of THE 40s AND COMPLIMENTARY HORS D’OEUVRES Every Friday FROM 5:30 P.M.-8:30 p.m. j\r 130 NE 40td Street, Miami free Delivery in the Design District (305)573-5521 ".Ail that's requiragio enjoy is a i hearty qppetíte"-'á^n Kare^iici 8/20 [gf 8BQchjc|en &.tibs gf PEOPLe1| il FHB&L (LIMIT 1 PER CUSTOMER) 360 Nf^pii Street. Miami (305) 373-8080 {3 1/2 biifliB W. of the Miami Arana) I' MOM -»AT1I:3I AM - 4:00 PM TOES > SAT 4 PM • MIDNIGHT :j#- sphiIbo p|t«i8:bopm : Eat All the Sushi you can fo*r $15.95 706 Lincoln Road nth Beach 305.604. Where else in Miami can you eat Steak and Lobster for $5.95... only at Miccosukee Indian Gaming! ■ Dancing & Live Entertainment • Lightning Lotto 1 400 Video Pull Tiib Machines • Over 35 Poker Thbles •• Winnings that exceed $9 million/month ’ Open 24 hrs a day, 365 days per year mm AMHOCK AT MICCOSUKEE INDIAN GAMING Just AFew Minutes West Of The TUmpike at Krome Ave. 500 SW177 Ave, Miami, #222-4600. Offer Available at Cafe Hammock 1 lam-lam Must Present Ad For Offer. One Per Customer Exp. 2-4-99 WWWJtDCCOSUEEE.COM Leave your Luncli Box at Home, and Try Ours. Liimeli Box Special" Soup, Salad and Rice * Sushi, Tempura, Teriyahi for only $9.50 ' t'l\ 7/^ Free 1 kr. parking for lunek % sm I I 1 % 9 2nd floor of the Streets of Mayfair Coconut Grove Japanese Restaurant Phone: (305) 4454)865 Fax: (305) 445-4630 80 January 28 - February 3,1999 Miami New Times t|2 ftSf -IS VVW)- s&’R'f ii%f. kilfM empire. The ménu is comprehensively Cuban, arid ■ quite a value. Vaca fritáis flavorful, accented with raw onions and a squeeze Of lime juice, as are pode roasted with spices and chicken sautéed with garlic. Black beans are on the sweet, savory side, croquetas crisp as anew bilL Lunch and dinner. $ Oasis Calé 976 41st St; 305674-7676. A Mediterranean health foodery with a juice bar, this breezy café offers some of the best falafel and hummus around. Salads are huge and inventive, with homemade salad dressings and sauces that also garnish terrific sandwiches, including sesameipilled tofu with ginger-miso dressing stuffed into pita, grilled fish of . filé day with lemon-caper aioli on a focaccia roll, and lamb gyro made with real meat and dressed with tzatziki. A sprinkling of pasta dishes is highlighted by .penne turkey mueigez, like turkey meat loaf with currants and pine nuts. Golden rum cake or a strawberry-banana smoothie are two ways to drink dessert Outdoor seating. Takeout and delivery; lunch and dinner. $$ Oggi Caffé 1740 79th St Cswy; 305866-1238. Expanded soling now allows for more diners and greater comfort at this 70oddseat restaurant and deli in the White Shu1 Center. Feifucdne, agnolotti,-penne, and spaghetti are all handmade the tnrtellom bicolore, stuffed with sun-dried tomatoes and ricotta, is the prince of the {ále. Homesmáde desserts deserve devouring. Lunch and dinner. $$ Palm Restaurant 9650E Bay Harbor Dr; 305668-7256. Open your wallet and your appetite to dine at this celebrated steak house. Portions offish and meat are ala carte—and huge. Blackened swordfish steak, perfectly cooked, is a thick, juicy alternative to the selection of filet mignon, prime rib, and New York s strip. Veal piccata, veal chops, and lamb chops are also available. Lobsters—four pounds and up!—are big enough to spHt,unlessyou’reonan expense account and can afford to have leftovers. Among the side dishes, creamed spinach is a must $$$$ Pstab 9700 Collins Ave (in Saks Fifth Avenue); 3058651100. Pleasant and hospitable, the privately owned café reflects well on Saks. Menu offerings. range from bagels to paste to pizza. Count ona - delicious matzo Brie any time of year, the flatbread sautéed with Nova and onions. The “Montreal famous smoke burger” is more like a deli sandwich, with lean corned beef smoked turkey, and nongreasy kosher salami Lunch and dinner. $$ The Rascal House 17190 Collins Ave; 305947-4581. A ' labyrinthine deli, but surety one of the best The menu is a trip through all the glories of Jewish fare: dropped' liver with schmaltz; herring; smoked fish; Reuben, corned beef and pastrami sandwiches; huge potato laflees with sour cream; brisket of beef borscht... you get the picture. Atmosphere is frantic but alive and infectiously buoyant Breakfast, lunch,and dinner. $ Russian Fairytale 160179th St Cswy; 3058646080. An authentic Russian restaurant/disco hybrid, right down to the Seventies-style disco ball and dance floor. Butthedécor is also richly detailed, the waiters wear traditional garb, and the menu offers regional goodies such as translucent Siberian meat dumplings. Pickled, vegetables, cured fish fillets, and caviar are tasty zakuski (small bites). Sophisticated main courses include lamb chops with mustard sauce, and lake trout with caper sauce. Drink kisef Russia’s answer to sangría, for dessert Lunch and dinner. $$$$ Tapas Under the Trees 4441 Collins Ave (¡nthe - Fontainebleau Hilton); 305538-2000. Exactly as the name implies. Perfect for grazing and sipping, this dinner-only restaurant serves hot and cold tapas and potent: sangría. Grilled yellowfin tuna on Tuscan focaccia is a good choice, as is refreshing gazpacho, cradked conch salad served in a coconut, and grilled chorizo sausages. Still; hungry? Key lime tart and cappuccino-chocolate tortearetapas for dessert Outdoor seating only. $$ Taquerías El Mexicano 6974 Collins Ave, 305864:5220. For information see listing under Miami-Central Dade. Treffpunkt Biergarten 18090 Collins Ave; 3059353942. Don’t trust wljat you read on the menu here — descriptions are frequently a little off—but do trust the kitchen to turn out German ... and Continental masterpieces such as chopped steak served in a skillet with crisp home fries and bread'p’uciamg; and a Bavarian platter tor two^a ^ feast of sausages and smoked pork loin. Wash it down with Oktoberfest dark beer, a beverage that packs a nine percent alcohol wallop no matter \ what the season. $$ Yasumoto Japanese Bistro 9700 Collins Ave On Bal Harbour Shops), Bal Harbour, 305661-5475. More fiian just your average sushi bar, fifis upscale Asian eatery also presents fusion dishes such as barbecued duck potstickers with ponzu dipping .sauce, saffron-infused crab and corn chowder,, porcini-dusted double veal chop, and African snook “eii'papillote” witirtruffled lfeeks; Which is not'to say that the sushi should be ignored, because owner Bok H. An and his chefs know their fish. Try the ■ sashimi —> white tuna comes with the more typical red tuna, both buttery and succulent Lunch and dinner. $$$$ Yeung’s Chinese Restaurant 954 41st Sf 30567^1144. The motto here is “We know how Chinese food should be,” and we gotta agree. An extensive 0 Mandarin and Cantonese menu yields a great bunch of soups and noodle dishes. Peking duck is a double delight—file crisp skin wrapped in pancakes with ■' scallions, carrots, and plum sauce, and the succulent meat wokked with shredded vegetables. Speedy take¬ out and delivery service is a bonus for Beach-ltes. Lunch and dinner. $$ Zhivago's (at Cabaret on Collins) 17Ó01 Collins Ave; 305949-0711. The doctor is in at this elaborate Russian restaurant and nightclub, where peimeni (dumplings) and pickles take the spotlight—when Gypsies aren’t performing, that is. Máih courses worth investigating include lamb shish kebab and a more classically Continental lobster tail in cognac saucefButcenfer stage is reserved for.dancing to the beat of Russian popsters, who appear in person on weekend nights and on a giant-screen TV on weeknights. And the center of your table should be reserved for a bottle of Stoli. $$$ Zodiac 9700 Collins Áve On Neiman Marcus); 305-865-6161. This café maintains a standard of excellence in department-store dining. Sjack genteelly on complimentary popovers with strawberry butter, then move on to “composed salads,” such as ¡jé the seafood Louis, roasted shrimp and avocado, or curried chicken with mandarin orange souffle. Sandwiches like the portobello mushroom with - grilled vegetables on ten-grain bread are both wholesome and hearty. Lunch and dinner. $$ South Beach Balan 1022 lincoln Rd; 305534-9191. The chic London café where South Beach locals go to chat and tipple. The deribel level can rival a rod: concert al fintee, particularity if the staff is having a clumsy night But the reasonably priced fare, pinballing between Asia and the Mediterranean, is an apt distraction. Tomato-thyme tart is a good opener, lobster chib a healthy second act (request it lightly toasted), and sirloin steak ajuicycfimax. Fora denouement without disappointment try the banoffi (banana cream and toffee) pie for dessert Breakfast lunch, and dinner. $$ Blue Door 1685 Collins Ave (in the Delano Hotel); 305674-6400. With award-winning chef Claude Troisgros overseeing, executive chef Marc Salonsky at the helm, and the managing team from China Grill: behind the scenes, the Blue Door presents a diner- friendly lace to the public. Tropical, Asian, and Latin influences spark up classic French cookery: ravioli stuffed with taro root mousseliné with white truffle oil; cold chayóte soup with pan-seared scallops, soy, and garlic; sea bass with brown butter, cashews, and roasted heart of palm; and ragout of Maine lobster in a coconut milk broth. Pricey desserts are visual stunners but, like the setting, are eye candy and not much else. Outdoor seating. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. $$$$ Bocea di Rosa 429 EspañolaWay; 3054444222. For information see listing undér Coconut Grove-Key j Biscayne. Café de France 22713th St; 3056726169. Real men do eat quiche—pitas enormous salads, formidable steaks au poivre, and a Brie omelet big enough to feed the Marlins starting lineup—at this neighborhood home-away-from-home hangout, the perfect antidote to all the nearby velvet rope snoot-spots. The menu of basic French café classics is admittedly nonhaute in quality, but also in price: Breakfast begins at 99 cents; ( tile costliest three-course, (plus wine kir) dinner is $20.95; and the 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. $9.95 earty bird .(any three items from four categories: soup, salad, pasta, dessert) has to be SoBe’s best meal deal. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. $ Caffe Sambuca 1233 lincoln Rd; 305532-2800. Located on the unfashionable aid of fashionable Lincoln Road “‘(which Tsto say wést'óf AltdñRóád), tíiisTiusyspóf draws a thankful crowd. Start with the signature house salad, chopped romaine and shredded onions dressed with a clean, understated champagne vinaigrette. Homemade breads and pastes are superb, including veal-stuffed tortelloni and pordnifilled ravioli Main courses arc also worth full investigation —tender chicken and fresh fish dishes in elegant sauces vie with scenestealing veal chops topped with portobello mushrooms or Gorgonzola cheese. For dessert, try chocolate mousse sandwiched between meringue layers. Lunch and dinner. $$ ttSgwij Eye Spy by Chárise Mericle IT'S: no AH. m 2*5 J RUN outf(mn To the garage to I Ws" START dly car. (W! OUTSIDE GARAGE 1 AS I WALK OVER iT'Srfa WOWS rum's oven z ('l'vjoNDiTVv .i/ **V ..|i> Ail -ru«s^ 1 fo //fVfonGni t j rIKtntn Run THROUGH the NEIGHBORS FEEf oF $NoM. ISiK WUBm cuvjhatflu.ffvry ¡1111 /D01M6 VAKotiND YARD WITH A Hose- Wmm ' FLUNG To jjv Ipig HP SOME IPCAL TV. NEWSCASTERS] INSIDE MY HtVSil /<'l*GoiNGTr mm lira n hu Gvitryj PífliStiÑKirí 'tFASro VS MV CM OVER, I rWonmHovi If ^ >miT TAKES To ijtfc LliAft nD a ciQt9S 2 2 Casablanca 650 Ocean Dr; 305-534-9463. Ignore the congealing plates bffood displayed on the sidewalk beneath the menu, the lack of a businessdrawing crowd,' and understaffed service at this oceanside café, and you’ll find one of the best meals on the block. International menu items include a garlic- "v grilled squid appetizer, a seared tuna salad ni$oise, and an entrée of buttery angel-hair pasta with chopped tomatoes and shaved garlic. New American specialties highlight oniOn-crusted fish and a moist breast of chicken dressed with barbecue vinaigrette lying atop hash brown potatoes. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. $$$ Charlotte's Chinese Kitchen 1403 Washington Ave; 305-6724338. (Also in North Beaches.) Cuisine is light and flavorful and the menu extensive at thus neighborhood Chinese restaurant Choose from- . Hong Kong or Szechuan specialties. Especially tempting is the beef and green pepper choto fun in black bean sauce; the honey-glazed walnut and sautéed shrimp on abed of shredded lettuce is a full- course meal, but try the appetizers anyway. Vegetarian lettuce roils are a must Pork is plentiful in die best-on-the-Beach egg rolls. Lunch and dinner daily. $$ da Leo Trattoria 819 LincolnRd; 3056740350. A typical pasta shop that gets a boost from its setting. The inside is cramped, but this valu&driven trattoria: features extensive outdoor seating in the middle of the mall. Beef carpaccio is delicate and pungent; ample bowls of noodles are cheap enough to start your meal and deep enough to be your meal Follow / up, if you have room, with veal Marsala, the best dish the house has to offer. Homemade desserts are especially good with a shot of expertly brewed espresso. $$ 11th Street Diner 1065 Washington Ave; 305-5346373. This classic Art Deco Paramount dining car served up traditional diner fare in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, from 1948 to 1992, before being shipped and plunked down smack dab—and fittingly—in the heart of , South Beach’s Art Deco District All the components of the American diner are here: a long counter that seats sixteen, red-and-white booths, Formica tabietopsv24hour service, and a menu replete with burgers, Buffalo wings, barbecued ribs, B.L.T.S, blue- plate specials, and brownie hot fudge sundaes, most' of which the kitchen prepares with a surprisingly deft touch. Thick malts and milkshakes are good, too. An adjoining room features a full bar and jukebox, and Holleman'e *teubó ^ ^eu^ood SaJwinqiha puiihud and moil delectable saaRood di&Ji&A, ¿¿bala, put&iaA and fax max ¿peciattwA. Ice Cold Beers Collos$\ Sandwiches Mouthwatering 20% Off Lunch with Burgers! mention of this ad. Best Lunch in Town!! ■ BISCAYNE F#f 11(305)365-9391 One Curtiss Parkway m |l Ultimate ■¡■pdPQPW Sushi 11 experience • SUSHI • SASHIMI • YAKU0RI • KARAOKE BAR • FULL SERVICE BAR “Best Late Night Dining” New Times, Best of Miami *98 Open Mon-Fri 11:30 AM-3:30 AM Sat & Sun 5:00-3:30 AM 'Sunny Isles Plaza • 3007 NE 163rd St. North Miami Beach « 305. there are tables outside. No matter where you sit, service is unpredictable: sometimesgreat, sometimes awful $$ L'Entrecóte de Paris 413 Washington Ave; 305673-1002. Vet another reason to venture south of Fifth Street Twentysomething owners Susana Nouel and Pedro Infante designed the menu to appeal to folks like themselves—young, hip, and living on credit It works. Scarf down sirioins, complete with salad and a pde of pbmmesfiit& for a prix fixe of fourteen bucks. Erther that or opt for the salmon with dill sauce or grilled chicken breast with mustard sauce mdgratin dauphinoise - that’s about all there is to choose from * this Sweater. Wine and dessert aren’t included, but frs as.djfficult to pass up a moist, crumbly apple tart as it is to allow a for royate to escape your attention $$ Eswjaao 1311 Washington Ave; 3056749450 Service can be a little crazy” in tins minuscule 35-seat establishment But the red snapper baked in a SrcirIs5fisusuai]ynioistand^orfui, and the came j- free-range guinea breást and verdín Scan as tte STtapS^Satei fare includes onion soup au gratín, virtually filler-free crabcakes, and burgers molded from a half-pound of ground steak. Entrées include succulent chickéh marinated in balsamic vinegar and a puff pastry-, topped seafood pot pie. Specials are often the most interesting (and most expensive) —watch for grouper baked with horseradish. Desserts such, as ■■ floating island—meringue in vanilla sauce—are homemade and delicious. $$$ Joe Allen 1787 Purdy Ave; 305-531-7007. An offshoot of the famed New York City restaurant that offers straightforward fare at fair prices. Sandwiches range from the mundane (hamburgers) to the inventive (roast turkey and mortadeDa on country bread with a berry and pistachio compote). Upscale entrées include superbly roasted tilapia dipped in egg and : flour, while grilled chicken tastes as if it just came off a back-yard grill. The meatloaf might remind yougf your mother’s. But the banana cream pie, bland and loose, probably won’t, unless Mom couldn’t bake. Dinner and weekend brunch. $$$ Johnny Vs Kitchen 1671 Alton Rd; 305-5343433. Serving gourmet fast food at downright bargain prices, this trendy South Beach diner, run.by Aster Place chef- • proprietor Johnny Vinczencz, offers large portions, imaginative dishes, fresh ingredients, a stark décor, and a personable Of not always professional) staff. And the occasional crowds can make it a hassle. Still, the place serves the best hoagies in town. The outrageous portobello mushroom “Philly cheese steak” with caramelized onions and red and green peppers is a satisfying veggie option. Carnivores will devour the,Cubar sandwich or the Reuben. There are wraps, too. Homemade pickles, sauces, condiments, and salsas are available for sale. Lunch and dinnij&.$$ Little Havana 1440 Ocean Dr; 3056730047. ForW| information see listing under North Dade. The Living Room at the Strand 671 Washington Ave; 305-532-2340. Eatto the beat at this decadent disco, lounge, where the music is as loud as some of the retro outfits the hip patrons wear. A small New American menu is wettprepared and includes succulent portions of grilled shrimp, meaty fish fillets, and juicy steaks. Crawfish ceviche is outstanding. Take your coffee on the couch—this is, despite frenetic late-night action, a room in which to simply live.$$$ Maiko Japanese Restaurant and Sushi Bar 1255 Washington Ave; 305-5316369. Innovative makimono IBs® «OOU6MVS TUB &OTSTffiBHT DadeXand Ptaza - Kctoss Pram OaYtan 9555 Soutti Dixie §3§1667-9673 HOOUGAM’S pub uobsteh house 45555 uw 79tt\ Court, Miami Dates Béhiwi Repiítíiic Bank 623-900A hoouganswb A3A36 SVN §1 P\ace - BPiKP M NexHo OiftbacV 262-9A66 est After Theatre! "I Amis, Best of Miami |fir Daily Jpiif ExtjpÉHrae lÉ roffimlghe 5ta|p||ctoii TU»f1Y«e I 3484 M )11 N\\ fbth || 30,5871 2764 Looks like a chain, but this is the only link. Standardized Menean fare—burritos, chimichangas, tacos, „ tamáles, fajitas —'is rievated by the appetizers', Both com and flour tortilla chips ai e homemade as are 41 three salsas, the hottestof which could singe ntfse hair Guacamole is buttery ranch dressing is creamy, andfebreast of chicken smothered in tomatoes and bell peppers is plump and jtiíqy enough to distract from the fireplaces, all of which operate on gas. tuiich and dinner. $$ Covadonga I 480 SW 3th St 305261 240b Rigged out m shipboard gear, this fine seafood restaurant has earned its spars and stripes. You almost expeetthe creaking of thefarill and the tang ol salt air, instead you get the horns and exhaust from Eighth Street and oneof the best Cuban meals in the dty. For starters; clams in green sauce'or shrimp in garlic sauce, kingfish escabeche or fish soup. Then whole baby squid-stuffed with, ham inbrown sauce, shellfish galore in rich buttery tomato sauce, or paella Covadonga for two. $$$ da Ermanno I >927 Biscayne Blvd, 30 >759-2001 Cliel -owner ErmannoPenotti’s lifelong dream can. sometimes be Uneven, but' the downhome Italian effort is there in the lasagna, the spaghetti and meatballs, and the specials (trythe lamb stew if it’s offered). For starters, garlicky pasta e fagioli is , ■ especially exuberant $$ Daily Bread Marketplace 2400 SW^7th St; 3058555893. Gleaming new digs for this market, bak¬ ery, and eatery. Middle Eastern fare includes Jehtil, is soup, excellent falafel and gyro pita pockets dripping with tahini and salad garnishes, and parsley-heavy tab-: bouleh. Finger foods vaiy fromlate» bil ajine (an open-face Arabic meat pie) to Greek spinach pie. Superb pasMes—ah very.sweqt—are drenched, with butter and honey . Outdoor dining. Counter ser¬ vice only. Lunch and dinner. $ - East Coast fisheries 360 W FlaglerSt; 3Q53724300,,, You don’t have to study fish anatomy todme.mthite- a picturesque perch werlooking filé Miami River, though it might help—grouper cheeks andjhroats .(nottheagtiial throat but the sweet litfletpockeiftf , LIVE ON WEST EATTHE BEST Dab Haus Dab Haus Dab Haus Dab Haus Dab Haus Dab Haus Dab Haus Dab Haus Dab Haus Dab Haus Dab Haus Dab Haus Dab Haus Dab Haus Dab Haus Dab Haus Dab Haus Dab* Haus Dab Haus Dab Haus Dab Haus Dab Haus Dab Haus Dab Haus Dab Haus Dab Haus PSKtii CERMAN-AUSTRI AN RESTAURANT &KNEIP 852 ALTON RP&9TH ST (CORNER OF ALTON & 9™ ST) 305-534-9557 OPENS DAILY AT4PM Café©emetrio A Coffeehouse with classic ambience and á touch ofLsaropeaB^tylel Hr ‘Pve Ooffee (¿ípermm and Pastries [|flfa|flii fem n i' the patio — nH Friday Nigjits ^ ^Htivejazs- SpipKiay 8:30-Micc Coral Gables ^ (305) 448-4949 Mon - Thurs 7:30am - 10pm Fri 7:30am - Mid. Sat 11:00am - Mid. ChelTPIero p^izosone Brings Hie Tradition to Miami! - ★★★★ Rating frorrrMerchant Guide. - Romantic intimaté setting for lunch or - dinner. ■ - True Italian homemade dishes & sinful dessertsf*^H|mH| (Made from imported ingredients from «Ttahri!) Ugio-no fW*, H (305)' 372-2301 • 83QSp. AYfcj M-F ;9am-4pá^^^^xtaJHjpm- 10pm: ;*... Fri An Ocean Breeze and Tropical Cuisine [ with # fe^&Whole YeBowfafl Snapper^^fe * gried with creole salsa ^ Bahamian Couch Salad ' \ with only the freshest conqh, y tam"! (nopm ^.hlhch ™*ÍÉilg TníS iBVoacl^&éjlyfi&cte Will S^loeljtny S3Poojjle To Win An All Expense Paicl Super Bowl Party [liras uwn Cigar Barvji and R+B Club. ^$5 Featuring the Sounds of "JADE* Complimentary Billiards Live Music Nightly Martini Bar jjji§ Over 25,000 Premium Handrolled Cigars in our State of the Art Walk in Humidor 18833 Biscayne Blvd. Aventura FL 33180 Tel 305-446-0220 Fax 305-466-0106 | BUD BOWL ^pV's. a 20 foot big screen and a 50 Bigscieen $2 Budweiser duiing Ihe game 25 Wings • $1.00 Hot Dogs Show your TEAM SPIRIT! The Biggest FAN-alic WINS!!! ■1st PlacMS^wMnmlPioiiclIow^niB 2nd Place NFL Autographed Football K 3rd Place Sony Watchman Mer the llBiliaAine üa^^tMmMoWMSaCASH!^lp>': feÉfl JUST EAST OF THE TURNPIKE ON KENDALL DRIVE IN THE TOWN & COUNTRY CENTER nrTTi TM 1 ÍTTTt 1 ■ [iTiTil 1 n 11 *1 * 1 H '“SflIPiliÜI^ Bill Callahan, a.k.a. Smog: Lo-fi loser falls in love with the studio Farewell to the Pathetic Aesthetic By Dave Clifford In the early Nineties human beings became interesting again. After the tumul¬ tuous trends of New Wave prophylactic pop* hair metal, and glitz-drenched super- stars of the Eighties, audiences began turn¬ ing their attention toward musicians who oozed honesty and fallibility. In multiple arenas of expression, many artists shifted their focus away from the esoteric isolation of smashed TV sets, paint-splattered can¬ vases, and political grandstanding. Irony and transgression had become cliché in the wake of juxtaposed iconography and yam- fucking performance art Instead a trend developed toward an aes¬ thetic of human imperfection. Amateur paintings purchased at thrift stores, replete with unintentionally malformed figures and distorted perspectives, sat alongside chill¬ ingly intimate confessional works as an .attempt toescape the perceived dead end of contrivance and irony. likewise, musicians began to forsake the malefic mutations of recording studios in favor of the immediacy and intimacy of home recordings on slip- - shod lo-fi equipment. No one was pulling the wool over anyone’s eyes: Thg music was captured with every blemish' and sour note .-while the lyrics dwelled on the most per- ' sonal examinations of failure and shortcom- ings. It was more than amateurism; it was a pathetic aesthetic. 5 Bill Callahan, the prolific, whispy-voiced whiner behind the one-man-band with the enigmatic pseudonym, Smog, has unwit¬ tingly become a figurehead of lonely lo-fi minstrels. His early releases, Sewn to the Sky (1991, Disaster Records) and Forgotten Foundation^1992, Drag City) were abject | exercises- in melodic fumbling soaked in obtrusive distortion. Like a well-worn diary, Callahan crammed his meager four-track cassette recorder with confessions : and insecurities. As years wore - on, however, the songwriter con- : tinuoiisly offered new approaches : to his modus operand!, perchance to prove there was inore beneath I the, er, smoke screen of Smog’s depressivelyrics. Julius Caesar (1993, Drag City) marked the beginning of Smog’s flirtations with studio recording and Orches¬ tration that resulted in the mid-fi follow-up EP, Burning Kingdom (1994, Drag City). Although Callahan had graduated from his - home four-track to the multitrack studio, his lyrical themes remained 'dbuFánd unyielding: “I let you crawl into my shell/Didn’t mean to do it” In 1995’s Wild Love (Drag City), Callahan continued his tighfrope^alk bfitW-eemthreadhareacoustie- songs and bombastic orchestral pieces such spííe remand tfíe^’ti'tfe^íraclc’s lament,- “somebody chopped down my wild love/ The Doctor Came at Dawn in 1996, and the next year’s Red Apple Falls further elaborated Smog’s musical refinement. The surprising success of’Nirvana’s Nev¬ ermind (1991) marked a turning point toward earnest emotional expression in popular music, which quickly brought such bared-soul sounds as Sebadoh, Dinosaur Jr., Codeine, and Palace to public attention. Granted, these weren’t the first artists to sing songs dwelling on intimate details of theirpersonal life (wedefer to the likes of . Nick Drake, Leonard Cohen, and John Lennon as predecessors). But Callahan and his contemporaries did represent some¬ thing altogether different in their rudimen- 4aFy-sengwritmg skillsrThey weren’t really Now, some ten years after his first tinker- ings with the four-track recorder, Callahan lounges in-the Manhattan offices of his pub¬ licity company, describing in his clipped, concise-tone the impetus for his compara¬ tively grandiose and eloquent eighth album, Knock, Knock, released this week on Chicago’s Drag City label. Far from his lo-fi beginnings, the latest Smog production includes a children’s choir and anonymous backing players on cello, piano, tape loops, * and keyboards. And, like Lou Barlow of Sebadoh and Palace’s Will Oldham, Calla¬ han finds himself at odds with his success and role as the frail champion of the lonely lo-fi Everyman. “I was like [infamous B- movie director] Ed Wood in my early days,” Callahan recalls, “trying to do the best I cquld with cheap-ass equipment, while always envisioning a bigger treatment” Knock, Knock shows Smog dabbling in dif¬ ferent musical styles, while retaining its trademark minor-key melancholy. Sound¬ ing akin to Lou Reed’s approach to song¬ writing — treating songs as if under a mag¬ nifying glass — the repetitive riffs and ' bruised lyrics of “Cold Blooded Old Times” holds buffocus imcbmfbrtably locked on 1 laugh with thfcman/Who redefinedyuur 2 body.” Elsewhére, overdriven dance drum j loops and (ironing guitars supply thehack- ¡j bone of “Held” while Callahan muses, “For i the first fjme in my life/I let myself be held/like a big old baby ... l am moving away/From within the reach of ipe.” - Like Reed or Hank Williams, Callatan’s seemingly confessional lyrics are like frag¬ ments of prosé dialogue, visiting characters as they lick their wounds from countless failures aiid traumas. “I don’t know if there is anything that is truly autobiographical,” he ponder^, “Anytime you put something into words, it bécomes fiction. My songs are definitely rooted in my life, but soifleone else who was there might say that it’s not what really happened.” Callahan’s approach is to reflect upon common situations within fictitious accounts to illustrate universal human expe¬ rience. Smog’s lyrics “are about people who áre evolving from One womb to the wxt womb. That’s when interesting things start •to happen,” the singer explains. “If you’re moving, or falling in love, or getting a new job, those are ways of going from the inter¬ nal into the external, then back into a new internal thing. I try to write something that’s just dropping into someone’s situation coldly, without judgment” Although it may be easy to consider Calla¬ han’s lyrics dour and unyielding, upon closer examination the words tend to make positive conclusions or understandings of particular events in retrospect “Most peo¬ ple don’t listen that closely,” Callahan laments. “They think [my lyrics] fit into a premade groove that was made long before. I was bom and was just sitting there waiting for me.” But it’s Smog’s deadpan, cySmfal humor that seems most often misinter¬ preted as a bleak world view. A close listen to the self-effacing mockery of songs such as “Prince Alone in the Studio” and the flip¬ pant juxtapositions of upbeat music beneath the unsavory lyrics of “Cold Blooded Old Times” reveals a dark serisfe of humor beneath Smog’s pathos. The singer wryly chuckles, “I think if s funny to have a pop song about something heavy.” , Callahan is selecting backing musicians to accompany him on a March tour of the eastern United States and later treks to the WestiCoaSt and Europe.'While hjg’d pnefe toured alone, playing- only guitar or keyboard, the singer and recéñt transplant from Sacramento to Chicago finds his newest music tiest represented by a group. .Numerous singles, EPs, and albums into its existence, Smog’s seem- ingly perpetual musical gloom continues to fester, regardless of its progress chang¬ ing from a malformed, distorted musical Everyman into a refined studio entity. And Callahan continues to illustrate the every¬ day significance of his lyrics as found frag¬ ments from anyone else’s life, despite Smog’s apparent personal vulnerability and unflinching hoji^sty. ' As Smog exits the decade with Knock, Knock perhaps aimed at leaving the pathetic aesthetic behind, Callahan remains rooted in his sense of universal experience and empar thy. Describing Smog’s ongoing endeavors, the singertellingly considers himself one among"! common multitude, stating, “I feel images of dopesticabuse. Callahan’spro- . like a bee in. a beehive. jusJ dome whayn wrTfrparTiTniyXnrig' áriri vñTnf-rafiilrfíps^ "11; [agonist squirms-^HowcaiiiI stand/An^~^su^oise(fato^>wit^utmucfcauestiqn.”kfl Miami New Times January 28 - February 3,1999 95 “Anytime you put Iomething into words, it becomes fiction." lÉMBilHáíjttaaag] §H run/walk Mí run & ICk inline how to enter ll\l-PERSOI\l REGISTRATION, $15 JANUARY 1 - FEBRUARY 19 MIAMI NEW TIMES Mon - Fri: 9am - 6pm 2800 Biscayne BL\u , Miami (305)576-8000 NEW TIMES BROWARD & PALM BEACH Mon - Fri: 9am - 6pm 16 NE 4th Street, Ft. Lauderdale (954)233-1600 FOOTWORKS Mon-Fri: 9am - 7 pm, Sat: 10am - 6pm, Sun: Noon - 6pm 5724 Sunset Drive, South Miami 666-RACE(7223) NEW BALANCE MIAMI Mon-Sat: 10am - 9:30pm Sun: 11am - 7pm Aventura Mall, 2nd floor near Bloomingdaie’s 305-931-1290 ONLINE REGISTRATION, $18 JANUARY 1 - FEBRUARY 12 Go to www.miaminewtimes.com. Hit the 10K icon and follow the instructions for resgistration. MAIL-IN MAIL BACK REGISTRATION, $18 JANUARY 1 -FEBRUARY 12 Just fill out and mail in your signed registration form and payment to New Times, and we'll mail your registration packet back to you before the race. Mail-in registration forms must be post¬ marked no later than February 12- RACE DAY REGISTRATION, $20 FEBRUARY 21, 6AM - 8AM Race Day registration will take place at Aventura Mall behind Macy’s adjacent to the start/finish line. Early arrival is advised. post rare festivities A sampling of nutritional delights awaits you in the park, with various vendors to tempt your taste buds, entertain you, introduce new prod¬ ucts, give therapeutic massages and more. Best of all, it's FREE to all registered partici¬ pants. Stick around after the exciting finish and meet your fellow runners and walkers. rare day narking Ample parking is available throughout Aventura Mall. All parking is convenient to the Start/Finish line and free. — III Hi ( Jjjpf jjgg Bk Annual pMɧ mua IH4H Sunday, February 21, 1999 AVENTURA MÁLL mm IIIMtllilili when Sunday, February 21, 1999 where Aventura H/lall All events start and finish behind Macy’s at Aventura Mall (parking lot C). All three events loop around Tumberry Isle Country Club on the scenic Country Club Drive exercise trail (see course map below for more detail) Directions To AVENTURA MALL * í lOKINFOUNE (305) 571-7502 (954)233-1520 what 5K Run/Walk 7:45am (Strollers & Baby Joggers Welcome) Custom medals for the first 25 male & female finishers lOK In-Line Skate 9:30am i Custom medals for the first 3 male & female finishers in each age group Helmets and wrist guards are required. Protective I pads are strongly suggested. Country Club Or Centrally located in the heart of South Florida, Aventura Mali is easily accessible from 1-95., the Palmetto Expressway and the Florida Turnpike. Take 1-95 to Pembroke Rd., Hallandale Beach Blvd. or Ives Dairy Rd. Go east to Biscayne Boulevard. Turn right; Aventura Mall will be on yoiir left. Coming from the Beaches, take the William Lehman Causeway (192nd Street Causeway) to Biscayne Boulevard. Turn right, Aventura Mall will be on your right. lOK Run 8:00am $1000 for 1st place male & female finishers $750 for 2nd place male & female finishers $500 for 3rd place male & female finishers $250 for 4th place male & female finishers $100 for 5th place male & female finishers Custom medals for the first 50 male & female finishers the perks Uniquely designed Full Color, 100% Cotton New Times 10K T-shirts, Program Guide, Information Sheet and Bib Number. SOUTH FLORIDA HEALTHSYSTEM AmericanAirlines m HIM MIAMI B HSufiglass Hut Atch Station Bicycle & FitnessStore Coffee Beanery vrmons CBS & Body Drench ¡¡¡|j Indy Kart 7 &7 LA Fitness I Ñew Balance Miami Sea & Ski 96 January 28 ^February 3; 1999 Miami New Times Music Rotations Blondie No Exit (Beyond) 1. Start with a joke: If this isn’t the most anticipated album of the first half of the year, then I’m Amelia Earhart f 2. Follow with dense critical sentence heedless of its own unwieldy syntax: Twenty years after their hip, smart, and pile-dri¬ ving fusion of rock, pop, funk, and dance music transformed the face of pop and bridged the gap between commercial and critical camps (not to mention reinventing the blond goddess, post-Monroe, pre- Madonna) Blondie has reunited with No Exit. ■»*3* 'Write«a few nice things about recorúlt sure is nice to have Blondie back. From the second Deborah Harry opens her throat on “Screaming Skin,” there’s no doubt that this isn’t No Doubt. And the best songs on the record —the ready-for- radio “Maria,” the creepy update of the girl-group classic “Out in the Streets,” the driving “Nothing Is Real but the Girl,” the elégant “The Dream’s Lost on Me” — are admirable stabs at bent pop. 4. Write a few mean things about the record: The disspiriting fact ofthe matter is that although Blondie is not No Doubt, they’re also not Blondie anymore. There’s no force behind most of these songs, and though it would be easy to pin the blame on Harry (whose voice has lost more than a step), the entire band sounds sluggish, especially on the weaker songs like the wispy “Divine,” the pop-blues “Happy Dog,” and the tuneless worldbeat pastiche “Dig Up the Conjo.” Without the rush that powered songs like “Rip Her to Shreds,” “Atomic,” and “Hanging on the Tele¬ phone,” Blondie is just like any other group of aging has-beens: full of good intentions ánd devoid of intensity. Some¬ times this languid post-rock anomie works; the lovely “Double Take” sounds like a Madonna ballad circa 2010. But sometimes the results are more bland than blond. The title track is especially telling: A gangsta update of “Rapture,” with guest vocals by Coolio, it could have been a brilliant exer¬ cise in musical counterweights. Instead it’s leaden.and self- conscious. 5. End with soggy pun: In the end, despite its considerable merits, No Exit leaves behind the nagging feeling that the mem¬ bers of Blondie aren’t just washed up, but washed out. -fien Greenman AniOiFranco Up Up Up Up Up Up (Righteous Babe) There’s a tendency in the rock press to revere Ani DiFranco for all the things that merely surround her music: the self-con¬ tained record label, the is-she-or-ain’t-she- queer? thing that her fans are obsessed with, the voice-of-a-new-generation hype that crops up whenever someone straps on an acoustic guitar and starts singing about poor black folk and the Big Bad Record Industry and falling in love in a world of hate, blah, blah, blah. She’s an icon even to those who’ve only heard of her. But when you get right down to it, DiFranco ain’t much of a brand-new thing: She’s Joni Mitchell, Suzanne Vega, Natalie Merchant, Billy Bragg, Bob Dylan, and Bruce Springsteen all at once, an amalgam of folk-rock’s finer moments, of just Alanis Morissette with all the crap removed. She’s musically adventurous enough to avoid being foreyer labeled a folkie (Up Up Up Up Up Up’s covered in tons of accordion- organ-banjo dust, funked up enough so that the newcomer might accidentally mistake her for junky) but deep down, the woman’s got A Point To Make. But it’s not enough for her to stick to the politics of the heart filer strong suit by far, which makes her a rather ordinary songwriter by most stan¬ dards). She has to begin Up Up Up Up Up Up by singing on “Tis of Thee” about “the last poor man on a poor man’s vacation” who gets popped by the cops; the boys in blue then drag the poor man’s “black ass down to the station” and justify their actions by proclaiming they've made the streets safe for all of God’s children. Hell, all us good liberals need a singer- songwriter we can get behind every now and then, but “Tis of Thee” is just so damn obvious. She’s preaching to those who preach to the converted; guarantee you anyone buying this record already knows Racism Is Bad. Or Unemployment Happens To Good People. In “Trickle Down” a small town is devastated by the layoffs at the steel plant, and the images are too* familiar (“This town is not the kind of place/That money people go”) and dated (“The presi¬ dent assured us/It was all gonna trickle down”) to make much of an impact. DiFranco’s influences apparently include 1984 issues of Time. || Not that the record’s a failure: Half the time the music’s interesting enough to ren¬ der the lyrics mute ... or moot. And DiFranco’s warble is beginning to take on jazz-blues hues. But just when you become engulfed in the boozy, woozy music ema¬ nating from the speakers, DiFranco throws out one of.them deep-and-meaningful apho¬ risms: “God’s work isn’t done by God/Ifs done by people.” Is she writing songs or bumper stickers? - Robert Wilonsky NewTuitesfDM Registration form Last Name First Name Street Address j Apt.# City ■ ■ ; State Zip (Area Code) Day Phone Age Sex T-Shirt Size (Circle One): S M L First 10K? Y N Single? Y pa-male Jm female Event (Check one): B/fik Run/Walk Q 10K Run P~| 10K In-Line Skáting fffes and under Q 19-29 iffil 30 plus FEE SCHEDULE (CHECK ONE): $15 In-Person Registration January 1 - February 19 fip $18 Mail-ln/Mail Back Registration January 1 - February 12 Use one form per entrant. Entry form may be photocopied. For Official Use Only In consideration of your acceptance of this entry, I, the undersigned, intending to be legally bound, her by for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, waive and release any and all rights and claims for damages 1 may have against the City of Aventura; New Times,™ Inc.; American Airlines; Aventura Mall; Footworks; Miami Heat; ' Sunglass Hut/Watch Station; Tenet, WB39 and any and all other sponsors and their representatives, successors, officers, agents, and . assigns for any and all injuries sustained and suffered by me during this race. I verify that I am physically fit and have sufficiently trained ; for competition in this event and my physical conditioned has been verified by a licensed medical doctor. If, however, as a result of my participation in this race, I require medical attention, I hereby give my ? consent to the authorized medical personnel of this race to provide such medical care as is deemed necessary by such authorized per¬ sonnel. I also understand that in the event this race cannot be held as scheduled due to an aOt of God or circumstances beyond control, the . race is not liable to refund any money paid by me to participated Further, I hereby grant full permission to any and all of the foregoing to use any photographs, videotapes, motion pictures, recordings or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose. I understand that the entry fee is non-refundable, and that race numbers are not transferable. I have read the foregoing and certify my agreement by my signature below. Signature of entrant (or parent if under age 18) Date Mail-in entries must be postmarked no later than February 12, 1999. Send signed, completed form and check or money order to: New Times 10K, P. O. Box 0115911 Miami, FL33101-1591 Miami New Times January 28 - February 3,1999 **"97 Another Presentation of Arie Kaduri Enterprises, Inc. f SI All Natural • No Animal By-products • Available in 4 Sizes (Big, Double Wide, Regular, 1/2 Extrd) Bambú Sales, Inc. • PO Box 691 • Westbury • New York 11590 (516) 333-4080 • Fax (516) 997-29/4 98 January 28 - February 3,1999 Miami New Times M osle M J & i Concerts Thursday, January 28 Bob Dylan, the Brian Setzer Orchestra: See “Music,” page 92. Natalie Cole: The Grammy Award-winning vocalist captivates with her original songs. $34-$49.8:00 tonight and tomorrow^ Broward Center, 201SW 5th Ave, Fort Lauderdale; 954-462-0222. Florida Philharmonic Orchestra: Jean-Claude Casadesus leads the orchestra and guest pianist Nelson Freiré in a performance of Weber’s Oberon Overture, Rachmaninoffs Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, and Saint-Saens’s Symphony no. 3. $17-80. 8:00 p.m. FAU Auditorium,777 W Glades Road, Boca Raton; 305-9301812. Government Mule: The bluesters perform with opening act the Shagadelics. Free. 6:00 p.m. The .. Clevelander, Í020Ocean Dr, Miami Beach; 305-531:3485. IGss Army: Expect make-up, fire, and plenty of blood spitting when this Kiss tribute band takes the stage. Chili Pepper, 200W Broward Blvd, Fort Lauderdale; call 954:5250094 for details. Bob Mintzar: Saxophonist Mintzer joins the University of Miami Concert Jazz band, uhder the direction of Whit Sidener, for flus show benefiting WDNA-FM (88.9). $10.8:00 p.m. University of Miami, Gusman Hall, 1314 Miller Dr, Coral Gables; 305662-8889. Rat Fast: Temple of Bon Matin, Cock ESP, Azalia Snail, Laundry Room Squelchers, Monotract, Exit, and more perform at this two-day fest 9:00 p.m. tonight and tomorrow. Churchill’s Hideaway, 5501 NE 2nd Ave; call 305-757-1807 for details. Vince Maggio and Mark Colby: The pianist and . saxophonist give this workshop and concert Free. 2:00 pm MDCC North Campus, 11380 NW 27th Ave; 305-237-1431. Friday, January 29 Alabama: The million-selling country band keeps your toes tapping. $16 and $26.7:30 p.m. Coral Sky Amphitheatre, 601 Sansbury’s Way, West Palm Beach; 561-793-0445. La Charanga Forever: See “Night & Day.” Natalie Cole: See Thursday. Latin Jazz Festival: See “Night & Day.” Music Bowl Concert Series: Kenny Lattimore and Chico DeBarge, Joe, and Tevin Campbell are the featured acts at tins concert commemorating the Super BowL $60 and $80.8:00 p.m. Sunrise Musical Theatre, 555595th Ave, Sunrise; 954-741-7300. Nik and the Niceguys: The energetic party band performs with opening act DrewT. 6:00 p.m. The Clevelander, 1020 Ocean Dr, Miami Beach; 305-531-3485. Johnny O'Neal: The jazz vocalist and pianist who has toured with Art Blákey, Sarah Vaughan, Carmen McCrae, and others performs in this intimate setting. $6.10:00,11:30 p.m. and 1:00 ami. tonight and tomorrow; 9:00,10:30 p.m., and midnight Sunday through Monday. Van Dyke Café, 846 Lincoln Rd, Miami Beach; 305-534-3600. Rat Fast See Thursday. .' Super Bowl Super Jam: Method Man, Mace, Big Pun,, - Fo?y Brown, Fatjoe, 69 Boys, Jay Z, DMX, . Redman, and more perform. 7:30 p.m. Miami Arena, 721 NW 1st Ave; call 305-5304400 for details. Two-Piano Extravaganza: The Murray Dranoff Foundation presents this concert featuring five sets of duo pianists. $15-$75.6:00 and 8:30 p.m. Lincoln Theatre, 541 Lincoln Rd, Miami Beach; 305-572-9900. Saturday, January 30 Charles Austin: Saxophonist Austin performs a jazzy set Free. 2:00 p.m. South Dade Regional Library, 10750 SW 211th St; 305-375:5180. Menudos el Reencuentro: The young group, abit older now, regroups for this show. $25$37.8:00 p.m. James L Knight Center, 400 SE 2nd Ave; 3053724634.. New World Symphony. At 8:00 thiá evening conductor ! Oliver Knussen leads the orchestra in a new-music concert .featuring works by Knussen, Peter Lieberson, and Julian Anderson; at 7:0p p.m. tomorrow, the orchestra performs a “Musicians’ Forum,” an informal concert Both events are free. Lincoln Theatre, 541 Lincoln Rd, Miami Beach; 305673-3331. Johnny O'Neal: See Friday. Opera Studio U3A Concert: An array of operatic singers performs at this show. $15.860 pm. FRFs University Park Campus, Wertheim Performing Arts Center, SW 8flv§tre*ym(j __ Outkast Tms'cna&toppmgband petforinsrCaftieo Theatre, 1445 Washington Ave, Miami Beach; call 305-5326922 for details. Pointer Sister*: See “Night & Day.” Super Jam: BeenieMan, Third World, Anthony B., Tonto Metro, Devantee, Red Rat and Goofy, Eklips, Honorebel, Mr. Absolute, Marshall Tucker Band, Blue Oyster Cult, Georgia Satellites, Atlanta Rhythm Section, Molly Hatchet Hermanos Rosario, Grupo Niche, Los Adolescentes, Los Silver Star, and more perform at this megafestival. Free. 1160 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. Bayfront Park Amphitheater, 301 Biscayne Blvd; 305-358-7550; Timbacutiri: This Afro-Cuban fusion percussion group performs. 960 p.m. Wallflower Gallery, 10 NE 3rd St call 305-2236813 for details. Sunday, January 31 Barnacle Under Moonlight See “Music,” page 89. Johnny 0'Noal: See Friday. Buster Poindexter: See “Night & Day.” Emily White: Pianist White performs an aS-Chopin program. 4:30 p.m. First United Methodist Church, 400 Biscayne Blvd; call 305-8686624 for details. Monday, February 1 Johnny O'Neal: See Friday.Ij Tuesday, February 2 Pater Nero and Pops at the Philharmonic: Nero leads the orchestra and special guest vocalist Ann Hampton Calloway in a program titled "The Great American Songbook.” $20$70.860 tonight at Broward Center (201 SW 5th Ave, Fort Lauderdale) and 860 p.m. tomorrow at Bailey Hall (3501 SW :■> Davie Rd, Davie); 305630-1812. Songwriters in the Round: Aspiring stars and ■established singer-songwriters Barbara Brousal, Jenifer JacksOn, James Lee Stanley, and David Poe with Sim Cain celebrate the songs of love in-this musical free-for-all. $5.7:30 p.m. Power Studios, 3701 NE 2nd Ave; 305699-7346. Wednesday, February 3 Peter Nero and Pops at the Philharmonic: See Tuesday. Early Warnings Eve 6, Marvelous 3: Hard Rock Cafe, February 4. Eliane Elias: Coral Gables Congregational Church, Coral Gables, February 5. The Glenmont Popes, Jack Black, the Holy Rollin' Hellfires: Churchill’s Hideaway, February 5. Billy Jool: NCRC, Sunrise, February 5. Don Haynie, Sheryl Samuel: Luna Star Cafe, North Miami, February 6. Jazz Under the Stars: Metrozoo, February 6, with Nestor Torres, Chieli Minucci, Alan Harris. IQss Chili Cookoff: C.B. Smith Park, Pembroke Pines, February 6 and 7, with Wynonna, Faith Hill, Tim *; McGraw, Joe Diffie, Terri Clark, Lonestar, TV Herndon, and more. RE0 Speedwagon: Gulfstream Park, Hallandale, February 6. America: Gulfstream Park, Hallandale, February/. Bondar: Groove Jet, Miami Beach, February 11. Pigeon Kay Jazz Fast: Old Seven-Mile Bridge (Mile Marker 45), February 12, with Maynard Ferguson with the Florida International University Jazz Band, Bums and Jacobson, Denis Di Blaisio, Ira Sullivan. 1 Michael Tomlinson: Unity on the Bay, February 12. - Bachman-Tumer Overdrive: Gulfstream Park, Hallandale, February 13. Bob Marley Caribbean Festival: Bayfront Park, February 13, with Ziggy Marley and the Melody Makers, LaurynHill, Erykah Badu, Tito Puente, Jr., and more. Maynard Ferguson: Coral Gables Congregational Church, Coral Gables, February 13. Human Disorder: Chüréhifl’sHideawsíy, February 134£ Enrique Iglesias: James L Knight Center, February Í3 and 14. Love and Jazz: CB Smith Park, Pembroke Pines, February 13'rwith Boney James, Brian Culbertson. Sugar Ray, Everiast Cameo Theatre, Miami Beach, February 13. Fuel, Local H: Chili Pepper, Fort Latiderdale, February 14. Fred Hersch: Van Dyke Café, Miami Beach, February 14 and 15. Rick Springfield: Gulfstream Park, Hallandale, February 14. : , Meredith D'Ambrosio: Van Dyke Café, Miami Beach, February 17. Rod Stewart NCRC, Sunrise, February 18. v Guttormouth, Welt When Fear and Weapons Meet Salvation, Miami Beach, February 1)9. | t|i§ Bush wick Bill No Surrender...No Retreat 19 New tracks featuring the king of the underground rap world. Various Artists Freedom And The Sound Of Zen Electronic 2-Disc Set. MUSIC MOVIES BOOKS SOFTWARE U S. 1 IN THE SHOPS @ SUNSET PLACE | 305-665-4445 The Taliesin Orchestra Maiden Of Mysteries: The Music of Enya Orchestral interpretations of Enya’s greatest hits. - Calton Coffie Scandal Former Grammy winning singer of Inner Cifcle,/ ,. Miami New Times January 28 -February 3,1999 99 SALE ENDS FEBRUARY14TH Ghoul Island ■ by David Borchart Clubs Cié listings are compiled by Larry Boytano. If you wish to bo included, please call 305471-7572, fax 305571-7678, or e-mail larryjMytano@miaminewtimes.com Monday through Friday before 5K)0 p.m. The listings are free. Rock & Roll AJUSoxx, 14075 W Dixie Hwy, North Miami, 305-891-9019. Thun Ladies’ night with Vendetta. Fri and Sat Live music. Mon: Pool tournament Tue: Pool league. Wed: Karaoke with Phil, dart league. Blue Royal Lounge, 13750 W Dixie Hwy, North Miami, 3058938054. Sat Karaoke. Wed: Dart league., The Booth Bar & Grill, 4591NW 36th St Miami Springs, 305-885-3221. Fri: Carlos and Terry. Sat Ladies’ night Brandt's Break, 619 Washington Ave, Miami Beach, 3055324255. Wed: Open-mike night Button South, 100 Ansin Blvd, Hallandale, 954454-3301. Fri: Caribbean night, after-hours electrónica party (4:00 to 9:00 am). Sat DJ, after-hours electrónica party (4:00 to 9:00 a.m.). Chili Pepper, 3339 Virginia St (Streets of Mayfair), Coconut Grove, 305442-2228. Thun Ladies’ night Fri: Swinging happy hour, DJ. Sat DJ. Sun: In the Biz Wed: live music. Chili Pepper, 200 W Broward Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, 9545250094. Thun Kiss Army, DJ. Fri: Live music. Sat Blown Up, live music with Swinging Notice, Strangest Angels. Sun: Big Ass Sunday with Rano Bob and Stanley “Dead End” Street, Jump ’n’ Jive. Wed: Ladies’night, guest DJs. Churchill's Hideaway, 5501NE 2nd Ave, 305757-1807. Thun Rat Fest with Laundry Room Squelchers, Temple of Bon Matin, Azalia Snail, the Guitar Thieves, Cock ESP. Fri: Rat Fest with Temple of Bon Matin, Exit, Monotract, Laundry Room Squelchers, Cock ESP. Sat Humbert, the ButterClub, Egg. Sun: Super Bowl party with Plutonium Re. Mon: Hellion. Tue: Utopia Drive. Wed: Sweet Nut, Capsella, Human Buffet Fat Kats, 8505 Mills Dr (Town & Country Center), 3052748090. Thun Super Bowl happy hour, strategy night Fri: Super Bowl happy hour, DJ. Sat Bud Bowl party, Martini night Sun: Super Bowl party. Tue: Ladies’ night pool tournament Wed: Pool league. Th&Srind, 12573 Biscayne Blvd, North Miami, 305899-9979. Thun College night with Audrey Rose, and more. Fri: Live music. Sat B.O.B the Robert Lonesome’s Children Review. Sun: Songwriters’ night with Rich Freeth, and more. Mon: Ladies’ night with hosts Christine Baltazar, Jeff Maldonado, Zak, Spirit Pool. Tue:-Open-mike night with Nicholas the Storyteller, drum circle. Wed: The Richard Shepard Band. Hard Rock Cafe, 401 Biscayne Blvd, 305377-3110. Fri: Louis Oliver’s House Party. Hooligan’s Pub & Cabaret 13135 SW 89th R, 305252-9155. Sat Road Kill. Hooligan's Pub & Oyster Bar, 9555 S Dixie Hwy, 305-667-9673. Thun Karaoke. Fri: Brooks Reid and the Back Beats. Sat Big band swing night Sun: Flip night with DJ. Tue: Rehab night Wed: Ladies’ night with DJ @pany. Howl at the Moon Saloon, 3015 Grand Ave (CocoWalk), Coconut Grove, 3054428300. Thur through Sun, Tue, Wed: Dueling pianos sing-along. Hungry Sailor, 3426 Main Hwy, Coconut Grove, 3054449359. Thun Ruffhouse. Fri: Inner Sense. Sat Live music. Sun: Dancehall reggae night Mon: Subculture with Whirlaway, DJ. Tue: Live music. Wed: Ska night Kelly's Pub, 1850 Harrison St Hollywood, 954929-7940. Fri: Hollywood Jazz Quintet (4:00 to 7:00 p.m.). Sat Live music. Lost Weekend, 218 Española Way, Miami Beach, 3058721707. Tue: Pool tournament Wed: Ladies’ night Murphy's Law Irish Pub, 2977 McFarlane Rd, Coconut Grove, 3054459956. Thun Live music. Fri and Sat Irish Times. Tue: Jade and In the Biz night Wed: Beer bash. Sandbox, 1832 S Young Circle, Hollywood, 9549255775. Thun Open jam. Fri and Sat Live music. Scully's Tavern, 9809 Sunset Dr, 305271-7404. Fri: Cross Creek. Sat Master Peace. Wed: Karaoke. Shuckers, 1819 79th St Cswy, North Bay Village, 3058651570. Fri: Pre-Super Bowl party with the Dave Camp Blues Band, Manchild, Raw B. Jae and the Liquid Funk. South Fork Grill and Bar, 3301 Rickenbacker Cswy, 3053659391. Fri and Sun: Bolivar. Sat Latin dance night, Bolivar. Taurus, 3540 Main Hwy, Coconut Grove, 3054480633. Thun Carlos and Terry. Fri and Sat Live music. Sim: Band audition night Tue: Joe Donato. Wed: Thomas and Thompson. Tom's MR Chib, 5001 NW 36th St Miami Springs, 3058848344. Tue: Open-mike night with host Dave Reuter. Wed: Karaoke. World Resources, 719 Lincoln Rd, Miami Beach, 3055358987. Thun Open-mike with host AJ and the Stick People. Fri: Live music. Sat Spam All-Stars. Wed: Open-mike with host AJ and die Stick People. Zeke's Road House, 625 Lincoln Rd, Miami Beach, 3055320087. Wed: South Park party. Jazz & Blues Backroom, 909 W Atlantic Ave, Delray Beach, 561-2459110. Fri: Eddie Kirkland. Sat Leon Russel. Sun: DJ Bucky. Tue: Open-mike night Wed: All That Big Fish Mayaimi, 55 SW Miami Ave Rd, 3053751770. Sun: Angela Patua and her Brazilian World Beat Band. Cafe Royal, 5800 Blue Lagoon Dr (Hotel Sofitel), 3052644888. Thun Blue Lagoon night with Orson Whitfield. Fri and Sat, Tue and Wed: Orson Whitfield, Broadway musical tribute night (Wed), Café Tu Tu Tango, 3015 Grand Ave (CocoWalk), Coconut Grove, 3055292222. Thur through Sun: Surprise live entertainment Wed: Martini night with live music. Caroline's, 214 Española Way, Miami Beach, 305-604-0008. Thur through Sun: Joe Alexander. City Streets, 9020 SR 84, Davie, 954452-0601. Thur through Sat Tue and Wed: Spanky’s Gang, ladies’ night (Tue through Wed). Sun: Live big band. Chib 737 at Thunder on the Beach, 737 Washington Ave, Miami Beach, 3055344469. Thun Lyrical Lounge jazz and poetry night Tue and Wed: Live music - (R&B). Coffee Beanery, 16950 Collins Ave, Sunny Isles Beach, 3059457229. Sat and Sun, Wed: Open-mike night with Nicholas the Storyteller. College Park Inn, 10575 SW 109th Ct 3055956538. Sat Larry Pamillio (8:30 to 11:30 p.m.) Condal and Peña Mil, 741 Lincoln Rd, Miami Beach, 3056049690. Fri and Sun: Dayami and Her Bongo Blue Band. Les Deux Fontaines, 1230 Ocean Dr, Miami Beach, 3056722579. Thur through Sun, Wed: Bob Parent Trió (Dixieland, swing, jazz). Doc Dammers, 180 Aragon Ave, Coral Gables, 305441-2600. Fri: John Bauer. Sat Doc Dammers’| Jazz Band. Wed: Live music. East Coast Fisheries, 360 W Flagler St 305372-1300. Fri: Mo Morgen Trio., Sat The Jackson Bunn Jazz Trio. Sun: Jazz brunch with the Mo Morgen Trio. Exibit, 929 Washington Ave, Miami Beach, 305531-1211. Tue: Mo Morgen Jazz Quartet FallabellaBar, 1650 James Ave (Albion Hotel), 3059151000. Thur Maryel Epps. Firehouse Four, 1000 S Miami Ave, 305371-3473. Thur Old Havana night (6:00 to 10:00 p.m) with live music. Tue: Brazilian jazz night with the Brazilian Rainforest Band (6:00 to 10:00 p.m). Wed: Grand Wednesday ladies’ night A Fish Called Avalon, 700 Ocean Dr, Miami Beach, 305532-1727. Thur and Fri, Tue and Wed: Rogelio. Sat Omar Mesa and Deborah Coren. Sun and Mon: Its! Pm Skip, New lints lest If Mini. 1993, »i«iaM»i«3!SiS8r-»íTr-|ÍIIMHB menean •SELL-PAWN ANY ITEMS OF VALUE! JEWELRY SOLD BELOW WHOLESALE! 10 G0NS, PROFESSIONAL, GRNFIDENT1AL | LICENSER AND INSHRED. ESI. 1000. ^ 769-1501 the original ‘Pawnography ” shop 13008 NW 7TH AVENOE NORTH MIAMI lljj^ January 28 - February 3,199ft Miami New Times LETS RIDE... Safety in Knowledge Learn to Ride only $195 Motorcycles Furnished ■ Graduation qualifies you tor Florida Motorcycle Endorsement Private Lessons Available Located at Hollywood Greyhound Track in Hallandale On line registration MTtf.com MTU is Sanctioned by the Florida Rider Training Program Credit Cards Accepted Toll Free 1-877-30-TRAIN • Fax 305-688-7390 (1-877-308-7246) Mystical Aamulet Network Ah Occult Emporhmt Serving the Wíccah, Pagan Sr Mehpkt|$ical Community Psychic Consultations featuring Cheryl Richardson “Best Psychic - New Times 1992 & 1996” Drop by for our FREE newsletter Leam Tarot, Meditation, Self-Empowerment & more Candles & Herbs Crystals & Jewelry Gifts Books Oils Incense Ritual Tools 7360 S.W. 24th St., #17A Miami, FL 33155 (305) 265-2228 * AIR CONDITIONING • Radiator • Heating Installation of any Rebuilt A/C Compressor & Dryer in any car only 299 15570 W. Dixie Hwy, NMB 305-947-3501 *Exp. 2/20/99 ■■■I IIHEiH SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Smoking By Pregnant Women May Result in Fetal Injury, Premature Birth, And Low Birth Weight. CAMEL LIGHTS \ 11 mg. "tar", 0.9 mg. nicotine av. per cigarette by FTC method. 'cause it's gonna be good1 Liquid Zanzibar Score Miami New Times January 28 - February 3,1999 101 Frankié Carmelitano: Flagler Station, 18 S Brome Aye, Homestead, 305-242-0712. Thur through Sat Live music Wed: Ladies’ night with Louie Archambeaux. La Fontaine, 3390 Mary Street Coconut Grove, - 305-447-0553. Thur: Live mi^sic (jazz and swing). Eli - and Sat Tropical Sound (7:00 to midnight), live jazz. Sun: Jazz brunch with Peter Betan (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.), Alexander Agualera (flamenco 7:00 to 11:00 p.m). Mon: Alexander Agualera (flamenco 7:00 to il:00 p.m). Tue: Live music (Brazilian guitar). Wed: Shirley (harp)- The Globe, 377 Alhambra Cir, Coral Gables,. 305-445-3555. Fri: Renaissance (Euro house). Sat Live jazz. Hamilton, 400 SE 2nd Ave (Hyatt Regency), 305-381-6160. Thur through Sat Solaris, Joe Petrone (lounge):Tue: Houston (lounge).: Jazid, 1342Washington Ave, Miami Beach, 305673-9372. Thun Caesars’Jade. Fit Bobby Pruitt and High Voltage. Sat Sheba and the Rhythm Kings. Sun: Lisa Richards. Mon: The Leo Casino Band. Tue: The Billy Marcus and Wendy Peterson. Wed: Caesars?Jade>. . Jumpin' Java: 60 Merrick Way, Coral Gables, - 305461-5867. Fri: Brian Russel and Band (7:00 pm). .Sat Rey Thome, Carlos Alvarez. Mon: Open-mike C~ night (7:00 p.m.) with host Omar. Mangos, 904 É Las OlasBhrd, Fort Lauderdale, 954-523-5001. Thur Hot Brass Monkey. Fri and Sat Gary King.. Sun and Mon: George Tandy, Valerie" Tyson. The and Wed: Live music My Pleasure Lounge, 2736 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, 954-922-1427. Thur Live music Fri and Sat The Mad Dog Blues Band. National Hotel, 1667 Collins Ave, Miami Beach, 305532-2311. Fri: Happy hour. Sat George Tandy. Now Art Cafe, 1820S Young Cir, Hollywood, 964-9220506. Thur through Sun, Wed: Michael Bianco," open-mike night (Wed). Official All Star Café, 960 Ocean Dr, Miami Beach, 305604-1999. Thun Ladies’ night Fit The Mixer ‘ (salsa, merengue, reggae). Sat Pie-Dawn Saturday Night Fever with DJ Tom Laroc. O'Hara's Jazz Café & Swing Street Bistro, 1903 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, 954-9252555. Thur Jump’n’Jive. Fri: Gaiy King and the Dream. Sat Hot BrassMonkey. Sun: Swing Street Five featuring Billy' ’ Marcus and Eric Allison (2:30 to 6:30 p.m.), after-dark party with Dr. Lonnie Smith, Danny Burger, Bflfy Ross, Juanita Dixon. Mon: Blue Fire featuring Randi the Fiddler. Tue: Ruby Tuesday with the Ruby Baker . Band. Wed: Hoit Brass Monkey. O’Hara’s Pub & Jazz Calé, 722 E Las Olas Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, 954-524-1764. Thur: Blue Fue featuring Randi the Fiddler. Fri and Sat Dr. Lonnie Smith, I Danny Burger, Turk Mauro (Fri), Billy Ross (Sat) ¿ Juanita Dixon. Sun: Noel Freidline Quartet featuring Rene Dickerson (2:00 to 6.30 p.m.), after-dark party with the Billy Marcus Quartet featuring Eric Allison. Mon: Live music Tue: Jump ’n’ Jive. Wéu: Dr? |■ Lonnie Smith, Danny Burger, Valerie Tyson, Johnny I Hodge. Pelican Nest, 10442JSW 186th St Cutler Ridge, 3052549108. Thur Open-mike night with host David : [Leicht Fri: Blues Caster. Sat Karaoke. Wed: Bob / [McCall. Perricone’s Marketplace and Café, 15 SE 10th St [•305374-9449. Thun Live music. Fri and Sat Victor Espinóla. Sum Victor Espinóla, Toby González (brunch). Tue: Victor Espinóla, Juan Areco. Wed: Tony Hayes. Power Studios, 3701NE 2nd Ave, 3055758042. Sat Me and the Blue Dog. Riviera Brasserie, 901S Miami Ave, 3053798988. Fri: Mantra (6:00 to 8;00 p.m.). Tue: Songwriters in the Round. StudioAIA, 192001 CollinsAve, Sunny Isles Beach, 1.305-682-1700. Thur through Wed: Karaoke with host | Ronnie Tobacco Road, 626 S Miami Ave, 305374-1198. Thun Amanda Green, the Matthew Sabatella Band. Fri and | Sat: Roy Roberts, Peralta (Fri), Fleet Starbuck (Sat). : [.Sun: Open Road open-mike night with hostKayce Armstrong. Mon: Iko-Iko. Tue: Live music Wed: Jazz night Van Dyke Café, 846 Lincojn Rd, Miami Beach, \ 305534-3600. Thur Hard Bop Special featuring Pete ' Minger, Dave HUbbard, Jesse JoneS, Jr., the Don | • WdnecTrio. fri through Mon: Johnny. O’Neal. Tue;. Eddie Higgins, Don Wilner. Wed: Guy Fasdani, Don Wilner. Warehouse Cafe, 7181SW 117th Ave, 3052730870.. “ •Thiin Chess night Fit Cosmic Force: Sat Julio. Tue: Poetry night Wed: Open-mike night with hosts Fernando, Tracy. Zapple's Bar and Tackle, 99246 Overseas Hwy (mile marker 99), Key Lajrgo, 3054519531. Fit (Rising Star.,Sat: Eddie Kirkland. Sun: Pool night Zhivago's, 17001 Collins Ave, Sunny Isles Beach, January 28 - February 3,1999 Miami New Times, . v - ■ V. V Y V- Vt u’t r'.*Y»Y)Y; • . " , . , •• ,W . Cufien, BU Parity JILLIAN’S BILLIARD CLUB SUNDAY, JANUARY 31,1999 * @ 4:00 p.m. Watch it live on 10 TV’s and 3 big screen TV’s located ail throughout the club. Jillian’s offers: Full Liquor Bar and Sports Cafe 26 Brunswick Tournament Pool Tables Electronic Simulation Gáme Room A unique open layout occupying 10,000 square feet BUOY $1.50 MILLER LITE 0 ICEHOUSE HOOTS / FOOD AND DMIIK SPECIALS V Wednesday Jan. 27th, 1999 Party with the Players • 9:00pm to 11 :OOpm Meet Rod Woodson, D.J. Johnson, Bennie Blades, Alfredo Roberts There will be an autograph session with the players & giveaways Pool Tournament $ 150 Registration Includes entry in the celebrity pool tournament Food & Drinks in designated VIP section, Polo Shirt and Autographed Cue Ball ^ Saturday Jan. 30th, 1999 6pm Meet NFL players as they compete against each other to raise money for the Leukemia Foundation. * Following the tournament there will be a memorabilia auction for charity. DON’T MISS THESE GREAT EVENTS! 12070 N. KENDALL DR. MIAMI, FL • (305)-595-0070 SUPER SUNDAY C75 Drinks - 1/2 Price Pool NOW WE HAVE NINTENDO & PLAYSTATION GAMES IN STOCK. STILL GREAT LOW PRICES. WAREHOUSE CORAL GABLES '""1990.$. Dixie HWy. I (Comer of 57thAve &US1) Coral Gables • 305662-7100 ' RaX305462-5673 : NORTH MIAMI 13150 Biscayne Blvd. N. Miami • 305992-1048 f Far305-892-1049 The 1800 Club ESTABLISHED 1955 “mwini’s emiciHDL Miicmr Back by W popular demand T f S4)TU4^D41V ^ N I <¡ 41T karaoke! 10pm -2am SO MUCH FUN ITS PRACTICALLY EVIL South Beach is predictable, same people, same music, same attitude. Experience the real Miami, and remember,- truth Is often stranger than fiction. NY Strip & Skirt Steaks ¿5.95?*- WffiilKiiniíi®!?! Your one-stop SHOP FOR THE TAILGATE PARTY* 25,000 Videos Magazines Lubes Toys for Boys Fantasy Wear Fetish Art Bondage Harness Lingerie easure porium ■ 1019 5th Street, South Beach (Between Michigan and Lenox) 305-673-3311 Pleasure Emporium II Airport -1400 Nw Lejeune Ave. (42nd Avenue at SR 836) 305-871-7900 Pleasure Emporium SOBÉ 1671A Alton Road, South Beach 305-538-6434 SOUTH FLORIDA’S ONLY ADULT MEGA STORE WEDNESDAYS WS&. MSP G$, GET IN FREE & DRINK FREE ALL NIGHT! Overwhelming the entire top floor of the Northport Marketplace, directly adjacent to the Convention Center 1850 SE 17th St. Causeway • Ft. Lauderdale [9541467.7625 spamimmm KCOSUK ’INDIAN/ JAMINI 12 ROUNDS NABF Interim SUPER FEATHERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP BOUT From Havana, Cuba, #4IBF, 13-Q/9 Ko’s 1992 Olympic Gold Medalist Joel CASAMAYOR Jose Luis NOYOLA From Zapoan, Mexico, Former NABF Champion, 22-1-1711 Ko’s 10 ROUNDS Jr. WELTERWEIGHT BOUT hector CAMACHO Jr. From Bayamon, Puerto Rico. #23 WBC, 11-0/9 Ko’s From Ameca, Mexico, 11-4/2 Ko’s juan TORRES 8 ROUNDS HEAVYWEIGHT BOUT ■ [ peter McNEELEY ^ From Medfieid, Massachusetts, 45-3/34 Ko’s MICCOSUKEE INDIAN GAMING and AMERICAPRESENTS Krome Ave. & &W. 8th Street All bouts ere >sut)|ect’tD.chai lúe) ¿i- ■Mf ViriyijTe 1 iTil J TeJ = “In a world positively teeming with aggressive, altitudinal pop, it’s hard to find a bonafide class act like BIG BIO VOODOO DADDY.” you t me & the bottle tonight (baby) 12 DELUXE RECORDINGS incut Jing ike kili “mr. pinstripe suit” “go daddy-o” am mi mnen i« iui KKMti, limit miuiu i s»m inns CiilnjKt borituta «data few* U Manon Xaaatfc tt ti0ti laonai I Look for Big Bad Voodoo Daddy in the Superbowl Halftime Show! Album on Sale Now at all m MUSIC WHERE Mill IN 104 ' January 28-February 3,1999 Rftahil New Timé* RAW B. JAE and the Liquid Funk MANCHILD THE DAVE CAMP BLUES BAND 1819 79TH ST CAUSEWAY MIAMI'S BEST WATERFRONT PLAYGROUND' 305-866-1570 The Back Alley Is Back! Jorge Hernandez and the Back Alley Band Fridays Live Salsa, Saturdays Live Latin Jazz Showtimes 10:30 305-445-5858 394 Giralda, Coral Gables SWEETMIT • CAPSELLA PLUTONIUM Pit TEMPLE OF BON MARTIN iphid LAUNDRY ROOM SQUELCHERS AZAILIA SNAIL (NYC) GUITAR THEIVES & COCK ES.P 1771 TEMPLE OF BON MARTIN (phil) EXIT (kco * MONOTRACT LAUNDRY ROOM SQUELCHERS KET1 HIALEAH SUPERBOWL SPECIAL HUMBERT Butterclub Play with EGG SUPERBOWL 15 PARTY FOOT SCREEN THEN PLUTONIUM PIE |Mon| Hellion VH Bleech ES3 SWEETNUT • CAPSELLA HUMAN BUFFET liTfflTTTimEl The Glenmont Ropes Jack Black • Billy Velvet & The Holy Rollin’ Helfires i Ct(urci|iU’a 5501NE 2nd Ave Miami • 757-1807 SAT JAN 30 K.0.10AM COVENTRY V. LIVERPOOL THEN NOON TBA SUN JAN 31 K.O.11AM ARSENAL V. CHELSEA MON FEB 1 K.0.3PM TBA WED FEB 10 ICO. 3PM - ENGLAND V. FRANCE Saturday febru*ry J3 Doors «pen *T 7fn CAMEO theater mratttttaRterart m&* 5K5S541K3 33e3 i5SU9$8 »09 meats- specs um t RlBUX atPtfr MtSXHS 3059450711. ThdrithroughSun, Wed: Radda, Kalinká, Nikolai Volshaninov (Russian Gypsy music), house band (Fri and Sat). Country Coop's, 9588 Griffin Rd, Cooper City, 954-680-8445. Fri: The Old Country Band. Wed: June Rose. Desperado, 2520 S Miami Rd, Fort Lauderdale, 954-463-2855: Thun Two-step Thursday. Fri through Sun, Wed: Live music with Brian Eckert and Wild Oats, Kiss broadcast (Fri), bull-riding contest (Sat), young country night (Sun), ladies’ night (Wed). Latin Café Cuba Ubre, 2516 SW 8th St, 305642-3323. Fri and Sat Pilar. Café Nostalga, 2212 SW 8th St, 305541-2631. Thur through Sun: Grupo Nostalgia with vintage Cuban music film clips. Café Salsa, 524 Ocean Dr, Miami Beach, 305604-5959. Fri and Sat Live music with Pina Colada. Casa Cañi, 925 SW 87th Ave, 305262-9434: Fri and Sat Salsa Gitana, Lola Fuentes. Sun: Renee Barrios. Casa Panza, 1620 SW 8th St, 305643-5343. Thur and Tue: Flamenco show featuring Paco Fonta. Fri through Sun: Leonardo Navarro. Club Mystique, 5101 Blue Lagoon Dr (Miami Airport Hilton), 3052653900. Thur Free salsa lessons with DJ. Fri and Sat Live music, DJ. Club Tropigala, 4441 Collins Ave (Fontainebleaü Hilton), Miami Beach, 305672-7469. Fri: Miami 2000 live show. Sat Willy Chirino. Wed: Miami 2000 live show. Costa Vasca, 5779 SW 8th St, 305261-2394. Fri through Sun: Flamenco show with Juan de Alba. La Covacha, 10730 NW 25th St 305594-3717. Thur. Executive Thursday with retro salsa and disco. Fri: International night with live music. Sat Noche Tropical. Sun: Latin rock night with live music. Gaucho's Calé, 2901 SW 8th St 305649-9494. Fri and Sat Sergio Torres, Ruben, Lito, Osvaldo (tango). Giacosa, 394 Giralda Ave, Coral Gables, 3054455858. FH and Sat: Jorge Hernandez and the Back Alley Band (salsa [Fri], jazz [Sat]). Giorgio's Grill, 606 N Ocean Dr, Hollywood, 954-929-7030. Thur Retro Top 40. Fri: Retro Top 40 (8:00 to midnight), Greek night (midnight to 4:00 a.m.). Sat Hot Lips (disco). Wed: Flamenco night Linda B's Steak House, 320 Crandon Blvd, Key Biscayne, 305361-1111. Sun through Wed: Roberto. Mango'S Tropical Cafe, 900 Ocean Dr, Miami Beach, 305673-4422. Thur: Erika, Max Montana. Fri: Eco, Max Montana. Sat: Innocence, Eco, Max Montana. Sun: Innocence, Eco, Latin Connection. Mon: Emi and Miguel, Eco. Tue: Emi and Miguel, Erika. Wed: Ocean Sound, Latin Connection. Miami's Concorde, 2301 SW 32nd Ave, 3054416974 Thur through Sun, Tue and Wed: After-hours party. Fri through Sun: Live music with Marfil, DJ Chichi. 94th Aero Squadron, 1395 NW 57th Ave, 3052614220. Thur through Sat, Tue and Wed: Happy Landings Lounge: José Juan Rodriguez. Penthouse Cafe, 2100 W 76th St, Hialeah, 305362-2100. Fri: Mariloly. Los Ranchos, 2728 Ponce de Leon Blvd, Coral Gables, 3054450050. Thur through Sat Live music. Sun: Alesandro Aguilera (flamenco). Spirals Cafe, 1361 Coral Way, 305-854-8619. Fri: Lazaro Horta, Pedro Alfonzo. Sat The Mirtha Medina Show. Sun: Guest entertainers. Studio 23,247 23rd St Miami Beach, 3055351196. Thur: DJ (salsa, cumbia, merengue). Fri and Sat: Grupo Rivas. La Taberna, 3850 SW 8th St 3054459323. Monr through Fri: Piano bar. Thur through Sat Lizbeth Marquez and Carlos Madrid. Timba, 2898 Biscayne Blvd, 3054350500. Fri and Sat Live music with La Charanga Forever. Trianon, 6890 W Flagler St 3052636363. Fri through Sun: EL Rincón del Feeling with Luis Garcia. Victor’s Cafe, 2340 SW 32nd Ave, 3054451313. Thur through Sun, Wed: Piano bar. Fri and Sat DJ (salsa, merengue). Wajiro's, 12670 SW 8th St 305227-9604. Fri through Sun: Piano bar with Elida. Zaragozana, 8488 SW 8th St, 305267-8411. Fri through Sun: Hector; Christian, José. Dance Music & DJs Alcazaba, 50 Alhambra Plaza (Hyatt Regency), Coral ! ' ■ ¡¡¡¡¡I ~ Star - Studded SuperBowl Week { :f¡g|§s’ Beach, 3055322340. Thun Wer fashion night with guest host Fri and Sat DJ. The: Varus with host Claudia La Bianca. Lua, 409 Española Way, Miami Beach, 3055340061. Fri and Sat DJs. Sun: Hercules with DJs Geoff Heath,. Radamas; Mon: House Head with DJs Eddie X., Sean R., and more. Wed: Milk with DJ Radamas (retro hip- hop)/ . Lucky 13,1801 Collins Ave (Shelborne Hotel), Miami Beach, 3055351007. Thun Chemistty with DJs Eddie X, HI Al, Beñ Hop. Fri: Mark Leventiial, Conrad, Joe Yarbrough, Bill Spector present Acme vnth hosts linda, Jona, DJ Sugar. Sat Shag with hosts Navin, Cedric, DJ. Wed: All Beautiful with DJ, live music. Mad Jack's Bar & Grfll, 6685 Eagle Nest Ln, Miami Lakes, 305557-1380. Fri: DJ Charlie Dee, George Milan. Sat DJ. Marlin Bar, 1200 Collins Ave, Miami Beach, 3056045000. Thun Ulypian Thursday with DJs Snowhite, Hamet Fri: Host Louis Oliver, DJHamet Sat Old-School Funk night with DJ Ian, live music with Continental Sun: Live music with Lunazul. Mon: Ambient Grooves with DJ Jan. Wed: Old-School Reggae night with DJlance f). Mission, 637 Washington Ave, Miami Beach, 3056345420. Thun Beat Camp. Fri: Community with ; guest DJs. Sat Revival with guest DJs. Mon: DJs, live music with Colonel's Lounge. The Mix, 1417 Washington Ave, Miami Beach, 305-5344717. Thun Fri and Sat After-hours party with DJ David PadHa. Monaco, 1850 NW Le Jeune Rd (Howard Johnson), 3058714350. Sat Monaco with DJ (salsa, merengue, disco, swing) Monty's Raw Bar, 300Alton Rd, Miami Beach, ; ■ 3056721148. Mon through Thun Gary Bridges (steel drums). Fri tiirough Sun: Pool party with HVe music by Island Jam, DJs Ixo Armando (Fri), José (disco, house, salsa, merengue), limbo and fire-eating show by Bimini Kim. Night Flight, 643 Washington Ave, Miami Beach, 3055386230. Fri and Sat Host Maria, DJs. SJJOOT POOL T41JWW t>ms puw (,f\m mm mb LOST WEEKEND 218 ESPAÑOLA WAY • SOUTH BEACH (305)672-1707 Check out who's looking for employees in this week’s NewTtmes classifieds. fpr information catt Ijjgcgl HIH7B f=UBU Numark' HHHHÜ m« fifth ü«Mnt of hip hop Old Cutler Oyster Co., 18415Smrie Hwy, 305-238-2051. ■! Thur: Pro-Sihg'karaolcc~compétñion. Fri and Sat Live music, DJ. Sun: Free line-dance lessons, DJ Boogie- Man George (country). Tue: Pool tournament, karaoke. Wed: Country night with live music, DJ. O’Zone, 6620 Red Rd, South Miami, 305-667-2888. Thur: Latin night with DJ, live performance. Fri: Fiesta Friday with DJ (Latin). Sat DJ. Sun: Salsa Sunday with DJ. Penrod's, One Ocean Dr, Miami Beach, 305-538-1111. Sat Brazilian night Mon: Bee Hive Monday. Pump, 841 Washington Ave, Miami Beach, 305-538-7867. All parties are after-hours. Fri: DJ Kio Kio. Sat DJ Eddie X. Red Square, 411 Washington Ave, Miami Beach, 305-672-0200. Thur: From Russia with Love with DJ Joey. Fri and Sat DJ. Mon: Revolution with host Elaine Lancaster, DJ Jody McDonald. Tue: Shake ’Em Up martini and caviar night Wed: Russian Dressing with live music. Salvation, 1771 West Ave, Miami Beach, 305-673-6508. Sat DJ-Abel, performers RKM, Fantasy birthday party. Score, 727 Lincoln Rd, Miami Beach, 305-535-1111. Thur: Scorecard Mania with DJ Monty Q. Fri: Boys Night Out with DJ Claudio Marcant Sat Anything Goes Saturday with DJ Freddy Arends. Sun: Tea dancé with DJ Monty Q (5:00 to 9:00 p.m.), After Tea with DJ Lazaro Leon. Mon: Weekend Unwind with DJ Claudio Marcant Tue: Fiesta Latina with DJ Robert Rodriguez, salsa contest Wed: Dance night with DJ Maftone Laurence, give-aways. Shadow Lounge, 1532 Washington Ave, Miami Beach, 305-531-9411. Thur: Super Bowl party with host Louis Oliver, DJ George Acosta. Fri: Celebrity Super Bowl party with hosts Channel magazine, World Wide Entertainment, DJ George Acosta. Sat DJ George Acosta. Sun: Super Bowl party with hosts Puff Daddy, Bad Boy Entertainment. Wed: Fashion Times anniversary party, Luis Diaz. Splash, 5922 S Dixie Hwy, South Miami, 305-662-8779. Thur: Members’ night with DJ Abel. Fri: Bliss. Sat: Las Divas Latinas, salsa contest, DJ Claudio Marchant. Wed: Latin night with hostess , Julie Mastrosimoni, DJ Jorge. Starfish, Í427 West Ave, Miami Beach, 305-673-1717. Fri: Strictly Salsa with DJ Rey. Sundays on the Bay, 5420 Crandon Blvd, Key Biscayne, 305-361-6777. Sat: Live music with Pluto (afternoon), Mix-It-Up with DJs José, Fausto (salsa, reggae). Sun: Reggae party with Pluto. Twist, 1057 Washington Ave, Miami Beach, 305-538-9478. Thur: DJ Flavor. Fri: DJ Robbie Leslie. SatDJ Mika. Sun: DJ Claudio. Mon: DJ Lee. Tue: DJ Bugie. Wed: Guest DJ. Warsaw Ballroom, 1450 Collins Ave, Miami Beach, 305-5314555. Fri: London Ballroom (synthpop, darkwave) with DJs Richard Quinn, Tommy. Sat Hip-hop night Wed: Amateur strip contest with hosts Kitty Meow, Elaine Lancaster, Paloma, DJ David Padilla, Lollipop Lounge party with DJ. West End, 942 Lincoln Rd, Miami Beach, 305-538-9378. Fri and Sat Hot and Sassy with DJ Rique. World Mardi Gras: 1850 SE 17th St Cswy, Fort Lauderdale, 954-467-7606. Open nightly, five different venues with various themes. Thur: Throw Down Thursday. Fri: Happy hour with host Planet Radio. Sun: In the Biz night. Zanzibar, 615 Washington Ave, Miami Beach, 305-538-6688. Thur: The Bridge (jungle, drum, and bass) with host OHM 94.3, DJs Randolph, B-Boy Roy, Hi-Fidelity, and more. Fri: Latin rock with DJs Gus, Jorge. Sat: The Gate is Back with DJs Craze, Khaled. Tue: Faat Land with hosts Spam All-Stars, DJ Snowhite, spoken word. Wed: Wow Entertainment presents Total Experience with DJs Stratus (trance and techno), David Alexander (deep house). Zen 1203 Washington Áve, Miami Beach, 305-673-2817. Fri: Freaky Friday ladies’ night, DJ Epps. Sat: NFA with DJ Tom Laroc. Wed: The Spot with Foxy Brown CD-release party. Folk & Ethnic Backstage, 12201NW 7th Ave, North Miami, 305-688-5106. Thun Jomo (Caribbean). Fri and Sat Live music. Wed: Open-mike night JohnMarÜn's, 253 Miracle Mile, Coral Gables, 305445-3777. Fri: Miguel Cruz. Sat Avalon. Sun: James Kelly and the Liffey Folk. Luna Star Gafé, 775 NE 125th St, North Miami, 305-892-8522. Thun Sheik Al. Fri: Open-mike night with Nicholas the Storyteller. Sat Steve Gillette and Cindy Mangsen. Tue: Open-mike night Wed: Women Unplugged night Main Street Café, 128 N Krome Ave, Homestead, 305-245-7575. Fri: Open-mike night Sat The Pathfinders, best of open-mike night performers. ANIMAL ATTRACTION Present This Coupon For One > FREE Hurricane Reef Offer valid during Happy Hour, Monday thru Thursday 4pm - 8pm Friday Noon to 8pm/1 per person per visit íÉÍÜÜ Florida’s Premier Adult Entertainment Club COME WATCH THE SUPER BOWL HERE THIS WEEKEND! BEAUTIFUL WOMEN • FULL LIQUOR GREAT FOOD • PREMIUM CIGARS BUSINESS HOURS Mon. - Thwrs. 4pm - 5am Fri. Noon - 5am Sat. 8pm - 5am Sun. 8pm - 4am HAPPY HOUR Mon. - Thurs. 4pm - 8pm Fri. Noon - 8pm Present this ad for FREE admission 3875 Shipping Avenue, Coral Gables, Florida 33146 Telephone: 446-8346 Located One Block South of Bird Road (sw 40th St.) Between 38th & 39th Ave. *vv YomL$&y Valentine Headquarters • Sexy Dresses •Club Wear • Lingerie • Adult Toys . • Boots & Shoes ADULT VIDEO SPECIAL 1+1=3 Bity 2 Videos, Get 3rd Free All Videos - Equal or Lesser Value • Not Valid w/any other offer. Ends 2/28/99 OPEN 10AM-11PM HALLANDALE SUNRISE Just South of HaDaniwe T>®rBkk&cs. ¡Amateur Contest Every\ [ Sunday $1000 PRIZE J Í Armwrestling Night A Every Monday at 9:00pm V $450 CASH PRIZES J • South Florida’s Hottest Friction Dancing jl' • Free Gourmet Lunch Buffet 4/ Fvrc nworcTiyifw . 2 Full Liquor Bars Ml CHRISTIAN January 26-31 1999 7565 W. 20th Ave. • Hialeah • 305-558-2221 Olf tile Palmetto at 122nd/138th • Visit us on the Web at: «ma.treasureislauddaneeis.eenl I tetó®»® ¡II STREET AT THE BEACH • ON THE NORTH END M JUST MINUTES FROM SOUTH BEACH (305)948-3087 Mianti New Times January 28 - fcbruary 3,19991 113 NOTICE: TOROMANCE ADVERTISERS New Times does not screen or investigate individuals who place or respond to Romance advertisements and makes no representations as to the char¬ acter of individuals placing or responding to Romance ad¬ vertisements and will-not be held responsible for the con¬ sequences of any contact or interaction with such individu¬ éis;^'. This classification contains ads for conversation or recorded messages through the usé of telephones. Calls to such num¬ bers result in a charge to the calling phone number. Call blocking is available from Bell South for most single-line res- idences in southern Florida. Call 305-780-2355 for residen¬ tial call blocking service. As telecommunications, these services are regulated by the Federal Communications Com¬ mission and the Florida Public Service Commission at 2540 Shumard Oak Blvd, Tallahassee, FL 32399, or call8$0-413-6100. The FCC may be reached at, 1919 M StNW, Washington, DC 20554. In addition to individu¬ als calling from blocked home or office phones, other callers my be Unable to use the Ro¬ mance liné. These include call¬ ers from office environments equipped with incompatible electronic telephone systems, callers using pay phones and callers using cellular phones. YOU MAY SAVE MONEY BY PRE-PAYING FOR YOUR Cfi&LING TIME Purchasing blocks of time in 10-minute increments at $1.69 per mihute avoids additional phone bill charges arid enables calls from pay phones, cellular phones and 900-blocked phones. Call 305-571-7525 for more information. RESPONDING TO AN AD BY PHONE Call 1-900-454-3666 to re¬ spond, to this week's Romance ads. Calls cost $1.99 per min¬ ute. We reservé the right to screen responses to protect Romance advertisers. Romance ads are considered valid through the expiration daté at the bottom of the ad only when using a current is-. .sue. Expiration dates for indiw- vidual ads may be different for different issues. PLACING A ROMANCE AD Call 305-571-7525 to place a Romancead. The first 40 words are free. Each additional word is $1.00. Ads appear in three consecu¬ tive issues of New Times. There is; no cost for recording your introduction or retrieving your irtessages from your private voice line. Mailed or faxed ads must be received by Tuesday, ,12pm (with payment!) before publication. Our mailing ad¬ dress is PO Box 011591, Miami, FL, 33101-1591. Our fax num¬ ber is 305-571 -7679. For upcoming, Romance- sponsored singles events call the new 24-hour event line at 305-571-7551. IF YOU ARE AN ADVERTISER You must récord your voice in¬ troduction béfore the Monday following your ad's first run. if you don t comply you may be deleted immediately. DON'T TAKE THE CHANCE! Record your greeting today! TRY OUR NEW FEATURE! SuperBrowse was created to meet your needs better than any other singles service. You don't need a dating service, all you need is Romance! Call the Romance Line at 1 -900-454- 3666 and request to listen to afS from singles who specifi¬ cally meet your criteria. It's that simple! Call today!. ROMANCE IS JUST A PHONE CALL AWAY! If you have questions or need more information about our new services call 305-571-7525 for a friendly reply! Women Seeking Men INCREDIBLE incredible but l am attractive, sweet, sincére and spontane¬ ous. Any man would be happy. I'm in my 40's and like Hispanic men (45-50 who are good looking, in shape, educated and romantic. Call me, you won't regret it. NTR #7421 02/11 THE RIGHT COMBINATION SBF, 31.5'5, good-looking, fi¬ nancially staDle/mature/kind- luáarted. Love outdoors/in- dekirs, movies, parties, ten- derioving care and myself. Looking For handsome/ma- ture/finandally stable/caring/ trustworthy male, age 30-36, to have fun and great conver¬ sation. NTR #7860 02/18 SMILING EYES Delicate arms, sage heart, pret¬ ty, edücatéd, artsy ^philo¬ sophical ISO WWM, 55-65, ) moderate, gentle, attractive, trim, monogamous; philogin- ist, Mr. Fix-it/GC w/ local refer¬ ences for 1/99 Grove House¬ mate. NTR #7917 02/18 BE CAREFUL WHAT U WISH 4 Do you hear 'you can get any¬ one youWanr, Yes? Wé al¬ ready share common ground. Intelligent, humorous. 5'8, SWF, model looks thinks béing on same wavélength is priority. Agree? Stop wishing and start dialing! NTR #8362 . 02/25 ENJOYABLE LATIN DHPF, 5'5,50, very attractive brunette; educated, romantic, sensual, enjoy the beach; sports, cultural events, danc¬ ing, traveling. Seekinggentle- man 45-65, professional or in business, who is honest, lov¬ ing, passionate,financially se¬ cure for LTR. NTR #8391 02/25 ATTRACTIVE & SHAPELY Refined 60 yoJF, very young in appearance, 5'4,120,blondé. Seeking 60-70 yo sophisticated gentleman for friendship/ companionship. N/S please. NTR#8333 v.1'• -02/25/ Éjfe HELLO ITS MEL WHPF, 35, Slim, tall, attractive, honest, family oriented, enjoys dining out, movies, concerts, travelling, as well quiet times at home. Looking for a SWP male, attractive, 35-40 with similar qualities and interests. N/D,.N/ S. NTR #7054 02/04 CLEOPATRA SEEKS CAESAR Statuesque, intelligent, full-fig¬ ured Nubian Queen seeks handsome white world con¬ queror (30-45). for interracial • romance. Tall, lean, D/D free, dark-haired mertget prefer¬ ence, but an addicting smile and wicked sense of humor are most important. Lets re¬ write history with a happier endin' NTR 4§390 02/25 PASSIONATE &... Spontanéous, creative, edu^ cated, good looking SWF, young 58, never bored and never boring, seeking same in a romantic, comedic, serene, eclectic, secure male, 60-68¿ div.orwid. NTR #8522 , ^ 02/25 BIG BLUE EYES v 36.57 SJF, brownish-red hair/ big blue eyes, énjoys biking, rollerblading, all art, quiet times with someone special, also enjoys antiquing and go¬ ing to garage sales. Seeking someone similar, professional, down-to-earth JM, 30-42. NTR #7475 02/11 TODAY IS YOUR DAY To meet,an attractive, profes¬ sional fémale, college graduate who was never married. If you are an intelligent, Jewish, hu¬ morous. between the ages of 39-48, drug free, and without children, pfease give me a call. NTR #7070 02/04 TEACHER S PET Prof pre-school Jewish, female 30, ISO JM, college graduate, athletic, 26-33. Enjoy swing dancing, working out, bike-rid¬ ing, art festivals. Someone that is sensitive, honest, caring, en¬ ergetic, fun-loving. N/S, N/D, Dade area. NTR #7955 02/18 MIRACLES HAPPEN if yóu aré a handsome, caring, articulate male, 50+, who be¬ lieves in miracles, love at first sight and breakfast in bed, than this sensuous, intelligent blonde with a great figure hopes you will call. NTR #7942 02/18 GIRL SEEKING GUY Youthful young lady ISO a youthful young man who is spiritual, romantic, tall about 5'11' and able to make time for me. I want him to be fun, humorous and ad¬ venturous. NTR #8385 02/25 ACCEPTING QUALITY ONLY Will reciprocate. Extremely at¬ tractive, sexy, selective Latin DJF, 38, long brown hair/ brown eyes, personal trainer, Sandra Bullock look-alike, loves theatre, opera, ballet, movies, fine dining. Seeks very attrac- - tive. fit, intelligent, witty PJM, 44-53. Open to exlore new ho¬ rizons. NTR #7110 02/04 I HOPE... Romantic, pretty European (32, 57/125, blonde/brown) wom¬ an is waiting for the real love of her life. You: intelligent, handsome, white gentleman (at least 5'10,33-43) who is sensitive, likes to laugh and pa¬ tience -1 m studying English. No games. NTR #7419 02/11 LETS PLAY DOUBLES! Energetic, zoftik SJW, 44, tired of singles, ISO JM for marriage and...My interests? Tennis, the beach, film, music, travel, ex- periencing life and creating lots of laughter. Interested? The ball is in your court! NTR #7058 02/04 FROM THE BEGINNING If you believe in hope, love can become possible. Russian beauty, 46,5'4,140lbS, intelli- gérit, kind, caressing. Enjoy - reading, theater, old movies, travels, N/S, N/D. Do you like Russian borsch? NTR #8292 02/25 LOST THE NUMBERS! Placed an ad in October, and lost the numbers! Please call again! SWF, 35,5'9, into sports, the water, fun, music, laugh¬ ter. ISO tall, S/DWM, 28-38, with sense of humor, no baggage and similar interests to nang out with or more. NTR #7871 02/18 FIREMAN, PILOT OR... Travelling salesman wanted. Honest, sincere, attractive, pas¬ sionate woman who needs her spacé too, looking for LTR. Loves football, quiet evenings at homes; vacations, fishing, swimming and barbécuing. I havea lotto offer for the right, honest man. NTR ir- ÍR #7047 02/04 LOVES TO HAVE FUN Me: 20 yo female, loves to have fun, dancing,-theatre, concerts! Lookin' for a 20-30 man who loves dose to the same. If u love being a kid again...that's a plus! Ntr gfifiü TR #7496 02/11 MULTISENSORIAL SWF, 42,5'6.115, professional, attractive, down-to-earth, seeking SWM, 42-50. fit, pro¬ fessional, successful, sjneere, fun to be with, who is inter¬ ested in movies, walks, travel¬ ing, reading, conversation and the journey of the soul, for friendship and relationship. NTR #7021 02/04 A LITTLE BIT COUNTRY.. A little bit Rock N' Roll. SWPF, slender, blonde/green, séeks educated, fairly tall, fairly fit malé, considerate, sensitive, sense of humor, 50-62, who enjoys travel, nature, movies, books, pets, walks, swimming, sunsets and moonlight NTR #7476 02/11 EXECUTIVE BRIEFING •Handsome DWPM, 45,5'1ly 180. Cuban-Américan execu- tivé. Very fit. athletic build. En- joysskiing, diving, motorcy¬ cling, romantic fine dining travel, movies, quiet cuddly times at home. ISO similar interests, attractive, slender, SDWPF, 35-45, easygoing, for dating, LTR. NTR #7884 02/18 TALL SJPF ISO PLAYMATE Tall, attractive, active 35, ISO 6'+, SJPM lifetime, playmate & mensch, 35-45 w/strong per¬ sonality. Enjoys golf, laughing, tennis, travelling, biking, skfing, cuddling, blading/wine, gym, family beach & wants that diz¬ zy falling in love feeling to last forever. NTR #7551 02/11 PRETTY INSIDE & OUT Hispanic SF, 32,5'T. brunette, nice body, always myseff, smoker, loves pets, muSic, mo¬ vies, would love to meet a down to earth man that has experienced life and knows what he wants and needs. NTR #8329 02/25 CRAZY CHICK SWF. 31, tall, slender, attrac¬ tive. auburn/blue, creative and nutty. ISO 30's SW stud who can handle me. Must be tall, dark and handsome with body and brains. Good luck! NTR #7486 02/11 FUN & ATTRACTIVE 30, SWF. dress me up, take me out or stay home and relax. Travelled, adventerous gour¬ met entrepreneur, 5'8. blonde/blue, ISO fun, relaxed man, 30-40 to treat me the way I deserve and get the same back. NTR #8324 /r 02/25 EXCEPTIONAL BLONDE Sparkling blue-eyed woman, attractive on outside with in¬ ner beauty interested in meet¬ ing soulmate with values + a sense of humor. Corhe share my positive energy. Let's reach for tine stars and celebrate life in many corners of the world. I love the sea, scuba diving, horses, 5 star restaurants, theatre, dance. Have a body like Guess jean model Ana Ni¬ cole Smith. If you are a corpo¬ rate CFO, GEO or own your own company, N/S, between 45-60 and have either a club Burgy, Keel or Hull that's a plus. NTR #8282 02/25 RU READY to try again? So is this attrac¬ tive N/S SWF, blue-eyed blonde Baby Boomer. I enjoy movies, dining, beaches, thea¬ tre, arts & music (including pi¬ ano bars), ISO sincere S/DwM counterpart, 38-60, with simi¬ lar interests for friendship, good times & LTR. NTR #7893 02/18 BUSTY Affectionate and very enter¬ taining SWF. 5'3.126 lbs, 38 yo. big green eyes, long dark hair, beautiful face and figure, seeks adventurous gent 35-85/who is financially secure for fun dates. NTR #8327 02/25 IT QUAÜ TYHT M E POSS BLE I ■:lf youaré aihealthv, f irianci&lly secure, gentle, older gentle¬ man who wishes to cnerish a very special, strong, petite, mature, healthy woman. You desiré to.pampér her com¬ pletely. Quality and respectfor ones privacy necessary. N/S, social drinker. NTR #7958 02/18 SENSATIONAL REDHEAD J'm pretty and vivacious, crea¬ tive, and classy, sensuous, and smart. I'rrl searching for an in¬ telligent, successful, sensitive, and upbéat man, 48+, one ca¬ pable of being a friend and lov¬ er, soulmate, and playmate. We'll share love ancUaughter, travel and the arts, arid all the joys of spontaneity. wTR #7862 ■ 02/18 BAGELS FOR BREAKFAST Attractive, intelligent. 50, lovely 57', Jewish lady, plorjde with brown eyes, nice legs who wants to meet tall, well-built Jewish man* 57-67, to love, laugh and enjoy life with. NTR #7425 02/11 TIMING IS EVERYTHING Very pretty, bright; caring SJF, 33, enjoys life, sports ana lov¬ ing dogs, seeks sincere SJM, undergo. NTR #7853 02/18 I’D LOVE TO HAVE YOUR... romance, roses arid rapture. Attractive, 50'ish Aventura lady, seeks charming/witty, Intelli¬ gent and financially secure gentle rijan, 60-75, who also seeks the wonders of life. NTR #7495 02/11 LOVE A NURSE STAT! Me: SLF, petite, fit, attractive and health oriented. Enjoys the beach, dancing, music, movies, outdoors and good food. Your SWM, 6'1, 35-45, well fit, edu¬ cated & strong. Family values for.friendship and possible LTR. NTR #7901 02/18 HAPPYlYBW BEG NN NGS f Guddly/attractive-bfifij^tte, sjf professional with terrific sense of humor would love to meet SjM, 40's-50's who enjoys life. If you're interested in moviés, theatre, concerts, travel, walks On the beach.and great hugs; l look forward to hearingfrorri , you. No Smokers please. NTR #7573 02/11 LOOKING FOR LOVE IN.. All the wrong places. Hopefully, this will be the right oneli'm a pretty professional gal in the early 40's, 5'3 in height. I enjoy music, dining and art shows. I'm looking to meet a Jewish male, 38-46. NTR #7836 02/04 ARE YOU THE ONE? SCF, 34, ISO friends arid maybe LTR. I am a Leo. I'm a very crea¬ tive woman into reding, paint- : ingand music. Honesty ánd sensitivity a must for you if you m are answering this ad. NTR #7881 02/18 KISSES IN THE SHOWER JF, 40's, pretty, curvy, educat¬ ed, feisty and passionate, seeks established JM, 45-60, hand¬ some, adventurous for part¬ nership and love and life. LTR leading to marriage and/or stable home lite together. N/S preferred: NTR #7475 02/11 ARE YOU THE ONE? SBF, no kids, career oriented, age 20, looking to meet a ca¬ reer oriented SM, 25-30. who likes traveling, being sponta¬ neous, having fun, and spend¬ ing"quality' time. I am cur¬ rently attending a college and working full time. NTR #7090 02/04 Women Seeking Men ATTENTION TALL SHOPPERS! Reduced for quick sale, item on shelf 32 years, SWPF, 5’5, 145, light brown/green curvy package. Contents: sense of humor, sweet- 'ffess, ambition and regular exer¬ cise. Product use: movie-going, people-watching and cuddling. Any buyers? NTR #7887 02/18 DANGEROUS 50’S BEAUTY Close your eyes and imagine the most surreal, passionate and intoxicating experience of your life. Eyes so intense and skin so soft it will make you quiver. Forever ISO my im¬ mortal beloved who is ready to test the limits of our imagina¬ tions to taste and Savor every¬ thing life and I have to offer. NTR #7441 02/11 GOTHIC PLAYGROUND Goth girl. 26. pink hair, art school of doom! Gothic/in¬ dustrial, well-traveled Euro- goth/S&M scene. Eeo.Deine Lakeine, Project Pitchfork, * as Ich, Pankow. Also passionate about meeting film. NTR #7937 02/18 ORIENTAL BEAUTY Pretty petite, honest, sincere, N/S, single female, 49. Seeking attractive, honest, sincere, fi¬ nancially secure gentlemen. Enjoys dining out, travel, mu¬ sic, theatre and more. For LTR and marriage. NTR #7897 02/18 FRIEND-LOVER-PLAYMATE Upbeat, upscale, sexySWJF, 5 6', 120, evolved with a heart of gold, searching for 48-60 y/ o, rail, handsome man of means, quick humorous mind, fit body, spectacular soul & an appreciation for a fabulous woman. NTR #8319 02/25 ISO LTR Attractive SWF, 34 looking for SWM. preferably over 40. Rela¬ tionship-minded man to share life with. NTR #8364 02/25 EBONY JEWEL 38 yo PBF, tall & slim, is seeking a professional gentleman, 40- SI, who is financially secure, successful and stable in life. Must be ready for monoga¬ mous relationship that could lead to something serious. Racé unimportant. NTR #7502 02/11 BEAUTIFUL GOTH lover. Bewitching lithe, slender, 5'9, dark blonde hair. Seeks complex, tall, friendly male counterpart, sweet, strong, sensuous, to share dubs, the Cure, Absinthe, movies, pho¬ tography, journeys of the heart and soul. NTR #8357 02/25 NEW TO AREA Attractive, SWF, 24,57,120, moved from NE, lived/worked much of last years abroad. Well-educated, fun, sincere, enjoys tennis, skiing, salsa dancing, good wine, art. laugh¬ ing. biking, sailing, rollerblad¬ ing, world affairs, and travel adventures. Want to meet friends in toe area. NTR #8373 02/25 BEAUTY + BRAINS Extremely attractive SJF, slen¬ der, intelligent, classy, loving seeks N/S PM, 50-62, sponta-, neous, honest, passionate, to . enjoy sports, theatre, dining, arts, travel and lifes adven¬ tures. Enjoy toe best times of your life. NTR #7482 02/11 y? TAJ JA 2, : n Vel^áttráctivé'Soqtlf’Altierican lady, bróféssiohál, white, slenL der, nice personality, loves to dance, seeks a white, profes¬ sional rriale who is very honest,, friendly and romantic for shar¬ ing a good time and have fun with. NTR #8309 02/25 SINGLE PROFESSIONAL Jewish woman ISO man¿ 55-65, professional. Jewish, sense of humor, likes to travel, good conversation. This lady is 5f 4, 120, blonde/brown, lots of fun, professional, real estate business, grown children, would like to meet quality man with average looks/average built. NTR #7940 02/18 GARDEN CREATURE Earthy Taurus woman with simple life and Gomplex mind desires quality mate. I love home, gardening, nature, reading, writing, cooking, af¬ fection. Need kind, intelligent, secure and mature man for loyallove that lasts. NTR #7902 02/18 CLASSY BLONDE Long-legged, smart, sassy, sexy, sociable with a great sense of humor, looking for friendship & laughs with a great guy, 45-60. NTR #§358 02/25 PRETTY WOMAN I Attractive, petite, tanned. I blonde, blue eyed DJPF, sensi¬ tive, caring, romantic, sponta¬ neous ana a very good listener. My interests are spectator sports, boating, toe beach, the arts, cruises, movies and trav¬ eling. ISO my special man, 50+, to snare fun, love, and my hap‘- py life! NTR #7459 02/11 LET ME LIGHT UP YOUR UFE in the New Year so that we can achieve success and bring each other good luck. It's awful be¬ ing alone for the New Yean so please do call this 50's SJF who is educated, cultured and very intelligent with a lot of love to give the right man. NTR #7440 02/11 PERLA DEL PACIFICO SUR Soy una mujer viuda, blanca, -43, N/S. I55lbs, 5'6, fina, edu¬ cada, romántica, sensual que desea conocer un hombre, 40- 55 para amistad y posible rela¬ ción futura. Que sea’caballero, inteligente, que tenga éxito profesional/personal, un buen sentido de humor, y que sea feliz. NTR #7174 02/04 REAL WOMAN DWHF.38, professional, pretty, successful, tall, shapely and fit, browri/hazel intelligent ISO accomplished, confident, SWM. 36-48, no kids, tall and fit, good looks, real person, charming, who wants a com- - mitted relationship. NTR #7555 ; ;; y ^ 02/11 NOTHING BUT MIRACLES That's how I live toy life; If you love mystery, magic, and syn- chronicity and are open to meeting a beautiful, sexy sha¬ man unlike anybody you have ever met call me and we'll dance. Please be tall, hand¬ some, down-to-earth, funny, passionate, and physically fit. N/S. N/D. NTR #7038 02/04 CAMPING Seeking SWM with RV, 59+. Av¬ erage person, secure in money ana mind. I'm a SWF 5'3, with a very young attitude. SW Miami only. NTR #7097 02/04 YES I AM! Offbeat blonde beauty w/ brains, recently available, crea¬ tive, dynamic personality, great shape. Soul & Blues Music jun¬ kie, seeks 45-58 prof, male counterpart to laugh and share life's challenges, who knows, maybe we could even fall in love? NTR #7022 02/04 VISITING POET Slim, petite, dynamic internationalist! Poet/transla¬ tor/visiting professor, SWF, 39, loves languages, travel, jazz, art, theatre, walking/hiking, good conversation. Seeks (tenure-track?) connection with cheerful, creative, secure, honest, thoughtful SM. pro¬ fessional/fellow writer, 40-55, N/S/D. Let's inspire each other! NTR #7466 02/11 REAL DEAL SWF. pretty, smart, confident, great shapé, 5'3,110, short . brown hair/green eyes, very active and healthy, loves sports, music, food. ISO S/D/ WM, 35-40, athletic, hip, hand¬ some. outgoing, positive atti¬ tude, N/S, lads ok. Manly - yes. Macho-no. NTR #7478 02/11 ALL OF LIFE'S PLEASURES Why not share them with a unique PF who enjoys work¬ outs, cultural events, travel and cooking romantic dinners. ISO a male, SDJP, emotionally avail¬ able, physically fit. Call today - we could celebrate toe New Year together! NTR #8330 02/25 BEAUTY & BRAINS Sexy, passionate, independent, intelligent, highly educated professional, TSO unique, crea¬ tive, handsome, 37-42, pro¬ fessional. Values: community service, spiritual growth, sen¬ suality, laughter, joy. Marianne Williamson readers encouraged to respond. NTR #7533 02/11 ltsyour call. To answer a Romance ad, simply call 1.900.454.3666 PRESS □ to answer specific Romance ads. PRESS D to browse new Romance ads. For more information about using the Romance Line, press 5 at the main menu. For more information about upcoming events, press 7. NewTunes ROMANCE simple, easy, fun 571.7525 PLAYING TO WIN High-energy SWPF, early 40's. Corporate spinmeister. Smart, trim and trendy. No depen¬ dents. depts or demons. Seeks well-educated, successful pro¬ fessional with looks, intelli¬ gence. style and humor. For stimulating private moments and spectacular public appear¬ ances. N/S. NTR #7913 02/18 SCIENTIST WANTED Pretty, SWF, 31 seeks SWM. 31 - 40, computer geek or scientist who likes science fiction, read¬ ing, travel, astronomy, and good conversation. Must have a curious and alert mind and a kind heart NTR #7068 02/04 FOREVER YOUNG SWF with class, attractive, blonde/blue. 50, loves being 50, enjoys dancing, music and laughing, seeks SWM, 46-55. . attractive, easy going, sense of humor a must. For LTR. Serious replies please. NTR #7905 02/18 TIS THE SEASON FOR LOVE Close your eyes and imagine the most surreal, passionate, intoxicating éxperience of your life with this Bal Harbor beauty. SJF. 50's, beautiful, brown bedroom eyes, skin so soft it will make you quiver. Forever ISO my immortal beloved who's ready to test toe limits of our imaginations with this different lady. NTR #7439 02/11 SEEKING BLACK MALE Between 40-47for friendship first. Black full figured lady, N/ S, enjoys walks on the beach, dining and movies. Must be non-smoker. NTR #8306 02/25 WAITING FOR YOU... To walk at toe beach... Attractive, loyal, 5'2, I20lbs, DWF, 40. Waiting for in¬ telligent, gentle, S/DWPM (Daddy OIO, 38-48, elegant, at¬ tractive for LTR. (Call if you're serious only) NTR #7534 02/11 SEXY PETITE LATINA Attractive, shapely, 40, PHF is looking for physically fit and ac¬ complished professional male, 42-52, for dining, theatre, beach and friendship leading to possible LTR. Good sense of humor appreciated. N/S, drug- free, social drinker ok. NTR #7904 02/18 REWARD Attractive, intelligent, passion¬ ate DWF, in a blue funk since toe Dolphins lost Seeking a well balanced, upbeat male, 45-55, to make me smile again. Please be physically, mentally and emotionally fit N/S, N/D. You'll like toe pay-off. NTR #7941 02/18 CLASSY UK FEMALE Seeking USA professional sol¬ vent gent for possible rela¬ tionship. I'm blonde, intelli¬ gent, good looking, early 30's, drug and disease-free, great fun to be with. Looks unim¬ portant. Contact me. NTR #7053 02/04 simple, easy, fun 1.900.454.3666 $1.99 per minute. 114'; January 28 - February^ 1999 Miami New Times BEAUTIFUL & FIT Artistically inclined SWF, 24,5'4, 112. Loves music and travel, seeking experienced man of many interest who knows what he wants and knows how to get it. Sense of humor a must. Call. NTR #7903 02/18 SEEKING SOULMATE 43,5'3. slim, proportionate to height, athletic, sincere, enjoy all sports ^ tennis, swimming, rollerblading, basketball: base¬ ball, football, water-Skiing. the gym) seeks JM> sincere, down- to-earth, late 40's-late 50's, in¬ telligent. warm, caring, enjoy sports, theatre, arts, opera, music, classical, books, walks on . the beach. LTR Only. NTR #7092 : , 02/04 TRY SOMETHING NEW! SWF, 34,5-8. attractive prbfóSr sional ISO SMi fellow adventur¬ er; 30'Si N/s. Call if you enjoy life, people, fun, new experi¬ ences; ethnic/cultUral events, world travel, outdoor activities, stimulating conversation, mu¬ sic, movies, variety is the spice of life! • NTR #7899 02/18 CANCER OR TAURUS Makes me tingle. Strong, sen¬ sual, confident men who can drive all night long along with me. Play tne. blues for me and I'll purr. .Talk to me and listen in turn. I'll make you happy. Be sincere and masculine to relish this feminine heart. NTR #7507 > 02/11 INTELLIGENT BLONDE Educated, energetic and at¬ tractive woman who enjoys horses, sailing, diving, dancing, cooking and travel, interested in meeting Cultured, financially secure/emotionally stable gen¬ tleman with sense of humor, values, spiritual beliefs for pos¬ sible friendship, LTR to share Black Tie and Society Affairs, who feels comfortable with all levels of people. N/S, N/D; mid 40's-50's. v NTR #7900 02/18 WATER NYMPH Beautiful, sexy, romantic M.D/ .. 5'3,128, seeks handsome, fit, professional friend, for diving, sailing, dancing, fine dining and intelligent conversation. Please be emotionally and financially stable With a great sense of humor 39-55, N/S. N/D. NTR #7908 02/18 IN SEARCH OF SOULMATE SWF. 5'5; 51, queen size ISO honest, caring; loving, not into games. Smoker. N/D, social drinker, ok. ISO BSM, 50-60, only serious, inquiries. Please, no head games. NTR #8363 02/25 CHRISTMAS IS GONE Yet a new year dawns. My greatest fear is that you won't appear, you're there and I'm here. Let's begin this new year by you calling me here. If you are looking for a smart, N/S, non-drinking, successful wom¬ an and you are between 53-63, call me. NTR #7098 02/04 CARPE DIEM Blonde, blue-eyed beauty. 5'6, 125.42. European, multi-lin¬ gual, romantic, passionate and vivacious. Varied interest seeks male counterpart - educated, spiritual; emotionally available, financially set ready to enjoy adventures that lie ahead.. NTR #7882 02/18 EUROPEAN ADVENTURER SWJF, 29. just moved from Switzerland, beautiful honey blonde, green eyed and slen¬ der, speak 4 languages. Love to travel, hike, snow ski, mountain climb, and kick box. ISO SWJM, 25-32 with similar background and/or interest. NTR #8254 02/25 EXCELLENT CREDENTIALS Very attractive, petite blonde, 34, Jewish, single professional female. Enjoys travel, arts, healthy dining, sports. Seeking same in honest, single, stable, Jewish non-smoking profes¬ sional male 34-48. NTR #7909 02/18 A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING Bright and attractive SPLF likes sports, movies, good chats. . beer, wine,pizza, music, art, dancing, politics and open minds seeking SPM. 30's who is physically active but not ob¬ sessive about it. NTR #7551 02/11 CLASSY PETITE BLONDE 5'2,/118, professional, brown eyes, romantic, enjoys movies, travelling, dining, fond walks on the beach, would like to meet a tall gentleman, professional; stable with good manners, lov¬ ing. caring with similar interest. For LTR. NTR #7954 02/18 EXOTIC PROFESSOR Sexy, exotic math professor from India, 35, érjfoys movies, theater/cultural events, travel, tomatic dinners, laughter, and intelligent conversation. ISO her male counterpart to share thejoyof life with. NTR #7844 02/18 SEEKING AN ABNORMAL MAN First of all, you don't smoke, you're educated, honest, gen¬ tleman, stable and a real man, 45-55,5'10+, American or His^ panic. DHWF, 43.5'9,130lbS. cinnamon skin, honest, study- - ing English for LTR. If you be- live in love call me. NTR #7073 02/04 HOMECOMING OUEEN Sexy, romantic, pisces SWF, 5'4, brown eyes/brown hair, seeks romantic companion to make my dreams come true. Where are you Romeo? NTR #7479 02/11 EURASIAN PRINCESS Tall, Eurasian princess ISO Prince Charming. He shall be no less then 6' tall, 35-45, with character and integrity to serve as companion at court for din¬ ing, dancing and intelligent, entertaining conversation. D/D free, N/Spreferred. NTR #8258 02/25 STILL SEARCHING 30 y/o SBF student searching for strong-willed, dedicated,1 educated, and skilled SBM, 30- 40,5'10, or taller, with sense of humor and major patience, ad- venterous, and outgoing, sen¬ sitive, and not afraid to show it. NTR #8382 02/25 CALIFORNIAN BLONDE ISO a strong, confident gen¬ tleman of passions to enjoy unconventional relationship; Intelligent, articulate men with primitive but sophisticated streak. Must be 5'10 or taller, . 35-45, Caucasian. I'm 38, no children, slim. 57, blue eyes, agreeable, intelligent arid thirst for learning. NTR #7889 02/18 MORE THAN A WOMAN v ¡S'what this 27 YO sexy, taife.‘‘$ firm, blonde/blue SWF Is! Look- * irig for that Special guy who is financially and emotionally se¬ cure, who is fun and fun¬ ny,handsome: sexy, and ISO a possible LTR. NTR #8396 02/25 HIGH CONSCIOUSNESS : One very attractive and petite professional ready for sacred and sensual relationship. I'm intelligent, intense, creative. Aré you age 40-52? Live holistic commited lifestyle? Good- looking professional? Willing to risk emotionally? Take the road less traveled? NTR #7527 02/11 ENERGETIC BLACK CUBAN Very tiny, 22, BHF, with a lot of energy is ISO a N/S man; 25-32, who enjoys sporting events, the night life and romantic evenings at home. Call me. NTR #7532 02/11 THE ONE AND ONLY DWHPF, 40, look much young¬ er, 5'2,120; educated, great sense of humor, down-to- earth, live with 5 yo son. ISO at¬ tractive man, good sense of humor, somebody who likes to talk and can carry a conversa¬ tion. Idas welcome. NTR #8334 02/25 GREAT EXPECTATION SWF, 32,5'11, very outgoing, honest, love sports, movies, looking for good sense of hu¬ mor, SWM, tall, easygoing, and friendly for LTR. NTR #7919 02/18 CLASSY LADY SLF, 40's, 5'1 ..professional, cute, sexy, good figure,' beau¬ tiful eyds, sensous mouth, lush dark hair, intelligent, passion¬ ate, kind, broaa range of inter¬ ests, ISO SWM, 39-52, with compatible quality and inter¬ est. professional, financially stable, must like animals, rock & roll and salsa! . NTR #8328 02/25 EBONY SEEKS IVORY SLF, 5*8.28. curvy, 165lbs, short black hair, brown eyes, seeks professional male mid- 30's; who Is ambitious; tired of dining alone, who is seeking in¬ telligent lady with class for friendship first and then who knows, NTR #7142 02/04 SEEKING ROMANCE IN ’99 43, vivacious, athletic, sincere; down-to-earth JF, seeking a JM, intelligent', articulate, warm, canng, athletic, enjoy all sports, compatible to myself, tennis, swimming, rollerblad¬ ing, water-skiing, the arts, the theatre, music, books, fine din¬ ing and enjoy pleasant.times at home. LTR only. NTR #7089 02/04 EXOTIC BEAUTY Elegant, shapely auburn haired beauty ISO successful, kind, well healed gentleman over 35 for magical times. NTR #7033 02/04 ' : HONEYCOMB ; ; Youthful, 50-ish, Christian West Indian lady, aerobic fanatic, loves cooking, walks at Viscaya, music, little Mozart. Beethoven and Bronze, rm expecting an honest, sensitive, Christian gentleman, 40-50 with a sense of humor. Let's be friends first. NTR #7490 e 02/11 1 LATIN LOVING & LONELY Spanish female, 48.5'5,135 lbs, down to earth, very loving and compassionate, seeking hispariic or Spanish speaking gentleman, 48-55, easy going, decent, understanding, for friendship, possible LTR. NTR #7504 02/11 HEADS UP... Beautiful and petite, smart and sexy. Only tall, handsome, con¬ fident, intelligent SWPM, 30-42 need apply. NTR #8256 ... , 02/25 BARREL RACER Long haired redhead. 5'4, sin¬ gle mom. into animals and ro¬ deos. Sincere, honest, hard¬ working. Enjoys running Oust started) riding, the beach, the mountains, open spaces, and fun paces, seeking honest, sin¬ cere, hard working SWM, 40- 50. Nb drunks/druggies, or 300 pounders please. NTR #7845 02/18 FALLING IN LOVE AGAIN South American; petite. 43, white, black eyes/hair, com¬ municative, romantic, with tra¬ ditional values, professional, likes to read, sports, no vices, seeks a man 48-58, educated, passionate, good humor, ro¬ mantic,^that is looking for commited relationship, maybe forever. NTR #7509 02/11 STRAIGHT ANSWERS! 39, SJF, Cute, edecjác, fun seeks kind, sweet, intelligent, sane, domestic, professional guy with fab sense of humor for best friend, mutual adora¬ tion, LTR. Like Lincoln Road. South Park, animals and kids. Prove.that all great men aren't gay. NTR #8361 02/25 SEXyiPTOFESSIONAL LATINA Seeking attractive professional : Latino, diverse enough to at- tend the opera one night and dance to salsa music tne next Me: 5'5.125,27 yo. intelligent, humorous and sometimes wild. You: 26-34, emotionally/ financially stable and intelli¬ gent. N/D, N/S. NTR #7961 02/18 NEW IN TOWN Me: Latina, 27, SWPF, blonde/ brown, tanned, beautiful body, ex-beauty queen, 120lbs, 57, w/brain, athletic. Love cooking, sports, movies, restaurants, beach, roller blades, volleyball, music, staying home relaxing. -You: American, 5'11+, blonde/ blue, 27-35, athletic, brofes- sionaL family values foriTR. N/ DJM/Ó. NTR #7448 02/11 HOORAY. HOORAY This is your day!... to meet a lovely female professional gal, 5'3, who enjoys most every¬ thing. You are a JM, 38-46. who is conservative, care free, intelligent and humorous. NTR #8321 02/25 FRIEND ONLY Newly divorced female ISO a decent, respectful, down-to- earth friend for dinner, mo¬ vies. walks on the beach and laughs. No sex, no drugs, just NTR #7049 02/Q4 ISO CARIBBEAN SOUL Sweet sensual, attractive, in¬ telligent SWPF, 45. ISO tall B/ HPM who appreciates soft tropical breezes and ocean rhythms, is warm, wise, com¬ passionate, and concerned about social issues. NTR #8312 02/25 10NELY HEART peep is my soul.'Sincere.is my heart, lonely is my life without you. Tall, sexy, lonely 44 yo blonde with a heart of gold and a lot of love to glve.Call: me if you dare, 45+. NTR #7498 02/11 BLONDE ANGEL ISO gentleman. 33 yo SWPF, blónde/green, very smart, af¬ fectionate. classy, traditional. Seeks single H/WM. prefer very' dark complexion. N/S, very successful, affectionate for LTR. If you know how to treat a lady I'm everything you've been looking for.. NTR #7470 02/11 CUBAN AMERICAN GIRL Honest SWF, 31,5'3", slim 1151b, attractive inside & out. Christian, graphic designer, family oriented, like salsa & wa- tersports, good humored, wisn to find a SWLM or Cuban with similar characteristics from 26 to 36 for friendship & pos. marriage. NTR #7497 02/11 UNLIMITED LIFETIME.. Warrantee with passionate, pretty, vivacious, active, savvy, slender, 5'5, unencumbered DJPP seeking sexy, enthusias¬ tic, smart, fit JPM, 50's-60's, N/ S for loving intimacy; romance, music, nature; dancing, tennis, home life, and much more. Dade. NTR #8317 v 02/25 ATTRACTIVE HISPANIC SWPF, 35, slim, tail, sensitive, feminine, romantic, dowh-to earth and family oriented, looking fora WSPM, 35-40, at¬ tractive with similar qualities and interests. For friendship and possible LTR. N/D, N/S. NTR #8326 02/25 PETITE BLONDE SDF, starting over. Looking for a manpetween .25-35 that likes a woman around 40, someone who's nice and down-to-earth. Hike to go to toe movies, dining out and do- ing different things. For LTR: NTR #7959 02/18 I WISH... I knew a real human being w/ good qualities who can be¬ come a good friend and enjoys movies, dining out, intelligent conversation, 39-43young, N/ D, N/S. Don't speak English flu¬ ently. M6: LF, educated: 39; 5^6,138. NTR #7150 02/04 TENNIS PARTNER French single mother, 39,5'6, . 130. brunette, would like to ' find a tennis partner who's tall, 6'2, professional looking, seri¬ ous. 39-42. race unimportant. NTR #7424 02/IT SELECTIVE SBF, 23, very attractive, 5'3, 115, light skin/hair, hazel eyes, picky mature, sensitive, hon¬ est. Enjoys alternative rock, classical, hip-hop, sports, films, dining, travelling. ISO SWM. 25- 32,5'11+Jhandsome, serious, mentally/financially Stable, with similar interest. Friendship first. NTR #7506 02/11 STRAWBERRY BLONDE Blue eyed, SPJF, very artsy, likes theatre, galleries, tea, bak¬ ing and roilerblading. Enjoys good friends and family. ISO SPJM, 30-42 with similar inter¬ ests. NTR #7127 02/04 TURNONTHEUGHT Pretty, witty and bright SJF, 5'5 with blue eves, in-shape seeks n/s professional SJM counter¬ part. You are tall. 44-54, sensi¬ tive, kind with a killer sense of humor. You respect indepen¬ dence, yet love to share. Call¬ ers neednot beware! NTR #8360 02/25 FEELING DEPRESSED? Me: 27, LF. shy bossy, hard worker, 5'4,150lbs, profes¬ sional. overweight (a must), taller than me, willing to im¬ prove our appearance togeth¬ er. Calls will be answered. NTR #7916 02/18 GORGEOUS FRENCH SWF 35. slim, blonde, brown eyes, 5'5, warm, sweet, educated,- into sports, candlelight din¬ ners, fine arts, seeks kind, suc¬ cessful SWM, over 5'11 for ro¬ mance, 30-45; N/S, N/D. Miami Beach a plus. NTR #7177 02/04 BOM MM 33f «STCLASS v; Atfractiveifit,»bright; athletic, DWilF; latoSO'S-tbuchi).5'4 and half, 128lbs, seeking compat¬ ible, handsome (looks are im¬ portant too), great personality, sensitive, successful man who really enjoys life. NTR #7143 02/04 DROP-DEAD GORGEOUS Tall; beautiful SBF, 28, seeks se¬ rious LTR with professional gentleman under 40.1 am quiet, deep, Playful, sweet, spiritual, professional, very feminine, into classic cars; drumming and percussion, good music, working out, na¬ ture, fine lifestyje. AH national¬ ities: welcome; Only tall,, hand- some men need apply. NTR #8277 02/25 SEEKING ONE SPECIAL MAN Qualifications are; you must be as Or D white or híspanle male, 25-38, tall, attractive, sincere, honest, romantic, humorous, smart, ÍS0 friendship leading into a LTR. I'm a SF, 29, tall, at¬ tractive; slim, who wants to meetyou. NTR #8386 02/25 ATTRACTIVE CUBAN LADY Late 40's, educated, successful, happy, N/S. kids grown and gone, seeks Similar WM, 45-55 ' who likes fun, music, travel, ro¬ mance and quiet times. NTR #8325 02/25 SOUTHBEACH RUNNER SJP, 37,5'4, never married, thinking about it. Athletics, arts, animals, the beach, music. Intelligent, down-to-earth, av¬ erage looks. Seeking SJM, seri¬ ous; professional (medical ca- . I reer a plus). Miami Beach, 45- 55. No baggage please. but ¡nterésteafn acquiring some. Let's find time to know each Other. NTR #7846 02/18 MIKE, DONDE ESTAS? Hola. Me dejaste un mensaje pero a tu telefono le faltaba un numeró! Uamame, el titulo de mi anuncio es SOY PARA TI SOL¬ AMENTE; Esperó tu llamada. NTR #8261 02/25 BONNIE SEEKS CLYDE My life's so great, all that's missing is a partner in crime to get into trouble with. Pretty, active SWPF, 31, seeks playful, smart; sexy. Outgoing All- American guy wno likes his life, his Mom and himself. NTR #7113 02/04 CUTE & PETITE [ QHF, 38, sweet personality mother of one, looking for a friendship, possible LTR with someone who can be affec¬ tionate, caring. with high fam¬ ily values, emotionally secure and a good sense of humor. NTR #7477 02/11 SINGLE MOM ISO LTR Me: DWP, 36w/Pre-K son, well travelled/educated, into music, dining out, beach, outdoor/in¬ door activities and also quiet ■ times athorne. YoUrQ/SWP, 35-45, preferably blonde & tall (nota must), fit, w/similar interests, familyoriented, not into heaogames/bar scene. NTR #7057 02/04 INTENSELY PASSIONATE Out of the ordinary, non game playing, DJPF, very attractive, sexy sensuous, intelligent, 49, 5'6,120, Into tne arts, out¬ doors, boating, loves to dance, romantic evenings, etc. ISO k passionate, tall, fun, loving, hu¬ morous JM, N/S,for exciting LTR. S;E: BroWard: • NTR #7530 02/11 CAUSE & EFFECT Conspicuously creative, dressed-down. complex, fiber artist. (58-5'2-115), who likes to walk on the beach alone, seeks gent-type into home-made delicious, healthy food. Scrab¬ ble. car trips, ping-pong, har¬ monious hangin out...leading to acouple-a-laughs. NTR #7152 02/04 WHITE SEEKS BLACK SWF, 31, very attractive, 5'11, 158, blonde> romantic, very outgoing and happy, inde¬ pendent, loves R § B music, sports events, travel, seeks a very tail, 6'2+, fit SBM; stable, down-to-earth, outgoing, handsome, honest, emotion¬ ally available, N/S. no games. For LTR. NTR #8266 02/25 CUTE FEMALE Seeks sw Cuban American j male, 31-40 who enjoys meet¬ ing new people, has a kind heart, an alert mind, a good sense of humor, and is looking for a little fun. NTR #7042 02/04 ATTRACTIVE LADY American/Colombian, classy lady, 50's, 134 lbs, brown hair, financially secure, traditional family values. Seeking SWM, 50- 60, educated gentleman. For serious relationship. NTR #8313 02/25 SEXY BRUNETTE Seeking a playmate. Short, pe¬ tite, brown-eyed, buxom schoolteacher ISO a charming, handsome student with a great personality. Kindhearted, true soul and an A+ attitude, between 50-63. N/S please. No younger than 50 please. NTR #8297 02/25 BRAINS, BRAWN & EX-TALL SWPF, 5'8, slim, blonde/ green, educated, attractive, ISO SW (striray), P (Only), Male (American), 6'4*-6'6', muscular (250lbs.), 35-45, no facial hair, no smoking/drugs/alcohol, in¬ telligent, attractive, sincere, moral, trustworthy, humorous, animal lover (vets a plus), who is my best friend and playmate. NTR #7895 02/18 AAAA Tall, slim, beautiful, hispanic fe¬ male, seeks attractive, affluent, available, appropriate soul¬ mate. SWHP male, salt n'pepper hair, 45-58 must like kids, salsa dancing and Blues. N/s, N/D. NTR #8332 02/25 < SOY PARA TI SOLAMENTE -Soy bonita; ¡simpática, educada y cariñosa. Busco compañero de 45 a 50 que luzca my bien y sea educado, romántico y de¬ seoso de compartir su vida con§ la mujer ideal. Llámame, no te arrepentirás. NTR #7423 02/11 EXOTIC ORIENTAL Very long black hair, olive skin, medium height, would like to meet SM, 35-45, professional. Likes dining, dancing, concerts, . cooking and baking. Love to travel to Europe. I'm véry lov¬ ing, understanding and one- of-a-kind, educated, cultured. Letismeet NTR #7877 02/18 SOMEONE SPECIAL Attractive, petite Cuban/Amer- Ican woman, 35; is seeking an . honest, communicative; at- 1 tractive, single man for dating and possible relationship. Ages NTR #7915 02/18 NEW YEAR, NEW BEGINNINGS 5'6, slim brunette, attractive, ISO professional, tal) male. 45- 53, who has good morals and values, plus a great sense of humor, who enjoys jazz con¬ certs, performing arts, fine dining etc. N/S. NTR #8331 02/25 -ECLECTIC 24 yo seeks male counterpart. (31yo and under) with mutual passion for anything from comic books to Neruda, Burr toh to Almodovar New Wave to Swing. 2outof3 not a problem. Tattoos always aplus. NTR #8311 02/25 BRAZILIAN GEM SJF, 28, pretty, brown hair/ green eyes, well educated, professional, tall, looking for SJM who is well educated, pro- ; fessiohal, N/S, between 30-37. ; NTR #7451 02/11 ATTRACTIVE. SENSUAL &.. Pretty, green eyed blonde who Is active and attractive wants an adventurous, 40-55, non¬ smoking man for romancé, laughter and good times. If you're a man who likes your . woman to be bright, sensual ' and attentive to you, call hie. NTR #7426 02/11 , CAN YOU HANDLE IT? Attractive DBF, mid 30's, 57. natural long hair, mocha com¬ plexion, active, very sexy, cur¬ vaceous. full-figured woman, seels DPM, 30-45, who loves spontaneity, enjoys acting, writing andjut plain old fun. Race not important. N/S, no . drugs. NTR #7516 02/11 S.O.S Looking for a S/PWM over 40 yo, over 5'8, in shape and readyfor loving a DP Latina, petite, in shape & ready for love. NTR #7818 02/18 KIND-HEARTED Sincere, honest, attractive and petite, looking for a male, 40+, smoker, who efijoys movies, dinnera and quiet evenings. I'm petite, speak English and Spanish fluently, with religious background. NTR #7514 02/11 SHF Big, beautiful wbman, 57, brown/brown, ISO a real.man. You must be 29-39 yo, edu¬ cated, funny, romantic, pro¬ tective, attentive and above all, honest. So here l am, where are you? NTR #7950 02/18 DINE WITH ME Professional; intellectual, at¬ tractive, stylish SWLF. looks 40, 5'5,118, br/green. slim, Irish looks, nice disposition. Diverse interests: music, fine dining, dancing, cultural events, mo-. > vies, theatre, beach, boating, romantic getaways. ISO similar, N/S, 50's, unencumbered. Se¬ duce my brain and my soul,my body will follow. NTR #7020 02/04 TICK TOCK Times wasting- seeking my soulmate to snare myTife and 1 love. Must be N/s; JPM, late 30's to 40's, intelligent, honest, good sense of humor, spiritu¬ al traditional family values. -Me; JPF, samé values, no children ÜlTR #7898 02/18 PRETTY WOMAN Slim, nice legs, dark curly hair, late 30's, SWF, earthy smart and sassy, interested in yoga, outdoors, culture, arts, travel¬ ling and good times. ISO man, Intelligent, sense of humor, and with cultural interests to have fun with. NTR #7164 02/04 ATTENTION TALL SHOPPERS! Reduced for quick sale, item on shelf 32 years. SWPF, 5‘5, 145. light brown/greén curvy package. Contents: sense of humor, sweetness, ambition and regular exercise. Product use: movie-going, péople- watching and cuddling. Any buyers? NTR #7887 02/18 SO YOU ARE LOOKING For loving, caring DJF, why not try me? Late 60's, good company! You: ,70-75 JMibpri-; est, intelligent, fit and ready for new ventures, For more ' info reply to this ad. N Dade, S Broward. NTR #7422 02/11 HUGGABLE NATURE Anim al lover sought by pretty, sexy, vivacious, successful. DWJF, 43, looks 35,57, blond, blue eyes, displaced New York¬ er searching for you kind, .in- telligent, soulmate, to share gleasures of 1 Bichon, 1 Do- erman and one fabulous hu¬ man child, 14. NTR #6619 02/11 CALIFORNIA DREAMIN Physically fit, attractive, slender blonde seeks good looking, charming SWPM, 45-53, same body type. 5'11+forquiet din¬ ing, quality times and LTR. NTR #8290 02/25 I A pair that definetely goes well together! Thursday, February 4 7:00pm - 9'.00Pm i»?? BORDERS' BOOKS - MUSIC - CAFE 3390 Mary Street Coconut Grove, FL 33133 (305) 447-1655 i enersTis Vour CHEMISTRY V EXPERIENCE Í ENER6V 4 RELATIONSHIPS • ' : Join New Times Romance and area • singles at Borders for an informative : seminar/mini-workshop by Rev. | Lawrence J. Harris on The Energy of : Relationships and why we attract a ■. • • specific type of person into our lives. : * Discover why relationships change I and break apart and why others • : remain good. • * Discover how Karma affects us • • : and soul mates. # \ * Learn about Mr. or Miss Right ' • : Now vs. Mr. or Miss Right and how • to have a happy healing relation- : ship. • . : Lawrence Is a teacher of Psychic Energy : and conducts long term classes and ; seminars on the subject of Psychic • . : Energy. NewTunes ROMANCE 1 simple, easy, fun. 305.571.7525 romance@miaminewtimes.com t Mlamj NdwJlmes January 28February 3, .1999 115 Kiss Thursday, February 11 7:30pm - 10:00pm • 1427 West Ave, Miami Beach •. «Join New Times Romance and area singles at Starfish for Miami’s only Pre-Valentines event • ’ Featuring... ' • * THE MUSICAL STYLINGS OF : DJ CARMEL OPHIR SWING LESSONS 2 FOR 1 DRINK SPECIALS ALL NIGHT FOR LADIES. Admission to this SUPER SWANK event is FREE with your FREE 40 word Romance Ad. Save time and have your ad pre-written. Semi formal or.business attire required. •Those not in proper attire will not be : admitted into this event — NewTimes ROMANCE simple, easy, fun. 305.571.7525 romance@miaminewtimes.com Women Seeking Men continued CATCH ME IF YOU CAN! You: upscale, tall, SWPM, Euro- pean/Ameiican, 32-47, college educated, well-traveled, and fi¬ nancially secure. A gentleman and a scholar. Me: 32, SBPF col¬ lege graduate, active, and very well paid. ISO a partner for a lifestyle of taste, elegance, and marriage. Be willing to chase me. And I'm quite the catch! Miami: NTR #7093 02/04 WANTED: A MAN TO LOVE And share a wholesome life and potentially shared soring. -Attractive latin brunette, 40's, physically fit, enjoys dancing, fine dining, stimulating con¬ versation. Seeking tall, very in¬ telligent. successful man. Who like ner, because is uncommon finds compatible partners rare. msm—36 KvBliiÜiMIlÉ NTR #7936 02/18 HERE TO PLEASE DM, 33, seeking companion¬ ship. I'm athletic, tanned, 6'2, 190lbs, engaged in informa¬ tion technology. Seeking fe¬ male companionship for fun, adventure, dancing, etc. NTR #7088 02/04 VERY ATTRACTIVE SWF, 35.5'6,120, sincere and caring, long hair and brown jj • eyes. Loves cooking, the beach and romantic dinners. Looking for a man who is 5'10+ sincere* kind and caring. Ages 35-42. ForLTR. NTR #7067 02/04 ANDIE MCDOWELL Look alike. Slender, elegant grofessional woman, dark, rown/green, seeks warm hearted, thoughtful, physically fit, adventerous, financially se¬ cure male, 45-55, n/s, who en¬ joys the finer, things but can appreciate simple pleasures. NTR #7918 02/18 FRENCH BLACK GIRL 6' tall, looking for a tall, very handsome white or hispanic man, 25-30, great body, great job, who love black women. SoBe or Miami Bch area. NTR #8340 02/25 ATTRACTIVE & FIT SWF seeks intelligent SWM under 35, degreed gentleman, no kids, physically active, no¬ smoker, who likes dancing.ex- otic beers, travelling, likes fine Wine, gourmet food, science fictioh, techno and classical music, sports, able to kick back and relax. NTR #8323 02/25 Men Seeking Women EXTREMELY HANDSOME 'Actor/model, 21,5'10,160, blue eyes/blonde hair, athletic, a little bit wild but still cen¬ tered, easy going but adven¬ turous. not into the club scene but still a good dancer, seeks slender, fun lady, 18-35 for warm Miami mights. NTR #8270 02/25 DIVER SEEKING MERMAID DHPM, 5'6, n/s. medium build, loves boating, fishing, the Keys; sunsets, and cold beer. Seeking 25-35, SWHPF who seeks a real person, warm, fun¬ ny. loving, honest, responsible, financially secure for possible LTR. NTR #8393 02/25 UNLIMITED OFFER One of a kind, fit, kind, funny, handsome, romantic, intelli¬ gent professional, 5'11,178, 43, SJM. A perfect match for that rare, bright, kind, positive, attractive SF. NTR #8298 02/25 LOOKING FOR ROMANCE True, handsome gentleman looking for sophisticated, out¬ going lady for romantic inter¬ lude. If you like to travel, thea¬ tre, I'm your match. NTR #7538 02/11 ROMANTIC POET Multi-faceted, 40, DJM, is hot on the trail: You: Enjoy ro¬ mantic walks on the beach, candle light dining, movies and music, without fall! Age/race unimportant, but spontaneity, creativity, spirituality, passion and sense of humor very important! NTR #7837 02/04 ESPECIALMENTE PARA Tl Caballero profesional, edad 50, económicamente estable, buen carácter, 5'9,180lbs, buen nivel social, desea co¬ nocer dama de 40-45, sin com¬ promisos familiares. si es pos¬ ible profesional para una rela¬ ción con futuro. NTR #7015 02/04 CHARMING, GOOD LOOKING SWM, 29, slender, blue eyes, 6'2, sensitive, and handsome features, worldly, slightly shy. -Seeks bright,. physicalltt..attrae*.-* tive SF, 25-33, for dating and who knows. Se habla español. NTR #7445 02/11 MARRIAGE MINDED SJM, 32, European, tall, dark hair, handsome, romantic, wants to give his heart and more to a cute SWF. 20-32.1 enjoy movies, beach, travel. - and walks on the beach. NTR #7457 02/11 IVORY SEEKS EBONY SWM, new to Miami, Ex-Bos- tonlan, very voung Jpoking, Italian, 43, retired police offi¬ cer, N/D, N/S, 5'10,175, ath¬ letic, brown/brown. mustache. Is seeking SBF, slender, attrac¬ tive and professional for LTR. NTR #7165 02/04 LETS GET SER OUS SWM, 42,6', great shape, good looking, down-to-earth, nice sense of humor, professional, \ and financially very secure. LTR desired with SWF/HF, pretty, fit, under 45, and who's look¬ ing for her knight in shining ar¬ mor. NTR #7536 02/11 JUSTLOOKING for a down-to-earth SWF/SLF/ SBF who is in shape, attractive and has a sparkle of lust in her eves. Are you ready to be sat¬ isfied ih every way, not intimi¬ dated? Me: attractive SWM, 28, tall, 183 lbs, very affectionate and passionate. NTR #7879 02/18 COME TO THE EDGE Come to the edge he cried! Come to the edge! You can fly! They made the leap! And they flew! SBM, 5'11, tall, hand¬ some, well built. One side of me is a lawyer who works hard. The other side likes to play. I seek attractive woman who understands that life is not a dress rehearsal, someone ready to soar into vistas of ex¬ citement, jazz. pleasure, poetry and fun. NTR #8288 02/25 SPIRITUAL VEGETARIAN Medical professional, a cut above the rest, a real person, looking for same if possible, 5'11,165, attractive, fun, hu¬ morous, easy to be with. N. Miami area, 40 yo but don't look it. NTR #7831 02/04 A GREAT CATCH! I'm seeking an attractive Latin girl for lasting possibilities. Me: nice, good-looking, tall (European) blond guy, 32, lib¬ eral. independent, 9 year gov't worker. Us: into movies, music, beach walks, outdoors, BBQ's, hugs and kisses. Please call. NTR #8346 02/25 WINTER IN PALM BEACH Summer in Lugano/Cannes. Very attractive., European JM, 43,6'2, charming, full, curly hair, muscular, tanned ISO stunning, loving, laid back, sexy, JF, 30-40, with smiling eyes, beautiful lips, and very. voluptuous curves. NTR #7848 02/18 GERMANIC MAGICK German professional, 38, at¬ tractive, welfeducated, variety of interets, is looking to create magic with you. Be a unique, attractive lady, 31-45, slim, monogamous and eager for true feelings and magical ro¬ mance. Kids ok, marriage pos¬ sible. NTR #8251 02/25 HEARD THE ONE... About the Indian? 5'6, SPW/ HM, salt & pepper hair, brown/ hazel, olive skin (favors Yanni), no kids, no D/S/STD, one dog. Enjoy people watching, roller balding, participant more than spectator. Lips and teeth that like to smile. Bookstores, con¬ versation, fine food. Try me. NTR #7863 02/18 TRUTH IN ADVERTISING Smart, sexy, 33 y/o, SWPM, black/brown, 5'7, a lean and muscular, I75lbsjs ISO that special woman, 27-35 yrs., who Is fit, intelligent, professional, sexy, and values, fidelity de¬ pendability, and family for LTR. NTR #7920 02/18 SERIOUSLY SEEKING SJWM. 35. tell, dark and hand¬ some lawyer. seeking an at¬ tractive, intelligent and down to earth SWF, 25-30, for LTR. NTR #8337 02/25 DISTINGUISHED.. Entrepreneur. Loving, attrac¬ tive, 6', 195, sweet PJ gentle¬ man, 40. Healthy, fit* intelli¬ gent. ambitious, canng, ro¬ mantic. To share cultural events, eating out, beach, mo¬ vies, travel. Seeking attractive/ cute, down to earth, warm, healthy, N/S, compassionate, sensitive, sensusos, sexy fe¬ male, 20-40 to share fun. qual¬ ity time and some holiday cheer. Tan/dark complexion a plus. Call now. NTR #7559 02/11 DOWN-TO-EARTH SWM. 35, Aries rabbit, never married, smoker, occasional drinker, no drugs, 6'5, blond/ blue, fit, tri-lingual. SoBe resi¬ dent, honest, positive, entre¬ preneurial, hard working, loves business, beach, quiet times, fishing, looking for female soulmate with same qualities to build a life with. NTR #7934 02/18 START THE YEAR With lover of festivals, mu¬ seums, galleries. Looking for witty woman who enjoys for¬ eign films, dancing, singing, creativity. Bonus for smiling eyes arid ready to laugh. Enjoy stimulating conversation with fun SWM who isbright, open, easygoing, even cure. NTR#7167 02/04 WISHING ON A STAR DM, handsome-lookingforthe impossible but knowing that she is out there, tired or look¬ ing and waiting for you, fun, loving, caring, sociable, looking for same. Friendship 1st and whoknows.. NTR #8283 02/25 HANDSOME SBM. athletic build, 5'11 tell, in- telligent, cool socks sexyfe- ■-■■■ male, 21 -48, for discreet, no¬ holds barred encounters. I'll bring the passion, you bring the open mind. No commit¬ ment required, no strings at¬ tached. NTR #8289 02/25 GERMAN PROFESSIONAL with a variety of interests, is looking for you. Me; 38, at¬ tractive, well to do. one wom¬ an man. You; 29-45, attractive, slim, well to do, one man woman. Kid ok. We both want real emotions and true ro¬ mance for a very long time. NTR #7488 02/11 " SIMPLE REQUEST SWM, 36 seeks single, young lady, 25-35, for possible LTR. ¡#7065 02/04 SEARCH NG FOR YOU Looking for a good relationship with someone who's young, trim, secure, intelligent and riot bald? I'm #SwM;tecehtlv 50,5'10,170, N/S. seeking a $/ DWF soulmate, 44-52, in good shape, for companionship, ro¬ mance. LTR. Searching for me? I'm here. NTR #7079 02/04 SEARCHING FOR LOVE SHM, 33,5'11. very outgoing, romantic, and a lot of fun. Wide variety of interests. ISO W/HF, 22-34, prof, sew, at¬ tractive. who knows what they want and enjoys everything in life who wants to be treated good. Down to earth, no head games. I NTR #8375 02/25 COME WITH ME Down the days and down the nights, up vistas filled with Jazz, Blues and the harmonies • only intimate friends can find. Handsome SBM, 5'11. LaWyer- Writer, sensitive, 40's, excellent shape, seeks soulmate. NTR #8263 02/25 FEMALE WITH MILEAGE Frequent flyer mileage. Look¬ ing for, travel companion, 35- 45, for romance and adventure in New Zealand and Australia. NTR #7565 02/11 TALL/HARD BODY/LG HEART 35 happy; healthy DWHPM, bm/green,/funny/outgoing/ sensual/romantic/well-feaa, ISO'25-35. happy girl w/open mind/heart looking for real man, loves kids/life. Marriage- minded. Love arts, water good food, night-life in/out of the ’ No house. No games! NTR #8387 02/25 EUROPEAN Honest, romantic, 58 yo, not rich, one woman man, old fashioned. I'm a finance broker and weekend musician. I don't drink. I'm looking for an hon¬ est and romantic lady 46/56, marriage minded. NTR #7108 02/04 CAPTAIN SEEKS 1ST MATE Captain 56 y/o looking for S/ DWF who likes to sail (or willing to leam), enjoys life in the slow lane, classical music, quiet times at home, movies, and the theater. Give me a call. NTR #7505 02/11. SPIRITUAL LOVE Tall, slim, very spiritual as op- gosed to religious, total vege- irian for health and ecological reasons. Very loving, wise and commited when in relation¬ ship. Physically immortal. Open to sweet, loving,.supportive, angelic lifemate who is tell, spiritual and vegetarian for an experience of unconditional love and joy in living. This Is real! NTR #7854 02/18 HERPES TOO! DWPM, 42,5'11,175 lbs, hand¬ some executive, passionate, romantic, athletic, in great shape, loves animals and out¬ doors. Seeks attractive, sane, sexy female for friendship and more. You won't be disappointed! NTR #7878 02/18 EUROPEAN BLUE-EYED SWM Eastern European gentleman, blue eyes/brown hair, great sense of humor, N/S. non¬ drinker, ISO white or hispanic, nice lady, 30-35, N/S, non- drinker, drug-free, for serious relationship. NTR #8310 02/25 ALL IN ONE DHM,40 yo, l have looks, brains, height, hair & humor. I'm a man with desirable qual¬ ities. seeks a 5'3 or teller his¬ panic/pretty female, kids ok. for possible LTR. NTR #7825 02/ 02/04 CREATIVE TEDDY BEAR Affectionate communicator. 57, sensitive, entertainer, fun¬ ny, warm, creative, model, sing, dance, write. Seeks at¬ tractive woman with sense of humor, 40-56,5'0'-5'5", under 150lbs. No smoking or drugs please. NTR #7436 02/11 WANTED: SWF For friendship and support. I'm a 27 y/o SWM w/ brown hair blue eyes, involved in an auto accident. I enjoy walks on the . beach .movies, and sushi. NTR #7040 02/04 TOMBOY SEARCH Tall, trim, clearly good-looking DWM physician seeks current or former tomboy. If you're 26-36, N/S,SWHE. slender, sweet looking, sporty, smart and sexy, you may be the one! I'm convinced tomboys are better lovers: prove me right! NTR #8285 02/25 MIAMI'S MOST ELIGIBLE Attorney, 6', brown hair/hazel eyes. 41, enjoy movies, con¬ certs, walks, books, conversa¬ tion, quiet times together, evenings on the town, some classic TV programs; seeking in¬ tellectual, unencumbered, professional, slim WF, 26-34 with similar interests and sub¬ tie charm, N/S, N/S. NTR #8344 02/25 PERFECTOR SWHM, 32.5'11,190, profes- ^sionatrnon-smokingrex-^ iely pa mantic, tired of meeting im¬ mature girls who play silly games. BO SDF W/H, not plas¬ tic, slender, 23-30, for dating and else. I enjoy movies, danc¬ ing. parties, beach, travelling and quiet evenings at home. NTR #7952 02/18 BLUE FOLK RADICALISM BSM. writer, warm, witty, into intellect, acoustic old time folk, blues, radical politics, desires woman 39-54 who shares interests. Love kissing in the rain, slow dancing, real jazz. Guitar, mandolin, fiddle, and banjo players, fiction writers ano poets, dreamers encour¬ aged. NTR #7091 02/04 TAKE A PEEK! I might be what you seek. SWM, 29, blue eyed, 6',.175.. mature woman who enjoys dry wit, romance, spontaneity, moonlit evenings under the evening canopy of stars. NTR #7077 02/04 NICE & FUN GUY Young looking and healthy SWM, 38,5'8,185, in good shape. Have good sense of hu¬ mor and In to having fun. Looking for attractive, sweet, cheerful girl'in mid 20's to late 30'sfor fun times and possibly more. NTR #7453 02/11 ESPECIALMENTE PARA Tl * Caballero, 50, profesional, buen nivel social, emocional- mente/economicamente est- - able, 5'9,180lbs, desea conoc¬ er dama no mayor de 45, in-.’ dependiente con valores fa¬ miliares para una relación con futuro. NTR #7029 02/04 LOOKING FOR SWEETHEART 24 yo single male, deaf, speaks American and Brazilian sign lan¬ guage, crazy & cool personality, loves to laugh, travel, chat, walk, movies and nice friends. Seeking a sweet, non-smoking female for dating and rela¬ tionship. Communication's, very important to me. NTR #7964 02/18 FOREVER YOURS SWM, blue/brn, 37, SM, 165, very romantic and sensitive and down to earth. Likes walks on the beach, movies, dining, dancing and I love to dance, very fun-loving, great sense of humor. ISO someone with the same interests. Please call. NTR #8291 02/25 ISO BLACK BEAUTY for romance, then possible love. SWM, 26, handsome, sexy, intellectual, affectionate, long brown hair, slender lean build, 5'11, wants a pretty, vo¬ luptuous and busty BF, who is intelligent, loving and affec¬ tionate and wants a truly real, and lasting love. NTR #7523 02/11 THIS IS A GREAT MONTH for arts and festivals, museums and galleries. If you're new to Miami (even If you're not). If you like to laugh, call this bright, creative, literate SWM who is even cute (my mother says I'm handsome). NTR f R #7829 02/04 WHITE CUBAN MAN 43 yo, 5'10, brown hair and brown eyes. I love the movies, have a great sense of humor, love children and looking for LTR. I hope to hear from you soon. ✓ NTR #8272 02/25 DAMN I’M GOOD for you if you are a sexy, sweet, slim, N/S, pretty wom¬ an, warm hearted, fun loving, 35-47. I'm financially secure,, good looking, 185,6', brown/ brown, 51. like to travel, music, dining out, mediation, pho¬ tography, etc, etc. NTR #7947 02/18 I WILL LOVE YOU like no none has ever loved you. Handsome, communica¬ tive. sensitive SWM, 59. looks younger, 5'10,155, blond/ blue, seeks younger, pretty, slim lady who wants and can give it all: For LTR. . NTR #7045 02/04 COFFEE IN THE MORNING This DWJM, 40's wants to serve you coffee in the morning ifre sophisticated, beautiful and fun to be with. Call this SoBe , resident and enjoy an upscale lifestyle. Let's enjoy a walk on the beach or Lincoln Rd. and get to know each other. NTR #7107 02/04 NATURE BOY SWPM, 33, brown/blue. 5'8, 145, intelligent, romantic, sen¬ sitive, young at heart, down- to-earth, career minded. Enjoy hiking, camping, rollerblading, computers, nature, science, health food, sushi, alternative music, NPR. ISO friendship/ro¬ mance with intelligent, nature girt, feminine yet not afraid to Be seen without makeup. NTR #7822 02/04 PHYSICIANS’ STAR SEARCH Are you a smart and attractive MD, or wanna be...Take note. This SWM, nature loving doc¬ tor, who takes life one day at a time and laughs at some hu¬ man predicaments. Check this man out, and lets find com¬ mon grounds for potential growth and development. NTR #7873 02/18 SINCERE LATINO Athletic, 5'11,175,28. affec¬ tionate professional, financially and emotionally secure seeks professional, attractive, athlet¬ ic, down-to-earth, mature Lat¬ ina, 24-31, for dancing, dining and adventure I offer friend¬ ship. fun and romance. No baggage, will return all calls. NTR #7963 02/18 TREAT Ladles, you're in for a treat, I'm 6'2,180, very athletic and good looking. I'm [n my middle 50's '•andTrirloulrii rgfónrrelrra” very special woman, pretty, smart, sexy, thin, bnght, be¬ tween 30-42. NTR #7835 02/04 UNCONDITIONAL D 257 SeVeN divas, Goethem Schu¬ bert find that sweet scent in store draws bees to nectar dessert. Their guy, with goal not covert, spots a shrub with buds galore. Rosebud, rose at Haulover, pink plant on the damp shore. He says: dearest. I'll pluck you, pink rose of the heather. The rose says: I could scratch you, have lOOthróns to husrt you! To graft, here's fine soil, weather. Rosebud, rosebud, crimson red. on V- day we gather. NTR #8347 • 02/25 FR ENDSH P & FUN Beautiful, sexy, romantic fe¬ male, 20-45, is sought by spontaneous, adventurous, ro- maritic and unconventional WM for friendship and fun. I'm 41 and would like to meet you. NTR #7474 02/11 TENDER & INTELLIGENT European physician, 59,6', 190, financially secure. Loves travel and all the arts. Seeks sensitive, down to earth, slender, spiri¬ tual, cultured companion to experience love and joy. NTR TR #8339 02/25 WHERE ARE YOU? Handsome, 22, WM, ISO mature woman, with a head on her shoulders: I don't discriminate. I need a lady Who can deal with a man who knows how to treat a woman. Age unimportant NTR #7449 02/11 GRINGO SEEKING LATINA Good-looking SWM, 35,5'10, 165, professional, Miami Beach, brown hair, seeks sincere, at¬ tractive, sexy SWLF, 25-35, for fine dining, dancing, movies, possible relationship; NTR #8335 02/25" EX-JOCKEY SWM, 48,5'2,120, homeown¬ er, fit and healthy, seeks tell; physically fit, under 40 female, who enjoys boating, beach and dining out. !#7843 NTR! 02/18 FOR REAL Attractive SWPM, 28, who doesn't usually put ads in pa¬ pers looking for attractive SWPF. who doesn't usually an¬ swer them. Me: passionate, ro¬ mantic, in-shape.-witty. You: sexy, Intelligent, in-shape SWPF, 22-36.N/S, N/D. NTR #7541 02/11 LOOKS-BRAINS-BODY-HEART 5'T1,160, hazel eyes, dirty blond, successful, athletic, down-to-earth, sincere, intel¬ ligent, ambitious, romantic, creative, loyal, great friend & great lover. ISO women 26-32 with similar characteristics to be my best friend. wmwimm NTR #7539 02/11 WELL.HERE I AM.. Now what's vour other two wishes? 43, DWM, Taurus/goat (slow but sure) ISO gentle, and patient soul. Music, laughter, natural foods, and your touch are life's greatest pleasures. Let's shake these doldrums together! NTR #7858 02/18 BIKINI REBEL Wildly handsome, unusually tell, vigorously athletic, strangely charming, ultimately zen-conscious capable. Extra terrestrial male. Seeks chemis¬ try with beautiful, poetically ar¬ ticúlate long legged, 26-35, rebel force. Must enjoy long voyages, romance, dripping sweat, moon dancing, elegant dinners and lasting friendship. NTR #8379 02/25 THINKING MAN Intelligent, articulate, witty, creative, analytical, aggressive, intense, playful, masculine, musical, artistic, passionate, honorable, nonconformist, professional, 42 DJM Dad. Seeking a down-to-earth, Thinking Woman for an honest adult relationship, I'm 5'9, brown hair, green eyes, beard- itler. ed. built like a wrestle NTR #7159 02/04 KIND WOMAN NEEDED SWM. ISO SWF, 18-28, must be kind, considerate, caring and not above 150 lbs. Must like to dance and hang out. NTR #7824 02/04 SEEKING EXOTIC TYPE Sexy, fit woman for adventure ana romance. Handsome, 45. semi-retired, Italian gentle¬ man. 6'1,185. athletic, n/s. En¬ joys life, travel, dining, sports, boating, skiing. Will treat you special in every way. NTR #8394 02/25 TIRED of the bar scene. Cheap lines, fake liers, ego trips, double standards, head games, dum¬ mies and Rico Suave'guys? Well, here is your opportunity. I'm putting all my cards on the table for you to see. I'm ISO an honest and open relationship. If there's no trust, there is nothing. 25 yo SLM. NTR #7154 02/04 KIND ROMANTIC SWM, 43,5'10,195, kind, car¬ ing. romantic with a heart of gold seeking a Latina or busty female, 20's-30's, who's look¬ ing for a serious relationship. I have a variety of interests that I would like to share with my , companion. NTR #8295 02/25 FOREVER AFTER SWM, 40,6', 200, easy going, caring, giving, honest, pas¬ sionate and down-to-earth, into health and fitness, with lots of love and affection for right SWF, possibly leading to life commitment and children. NTR #8345 02/25 SINGLES PARTIES AND MORE! Call 571-755124 hours a day to leam all about the best events for singles In South Florida! And place your per¬ sonal ad FREE! T ’ VALENTINE PACKAOP *r~ Custom made SWM, tell, dark, very appealing looks ana phy¬ sique, artistic and creative Can- cerian, very affectionate, work out to dancing, friends to Pav¬ arotti. Seeking single female, slim, sexy ana intelligent for fun, frolicking and fidelity, 39- 49. NTR #8308 02/25 ISO PRETTY LADY Is there a pretty lady W 45-55 that likes spectator sports and other nice times, looking to meet a nice guy. Myself: 6', good looking, emotionally and financially secure, lives both in Long Island, New York and in Florida, stilfpursuing the elu¬ sive butterfly of love. . NTR #7024 02/04 116 January 28 - February 3,1999 Miami New Times -f- 3S >-i<:a>fcaxTb YOUTHFUL ITALIAN Own home in Miami Reach and would like to share my home, with the right companion» I'm 45, self employed, 5'10,205, dark hair/brown eyes. Have two teenage daughters that don't live with me. m NTR #8316 02/25 ATHLETIC Suave debonair SWM, non- smoker, blnd/green, 37,5'6¿ 155, professional, tennis in- strucor/lifeguard, muscular 1 build, seeking high-spirited, in¬ telligent model ^pe. SWF or SHF for fun. romance and nice conversation. NTR #7823 02/11 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN gentleman, 36. intelligent, pro- fessinal SWM, seéks attractive woman, 21-30, who enjoys travelling, new experiences and to take care of him and his beautiful villa in Germany. NTR #7955 02/18 ESPECIALMENTE PARA Tl Caballero, 50. profesional,: buen nivel social, emocional- - mente/economicarriente est¬ able, 5'9,180lbs, desea conoc¬ er dama no mayor de 45, in¬ dependiente, con valores fa¬ miliares para una relación con futuro. NTR #8301 02/25 FUN&SUN Seeking attractive white or hís¬ panle lady, between 24-35. I'm ' SWM, 5'9,200, athletic profes¬ sional seeks someone with good morals and who likes to nave fun. Enjoy outdoors and Harley rides. NTR #8260 02/25 BRAINS TURN ME ON Writer, runner, musician, pro¬ fessional, 37 yo SWM, seeks bright, communicative, left-of- center. 28-45 yo SFfor fun, adventure, friendship, possible LTR, and if you are the right one, nude scrabble by candle¬ light. IffR #7960 ~ 02/18 IQ OVER GO You're an accomplished, intel¬ lectual, multi-talented, self- sufficient, 30's-40's woman, ready for an adult relationship . with your male equal. We're both intense, determined, honest, ethical, eccentric, crea¬ tive, non-mainstream,,loving, witty, attractive (not necessarily gorgeous). Just imagine., we could be dangerous together. NTR #8369 02/25 GIFT PACKAGE FOREVER Bright, witty, romantic, fit DJPM53, N/S. 5'10, with poet¬ ry in heart offers to be special holiday gift of honesty, good communication, cultural and sporting activities to a warm, pretty, slim, petite, unencum¬ bered DJF38-48.Share arts/ laughs/love. Dade. NTR #7540 02/11 FRIENDSHIP WITH A WOMAN I'm 27, from Puerto Rico, 57; 150, in shape, a little shy, good friend. Enjoy sports and mo¬ vies. ISO a woman, 27-40, race unimportant; NTR #7567 02/11 59 YEARS YOUNG DWJM, nice lookingd'm told) 6'2,195, upbeat, optimistic. ISO the same In a wonderful lady, 5'5,120, a little hefty ole. Like videos, running, having a good time, holding, kissing, want to spend the rest of my life with someone. Children ok: NTR #7481 02/11 A REAL MAN Strong, tall Cuban male, 30, clean cut and well of in every way/wants a classy lady well- put-together, 25-55,130-160, . for quiet sensual times be¬ tween Jazz, Blues, movies, good food and unbelievable deserts. NTR #7575 02/11 ROMANTIC ITALIAN 5'10,190 lbs, martial arts in¬ structor, into working out and body building. Also a musician, plays drums and percussion. ISO sensitive, caring SF for din¬ ing out. movies, sight seeing, concerts and more. NTR #8296 02/25 ISO EBONY FÉMALE I'm a professional, attractive gentleman, 40,6', 195, healthy, warm, honest, ambi¬ tious, intelligent, sensitive, sensuous. Enjoys travel, events, dining, community and cultural events, or chilling at home. Seeking considerate, af¬ fectionate, sweet, down to earth, N/S, sexy female, 20-40, to share quality time and holi- day cheer. Call now. ntoi (#7560 02/11 HALLO AFRICA!!! 41, black African, speaks French, new in Miami. Hobbies: dancing, music, cooking, cul¬ ture and business. Would like a nice relationship with an Amer- v lean or integrated US citizen woman, 35-45, who would like to to late enjoy a queen life in; ■ Africa. Serious calls only. NTR #7876 02/18 GOOD LOOKING ENGLISHMAN Recently moved to Coral Gables. World traveled, great sense of humor, seeking slim, upbeat, pretty, bright, 30-50 woman who is seeking ro¬ mance and special attention. Let's at least talk. NTR #8348 02/25 SENSUOUS & ROMANTIC Financially and emotionally se¬ cure Cuban-American male. 36, 5'10,170, handsome, fit, edu¬ cated. very passionate, ro¬ mantic, a lover of the finer things in life. ISO N/S. fit, 24-44 female with similar qualities. Leave me a message - you won't be disappointed. NTR #7016 02/04 ATTRACTIVE & SUCCESSFUL SWM, professional, 6', 165 lbs, sincere, easy going, financially secure, humorous, fun, N/S seeks friendship and LTR with attractive, shapely, buxom SDWCF, 30-50, who enjoys mo¬ vies, bicycling, jazz, sailing, din¬ ing and conversation. . NTR #7896 , 02/11 PLACE YOUR 40 WORD ROMANCE AD FREE!! Call our free 24-hour auto¬ mated system at 571-7551 right nowl WORLD TRAVELED SWM. 43.6'3,180lbs, inde¬ pendent, photographer, world traveled, hopeless Romantic, have own business, new to Miami, ISO lady, 25-45, a friend to laugh with, dance with, cheese and wine with, possibly some light adventure arid trav¬ el. Romance always a possibil¬ ity. NTR #7080 02/04 AMAZON WOMAN WANTED Ageless aquarius gentleman with some dread locks, a beard and baby blue eyes, strong yet gentle, sensitive and sweet, would sincerely love to méet strong, muscular & powerful woman with a harmony of love, life and laughter. NTR #7842 02/18 ESPECIALLY FOR YOU Gentleman. 50, professional, good social status, erriOtiorial- ly/economically stable, 5'9, 180lbs. would like to meet Spanish lady, not older than 45, . independent with family values for a relationship with future. NTR #7030 02/04 HANDSOME FIVE STAR LEO Thoughtful, intelligent, suc¬ cessful SWJM, 57, educated, professional, 5'i1i;l70,iso compatible, very pretty SWF, with good figure, good per¬ sonality, sensitive and intelli¬ gent, who enjoys life and ro¬ mance, 37-49. N/S; Let's talk. (Serious replies only). Possibly LTR. NTR #8392 02/25 WHAM! BLAM! Nice, easy going, good looking, law-abiding partner. Must be slim but curvaceous and have other nice qualities like me! I'm 42,6'. 200, athletic, lové the outdoors. NTR #8368 02/25 LIGHT, LOVE & PEACE Life is a special journey for all of us. Floating in a sea of elu- sions,.. Flying away in our end- less dream. A heartland beat¬ ing of desires and inspira^ tions... 49, divorced and a hu¬ manistic mission: Fill me, touch me... NTR #7501 02/11 REGULAR. REAL GUY Been around enoúgh to know a few things, not hung up on self, fit but not hunk, DW, no kids, ISO unpretentious, edu¬ cated, trim S/DWF, for ro¬ mance & commitment. Willing to make the effort if you are, let's talk. NTR #7069 02/04 SPANISH LADIES PLEASE Professional gentleman, age 50, economically stable, good character, 5'9; 180lbs, good so¬ cial level, would like to meet lady 40-45. without family ob¬ ligations, If possible profes¬ sional for a relationship with a future. NTR #8303 02/25 BRICKELL-FALLS PLAY AREA Tall, educated, successful WPF, usually prefer well-mannered, self-financing, emotiohally- aVailable WPM counterparts, is that you? Are you under 45 and a non-smoker? If so, a compassionate WPM counter¬ part and good listener will re- , turn your call. NTR #7109 02/04 SELECTIVE! WPM; 29. Very: attractive (model looks), fit (6'1,200lbs), intelligent (entrepreneur, graduate degrees), funny, sen¬ sitive,romantic. Likes alterna¬ tive, world, classical music; ex¬ ercise, outdoors; stars, sun¬ sets; good TV, films, and con¬ versation. Seeking compatible woman for possible LTR. If you called before please try again. NTR #7438 02/11 MARRIAGE CAN BE FUN French photographer, 39, with an 18 y/o teenage model seeks sincere, simple, strip tease or nude dancer girl, bl, 18-36.1 respect your profession and will honor you as my compan¬ ion or wife. NTR #8252 02/25 ADVANCED DEGREE? Financially independent? Ath¬ letically curvaceous? Emotion¬ ally available? Undeniably at¬ tractive? Devout nonsmoker? Selectively seductive? 27-37 years old? if all of the above truly describe you, this tall, trim, handsome DWM physi¬ cian awaits your call with hope¬ ful anticipation. NTR #8284 02/25 NORTHERN EXPOSURE Free spirit. DWM, 47,5'10, I75lbs, bm/blue, fit, wit, at¬ tractive,'intellectual iso muse, alchemy, and cosmic friend¬ ship. A Chris-twin, unrepentant intellectual, reverencefor Women of spirit and mystery. Explore the architecture of our innocence. Age, kids, pets, moot, spirit defines the mys¬ tery- NTR #8338 02/25 v / eriqsirtl02vrií¡vy;::|v: FRIENDSHIP OR ROMANCE SWM, 5'8, blue eyes/bloridish fiair, young41, fun loving, nice guy, into rdllerblading, tennis, skiing, travel, meeting-people, and enjoying life. I'm frbrh Ar-C : izona and looking for friends to show me Miami. Age/looks unimportant. Charms/persoh-; ality come first. NTR #7137 02/04 ATTRACTIVE MALE SWHM, 5'8,155,24 yo, hazel, greenish eyes, very nice and sweet, ISO fun, outgoing fe¬ male. NTR #7827 02/04 SOMEONE TO SHARE WITH SHPM, 27,5'6,180, muscular. Sincere, sensitive, affectionate; enjoy working out, bicycling, dancing, the beach, movies and health food. Seeking com¬ patible SW/HF, N/S. 20-30, for datingrand possible relation¬ ship. NTR #7566 02/11 LIFE IS AN ADVENTURE Do you like to expand your . mental and physical limits? Do you enjoy eastern philosophy, spiritual romance, dancing, blading, road cycling or wild¬ erness expeditions? Very fit adveriturer/entrépreneur seeks long term relationship. Age is unimpoftaht,-actualizing and following dreams is. NTR #7499 02/11 -booB.9q6n2"Jt9iO^;.WjWA/ ■':90if)ifthÉs*}-nwbl5igrii>ií3c GRINGO SEEKS CONTENT SWM, bl. hair/blue eyes, 57, young 41. looking for nice, fun, attractive girl to teach me Spanish language and/or dance. Must be upbeat, active and able to enjoy life. Call - you'll be glad you did. NTR #7828 02/04 GOOD LOOKING Full head of hair, 5'8,38 dark eyes/hair, fit, very talented, and fun. ISO similar, nice, at- ' tractive, fun girl that will be nice New Year's Eve date. Not that picky, just want the girl to be lots of fun. NTR #8377 02/25 LOOKING FOR FRIENDS SBPM is looking for someone to spend time with, must be fairly slim, humorous, down to earth, outgoing, mature and enjoy quiet tines, games, mo¬ vies, travel. Ages 30-55.; N/D. NTR #7172 02/04 ESPECIALLY FOR YOU Gentleman, 50, professional, good social status, emotional¬ ly/economically stable, 5'9, I80lbs, would like to meet Spanish lady, not older than 45, independent with family values . for a relationship with future. NTR #8302 02/25 EUROPEAN SWM French male seeks slender, open minded female for casual friendship and romantic fun. NTR #7179 02/04 ■HR L» i c © IMMORTAL BELOVED To gaze in the heavens;io lie in a place, I seek a soul that bears no face. I've cheated time where destinies are taken to live, to sleep.and to truly love is to awaken. NTR #7064 02/04 SEXY BACHELOR SWHM, 28, athletic and ro¬ mantic. looking for séxySW pe- titefemale, 18-28, who enjoys, travelling, dancing, wineing and dining.-Jn other words, the finer things in life. NTR #7168 02/04 IVY LEAGUE PROFESSIONAL South Florida gentleman, tall, blonde, blue, 39, adventurous, love the freedom and serenity of the ocean, boating, water- sports. Dining and dancing out or your private chef with the recipe for romantic times. ISO adventurous, athletic lady, 20's-30's to share sunsets, fun times together and hopeful¬ ly-? NTR #7537 02/11 SEEKING LOVE SWM, 34.5'10,155lbs, roman¬ tic, good-looking, athletic, faithful man who loves the outdoors, travelling, good life, and family. ISO SWF, 25-35. pretty, slim, affectionate with similar interestsfor» romance/ LTR. N/S, N/D. One child OK. NTR #7083 02/04 Fax or e-mail a Romance ad of 40 words or less and you’ll get it for FREE. Deadline is Tuesdays at 2:00pm Simply complete the following form and fax it to us. Your ad will run for three weeks and instructions will be mailed to you. It’s all free, including the voice mail on which you record an introduction and retrieve your messages. Fax; 571-7679 e-mail: romance@miaminewtimes.com. web: www.miaminewtimes.com f------- — — — -i I Fax Free ad form or e-mail guidelines | Clip out this form and attach it with your 40 word Romance ad. I Be sure to write your full name and contact number on your ad. i I Confidential Information I 1 NAME HOME PHONE DAY PHONE STREET ADDRESS (No P.O. Boxes) CITY STATE ZIP E-MAIL ADDRESS I Category (select one) I I | Men | □ Women seeking Women □ I Saw You □ Women seeking Men □ Men seeking Women □ Men seeking NewTunes ROMANCE simple, easy, fun 305.571.7525 www.miaminewtimes.com ADVENTUROUS Up/off beat WPM, 50's, ISO youthful 40's, slim, sane, sexy, for relationship. Me: 5'10¿ at-, tractive, secure. You: smiling, smart, slightly off center. NTR #7493 02/11 JUST THE WAY YOU ARE 30 y/o, personal trainer and ^SPA director, tired of meeting girls who play silly games. ISO ; woman of style and beauty who is confident and self-reli¬ ant. Only those who care enough about themselves, who exercise, but still enjoy life, need respond. NTR #7171 02/04 FIREMAN TO THE RESCUE 30,5'9> in shape, fun to hang out with, SWHM seeks special woman, slim, fit, S/D W or HF, 23-32, N/S,-N/D, no excess . baggage, possible LTR. You shoulcfbe career oriented, am¬ bitious, funny, outgoing, crea¬ tive, intriguing ana eclectic. NTR #7025 % 02/04? CAN HEAR YOUR HEARTBEAT-" MWM, 38.57.150lbS, fit, well educated professional, ISO W/ HF, 28-40; smart, attractive, discrete, N/S, to share passion and create memories. Possible LTR, travel. Dade Co. preferred. NTR #7857 02/18 NICE GUY IN MIAMI 29. SWM. seeks SWF, 21-35. I'm 5*6; 130 lbs and enjoy concerts, alternative and 80's music. . Seeking friend or more with similar interests. N/S pre¬ ferred. No head games! NTR #8349 02/25 GOAL ORIENTED Attractive, professional, Italian male, 34,175,5'8, funny, sin¬ cere, quiet, searching for com¬ patible female. Looks unim¬ portant, however, must be pe¬ tite in stature. Let's talk. NTR #8366 02/25 NO WORDS CAN SAY What I would like to tell that special lady who is intelligent, honest, slender, and who en¬ joy nature, soft romantic mu¬ sic, and the simple things in life. Me: DHM, 48, w/h propor¬ tionate, tall, educated, and af- , ' fectionate. NTR #7085 02/04 VERY OPEN-MINDED Tall, handsomé.-athletic JP, 35, seeks ultra-feminine, athletic, attractive JF, 18-35 for possible relationship. NTR #7018 02/04 LOVE ME TENDER White male, 5'10, blue eyes/ brown hair, seeking woman, 40-55, who likes Elvis,• dinner and romance, racing and foot¬ ball. NTR #7545 02/1111. SEXY LATIN WANTED 43.5'11,180lbs, brn/blue no children looking for my soul-. mate. Why wait? Get a date. Let's meet for all the right rea¬ sons. This could be our time, our dreams come true. Don't waste time, call now. NTR #7175 02/04 SIMPLE MAN 46, SWPM, 5*11,170, With a wide variety of interests and a si good sense of humor. Looking for a friend and a lover who is a S/D WF. slim, my age or young¬ er. Let's have some fun. Call me now. NTR #7485 02/11 NICE, FIT GENTLEMAN 50ish guy. Don't drink, don't smoke, fairly good shape - work out every day. Looking for a pleasant woman who is not too heavy, doesn't smoke or drink too much, extremely sensuous. NTR #7432 02/11 TOM CRUISE LOOKS Sexy, attractive, very fit SPJM, 32,6', 175. Confident, fun, ad¬ venturous, movies, music, dancing, gourmet cooking, beach, ISO SJF, 22-32. If you' sexy, fun, fit, attractive, ad¬ venturous and looking forthe all around guy, call me. NTR #8367 02/25 WORKING TOO MUCH SW European needs you, a smart, funny, independent, energetic woman. 30-40 to share fine food, AfrO'latín dancing. Race unimportant. Call. NTR #7145 02/04 SEEKING ITALIAN.. South American lady. This very handsome. 6'2, athletic man with a ready smile seeks lady, 30-40, no children, with hour glass figure. With substance and outer and inner beauty for friéndship, companionship and a monogamous relationship. NTR #8359 02/25 READY WILLING & ABLE SWM, 45, happy, healthy, en¬ joys sailing, biking, mtjsic, com¬ edy and quiet times. Seeks fe* male to share good times and experiences. N/S. NTR re IR #7019 02/04 BEAUTIFUL REBEL Brilliantly different, tall, suc¬ cessful, strangely handsome, trim, athletic writer. Seeks wild, sensual, unusual beauty, 25-35. Tall, thin, talented for adven¬ tures and new brilliance. Skiing, sailing, skin diving, dinner par¬ ties, home rnade videos. New vision and new desires creating path of wonder. NTR #7112 02/04 ROMANTIC MALE Employed, understanding, ma¬ ture, romantic, open minded and cute 23 yo BM, ISO smart and sexy female who enjoys movies, dancing, candlelight dinners or just cuddling at my place listening to Art Kelly. Race not important, friendship first, no games please. NTR #7096 02/04 GOOD BOY looks like., bad boy, SWPM, 46 but looks 36,5*9,165, ISO non- caucasian woman with sex ap-. peal, emotional.stability/physi- cal fitness a plus. Me: Mediter¬ ranean good looks, dark hair/ lite eyes, lean/friuscular, fit, monogamous, gregarious, funny, interesting. Age open. NTR #7564 02/11 CANDLE LIGHT DINNER Professional, black Caribbean male, forty, single, wishes to have a candle light dinner and romance with educated lady under forty. Miami area. NTR #7867 ’ 02/18: BILL GATES Look alike can makeyou feel like a million! Attractive pro¬ fessional, investor, former law¬ yer, 50,67158, brown hair.,' blue eyes, seeks intelligent, at¬ tractive, slender lady for fine diriing and life's pleasures. NTR #8384 02/25 PICK ME, PICK ME I'm different. SWM, 30, long brown hair, green eyes, ener¬ getic, artistic, scientific, Mr. Fix- it. ISO SW/HF, petite, who loves to laugh and play, epjoys danc¬ ing salsa, scary movies and a ÜÜ i % i cold beer. NTR #8287 02/25 EUROPEAN MUSICIAN Me: professional concert pia¬ nist and doctoral studentat UM, 30,5,'10, blond/blue, sporty, attractive, patient, sen¬ sitive. You: H/W. charming and cute, but not perfect, intopar tying, into wearing silk, with great personality. NTR #7132 02/04 HAPPY HOLIDAYS SWPM, 30,6', brown/blue, in¬ telligent, handsome arid hu¬ morous; father of one, ISO SWPF, 25-35, smart, sexy and savvy, emotionally/financially/' secure. For hockey games, beaches and good conversa¬ tion. No drunks or druggies please. NTR #7503 02/11 IVY LEAGUE Well-bred, from good family, , successful CEO, 41, with re¬ fined tastes and European sen¬ sitivity, seeks tasteful, well- dressed, well-travelled, sensu¬ ous, slim, romantic SF; N/S, 25- 35. ‘ NTR #7875 02/18 BRILLIANT ARTIST Open, honest and provocative SWM, 30, world travelled, pas¬ sionate artist ISO female artist to share excitement and mu¬ tual inspiration. Are you-fun. creative and passionate in life? NTR #7095 02/04 I NEED YOUR TOUCH 50:s SPM is seeking that ex¬ traordinary woman, 40-52 for everlasting love. Be warm, pas¬ sionate, intelligent, slim and sensous. Enjoy the theatre, arts and have a great sense of humor. I'll give you all my at¬ tention, affection, commit¬ ment, care and love. N/S. NTR #7134 02/04 EMPLOYMENT DESIRED SWM, 39,5'9, med-built, hon¬ est. confident, with strong technical problem solving skills in a quality assuredrelation- ship, ISO a full-time romance. Employer should be an up and coming professional, stable qualities, Miami based. Assured a strong possiblity of longevity with fringe benefits/bonuses. NTR #7465 02/11 REGULAR GUY SEEKS.. Regular gal. Unpretentious, humorous DWM, 50, fit in body, mind and life. Wants to meet similar minded S/DWF for friendship; romance, com¬ mitment. NTR #7834 02/04 GOOD LOOKING ENGLISH MAN Recently moved to Coral Gables, world traveled, great sense of humor, seeking slim, upbeat, 30-50 woman who is seeking romance and special attention. Let's at least talk. NTR #7043 02/04 SAILING INSTRUCTOR SWM, Aries, 5'8,160lbs, fit, 40'S, N/S, N/DE, N/DR, roman- tic„sehspal. tactile, humorous. Considered good-looking; ISO single, feline, passionate fe¬ male or single F/parent secure, professional Latin/ HAW must enjoy night under stars, out-. door activities, theatre, salsa. • NTR #7933 02/18 ATHLETIC & EDUCATED 40-something, looking for ath¬ letic, educated, non-smoker. Into film, arts as well as all sports. NTR #8342 02/25 HANDSOME PROFESSIONAL Film maker, TV producer, col-, lege educated, home owner, 46,5'9, salt & pepper, blue eyes, good body, with a great sense of style, humor and in? y tegrity. Looking for a down-to- earth woman who Is adven¬ turous, spontaneous, cute and curvy. For LTR. NTR-#8299 02/25 ARE YOU THE ONE? Looking for a woman under 30 who is attractive, smart, ath¬ letic, religious. In a addition she must have a day job and be ca¬ reer minded. NTR #8341 02/25 TALENTED MAN l can act, sing, dance, teach, and play all sports. I am 48, looking better every day. Are you (30-40). ready for me? Then don't be late. NTR #6621 02/11 BEDROOM EYES 'T (butthey work in other, rooms as well). Tall, dark haired and handsome SWHM,' in hls 30's, -seeks articulate and attractive woman in her 20's or 30's. Must bé a kind person with a good sense of humor. NTR #7563 02/11 RECIPE FOR ROMANCE Combiné warm, caring, un¬ pretentious Jewish male, 40- something, enjoys movies, music, quiettirhes, just plain fun. Mix Jewish female,.bright, playful, passionate, N/S. G?fr nisfi with laughter. What a truly appetizing dish! Agree? Please ■ cal NTR #7121 02/04 ROMANTIC PASSIONATE Very attractive, divorced WM, 38, dark and tan, creative, ath¬ letic, spiritual, down-to-earth. Loves Jazz, a good workout, diningand the beach. Seeks - very attractive, affectionate, sincére female with great " sense of humor and a riice fig¬ ure. NTR #7044 qy04 KENDALL BUSINESSMAN Cool green eyes, 5*10,190lbs, middle aged native Varied interests. Seeks thin, attractive lady 45-55 for romance. NTR #7078 02/04 BUCK STOPS HERE Broward Doctor, 50, confident, handsome, financially secure, athletic, medium build, 5'9. Loves travel, sports, music, and having fun. Seeks LTR with up¬ beat, sexy, graceful, slender lass, under 42 with a great smile, and a bit of mystery. NTR #7849 02/18 ISO TALL WOMAN SWM. 42,57,150. Rockin-rblT; • on Guitar and a musician, (also play Hendrix, Zeppélin, Beatles and Santana. I like good con¬ versation, movies; dancing. ISO someone 20-40,5*10'+. I an¬ swer all replies. NTR #7568 02/11 PROFESSIONAL GENTLEMAN SWM, upper middle class irif’•* cómé, 57,160lbs, dark bream/ green, laid back, my interests are art and fast cars: Interested in SW/LF for friends Or rela¬ tionship. NTR #7146 02/04 TIRED OF THE CITY? Available now 3/2/1 home in PSL. Great area, close to WPB. Needs TLC. Comes complete with slim SWM, 44,6:, 180, smoker, who also needs TLC from select SWF. NTR #7061 02/04 ISO BLACK FIT FEMALE White male, mid-30's, attrac¬ tive. blond/blue, 5'11,185. personal trainer, ISO black fe¬ male, 24-30, who enjoys mo¬ vies, working out and sports. Not into drugs or drinking. NTR #7569 02/11 SUCCESSFUL EXEC Coming to the Coconut Grove area from Feb 3-April 30. Look¬ ing to meet one pretty girl who likes to be spoiled and pampered by someone who is looking for a'soulmate. Me: SWM. 34. YOU: 18-28. Lets hook up, you won't regret it. NTR #7868 02/18 SUMMER SEEKS FALL Financially secure gentleman, 47, seeks a Slim, sexy, sensual WF. 40-60for world travel,’*?" New York theatre and plenty of passion. NTR #7467 - 02/11 DONDE ESTAS Ml Maria Concito Alando look- alike. This Puerto Rican single male, 33.190,6', lSO~a SHPF with strong hispanic features to start oft something ex¬ tremely tá 02/04 ely special. NTR #7104 COMPUTER GEEK 1 31, professional. Interests in cartoons, science fiction, vin¬ tage Volkswagens. Seeking Ja- neane Garafalo type, not look¬ ing to have kids. Don't have to share in my interests, but need to know the passion. Appear¬ ance of little importance, in¬ telligence and a sense of hu¬ mor is what turns me on. NTR #7872 02/18 CORAL GABLES CHARM Successful, handsome, athletic, tall SDWM, professional (age 46), N/S, with great sense of humor, enjoys theatre, the** arts, adventure and travel, seeks intelligent, attractive, slim SR 35-45. for special rela¬ tionship and fun. One great NTạ 02/18 DOCTOR IN TRAINING Blue eyed/ brown hair athletic, 6'4 male seeks muscular, ath¬ letic female, 21-35, who likes lifting weights, working out, dining ana traveling: A women who enjoys being pampered of should < and taken care me. NTR #7076 l call 02/04 PASSIONATE MAN 46 yo musician/artist ISO lady interested in living life to it's fullest. NTR #7956 02/18 PLACE YOUR FABULOUS FREE ‘40-WORD ROMANCE AD 24 HOURS A DAY! S Call 571-7551. REACH FOR THE STARS and come down with a angel. Charming, elegant, interna»? tional, like royalty, man about town, international traveller, lovable, sense of humor, likes fine foods, theatre, dancing, and just to meet similar qual¬ ities or better to help me reach for the stars and also come down with an angel. NTR #8343 02/25 1.900.454.3666 $1.99 per minute.. Miami New Times January 28 - February 3,1999 117 I Men Seeking Women continued DESIRES LOVINO EUROPEAN Handsome DWM, mid 50$, in¬ telligent, healthy and sincere ! love life and want to love it with a younger, petite, attrac¬ tive, romantic, sensual woman who enjoys dining out. travel, music, and is spontaneous. If that's you, please call me. NTR #7945 02/18 4$fiE MY VALENTINE! 39 wíltaliáh-American. 5'10, 180. N/S, social drinking. I'm funny, outgoing, adventurous, ISO female who enjoys the same interests and hobbies as §$Mgoors, sports, movies, music, dinner, quiet times. So come on, be my Valentine. Ciao. NTR #7866 02/18 A NICE JEWISH BOY fit, well-educated, well-trav¬ eled. divorced, friendship/re¬ lationship orientecLSO year old, seeks to meet a refined lady whe?$&lues communication, has a good sense of humour, and iS'érndtionally mature. NTR #8269 02/25 SPANISH LADIES PLEASE Professional gentleman, age 50, economically stable, good character, 5'9,.480lbs, good so¬ cial level, would like to meet lady 40-45. without family ob¬ ligations, if possible protest siorialfor a relationship with a future- . NTR #7014 02/04 ABOVE THE CROWD SexysWH gentleman, late 20$, 5*8, clean-cut, handsome, nice smile, romantic, easy going, fi¬ nancially secure, educated; open-minded, enjoys cooking, shopping, movies, the beach, having fun, ISO LTR with affec¬ tionate, honest, happy SF in Dade. NTR #7123 02/04 IT ALL ADDS UP... Romance + humor + energetic + dining out+communication: + attention + candles + flowers + creativity + easy-going + sexy + well maintained + open minded + home cooking + in¬ telligent + spontaneity = me. if you are comfortable in Levis as ybu are in a dress...that's a plus; Let me add you to my ro¬ mantic equation. NTR #7135 - 02/04 INTELLECTUAL NEW YORKER SWM, 29, graduate student. Though l appreciate Miami for whet it is, l m often put Off by the political apathy and mind¬ less consumerism so prevalent down here. ISO SF, 25-32, Who's engaged with the world and concerned about current events. No right wing Cubans please.. NTR #7059 02/04 LOOKING FOR... Petite SR 21-30. I'm athletic. 5'6, enjoy outdoor activities, above average looks, looking for someone who is inde¬ pendent but also values the give and take of and intimate relatioship. NTR #70*94 02/Q4 ITALIAN AMERICAN Gentleman, Miami Lakes, 60,6', 180 lbs, enjoys boating, dining, slow dancing, movies, quiet evenings, ISO nice looking, trim W/féínale. 42-52,if you like some or all please call me, we can talk about things you like. NTR #7925 02/18 GOOD TIMES AWAIT Friendly SJM, 22,'6', seeks fe- mále (race unimportant) with a warm personality and a sense of humor, for dining, movies, sports and anything else inter¬ esting andfun. NTR #7054 02/04 SWM Professional Jewish male. 28. blue eyes, brown, hair, 57, seeks a single or divorced slim female, non-Smokéf, under 30. I prefer someone under 57 and in reasonably good shape, babylon 5 viewer a plus. I like plays, movies, sailing and other outdoor activities. NTR #7883 02/18 EUROPEAN GENTLEMAN 50. highly educated and well travelled, romantic, passionate, financially secure, 5'8, medi¬ um-built, muscular, love boat¬ ing. beach, scuba and travel. Speate French, English and Spanish. ISO a lady.^5-45, fit, warm, caring, sexy, college ed¬ ucated. Latina Jewish pre¬ ferred. NTR #7491 02/11 HARLEY & HONDA CEO Educated, honest, sensitive, and á heartfull of gold, 51, 5'11, brown/brown, financially/ emotionally secure, over¬ weight though, ISO a petite girt,l5'2-5'8, for LTR. Call you won't be sorry. NTR #7543 02/11 AMERICAN BLUE-EYED 41,5'10,175, brown hair/blue eyes, good looking, wants to meet a Latin woman for special times. Let's fall in love, tis the season, will be a first for me here in Miami. Lets do it NTR #7861 02/18 SEARCHING FOR DULCINEA SWM. 57,165,46, chivalrous, handsome, well-educated, professional, sensitive, kind, thoughtful, liberal, stable, hon- estJSQmantic musician, prefers younger, attractive, slim Latina or onental with a sense of hu¬ mor for passionate relation¬ ship. leading to marriage and family. NTR #7026 02/04 30 YO PROF Involved in real estate when I'm not teaching, graduated from Flu. Very shy andsensi-l tive. Enjoy sports, watching athletic events, looking for friend who's outgoing and en¬ joys to relax, catch a movie and just havea good time. NTR #8365 02/25 DREAMS DO COME TRUE SM, Cuban American 37,6'i;',, 187lbst black hair/green eyes, attractive, outgoing, great sense of humor, likes movies, concerts, dinner, romantic evenings. Seeking SF, 18-35, sweet, intelligent, well-figured, nice eves, for LTR. . NTR #7115 02/040 GREATGUY Great guy but poor, SWJM, likes movies and concerts when l have the money. NTR #7830 02/11 FEMALE MODEL Wanted for travel, companion to Amsterdam in February with 39 y/o, SWM surgeon, art collector- Must be á SWF mod? el, 21-28 y/o. NTR #7460 Q2/11 LOOKING FOR ME??? Well, you're 1-step closer. I'm a SBM; 21 yo college student, understanding, open-minded, kind-héarted, compassionate, romantic, N/S, N/D, ISO SF’18- 22 forfriendship, possible LTR;. You've come this far, so don't hesitate to call. ¡ NTR #8315 02/25 EUROPEAN PROFESSIONAL German. DWM.-39,.well edu¬ cated is looking for a unique lady 31-45/ slim, attractive, we both want real romance and like to enjoy the fine things in life. Kid(s) OK. NTR #7542 , 02/11 FAB SENSE OF HUMOR 52 yo DWM, dentist, 6', brown blond, grey w/blue - with fab sense of humor seeking spir¬ ited, independent, upbeat, classy female to enjoy the finer things in life and hopefully more. NTR #75Q0 ^ ; 02/11 UPSCALE PROFESSIONAL In shape, 32, WHM, educated, handsome, emotionally secure. Véry well rounded, cultured, enjoy travel, theatre, arts, fes¬ tivals, have character, sub¬ stance, values, community in¬ volvement, growth. Seeks a 23-34yo white or hispanic fe¬ male. Relationship onented. Serious replies only. NTR #7885 02/18 LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP i want a special person and l want to be a special person. Mé: SWM, 5'10 attractive. You: SWF, willing to love.and be loved. NTR #8376 02/25 Men Seeking Men ISO POLYNESIAN GOD Spanish/ltaliari/Hawaiian, 30, 57.167, drk brown, green eyes, very attractive, dynamic and with substance', wants to meet successful, sexy islander, soulmate and exceptional man for long-term. NTR #7556 02/11 AFFECTIONATE SENIOR SWJM, 5'8,170, gray hair/ brown eves, HIV-. not into bars, loves to kiss/hold hands, very affectionate, likes to eat out and spend quality time at home. Seeks romantic guy, 45- 62, N/S, under 6', who loves to slow dance and kiss. Relation¬ ship oriented. N/E Dade. NTR #7431 02/11 MOST ELIGIBLE Good-looking, athletic, straight-forward, independent, humorous, 29 BM. not looking for a man to make me com¬ plete, just companionship. En¬ joy working out, movies, trav¬ elling, good conversation, cooking home meals. ISO top/ versatile man. 100 % real, ath¬ letic. in shape, honest, adven¬ turous, communicative. 23-40, a friend as well as a lover who has a strong believe in god. NTR #7028 02/04 NEW TO SOBE 27 yo, 6'2,200 lbs, European, new to South Beach, fitness model, sincere» carina simple, just coming out as a bi-sexual, seeks good simple, in shape,, also coming out 22-30 yo friend. Prefer white American. Personality matters. Absolutely no gay bars. NTR #7102 02/04 BLUE EYES GWM,~34, brown harr/blue eyes. 5'11,165 lbs, medium built, HIV+, healthy, loves beach, gym, movies, dancing, dining out, quiet times and travelhg. Seeks GWM, 29-35, who enjoys the same for friendship and possibly more. NTR #7508 02/11 SMOOTH BLACK SKIN 29. very attractive, HIV-, mas¬ culine. not shy. athletic body, top BM. pack in the sack, es¬ pecially in the back. ISO attrac¬ tive, masculine, versatile/bot¬ tom, BM/LM who is bright as a sun with a pleasant personality forfriéndship/LTR. NTR #8257 02/25 ONE OF A KIND GWPM, 33. dean-cut, educat¬ ed, professional with job and life. Seeks other GWLM, 26-36 with goals, humor, love for life and confidence to share fun activities and intelligent con¬ versation. I'm in shape. HIV-, N/ S. N/D, you should be too. NTR #7557 02/11 CUTE GERMAN BOY 21,5'9, brownrhair/brown eyes, straight acting, ISO Den¬ nis; Rodman type; i - — k NTR #7480 02/11 AM I LOOKING FOR YOU? Are you looking forme? We wouldn't know until you call.' 39, HIV+; hobbies, music, birds, spirituality. I always say what I think. If you call leave a mes¬ sage, NTR #8350 02/25 YOUNG PROFESSIONAL? 21,6\ brown/biue, very Mid¬ western looking, ISO Young professional under 3Ó, attrac¬ tive and likes to have fun. Love romantic dinners, dubs, work¬ ing out, travelling. If. you're tired of the usual Miami men andtoe attitude. I'm what you are looking for. For dating and maybe more. NTR #7081 02/04 BLOND/BLUE White male, 22. with blond hair and blue eyes would like to meet young man, 19-27. NTR #7562 02/11 SEEKING ATHLETIC 6’4 I'm a romantic, masculine WM, 5'9,:160,39, attractive, mus¬ cular, healthy, cleaa Looking fora big brother type, height is important. You are: athletic, in great shape, sensitive, mas¬ culine, sincere, romantic, strong, likes to cuddle,: Hiv-. NTR #7869 02/18 NEW TO MIAMI 18 yO GBM, college student, originally from tné Mid-West, , healthy and fit, 5'8,150, dark complexion; romantic, enjoys intellectual conversations, kiss-. ing and cuddling, seeks friend, possible LTR. NTR #7948 02/18 PLACE YOUR 40 WORD ROMANCE AD FREEH Call our free 24-hour auto¬ mated system at 571 -7551 right now! HANDSOME DOUBLE Seeks charming man, 25-40, must be reasonably literate, like dassic modem rock, and the only thing you put up your nose should Be your finger. If this is you, call me. r NTR #7547 02/11 BLACK/LATIN I'm 25, good looking male. Looking for Latin tifíales for friendship and maybe more. 5'8,167 lbs, smooth body, shaved head. Enjoy movies, dining out, dancing. Down-to- earth and Sweet. NTR #7075 02/04 CREATIVE PROFESSIONAL intelligent? Attractive? Witty? I wouldliketd think so. 32, S'8, 150lbs, br/bl ISO artist or Const, ind. Pro./trades (with similar stats). You be confident assertive, masculine, stable (?). The rest is chemical, bro. NTR #7931 02/18 I WANT MORE OUT OF life than looking for love in all the wrong places. GWM, B/G, 5'9,135; lean, good looking, who looks to laugh and smile. I'm looking for some who is healthy, fun, and loves to cud¬ dle. NTR #8671 02/25 PASSIONATE GWM, 32,57, Hispanic, pas¬ sionate, HIV+, looking for top man. ga, straight, Hlv+. We wouldn't know until... Love music, dandng, etc. Call and leave a message for me. NTR #7890 02/18 LOOKING FOR MORE GWJM, 35, look 28.5'11,185, cute, dean cut professional, like to travel, boating, bike, golf, movies, looking for someone like me tohuild a fu¬ ture together. You should be under 35„cute with boyish build. NTR #7520 02/11 SPECIAL FRIENDSHIP Attractive Cuban, masculine, simple, healthy is looking for friendship ana possible rela¬ tionship. NTR #7513 02/11 MATURE DIVORCED FATHER/ Daddy. Mid 40's gentleman. Caring, loving, honest, secure, decent and fit (not musde fanatic). 6'1,175#, handsome (I'm told) and healthy in mind, body and spjrit Bl/bl Non S/D/ or drugs. Enjoy cooking, dining out, movies, theater, reading, beach, jazz, dassic rock, new age, etc. Love traveling, meet¬ ing new people and experi- endng different cultures. Ver¬ satile, adventuress, not into tor scene. ISO younger, stable, honest guy, under 35, who ap- predates being treated right with love and respect Prefer smallerframe, thin tomed. build, smooth. Asian, Latin or darker skin a plus but will con¬ sider all who possess a sound mind, good character and warm heart. My ultimate goal is a LTR but want to be friends first All calls will be returned. Try me. NTR #7962 02/18 NICE & SINCERE Honest, good looking, 42,5'9. 140, good looking, good heart, slim, in perfect shape, profes¬ sional. looking for someone with agood heart, any race. NTR #7103 02/04 CEREBRALSEX? Mature, intelligent, spiritual GWM, interested in enlighten¬ ing conversation and friend¬ ship. This 24 yo. professional, attractive - music, theatre and movie fan rollerbfades. beach¬ es and lives life to the fullest ISo someone who thinks with the head on their shoulders (21-30). NTR #7060 02/04 LATN GWLM; 47,5'8,160 lbs,HIV+, ISO that special person. I enjoy .£ the gym, movies, travel, ro- matic, dinners. Looking for someone with Similar interests between 35-50. Must be self- supporting. NTR #7955: ,// y . ,\ 02/18 ■ MASCULINE BM ONLY Italian-Américan male, from NY tity, seeks an attractive, mas¬ culine BM, who wants to be treated very well, between 25- 35. HIV- arid masculine black- males only. / NTR #8293 02/25 THINK PASSIONATE LIFE.. If you are moved to dream joy, grow flowers, ride- motorcy¬ cles, build indescribable things and stare silently at shadows. Masculine, 34, GBM, hazel- green eyes, 6'4, strong mind, solid body, creative profes¬ sional seeks secure, tall, 25-35, educated professional, pro¬ portional body, eclectic taste/ habits. N/D, N/S. NTR #7529 02/11 FRIENDSHIP FIRST Goal-oriented, grad student, new to Miami. Tall, brown/ brown, 25, in shape, boy next door type. Dark sense of hu¬ mor, gregarious and likes to laugh. Not into South Beach. ISO humorous, physically fit, educated professional. 25-35, white or latino. Muscled a plus. D/D free, N/S a must. NTR #7518 02/11 NOT FOR THE TIMID... Nor for those who are still testing theirmarketability. If you know you're all that and a bag of chips but haven't found the right salsa. Call me. Be in¬ telligent, fun, HIV-, confident, honest, masculine, and monogamy minded. Friends first, more to come. NTR #7852 02/18 TLC GHM, 5'8, a slender 157lbs, brown .eyes, and a dean, sha- J ven head, interested in long walks: quiet dinners, and the arts. ISO Black or Latin male, 25- 40, for TLC. Must be honest . and HIV- Serious replies only. NTR #7855 02/18 EXECUTIVE BY DAY But... tall, masculine, GWM, mid 40's, fit, healthy, HIV+, seeks versatile. GHM/GBM, forfriend¬ ship, fun, possible LTR, prefer N/S. NTR #7544 02/11 AT A LOSS I can't understand why people play mind games nowadays. R U tired of toe same and 26-30, Hispanic, 5'9+, -, stable, mature then let's get together to create memories. Me: 31,6'1, 190, professional. Kendall area, no D/S, femmes. NTR #8264 02/25 A GOOD HEART GWM, 39,5'10,155, masculine, attractive, professional, lean and muscular body, sincere and caring. I enjoy sports, mo¬ vies; music arid good conver¬ sation. Looking for a mascuiine and professional Latin, guy, 25- 45, forfriendship and possible relationship. NTR #7017 02/04 BLACK AND PROUD Ypung GBM, very attractive, 33 Seeks professional GWM only, 45-60, want to be pampered, swept off my feet and taken aroundthe world. In return, my sincere devotion arid love. Please HIV-, straight acting. NTR #7039 02/04 gay ad of the Men Seeking Men Cuban American, 27, 6’, large frame, brown hair, goatee, with sensual brown eyes that will caress you with every glance. ISO GHM, with a great personality that enjoys everything from April in Paris to Cuban coffee on 8th Street. NTR #7856 02/18 RELATIONSHIP ORIENTED GWPM. trim, physically fit, 6', 5Q's. blond/blue, distin¬ guished, finandally-secure, in¬ telligent, versatile, HIV-. Coral Gables. ISO other under 45. physically fit, attractive, honest, sincere, versatile, HIV-, GM. Race unimportant. No femmes, drugs, heavy drink¬ ers. Let's enjoy life's pleasures together. NTR #7487 02/11 30-SOMETHING SURPRISE for a down-to-earth guy who's also honest, fun, ambitious, loving, likes movies, good sense of humor, non-judg- mental. I'm 5'8', 140, dark hair/ dark eyes, very loving, warm, caring, fun loving, down-to- earth, not snobby. Let's meet - don't be so shy. NTR #7048 02/04 GWM Mid 30's, 5'11,185, personal trainer, attractive, blonde/blue, outgoing, loves movies, sports, staying homes and cooking, working out. looking for a physically fit BM. 26-32. Not into dub scene, possibly LTR. NTR #7447 02/11 ISO SOMEONE TO LOVE GHM. 39 yo. 57,175, Scorpio, black Cuban (Moro), normal look. ISO someone normal, over 40's and top. NTR #7515 02/11 FRED FUNTSTONE ISO MATE Cuban-Arnerican in his thirties, short, good looking and great body. With time to spend on a good looking short, hot dude, with great bud. Loves to go out and walk on the beacn or iust stay home arid rent a good film ana just laid in bed with his honey and eat chocolate ice cream. NTR #8259 02/25 HELLO Is it me you're looking for? Cause I wonder where you are and I wonder what you do. Are you somewhere feeling lonely or is someone loving you? Ten me how to win your heart and we'll never be apart NTR #8320 02/25 I DESIRE... A long term relationship. Me: 5'6,148. HIV-. I like toe beach, out to dinner occasionally, good movies, and enjoying life. YOU: 45-56, HIV-, down-to- earto, and a fun person. All calls answered. NTR #7939 . 02/18 OLDER AND EXPERIENCED N.E. Miami intelligent adult. 5'8. late 50's seeks big, quality top guy (black/ white/ bi divorced), financially inde¬ pendent, great stamina for un¬ limited hours of warm rela¬ tions and well deserved relax¬ ation. consideration, and bonding. All calls answered. NTR #7082 02/04 LETS HAVE FUNI Bi hispanic male, 20,57. very outgoing, seeking a WM, 18- 22, must be in shape and like to go out and have fun. NTR #7492 02/11 LOOK NG FOR YOU... Affectionate GWM, 40, Doral , area, seeking intimate rela¬ tionship with GM;25-40, who is-;1 caring, affectionate and énioys music, theatre, movies, and just holding each other close. NTR #8388 02/25 ARE YOU THE SPECIAL ONE GHM (from PR). 26, bm/brn. 5'11,196, professional and passionate is looking for an¬ other good guy (preferably older toan me) for LTR and that is not into games or drugs. NTR #7865 02/18 ATTRACTIVE AND CHARMING GWP, 30's seeks handsome, hairy hunk. 28-34 years. 5'9+, 200-240 lbs, for fun times and romantic evenings. If yourire a straight acting/looking GWP who$ witty, grounded, loving, andfun, andenjqysmassages. lets meet.HlV-.N/s, D/D free. NTR #7548 02/11 l‘M A VERY». good looking, White, youthful 47 y/o. I'm professionally se¬ cure, multifaceted and per¬ fectionist. I am happy when I followmy beliefs. However!* never judge others by my con¬ cept of wnat is correct I be¬ lieve in monogamous rela¬ tionships that are based on toe trust, commitment, and com¬ promise that can only be de¬ rived from total truthfulness. I have done all toe partying Con¬ ceivable and then sómé; hence,, itis no longer a priority. I'm social in nature, intelligent, naive, and painfully honest I'm HIV-, italian/Venezuelan, not cynical; pessimistic oPjáded.1 I'm an eternal optimist, with a positive outlook. I'm openly gay in business and home life, caretaker in nature and needs. Believe that jealousy is lack of trust that one needs for per¬ sonal growth. Very gregarious in nature except when it comes to meeting guys l would be interested in. J'm masculine in behavior butflex- ible in bed. My look can be preppy, sophisticated, casual, or totally informal, it all de¬ pends on toe mood. I have a large family of many long-term friends With mutual commit¬ ments in bad and good times. Kpbuld love to meet someone with my morals, that has had lots of experiences and loves not to fulfill loneliness but in¬ stead to provide and receive the peace required for indi¬ vidual self improvement. By the way, I do like very hand¬ some men. Age is determined by experience so 25 or 45 are only in mind. The age of your soul must be mature and toe outlook of your future must be optimistic and youthful. Doirt tolerate lies at all. All se¬ rious calls will be returned. NTR #7175 V; K7; 02/04 N • BLOND ISO GLM ^ GWM, 29,6'2.175, blond/ Ereen, dean-cut, swimmer's uild-, very good looking, hon¬ est, goal-oriented^ profes¬ sional, who is seeking toe same qualities for friendship and possibly more. Please be HIV- and between the ages of 28- 40. NTR #7063 02/04 LONELY VENETIAN LOVER GWM, 6', bm/bm, slim, good looking, visiting SoBe Jan-Feb. Looking for companionship, love, friendship with an Amer¬ ican male. I prefer blonds who are fit and trim. Lets make this one to remember forever. CUTEITAUANKOREANBOY New to SoBe! GWM seeks good looking male, 21-35. in shape for friendship and relationship. I enjoy eating out. music, mo¬ vies, dandng. beaches, ro¬ mantic nights/walks, etc. I'm fun loving, honest, sweet, pas¬ sionate and sensitive. I'm 57, 26, boyish looks, br/br, slim. NTR #8676 02/18 MIAMI SHORES GWM, 48.6', 180, brown/ brown, seeks attractive top guy, HIV- only. NTR #7946 02/18 DR. GREEN STAT! Cute, overworked WM ac¬ countant. 33,5'8.155, bm/hzl gm in need of TLC. Enjoy sim¬ ple things in life... quiet eve- ings at home, theatre, biking and beach. You: 25-30, sexy & cute as Anthony Edwards, non- scené & relationship oriented. N/S, D/D free. NTR #8353 02/25 SOBE OFFBEAT Olive skinned GWM, 5'9,155, br/br. in shape, very cute and boyish looking 40, HIV+. Seek¬ ing cute Latin or caramel com¬ plected BM who is artistic and intelligent like myself. I'm not a typical SoBe guy but l do like the new Cher CD! NTR #8352 % 02/25 ISO ADULT TOP GUY No drugs or attitudes. Yoürfi- nandaify independent, big guy, brown or white, bi or divorced, great stamina and full control, respects limits. Me: NE Miami, masculine Italian, 5'8,190,50's, seeking warm, steady experi¬ ences with quality man. NTR #7046 02/04 SEXY WHITE CUBAN Young, full of life, 40,5'8, 160lbs, nice looking, dean-cut, HIV-, spiritual, and well edu¬ cated. ISO man from head to toe, under 45 for LTR. No ad¬ dictions. no bar scenes. NTR #7921 02/18 LOOKING FOR LOVE 44.5'10,175, br/br. muscular, good looking man looking for mate. I am a professional into enjoying life, working out and being happy. HIV+more than 12 years and extremely healthy. Give me a call, you'll be glad you did. NTR #8286 02/25 laMpWH ! oeo48£9-soe ¡ fig m $ ‘bsibs 'qjmoaj. asnoH 6u|uuids sn>|ny '{»g • ¡a#lp uoissey p y bs 000‘Z t ,• h c| ‘sjaouBd QfBixioy ^ ajeiAi oiioxg Bjorn ilÉÉttaBáiPftJBpB lN0tíJtlíím3Hl NÓ10N M m STARTING OVER GWM. 34, Cuban top, HIV+, very healthy, down-to-earth, with great sense of humor. Into scuba, biking, music, movies, cartoons ana more. ISO BL/BL all-American-boy-next-door. Smokers, drinkers or chemical friendly need not bother. NTR #7050 02/04 JUST LOOKING FOR... another guy. around my age for friendship and who knows what later... I m 26; bi SWM, black/brown. 5'9.146. ISO of a man acting like a man, prefer¬ ably bi. Want a friend? Now you got one! NTR #7524 02/11 525,600.00 Minutes in a year and I want to spend each of them with a man of deep beauty who de¬ sires nothing but absolute love. I'm 28.6% 195, reddish- brown hair, spiritual, loving and giving. Lets not waste another second apart NTR #8351 02/25 FIRST TIME AD Secure, masculine GWPM, late 40's, 6'2.190 lbs, brown hair/ brown eyes, N/S, N/D, HIV-, with many interests, seek pro¬ fessional gWHM, 40-50, for friendship that could lead to a long term, monogamous rela¬ tionship. NTR #7572 02/11 BON APPETIT Connoisseur seeks LTR with handsome professional who enjoys the outdoors, healthy lifestyle and romantic even¬ ings. Sensitive, dark hair/light eyes a plus, 24-36, height/ weight proportionate. N/S. N/ D. Tnis epicurean is 28, attrac¬ tive, Latin, 57,142, independ¬ ent Gemini. NTR #7051 02/04 HANDSOME HEALTHY HUNKY 54,5*9, light brown/blue, ath¬ letic buikT, 31 waist, 42 chest Enjoy cycling, boating, hiking, the beach, movies, people with friends, dancing. ISO handsome, athletic GWM with gqod sense of humor and fun spin NTR #7511 02/11 AMISTAD PRIMERO Cubano americano. 50,57, I59lbs, pecho belludo, atracti¬ vo, masculino busca una jaer- sona con fines de relación se¬ ria, misma edad y mismos intereses. Me gusta ir al cine, ai teatro, la música, el deporte, leer, conversar, noches tran¬ quilas en casa. No drogas y bar¬ ras. NTR #8378 02/25 GAY HISPANIC MALE 5'8, a slender 157 lbs, brown eyes and a dean shaven head. Interested in long walks, quiet dinners and the arts. ISO black or Latin male, 25-40 for TLC. Must be honest and HIV-. Seri¬ ous replies only. NTR #7891 02/18 A TRUE GENTLEMAN White Cuban-American execu¬ tive, 44 (much younger- lookirig), 6', 18Ó, br/br, very masculine, well-educated, at¬ tractive, HlV-, energetic and ro¬ mantic, seeks LTR-oriented counterpart to develop one- of-a-kind relationship built on trust and respect One nighters need not apply. NTR #7420 02/11 WANTED Live-in lover to share lovely one bedroom apartment in N. Miami Beach. I am handsome, professinal. 37, black American male, 5'9.155, ISO a slim, hand¬ some, Latino/light skinned black male between 25-45. HIV+. No games. NTR #7561 02/11 PROF BLACK MALE Fun, honest, caring, open minded, educated, well trav¬ elled, spiritaal, HIV-, 38,215, 6'4, muscular, handsome, seeks similar in 34-39,5'10+, for LTR or friendship. You: HIV-, masculine, muscular, sexy, cool, sense of humor, N/5, N/ D. NTR #7099 02/04 BLUE EYES... that hypnotize. Long, slender body to soothe your needs. Wild and sensitive all in one package. Romance and great personalities is my play. NTR #8673 . 02/18 POUR SOME SUGAR ON ME! Hot 'n spicy, 27 year Latin seeks creamer for rich blend. I am hard bodied, rich tasting, with no bitter aftertaste. Sweet 'n low is good but I prefer natural sweeteners. Taster's choice only. . , NTR #7558 02/11 WARM AND FRIENDLY Healthy, caring, masculine WPM, 40's,5'11,165, br/br. HIV neg. seeking an outgoing, masculine, mature HM who is- relationship minded to share new adventures, enjoys toe outdoors, weekend trips and quiet times at home, for friendship, possible LTR. NTR #8674 02/25 YOU ARE OUT THERE 39 yo Cuban-American, 200 Its, 5'10, straight acting, HlV-. ISO someone with similar char¬ acteristics, 34-42 yo. with a positive attitude, hairy a plus, N/S. N/D. NTR #8355 02/25 DOWN TO EARTH Casual, college educated, only semi-jaded SW guy, 25 (looks 25), ISO similar: fotog/design- er/artist with an eclectic out¬ look. Into outdoors, inde¬ pendent films, and quiet times. Be height/weight pro¬ portional, mature. 24-30, and yourself NTR #8677 02/18 RACE UNIMPORTANT... but prefer proud and black. Humorous, bright, honest, ad¬ venturous. attractive, muscu¬ lar, all-American blond/blue, mid 30's, 6-,175, ISO nice black boyfriend with strong beliefs, mind and body. Enioy travel¬ ling, rollerblading, beach and keeping fit. NTR #8675 02/18 SINCERE & CARING 33 yo Cuban-American, mus¬ cular. dean shaved, 5'10,180, salt & pepper buzz cut, HIV- top. lookingfor very muscular butch, not into SoBe scene, muscular, in good shape, Cu¬ ban male bottom, HIV-, 24-35, for dating and possibly more. NTR #8300 02/25 ISO FIT & TALL Good looking, straight acting, versatile Wm,. who prefers din- ner/quiet times at home, mo¬ vies, occasionally going out. Me: WLM, 24, straight looking, quiet, passionate, romantic. Looking for that special person to share my life with. N/D. NTR #7510 02/11 SENIOR SOUTH DADE GWM. 6'. 170, wishes to meet an anglo or Latin male, 35-60 who would enjoy an intimate relationship in a private home. Please be HIV- and sensual. NTR #7906 02/18 1 .900.4 ■54 L3666 $1.99 per minute. 118, January 28 - February 3,1999 Miami New Times ***•' ! ¡ - . Í j ' : : • ' ; r- • gj | .; - ■ v . 1k]| ISO LTRI 32 yo HGWM seeking LTR oriented individuals, 25-40. I'm very sincere and honest. ISO guys that are into a healthy lifestyle and wish to become friends and perhaps some¬ thing else, very hard working and studious. I'm not into play¬ ing games or waisting anyone's time or mine. NTR #7517 02/11 HOT LATIN MALE Classic features, easy going, smoker, who likes to party and have fun. Call me to set up a date. NTR #7929 02/18 SOMEONE TO LOVE Looking for a fun-loving per¬ son to share my life with. I en¬ joy the beach, movies and good music Please be HIV-. 45-55, race unimportant. All , calls will be returned. NTR #7550 02/11 HEY THERE! Cüte GWM. 25, vegetarian, Jewish, seeking educated, pro¬ fessional male, 25^35. My interests include tennis, travel, aviation, and law and politics. Looking • for friendship and (hopefully) a relationship. NTR #7553 02/11 CHINESE SOULMATE waiting to be discovered by GWM orGLM, Under 36, pref¬ erably slim or in shape. I'm 5'8/ v 140 Ids, br/br, smooth. 38. Seeking one real guy to share mylife with. Opportunity is knocking, pick up that prior and call today. NTR #7923 one 02/18 ISO MUSCLE BOYFRIEND I am muscular, you be too: l am spontaneous; romantic; mas¬ culine, funny, a great conver¬ sationalist, and loving, you be too. I like the gym, sports, the¬ ater, quiet nights with a bottie of wine and you, you like that s and more, tool! „ |. Ü1 NTR #7546 02/11 BLACK CUBAN LOVER ISO, professional, masculine LM. 35-45. I'm 32,57,150, Salt arid pepper haired, HIV+, mascu¬ line,good looking male. Look- ing for someone who isfun and outgoing. Serious rela¬ tionship or friendship! NTR #7111 02/04 NO B.S. GWJPM, 39,5-8.180lbs, bm/ blue,muscülar,mascul¡né,re- centiy single after LTR. Seeks fun-loving, serious latín mas¬ culine male. Hobbies include spontaneous fun, gym, travel, arid living life to the fullest. I'rii. HIV+, you ifvtist be fob: NTR #8275 02/25 HONEST PROFESSIONAL Handsome, successful gentle¬ man; 40 seeks partner of same likes to fill voids in personal professional, and romantic life.■■■ NTR #7927 02/18 TOO MUCH SEX Tired of empty one-night : stands that lead to nowhere, attractive,; intellectual, healthy HIV+, 42,6', 170, brown eyes, shaved héad, goateé. Interests: gym to opera. ISO younger, self-supporting, in-shape; for . dating, maybe more. NTR #7120 02/04 OVER 42 AND SO ARE YOU Tall, intelligent, HIV negative GWM. 46, who devotes much time to career and charities, seeks a similar man to explore romantic possibilities. No promises, just honesty. NTR #7886 02/18 NEW YEAR’S WISH Handsome, bi, DWPM, healthy, single, tall, fit, successful, wish¬ es to meet similar, individual for adventerous friendship. Call today. NTR #7169 02/04 BLONDE/BLUE Attractive, relationship orient¬ ed GWM, 6', 180, goatee. 40 looks 35, enjoy occasional nights out, the beach, movies. Fnday aftemoori happy hours. Seeking attractive, fun, honest, latín male, 25-40, with similar interests, for dating, possibly more. NTR #7522 02/11 SEEKING MATURE MAN Cuban American professional, 42.5'11,187lbs, handsome, looking for mature masculine man for first time affair and we'll see what happens after¬ ward. NTR #7922 02/18 CUTE GWM 36, professional. 5'8, swim¬ mer's build, brn/blue. HIV+, been called fun, sassy, wild. ISO in-shape, 30-40, with head screwed orvknows what life is about and wants to enjoy with someone special. NTR #7549 02/11 BLACK AND BROWN MEN If you are physically fit attrac¬ tive GBM or GHM between 19- 26, please read ón. I am a GWM, early 40's, attractive, fit and personable and I would like to meetyou. NTR #7158 02/04 SUPER GUY NEEDS LOVE GWM, 31,6', brown hair/brown eyes, seeks funseeker for good times & companionship. No fems.no chubbies. Smoker/ drinker preferred. Let's party. NTR #8672 02/18 LOOKING FOR LOVER Mature, handsome GWM. 31 y/ o, 5'10,150lbs, dirty blonde, gym, HIV+, seeking the same to share all of life's gifts. I like romantic dinners, movies, rol¬ lerblading, cooking and I'm on a spiritual journey. Let's jour- tner. neytogeth NTR #8681 02/18 SEEKING LM OR BM Who is in-shape, not perfect body, who likes to have fun with á guy 25, (I look 19), in shape, straight-acting, who like sport or any fun things. You won't be disappointed. So call me. it is the 1st step to know¬ ing each other. NTR #7926 02/18 YOUNG FRENCH MALE Sensitive and honest, dark skin, in shape, 5'8,1^40,26,;profes- sioriai Intello,; but yet artistic; who would enjoy fine dining, movies, travelling, quiet even¬ ings with young GWM (24-32), open minded, easy going, re¬ lationship minded. NTR #7519 02/11 ARE YOU MY SOULMATE? Good looking Cuban, muscular, dark hair, green eyes, artist, . 5'41,170 Ids. 42, seeks some¬ one for LTR, between 30-45. Looking for my mate, lovecon- quers all, someone who's not afraid of commitment, to love and be loved, perhaps it is you. NTR #7074 02/04 LOOKING FOR MY VALENTINE 31,5'11, br/br in good shape, good sense of humor, very : masculine, seeking same; in¬ telligent, masculine man, 30r 40. to share good times with. NTR #8354 02/25 ARISTOCRAT Cuban American, 27,6', large frame, brown hair, goátée; with sensual brown eyes that Will caress you With every glance. ISO GHM, with a great personality that enjoys every¬ thing from April Tri Paris to Cu,- - ban coffee on 8th street. NTR #7856 02/18 MASCULINE LATIN WLM, 32,6’, 195, brown/ brown, clean-cut, very good . looking, in very good shape, who's honest, ambitious, edu: cated professional whom is seeking the same dualities be¬ tween the ages of 28^40 for friendship and possibly more. HIV- please. NTR #7924 02/18 CUTE GAY LATIN MALE 25 yo, brown hair/eyés/5'9, 180, great smile, HIV-.ISO $ someone 20-35 that doesn't smoke. Hike movies, cooking at home, music, the outdoors and having great times. Not a bore. Looking to meet arid. , take itfrom there. NTR #8374 02/25 SEEKS ALL AMERICAN BOY Aggressive, sensitive, compli¬ cated, onSOuth Beach w/o at- , titude, secure GWM,33,6'4, 210, brown/brown, searching All-American guy/boy next door, You - fit, secure; ro¬ mantic, fun and willing to corn- mit. Together we are the per¬ fect package. NTR #8265 02/25 BUZZED, BLUE EYED BOY GWM, 38.5'11.170, boyish, buff, bald, buzzed, bright, Bruce Willis-ish seeks intelli¬ gent, adult male for drinks and laughs. Beyond that, who knows. NTR #7928 02/18 A DIFFERENT MOLD GWHM, 37. good looks, deán cut, HiVt, 155 lbs, workout body, discrete, straight acting, stable, responsible, confident, good values. ISO WHM. straight acting, about 40. HIV-, 6'0+, hairy, muscular built, definitely monogamous, honest, thoughtful, compassionate & tender. N/D, one nighters. NTR #7512 02/11 ISO TOP GUY GBM. looking for top only. If you are a top and between 19- 35, please leave me a message ana I will call you back as soon as possible. NTR #7435 02/11 BLEND IN STRAIGHT WORLD Bi WHM. 30, HIV% professional, masculine, lives in straight world, emotionally/mentally secure, family oriented w/ties to the community. ISO bi/gay W/H male, for possible LTR. Must be masculine. HIV-, ro- matic, passionate, honest and dependable. No SoBe types or one-night-stands. NTR #8262 / 02/25 ONCE IN A LIFETIME Humorous GWM, who is good •conversationalist seeks, edu-. cated. 29-49, who enjoys trav¬ el, candle light dinners, music, good conversation, and good¬ bye. N/S. N/D. NTR #7930 02/18 VERY ATTRACTIVE LM $'9.155 lbs, honest and straight acting. 24, looking for same in BM, 18-35, for friend¬ ship, possibly more: No ferns, no fats, rio drugs. NTR #7427 02/11 WHATS UP Very masculine LM, 5'7", 150. medium build, hard body, cute boyish looking and sexy down to earth, into gym, nju- sic.movies and real people. Looking for same or taller. Ab¬ solutely no femes or air heads. NTR #7552 02/11 GDLKNG OUTDOORS TYPE Very good looking, straight acting SGM, 40's, 5'11.175,31 white, drk bl/bl, grounded. Not into bars or lifestyle: enjoy home, gym, fishing, scuba, bik¬ ing, exploring outdoors, etc. Seeks other down-to-earth person for dose friendship, possible LTR...lets meet and see. NTR #8372 02/25 SOBE MUSCLE LOVE Gay Latino boy, 29.5'8,155. br/ br, boyishly attractive, articu¬ late, very muscular, masculine; 29 inch waist, round bubble butt+great heart+great soul,, seeking a muscular relationship oriented gaV or bi, HIV-, butch, white, top for dating. NTR #8314 02/25 GREEN EYED That's me! Bilingual bicultural, ; well travelled GWM, 34,161;: 5'9, dirty blonde with sense of humor, seeks honest; mascu- . line, monogamous male to 45 with á romantic edge, love of § animals, and ability to love. NTR #7418 02/11 SEXY SENIOR GWM, 58,5'11.195, nice bod, shaved head, mustache, sensi¬ tive, sensual, intelligent, lots of Interests refined too racy, ISO GM, 30-60, healthy.thoughtful, Wise; imaginative, possible pluses: muscular, tattoos, very dark, educated, French speak¬ ing. For dating or relationship. NTR #7106 02/04 Women Seeking Women STILL LONELY Black Islandfemale looking for . a very funny, mature, down to earth woman, ages 25-37, to spend quality,times with. Race does not matter. So give mea call quick! . NTR #7570 02/11 SINGLE AND SEARCHING .GBF, 27, fun-loving and easy¬ going soft butch, 5'8, well-ed¬ ucated, loves to cuddle and very affectionate. ISO slim, femmine female, 23-30, N/S. If this is YOU; leave a message and your call will be returned. NTR #7433 02/11 FASCINATING FEMME Carmel colored honey seeking companion. I'm a voluptuous SHF in my 30's. Provocatively plump, financially secure, wordiy and sincere. Are you my bewitching, spontaneous and uncoriVerit|onal gal? Age, race, . size unimportant. Kids ok. NTR #7912 02/18 WHY NOT? Me: honest, caring, great sense .■pf humor. Whip likes to go out : dancing, dining, quiet times, Cuban, 36. You: all of the . above arid still knows what you want, 28-35, Latin, femiñirie, N/D, NTSifof friendship first; maybe more: , NTR #7571 02/11 IT MIGHT BE YOU... Who's looking for honesty and stability. GLF, 26.5?3.115. I'm very mature and looking for the same qualities. If you are 26-35 and this sounds like you, than it might be you... N/D, N/ Bi. NTR #7128 02/04 SENSITIVITY SGBF, 26.5'6,118, toned, en¬ joys movies, conversations, walks on the beach, movies, sports. ISO SGBF, 24-35,5'6- 5'9, slim to medium built, who share samé interests, is hon¬ est, sincere and tired of games. N/S, no drinkers, no 'kids. Serious inquiries only. NTR #8268 02/25 INTELLIGENT AND BEAUTIFUL 25,5'3,135lbs, brown hair/al- mond-shaped eyes, full lips, customer broker by day. artist by night, hard working, loyal; loving, caring. Psychology ma- jor/art minor Want to share the fruits of my success with lady, 25-30, intelligent, outgo¬ ing, fun. not co-dependent/in- secure. beautiful, articulate, and spiritual. i NTR #8271 02/25 GIRUE STUFF? SWBiF, 35. ISO N/S,T5Bi/G lip¬ stick for best buddy. Must eh- . joy arts, fun, and fine dining, working out, dancing, inde¬ pendent films, good reading, iazy Sunday mornings, thrift shops, roller blading, Lincoln road and lots of laughs. Pos¬ sibilities unlimited? NTR #7087 02/04 WOMAN OF SUBSTANCE Articulate and attractive Cu- ban-American, educated, pro¬ fessional. Interested in sharing romance, friendship, and qual¬ ity times with a woman that iis femme, candid, passionate, and witty. Me: 35 y/o, femi¬ nine, petite, slim, enjoy the arts and fine dining. NTR #7949 02/18 JUST LIKE ME 32. GWF, cute, romantic, af¬ fectionate, very down-to- earth. energetic, party queen with plenty of time for love. And that is what I'm looking for. Save me. NTR #7437 02/11 ISO SOULMATE I am a GWF, 176lbs; 5'2.43, lots of tatoos, love, sincerity, and honesty. ISO same age, race unimportant in a mature fe¬ male, N/D, N/S, not into dubs. I like fishing, camping, walks on the beach at night, and ani¬ mals. NTR #7027 02/04 SEARCH FOR STIMULATION A relationship should stimulate the emotions with kindness, the mind with intellect and passion with attraction, l am femme looking for femme, graduate level education, 31. 5'6, and looking for stimulation of all means. NTR #7880 ^ 02/18 I’D LIKE TO BE YOUR BEE If you are a lady, 35-40, femi¬ nine, independent and looking for a lasting relationship: with this mulatto lady. I'd love to be your singing bee; Please give me acalland do all those things that you haven't done i before.. NTR #7176 02/04 SENSUAL & SPIRITUAL Honey brown slciri, 24, mas¬ seuse, new age philosopher, 160, cyclist, film buff, feminine 'granola hippie', ISO generous heart, spontaneous, uninhibit¬ ed wymon. 'Real' friendship/ relationship, prefer 20-30, , under 170, average looks are fine, seeking a soulmate, ridt a model. NTR #7055 02/04 BE MINE IN 1999 Anglo GWF, 34,5'6,134 lbs, nice looking, warm heart, won¬ derful serise of humor, pleas¬ ant personality, seeking some- . one similar, only GWF reply. English speaking preferred. NTR #7894 02/18 TEN SEEKS TEN Powerful, drop dead gor¬ geous, funny, and picky as hell, 5'10,130lbs. athletic, authen¬ tic, and spiritual. 28 y/o, seeks tall red haired, adventerous, uninhibited, emotionally avail¬ able Goddess for friendship, love, and wild fun. N/S, no drinking, N/D. NTR #7037 02/04 SEEKING SOULMATE GWLF.37 seeks feminine lady, 25>35 to be my soulmate. NTR #7101 02/04 GET LUCKY Fun-loving; sensitive; California native, 34 y/o, 5'3,125lbs, Very i attractive. GF, loves sports, sal-;: sa, and VW's. Seeks athletic tombOy for cool winter nights and, possibly spring flowers. Race, irrelevant. N/S, N/D. NTR #8381 02/25 ONE BLACK ROSE-ONLY! Me: 37, BF, soft butch, classy, professional. You: sucy-black, feminine woman Whose smile glows like .diamonds, inde¬ pendent-professional, beauti- ; fül inside/out between ages of 30-40. Us: One beautiful stone.: NTR #7036 02/04 MOONCHILD Powerfully still, centered, spir¬ itual arid on a lifelong, simple abundance journey. WF, 32 With child, mind, body; spirit arid soul conscious, 'tea' with only one woman, 'the au¬ thentic self is thesdul made visible'’: Drug and disease-free, rio games. NTR #7105 02/04 VVQiS^f&rHl Its* L-QVÍ6: /¿Ó3 pays your rent If i’k t M 115 ÍSM9HIHI FEBRUARY Stb I DJ Robert "Rodriguez main room f & live Salsa £r Merengue at lie Patio Where Women f ind the jÉÉHpP the Orrb of /thelr dreams M mKSmM sun^t ios^&h09i7 NO MORE GAMES ■ 25 yo single lesbian ISO same. Looking for a sincere woman 23-35 that wants friendship firsts a sincere romantic rela¬ tionship later. I like movies, music & hanging out w/good friends & family. No drugs. NTR #7526 02/11 IN SEARCH OF... . An attractive. GLF who knows the difference between truth and honesty, love and lust. One who has strength and flexibil¬ ity, inner and outer beauty, compassion, and vulnerability. Knows who you are, what you want and how rare it is to find lb No bi/smoker/drugs/first- timers. NTR #7851 02/18 REGAL SEEKING REGAL Why is it so hard to find first Class, educated soft butch GBF. over 57, 30-38, slim to medi¬ um built, no children. I'm an attractive, fit, feminine GBF, ; 57,.130. Respond only if you qualify, no exceptions. NTR #8294 02/25 HONEST SINCERE WOMAN GWF seeks honest, sincere woman that believes in un¬ conditional love. Someone that wants to share all the beautiful things that life has to offer. Looking for my princess for a LTR. I've kissed enough frogs.- No drugs/no games. NTR #7932 02/18 FULL FIGURED GBHF, 27,57", soft-butch, stable.independent, serious yet easy going ISO older 30-35 YO woman, preferably of Latin or Caribbean descent. Serious replies only. No games, no smokers, no drugs, and kids are o.k.. NTR #7170 02/04 FUN FRIENDS WANTED gwpf, 30.5'5.130. feminine, outgoing, kind at heart, seek¬ ing new friends to enjoy out¬ door activities, dancing, dining, traveling and gdod conversa¬ tion. Let us get acquainted if you have similarinterests arid qualities. N/D. butches, bi. NTR #8336 02/25 STILL SEARCHING 34 yo full-figured female with much to offer. Confident I'm a great catch. Look pest the Out¬ side, get to know the inside. You won't be sorry. Height/ weight/race unimportant. No bi's. NTR #7483 02/11 IF YOU ARE... 35-50, over 5'5, under 160, positive, confident aggres¬ sively sensual. natural bar & baggage free, non-judgmental or emotionally disabled & truly speaks from toe heart Talk with me, young 40's, healthy, spirited, seeks only love, light and laughter. NTR #7525 02/11 UNCONVENTIONAL Independent thinker, cultured, intellectual, spontaneous, classy, attractive professional. Seeks very intelligent, attrac¬ tive, well-educated, profes¬ sional woman, 35-50 with non- traditional ideas. N/S. NTR #7025 02/04 1999 Lets start off right. GWF, 5'2, 115. attractive, professional, in¬ telligent, educated, feminine. ISO like GWF 35-42 years young, who is spiritual, kindr f honest, likes wearing high heels as well as sneakers, en¬ thusiastic about life and who loves to laugh. NTR #8356 02/25 22 YO Daddy's girl with a lonely heart, self-educated GBF, seeks GF to bring love and friendship to an otherwise perfect world. No bi's or trans Man wannabes welcome. NTR #7129 02/04 SEXY YOUNG FEMININE 5'3,110lbs, Latina, ready to ex¬ plore. ISO sexy femme, buxom, in-shape, WF. 25-35 for first time adventure. No butches, men. NTR #7086 02/04 LOVE ME TENDER Attractive, honest, caring, down-to-earth, 23,5'9,140, looking for attractive, feminine GWHF, 21 -28, who likes to go to the movies, dinners walks on the beach and dancing, no head games. So what are you waiting for? NTR #7911 02/18 BIG HEART, NO GAMES Tall, dark, educated, and strik¬ ingly attractive angio 40's, has had enough of light relation^ ships. Looking for sensitivity; i ntelligence, arid heat, i want to listen to jazz by candlelight, discuss presidential politics,' and Smolder. NTR #8380 ;vili ;02/25 ; SENTIMENTAL SBGF, 26.5-6, slim build, light browri eyes, enjoys movies, rnusic, intellectual conversa¬ tion, walks on the beach, con¬ certs, plays, seeking SBGF, 26- : 35,.5'6-5'9,slimto médium büiit; who is real tired of games, sincere, honest, trust¬ worthy and shares the samé; interest. N/D;. N/S, no bi's, no kids. NTR #8370 02/25 VERY ATTRACTIVE EDUCATED jp, sophisticated and respon-: sible ISO refined and educated woman. ISO attractive witty, arid very fetriinine, 36+. I am seeking enthralling con- • versation with a woman who is expressivé and outgoing. I am a good listener and promise to hold your iriterést, NTR #7162 02/04 GBF, 30 Seeking honest, down-to- earth friends of altraces, 25-45 for conversation and hanging out. Caribbean girls a plus: Dori't bé shy and give it a try. NTR #8273 02/25 CAN’T BEAT THIS! Very attractive and very sexy seeks the same. 21 -26;bi H WF please. I'm 24, bi HWF who wants someone who's outgo¬ ing and; willing to explore. NTR #7494 02/11 Ml AMOR Si eres Latina, femenina y tienes edad de 27-35, educada; carinóte; y te gusta la playa, campar, pasearen moto fiar, máme para una buena amistad d algo mas; NTR #7031 02/04 HELP WANTED Stable 37 yo lesbian needs fe¬ male, 2(M0yowith good communication skills, who is active, happy, spiritual and able to have fun under stressful sit¬ uations. Experience preferred but willing to train the right person. No drugs, be real NTR #7062 02/04 IT'S A NEW YEAR GWLF, 49,122lbs, ISO financially stable, loyal, soft butch, 47-65 to make our dreams come true and be in crazy in love. No bi's, N/S, N/D, N/heavy drink¬ ers. Listen to my intro arid call me. NTR #8274 02/25 BONJOUR! SGWF, Swiss, brown/brown, not butch nor femme, nor fat nor skinny, nor tall nor small, ; French/English/ltalian speak¬ ing. no sense of humor (just kidding!), looking to Share sky/ scuba diving, (or else) with woman of similar profile. No BS. NTR #7874 ; ; ; 02/18 GHF PROFESSIONAL ISO GHWF professional fern for friendship only. Me: honest, sensitive, sense of humor, likes art, tennis and antiques. You-, the same.-Call me. NTR #7471 02/11 LATIN FEMALE 29,5'10. full-figured, looking for someone who's interested in quality times and not into games. Prefer non-smoker/ non-drinker, from age 18-40, Only serious replies. NTR #7472 , 02/11 SEXY 21 Latin female, ISO 20-25 Latin female, innocently playful, af¬ fectionate, Slightly moody with a grin, soft butch, who wants to hold hands and run free amongst the moonlight and kiss wildly under the stars. NTR #7910 02/18 AQUARIAN TOMBOY GHF, 26, affectionate, respect¬ ful, Cuban butch seeks a clean, intelligent, self-assured GFfor love and friendship. Age/race/ size unimportant. Butch a plus. NTR #8255 02/25 ISO HONESTY Casual, honest, college edu¬ cated, BiWF, 33. ISO similar: photographer/artist with an unconventional outlook, good sense of humor arid sincere heart. Into: eclectic things, mo¬ vies, the outdoors, and quality time. Be: h/w proportional, mature, 28-36 and yourself. NTR #8678 02/25 TRIP TO MEXICO Seeking a.Spanish speaking companion (male or female) to share driving and expenses for a 2 to 4 week trip to the most scenic places in Mexico. Flexible on dates and places to visit. NTR #8383 02/25 US GIRLS Very beautiful, upper-middle Class, straight SBF, 28, looking for black females to have fun With: clubs, coffee, happy hour, hanging, videos, working -out. Guy catching very impor¬ tant. Not into competition, Lm ; educated,professional sweet, honest and very cool, NTR #8276 02/25 LOOKING 4 FRIENDS l have a lover and need sup¬ port from others that are in¬ volved in long distance rela¬ tionship. , NTR #8279 02/25 LET’S GO CLUBBING! Looking for male/female com¬ panions who would like to go out to clubs, Hip-Hop pre¬ ferred. Ages 19-27. Race Un¬ important. NTR #8267 02/25 PLUS SIZE 37 yo Cuban-American woman ISO other plus size women and men for friendship and sup¬ port. If you like movies, alter¬ native rock, concerts and hon¬ est people, call. Let's get to¬ gether and rule the world! NTR #7100 02/04 NEW TO AREA Attractive. SWF, 24.57,120lbs, \ recently moved from NE, lived and worked much of the last few years abroad, well-edu¬ cated, fun, sincere, enjoys ten¬ nis, skiing, salsa dancing, good wine, art, laughing, biking, sail¬ ing, rollerblading, world affairs' and crazy travel adventures. Would love to meet other friends in the area. NTR #7951 02/18 CASINO/RUEDA DANCERS Professional Cuban male look¬ ing for intermediate-advanced Rueda dancers, 25-40,for friendship and to form prac¬ tice sessions on Sunday after¬ noons. NTR #7180 02/04 NEED A SAILING FRIEND? And help in boat maintenance? SWM, ex-professional, new to areá; ip love with the ocean, sailing aha dogs. Smoker, non- drinker. NTR #7429 02/11 YOUNG 50 Healthy, fit female, brunette,- assertive, ISQ special secure gentiemán/giving/tánd. com¬ passionate and caring to spend quality time together.for LTR. Preferably Older arid mature. N/S, social drinker. NTR #7957 02/18 SPORT PARTNER WANTED i 28, good looking, athletic built, masculine GBM, loves working out, sports and is an avid terr- nis and basket ball fan. would like to meet someone for friendship and playing tennis. I'm a 4.5 player. Not looking for romance, just someone to hang out with and to play sports. NTR #7147 02/04 NEW TOO? Professional, educated SWF, left friends in D..C to follow boyfriend to Miami. Looking for other reliable, fun, friendly females who are going through a similar experience or simply want to meet people. Please call! NTR #7554 02/11 FISHING PARTNER WANTED WLF, 35, ISO partner that canr take me on their boat and show me how to fish, snorkel and sail in exchange for hon¬ est, sincere friendship. Also seeking partner for this com¬ ing baseball season to enjoy the baseball major league events^ NTR #7468 02/11 YOUNG EDUCATED WOMAN 32. blonde, very attractive, tired of going to nightclubs, seeks friends, financially secure and open minded, for conver¬ sation and outdoors, who en¬ joys sailing, dancing, cooking, travel ancfmovies. NTR #7140 02/04 FOR ’’M" I saw you in my dreams, before we even met. I saw you stand beside me; when times were not so great. I saw you for yourself. I saw you love, and I loved back. I'll always adore you. From 'K'. NTR #7892 02/18 BEST BUY BIRD ROAD Nov 18, CD section, you patch¬ ouli oil we talked about Jewel, Mellencamp and art. I wanted to get your number but was afraid to ask. Please call me. NTR #7032 02/04 CANT WAIT???? Cal!571-7551,24 hours a day for the hottest info on New Times Romance singles events. At our events, your 40 word Romance ad is.FREE!!! Call to¬ day to hear the latest about our upcoming events! 571-7551 HAVANA FIRE I met and fell in love with you 3 years ago, and still loche for your touch, tremble at the sound of your voice, melt underneath your kisses. The flarhe of our love will bum for¬ ever, Love, Candy, NTR #7859 02/18 SPECIAL K - Looking for K. Twist Sunday night. You studying here. Orig¬ inally from Kuwait? I was lots of trouble. Wantto thank you. NTR #8371 02/25 CHERCHANTSTEPHAN J'ai faitta connaissance a TWist. Tun'es pas venu jeudi.qu'est ce qui est arivee? le numero que tu as laisse n'etait pas cor¬ rect; Contactes-mol je veux te voir encore. John. NTR #7870 02/18 TIME WARPED. FT. L&JD 1 -9-99, You: Asian, tan slacks, tan sleeveless jacket; long hair (up), beautifufsmile, dancing with a group of friends. Me: brown pair,,(a little long), . green, plaid shirt; jeans, stand- — ^—flC — ing by the dance floor. NTR #7456 02/11 MS. PROSECUTOR Hunkster told me last year that someone in your office was asking about me but he could not remember who it Was. I've tried shock therapy, hypnosis, and sodium pentotnai. N&h- ing can jog that memory PleaSe callme or send a more reliable messenger. NTR #7888 02/18 SEEKING ONE MIKE T. GALLO Art director, originally from Chicago. We met at Liquid oh Jan 7JMe: blonde with glasses, into art, from Philadelphia. Your friend Jason wanted to' leave ! should have gotten your number. Your Kisses were gorgeous in gorgeousity alike. NTR #7944 02/18 NEW YEAR’S EVE You hot, black pecs in your shiny, Sliver tee, looked God : like outside Twist around 4 A.M. l asked if I could touch your chest. You said yes.lt was awesome. You smiled. I'd do anything to touch you again, pleasecall; NTR #7084 02/04 SEEKING SMIUNG HF In lime green white edged tight bikini (on SoBe with fam¬ ily Christmas Eve), lively, 20's/ 30's, slim-long black haii-^érk eyes, caramel skin. I: With vid¬ eo, friend, just returned from “iiayóü. 02/18 U.K. to find you. NTR #7938 HENRY Dindy, l Love You very much anahope you love me too. Thank you for all the beautiful times we have shared togeth¬ er; rilldve you always. Love,. your baby. NTR #7072 ■ r , v;; 02/04 NEW YR’SEVE BAY FRONT PKf You're name is Lisa, said you live in the Cables and you were looking for your photogra¬ pher. I was taking pictures of the concert and you wanted me to get copies of the pho¬ tos for you. Call me.; NTR #7178 02/04 WHITE LEXUS 1-95 We passed each other several times and smiled. 1-95 South¬ bound. Dec. 23. You: it br. hair w/a great smile. I drove the grey Cadillac wearing dark Sun- , glasses. Let's do it slower this time. NTR #7864 :: ; yi,; 02/18 ROGER,. Remember me, the brunette girl? We danced together at Shadow Lounge, SoBe. Sat. Jan 16. You told mé you are fojgn NY and your company pfer duces magnetic héaling prod- ~ucts for hdrsés. Call me so we can meet again. NTR #8305 : i ; 02/25 MON JAN 11, HYDEPARK ! Surfside. You: curly, red hair, glasses. Me: bald head, in black. Let's meet for coffee. NTR #7484 02/11 WANNA PLAY POKER? Going poker garrie-both gay and straight guys could use one or two additional players. Ours is a friendly, low stakes game in the South Beach area. NTR #7119 02/04 SPORT PARTNER WANTED 28, good looking, athletic built, masculine GBM, loves working out, sports and is an avid ten¬ nis and basket ball fen. Would like to meet someone fofo friendship and playing tennis. I'm a 4.5 player. Not looking for romance, just someone to hang out with and to play sports. NTR #7148 02/04 ISO FEM. BOXING PARTNER 30 yo BM, 5'8.160, profes¬ sional boxer, looking for a sin¬ gle, 25-35, white ornispanic female from the SoBe area that likes boxing and likes to train to possibly become train- ing partners. NTR#8304 02/25 FISHING PARTNER WANTED WLF. 35, ISO partner that can take me On their boat and show me how to fish; snorkel and sail in exchange for hon¬ est, sincere friendship. Also seeking partner for this com¬ ing baseball season to enjoy the baseball major league events. NTR #7469 02/11 BRITISH RYA/MCA Yachtmaster, instructor, pro¬ fessional, merchant, naysjfeep- tain, ocean sailing experience, without a boat. Looking to Skipper/Instruct/ Crew free of charge except for expenses/ accommodation. Any period of time considered available. Now till March. Weekends ort the water? . NTR #7943 02/18 1 .900.4 ■5¿ I-.3666 $1.99 per minute, Miami New Times January 28 - February 3,1999 119 y\ru? RESPONDING TO AMAD BY PHONE cJP^900-370-0522 ($1.99 j per minute) to answer Wild Side ads. You must be 18 or older, you must have a touch tone phone.: to use this service. Not all wild Side ad placers will have recorded their introduction when you • call! Their message line works, however, so you c^ill leave them a message. There is a 30- minute maximum time limit for calls to the Wild Side Line. You may, however, call back. If you 8j call the900 number and can't get through, you may have a 900 number 'block' on your phone. Simply call Bell South at (305)780-2355 and ask to have the 'block' removed or you may purchase time directly from Wild Side by calling (305)571-7550. Call US about discounts on pre-paid calls. PLACING AN AD Forty words are free. Ads wilpsin 3 weeks. Additional words are $1.00 each. Fax ads to:. (305)571-7679; E-mail ads to: wildside@miaminewtimes. com; Phone Voicemail: (305)571-7550: or Mail ads to: Wild Side. P.O.Box 011591. Miami, FL" V. 33101; Your ad will run op a space-available basis. We'll mail your codes. No ads accepted without name, telephone and mailing address. . WILD SIDE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO EDIT OR REFUSE ANY AD OR INTRODUCTION. You must be over 18 to participate in Wild Side. Solicitation using the Wild Side line for any product or service is strictly, prohibited. The Wild Side seSfen contains ads for recorded messages through the use of telephones. Calls to such numbers result In a charge to the calling phone number. IF YOU ARE A WILD SIDE ADVERTISER You must record your voice introduction within 24 hours of receiving your Wild Side number and security code. If you don't comply your ad may be deleted immediateiy. WILD SIDE TIPS Wild Side does not screen or investigate iriPtiuals who place or respond to Wild Side advertisements and makes no representation as to the character of these individuals. Wild Side will not be held responsible for the consequences of any interaction. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 571-7550, M-F, 9 a.m.- 6 p.m. Women Seeking Men Swingers & Fetish clubs are open evenings and daytime for our enjoyment. Do you need a partnerfor these and have beMdreaming about what it wotto be like? I'm tall, blonde, 35, ISO dasSy gentleman, 40+, only for the time of your life. WS #4512 02/05 UNLEASH YOUR WILDSIDE Ladies explore your inner most desires and fantasies. Whatever you’re into... To place your FREE 40-word Ad, Call the Wild Side. 571-7550. Sensous and exotic This beautiful black tigress wants discreet, professional submis- _,sives to pleasure her, perform detailed body worship, plus the usyal pampering majestic felines demand. Your reward: The pleasure of being com¬ pletely dominated by a spedal kitty. WS #5134 02/26 Hot latin virgin ISO hot man. Show me everything l need to know, unleash the wild side in me, take care of me, fulfill my fantasies. Hurry! This scorpio can't wait any longer. WS #5153 02/26 Body Rub Goddess 23, honey brown skin, very voluptuous, 44DD chest, cute.friendly, ; strong, pleasing hands, ex¬ tremely talented and experi¬ enced in relaxing, body rubs, ISO professional, older males, for fun rub down sessions we will both enjoy. WS #4345 02/05 Seeking SoBe Brazilian fe¬ male 25^35 for fun times and adventures and fulfill fantasies. I'm BM, 30,150lbs, 5',8, slim build, professional boxer seek¬ ing a nice Brazilian female to fulfill our fantasies and for pos¬ sible relationship. WS #5148 02/26 Hot day, torrid nights in.my cool Dungeon filled With the - powerful and southing tools of exquisite Pain & pleasure. In¬ dulging fantasies of submis¬ sion & bondage, mild to sub¬ lime, fears fade and longings fulfill. Erotic Mistress desires humble, unselfish slaves. Gen- .der unimportant Politely beg!! WS#5154 02/26 Three is company Female couple seeks very dean, healthy and attractive white male to spice up our lifes. We're two attractive bi females (Brunette: 57,120. Redhead: 5'3,105.) Mustbedrug/dis-. ease-free, considerate and re¬ spect our limits. No couples. WS #5119 02/26 Cross Katé Moss with Carta Bruni. Beguiling, panther- esque yet petite, 5'9,114, smokey topaz eyes, 31, radiant blonde seeks mature, kind, world travelled, executive, 45+, for fashion trips, arts, explora¬ tions and vacation travel. WS #5127 02/26 SWF, 31, attractive curva¬ ceous, seeking SW police offi¬ cer or military man, 31 -40 for exciting adventures. WS #4306 02/05 34, attractive, sensous open minded, tall BF, enjoys movies, travelling, sex. ISO well en¬ dowed. attractive, romantic BM/LM for mutual masturba¬ tion, friendship and wild times. Spank me baby! WS #4526 02/12 Cyber kitten Sleek, stunning, radiant honey blonde, loveliest legs. 5'9,115, petite, sexy purr, cats eyes, seeks refined, dis¬ cerning, mature and gentle man, 40+, for enjoying travel. New York theatre, French beaches, couture and SoBe he¬ donism. WS #4329 02/05 On your knees Male slave wanted to worship, obey and give all to petite, mature god¬ dess. Must be healthy, gentle and totally submissive with oral expertise. You will serve her on demand and thank and beg her for the privilege. Fetishes understood and handled with complete discretion. Upscale, secure, quality necessary. N/S, social drinker. WS #4735 02/19 Sensual domination by young busty, caramel brown domina. ISO submissives (novices welcome) to serve and worship me and be my lóvé slave in a playful, erotic session that's more pleasure than pain; Must be mature and profes¬ sional. WS #4525 02/12 Taboo Rendezvous Seeking BPM, tall, muscular, endowed, handsome, secure. Passionate, intellectual, over 33. ISO dis¬ creet encounters with 5'10, blonde/green, 31 yrs., full-fig¬ ured, very beautiful, intelli¬ gent, voluptuous, buxom SWF. WS #4711 02/19 Bi-gangbang wanted MWF, 27, playmate (model) wants playguys (models) for bi/gay- gangbang and unlimited ex¬ citement. Only when you're good looking and in great shape, be center-folded in my steamy SoBe-party. WS #4700 02/19 Beautiful hot blonde model/ student, 23,114. ISO discreet, romantic rendez-vóus with gentleman who knows how to treat a woman right. NTR #7489 02/11 Sensual, lifestyle Domina ac¬ cepting sincere submissives, novice to connoisseur. Crea¬ tive, erotic surrender in my pri- vate Dungeon. Discipline from mild to exquisitely painful. In¬ tense and elaborate fantasies. Role-playing, corporal punish¬ ment, total tv transformation. Discretion demanded and as¬ sured. Humble, polite replies considered. WS#5152 02/26 Attractive female Submis¬ sive. seeking Master, Mistress . or couple, i am an attractive submissive, 5'8,135, with blond hair, blue eyes. I enjoy erotic service, discipline, expo¬ sure, being shared, examined and creatively used. You be sane, intelligent and together. WS #4314 02/05 40 WORDS FREE E-mail: Wildside@miam¡newtimes.com Mail: P.O.BOX 011591 Miami, FI 33101 Phone: (305) 571-7550 Wild Side Must be 18+ Add'l words $1 each All ads run 3 wks Please indude name, address, and phone number for our confidential files. Submit to the dark desire that consumes you. Feel the power as it controls the very essence of your existence. Don't deny yourself to worship a superior mistress. WS #4733 02/19 A trade in WF Cuban-Ameri- can, 41, married, 5'4,119, seeking to trade in her dull re¬ lationship. Her-, blonde, big. breasted, great legs, smart & fun. Him: passionate, caring, spiritual, 41 -50, well built & tall, WS #5111 02/26 Men Seeking Women if you're a sexy handicapped, disabled, or disfigured woman seeking an opportunity to ex¬ press your sensuous side, call this very handsome, athletic, hygienic, blue-eyed man who believes in open communica- , tion. l am flexible, open-mind¬ ed, and would enjoy your com¬ pany. WS #4498 02/12 wanted:"DD" woman Look¬ ing for the ultimate. voluptu¬ ous, sensuous and buxom Woman. Sensitivity a plus for just a companionship. Movies, dining, cafe's and serenades.' call me and you won't regret it WS #4549 02/12 Marriage can be hot French photographer, 39. seeks sim¬ ple, sincere, striptease or nude dancer girl all the like, 18-36. bi-sexual. I respect your pro¬ fession and will treat you like an artist and a respectable companion or wife if you let me. Serious ad. WS #5110 02/26 60 year young widower at¬ tractive. intelligent, athletic, oral, seeks aggressive woman who wants to be attended to. For possible LTR. WS #4718 02/19 Been a bad girl? Deserve a spanking? Daddy's seeking bad girls with discipline problems. Safe, dominant, discreet male will correct you. All wayward girls welcome. WS #4702 02/19 island man Energetic execu¬ tive, 48, fit and virile, eager to meet a white female and/or Caribbean female, free-spirit¬ ed, sensuous and sensitive. Curvy, full-size ok. too. All calls answered. WS #4316 02/05 Buscando relación sin com¬ promisos. Edad 21+, para pasar un buen rato juntos. Soy de edad 32.176cms, I40lbs, ca¬ noso, ojos verdes, amable, cortes, divertido. Me gusta de todo y llámame si te sientes sota. WS #4318 02/05 Bí fema e wanted to fulfill my fantasies, with two women or whatever. I won't be jealous of your lover when we both please you. Call me. This will be my first time. Lets all hum to¬ gether. WS #5132 02/26 This warm caring, fun-loving WM, 40+, seeks uninhibited, playful, passionate, adventur¬ ous WF who likes to swim, skinny-dip/sensebfhumor, comfortable wearing casual clothes or her birthday attire. WS #4548 02/12 Thirsty executive...DWM, well traveled, wealthy businessman, 6', 185, handsome, sensuous and clean. Seeks sexy lactating lady 'only', for LÍR. Must be clean, honest ánd sweet. Race unimportant. Call me, you, will not be disappointed. WS #4489 02/12 Golden showers Nice, easy going guy is seeking ladies who enjoy playing in the golden rain. If you enjoy giving, re¬ ceiving or just chatting by phone about GS, let's connect. Any age or race, curious be¬ ginners are welcome. Wild women 50's, SM, like swinging dubs. I'm a voyeur. Love women with small breasts. WS #4731 02/19 Artist harem Tribe of talent¬ ed. beautiful, sensual female ‘ artists creating new ideas on friendship and cooperation. ■ Passion, freedom, life explored at new levels. Brilliantly differ¬ ent Artist Priest, 6'4,hand- some, successful, athletic, creates a place to discover and explore painting; metal sculp¬ ture, writing, poetry. WS #4311 02/05 18 yo male wants to lose vir¬ ginity to 18-25 yo SW/H fe¬ male. Possible relationship. Willing anytime. WS #4707 02/19 BM, 39,5’9,202 lbs. Always in shape. D/D free, iso females for fun times. Age/race unim¬ portant. Married or single for intensive sexual encounters. Will answer all inquiries. WS #4706 02/19 Seeking adventurous wom¬ en for friendship and hot sex. I'm a SWM, 36. D/D free and in* good shape. Please call if you're homy and love to swing. WS #4346 02/05 Successfu professiona ISO sexy Bi playmate for exotic weekend getaways. ME: single 35 yo. male, 5'10,175, attrac¬ tive, multi-talented. YOU: 20- 35, height/weight propor¬ tionate, voracious sexual ap¬ petite. WS #5137 02/26 Ready and willing SWHM, 32, 5'11,190, medium build. ISO W/HF, 22-32,5'3-5'9, slender, attractive, for pleasurable sex, fantasies, and erotic dreams. WS#4737 02/19 Romance - rendez-vous Is the lady thoroughly bored with 'sports-freak' boys? Is the lady more interested in a true man? Is the lady hurting for walks, love-poems, romantic music, dancing, quiet times? Then l await you. WS #5151 02/26 6’3,180 looking for someone who's very much on the wild side. I'm very open-minded and smart, don't play games unless you do - then I'm open for anything. Willing to fulfill anyone's pleasure on the fe¬ male side of life. WS#4319 02/05 Looking for a woman who likes the exdtihg things in life, who's not afraid tote an ex¬ hibitionist and to jump on the wild side. SBM, enjoy all kinds of women, 6', 190, drinker, en¬ joys the gym. WS #4496 02/12 Good looking physically fit, successful male seeks a mate to please. I'm latin, enjoy living out fantasies and just having a great time. ISO an attractive, physically fit, adventurous fe¬ male who's willing to unleash and have a great time.also. WS #4322 02/05 Oral addict for that well de-. serving lady. No commitment, hassle or pressure, just healthy fun and pleasure. Hispanic pro¬ fessional, 40'S, tall, handsome workaholic wants to pleasure special lady with very safe oral sex until completion. Satisfac¬ tion guaranteed. WS #4710 02/19 Long, thick and hard If you want your man this way then call this tall, handsome, 40-ish DWJM for time of your life. Let's dine on Lincoln road or take walk on the beach. Let's share sex and more. Let's have an upscale lifestyle together. WS #5136 02/26 ISO older lady 29, hispanic male, 6'2,240 lbs, ISO white or hispanic female, 38-50's for wonderful times and hot nights. I'm very energetic and very charming. Looking for someone who is energetic and likes to be loved. WS #4530 02/12 Masturbation and oral sensa¬ tion. Attractive SW 30 yo Italian male, 190, brown/brown, very attractive body, HIV-, ISO wom¬ en, no limits, sensuality, hot passion and crazy sex acts. You have nice feet, wear beautiful - lingerie a plus. WS #5121 02/26 Co-ed wrestling Ageless aquarius gentleman would love to meet a strong & muscular' woman with a passion for the joy of co-ed wrestling. I'm into the yin-yang energy exchange that can occur in the dynamics of mixed wrestling. WS #4550 02/12 Ready, willing & able This 30. 6'4,230 lbs SBM is looking for single females for exotic and interesting times. Call and let's see what happens...? WS #4490 02/12 Dark fantasy 6', black, hand¬ some, well-hung and naughty. ISO discreet encounter with MWF, 20's-40's. Let me make yóur dark fantasy come true. Must be hot and d/d free be¬ cause I am. WS #4289 02/05 Orgasim Hot. sexy wants to please. 5'10,22, blue-green/ dirty blond. Will do anything and everything to make us ex¬ plode. ISO fit, attractive, so¬ phisticated woman. WS #4493 02/12 ISO married or single attrac¬ tive femaje, or female couple, 20-35 for very discreet and in¬ timate relations. I'm a Spanish male, body-builder, 6'2,230lbs. dark complexion. Let's have some fun. WS #5155 02/26 Seeking bored housewife to spice up yoyr life: If you think you are hot and your hubby is too busy with his toys and business, call me for the spark that lacks in your life. Discre¬ tion a must, satisfaction guaranteed! WS #4294 02/05 Fantastic Massage to a most deserving slim you - free just for the asking. Get ready for the treat of lifetime adminis-; ;; tered by a nice looking warm humorous guy with healing hands. Complete stress relief with a facial and full body mas¬ sage with warm scented oil in¬ cludes a soft light touch to . your total satisfaction. WS #4528 02/12 A good looking, sexy tail," clean, and well-mannered pro¬ fessional SWM, 28 seeks casual, SW/HF who enjoys demon¬ strating her oral talents and Who knows how to squeeze and swallow the most out of § each moment of life. You will hot be disappointed. WS #4300 02/05 Summer seeks fall 47 yo gen¬ tleman seeks white female, 40- 60, who is slim, sexy, sensual, to pleasure mentally and phys¬ ically. WS #4516 02/12 Deep, dark desires Tall, hand¬ some, sexy PBM with hard run¬ ners body ISO wild, passionate, open minded, professional fe¬ males and couples who are bored and wish to live out their fantasies night after night. I'm dean, experienced, discreet, thickly hung and long lasting. WS #5135 02/26 Latin male 31, submissive, looking for disdpline from a female domina. I like to be forced into cross-dressing and enjoy pleasing in all other ways you desire. Willing to try new things. 5'4,160. dark brown hair/eyes, quite good looking. WS#4315 02/05 Award winning lover 40, long lasting, thin, well-en¬ dowed, disease free, jewish ISO thin disease free woman for uninhibited fun. Commitment possible. WS #4730 02/19 91/2" Huge DWJM. in his 40's seeking sexual and submissive woman who enjoys the larger things. I'm looking for art up¬ scale, beautiful, sophisticated woman who wants the finer things in life and enjoys a well- hung male. Give me a call, you won't be disappointed. WS#4307 02/05 Tease me Make me beg. Very oral, loves pretty feet and hot legs. Long tongue that I love to use. Very curious also, so strap that thing on and call. WS #5140 02/26 The freakier the better Tall, blond. Scandinavian SWM with with skilled mouth and tongue and a masterful slow hand seeks a wanton female for multiple sexual fantasy rola play. Age. race or marital status unimportant. WS #5129 02/26 SWM 41, semi-amputated, seeks woman for companion¬ ship, vaginal oral sex and penal hand masturbation, up to age 50. Desires marriage, good friend and conversation. WS #5128 02/26 Handsome, dominant SWM 38, physically fit. gentleman ISO attractive lady who enjoys be¬ ing submissive or would like to explore her submissive side in a safe and sane environment, where your limits and desires are always respected. WS #4504 02/12 Acquaintance with benefits Looking for extremely exotic SHF, 19-30; fora mutual satis¬ fying acquaintance. Let's live weekends to the fullest and in4 dulge ourself in the best life has to offer and then sweat it all the way passionately. WS #4519 02/12 Hard & large SWM, 45, very at¬ tractive and sexual, 6', 165, long lasting, dean, enjoys mas¬ turbation. x-movies, oral sex, large breasts, sharing fantasies, couples, swinging, seeking submissive, shapely W/H/B fe¬ males for sexual pleasures and satisfaction. All replies an- sweréd. WS #510? 02/26 Afternoon de ight Tall, thin, fit SWM, 32, seeks attractive partner-in-crime for.excitirtg daytime rendezvous. Passion¬ ate gratification promised, (eves & weekends ok. too). WS #5149 02/26 Looking for sexy blonde for fun, adventurous and oral times. I'm a BM. 30,5'8,150, slim built, looking for nice; blonde female, 28-35. I'm a very well-hung guy looking for good times, possibly relation¬ ship;' WS #4343 02/05 Slave lacks collar Attrafctive, experienced sub-male (32, 5'11,190), ISO R/T Mistress to control and dominate him. He enjoys attending fetish parties as well as playing in private. Ex¬ perienced or novice wel¬ comed. SoBe a plus but not necessary. WS #4296 02/05 I'll worship you Long haired SWPM, 30, seeks petite; at-- ; tractive W/HF or Asian who wants every part of her body caressed, pampered, mas¬ saged, and touched from head to toe and toe to head. Must enjoy being worshipped like a goddess. WS #5125 02/26 Adonis blond, bronzed Adonis looking for Pocahontas. The Apocalypse is upon us. Let's get it on! WS #5873 05/20 Ebony seeks ivory SBM, well hung, seeking single women who want to have a wild time with professional male, .33, Can l treat you to an oil massage? Race unimportant; WS#4520 02/12 Executive successful, 6', phys¬ ically fit, married, generous, ISO a 30-40 yo married female, at¬ tractive for affair. No pros. WS #4287 02/05 Handsome gentleman 38, WM, physically fit, seeking an attractive Latin or Jewish prin¬ cess for passionate encoun-r ters. Discretion and privacy as¬ sured. WS #4505 02/12 Bikini juice Wildly handsome, unusually tall, vigorously ath¬ letic. strangely charming, ulti¬ mately Zen-conscious capable.. extraterrestrial male. Seeks chemistry with beautiful, poet¬ ically articulate, long legged, 26-35 rebel force. Must enjoy long voyages, romance, drip¬ ping sweat, eating fish, nude moon dancing, elegant din¬ ners, lasting friendship. WS #5109 02/26 Sex, sex, and more sex ISO discreet relationship, have a girlfriend, and work full time. I like to have sex. I like to have pom type sex. I need to find a sexaholic like me. Call me to have some good hard'healthy, sex. WS #4738 02/19 Kosher sex The Torah obli¬ gates a man to pleasure his wife so that she reaches sexual dimax before him. SJM, young 51. handsome, dad. 6', fit, seeks SJF, 30-45 to manifest our essence and glorify in the art of being and existing. WS #4709 02/19 Sexual kisses tender sighs, warm caresses, and loving eyes, very handsome, virile, SJ gentleman, young, 51,6', bl/bl, 200, fit, educated, unconven¬ tional, multi-faceted, single Dad, seeking 35-45, gorgeous, educated, passionate lady for sweet, loving relationship. WS #4725 02/19 Are you busty? SWM, 32, Eu¬ ropean, tall, dark hair, hand¬ some, would like to give his heart and his tongue to a SWF, age not important. Let me sat¬ isfy all your desires. WS #4545 02/12 ISO Bi babe Do you seek a male companion who enjoys Bi women. I'm a SWM, 6'4,35, I95lbs, good looking, fit, crea¬ tive. mature, fun, and accom¬ modating. 100% clean and lean. You: equally as impres¬ sive. WS #4499 02/12 Sweet & Sensual SM, 37,5'8\ 160, blue/brown, likes long walls on beach, movies, dining, rollerblading, dancing, is down- to-earth. sexy, giving and lov¬ ing. Seeking 21-50 SW/HF, sexy, sensitive, caring, and honest for possible LTR. WS #5126 02/26 WS #5114 02/26 Women Seeking Men ETHICAL SLUT * 29 yo bi chick seeks sweet, succulent couples to explore three-way friendship and fun. Intelligent, silly, fun, insatiable people pre¬ ferred. Let’s play together! Safe sex a must. WS #4705 02/19 The writer of this ad has won a gift P "^certificate from Sugar & Spice! -11 Sunset Square 2035 N. University Dr. Sunrise • 954-741-1714 Looking for swinger SWM, seeking open-minded, attrac¬ tive female to party and swihg with in S. Florida or non/local adult swing dubs. Discretion and privacy assured. Will ac¬ commodate your interests/ needs/preferences. WS #4495 02/12 Attractive investor, 40,150, 5'10, dimples, hazel eyes, brown hair. Seeking down to earth fun with ladies of slim to medium build, any race. Lots of free time to spend. No strings, no kinks. WS #5117 02/26 WMLM, 42, very oral voyeur that wants to give you a sexual massage, do your bikini line, shave your legs, pedicure. Any fantasy? One on one first, then bring a friend. I'll take your panties off any place you tell me. Be dean and healthy, as l am. WS #4544 02/12 WJM, 50+ young, N/S, willing to team to please. Like all wom¬ en, N/S, small on top is nice. I need a partner to watch films for mutual satisfaction. N/S, N/ drinker preferred. WS #4736 02/19 wanted, sexy and mature generous women over 40,jn good shape. I'm a SLM, tali', green eyes, who enjoys pas¬ sionate sex and sensual mas¬ sages. WS #4344 02/05 Fantasy fulfillment Female(s) wanted for hot times. We are two straight, dean males, look¬ ing fora good time, one a ma¬ rine, the other in medical. Mar¬ ried or single, very discreet. Let us make your dreams. No TS/ ND. WS #4529 02/12 Good-looking black male 25, 6'4,195 lbs, ISO good looking, sensual, exotic, erotic woman that knows how to have fun, knows how to please and to be pleased. WS #4531 02/12 Domination for only the se¬ rious. If you are a woman that needs a strong Dorn in your life, or if you need to exhibit yourself to only a true Dorn, call me; if you dare. Discretion is guaranteed! Only serious in¬ quiries please! WS #4293 02/05 French lover now available in SoBe. Call now and enjoy his world famous add-on formula: Sex games (from exdting mas¬ sages to do-me-again mad¬ ness? Plus romance plus LTR. (If you find h|s soft spot) Satis¬ faction is guaranteed. WS #4348 02/05 New Years resolution SWPM, 53. looking for that voluptu¬ ous. spedal lady to spoil. She likes first dass lifestyle and is not ashamed to display her as¬ set. WS #4527 02/12 Disciplined/spanked By tall, trim, mature, single english- man. Bend over and be pre¬ pared to be spanked or pad- died on your bare bottom. You set the limits, beginners O.K., totally discreet, intercourse optional. Let's talk. WS #4553 02/12 Whltehunter UK import, 40's, 5'8,160lbs. athletic, imagina¬ tive to your wishes, VWF, ex¬ cellent slayer. ISO feminine pe¬ tite/slim, single hair, HAW, N/S, N/DE, N/DR females wildcats/ submissive kittens for first safe experience, mutual bondage, spanking, mild correction at your place. WS #4723 02/19 Hot sex BM looking for hot latín or black females for lust- ful evenings and hot days. Well hung. 5'8' frame, bald headed, and strong tongued. If you can hang with me for fun or hot sex I'm ready. WS #4508 02/12 White híspanle male 5*8,150, average built, ISO married lady, 5'-5'9,24-45, very attractive and feminine, for pleasurable sex. Discretion a must. WS#4513 02/12 No more boring spanking Just as it says, why does some discipline have to be the same old 'swat*. There's more to that than 'play'. 33. DHPM, 57. dom, but that ain't all. You: ad- • venterous. WS #4500 02/12 40 WORDS FREE E-mail: Wildside@miaminewtimes.com Mail: P.O. Box 011591 Miami, FI 33101 Phone: (305)571-7550 Wild Side Must be 18+ Add'l words $1 each All ads run 3 wks Please include name, address, and phone number for our confidential files. Whatever Black single male, 33,6'3,195, seeks female, 18- 50 for some freaky fantasy fun - whenever, where ever, what¬ ever. WS #4317 02/05 Very attractive executive WM, 45, brown/blue, excellent shape, ISO pretty, fit, great physical shape, seeks pretty, , fit, WHF, for discreet, romantic adventures. WS #4288 02/05 Men Seeking Men Transsexual Gorgeous male model seeks pre-op. I'm healthy, tanned and a lot of fun. I'm an oral addict. You need to be a healthy, beautiful, smooth, pre-op transsexual. You can have me the way you want me. Don't let this ad in¬ timidate you. I've still only re¬ ceived one response. I promise to return your call. Will you please answer the ad? WS #4511 02/12 Cuban-American 39, good looking guy, very discreet would lite to meet a straight or married man, 35-60, who Wants to be orally pleasured. Latin, Greek, Jewish or Medi¬ terranean men. Dade county only. Must be normal guy and HIV-. WS #4732 02/19 Bi-racial Jewish pre-op trans¬ sexual. 57,130,100% passable, college student, looking for straight, bl or gay attractive, well maintained and fit male for LTR. No fats, no uglies or under 57. Serious men only respond. WS #4716 02/19 Masculine man looking for at¬ tractive transsexuals and trans¬ vestites. Must be very open minded. WS #4535 02/12 Calm but rough GLM, 26 brown hair/eyes, 5'10,180lbs. ISO 25-35 y/o that likes the outdoors that is aggressive to a point that lies some rough¬ ness in moderation, but most of all fun. N/S please. WS #5144 02/26 Shower with me Lets ex¬ plore our masculinity, soap each other down in a hot shower. Reply If you are mas¬ culine. HIV-, muscular legs, in great shape. Not overweight. I'm attractive, 5'9,160,39. HIV- WM. muscular, friendly, dis¬ creet, clean. You be too. WS #4704 02/19 All American 35, works out, 6', 210, good looking, seeking bi, married top guy - cops, con¬ struction, firemen, very dis¬ creet. mild kink, good shape, first timers ok. WS #5160 02/26 Chocolate vixen Beautiful transvestite, 24,5'10, slim, tight body with a million dollar smile and pure sweetness. ISO good looking, tall, masculine' male who is secure, open minded, have a heart of gold and who knows how to treat a lady. WS#4719 02/19 Hot dad 4 wild & hung Very masculine, GWM, tall, hot, workout, brn/brn, 41, secure, have own home, affluent, seeking young, 18-27, hung, J smooth, slim boy who Is fun. experienced, kinky, and seek¬ ing a part time Daddy! WS #4501 02/12 Good looking Bi male Look¬ ing to play around with other Bi males. I'm 28. latín, 155 lbs, muscular. str8 acting and look¬ ing. Looking for someone al¬ most the same. Available mornings for discreet en¬ counters. WS#4492 02/12 Repairmen, delivery men firemen. Very handsome bi WM, 36,220 lbs of muscle. Wants to meet for discreet times. Prefer married or bi men. Mild to kinky. Safe and HIV- only. WS #4512 02/12 Married 4 top Cuban Married bi, 35, Latino, looking for a top Cuban, mach, masculine, bi or married, for a relationship. Contact me. WS #4703 02/19 Discreet fun HÍ, I'm a 31 yo WLM, 57,155, tall, good shape and str8 acting, looking for safe and discreet fun in SoBe. Not into gay bars or scenes, D/ D free. You must be the same. WS#4699 02/19 Pretty, soft, sexy, very sensual transvestite, 38, seeks those interested in warm, intimate, romantic encounters. I love kissing, cuddling and sharing. You must be open, clean, dis¬ creet, safe & fun. If this sounds good tayou, call me. WS #4320 02/05 Hung-ry 32 y/o. brn/brn, fit & fairly, in shape, looking for ex¬ tremely well hung, shaved guys, 25-35, no headaches or hassles/versatile, all types of fun. No LTR just hot sex. Must fit, attractive, and shaved. WS#5157 02/26 Get off on my offer.. This . clean cut, totally good looking, in shape, fun, busy guy, wants simple fun, massage, etc. with good looking (cute) guy under 35. Fun rendez-vous, a few laughs and...? HIV- only. Can't believe I wrote this, but i did, so call me. WS#4321 02/05 To photograph your foreskin is my fantasy. If you live in So. Dade, are honest, discreet, and very disease free then let's play safe. I'm a big, beefy, 300lbs, handsome. 35 y/o, type male, with brown hair. Live In Kendall area. WS #4532 02/12 55 ISO foreskin 18-25 WMP, 6*1, about 225, smooth skin, clean shaven, divorced father. ISO a real man, 18-25 with foreskin. Let me worship your manhood with my oral magic. Let this be our little secret, ok!!! I live in Ft. Lauderdale. WS #5138 02/26 Slave for Slavs Looking ex¬ clusively for masculine, tall Eastern European men, 28-45, for friendship and possibly -more. I'm Cuban/Lebanese, speak several languages, and I collect Olympic pins, CD'S, love literature and classical music. Will service and worship you!!! WS #4552 02/12 Sexy Crossdresser Me: 30 y/ o, 5'8', long red hair, brown eyes, medium size, great lips, very smooth and feminine. West Kendall area. You: 25-40, straight/curious, fit, well pro¬ portioned. mustache/hairy chest a big plus. Looking for safe, dean fon, no strings. WS#4297 02/05 Top Cuban only PLM bottom, 25 yo. 5'8,140, cute, smooth, dark brown skin, looking for well endowed, in good shape top Latinos, preferable Cubans between 25.-40 for casual en¬ counter. WS #5113 02/26 Cuban-American 39, good looking guy. very discreet would like to meet a straight or married man, 35-60, who wants to be orally pleasured. Latiri, Greek, Jewish or Medi¬ terranean men. Dade county only. Must be normal guy and HIV-. WS #4521 02/12 ISO cigar daddy looking for men between 35-40 who en¬ joy a good cigar and sex/kink. I'm 25,6'1,235lbs, br/br, goa¬ tee, tatoo, pierced and hot workout. You be at least 6' and 200 lbs. WS #5156 02/26 Muscular jock daddy WM, 48, 5'11,175lbs, br/gr, smooth, hung, versatile, and discreet seeks in-shape, versatile fun guy for regular man to man action. Bi and married guys are welcome. NE Miami preferred but can travel for the right guy. WS #5141 02/26 Can you funk? Let me open up and pleasure you like the top man you are and massage your manhood to the upper¬ most satisfaction. 29, good looking, discreet, hot. versa¬ tile/bottom BM. YOU: good looking, athletic, passionate, top BM/LM who wants to let his manhood explore the boundaries. I like it slow but sometimes I like it rough and hard. WS #4543 02/12 Healthy divorced bl white Anglo male seeks same for pleasurable encounters. Seek¬ ing someone who enjoys pas¬ sionate kissing, is healthy, sim¬ ilar size and weight. 5'11,170, blond/green. WS #4305 02/05 We endowed guy who is 5'8,140 lbs, ISO 35+. well hung hairy football linebacker built guy who is proud of his equip¬ ment and likes to show it off in public with or without his duds. WS #4720 02/19 Young, cute boy searching for a hot beefcake to domi¬ nate me and show me how strong he can be. I'm 21,6', 155lbs. I have blond, shaved, head, green eyes, with a swim¬ mers build. Sound like what you're looking for... let me know. WS #4332 02/05 Jockboys spanked Athletic all-American guy, 34, seeks jockboys under 30 who want to be stripped to your jock¬ strap and bent over my knee for hot, hard spanking ses¬ sions. You can't ask your girl¬ friend to spank you in your, jockstrap. WS #4708 02/19 Latin lovers Looking to meet other couples or hot real men who want to have two real hot new friends. You want a try? We are looking for quality and cosmopolitan kind of new friends who enjoy life in the real way. WS #4721 02/19 31 y/o, straight acting top, Latino male, 5'8,175lbs, brn/ bm seeking a possible pre-op transsexual to put some spice in my life for friendship and lovers. No one over E>'9. WS #5131 02/26 Hott Latino! 21,6', 165lbs, bk/ bk. 9 incher, ISO any hot guy, 18-25, to have a really good time and willing to satisfy my desires. You have to be very discreet. No fats or queens. WS #4722 02/19 Happily married seeking day¬ time encounters with strong, sensual top man. partner not able to perform. I'm 35, just good sex. Discretion a must, race unimportant. Give me call, and we'll take it from there. WS #5120 02/26 Straight acting bi white male, 40,6', 185, very athletic, 32' waist, a gym body, clean, at¬ tractive, N/S, HIV-, ISO very masculine, fit, muscular WM, under 40. N/S, HIV- for occa¬ sional massage and J/0 ses¬ sions. WS #4342 02/05 Seeking older man Tall, smooth stripper, muscular chest and velvet smooth buns neéds dose inspection by homy, older man. WS #5108 02/26 40 WORDS FREE E-mail: Wildside@miaminewtimes.com Mail: P.O. BOX 011591 Miami, FI 33101 Phone: (305)571-7550 Wild Side Must be 18+ Add'l words $1 each All ads run 3 wks Please indude name, address, and phone number for our confidential files. well hung college student seeking older, established gen¬ tleman, who isbi, straight, married, and are looking for discretion, rubdowns, J/O ac¬ tion and more. Only sincere, secured, serious professionals need call. WS #4726 02/19 Real oral Cuban male, black, black with mustache, height/ weight proportionate, well en¬ dowed. 81/2, uncut, 150 male in 30's or 40's hairy,husky, and very oral and who knows how to use his tongue and mouth while hearing dirty talk. WS #4336 02/05 Experienced SWM 5'11, 199lbs, ISO ffi-curious male, 55- 75. for great encounter. Leave name and number. WS#4698 4 02/19 Double your pleasure solid gay guys, 33 & 50, seek friend¬ ly, dean-cut, gay third for shared 3-way oral fun. Are you 25-45, in pretty good shape and homy a lot? Call us! Hung guys are a plus. N/S, N/D, N/A. WS #5122 02/26 Neu/Times wild IN ASSOCIATION WITH ^ PRESENT ■’ / A NIGHT OF INTERACTIVE FANTASY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7TH, 1999 11:00 PM MUSICAL PERFORMANCES BY: AND I...MOBIUS THE DANCES OF SEDUCTION BY: THE DARKFIRE MISTRESSES FASHIONS BY: AFTER DARK BODY ART BY: PRIMAL URGE PIERCING SALON CANVAS EXHIBITION BY: GERRY STECCA JOIN THE NEW TIMES WED SIDE AT THE LONGEST RUNNING ONE NIGHTER THE CHURCH AT GROOVE JET NIGHTCLUB MIAMI I BEST DANCE CLUB • NEW TIMES BESTOE 98 Pre-w rite your ad at hom e, present it at the door, and receive complimentary admission, and a chance to win gift certificates from Primal U r a e , A f t e r D ark a n d CD Warehou s e For more info call New Times Wild Side at 305.571.7651 or The Church Hotline at 305.673.3004 323 23ST* MIAMI BEACH • 305-532-2002 (J)ü™ PRIMAL to# Dirk Miami New Times January 28 - February 3,1999 121 Latino bi 4 top Cuban La$no, bi;R^fied, 34/tíandsorrié^ mascTíookirig forfop, cuban around my age, married, bi ; pref, to share hot times and relationship, you must be 100%.rriasc, macho men, drop rhe a message. WS #4727 02/19 Uniform searchJSO discreet police officer, for friendship, and good times, If you are GDtKG, 35-45, top, hung, and seetiji honest, responsible f rienofor some discreet fun, let get together. WS#4715 02/19 I’m not typical I play sports, have á real good job and a life. I like dinners and evenings at. home more than the bars. I'm in great shape, look good, sex¬ ually fun and wants someone - under 35 who's good looking and together and likes to have fun.t^ WS #4326 02/05 Bi/married Cuban Male 39, I89lbs, masculine, works out regularly. Looking for a bi/ straight masculine male, 20-45, discreet and must be HIV- will¬ ing to teach rhe the other side. WS #4331 02/05 ISO Big Black Top Guy You: bi-divorced* businessman, in need of fyll-service for many hours. No drugs/attitudés. Lustful action guaranteed! Me: N.E.. Miami guy, 5'8, late 50's fully able to take care of big mervGÉII nówü WS #4299 02/05 Give it to me! Submissive . GWM , 33, into toys. videos, and WS seeks discreet encounters withpuscularor medium built Blacker Latin guys, gay. straight, or bi. (Hung, and un¬ cut tops a plus). Get a load off now, ali scenes considered. WSM712 02/19 Passionate top stallion Look¬ ing for handsome, fit, pas¬ sionate, hungry, distinguished, older GWM who can pamper this romantic top Latin male in need of intimate titees! Look¬ ing for a special man who cari give passion without (imita¬ tions and expect the samé. WS#4515 02/12 Generous seeks preop TSl'm a very attractive GWM, 38, brn/ brn, affluent, generous, look¬ ing for a young endowed TS forfungnly... Black is a plus. I canttevel.,. WS #4502 02/12 Married man in need of ex¬ perience. Bisexual Cuban male; 39,190, average built, works out regularly looking for a bi masfijtine male, 21 -40, must • be HlPfor safe and disefeet encounters. WS #4547 02/12 Slender blond beginner de¬ sires slim, dean, bi-males and females 18-40 for discreet,. SoBe mutual pleasures and fantasy-fulfillment. All comers, transgenders, and; couples wel- cotee.Let's hook up and get down together. WS #5159 02/26 Seeking beefy male Well built- masculine, professional, good looking and healthy, 30, 5^0*165, seeking a beefy male, masculine, 40-60 yo and • 225 to 275, interested in get¬ ting together for some fun. Discretion absolutely neces-! sary. WS|ai6 02/26 Bi/straight Gpod-Jooking guy looking to hook up with some¬ body like myself who's not into the gay scene, mostly straight, just happens to want to fool, around with a guy once in a ® vyhile. If you're under 30 very masculine and well built we ■; should talk. WS #4510 02/12 GWM, 33,5’9", 2Ó3, brown/ brown looking to meet an in¬ telligent male for fun times. You rnust be 18-40, height and weight proportionate, healthy and safe,: latinodr blacks get first preference. WS#4341 02/05 95% Straight WM 39,5'9', 170 muscular, 32 waist, 40C, professional,attractive, clean. Wanffigb meet bi or married or straignracting WM for mas-, sage j/b experience. You must| betalf/hunkyor athletic and muspujar. Under 42. Nosmok-1 ers or overweight men.1,. WS #4308 02/05 Bi cross dresser I'm tall, slen¬ der with smooth ;léng legs, I I love 5' heels and hot, kinky dothes. Hook great in corset and collar. ISO a very feminine Cross dresser pre-op for fun and fantasy. Must be dean, smooth and shapely. 21 -40. We will spoil each other. WS#4309 02/05 Muscular jock daddy WM, 48. 5'11,175|bs, br/gr, smooth, hung, versatile; and discreet seeks in-shape, versatile fun, guy for regular man to man action. Bi and married guys are welcome. NE Miami preferred but can travelfor the right guy. WS #43501 02/05 Fit to be tied? Good looking, well built, hunky guy, 5'10', 155, would like to tie you down . Let me .help you realize your.fántasiés safely and sane¬ ly Be under 33, HIV negative too, all limits respected. WS #4313 02/05 Well endowed bi male, look¬ ing to meét other well hung, masculine, bi, straight, married guys. For hot J/G action and more. Must be discreet. No strings. Well hung only. WS #4507 02/12 Opposites attract European male, 40,6'3, handsome, straight business man, seeks hot looking Latin, shaved head, straight guy for occasional get togethers. Lets start 1999 with a great time. Opposites are | more interested. Married or di¬ vorced ok. WS#4310 02/05 i like big guys who can pick me up. I like to play very safely Be my big brother, be strong,. likes to cuddle, wrestle around, likes J/O, sports, likes erotic massage. Types: Bouncers, football jocks, outdoors types like gardeners, rollerblades, construction workers; I am HIV- , 5'10,165. handsome, mus¬ cular. WS #5130 02/26 Wanted: straight, bi-sexual Latinos. Blonde, good-looking, athletic, 29, looking for young, hot, straight or bisexual Latinos who are curious and homy. Ijl be your sex slave. Only good- looking macho guys should re¬ spond. WS #5142 02/26 Yearning me ISO somebody to fall in bed with me... I'm 25, 'masculine, 10' (not kidding), will wine and dine you, HIV-, who loves Jolly pops. WS #5158 02/26 Only married or divorced men. I'm 25. white latin, 5'6, slim,, smooth skin, passive, hice looking, very sensitive, healthy discreet. IS0100% masculine man. active, strong; well built, extremely healthy,, well hung, for good times and friendships WS #4533 02/12 Afternoon release Aggres¬ sive* sexy GWM, 33.5'10,175» oral bottom, seeking latins or black top meri.with medium muscular build' hung/Uncut/ . thick a plus, for discreet day time release, into mast scenes, groups welcome, HIV- a must. WS #4534 02/12 Big & beautiful Good-looking, brown, smóóth-skihnéd, hazel eyes* 5'11' full figured big,girl (boy) with a little extra some-. - thing to offer. Looking for a well built hispanic top or a tough guy with a goatee to. satisfy and have fun with. I al¬ ways aim to please.... WS #5139 02/26 Women Seeking Women Latin female 57,130lbs, 38 looking for SBiF, 30+ to enjoy beaches, pool parties; BBQ's, and quiet times. Must be dis¬ creet, secure, sincere, serious; feminine, D/D free. Friendship first, possible LTR. XidspK. WS #4334 02/05 Bi femme SHF, 23, full-fig¬ ured, 42D (natural), partially shaved, seeks birfémfne. 21- 35, large breasted, and full fig¬ ured a definite plus. Who's not shy for mutual physical satis¬ faction, friendship. Must be clean, discreet, d/d free. N/S. ~ No men. Serious only WS#4340 02/05 Bi-sexual woman 35 yo, ISO bi-sexual or bi-Ctiripus woman who is 18 yo or older for friendship andfun times. WS#4323 02/05 Bi curious HF;Mer2'PVp, 5'6; B} 190, jSÓbrW/Hfémrhefóf1st: time. BE my fantasy come true, show me what I've been missing. Pis no D/S, hutches or couples. WS #5115 02/26 This is tiger ISO a bi-sexual or bi-curious woman l'm;5'4, 135lbs.Race is unimportant. WS #4729 02/19 Searching for Latin or exotic feminine, sexy, pretty female for first time experience. I'm ¿ 39'ish; British, off-beat, wordly, interesting, attractive, red hair/ green eyes, S3, nice body, very sensual, very feminine to share fun times. WS#4497 02/12 Greek Goddess ISO beauty to fulfill her needs. Someone pretty, sexy, romantic, sweet, outgoing, and affectionate. Married, bi, or kids ÓK. Must be BiWF, 21-35, no hutches or druggies. WS #4734 02/19 WLF, 38 yo’bi curious, wants ladies, any age or race to give me a massage, oral pleasures, teach me everything. If your friend,is older (55) and bi, he isr very Welcome too (because 1 want my boyfriend to be Se¬ duced and introduced to it). WS #4494 02/12 Bi femme seeking same I8r 25.'Me: Latina,:22,-vefy attrac¬ tive, voluptuous, 57,150, 38- 30-36. Couplesrok. You won't bé disappointed. WS #4517 02/12 Looking for intimate fun with two women who want to experience a nice; intimate time. Let’s get together and fulfill out wildest fantasies. ISO women who are articulate, in¬ telligent, beautiful, single, out¬ going, fun loving, caring, com¬ passionate, interesting and wild. WS #5118 02/26 Strange love 32 bi pWF, cute, slim, very down-to-earth lots of fun. seeks relationship with samé. Must have time and en¬ ergy for this one. For possible LTR. Serious only. WS #4514 02/12 Help me fulfill my boyfriends fantasy of seeing me with an¬ other woman. I'm 35/hispanic, 5'4,112, looking for a sexy, ad¬ venturous. feminine bi/bi-cu- rious female for friendship and fun times. Call and lets meet for drinks. - WS #4518 02/12 Her first time Girlfriend Will let rrié watch! SherbeautifulAsiati, 25, perfect body, shy, sexy, sweet, intelligent and fun. Me: 27, very attractive white male.' You: very attractive, gfeatfig- ure.fun and patient female. D/ D-free. Call us! WS #4522 02/12 Bi curious. 31 HPF, 125- light brown/green eyes, married with a chlld.lSO 25-35 H/w, dis¬ crete, feminine. professional for friendship arid later fulfill¬ ing fantasies. No strings at¬ tached. No butches.couples, -or drugs. WS#4714 02/19 The story of O '0' is seeking Jacqueline to complete our story and if appropriate to meet with Sir Stephen! If you know the details and are ready for this ultimate experience and are d/d free, a n/S, and discreet then you're ready to answer this ad. WS #5147 02/26 Bi-curious 20 yo white female, bi-curious.jooking forfun and ■ adventure, are you up for it? I want to stimulate moré than your mind. Ifm ready for a woman - is there a woman ready for me? Drug-free/dis- ease free. Call me. WS #4324 02/05 Beaut ifu HF blue éyes, mid ; 40's seeks bi-curious female. Discretion a nd hygiene is a must. All calls will be answered. WS #4304 02/05 Bi-curious 18 yo hispanic model, seeking a very beauti¬ ful, feminine and sexy woman for a first time bi-sexual expe; rierice. Must be white or his-: ‘, panic and must love that sexy, innocent girl-next-door look. WS #4717 02/19 Sexy, hot latina I'm a young, beautiful 18 yo woman, 5'1, 105 lbs, looking for a sexy, sen¬ sual, feminine woman. Must be dean and must love sex. Look¬ ing for someone to spend good times with. WS #4536 02/12 Mistress Intrigue Dominatrix. petite, erotic, and bi-sexual de¬ sires bi-sexual/straight fe¬ males, submissives preferred/ switch OK for sensual encoun¬ ters in my private chambers, intense & elaborate fantasies. Unlimited fetish exploration. Disdplinefrom mild-exquisitely painful!! Whips, feathers, and leather NL. Enter my Domain!! WS#5150 02/26 Couples TWO’S COMPANY THREE’S WILD. FREE 40-word Ads. Call the Wild Side 571-7550. Young, attractive couple de ¬ sires a white or hispanic female who's bisexual, attractive, slim, fun, caring; loving, 20-28. She: brunette/green eyes. 23 - he: brown/brown, 27. Lets get to¬ gether for dinners, movies and fun times. WS #4538 02/12 Married W Couple Early 50s,. new to Florida, looking for other couple or SF with similar interested. No single men. WS #4290 02/05 Sexy couple Looking for a Bi WH female, 25-35 who's in shape and attractive. He's a black American, very attractive, 34 yo and she's a 23 yo black hispanic, 112 Ibsrverysexy. Please don't hesitate to call. WS #4328 02/05 Bi Curious Male would like to meet bi couples and bi fe- | males. I'm white, good looking and well educated. Discretion is assured. WS #5143 02/26 Healthy mid-forties bi, WM ISO couples to please. I will pro¬ vide any oral or delights you both desire before, during, and after. I am very anxious to please you both. I'm 5'11,170, blond/green. WS #4728 02/19 Married couple 40's, fit; white professional ISO similar happily married couples. Safe sex only. Looking for friends and play-, mates. She: 5'6,1-37, busty, curvy, sexy, bi-curioüs. He: 6'2, 195, straight. Drug/disease . free. WS #5112 02/Í6 imagine this... IWo beautiful women kissing and touching as only women can. Enter tall, gorgeous, muscular man. If you're a young, sexy bi female imagine no more.' WS #4335 02/05 The story of “O' Sir Stephen and '0' seeksubmissive couple with simjlar interests: Will train either or both, if you're ready for this ultimate experience, are disease/drug free, a n/s, , and djscreet, you must answer this ad. WS #5146 02/26 Fashion couple seeks bi fe¬ male or couples w/bi female for sexual fantasies, she: 22, 5'5; 415 lbs, black model with good butt. He: 33,6', 180, at¬ tractive and shy. Friendship and fun times. WS #4740 02/19 Ft. Lauderdale Happily mar¬ ried woman is seeking no strings. Daytime encounters with strong, sensual man or right couple. Husband unable to perform, l am early 30's, pretty, fit. No pain, S&M, just good sex. Discretion a must. WS#4546 02/12 Inc ude ongevity in friend- : ship with best friends. ISO 2nd uninhibited bi WP. She: 35, bi, feminine, very sexual. He: 36. straight, pleasurable. We: free- spirited, open-minded, ad¬ venturous exhibitionist, into great times in/óut of the bed¬ room. You; sensual; easy go¬ ing, open-minded and fun. WS #4506 02/12 Professional male 30's, 5'11, 17'0,,HIV-, excellerifshape. very versatile and creative, seeks a : sexy couple to make fantasies come true. WS #4325 % 02/05 Exotic, sexy, mature SM, seeking attractive couple for new, exciting, steamy, and sensual encounters. Available to be a third party for hot couple. Secure, confident and discreet. WS #4540 02/12 Happily married couple very passionate, family-oriented, ISO couple with bi-femalé to have a good time on weekend. All calls will be answered. WS #4524 02/12 Looking for nice couples We are a nice,. Latin couple, early 30's, looking to have fun and meet new people. WS #4539 02/12 Are you interested? Bi sexual fomale. 24, and male. 28, seek¬ ing pleasurable experiences* Looking for model type, dean ‘ ait girl who is sexy and sensu¬ al, ready for some wild times and friendship. If interested, call. WS #5123 02/26 Young, cute couple seeks hot beefcake to 'fool around'. I'm 21.6'0,165lbs, w/ green eyes/ brown hair, arid swimmer's build. My partner is 22,6'1, 178lbs, with brown eyes/ blonde hair, If you've got the muscle to handle the both of us;..give us a call. WS #4338 02/05 Amateur dominatrix seeking novice slave (M/R for light B&D. You: young, experimen¬ tal, lithe, and eager to please. Me; sexy, private school, head¬ mistress type. Foot and shoe fetish a plus. All serious replies answered. WS#4333 02/05 Professional male, 30’s ath¬ letic, seeking bi or lesbian fe¬ male couple to explore fanta¬ sies. Very creative and versatile. WS #4541 02/12 Ethical slut 29 yo bi chick seeks sweet, succulent couples to explore three-way friend¬ ship and fun. Intelligent, silly, fun, insatiable people pre¬ ferred. Let's play together! Safe sex a must WS #4705 02/19 Newcomers couple seeking a girl 20-26 for fun friendly date. The male is 24, black hair/eyes, Hispanic, 57. The female Is 21, brown hair/eyes, 5'2, Hispanic. Give us a call to join in. WS #5133 02/26 SWM seeking couples 25-48 to help you fulfill your fanta¬ sies. Discreet and disease-free (N/D). Call me to make your fantasies come true! WS #4295 02/05 Dejate llevar por tus deseos. Si usted es una dama bi-sexual y le gusta compartir ratos ag¬ radables con una'pareja. Ella es bella y disfruta complaciendo, a el le gusta observar o partici¬ par. Limpieza, higiené y salud un deber. No solamente para fantasía* si no también como amistad. WS #4303 02/05 2-much-4-l not enuf4 -3f Passionate male with throb¬ bing libidp needs sensual eri- viroment to prosper. Seeking couples weré taboos are tast¬ ed, encouraged, explored and nurtured; only strorig able bodies need respond. Height 4 men 5'10+, women 57+, en¬ durance, mandatory. 5 hours session niiri. WS #4542 02/12 Help me...fulfill her fantasy. PWHC searching for that spe¬ cial wish on Valentines. She: 32, 5'2,120, br/br. Me: 30,5'9, 165, br/hazel, both in great shape. ISO young attractive fe¬ male for friendship & first tíme. Smáll frames pref; No drugs. WS #5124 02/26 Her first time Girlfriend Will let| tee wafcli! She.- beautiful Asian, 25, perfect body, shy, sexy, sweét, intelligent and fun. Me: 27, very attractive white male. You: very attractive, great fig¬ ure, fun and patient female. D/ D free. Call us? WS #4523 02/12 Miami Beach Hot couple Raul: Latin, 21,5'8,145, short brown hair, brown eyes, 8' cut & thick, long-lasting, bubble butt. Sylvia: white, 40,5'TO, full-figuréd, auburn hair, green J eyes, 50D, seeking females, couples, older professional male, singers. WS #4291 02/05 Attractive, sincere 35,6', straight man. John Stamos look-alike and 34,5'5 female, looking for bisexual women 18-34 who are open minded about sex. No strings attached, all calls will be answered. Miami only. No guys please. WS#4347 02/05 Looking for nice couples We are a nice, Latin couple, early 30's, looking to have fun and meet new people. WS #4292 02/05 Seeking swingers fernales. couples and older men wanted by bi couple. She's white, 40, 5'10, full figured, reddish- brown hair, green eyes,46DD: He's latin, 2i , 5'9,145, brown hair/brown eyes; versatile and well endowed, uninhibited and bi. WS #4337 02/05 Attractive, sexy couple look¬ ing to meet single, slim, at¬ tractive, bi female, 21 -35 for : playful adventures. We are 5'2, jj 28 y/o, 103lbs, beautiful, large breasted, blond, sexy. He is 38 y/o, 6'1,220lbs, very hand¬ some. WS #4713 02/19 European couple Very at¬ tractive European executive couple seeking diligently to find a special lady with a nice body, who would enjoy being our partner in passion. We are; the top end quality couple and very real. WS #4701 02/19 Hello couples straight SWM, 160lbs, 5'8,40'S, N/DE, N/DR, N/S, good looking, U.K. import VWE has partners, seeks to en¬ tertain your woman (three's Wild). ISO N/D/S/D. H/A/W cou¬ ples Who wish something hot, video. Considered safe. Fin in Dade. WS #4724 02/19 Follow your desires If you are bi curious lady and would like to enjoy the company of a well fit and dean couple, mid 40's, in good shape. She's beautiful and enjoys to please. Not only for fantasies blit for a good friendship. WS #4302 02/05 Something rare to offer ISO playful, sexy, feminine, in shape lesbian couple to tease, please and offer my beautiful wife those pleasures I cannot. She: white femme, S'A.Ap, very sexy and sensual, adven¬ turous. fon, erotic, déan, tasty and eager. WS #5145 02/26 Ft Lauderdale H-couple Hap¬ pily married, sensual, and fun- loving seeks bi-female or couple w/bi-female. Enjoy toys/oral. He enjoys watching her please another woman. She; 160lbs, full-figured, 5'4, ; 38DD, enjoys dressing up sexy/ very cute. He: athletic, 57, 170lbs, well endowed. We: clean, safe, discreet. Age/race unimportant. WS #4339 02/05 Hi couples! 40 yo straight WM, 5'9,185, brown/brown, mus¬ tache, looking for white/black or. hispanic couples, ages 30- 50, weigh proportionate, 120- 160. Likes adult movies, phones sex, oral sex and mas¬ sages. WS #4551 02/12 Seeking discreet Couple. This HM, 31. friendly and discreet seeks a couple for fantasy fun and a nice friendship. Let's make our fantasies come true. Pleasebe dean and discreet. WS #4491 02/12 VViV-O UNLEASHED, Now Unleash Yours! Couples, Fetishes, Fantasies... Whatever You're Into. Fax or E-mail us your 40-word Wild Side ad BY TUESDAYS, 2 p.m., and youll get it published FREE for 3 weeks . Recording your voice introduction and message retrieval are all FREE! FAX: 305-571-7679 E-Mail: wildside@miaminewtimes.com r — 1 Fax FREE AD FORM OR E-MAIL GUIDELINES Clip out this form and attach it with your 40 word Wild Side ad. Be sure to write your full name and contact number on your ad. Name: Phone Number: Day Phone Street Address (No. P.O., Boxes) City State Zip IMPORTANT: The Wild SQe Line service Li free, and you. muet record yoiir introduction and profile immediately upon receiving your WS# and security code It will take up to 24 houre for your introduction to be placedon-luie. Ads over 40 words will be billed $1 per extra word. Charge to my: Q Master Card Q Visa Q American Express Credit Card# Exp. Date Signature CATEGORY (selectone) Q Wpmen Seeking Men Q Men Seeking Women □ Couples □ Men Seeking Men p Women Seeking Women Wild Side Fax Offer n 5 71,76 79 VflU? Si PE For more information call 571-7550 or E-mail wildside@miaminewtimes.com Unleash^- 122 January «2$.-^WlHiiary 3,1999 Miami New Times S ■Mí? S7OS 1.900.370.05221H¡ For more information, call The Wild RíHp at s 7 1.7 r s n . years Side at 571-7550 Ladies FREE! (305) 914-TALK Dade Check out the HOTTEST website skin.com ired of paying $.99 to $2.99 per minute for voice personal ads and hot local talk? Call Miami's Hottest Voice Personals and Live Talk and let the city's BUSIEST dating and live talkline show you a good time, whether you’re looking for love, friendship, fantasies or something else But Beware! Other companies have been copying our ads and service. Watch out! If you don’t see the name National Telephone, you won’t find the variety of ladies, the reliable service or the affordable prices that continue to make NTE so successful. Why waste your money on phony actresses? Local Ladies call Miami's Talkline FREE all day, every day to share secrets or just shoot the breeze with regular guys like you. So inexpensive and easy to use,,with thousands of voice personals in over I5 exciting categories and hundreds of callers connecting live-anonymously-24 hours a day. Meet friends, make dates, talk dirty or just browse thru some of the steamiest ads you've ever heard, all in the privacy of your own home, all for the incredibly low price of JUST 25$ per minute Don't let another dull moment go by! National Telephone is a name you can trust We've got the busiest lines and the lowest prices* No gimmicks No mínimums. Just hot, live talk with real local people Don t be fooled by copycats! Stick with the original for genuine, erotic excitement. (561) 227-TALK West Palm (954) 453-TALK Broward Credit Card Billing 24 Hrs. A Day... 1-800-CITY-FUN Miami New rtmos January 28 - February 3,1898 *123'f; fj'-.TE he Phila PA 18-f TT Req CHAT ME UP... NORTH AMERICA'S FASTEST GROWING WAY TO MEET PEOPLE women seeking men Box #1864 Nicole Hi, my name is Nicole. I'm looking for a single, black male in his mid 40s or early 50s, a non-smoker and non-drinker, between 5'9" and ó'.^.T'd like someone who enjoys going to the movies, the jazz clubs and out on vacation. I'm an active, healthy woman who enjoys the finer- things in life. If you're interested, please leave me a message. Box #1109 Rose Hi, my name is Rose. I'm a 33 year pld, Latin lady with brown hair and brqwn eyes. I like to go to the movies, td" the beach and out for romantic dinners. I'm a very nice person and sometimes funny. I'm looking for somebody special and, romantic, who can love me the way a woman should be. Box #2062 Shauna Hello, my name is Shauna. I'm a 29 year pld, intelligent, African-American woman. I'm open minded and outgoing, with a great personality. I'm looking for an adventurous, intelligent ánd interesting young man between the ages of 25 and 35. I love movies, dining out and traveling* Box #2299 Maria Hi, my name is Maria. I'm a 31 year old, single, white, Cuban-American female and a non-smoker. I'm looking for a single; 31 to 40 year old, Cuban- American or angla male, non-smoker, who enjoys meeting new people, making new friends, and going out, as well as spending quiet evenings at home. He must have a good sense of humor, a kind heart and a very alert mind. 1000s of callers daily Free to record your own message and browse 1000s of others Send and receive messages or connect instantly on the chatline ALWAYS FREE FOR WOMEN men- seeking women Box #2163 Michael Hello, my name is Michael. I'm a 30 year old, Puerto Rican and Cuban male, looking for a long-term relationship. I prefer Hispanics, but it's not written in stone. I'm looking for a woman who doesn't judge the book by it's cover, who believes in love, romance and being treated very well. I'm looking for a partner and a soulmate, a person who likes to go out and have fun. Box #2173 Dan Hello, this is Dan. I'm looking for someone to go out to clubs or to the beach with and do some bike riding with. I'd like someone who's 5'7" or taller and weight proportionate. I'm a 6'3", black man, but your race is unimportant. I judge people not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. Box #2289 Jeff Hi, it's Jeff. I'm 5'9", 165 lbs., muscular, with long, dark hair, light eyes and a nice tush. I'm 46 years old but I look very good for my age. I come from a large family and I'm very flexible about age. I have a very good, unique job that leaves my weekends free. I love Thai, Japanese, Korean and Peruvian foods and I know how to cook. I'm looking for someone who's emotionally stable, with the potential for a long-term relationship. Box #11353 Muscular male Hi, I'm a 23 year old, 6'2", 220 lb., muscular male with light skin, light-brown eyes and a bald head. Km looking for someone between the ages of 18 and 21, with light skin. I'm not attracted to very thin women, I prefer medium built ladies. I'm looking for a good woman to go out and chill with. : In Dade call . (305)892-1111 CQuest Personals TEN YEARS OF*CONVERSATIONS*FUN*ROMANCE*LOVE www.questpersonals.com In Broward Call ft (954) 749-1111 vvvvvv..v-juc;oipc;io^i ’.^assumes no liability for members meeting through this service. 18+. L.D. charges apply. F.M.1998 Adult Entertainment ^Dating Services FRIENDS WITH ATWIST! SwingWith Local Couples! Listen & Record Ads FREE! 305-651-0348 CODE 5500 READER NOTICE These classifications may con^ tain ads for conversation or re- -ib'rded messages through the • use of telephones. Calls to such- numbers result in a , charge to the calling phone number. Call blocking is avail¬ able from. Bell South for most single-line residences jn South Florida. Call 305-780-2355 for residential call-blocking service. Not all 900 numbers allow a grace period or warning be¬ fore the call is charged to your phone bill. As telecommunica¬ tions, these services are regu¬ lated by the Federal Commu¬ nications Commission and the ^gtorida Public Service Com-, mission. Complaints can be di¬ rected to the Florida Public Service Commission at 101 E Gaines St, Fletcher Bldng, Tal¬ lahassee, FL 32399-0850, 850- 413-6100. The FCC may be reached at 1919 M St NW. Washington, DC 20554 ALL NEW MIAMI DATE & PARTY! 24HRS! Southern FI Men & Women Call 1-268-404-5476 Miami Girls Names & #'s 1-473-473-4588 Nymphos! 1-664-410-1692 Hispanic date & Party A live! 24hrs! 1-268-404-4998 The Pussy Cat Club Anything Coes!!!!! Kinky! 011-6787-2472 Bi Curioüs?\ 1-767-446-9182 Black Date & Party Live! 24hrs! 1-268-404-5476 Miami Gay Men! Live! 24 hrs! Party/Date! 1-268-404-7434 Gay Men Wilder Side! 1 -473-938-1633 WHY WAIT? GET A DATE! FREE Free to call, easy to use, fun! SAFE, ANONYMOUS. NOW OFFERING ALL LIFESTYLES! Over 15,000 singles call daily! Free to call TELECOMPANIONS Always free for women! 305-933-6868 Brwd 954-433-7587 www.telecompanions.com ONE NIGHT STAND DATELINE Owned & Operated by Women Seeking Casual Sex! 305-460-3396 MEN CALL FREE MIAMI #1 CHOICE FOR DATING! Listen & Record Ads.FREE! 305-651-0006 Code 5000 MEET HOT LOCAL GAY MEN! Florida’s #1 Choice For Singles! Listen & Record Ads FREE! 305-651-0051 CODE 5050 GAY, BI or JUST CURIOUS? Voice Personals Direct Connect FREE To-Brqwsé Ads To Respond to Ads To ,Record your own Ad 305-250-9909 Use PUB 926,18+ Entertainment $.99 $.99 $.99 HOT NASTY GIRLS WILD LIVE 1 ON 11ll 1-800-994-2625 -1-900-993-5777 18+ LOVE CONNECTION 99 1-900-737-1999 EXT 1310 $2.99/MIN 18+ Serv-U 619-645-8434 HOT SECRET DESIRES 1-800-723-7422 V/MC/AMEX 1-900-463-7422 $2.50/Min. MEET MIAMI GIRLS! Live Hot Talk & Dateline! Live 1 or 2 on 1. 011-683-9670 College Girls 0116-787-7378 Local Tel#'s 011-678-73026 BARELY LEGAL 1-0N-1 1-900-745-5326 1-800-998-1661 MC/VISA/AMEX, 18+ $2-$3.99/min,24hrs GIRLS GIRLS Talk To Them LIVE!!! 1-9Ó0-336-2500 Ext 2767 $3.99/mln, 18+ Serv-U 619-645-8434 MEET SOMEONE SPECIAL IN THE NEXT FIVE MINUTES fiadieSI L ALWAYS , TYy Floridas fastest, hottest way to meet someone special or just to have fun! Exciting live one' on-one direct connections. Free 30 min. trial for first time callers. MEN call customer service for your free time, dade: 305-623-7070 Broward: 954-349-8787 www.intimatch.com CALL Dade NOW Broward 305-622-3600 954-349-1001 Get Online in '99! IIÉ JB Find out why Í-M Record & Listentoads I ¡Si is Florida's most exciting dateline Miami-Dade <305)651 -0006 West Palm Beach Broward HHHp689-5700 «54)587-6677 Jatkssiivip . Orlando Tampa Wlio (407)895-0003 «13)663-0667 HcgbS/j/ * Sarasota R. Hirers (MD906-8844 (mi)590-9210 ©OCI. 18+. Add. feat, as low as 500 per min. Call 800-440-8050. LIVE PHONE SEX Private 1 on 1 Explore ALL Sexual Desires 1-500rSEX-BABE 1-500-SEX-4ASS 1-500-SEX-COED 1-500-SEX-4SNM 1-500-SEX-HUNK 18+ INT'L Rates Apply NASTY NYMPHS NASTY PHONE LIVE 900-328-1111 EXT 7911 18+ $3.99/mln Serv-U 619-645-8434 HOT SEXY INTL GIRLS 'WATTING FOR YOU! 1-500-739-9386 ONLY $1.62/Min HOT GUYS 1-500-938-2697 ONLY $1.62/Mln HORNY COLLEGE GIRLS! 1-900-745-6641 1-800-598-2522 KINKY LIVE PHONE SEX! 1-900-435-3364 1-800-429-4688 EROTIC ORGY UNEf f Y 1-900-993-0240 . $2.49/MIN * 21+ CS# 1-800-204-2569 ARE YOU READY FOR LOVE? Call NOW! 1-900-370-4555 Ext 8426 $2.99 per minute/18+ Serv-U 619-645-8434 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT LIVE PHONE FANTASY 1-800-544-1068 I 24 HRS/DAY Major CC Only FREE CALL BACK TITILLATING CONFESSIONS LISTEN/REVEAL/ADVISE 900-288-2277 EXT 7135 18+ $2.99/min Serv-U 619-645-8434 CHEAP ADULT! Hot Chat' 1-473-441 1607 Eavesdrop! ; 1-268-404-7226 Man play! 1-473-441-1597 Uve Babes! 1-800-305-6969 18+lntl. 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Hot, Wild & Nasty 1-900-535-7399 1-800-398-3335 GAY ORGY! 1-900-435-4273 1-800-775-6749 MC/VISA/AMEX ¿.Checks >$2.0D$«?/mjri/ia+. $1 99 connection fee EX0TICADULT ENTERTAINMENT '.FQR EXCITING { FANTASIES 305-710-3530 Lonely in Miami Live Talk No CC Req’d 1-473-H0T-4837 Adult Services TOUCH DOWN!!! SUPER BOWL WEEKEND!! MODELS & ENTERTAINERS FOR AN EXITING HALFTIME CALL NOW!!!! 305-358-9087 COLLEGE GIRLS Gorgeous Models I M-ális&'IÜIp^ ’'. / I 305-538-1080 SEXY LATIN GIRLS Ttoung Beautiful Colombian. Cuban, Puerto Rican, Vene- i zuetan.obmlnican Models. All tftÉássións eQtertainnnent , Se Habla Español 305-858-8851 ADULT ENTERTAINERS Strippers Hourly Rates International females All occasions '^¿;Síba)S beat fctss 305-389-0462 P&A MODELS Beáutiful American and Latin females available for bachelor parties & UPSCALE ONLY Beautiful ... Males & Females toeatipfrsi Üffi zcé'-jfokw&pí all occasions. Outcall PROFESSIONAL AND AVAILABLE EVERY DAY 365 DAYS A YEAR 305-968-7340 305-968-7320 18 &VERY EAGER BUSTY BLONDE i ? South Beach 305-534-0809 TRACY OR LORI, 7 days 305-865-8470 DELICIOUS & EXQUISITE Latin European Brazilian Models --FOR ALL OCCASIONS including Bachelor Parties 305-673-2532 SUPER BOWL! MALE MODEL DREW FOR ENTERTAINMENT 305-978-6328 Grade “A” COLLEGE GIRLS/BOYS American, Latin & European 7DAYS: 305-535-9953 NOW HIRING! CHRISTINE Entertainer Model SENSUOUS 305-261-0555 SALLY Private Adult Entertainer Natasha Beautiful Bp 305-734-2366 GIRL BLOND BABE & LUSCIOUS LATINA 305-989-8377 EXOTIC 305-706-9918 :-§;0iraNG^: AND FINEST BRAZILIAN AND LATIN MODELS : ;'MÜLTÍ£1iNGÜAL v.,. Ú SOPHISTICATED MODELS FOR ALL OCCASIONS CREDrccARBSAccepted- $ - ' 305-655-0009 DIVINE All Occasions Male/Female i "Dav/Night Superbowl Specials!! =05 4 1 518 305 725 4032 Accurate Description Guaranteed ALWAYS HIRING : Ema’il-HSoaettX)7@aol i»m ANGELICA & FRIENDS Days/Nights ALL CC 305-534-1145 CLASS ONE BEAUTIFUL MODELS 305-531-7803 HOT MUSCULAR MALE MODEL i ji’9”, 170 lbs EXOTfc ENTERTAINER FOR*ALL TYPES Call Tony anytime 305-674-4405 WE ARE THE BEST WHY MESS WITH THEREST", . MODELS TO THE GAME SUPER BOWL BEAUTIES 305-754-9788 always hiring BLOND BODY BUILDER MALE MODEL , 'es'rMolbs 26 yes VeryFun! very Friendly! Very Hot! Call Bp 305.-344-9754 LUSCIOUS LOLA South Beach 305-532-6568 . 2pmtomidnite BEAUTY BLONDE 22 Beautiful body, pretty very elegant all occasion. 305-672-7279 se habla español NINA’S GORGEOUS MODELS FOR ALL OCCASIONS YOUR FANTASIES will come true! - HOT MALES AVAILABLE 305-531-2886 BEAUTIFUL GIRLS! FOR FUN AND ENTERTAINMENT Call 305-695-0781 . . ;ÁÍJ:Naíipnaíkjes .. BIANCA’S LATIN BABES BeautifuHaUn models and entertainers for all odcadons 305-253-9396 SEXY ENTERTAINERS LATINS & OTHERS ^VI^TYDpp.?y 305-379-2007 Now hll^ng- Males or Females & More! 7 Days Best Hourly Rates 305-776-5199 Miami-Dade.eom •;A(5UIT entertainers' ' E0R.FRE6 MODEL ADVERTISING CALL 305-238-8189 There HOT! & READY! afourig females, Males,Cou¬ ples Bis Dominatm for alloc casions Also Bachelor/Birth da //Office Parties Ask about .ouftoome made amateur vid- , no's Their Hot1 Made here in Miami order yourtoday it may - be the girl/boy next door. Call 305-229-5204 BE ENTERTAINED BYSEXY FRENCH MODEL 7AM-12PM • 305-641-8532 . ^ EXOTIC/SEXY WOMEN Beautiful, exotic models,, Seven days best rates das y& unforgettable! 1305-512-7689 WITCH Dear Gabby: My girlfriend is suth a witch. She has started flirting with her boss- just for "exer¬ cise".' I told her that her behpvior is really unpro¬ fessional .ana that she could'lose her job. She sqys if she gets fired - she'll sue for sexual harassment Gabby, húw can I get her. to’straighten up and fly right? Signed: Witch's Friend Dear Friend O' Witch: Apparently she has not had any form of a "real* "job before. There is. nothing you-can do thaf you haven't already, done. A? the saying goes: Let her hang herself!! Dear Gabby: .I'm’so sad-Gab. I just broke up wittj my man I know that he wasn't good for me.. I’ know that-he'was selfish and wanted his cake and ice cream loo!!. But, I'm lonely and I don't know if I will ever love again. Or worse if Hi ever meet someone. Please help!1 Signed: Washed that Man Right Outta My Hgjr Dear Washed: Good for yoyJ.i You took a stand foj you; SeIf=respect and self-esteem and got "squeaky clean" in the process. It's Spring!! Clean your house (Spiritually), fileTthose pictures of the two of you awayin'a safe place. Practice smiling!! When you are ready (and if sounds like you are), ecftl Telecompanions ai (305)933-6868 in Dade and (954)433-7537 hr Broward. Telecompanions is a proven way to meet great guys. Both men and women can record their own personal message for free and can even listen to all the ads for'free 24 i hours a day. Telecompanions is the most unique telephonic j dating- service aroflnd. At Telecompanions, YOU decide what kind of rela¬ tionship you are looking for. (No hidden agen¬ das!!) Telecampanions has long-term, casual and exotic categories... you: can find that friend or mate that you are looking for! At Telecompanions, you can even be-directly connected to that "special" someone with their Live 1 on 1 feature and ftri greatest part is that you don't have to reveal any¬ thing about yourself-such as your phone number!! All of the features are free to women and you guys pay only a small fee to send and pick up mes-. sages1! So take a deep breath1! You're gonna be GREAT!! Call Telecompanions at (305)933-6868 in Dade and (954)433-7587 in Broward, today!! 1 Paid Advertising BRAZIL NIKI YOUNG & FREDDY CARNIVAL ALWAYS AVAILABLE BEAUTIFUL EXOTIC DANCERS & MODELS FOR ALL OCCASIONS ; . PAGER 305-703-6822 Bachelor Parties-aod Beautiful girls to entertain you. HIRING ' ‘ Let them make yourfantasies become reality. We deliver only the finest 'V' Guaranteed service morning/ aSjternooris/mldnjght^ - 7 days Best Rates “NOW HIRING” Sexy & Beautiful Models YOUNG MODELS WITH 305-871-2424 or THE BEST BODIES 305-871-2434 IN MIAMI! VANESA CALL AND ENJOY! Beautiful Centerfold 305-770-2070 :/.■ 305-655-0511 Síl Miami New Times January 28 - February 3,1999 125 A JOB? See pages 134-137• Main Une 305"573*’9090 Recruitment Ads 305""57l ""7501 F» 305-571 -7676 E-mail classified@miaminewtimes.com TOO Rentals page126 150 Roommates 130 200 Real Estate 131 300 Help Wanted 134 4oo Buy/Sell/Trade 137 5oo Home Services 137 5io Business Services 137 520 Personal Services 138 sao Mind/Body/Spirit 138 coo Music 139 650 Show Biz 139 7oo Getaways 141 800 Motor 141 9oo Romance 114 Business Hours Monday-Friday 8 am-6 pm Thursday 10 am-6 pm Deadline: Tuesday, 5pm ¡¡Jij ALL AREAS $599-$4,000 505-538-RENT (7368) SOBE TO AVENTURA $99 MOVE IN SPECIAL, 1 MONTH FREE RENT SOBE - All amenities, beautiful bay view, free A/C..... $595 SOBE - Art Deco madness, water views. South Beach Charm ;...$495 M BCH - Oceanfront, 24hr sec, covered pkg, pool, doorman ....$750 M BCH - Millionaire's Row, oceanfront resort, short/long $750 N BCH - 2 master suites, fitness center, pool& jacuzzi.... ... $900 N BCH -1 & 2 Br, affordable luxuty apts fully loaded $680 N BCH - Incredible views, across blscayne bay, pvt balcony ,$660 N MIA - Tropical Waterfall, hi rise & garden style, pool $599 NMB - Across from ocean, huge floor plan, A/C, hot water ..:...$665 WILLIAMS ISLAND - W/D, in unit, tiki bar & pool, spa, 24hr sec .$740 AVENTURA - Waterfront life style, yatch marina, bayside pool .$885 AVENTURA - 2 Months free rent! Lux amenities, 4 apts left $885 BRICKELL - Private Island hi-rise, raquet ball, W/D in unit $1,500 Renter’s Connection AVENTURA $3,800-$4,000 305-389-7885 PINNACLE 2BR/2BA #706-a, ocean front $3,800 2/2 #802, oceanfront.. $4,000 Call Gus Blachman Golden Realty Group Bp 505-217-5572 AVENTURA $740-$1,000 305-538-1818 1/1.5, doorman, pool, gym, cent a/c, $740! 2/2 $1000! Ben Elisha; broker, Miami Inti Rlty. Eng/Span/Portuguese/Hebrew/Russian! BAY HARBOR $1400 305-606-7617 Spacious 2 Bedroom 2.5 Bath waterfront penthouse, balcony, high ceilings, wood floors, new kitchen, over 1600 square ft of great views, pool, parking & dockage. 305-867-0447 BELLE MEADE $775 305-751-4939 Waterfront, furnished 1 BR/1 BA with pool, tennis, 24hr security, directly on bay, a/c included. Owner/Agent. BISCAYNE GARDEN $140 PER WEEK 305-687-3724 Furnished bright spacious 1 bedroom 1 bath in duplex, carpet. A/ C, quiet area. Great yard & lots of storage space! BRICKELL/ROADS $550 305-854-1415 1 BR/1 BA's. quiet, downtown view, balcony, gated security, laundry facilities, parting, walk to Publix, no pets. On-site manager. BRICKELL $4,000/WK 305-381-9160 SUPERBOWL RENTAL BRICKELL KEY 2 BR/2 BA, fully furnished, luxury waterfront condo bn private is¬ land in the heart of downtown Miami, large balcony overlooking gorgeous bayview. W/D. Enjoy tennis, pool .restaurants, gym. etc. Sleeps six comfortably. Minutes to South Beach. Coconut Grove and Pro Player Stadium. $4,000/WK OBO. Please call 305-381-9160 or 305-571-7527 BRICKELL 305-374-6966 105 Apts/Condos/Townhomes 110 Houses 115 Rooms 120 Stores/Offices/Warehouses 125 Boat Dockage/Storage 130 Rentals Wanted 135 Out of Town 140 Rental Services RENTA PRIVATE ISLAND 105 Apts/Condos/Townhomes NEW TIMES POLICIES ' New Times accepts and welcomes American Express, MasterCard and Visa. Most categories require prepayment. Allads are subject to credit approval. Credit may be extended only after a fully com¬ pleted and signed credit application is received and approved by New Times. Bills are due and payable upon receipt Rates are sub¬ ject to change. New Times reserves the right to correctly classify and edit all copy, or to reject or cancel any ad at any time. Only standard abbreviations are accepted. New Times assumes no re¬ sponsibility for errors made by the customer nor for omission of copy. In-house credit may be used for adjustments. No cash re¬ funds. Certain categories may require licenses or adherence to certain guidelines. Further disclaimer information regarding re¬ quired guidelines are printed within the categories. FAIR HOUSING NOTICE 305-573-9090 All real estate advertised is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise'any preference, limitation or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, fa- miH#8tatus, or national origin, or intention to make any such pref¬ erence, limitation or discrimination.* NEW TIMES will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that ail dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. ALL AREAS FROM $395 305-936-0111 APARTMENTAS/CONDOS/HOUSES AVENTURA / N. MIAMI BEACH STUDIOS FROM $395,1 BR'S $450 2 BR'S $600 LOW MOVE INS/STUDENT RATES JAY. S AGENT CALL 305-936-0111 For Details turn to page 17 COURVOISIER COURTS 305-374-6966 BRICKELL $1.200-$5,000 305-538-RENT (7368) Executive Rentals Brickell & SoBe! Long or shortterm, furnished or unfurnished Call Bjom Soderberg/agt 305-617-9557 Renter’s Connection BRICKELL $1,100-$1,550 305-737-9999 Tequesta Point, 1/1.5, waterview. marble, Koroglu.. ....$1550 Brickell Harbor, waterview, 1BR/1.5BA,furnished, Koroglu $1200 Brickell Fountain, 2BR/2BA, pool, Koroglu ....$1100 BRICKELL 305-538-RENT (7368) CORPORATE RENTALS $99 MOVES YOU IN! 1, 2 & 3 BR, lux apts on prvt island. Minutes to Downtown, S. Beach, Coral Gables. Ocean & Bay view 24 sec, bales, gym & more! Lisa Madison/agt 305-534-3344/305-576-9917 Renter’s Connection COCONUT GROVE $1,000-1,300 305-266-5920 1BR/1BA & 1BR/1.5BA in Grove $quare near Mayfair. Secured park¬ ing, raquetball, pool. Call Cuqui. 126-r January 28 - February 3,1999 Miami New Times ígp • "SÉ^Ufun COCONUT GROVE $975 305-441-2230 1 BR/1 BA Remodeled Penthouse Condo, Lg Wood Patio/SundeCk, Pool, Jacuzzi, Covered Sec Pking, Near Cocowalk! 305-536-1609 COCONUT GROVE $725 305-448-4357 Brand new 1 & 2 BR apts, $725 and up. Security gate, parking, w/dr central a/c,-all new appliances. Blocks to CocoWalk. Call Paul,, ; COCONUT GROVE $500 305-441-7673 Ideal for students! Lrg 1/1, Remodeled, $500 & up, new kit & bath, cent a/c, pvt prkg, laundry, walk to Cocowalk, 3031SW 27 Ave COCONUT GROVE $450-$525 305-285-1715 3420 Elizabeth Street. 1 BR'S, parking, fenced, close to central grove, recently renovated, A/C, frige. Section 8 Welcome. COCONUT GROVE $1,125 305-233-0035 Tiger Tail Bay, Spacious, 2BR/1BA, upgraded, secure pking, pool, bale, walk to Coco Walk, comer unit, mexican tile, D/W, avail 03/01- COCONUT GROVE $595 305-443-1236 Charming studio apt in 'Old Grove' bldg, near mayfair for 1 quiet person. New paint, carpet, appliances, trees, ferns and privacy. Available Immediately. 2924 Jackson Ave. ' COCONUT GROVE $700 305-667-5792 Old Florida style 2/1,2nd floor unit of duplex, parking, new appli- ances, W/D. Quiet neighborhood, seeking quiet tenants. Avail now! COCONUT GROVE/SILVER BLUFF $425 305-859-9802 great opportunity, rent with utilities, efficiency, tile firs, full kitch¬ en, BA, good location, one Person, 305-285-5528,505-826-1000 COCONUTGROVE $1,100 305-445-6056 2 BR/1 BA, New tiles & paint, W/D, alarm, central A/C, 2 car pking, W/ yard! Walk to Cocowalk & Metrorail, 1st/last/sec, 1 yr lease COCONUTGROVE $1,100 305-538-RENT (7368) UNIQUE PENTHOUSE APT! Penthouse apt with huge sundeck, cent a/c, new carpet, pool, hot tub, Don't miss this one! Won't last! Call Usa Madison/agt 305-576-9917 or 534-3344 Renter’s Connection COCONUTGROVE $900 305-669-0677 Charming duplex, 2BR/1BA, 3091 Day Ave, dishwasher, washer/ dryer, central a/c, hardwoow floors. Tennis & Coco Walk near by. COCONUTGROVE $650 305-860-9100 N Grove, beautiful cottage studio. Key West style, 2 blksfromma¬ rina, private, very secure, 1 person, w/d, parking, util included. COCONUTGROVE $850 305-448-0658 3445 Franklin Ave, 2/1, completely remodeled in heart of the grove, gate parking, Glennon Realty call Lourdes 305-445-3664 COCONUTGROVE $600 305-448-0658 3031 SW 27 Ave, 1/1 apartment, completely remodeled unit. Best prices in the Grove! Glennon Realty call Lourdes 305-445-3664 COCONUTGROVE $1.400 305-672-7766 , Available Feb 1.2 BR/2 BA; 1200 sq ft, 2 pkg, new appl, 3 patios and garden, tile, walk-in closets, 20 ft ceiling, W/D, cent A/C, alarm CORAL GABLES FROM $425 305-461-3244 • PRIME LOCATION • Beautiful spacious studios. Tiled or carpeted, pool, parking. Located at 1202 Salzedo St. Don't miss out! Call now! ZENITH MANAGEMENT, CORP. • 305-461-3244 CORAL GABLES $1150 305-441-9117 Large, Spacious 3/2 Duplex Apt near UM, cent A/C, dining room, tile firs, ceiling fens, large kitchen. D/W, W/D, small yard. CORAL GABLES $525 UTIL INCL 305-441-7903 1 BR 1 BA Cottage for 1 person only in East C. Gables, CATV incl, sm pets ok, pking space, beautiful marble firs in kit, centrally located CORAL GABLES $850 1-800-761-0828 furnished 1 BR 1 BA luxury condo, walk to Sunset Place/UM, pool, parking, A/C, carpet, no pets, available immediately CORAL GABLES $350 305-448-8107 Charming studio in quit UM area, student preferable, pvt parking, everything new, utilities included, $350 + $200 security KENDALL $550-$1,200 305-538-RENT (7368) KENDALL RENTALS!!! 1,2 & 3 Bedroom apartments, townhouse and houses. Call Bjorn Soderberg 305-617-9557 Renter’s Connection KENDALL $675 305-279-7061 Kings Creek, 1 BR 1BA, cozy & spacious, 1st month plus dep, 1 util- ity included, immaculate condition avail 3/1, call Bp 305-876-4505 KEY BISCAYNE $895 305-361-1391 Unfum 1/1, yearly lease, upon availability. 1 prkg space, pool, no pets, ocean block, walk to beach/shopping, on-site mgmt MIAMI FROM $345 305-949-5153 TWO EfflCS: 432 NE 26 St $345 and 437 NE 29 St $375. Extremely nice with A/C, new fridge/stove/carpet, sec bldgs. 305-992-0909 MIAMI $300-$400 305-992-3291 NEAR OMNI & BISCAYNE BLVD Efficiencies $300 and 1 BR apts $350, a/c, laundry room, dose to food/store & metrorail, no car needed, safe & secure, 1 st/last MIAMI $550 305-758-6971 NORTHEAST RESIDENTIAL AREA. Lrg 1 BR cottage with living room & kitchen area, garden walkway very private. Perfect for 1 person. MIAMI $550 305-751-8379 BAYSIDE • 2 Bedroom • New Bayside Apartment • Central Air/Heat • Parking «Northeast 25 Street • Call 305-751-8379 MIAMI . $500 305-326-9442 Historic Key West style bldg, 1/1, dining rm, carpet, wood ceilings with fans, claw-foot tub, a/c, tropical setting, i person, no pets. MIAMI $495 INC UTILS. BPR 305-882-4029 1186 NW 103rd St. Renbv small 2/1 bedrm apts, A/C, new appii- ances, sec bldg with prkg. $800 moves you in! Call Al 505-598-879Ó MIAMI $475-$575 305-255-0342 New apts, 29 Ave & SW 16 St. 1 /T, All new, tile floors, full kitchen. new appliances, quiet area, no pets. Util incl! Bp 305-682-6820 ; MIAMI $360 305-271-,8377 Biscayne Blvd & NE 25 St. All renovated. On bus line, minutes to Downtown/MB Lrg effic $360. Wood firs, a/c no pets, references. MIAMI $1,150 UTIL INCL 305-531-0288 Lg 2 BR 2.5 BA on Biscayne Bay, 1,200 sq ft, downtown views, bale, Tile/Carpet, D/W, trash comp, pool, tennis, full amens, In sec bldg MIAMI $2,000 305-757-7953 Palm Bay Towers - Luxury Apartments 3 BR 5 BA, marblefloors, spacious balcony, security, covered parking, pool, gym &' marina. First, last & security deposit required. Or call 305-756-5443 MIAMI $260-$450 PER MONTH 305-759-8377 5305 Biscayne Blvd - safe apartment bldg - free parking - laundry facilities available - Close to bus stop - shopping & downtown area MIAMI $375 305-358-0667 200 SW .12 Ave (Pequeña Habana) Large 1 BR/1 BA, near Flagler, 2 people, no pets, dean, new fridge, newly painted MIAMI $375-$525 305-757-5722 PELICAN HARBOUR APARTMENTS Beautifully renovated efficiendes and 1 BR apts Effic'sfrom $375.1 BR apt from $525 CALL NOW! 305-757-5722 • Bp 305-796-5131 MIAMI $395-$695 305-573-8992 WATERFRONT 2BEDROOM ..$695 MONTH - MOVE IN ONLY $995 WATERFRONT 1 BEDROOM $625 MONTH - MOVE IN ONLY $900 RENOVATED 1BEDROOM $450 MONTH - MOVE IN ONLY $650 DECO STUDIO $395 MONTH - MOVE IN ONLY $500 Renovated buildings, dose to Downtown, Beaches & Design District, gated, pools, some hardwood floors, balconies. Move in indudes 1st month + security deposit. Se Habla Español MIAMI $400 305-576-9834 1/1 Cottage apt. near design district, quiet area unfurnished, ap¬ pliances. w/d. Greatfor 1 person. Call Todd day/305-374-2700 MIAMI $400 305-673-3686 CMC CENTER AREA. Large Effidency, A/C, two dosets, large kitch- en and bathroom, half block to Metro-Rail. New paint and carpet MIAMI $450 305-324-0934 Charming Studio off design district with w/d access, parking, no pets, 1 st/last/security & electricity required. Leave message MIAMI $450-$510 305-759-7472 WATERFRONT 1 BEDROOM .-$510 MONTH - MOVE IN ONLY $710 WATERFRONT STUDIO $420 MONTH - MOVE IN ONLY $620 Balcony, tile floor, pool, secured parking, move in indudes 1st month + security deposit. Close to downtown & beaches MIAMI $450 305-531-9065 635 NE 64th St. Immaculately decorated 1 BR/1 BA apartment with bale, new carpet, a/c, prkg. A truly beautiful home! 305-754-0007 MIAMI $550 305-576-1969 Design District. Charming 1921 cottage, fully renovated, 1.5 BD, seperatefrom liv room, kitchen with new appliances, walk-in dos- et, minutes from SoBe. Avaiable immediately! MIAMI $900 305-673-1940 2121N Bayshore Dr, 1/1.5, tile/erpt, cent a/c (ind), lrg dosets, d/w, fantastic views of clty/bay, prk, pool, tennis, 24hr sec. Regatta RE MIAMI $625 UTIL INCL 305-531-0288 Studio on Biscayne Bay avail 2/1, beautiful bayview, bale, full kit, seperate dressing area, carpet, lg closets, sec bldg, tennis & pool MIAMI $650 305-992-4003 Gables/Grove 1/1. Tiled, large patio, new appliances, no pets. 2 month security + 1st, all utilities induded. Please call 305-992-4003 MIAMI $800 305-446-2276 Must see! Charter Club, 1 BR 1.5 BA, bayview, marble tile, crown moldings & track lighting, security, pool, tennis, gym MIAMI $825 305-673-2022 1 /1.5 on the bay at N Bayshore DR, avail furnished, panoramic view of Biscayne & downtown, A/C, CATV, pool, tennis, pking, sec MIAMI $850 UTIL INCL 305-531-0288 Spadous 1 BR 1.5 BA on Biscayne Bay. beautiful downtown views, new kitchen & bathrooms, bale, cent A/C, tile firs, tennis, & pool MIAMI 305-688-8881 Move in spedal, 1 month free. 3 sparkling pools, playground, laun¬ dry facilities. Close to schools/colleges, 24-hour courtesy officers, 1/1 starting $380move in, 2/2 starting at $480, studios & 2/T's available. WESTVEIW TERRACE, call 305-688-8881. MIAMI $500-$550 305-538-4346 Special Only $200 For Sec. Deposit! Newly Renovated 2 Bedrooms 1 Block from Bay • Near Omni Mall Parking • Laundry • Gated Bldg • Owner Maint MATT Bpr.305-933-7957 MIAMI BEACH STARTING AT $400 305-861-0660 Charming effidency & 1 BR apts starting at $400, across from park, completely renovated, hardwood floors, pool, dock, on the bay MIAMI BEACH $525-$700 305-538-3400 3100 Collins Ave.'Marble Terrace Apt's'. Studios, 1/1's or 1/2's, bai- conies, Oceanview and or Bayview, parking available. Great location! MIAMI BEACH $36 DAY/$175 WK/$700 MO 866-2000 Oceanfront, Normandy Plaza Hotel 6979 Collins Ave. Safe & secure, a/c, fridge. cable/HBO, phone, maid, effic avail. In the Heart of North Beach 'Walkto Everything'. Shortterm rates on request. Zsíár ajfip ¿<¡r 3¿r “^1 J¿ 1 A A A A A A A ROOMS FOR RENT EUROPEAN STYLE starting at $ 125 weekly $29 daily IN THE HEART OF SOUTH BEACH Fully Furnished with A/C Blocks to Beach and Shopping OMJiom 235 WASHINGTON AYE • 305-672-2137 MIAMI BEACH $695 305-865-0200 2 BR. Townhouse waterfront, tile, pet OK Central A/C. One month security only. MIAMI BEACH $600 & UP 305-949-7923 Plaza of The Americas. One or two bedroom condos available, short/long term (seasonal) leases, walk to beach, amenities, 24 hour security. Call Plaza of the Americas Realty, 949-7923 MIAMI BEACH $49 DAILY 305-947-6541 Efficiencies, 1E)R suites, & oceanf ront suites.-Furnished ápts, mini kitchenettes, free parking, free HBO, steps to beach. From $49 daiiy/$299 weekly. No lease required 15701 Collins Ave MIAMI BEACH FROM $1,095 305-531-3800 EXCLUSIVE ISLAND GETAWAY! PALM AND HIBISCUS ISLANDS! • Only 5 minutes from Downtown & SoBe in a Spectacular Bayfront building. New 1 bedroom apts with luxurious amenities Private, gated island community Individual laundry centers Boat slips available Double Ceiling fans in all apts Private pool overlooking Bay Assigned parking 405 N Hibiscus Dr, Miami Beach, FI 33139 • Brokers welcome MIAMI BEACH FROM $750 538-RENT (7368) 0CEANFR0NT! SEASONAL RENTALS! STUDIO Direct Océanview, cable, full kitchen, gym, pool.;. $750 1 BR/1.5BA #603 beautiful, carpet & tile, completely furn.....$3,200 1 BR/1.5BA#16Í0 unfurnished, spacious and bright... $1,500 2 BR/2 BA #904 furnished, tile & carpet, gorgeous. $4,000 1 BR/1 BA #810 Bay view. Impeccable condition . $2,000 Renter’s Connection MIAMI BEACH $650-$725 305-933-0630 Delüxe studio or 1 BR, ocean view, high floor, secured covered parking. 305-936-0986. For Español 305-864-9756 MIAMI BEACH $650-$910 305-866-6599 2BR, pool, parking, free hot water 78st $650.3BR/2BA upstairs corner, oak floors, big as a house, 85st $910 near beach. Avail 2/1 MIAMI BEACH $550 UTIL INCL 305-331-9623 North Beach 65th St. Studio, terrace w/bay view, pool, a/c, new appliances, furnished, tile firs. Ed Rivera 1 -800-637-3282 MIAMI BEACH $550-UP 305-657-2419 Spacious 1BR/1BA wood firs, cent A/C, sec, gorgeous landscaping. TOP quality renov: tile, appl. Near shop & bch. 305-866-7671 MIAMI BEACH $1800 305-868-9238 1700 + SQ FT, 2/2, Corner unit, all amenities, a/c included, across the street from beach, ocean & city views, 5600 Collins Ave MIAMI BEACH $575 305-252-4031 S.Miami Beach, Beautiful renovated 1/1 apartment near shopping, hospitals, bus, quiet. $57$. exclusive area. MIAMI BEACH $500-$800 786-489-4005 Miami Beach & SoBe Rentals! 6905/6913/6921 Rue Vendóme, 1 Bedroom..,....;.;.. $500 62nd Street House, 3Bdrm/2Bth;.........:.. $800 1120 Euclid Ave, 1 Bdrm & efficiency $500-$800 MORE RENTALS AVAILABLE IN FT LAUDERDALE! MIAMI BEACH 305-538-RENT (7368) OPEN HOUSE OVER 100 UNITS ON DISPLAY THIS WEEK... STUDIOS 1,2 & 3 BR. Weekly, monthly & yearly leases. FROM $495. Open House Thurs - Fri, call today for addresses! Renter’s Connection MIAMI BEACH $900 305-815-5673 Condo/Marina, 2/2,7th fi. bayview, tiled, walk to ocean, gated cov. park, pool, no pets. Avail 5/99 Richard, 505-867-1949,549-4144 bp. MIAMI BEACH $495 to $650 305-798-4987 WALK TO BEACH! Large 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, tile, wood/Terrazo floors, laundry facilities In the area of 84th street & Crespi Blvd MIAMI BEACH $400-$500 305-788-4921 Waterfront, pool & parking. Extra large Efficiencies, huge closets, quiet bldg. Covered parking, walk to grocery & other shops; 1st plus security to move. 6630 Indian Creek. MIAMI BEACH FROM $380 305-865-8813 Fum effic, utilities incl, yriy lease, 6881 Indian Creek Dr $380, Huge 2 & 5 BR, newly renovated, pool, 10 & 250 S Shore Dr, from $675. MIAMI BEACH $425-$560 305-662-9993 Stunning bldg Key West style! 1 BR /I BA, One blk to Publix, Inti dining & beaches!. 6838 Abott Avenue 505-608-8619 Cellular MIAMI BEACH $700 305-761-3456 Lux La Coree 1 BR Cottage, wood firs, new kit, A/C, ceiling fans. pking, clean, quiet, pvt. Good Tenant for Great Place, refs wanted MIAMI BEACH $670 305-381-6019 6801 Harding Avenue. Spacious 1 BR/1 BA gated parking, loaded kitchen, large closets. 1 block from beach & shops. MIAMI BEACH $650 305-868-6800 Cute, dean 2/1 on 83rd St Tiled flrs. ceiling fans, large closets, walk to beach. Call Christina at ext 235 or Madeleine at ext 238. MIAMI BEACH $1150 305-867-0293 MILUONARE'S ROW. Oceanview deluxe 1 BR convert/1.5 BA. marble floors, security, covd prkg, spa, pool, A/C ind. Bpr 305-655r6437 In the Heart of South Bectch Dt(o mm ■ ""■""LOFTS '.""-ITT. 1,2, & 3 Bedroom | Newly Constructed Luxury Rentals I - Ocean View Terraces - Fully furnished & unfurnished I with fully equipped kitchens - Split Levels I - Washer/dryer in building Weekly, Monthly & Annual Leases Available Weekly $450 - $1800 | Monthly $900-$3000 865 Collins Avenue Miami Beach Call 672-7368 • Fax 672-5138 Broker Participation Welcomed MIAMI BEACH $750 305-864-7735 Art Deco 2/1,4 blks to bch. Hrwd firs, renovated, lots of pricing. Quiet safe area, alarm, $750/m plus. 7735 Carlyle. MIAMI BEACH $390-$775 305-531-5723 • OCEAN & 38TH • POOL, BOARDWALK, SHOPS SECURE BUILDING, UTILITIES AND A/C INCLUDED Furnished or unfurnished efficiency, studio or one bedroom OCEAN VIEWS - HUGE 1 BR -1,000 SQUARE FEET MIAMI BEACH $850 305-323-4001 Waterfront townhouses, pool, dock, tranquil; 2BR from $850, walk' to 71 St bch, shops, call 305-323-4001 or 305-410-3036 Bp MIAMI BEACH $825 305-865-0200 Ultra Modem, 2 BR Penthouse apt. Panoramic Bayview First & Security move in. Wraparound Balcony. Washer & Dryer. MIAMI BEACH $1000 305-620-0620 2 story guest cottage on N Bay Rd, renovated 1/1 hardwood floors, new kitchen, includes utility & cable. 2 months sec + 1st month rent, no pets. MIAMI BEACH $850 305-868-4200 3 BEDROOM/ 2 BATHROOMS, 2 Bales, 5th fir, room for w/d, central a/c, tile, pool, covered prkg, 2 blks from ocean. 81 & Byron Ave MIAMI BEACH $900 305-761-3456 Fantastic Venetian Causeway 1 BR seeks good tenant, new central a/c, kit. BA, méx tile, ceiling fan, alarm, pool, pking, laundry, refs MIAMI BEACH $700-$850 305 538-RENT (7368) LIVE ON THE BAY! Luxury 1 & 2 BR apts, recently converted to condominium rent month to month with OPTION TO BUY! Must see! Call Mark Sclar 305-992-7253 Renter’s Connection MIAMI BEACH $1,000 305-607-3917 unique 1 BR, ground fir flat in 2 story 1926 Med pancoast house, comer lot, huge yrd, 4500 Sheridan Ave, shown by appt only MIAMI BEACH $900 305-579-8350 71ST AREA. 2 BR/2 BA renovated, large unit, on gblf course, 1 year lease, no pets, endosed yard. Keyes Company, Larry Lemke. MIAMI BEACH $425 305-868-5516 Large efficiency apt. Newly renovated, wd firs/carpet, laundry, 3 blks to ocn. 540 74th st, see mgr in apt 1. OPEN DAILY 7AM-6PM. MIAMI BEACH $525-$540 305-864-7430 1 BR 1 BA, furinished, cheerful, airy, 2nd fir, separate entrance, hardwood firs, call after 6:30P MIAMI BEACH $450 305-865-5689 84 Street, cozy, 1 BR unfurnished apt, private parking, large patio, new carpet/paint in 3 unit building, no pets. First, last & security. MIAMI BEACH $425-$675 305-757-5722 NORTH BEACH GEMS Beautiful, newly renovated bayfront apts on Indian Creek New kit and bathrooms, on site management, pool. Studios, 1 BR and Townhomes 305-757-5722 • Pager 305-796-5131 MIAMI BEACH FROM $750 305-538-RENT (7368) SHORT/LONGTERM 1 & 2 BR APTS Best locations, bést furnished/unfurnished in Miami Beach Areas Call Bruce Alden at 305-968-8806 Renter’s Connection MIAMI BEACH $2,200 305-937-2652 Beautiful,.oceanfront 2BR 3BA, tile fir, gourmet kitchen, W/D, D/ W. moving condition, 24 hr sec, call Mira Rickenbach Assoc Inc Forte Towers Rental Apartments On the Bay Warn m 1 orté tower r ■ 'S r Studios i *1 & 2 Bedrooms Mon-Fri 10am-6pm Sat-Sun llam-4pm 672-7815 1000 West Avenue * South Beach MIAMI BEACH 305-538-RENT (7368) OPEN HOUSE COME SEE OUR PROPERTIES THIS WEEKEND! FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS STUDIOS Collins Ave Hotel Versailles, fully fUrn bchfront, aJI amén ....$650 #1 510 Ocean Dr. Pool, sundeck, all utilities inc, beautiful! $1,300 #2 Collins Ave Beautiful apt, lots of light, pool, oceanfront $800 #3 8th & Meridian Unfurnished Deco bldg, 3 units to choose .$525 #4 734 Jefferson Ave Studio, excellent location, wood floors .$580 #5 Lenox Ave. Mediterrenean style, all new appl, wood firs $650 #6 7th & Jefferson. Fireplace, beautiful wood firs, sm pets $530 #7 2120 Collins. Atlantic Princess. Furn, 2 units to choose ....$1,000 #8 740 81st street. Fum, kitchen & full bath. Great value! $585 #9 1475 Collins Ave #CB, Great studio at affordable price $450 #10 900 N. Bay Rd #CB, Large apt with bayview, ind, util $600 #11 1446 Ocean Dr #CB, Totally renov, across Lummus Pk $800 #12 1801 Collins Ave #CB A/C & Cable, great apt in Art Deco ...$715 #13 Many more beautiful studios available. 1 BEDROOMS 465 Ocean Dr Direct ocean view, marble floors $1,000 #1 13th & Lincoln Rd Vintage SoBe Hi-Rise, nicely fum $1,200 #2 400 South Point Dr Spectacular view, W/D in unit....... $2,300 #3 2899 Collins #CB, fully renov. on ocean, spacious, bright.. . $700 #4 13th & Drexel Renovated hardwd firs, close to everything $550 #5 1228 Marseilla Dr 3 affordable 1 BR's. É-Z parking from! $450 #6 8th & Collins Private parking, small pets ok, spadous $850 #7 849 Michigan Comer unit, completely renov. 9ft ceiling $775 #8 100 Bay View Dr Fum, ocean views, seasonal/yeariy $1,200 #9 1218 Drexel Mexican tile, clean & spacious, great loc.; $650 #10 94510th st All new appl, 2 renov units to choose from! ...$600 #11 8th & Michigan comer unit, fully renov. fab 9 ft ceilings ...$775 #13 6423 Collins #907,1,350 sq ft, ocean views, 24 hr sec $1,350 #18 100 Lincoln Rd #336, furn studio, immediate move-in...$1,200 #19 3301NE 5th Ave Affordable! full amen, pool, tennis $750 #20 6620 Indian Creek Bright & Spadous apt, waterview $700 #21 5 Island Ave Bayview, gym, white tile, 750 sf $975 #22 700 Lenox Ave Nice 1 Br, amenities, completely renov, $735 #23 655 Meridan Ave Nice garden apt, wood firs, & parking....$600 #24 More beautiful 1 BR’s to choose from!! 2 BEDROOMS Collins Ave Oceanfrontfully furnished, cov parking $1,300 #12 Indian Creek Dr Gorgeous waterviews, lavish furn $1,900 #13 1673 Bay Rd Tiled flrs, freshly painted, bayview $1,100 #15 4193 N Bay Rd Beautiful house, completely updated.....$2,300 #16 1605 Bay Rd Spadous and bright condo, small pets ok ..$1,250 #19 1688 West Ave Brand hew bldg,'W/D, small pets ok $1,950 #20 6450 Collins #CB, ocean view, pool/clubhouse ...$1,100 #21 5880 Collins #CB, fully fum PENTHOUSE, bay views $1.300 #22 4747 Collins #CB, Oceanfront hi-rise, option to buy. $1,350 #23 2600 Collins Lake Bch dub, waterview, spacious terrace .$1,300 #24 1150100th St Bay Harbor Island, affordable, wd flrs $800 #25 100 S. Shore Dr Nice upgrade & waterview, tile & carpet ...$840 #26 6039 Collins #CB, Panoramic Bayview, lu* bldg, security $1,200 And more spacious 2 BR’s to choose from! Renter’s Connection MIAMI BEACH $1,300 305-538-1818 5600 Collins, 2/1.5.1 mth free rent! Free á/c & hot water! Gym + amenities. Miami Inti RE. Eng/Span/Portuguese/Hebrew/Russian! MIAMI BEACH $115 & UP 305-864-2541 Winter Spedal Furnished efficiencies. Util & A/C inc. Low move in rate Clean, quiet, safe, walk to beach. 6 monthjease. Topaz Apts MIAMI BEACH $425-$675 305-757-5722 NORTH BEACH GEMS Beautiful, newly renovated bayfront apts on Indian Creek New kit and bathrooms, on site management, pool. Studios, 1 BR and Townhomes 305-757-5722 • Pager 305-796-5131 MIAMI BEACH 305-439-9031 CONDO HUNTER AVENTURA TO SOUTH BEACH. If YOU need it we'll find it. Oceanfront Realty MIAMI BEACH $750 UTIL INCL 305-532-6323 1/1 guesthouse on Venetian Causeway, full kitchen, dean w/ pri- vate entrance, parking, includes all Utilities, quiet & safe MIAMI BEACH (305)673-4981 47th & Pi’netree Drive, 2 bedroom apartment with central a/c; and new hardwood floors in residential area. MIAMI BEACH $395 305-865-9420 Room with a view. Cozy, quiet and safe effidency on golf course with private entrance, parking. Utilities included. STUDIOS From $550per month Utilities Included In The Heart Of South Beach PRINCE NÚCHAEL APARTMENTS • Yearly & Seasonal Rates • Totally Renovated Studios • Furnished & Unfurnished • New Kitchens & Baths (Full) •Tile Floors •CATV m ■=> MOVE-IN Special: 1 I Iñonth Free!! Prince Michael Condominiums 2BIB Collins Avenue, Miami Beach • 305-535-1792 MIAMI BEACH 305-441-2997 studio for rent, tile floors, good location, walk to the beach, park- ing available, call Farah MIAMI BEACH FROM $550 305-538-6324 Something Different!! - Blue Door Apts. South Beach in North Beach. Just renovated, large 1 BR & 2 BR, pool, waterfront, park¬ ing, central A/C, wood floors. 350 South Shore Dr. 305-534-7612 MIAMI BEACH $450-$550 305-672-2999 10th Alton. Effidency & 1 BR's! Walk to shopping! $450-$550. Yearly or seasonal. BPR 305-839-3258 or cell 305-301 -6801 MIAMI BEACH $400-$800 305-778-1942 Efflcy, two & three bedrm apts. Lrge, dean, big dosets, bus, school, parte, walk to beach. 1 mth sec. Español: 505-865-5041 MIAMI BEACH $725-$925 305-531-6929 Ready to move? Deco 1/1,2/2, & South of 5th 1/1. Pets ok! Ready now!!! Brand new, wd flrs. pool view. Buy The Beach RE MIAMI BEACH $800-$1200 305-672-8123 1/1 with parking, renov. central a/c, new appl, hardwood flrs. Also, 2/2 2nd floor, same amenities. Must see! 645 Michigan Ave MIAMI BEACH FROM $800 & UP 305-321-8733 1 & 2 BR'Sgpts. Oceanfront bldgs w/ great views! Call Diego Sosa-Dias: Oceanfront Realty YOUR HOME FINDER. MIAMI BEACH . FROM $450 305-864-2281 •BAYFRONTRENTALS!! • WINTER SPECIALS BEAUTIFUL RENOVATED APTS, 2 POOLS, TILE FLOORS. SEC GATES, ^. BAYFRONf BOARDWALK, NEW KITCHENS & BATHS. LAUNDRY, PLEN¬ TY OF PARKING, PVT BALCS & YARDS, PETS OK Studios from $450,1 BRs from $550 & 2 BRs from $650. MARINA DEL REY APTS ON THE BAY RENTAL OFFICE 1000 Bay Drive, Apt 500 305-864-2281 •305-861-3333 MIAMI BEACH 305-754-0673 Millionaire's Row, 1 BRfum, pool, gym, prkg, $1000,. Effic's & 1 BR from $500 w/ pool, prkg. Short/long term. Home & Business Rity MIAMI LAKES FROM $675 - $1,200 305-538-RENT (7368) MIAMI LAKES RENTALS! . 1,2 & 3 BR apartments, townhouses and houses. Call Candida Vargas 305-680-3411 ; Renter’s Connection MIAMI SHORES $395 305-532-7939 Charming cottage/studio, small kitchen, security, parking. Mexican tile, French doors. Gall 305-532-7939' MIAMI SHORES $600-$625 305-893-6820 One bedroom, screened in porches, gated parking, security for lease. HARBOUR POINT CONDOS Please call 305-893-6820 NORMANDY ISLE $525-$550 305-761-6700 Sunny, large 1 BR apt in quiet, waterfront building with pool, new a/c, lots of windows, acrossf rom park. Call 305-864-6022 NORMANDY ISLE $1600 305-866-6472 Beautiful renovated 1950's house. Golf & tennis courts, quiet area, Fumished/unfumiShect 1 year lease. Leave message Open House.., 1/30 & 1/31 from 9-4 NORMANDY ISLE 888-251-4290 2 Bedroom 2 Bath istflr, waterfront condo. All amenities, newly remodeled, prvt dock, pool, Washer/Dryer, Pets Ok. § NORTH BAY VILLAGE $425 305-758-5466 Waterfront efficiency located on 7909 East Drive #111 NORTH BEACH $400-$500 305-866-703? CHARMING JUST RENOVATED APT Large 1 BR & Efflciancy, hardwood or tiled floors. Walk to beach. A/ C, W/D, at 7315 Byron Ave, Bpr-305-881-3353 NORTH BEACH $575 305-992-6005 Lg 1BR, nice view of bay, near 71st Stand the ocean. NORTH BEACH $395 305-899-9333 Large studio in a bright garden-styled tropical waterfront building, comer unit with private little yard, dock, easy parking. Leave msg. NORTH BEACH FROM $475 305-534-8734 1BR's from $475 & 2BR's from $575, with wood floors & more! ReafjyforjpTmedjat^occupance! MARBAY.RE - ^ Miami New Times January 28 j¡¡ February 3,1999 127 WATERFRONT LIVING IS NOW WITHIN YOUR REACH MIAMI BEACH 1 BEDROOM’S FROM .. .$575 2 BEDROOM’S FROM .. .$775 BAY HARBOR STUDIO’S FROM ..$550 1 BEDROOM’S FROM $650 EASTERN SHORES 1 BEDROOM’S FROM ... .$600 2 BEDROOM’S FROM ... .$750 HARBOR ISLAND ON BISCAYNE BAY STUDIO’S FROM .$500 1 BEDROOM’S FROM ... .$650 POOLS, TENNIS, WATER VIEWS & MORE I MARINA BOAT SLIPS AVILABLE. GATOR INVESTMENTS 305-754-2200 NORTH BEACH $525-$800 305-861-2942 WATERFRONT ONLY $400 SECURITY 1,2 & 3 BEDROOMS Newly Renov Apts • New Laundry • Owner Mafnt 24-hr serv • Kids & Pets OK * Steve 933-7975 NORTH BEACH $650 305-267-3864 2/TBayview Apartment, full kitchen new tile, new air conditioner, just remodeled, six blocks from, Collins Ave, 7935 Crespi Blvd, Miami Beach, Fla. Please call Vernon at 305-267-3864 or Bpr 305- i 655-7307/Yamel at 505-986-69,36 V NORTH MIAMI BEACH 305-596-9043 . Arlen House 1 BD, Olympic pool, sauna, security; valet parking ten¬ nis courts; bus to malls; coveted parking; yearly or seasonal NORTH MIAMI BEACH $615 305-895-5911 Huge 1 & 2 Bedrooms -San Souci- safe & quiet neighborhood, pets, pool, dubhoúSé;close toshQpS'& restaurante-Best Rentals NORTH MIAMI BEACH $615 305-895-5911 Huge 1 & 2 Bedrooms -San Souci- safe & quiet neighborhood, pets, pool, clubhouse, close to shops & restaurants- Best Rentals • BEST RENTALS • NpRTH MIAMI BEACH $550 305-221-5668 rféw 2/1ihéw kitchén cabinets tile, plenty of parking, 2 min from beach, very safe & quiet area 505-968-1793 Section 8 OK NORTH MIAMI $550 305-895-8789 Private, 1/1, garden apt on a secluded, small Isle. Clean, quiet. laundry facilities, a/c, tile floors, ocean access, dock NORTH MIAMI BEACH $550 305-859-2139 55 & over Adult Community, 1 BR/1 BA, quiet area, with lake view, swimming pool, parking. Call evenings. 505-366-4074 Beeper NORTH MIAMI $700 305-388-9008 3 BR 1 BA' newly renovated towriliousdii new tile firs, parking, handicapped facilities, appliances, closet space, section 8 accepted NORTH MIAMI $495-$675 305-891-4768 1 BR & 2BR apartment with wood floors & kitchen cabinets, off-street parking. Off 125 ST behind Villa Maria Nursing Home. NORTH MIAMI $495 305-992-6005 Spacious 1 BRs. Nice, quiet neighborhood - East of Biscayne Blvd, south of 125th St. Sans Souci area. % ' NORTH MIAMI $740-$795 305-893-6820 Prestigious San Souci area, spacious 2 bedroom 2 bath recently r remodeled, East of Biscayne very large must see. SIORTH MIAMI $625 305-899-0160 KÉYST0NE POINT, TBD 1.5 BÁ apt, 800 square féét, excellent pano¬ ramic & water view¿ balcony w/terrace, sec; pool, sauna, gym, as signed parking ■ £ ; y : - / NORTH MIAMI BEACH $650 305-819-4060 Ocean Front studio, fully furnished all utilities Ihciudedi One yers lease minimum. 18535 Collins Miami Beach. Askfor Miguél Ext 229 NORTH MIAMI BEACH $450-$575 305-538-1818 1/1 $450! 2/2 $575! Pool, prkg, & petfriendlyi Contact Ben Elisha, Broker; Miami lnt| Rlty: Eng/Span/Rortuguese/HébreW/Russianl NORTH MIAMI 305-932-6097 ';:2 Story Loft Style apts. 1 & 2 bedrooms, balcony, pool; central aii* security gate & covered parking. Please call 505-932,-6097 128 January 28 - February 3,1999 Miami New Times NORTH MIAMI $100-$350 305-544-0469 Efficiency, near Biscayne Blvd, $100 per wk, $350 per month, util included, private, available immediately NORTH MIAMI $525 305-947-3188 1/1 condo, third floor, cent a/c, all appliances, water included, car¬ peted, elevator, private parking, on bus route, dose to shopping NORTH MIAMI $600 305-899-9661 ****AMAZING DEAL**** SECURITY SPECIAL - ONLY $300! Beautiful 2 Bedrooms 1 left!!! Great location-san souci next to Bal Harbour Bridge Parking«New Laundry • 24hr Maint. «Bp 305-933-7627 NORTH MIAMI BEACH $565 305-592-3238 Beverly Hills Club 1/1 apartment, pool, gated security, price nego- tiable must rent ASAP, call Greg 305-493-2332 - NORTH BEACH $595 305-672-5766 Waterfront building in 71st street area, two bedroom convertible, renovated & carpeting SOUTH BEACH $800-$5,000 305-538-RENT (7368) SUPERBOWL SEASONAL RENTALS CALL TODAY, SEE TODAY!! Renter’s Connection SOUTH BEACH $500-$575 305-673-1940 158 Ocean Dr. Large studio, tile floors, balcony, intercom entry, side ocean View, w/d on premises. Regatta RE ' ~ SOUTH BEACH $615 305-673-1940 719 Meridian, beautiful Mediterranean bldg, Jr 1/1, with private entrance, centa/c, washer dryer hook-up. Regatta RE SOUTH BEACH $1,500-$1,800 305-673-1940 Furnished large unit with ocean view, tile floors, pool, parking, washer & dryer on premises! Regatta RE SOUTH BEACH $895 305-673-1940 1400. Lincoln Rd, 1BR/1BA, large unit, tileflrs. plenty of dosets. Crown moulding, d/w, balcony, pool, secured entry. Regatta RE SOUTH BEACH $1,600 305-673-1940 Renter dream, 2/2, tile floors, cent a/c, yard area, 2 parking spaces, pool, Jacuzzi, gym and doorman. Regatta, RE SOUTH BEACH $665 305-532-1600 1250 Pennsylvania) 1 BR, beautiful decorenovation, courtyard, laundry, fireplace, lots of windows corner unit. 1 yr lease. Pete ok m SOUTH BEACH $650 305-673-1940 Jr 1BR/1 BA with parking, central a/c, balcoriy. tile floors, secure building. Great deal!!! 524 Washington Ave. Regatta RE - Walk to the Ocean and Lincoln Rd. Mall! Safe & Quiet Area • Hardwood Floors New Carpet % Pool Beautifully Landscaped Walkways MUSEUM WALK RENTAL APTS • ART DECO DISTRICT RENTAL OFFICE: 2315 Pine Tree Drive 305-531-6795 SOUTH BEACH $525-$550 305-532-2227 Look no further! Very Irg reno garden effic, hardwood/tperazzo floors, new kitchen w/sep dining area, walk-in dosets, laundry fadlities. Also 2/2's w/cént a/c -$1,100. Available immediately. SOUTH BEACH $525 305-673-1940 Wood floors, kitchenette, intercom entry, pool, gym fadlities, electric and basic cable included. Regatta RE ■ y ' SOUTH BEACH $1,150 305-532-2227 Best on So Be! 1770 Meridian Ave - Newly renovated Irg 2BR/2BA, 1Q00sqft+ w/prkng, new kit, d/w, hrdwd firs, cent a/c, laundry, garden setting. No Pets. Also, 1BR/2BA, central a/c $775 SOUTH BEACH $500-$1,600 305-673-1940 Spectacular studios; 1BR and 2BR apts. Conveniently located in heart of SoBe. Call for more details. Regatta RE SOUTH BEACH FROM $550 305-531-3535 DENIS APTS • 844 Euclid Remodeled kitchens & baths, tile & wood firs. Studio & 2 Deluxe 1BR's 1 BA $750, Available Feb .1st SOUTH BEACH • Studios • 1/BR'S • 2 BR'S $500-$4,500 305-673-9999 $500-$1100 $675-$1300+ $850-$3,200 Renovated/Pool/Prking Pool/Parking/Security OPEN WEEKDAYS FROM 9AM-8PM Open Sat-Sun Luxurious apts avail, ocean & bayfront INCOME REAL ESTATE INC Many Available • 305-673-9999 • Call Today! SOUTH BEACH $575 305-865-0200 1 BR $550, Michigan Ave, walk to beach, parking. Nice view studio 7th & Washington, security, pool, parking $525 SOUTH BEACH FROM $625 305-895-0463 Lg 1 BR. Michigan Ave (near Lincoln), phone entry, quiet, secured bldg, new appliances, AC's & paint, ample dosets, wood/terrazzo firs, garden style, max occupancy: 2 people, no pets, yearly lease SOUTH BEACH 305-672-5766 ALLENDALE APARTMENTS • ALL MIAMI BEACH 8 ST ibr/lba renov, wd firs, corner, centa/c, large..... .....’ $695 8 ST lbr/1ba, renovated, wood floors $525 28 ST Studio, renovated, wood floors..... ; $495 SOUTH BEACH $900 305-531-6625 Off West Ave, spacious modern 2nd fir 1 Bp, on pvt rd, with pking, laundry, wood firs, ctr A/C, & more. No pets. Must See! Avail 3/1 f SOUTH BEACH 305-538-2766 ALL INCLUSIVE FURNISHED WITH KITCHENS MEDITERRANEAN STYLE APTS ft Cable/VCR, fax/phone, stereo, laundry fac, hardwood floors, A/c LINCOLN ROAD, WEEKLY/MONTHLY RENTALS SOUTH BEACH 305-672-5600 ***0NE MONTH FREE!*** SoBe HIGH RISE! 1 & 2 BR apts. rooftop pool, parking. Location! Location! Near: Con¬ vention Center, Lincoln Rd, Publix, night life, public golf course s Burdines. 1 year lease: No Dogs! SOUTH BEACH 305-538-RENT (7368) OPEN HOUSE OVER 100 UNITS ON DISPLAY THIS WEEK... Studios, 1, 2 & 3 BR. Weekly, Monthly & Yearly leases. FROM $495. open House Thurs - Fri, call for addresses today! Renter’s Connection SOUTH BEACH $475-$945 305-672-0714 2BR, 1 BR & EFFICIENCIES EXPERT . Deco discounts! 2BR and 1.5BA, prkng, French doors, Spanish tile. $945. Lg 1BR, prkng, $675. Lg effic, $495. SoFashion Apts GUESTHOUSE / HOTEL In the Heart of the Art Deco District in South Beach • European style kitchen - cabinets • Refrigerators • Air Conditioning • Cable TV • Marble bathrooms • Private sundeck for all guests & voice mail service “THE ULY GUESTHOUSE...PRIMARILY USED BY PRODUC¬ TION AND MOVIE COMPANWS...OFFERS ONLY 21 GUEST ROOMS RANGING FROM STANDARD SUITES TO FULLY EQUIPPED 1 AND 2 BEDROOM SUITES" -NEW YORK POST, JAN. 1999 835 Collins Ave * Miami Beach 305-535-9900 SOUTH BEACH $475 305-531-7201 RENT TO OWN 1BR on Pennsylvania Ave. One block to Lincoln Road. Rent to Own. $0 DOWN! 305-531r0390 SOUTH BEACH $469-$1500 305-674-8390 1 BR, 2BR’S & PENTHOUSES Beautiful building must see to believe. Brigt modern spacious apts., some with terraces, renovated, lots of windows, located on Lincoln and Meridian at 1746 Meridian Ave. apt. #4 SOUTH BEACH STARTING $550 305-531-3143 OCEAN DRIVE & 4TH Remodeled studio apts. Woodflrs, new appliances, fum or unfurn. Call Terry 305-531-3143 or Jeff 305-588-5002 SOUTH BEACH $575 & UP 305-531-3143 Cynthia Apts21st & Washington. Fum or unfurn totally remodeled effic & 1 BR's, utils ind, central A/C. Call Terry at 305-606-1 i 55 SOUTH BEACH $500 305-866-2975 Art Deco. 9th St, charming, jumbo, renovated three room studios, security, eat in kitchen, wood floors, fireplace, no dogs, 1 year | lease, Visa/MC/Ainex. Same day move in. Open 7 days SOUTH BEACH FROM $500 305-535-9966 CORF. • Hardwood Floors, Fireplaces • • Yearly Leases Only • ★★★ WETAKE GOOD CARE OF YOU ★** SOUTH BEACH 305-532-2081 STUDIOS FROM $450 & ONE BR’S FROM $575 PARK APTS. Renovated building, 1 blkto beach, across the street from library & the museum. Close to public transportation. Walk to Convention Center & Lincoln Road. SOUTH BEACH 305-672-5600 ***0NE MONTH FREE!*** SoBe HIGH RISE! 1 &2 BR apts, rooftop pool, parking. Location! Location! Near: Con¬ vention Center, Lincoln Rd. Publix, night life, public golf course & Burdines. 1 year lease. No Dogs! ■ ~ . SOUTH BEACH $795 305-865-0200 Extra large 2 BR/2 BA, Hi rise/low rise, security, central a/c, new appliances, pete okay, walk to Lincoln Rd. Heart of SoBe, SOUTH BEACH $1,600 310-664-8929 1000 VENETIAN WAY ISLAND LIVING Live in one of Miami's premiere locations on the 19th floor with stunning views of Downtown, Biscayne Bay and the Port of Miami from large, bi-levél balconies. Ttoo floor, 1 BR/1.5 BA, designer apartment. Please call between noon and midnight (EST) to ar¬ range for appointment V „ . ; ■ SOUTH BEACH $550 954-927-4595 Sunny 1/1, newly renovated, south of 5th, in truly charming 4 unit. bldg. Walk to beach & S. Pointe Park. Owner/Broker SOUTH BEACH $600-$775 305-538-RENT (7368) L-A-R-G-E1 BEDROOMS Wood floors, renovated kitchens, lots of dosets, pets ok, large floorplans, heart of SoBe. Call Ben Newmark/agt at 305-989-7140 Renter’s Connection SOUTH BEACH STARTING AT $450 305-531-7447 •312 OCEAN DR* Studio's & 1 BR, recently renov, 24hr laundry fac, quietsecure bldg CALL 305-531 -7447 or Bpr 305-680-3603 SOUTH BEACH $629 FIRM 305-673-0790 Lg Studio In The Luxurious Forte Towers, Lovely View Of Bay & Star Island, full gym irv bldg; Avail 3/1, MOVING: fum for sale, 1 yr lease SOUTH BEACH $400-$550 UTIL INCL 305-534-1874 321 Collins. Effidendes, fum & unfurn; 2 blocks from shopping, 1 block to bch. Sec deposit req: Small pets ok w/deposit. ' SOUTH BEACH $650 305-882-0117 Cozy Studio, 1 block from Lincoln Road, Hardwood floors. Laundry fadlities, bike room. Esplanade Condominium YOU’VE JUST FOUND A GREAT REALTOR! MIAMI SHORES AND NEARBY NEIGHBORHOODS NANCY DOWSON 787-1380 O ' DUFFY REALTY Equal Opportunity Housing Wm WITH CHARM ANO CHARACTER' Brand new luxury bayfront rentals Spacious 1, 2, 3 bedroom apartments from $1300 and luxuriously detailed Penthouses from $3750 available for immediate occupancy. Furnished suites for short term stays ALSO AVAILABLE 650 West Ave. Miami Beach, FI 33139 305-673-2550 SOUTH BEACH $425 305-865-0200 Studio. 10th & Michigan, fireplace Woodfioors X-Large, Pets OK. Parking & Balcony. SOUTH BEACH $1500 305-674-1089 utilities included. Irg living room, gourmet kitchen, 1 BR, office, 2 6a, balcony, terrace. W/D, pool, spa, secure pkg, 1st, last, sec SOUTH BEACH FROM $450 305-461-3244 IN THE HEART OF SOUTH BEACH! . Spacious studios & 1 BR apts. Hardwood floors or carpeted. Locat¬ ed on Euclid Avenue. Prime location! Just a walk from the beach! ’ ZENITH MANAGEMENT, CORP. • 305-461-3244 SOUTH BEACH $400 305-672-2771 Studios..:Beach specials: 6 month and 1 year leases. Totally reno- ' vated. well kept, parking, security éntry. 305-538-1Í.17 SOUTH BEACH FROM $550 305-951-3156 A GREAT PLACE TO CALL HOME SOUTH BEACH Large Studios Large Cotirtyard*Laundry Walk to Lincoln RD.& Ocean ALEXANDRIA APARTMENTS 305-951-3156 SOUTH BEACH 535-9790 SOUTH OF5TH ★“FUNKY HIP GETAWAY” PARADISE POINT. UNIQUELY FURNISHED STUDIO APARTMENTS WITH ROOF TOP CARDEN, FULL KITCHEN. OAK FLOORS, CABLE TV, AND MAID SERVICE! SEASONAL RATES STARTING AT $450 WKLY! SOUTH BEACH 305-538-RENT/7368 1999 IS HERE! STUDIOS $495 • 1 BEDROOM $595 2 BEDROOMS $895 Renter’s Connection SOUTH BEACH FROM $650 305-532-9551 Brand new 1 BR condos in small bldg, newly renov, walk-in closet, cent air, intercom entr, one block to Lincoln Rd. Call Isabel SOUTH BEACH $900 305-532-6627 Oceanview, spac 1 BR/1.5 BA condo, walk-in closet, terr, pool, pkng gar, 1 blkfrom beach, safe & quiet refs req. Fum condo also avail SOUTH BEACH $575-$650 305-532-7682 Beautiful 1 BR's. Great loc, cent A/C, hardwood firs, kitchen & bath. gas & water included, 24hr laundry. Call Richard Bp 286-9844, SOUTH BEACH $600-$625 305-673-0879 Large 2nd floor 1 bedrooms with full, dining, wood floors aré also available, pleasant courtyard building with laundry facilities & on site manager,: 1 year lease, utilities not included.-rip,pets SOUTH BEACH $650 305-532-1600 1030 Jefferson, 1 BR, Flamingo Park location. Laundry secure, courtyard building, Hardwood firs. Pets ok. .Front unit SOUTH BEACH 305-376-9798 (PACER) SUPER BOWL & THE OCEAN 14th floor view. Decoplage, lovely, f Urn, oceanf rant Studios & 1 bedrooms avail NOW! garage pkg, monthly/yearly. 505-445-7894 SOUTH BEACH $875 305-534-6522 • MAGNIFICENT VIEW • . Spacious 1 BR/1.5 BA, 14th floor, waterfront bldg, newly renov, terrace, free table. Cent air, security, parking, amen ihd, pool SOUTH BEACH FROM $445 305-865-0200 MOVE IN WITH 1-MONTH SECURITY! 13th & Pennsylvania Studio $415, Pinetree Drive T BR $550,. • £ BR $750,15th & Washiflgton 1 BR, high ceilings $550; ; SOUTH BEACH $850 305-573-4444 In the Heart of South Beach, renovated 2/1 condo, balcony, cen¬ tral a/c, gated private parking, elevator, tiles throughout, refer¬ ences. Call at business hours, 9-5 SOUTH BEACH 305-538-6900 33139 RENTALS! NewStar Realty, your best bet for quality rentals in the exclusive 33139 zip code. South Beach & surrounding islands! SOUTH BEACH $450-$650 305-672-4434 Charming efficiency & 1 BR (Free electric and water) 1 BR/1 BA (free water) in fabulous deco renovation. Wood floors, ceiling fans, large closet, security system, laundry facilities in building. Blocks from beach. 810 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE SOUTH BEACH $550-$950 305-531-1929 Pine Villas. 1BR/1BA arid 2BR/1 BÁ in renovated 3-stpry walk-up, . security entrance, appliances, laundry facilities, wall-to-wall carpet, walk to. Lincoln. Road shops, Alton Road and beaches. 1559 Michigan Avenue SOUTH BEACH FROM $89,900 305-532-7368 EXT 115 South Bay Club 1 BR. Miami Beach's most popular moderately priced luxury bldg. Great view, covered parking, freshly renovated Sandra Brooks Streamline Properties SOUTH BEACH ALL PRICES 305-538-RENT (7368) SOBE SEASONAL RENTALS Luxury 1,2 & 3 BR apartments; clean and spacious, balconies, with ocean and bayviews, Bob Riley 305-409-4789. Seasonal and yearly, Renter’s Connection SOUTH BEACH $400 531-5577 Furnished efficiency with full kitchen, A/C, across from convention center, walk to Lincoln Rd. rent includes utilities SOUTH BEACH $550 & UP 305-535-1792 SPECIAL: 1 MONTH FREE!! $550 & UP!, Utilities Included! Prince Michael Apartments On SoBe 2618 Collins Ave • Miami Beach :* Under new management! Newly renovated, includes FREE.... • A/C • Pool • Full New Kitchens « Full Bath with Tub • 24-H0ur; Security • Cable TV • New tile • Kids OK! • Winter Seasonals AVail SOUTH BEACH $2950 305-579-8350 Luxury 3 BR/3.5 BAtownhouse, 2 parking spaces. W/D, pets, ok,; Keyes Company. Larry Lerrike 305-579-8350 SOUTH BEACH $110,000 305-534-5598 Michigan Ave, very large 1/1, charming Mediterranean style, totally renov, wood flrs, Florida rm, best unit in bldg! SOUTH BEACH $750 305-673-1940 Large 1/i, wood floors, unit a/c, corner apt, great closéte, secured entry. Regatta RE. SOUTH BEACH $475 305-531-0390 RENT TO OWN 1 BR on Pennsylvania ave, one block to uncoin Rd. 0 Down. 305-531-0390/305-531-7201 SOUTH BEACH $390 305-531-7201 BEST LOCATION/RENT TO OWN Efficiency, TWO blocks to Uhcoln Road, i Rent to Own’ 305-531 -7390 SOUTH BEACH $350 305-531-0390 SOUTH BEACH 305-534-5586 Very laitje 1 BR apt with living room and dining room in a four unit, building, two bloclcs from beach, freshly painted. No pets SOUTH BEACH $550 305-673-9058 Charming deluxe studio, art deco building, 2 blocks from .beach; 2nd floor, renov kitchen & bath, hardwood floors. South of 5th St SOUTH BEACH $1,200 305-532-1600 1525 Pennsylvania, completely renovated Townhome 2 Bedroom, central A/e, alarm, ladridry, hardwood firs, pets ok, SOUTH BEACH CALL FOR PRICES 305-538-3583 18th & Michigan, 1 & 2BR'$, 1491 & 1492 Line Terr. PH. boat docks for rent, 4BR/4BA house, hardwd flrs, for quite & dean individuals LOWEST PRICES!!! Hotel Room, Best location on quiet street. 2 blocks from Alton éoad.walk to beach. 305-531-7201 SOUTH BEACH 305-538-RENT (7368) Spacious upgrade apt with pool. Some Oceanfront Studios $600,1 BR from $725,2 BR fronj $959 Furnlshe or unfurnished Call Today Bruno Eric/agt at 305-972-5941 Renter’s Connection Villager Lodge "Olympia" Newly Renovated Oceanfront & Oceanview Units... Efficiencies, 1 BR Suites & ■ Oceanfront Suites j • From $69 Daily $349 Weekly V* Nicely furnished mini apts’ • Mini Kitchenettes • Plenty of FREE Parking • Steps to "famous" Haulover Beach • FREE HBO Hotel, Service & Amenities for Much Less. Call for Daily/Weekly Rates. All major credit cards accepted. 15701 Collins Ave 305-947-6541 Westview Terrace APARTMENT HOMES MOVE IN SPECIAL 1 Month FREE Limited Time Offer •3 Sparkling Pools ‘Playground ‘Laundry facilities ‘Close To Schools/Colleges ‘24-hour Courtesy Officers «Starting at $380 to Move in 2/2 l/lstarting at $480 to move in • Studios, 2/1 & 2/2 Now Available 305-688-8881 OPEN 7 DAYS SOUTH BEACH 305-538-RENT (7368) SOUTH BEACH $1,250 305-538-RENT/7368 ATTENTION PROPERTY OWNERS UNOBSTRUCTED OCEANVIEW! Fabulous 1 BR apt with balcony In desirable oceanfront;Hi-Rise, unobstructed ocean vievi/, white ceramic tile floor! Beautifully-up¬ dated. Furnished for$i,500/mohth;Art Deco stylefurniture. Assigned parking! Pool.. L Madison/agt 305-534-3344/576-9917. Interested in renting or selling your property quickly? Call Renters Connection/Sclar Realty today for an immediate response at 305-538-7368 SOUTH BEACH 305-538-RENT (7368) Renter’s Connection 4 SOUTH BEACH $650 305-532-4565 ART DEC01 BR/1 BA apt in small building, opens out to garden, quiet & safe, easy pkng. close to beach, no pets; 305-532-4565. VENETIAN CAUSEWAY Beautiful 1 BR/1 BA. tile firs,.pool, parking, bayfront, laundry, $50 sf. cent a/c, won't last no pets. Call Bob Riley/agt 305-409-4789 Renter’s Connection SOUTH BEACH 305-538-1118 BEST OF THE BEACH! Gated Courtyard Bldg-1567 Meridian Ave/Lincoln Road area. Huge studio’s $545 & 1 BR’s $720; security, newly renovated. Hardwood firs, walk-in closets, french doors Vintage Rlty 305-538-1118 SOUTH BEACH $575 305-673-6025 1/1, art deco building in museum district, large kitchen, ceiling fans, cats OK, 2 blocks from ocean Beeper305-843-1177 SOUTH BEACH $585 305-532-1600 54113 st: Studio completely renovated, cent A/C, fireplace, alarm, secure courtyard building. Laundry. One year lease, pets ok. mepm SOUTH BEACH $650 305-673-6079 2 story comer art deco building, 1 BR/1 BA facing Flamingo Park with hardwood flrs.frplc, dining area, large closets SOUTH BEACH $650 305-791-3777 1300 Pennsylvania Ave, Spadotis split level studio, 2 BA, security entrance, wood flrs; country kit, seperate family and living rm SOUTH BEACH $525-$750 305-538-1818 1/1, parking, $525! Huge 1/1, tile, poql, $750! Also Decopilage & Bay Club. Miami inti Rlty. Eng/Span/Portuguese/Hebrew/Russian! SOUTH BEACH $795 305-936-0292 717 Española Way #212; Large 1 BR 1 BA. wood floors, ceiling fans, laundry, large Closets, balcony, walk to the beach & Lincoln Road SOUTH BEACH FROM $500 305-532-7368 EXT 115 CLEAN, large one bedrooms $625-$7$cj Multi-room studios $500-$525 i Wood floors, new carpet Doris Berriz Streamline Properties SOUTH BEACH $800 305-534-3837 1/1 renovated Art Deco, centrally located with open views, central air, hardwood floors, must see! Available immediately SOUTH BEACH $540 305-538-1014 8th & Meridian Newly renov, 2nd fir, spacious studio, sunny, hard¬ wood firs, large walk-in closets, all new appliances. Avail March 1st SOUTH BEACH $1,700 305-673-8688 1 BR/ 2 BA, 23rd fir. Spectacular Downtown/Fisher Island view. Bal¬ cony. all amenities. 850 s/f. Must see view! Have a nice day! SOUTH BEACH $1,200 305-531-3389 Large 2 BR 2 BA newly renovated penthouse on Meridian & 8 St with Euro-style kitchén; marble floors, central air, no pets SOUTH BEACH 305-649-7596 SUPER-BOWL SPECIAL Tudor Hotel on 11th and Collins Studio Apartment, Á/C and cable, newly renov. month or wkly 305-250- | 3134 i 1 r W< ■ 0Í ■ SOUTH BEACH $800 305-672-0320 1 BR. New kitchen, fully remodeled, tile floor, court yard, 1 + year lease Embassy Real Estate 305-672-0320 SOUTH BEACH $700 305-538-RENT (7368) DECO COURTYARD BUILDING Large 1 BR, courtyard blgd, woodfioors, 1.5 blocks from Lincoln Rd. Call Matthew Krinzmán 305-389-5567 Renter’s Connection SOUTH BEACH $899 305-322-6105 2/2, hardwood firs, Art.Deco bldg, everything is new, cental A/C, security-walking distante form beach, pets ok. 605 Eudid Ave SOUTH BEACH $425 BEEPER 305-875-7155 Large studio, bright & dean, renov. new appliances, walk-in doset, woodfloors/carpét, parking. 3 blks to bch. 5th & Meridian SOUTH BEACH $1400 305-864-0830 lg 2 bedroon/1 bath; deco jewel, parking, yard, hardwwodflrs, his¬ toric district, near Lincoln rd SOUTH BEACH $850-$2,000 305-389-6350 ECONOMY TO LUXURY 1BR ..:..Apts in tropical setting, prkng avai|,...$850 & $1,100 1BR ..Oveanview/Drive, renov Kit newappl, tiled, prkg....$l,20C( 1BR .....the Courts, part, fum, marble flrs, 2 terraces, prkng ..$1850 SOUTHPOINt 1BR. furil, $1800,1BR+;Den unfurn $2,000 H20 Views Chris Cornwell 305-389-6350 SOUTH BEACH $550-$750 305-535-6511 SOUTH BEACH $815 305-532-1600 1211 Meridian. T Bedroom; hardwood floors, f ¡replace/balcony/., over lookin&Flamingo Park; Upstairs unit,laundry. , SOUTH BEACH $625 UTIL INCL 305-674-1550 Fum Waterview studio, 3025 Indian Creek Dr, 1 blkfrom bch, pool, public trans at doorstep; many extras, seq dep req, refs needed SOUTH BEACH FROM $410 305-532-7878 Studio, hardwood floors, upgraded, nice; clean, lauhdry facilities ih ; building. KEYSTONE PROPERTIES 305-532-7878. SOUTH BEACH FROM $550 305-532-7878 PARKING, PARKING. PARKING, PARKING!!!!!EfFiciencies & 1 BR with PARKING, central a/c, laundry fadlities. Keystone Properties SOUTH BEACH $425 305-673-1157 1524 Lenox Ave. Studio apt. centrally located, quiet, dean building, security gates. Call Jose 305-673-1157. SOUTH BEACH $575 305-672-1139 Small 1 BR/1 BA, Full size kitchen, dining area, hardwood floors, quiet bldg/area. 305-239-7200 Pager 349 Jefferson Avenue PET FRIENDLY STUDIOS & 1 BRS Hardwood floors. tile kitchen. póol, easy parking, walk to ocean' , and Liricojn Rd, quick moVe-in. SOUTH BEACH $650-$850 305-535-6511 PET FRIENDLY 1 & 2 BRS 4 RENT Central A/C;tile kitchen, security, easy pkg. Walk to ocean and all shops. Quick move-in, much, much more. SOUTH BEACH FROM $1.150 TO $1.350 305-535-6511 Pet Friendly 2/2. Fum/unfum. Ocean/bay/city views, pool, gym. sauna, 24 hr valet/sec, 2 pking spaces. Walk to, ocean/Uncoln Rd ^ SOUTH BEACH $525-$1,100 305-389-6350 SOUTH BEACH APTS!!! $8501BR, bayvieW-$900 oceanview' rooftop pool; near Lincoln Rd $7001BR souuth 5thst-$525,studio, near Flamingo $1100 2BR, tile flrs. w/d, prkng. 3 blks to ocean SEASONAL OCEANFRONT (AND OTHERS) AVAILABLE $1000 & UP Cris Cornwell 305-389-6350 Miami New Times January 28 - February 3,1999 129 THE ALAMAC APARTMENTS • 1 3 O O C O L L I N S A V E N U E • The most exclusive rentals on South Beach LUXURY RENTAL APARTMENTS • Weekend, Evening Security and 24- Hour Video Security • Private Pool & Patio Terrace • Full Laundry Facilities • Central A/C • Only One Block to the Beach CALL NOW FOR LEASING INFORMATION 305-531-3155 PÍÓ0 Real Estate for Rent continued SOUTH BEACH 305-673-1234 Lincoln Rd. área, large lovely studios & 1 bedrooms, wood floors. new appliances, 2nd floor no dogs. SOUTH BEACH 305-673-1234 Lincoln Rd area partially furnished studio & 1 bedroom, wood floors, Jarge dosets, no pets, gated community. 6 month lease OK. SOUTH BEACH FROM $525 305-531-6795 Newly Renovated Studios & One Bdrm Apts In the Heart of SoBe FROM $525 • Gated Building with Garden Walkways • Intercome Entrance • Hardwood Floors Walk to Washington Ava& the beaches! 1|§ SUNBRITE APARTMENTS 1330 Pennsylvania Ave • Miami Beach 305-673-1401 SOUTH BEACH $700 305-534-8734 1BR/1.5BA, new Mexican tiles, cent A/O, balcony, W/D, D/W, walk-in ' *. closet, ready for immediate occupancy 618 Euclid. Marbay RE SOUTH BEACH FROM $500 305-534-8734 Studio's from $500, iBR's from $600,2BR'sfrom $950. Hrdwd firs, good closet space, nice & bright unit's. MARBAY RE SOUTH BEACH $725 305-782-8693 VENETIAN CAUSEWAY new, renovated studio, fum, a/c parking included, bay views, amenities, call Elaine at OCEANFRQNT REALTY. SOUTH BEACH $500 305-531-2669 1250 West Ave. lBR/lBAfurn/unfum. 4 closets, bayview, hi-rise, parking, pool security, water & a/c free. All Trust Re SOUTH BEACH 305-672-4443 SUNSET HARBOUR! 2/2, oceari/city views, Irg bale, pool.marina.va- let prkg, north tower, walk to Lincoln Rd & Publix, 305-865-4718 SOUTH BEACH $475 305-859-1999 642 Michigan Ave, spacious efficiency, secured entrance, tile p^ors, recently renovated, call Lily , 4 SOUTH BEACH $1,325 305-371-8488 (VOICE MAIL) Great SoBe location, beach front building, spacious, updated 2/2 on high floor with two balconies, parking/ security, pool, gym, one minute to Ocean Dr and Lincoln Rd. Deal at $1,325/mo ; SOUTH BEACH $999-$1,999 305-446-0333 8TH STREET & COLLINS IN the heart of South Beach, condo> gated bldg, covered prkng, long term lease, no pets. 2 story condo upstairs 1BR/1BA. Down¬ stairs-studio/loft or 1/1 w/d $1999.00. Large 1BR/1 BA corner unit on the ground floor $999. CALL Sy-Lo Management at 305-446- 0333 SOUTH MIAMI $750 305-668-4317 2BR/2 BA condo, 5 minutes from FIU, W/D, D/W, secured pking, second fir, elevator, balcony, no pets, cute duck pond 1 st/last/séc SOUTH MIAMI $450 UTIL INCL 305-663-2663 Charming efficiency with bath, private entrance & parking, near. UM, furnished, month to month lease, 1 st+security SOUTH BEACH $675-$900 305-673-1940 Art Deco4BR/lBA, wood and tile floors, good area, great apartments! 1554 Washington Ave. Regatta RE .^«BNETIAN ISLAND $1,600 310-664-8929 1000 VENETIAN WAY ISLAND LIVING Live in one of Miami's premiere locations on the 19th floor with stunning views of Downtown; Biscayne Bay and the Port of Miami from large, bi-level balconies. Two floor, 1 BR/1.5 BA, designer apartment. Please call between noon and midnight (EST) to ar¬ range for appointment 110 Houses BELLE MEADE/MIAMI SHORES$1,150 305-538-8766 Gorgeous 3/2 home, garage, Florida room, wood floors, W/D, up- . dated kitchen, new windows, alarm; Great opportunity r.. - r -v/ • / \ r“ 130 January 28 -February 3,1999 Miami New Times. COCONUT GROVE $1400 305-661-7545 Charming. C. 19112/2, Dade C. pine floors, new.central a/c, kitch- en, roof, near bay, excellent N. Grove neighborhood, no,pets COCONUT GROVE 305-445-3664 3203 Bird Ave. 2/1.5 TH with updated kit & BA. Pool, gated pking, W/D, Centrally located. Clennon Realty call Lourdes, open 2-4 Sun COCONUT GROVE $1700 561-288-6950 Gorgeous 2/1 home in secluded neighborhood, gourmet kitchen, w/d, oak firs, everything like new. Large deck, tropically landscaped COCONUT GROVE 305-445-6658 Near Grove/Gables, 3/2,2 bedrms for rent. 1 for $400 & 1 for $375. +1/3 util, parking avail, fully furnished. COCONUT GROVE $550 305-529-9530 1BR, cozy cottage! Western tile, with fireplce, oak finished ceilings. Enormous front yard. Pvt driveway & entrance! Bp 305-973-1965 COCONUT GROVE $950 305-471-3968 1975 SW17 CT, Duplex, spacious 2/2; hardwood firs, central a/c. big yard, on second floor, great neighborhood Bp 505-997-0928 COCONUT GROVE $1,250 305-661-6635 Charming Grove house, 3/1. centrally located, wood firs; fireplace. french doors, yard. First.last & dép. Refs must & 1 yr lease. Pets ok. COCOUNT GROVE $775 305-774-1554 2BR1 BA, Tropical, secure. W/D, Cent A/C, tile firs, backyard, gated entry, 1 blk form Cocowalk, heart of the Grove, avail irnmediatly CORAL GABLES $1350 305-448-2523 3/2 Fum, big screen TV, wood firs, updated kitchen & bath, central a/c, great location on dead-end st. Bp 505-952-7412 Call after 6 MIAMI $1,200-$3,000 305-663-7941 THE BEST RENTALS! S Miami, C Gables, CCrove 4/2<:$1,300 • 5/2.5,Lg family rm..$l,400 • Large 4/3,1 car..$1,950 4/3.5 pool..$2.2D0 • Large 2/2 fabulous home, pool completely fumshed..$2,300 • 5/3, pool. 2-car garage, acre..$3;000 PETER J DiFALCO*www. waterhouserealty.com 775-8961 LEASE OPTION SPECIALIST wmisf « e a i r y Peiefj, Di fók» • B*ofcw/OwTC/A\M3C).iA3DUSi8 JJAD SOUTHGATE TOWfflS APIS AND HOTEL WATERFRONT RENTALS *Renovated Apts. *1 &2 Bdrms & Studios *Microwaves *Deli & Sports Bar *Salt Water Pool *A/C incl in Rent *Health Club/Sauna 900WEST AVE MIAMI BEACH (305)672-2412 MIAMI BEACH $450 305-673-2667 Pvt garage studio, quiet mid-bch area, pvt entrance and bath, use of laundry and kit, A/C, fridge, microwave, cable and utilities ind MIAMI SPRINGS 305-871-2708 2 Facilities with pvt line activated, 1 with pvt ent, 1 effic, N of 36 St, 3 blks from golf course. 1/2 blk to all bus connections, price neg MIAMI $400 305-265-9987 Utilities induded, private bath/kitchen/entrance. New appliances. Free cable Near FIU South campus. First & last month required. NORTH MIAMI $325 UTIL INCL 305-893-2236 Bright & dean furn/unfum room, pvt entrance & bath, a/c will be avail, microwave, fridge, & laundryfacilities. Call 954-423-8689. SOUTH BEACH $149 WKLY, $29 DAILY 305-672-2137 European style rooms in the heart of SoBe! Fully furnished with Á/C, blks to bch & shopping. Odyssey Hotel. 235 Washington Ave SOUTH BEACH 305-673-2795 $10 PER DAY & UP Bath in hall, European .style, A/C, TV, fridge available, community kitchen and parking. 2 Blocks to ocean. Open 24 hr§L SOUTH BEACH $445 305-259-5025 926 MICHIGAN AVE. Room with pvt entrance, full pvt kit, share BA. nice, quiet bldg. Minimum 6 month lease req. Bp 305-268-2677 ; SOUTH BEACH $110 PER WEEK 305-672-3475 Rooms for rent at the Meridian Hotel from $110/week, everything induded. Spedal rate for Retirees. Major Credit Cards Accepted! SOUTH BEACH $550-$650 305-535-6511 SOBE APT/HOTEL ROOMS 4 RENT Furnished, all utilities incl. small kitchenette, parking, pool, secur¬ ity. walk to ocean and Lincoln Rd. pets ok. Daily $69, weekly $269, monthly $869 SOUTH BEACH $600 UTIL INC 305-538-9129 Gat latín malé, very non-smoking, rents fum BR, prvt BA, King bed, on Line Rd, 1 month advance. 1 month deposit, couples welcome 120 Stores/Offices/Warehouses CORAL GABLES $250 305-854-7314 Office with large windows, lush landscaping, 24hr access, about 200 SF, 8 blocks N of Miracle Mile, 1/2 blk E of Ponce; 165 Madeira. MIAMI BEACH 305-672-5552 Offices/Showrooms, MB excellent location, next to new Publix, clean and bright, 24hr access, immed occupancy. Utilities ind. NORTH MIAMI BEACH FROM $300 305-888-4600 The Ashtyn Building. Executive suites from $300 - '1 month free rent*. Suites include A/C, electric & janitorial services, ample parking, excellent exposure. Located at 1799 NE164 St, NMB. Call Les Ranee 305-682-1002 NORTH MIAMI 305-893-3924 Office suite loft with 5 office spaces, 2000 sq ft, 2 bathrooms, eat- in kitchen. completely redone. Call Katherine @ 305-893-3924 SOUTH BEACH 305-962-4446 SIDEWALK CAFE For Lease Fully equipped. South beach hotel location. No key money. Excellent oppurtunity for ex¬ perienced operator. Call 305-962-4446 SOUTH BEACH 305-672-5600 NEXT TO NEW MIAMI BEACH CULTURAL CENTER Will build to suit, Approximately 3,000sq.ft., 2nd floor, historic ren¬ ovation in progress. No live-ins. call 305-672-5600. SOUTH BEACH 305-532-7395 2 Office spaces avail overlooking Washington Ave & 14th, starting at 800 sq ft, call for more info between 9am to 5pm SOUTH BEACH 305-532-9551 Prime Location in SoBe Office spaces for rent facing big parking lot, from 450 to 3000 sf, 1/2 blk to Lincoln Rd, lots of windows, secured bldg. Call Isabel SOUTH BEACH $750 305-672-7000 Large bright off ice, prime South Beach location, art deco building. Receptionist available. Call 305-672-7000 SOUTH BEACH FROM $13.50 SQ FT 5538-RENT (7368) OCEAN DRIVE TO ALTON ROAD Office spaces • Storefronts • Stand alone locations ■ Call today, see today! Mark Sdar305-992-7253 Renter’s Connection SOUTH BEACH FROM $2400 305-538-1818 700/1200 sqft stores, Lincoln*1100 sqft, 16 & Wash*2K sqft, 13 & Wash. Miami Inti Rlty. Eng/Span/Portuguese/Hebrew/Russian 1st MONTH REMW" Studios • 1 & 2 Bedroom Apts Pools • Screened Porch ^ Lao8d)f * SisaH Pete OK South Miami * 5 mia. to Dadeland 8204 SW 65 Ave. Jade Gardens * 305-667-6137 SOUTH MIAMI FROM $300 305-480-8111 OFFICE SPACE FOR $300! Three office spaces avail inside business, 10 ft by 8 ft, utilities incl, two months rent required. 10780 West Flagler St. Call Leo for info 135 Out of Town BRICKELL $4,000/WK 305-381-9160 SUPERBOWL RENTAL BRICKELL KEY 2 BR/2 BA, fully furnished, luxüry waterfront condo on private is¬ land in the heart of downtown Miami, large balcony overlooking gorgeous bayview, W/D. Enjoy tennis) pool .restaurants, gym. etc.. Sleeps six comfortably. Minutes to South Beach, Coconut Grove and Pro Player Stadium. $4,000/WK OBO. Please call 305-381-9160 or 305-571-7527 140 Rental Services ALL AREAS - 305-463-RATE CONDO & RENTERS INSURANCE. Includes windstorm. All areas in¬ cluding the Beach. Call insurance quote line 305-463-RATE (7283) tamales 4 4 155 Roommates 155 Roommates ALL AREAS ALL PRICES 305-667-7777 Roommate Referrals. Florida's Oldest and Largest Company. All Screened. (Broward) 797-7779 (Boca) 561 -395-2366 9:30am-6pm AVENTURA $330 305-937-4227 NMB, 3BR/2.5BA 2 story townhouse to share, all amenities, secur¬ ity & pool. Responsible N/S. $3301/3 utilities. Aventura area. - AVENTURA $350 305-868-8250 Roommate to share house, dose to HU. On Oleta river with dock. Cent air, all appliances, quiet área. Cel 305-491-5896 BAY HARBOR $550 305-992-6503 SWM seeks 1 roommate to share 2 BR/ 2.5 BA twnhse, pool, sec, pkng, walking distance from beach. $550 +1/2 util, N/S, N/D BISCAYNE PARK $280 UTIL INCL 305-981-3297 2 BR/1 BA to share, steady work history necessary. No drunks, druggies or party animals. Centrala/c, cable. Phone not incl. Noth¬ ing fancy but affordable. Safe. Must like pets. Light smoker O.K. BRICKELL $500 305-859-2139/305-366-4074 BEEPER Luxurious Brickell condo w/ocean view to share w/ prof Caribbean male, pvt BA, pool, fum, sec, pkng, male pref. Call evenings COCONUT GROVE $375 & $400 305-445-6658 Near Grove/Gables. Two bedrms for rent in 3/2 home. $375 & $400! Fully furnished, parking. 1/3 utilities. COCONUT GROVE $375 305-344-5618 BEEPER Near Grove/Gables. 2BR/1 BA to share, fully furnished, cable TV, must like dogs, gay is ok. COCONUT GROVE $550 305-854-7341/305-663-0063 4110 Park Ave. Share a beautiful, rustic 3/2 South Grove house with professional. Pool, a/c, w/d, modern kjtchen, close to ÜM.% COCONUT GROVE $650-$750 305-665-6604 Gay roommate preferred for huge, drop-dead gorgeous art deco home with garage in south grove. 3 BR. ent room, den & 2.5 baths CORAL GABLES $395 305-443-5405 Non-smoker, Irg 2/2 apt, 2 refrig, new tile, W/D, many amenities, prefer female (35's & up), private parking, no' pets, sec dep, CORAL GABLES $400 305-446-2473 4 BR/2 BA home, tiled firs, W/D, cable ready, separate phone line, separate entrance, wall to wall mjrrors, util induded, no pets. CORAL GABLES $350 305-445-0512 Roomate needed to share house, private bath and parking, 2 min¬ utes from Miracle Mile. Also call bp 305-291 -5554 305-448-3583 KENDALL $300 305-253-7545 Lonesome 'ol retired lawyer (71) looking for likable sweet room¬ mate, free to travel & plant garden, retired lady preferred. Terry KENDALL $360 (INCLUDES UTILITIES) 305-378-9338 Two GMs seeking roommate(s) to share beautiful 4/2 home in Country Walk. On the spiritual path of unconditional love KENDALL $300 & $350 305-238-6431 Looking for responsible N/S male to share a 3/2.5,2 fir home on Culdesac, share util, call voice Bp 305-791-4007 (dón't put a no#) MIAMI $75 WEEKLY 305-576-2579 NÍE.45 St Man share house, private room, bath, A/C, phone, cable. References MIAMI $450 305-857-3428 THE ROADS. Prof male seeking non-smoking, resp person to share spadous 2 BR apt with city view. W/D, modem kit, sec parking. MIAMI SHORES $500 INCL UTIL 305-729-1319 Prof GWM/GLM, N/5 to share 1920s 2-story 4/3 fum house. Wood firs, fireplaces, a/c, cable, W/D, maid serv, pool. No.pets MIAMI $375-$475 305-255-8401 Looking to share Ige house, MUST SEE. upstairs room $375+ util, downstairs $475+ util, master BR with own BA & roman tub MIAMI 305-579-0991 Free room & board for female in exchange of light home & office work at the Grand condominium. Additional income possible MORTGAGES You need a Specialist! • Condos il foreign Buyers • No money down • No income verification • Good credit/Low credit Don't pay rent anymore! MORTGAGE AND INVESTMENTS Ph. 305 /3XS-8333 NORTH MIAMI BEACH $500 305-948-4884 Townhouse, fum, own telephone line, TV. two minutes from beach, prefer single woman or gay male, flight attendant or pilot would be ideal! $500/month, call Joan 305-948-4884 NORTH MIAMI BEACH $400 305-493-0437 3BR Townhome on Golf Course at California Club. Pool view. Male only. Fum 1BR with private full bath. Common use of entire home NORTH MIAMI $475 305-651-5159 Looking to share 2/2 with F or C male, cent A/C, bale, util included, cable, pool, 24 hr sec. private BA, Pool rm, Aventura area, fully fum NORTH MIAMI BEACH $350 305-944-0055 Very neat & dean, pvt entrance, fully fum, share bathrm with oth¬ er male, cable, air & util ind. Dependable male pref. Small deposit NORTH MIAMI $450 305-895-4773 SANS-SOUCI ESTATES. Seeking prof or student female. Huge, dean 2/2, cent air, cable, prkg, pool, tennis, fully fum kit & liv room NORTH MIAMI $325 305-624-3629 COUNTY LINE partially furnished bedroom share kitchen bath with other singles. Utilities Inc. deposit, references. Mike 305-624-3629 SOUTH BEACH $400 305-531-9096 New bldg. Model apt, 2/2 comp fum. Must see, TV, many mirrors, towels, sheets, all kit appl, ph, pool, gym. free 24hr valet Fern only SOUTH BEACH $550UTIUNCL 305-531-1128 Looking to share large 1 BR/2 BA apt with balcony & beautiful ocean view, W/D. Gay male preferred, must like pets. 200 Real Estate ft(i 205 Apts/Condos/Townhomes 225 Real Estate Wanted 210 Houses 230 Out of Town 215 Commercial Property 235 Real Estate Services 220 Income Property 205 Apts/Condos/Townhomes FAIR HOUSING NOTICE 305-573-9090 All real estate advertised is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise 'any preference, limitation or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, fa¬ milial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such pref¬ erence, limitation or discrimination.' NEW TIMES will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. ALL AREAS 305-538-7368 PROPERTY INVESTMENT SPECIALIST 401 OCEAN DR Penthouse level studio. Ocean view $95K SURFSIDE 8816 Collins Ave 2/2 Direct ocean view $165K VENETIAN ISLAND 555 NE 15th St Designer studio $78K SOUTH BEACH 1495 Jefferson Ave, 1/1 nest to Lincoln Rd $72K NE MIAMI 5 Units- upcoming edgewater area $185K CALL PATRICIA DURAN/AGT 305-488-8230 SCLAR REALTY ALL AREAS 305-538-7368 INCOME PRODUCING PROPERTIES 3-10 UNITS NE MIAMI 3/3 income producing. Patricia 488-8230.. $169K EDGEWATER 5 unit bldg-exc condition. Patricia 488-8230 $199K SOBE 7 units, great investments for right operator M Sclar. 540K SOBE 7 unit art deco charmer in great location! Mark Sclar 729K SOBE 8-unit one story bldg, needs loving care. Mark Sclar 506K 11-20 UNITS SOBE 14 units, two story bldg, good condition. Mark Sclar 615K SOBE 15 art deco uits, 3 separate bldgs, Mark Sclar 992-7253 ..918K SOBE 16 units with great upside, central location. Mark Sclar...630K SOBE Pennsylvania Ave. 17 efficiencies. Mark 992-7253 $630K HOLLYWOOD 17 units, cap 14%, near ocean. Pat 992-6813....$99dK SOBE 18 unit apt complex, needs renov. Mark Sclar 992-7253 ..710K 21-40 UNITS SOBE 24 unit mediterranean style! Mark Sclar 992-7253 $850K SOBE 25 unit art deco building, renovated. Mark 992-7253 ...$895K SOBE 34 unit art deco bldg, built 1959 Mark Sclar 992-7253 1.2M M.BCH 37 studio art deco bldg, exc loe M Sdar 992-7253 $800K 1000 LENOX/1011 Alton Rd 381 BR apts, Alden 968-8806 ...Offers 41-80 UNITS n.bay VILLAGE 64 unts, bayfront, condo conver w/docs $2.9M SOBE 58 unit hirise, 90% occupancy. Mark Sclar 992-7253 $2.9M M.BCH 60 unit with retail space; req renov. Mark 992-7253 $2.1 M HALLANDALE 69 apt on water! Exclusive area. Pat McCarthy ..$4.9M SOBE 76 units on water needs renovation. Mark 992-6813 $2.1 M 80 UNITS + M.BCH 258 room fully operat. ocean front resort M Sclar $22M OFFICE BLDGS/SHOPPING CENTERS/DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS M.BCH Office complex w/10,000 sq ft office Mark Sclar ,.$3.5M N MIAMI Great development project, marina. Pat McCarthy $8M HOLLYWOOD Hotel/Condo site, oceanfront! Pat McCarthy $6M SOBE Construction project. Payback in 2.5 yrs! J Schwab $300K HALLANDALE Shop major anchors! Exc Inc Pat McCarthy $8.5M M. BCH TWo oceanfront resorts, 79 & 124 units! $3.5M ea SCLAR REALTY % hS §¡¡§¡1 | HARBOUR POINTE CONDOMINIUMS Check This Out! Affordable Condos Like You Have Never Seen Before! From $49,500! All One & Two Bedrooms have an Additional Den with French Doors! Elegant Tile! • Modem Kitchens! • Sunny Balconies! Pool & Fitness! • Gated Parking! • On-Site Security! Close to Everything! • Low Condo Fees! • Flexible Financing! To preview this rapidly selling condominium, simply drive to NE 108th St. & Biscayne Blvd. Trim West on NE 108th St. We are located only 200 yards away! You may also call us at 305-892-0042. Open everyday! Brokers welcome! AVENTURA $173,000-$530,000 305-389-7885 MYSTIC POINTE 24-hour security, valet, and consierge. Tennis, pool. gym. spa, sauna, marima, dishwasher. 3BR/3BA #705 $285,000 2BR/2BA #1214, best View $173,000 PINNACLE 3BR/3BA #2103, oceanfront $491,000 2BR/2BA #2504, oceanfront, best priced in building $381,000 3BR/3BA #2803, oceanfront $530,000 We also have condo's @ Tumberry, Country Club Estates. & West Lake Village. Gus Blachman Golden Realty Group Bp 305-217-3572 AVENTURA $300,000 305-672-0320 WILLIAMS ISLAND/MED VILLAGE 2br/2ba, fum, garden view, walk out to pool, small pet OK. Full service bldng Out of country owner must sell. Embassy Real Estate BAY HARBOR 305-758-9692 BAY HARBOR Two 1/1, co-op owner financing! 41,000 & 59,000 NORTH MIAMI BEACH 1/1COndO $29,500 CASH MISTY LAKES 3/2, owner financing $79,900 Robin Williams, Broker 305-758-9692 or Bp 305-708-9236 Parry Real Estate, Inc BELLE MEADE $48,000-$94,000 305-751-4939 Waterfront 1 & 2 BR's in upper comirig east side condo's With beautiful bay view, pool, tennis, sec, great location. Owner/agent COCONUT GROVE FROM $210,000 305-538-7368 Brand new. New England Style 2/2 -3/2 townhouses for sale! Over 2000 sf, wd firs, berber carpet. Matt Krinzman/agt 305-389-5567 SCLAR REALTY CORAL GABLES $599,000 305-738-2868 3/4 3200 sq ft luxury, golf view condo. 12 residences 1 per fir, keyed élevator. Totally ren. Too many features to list. Must see! EL PORTAL $119,000 305-725-3555 Corner 3BR/2BA Double garage, central air, new roof. Judy Corrales Bkr-Assoc. Coldwell Banker Res R.E. Inc. MIAMI $60,000 (305)952-8586 BAYPARKTOWERS Great studio in great bayfront building. Magnificent views from 12th floor, bay & dty views, low mainteriace. Asking $60,000 DAVID D’ANTHONY * RLTOR ASSOC 305-751-3237 BP 305-952-8586 NQRAH SCHAEFER REALTY MIAMI BEACH FROM $69,500 305-864-6564 7735 Abbott. 1 BR/1BA comer, 3 blks to bch. $69,500.7933 West Ave (NBV) 1 BR convert/2 BA, dock area, pool, lots of prkg, super waterviewsfróm 2 bales, saunas, ask $89,900. Beachfront Rlty. MIAMI BEACH $399,000 305-672-9716 3BR 3.5BA, 2 car garage. South Beach at its best, great investment, rents for up to $4,000 per wk, new unit, call evenings MIAMI BEACH $595,000 305-389-7885 OCEÁNIÁ, Sunny Isles, 3BR/3BA, jewel, upgraded, marble floors, direct ocean view. Call Gus Blachman Golden Realty Group Bp. 305-217-3572 MIAMI BEACH $89,500 305-673-4885 Need a 2 BR? Fully renov 1BR plus den, on West & Uncoln. All new appls, balcony, pool, parking. Low $84 maintenance. Must See! MIAMI BEACH 305-538-9794 PARC PLAZA LUXURY CONDOMINIUM RESIDENCE Located in the center of the world's most desirable address: SOUTH BEACH! With 2BR Residences, assigned prkg, gym/spa, doorman, recreation rm & more! Located at 1775 Washington Ave DEVELOPER CLOSE OUT SALE! CALL NOW! REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS INC: REALTOR 1-800-208-99^1 MIAMI BEACH ALL PRICES 305-531-BRET SOUTH BEACH DEALS OF THE WEEK! STUDIOS From $29,500! 1754 Meridian Ave, just listed! Gated parking! Hurry! $59,900 642 Michigan ave. This one is a steal! Just listed!!! $43,500 1400 Pennsylvania Ave, excellent location. Parking, $49,900 2421 Lake Pancoast, 'Helen Mar* Historic lakefront, $89,900 1020 Euclid Ave, pets welcomel fabulous art deco, $54,500 921 Meridian Ave, parking! Cats allowed, ok to rent, $49,900 260 Ocean Drive, Best deal around! Motivated seller, $39,900 544 Michigan Ave, bldg has parking! 2 units. From... $29,500 825 Euclid Ave, perfect for smart investors. Call today! $49,900 1 BDRMS From $49,900! 1670 Bay Rd, 1 br, everyone loves this bldg! Parking, $79,000 1400 Lincoln Rd. 1 br, pets are welcome! Great unit! $87,000 301 Jefferson Ave, 1 br, just listed! Parking, terrace. $78,000 1229 Meridian Ave, 1 br' spectacular renovation!!!!! $79,900 1450 Lincoln Rd, 1 br. direct bayfront view! Parking, $99,000 1150 Euclid Ave. 1 br, just listed! Parking, balcony, $69,900 716 Michigan Ave, 1 br. parking, priced for quick sale, $79,900 360 Meridian Ave, 1 br, loft-style penthouse. Renovated $89,900 549 Meridian Ave, Tbr, just listed! This one is a deal! i $49.500 110011th street, 1 br, across from Flamingo Park. Large, $55,900 2 BDRMS From $89,900! 335 Collins Ave, 2 br. gated parking, just listed! Hurry! $89,900 1200 Euclid Ave, 2 br, Spectacular historic comer unit. $159,000 1775 Washington Ave, 2 br, 'Parc Plaza' covered parking, $169,900 1030 9th St, 2 br, just listed! Wow! Gated parking!!! $89,900 934 Michigan Ave, 2 br. historic splendor. Pets okay, $95,000 1621 Collins Ave, 2 br. 'Georgian' Oceanfront splendor, $179.900 BRET TAYLOR REAL ESTATE INC. The South Beach Condo Specialist ™ 305-531-BRET 305-531-2738 MIAMI BEACH 305-538-7368 EASY FINANCING! * WATERFRONT PROPERTIES! 6881 Bay Drive 1/1, with den, parking, deck, pool ...114K 3710 Collins Clean studio, great incom or live in! $89K 7904 West Dr Nice studio. Bay Shore Yacht & Tennis Club $69K 2600 Collins Av 2/2, waterview, pool, parking & security S144K 3101 Indian Creek 1/1, Tropical pool setting, parking $107K 1614 West Ave 1/1, comer unit, 2 bale, pool, parking $79K MOTIVATED SELLERS! MAKE OFFERSl CALL BRUCE ALDEN/AGT @ 305-968-8806 * SCLAR REALTY . . MIAMI BEACH CONDO SPECIAL! Buys you a condo & AH Utilities Induded In Maintenance Approx 6% Financing adjustable rate i nr 7.5% Fixed rate 30yrs • Unique Floor Plans • Total Renovation • Huge Pool • Sun Deck • Full Kitchen * Parking Available • Walk-in Closet • Fitness Center • 24 Hour Security • Yearly & Seasonal Studios, l Bedrooms • Ocean & Bay Views $54,900 I FREE MAINTENANCE FOR 3 MONTHS Investors Opportunity, lam 3-4 Times Bank Rale! ^ Tenant is placed lor 1 year Free! :4ljr Save Up To $10,000 from bank Appraised Value ífórimee Q/fí¿c/iae¿ ^omlomvmumb 2618 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach (305) 535-1792 Models open Daily 10am - 6pm MIAMI BEACH 305-439-9031 El-Excellence, Penthouse for sale or rent, 2BR/2BA beautiful bay view, Oceanfront Realty. MIAMI BEACH $69,000 305-992-SELL Big & Bright, 1/1.5, centa/c. Wood Firs, Many Closets, Open Kit., Assigned Prkng. $115 Maint. Vacationers delight. Beachfront RE MIAMI BEACH 305-866-2423 $41,500-$108,5000 BAY HARBOR ISLANDS BAY HARBOR TOWER1/1 .magnificent waterview, tile fir $71,900 BAY HARBOR STUDlOon the water, 366SQ.ft $41,500 9101E. BAY HARBOR 2/2, ocean/SOBE/downtown skyline view from all rooms! $91,000 1135103 ST ..1/1, w/ beautiful wide bayview, 850sq.ft, lots of closets! $78,000 ST.REGIS PETS OK 1/1.5, faces water $87,000 LONDON TOWERS huge 1/1.5, new central a/c, 6th fl, move in condition $85,000 STUART HOUSE2/2, tile fir, mintcondition!1445sq.ft $108,500 BLAIR HOUSE 1/1.5, small pets ok. views of golf course & intercoastal, 1150sq.ft $89,000 1120 99st 1/1.5, hurricane shutters, 872sf, lowfir $69K MEDITERRANEAN 2/2, breathtaking views, tile fir, H06sf, new kitchen $8$i.0t0 BOUGAIN-VILLA1/1 .small, pets ok, 610sf, good investmnt $55K 1120102st.1/1, comer, bright, 810sf, sep storage, pool $63K BAY ISLE 1/T, waterfront, central a/c, 754sf $64,000 9102 W BAY HARBOR1/1.5, Indian Creek views! lowfir $82,000 9381E BAY HARBOR DR 1/1.5, Immaculate, breakfast bar, low maint $85,000 CLUB OF BAY HARBOR 2/2, wood fir, low maint, 1025sf reduced $79,900 SUMMIT CONDO .....1/1.5, several avail, Ig apts, pool starting @$64,500 CORAL SEA TOWER ...1/1, new listing, beautiful intercoastal views! pool $59,000 MIAMI BEACH WINSTON TOWERS 1/1.5.18th fir, panoramic oceanfront view $105K 1/1, lovely, 650sf, low maint $69,000 .1/1. great condition,- 79lsf MAKE OFFERS 1/1, spectacular views, Mexican tile, 770sf $8$£000 1/1. NEEDS TLC. out of country owner says $52.000 1/1.5, low maint, 945sf. 2 blks to ocean ..reduced $62,500 1/1.5. needs TLC reduced $65,000 KING COLE 1/1.5 totally redone, panoramic views $59,000 9225 COLLINS1/1.5, oceanview. hi-flr, full service bldg $98,000 MIAMI AREA buckley towers .2/2, H40sf. panoramic views!!! 53,750 (VI. KQTLER REALTY (305) 866-2423 8620 BYRON AV 8000 HARDING BAYVIEW CONDO 7800 CARLYLE AV must sell 6801 INDIAN CRK. 8233 HARDING Miami New Times January 28 - February 3,1999 131 RENTING IS FOR DUMMIES! OWN FOR LESS THAN RENT!! FIU CAMPUS i BAL ¡HARBOUR LUXURY WATERFRONT CONDOMINIUMS IBr/l Bath from $50,000-$2500 Down Pmt - $316/month P&I 2Br/2 Bath from $60,000-$3000 Down Pmt - $379/month P&I No We’re Not in China - We’re on the Bay between Keystone Point & Sunny Isles This Has Got To Be the Best Real Estate Buy in Florida This is the best thing since ice cream - Come see for yourself! you won’t see prices and values like this again! Newly remodeled in and out * New GE Kitchens * New Fixtures * New Carpet * New Large Bayside Pool & Deck * New Fitness Facility * New Gated Entry * New Fire Sprinkler & Alarm System * 278 parking spaces with covered parking * Deep Water Boat Dockage, dean, Neat & Sweet. LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION Tucked away on a quite tree lined boulevard with no through traffic, 675’ of waterfront bordered by 120 acres of lush green forest with trails for biking, blading, jogging & walking (Florida’s largest urban State Park and FIU). Deep Water Dockage with unobstructed access, Breathtaking views of Biscayne Bay, The Atlantic Ocean, Bal Harbour, Aventura, Sunny Isles and downtown Miami. CONVENIENT TO EVERYTHING - Close to neighborhood shopping, new Post Office, Aventura Mall, Bal Harbour Shops, Beautiful Beaches and just minutes from Downtown, South Beach, Coconut Grove, Miami international Airport and Ft. Lauderdale International Airport, Convenient and Easy Access to 1-95 and other major road systems. ■“vW/ \ Vecino Del Mar Condominium - you’re gonna love us! Call (305) 945-8836 for information, or take 1-95 to N.W. 135th Street. Go east 3.5 miles (across Biscayne Boulevard) to Vecino Del Mar on the right. Open daily 9am to 6pm. Oral representations cannot be relied upon as correctly stating representations fo the developer: For correct representations, mcúre reference to the documents required bv section 718.503, Florida - statutes, to be furnished by a develper to a buyer or lessee. 132 January 28 -february 3,1999 Miami New Times Gus Blachman Mortgage Broker For a Personal Evaluation Without Obligation Call (305) 389-7885 Bpr. (305)217-3572 mysticpointe@msm.com Do you Want to Consolidate Your Debts? Refinance your Mortgage? All Kinds of Programs for Your Needs. Good Credit • Bad Credit • No Income Verification Foreign National Programs Interest Rates are Lower Than Ever. It Might be Time to Consider Refinancing Your Mortgage Commercial Property • Funds for Home Improvement No Equity • Purchase or Refinance up to 125% of Value South Florida English & Spanish Mortgage Consultants 1680 NE 135 St MIAMI SHORES FROM $49,000 505-892-0042 Wait a minute... Affordable Condos with Parking??? Yes...and its about time! Don’t miss out on these rapidly selling quality condominiums. *Harbour Pointe Condominiums* From the 40’s 305-892-0042 MIAMI $122,500 305-838-6195 Live on the bay Million $ view, 1 BD Deluxe, i 10Ó sq ft. 18th fir, balcony overlooking Miami Bch, Tons of upgrades! Full amenities j AARE • Lisa MIAMI $75,000 305-324-4007 WATERFRONT 2/2 condo private balcony urban oasis w/marina, riv¬ er & park view, remodeled kit, new appl. Low maint, assigned prkg. 15 min to Grove, Beaches, Gables, dockage avail. Owner/Agent N. MIAMI $315K 305-672-0320 Quayside Stunning 4/3.5 3225sq.ft penthouse many built in 2 prkng spaces panoramic views. Spa, Tennis and more. EMBASSY RE 305-672-0320 NORTH MIAMI $35,000 305-754-0418 Spacious 1/1, central a/c, pool, screened patio with lake view, ex¬ cellent neighborhood. Bring all offers! NORTH MIAMI $120,000 305-756-5222 2 BR/21.5 BA white tile floors, new roof, no maintenance, near Bay Harbor bridge, Lrg patio, 2207 NE 123 Street, N. Miami Fla. NORTH MIAMI $175,000 305-756-5222 Mariners Bay, elegant decorator design, 3 BR/21.5 BA, cor unit, tiled firs, custom lighting, good security, dock avail. 2 car Pricing NORTH MIAMI $104,900 305-688-5333 2/2 PH. BayviewTowr. Sans Souci Ests. 1700 + sf. Updated thruout. Panoramic views of dty lights, hi ceilings, Rickenback & Assoc, Jeff oaSOUTH BEACH $109k 305-535-8624 1520 Euclid Av-Art Deco 1BR 2nd fir. Tropical, serene views plus central A/C, washer dreyer, hardwood firs, alarm system makes this your perfect home. Only 1.5 blocks to Lincoln Rd. Chris Helmstetter-Wimbish-Riteway Bkr. SOUTH BEACH $105,900 TO $139,900 305-535-6511 Pet-friendly 2/2,3/2 condos. Ocean/bay/city views, pool, gym, 24 hr valet/sqc, 2 pkng spaces. Walk to ocean/Lincoln Rd. By owner SOUTH BEACH $76,000 305-373-3755 1614 West Ave. 1BR, full view comer, two balconies, nextto Lincoln Rd, 5th floor, parking, pool, low maintenance, extras! SOUTH BEACH $155,000 305-531-2696 2BR/2BA condo on 16th floor, renovated, 940 sqft, ocean bay view, pool, parking. SOUTH BEACH $249,500 305-389-2405 OCEAN DRIVE!!! Spectacular beach and Ocean Dr views. SE Ocean front comer apt. Parking & pool. Also 900 Ft 1/1. Pool/parking. Belle Isle. $47,500 BRIAN JONES BEACHFRONT REALTY, INC. SOUTH BEACH $73,900 305-532-9551 Brand new 1BR condo in small building, central air, intercom entrance, one block to Lincoln Road. 1550 Drexel Ave. Call Isabel. SOUTH BEACH $90,000 & $93,000 305-531-8941 SOBE on the Bay -1228 West Ave, 2 condos, 1 BR 1.5 BA, 2 poof tables, plenty of closets & space, underground pking, sec, pool, Edward Spigel, Beachfront Realty SOUTH BEACH $149.000 305-531-0019 2/2 story newly Renovated with parking, stone floors, granite kit w/d, 4 balconies. Available immediately South Beach Realty. SOUTH BEACH $199,000 305-558-6444 BRAND NEWTOWNHOMES 2BR/2BA • 9ft Ceilings • Pvt Individual Garage Private Rear Garden • Security Entry System Available for immediate Occupancy! FLAMINGO PARK VILLAS 1017 Meridian Ave • 305-558-6444 SOUTH BEACH $94,500 305-854-8906 South Bay. Club, 800 West; Ave, 1 BR 1 BA. 8th fir, 850 sq ft, beautiful bay view, sec, covered pking, new Mexican tile, walk to SoBe, neg SOUTH BEACH $189,000 305-322-4055 Cot a fancy car? Rare to find 3 Bedroom apts with parking and private enclosed garage, $189K! New Star Realty SOUTH BEACH 305-579-8350 1620 West Av,2 br/1 ba, renovated, prkg ’;$89.5K 1000 Michigan.1 BR convert/1.5 BÁ, renoy, hardwd firs ...S106K 1228 west Ave Bayview renov 1 BR/1.5BA, prkg, pool............sllOK 220 Washing 1/1.5, So Pointe, baic, view, lo maint. pets ok ..$79;9K Hallandale 1 br/1.5 ba, enclosedfla room, renov, prkg ....$36K CALL LARRY LEMKE Keyes TM Iant COMPANY / StALTORS SOUTH BEACH $87,000 305-867-7515 Secured BR/1 BA, with pool and parking, pets ok. Bad credit, no credit; no problem! Diversified Real Estate Services Inc. - - SOUTH BEACH ALL PRICES 305-531-BRET SOUTH BEACH CONDOS OCEAN DRIVE... 260 Ocean, The best deal around! Don't miss out!!! $39,900 401 Ocean, sparkling direct ocean view. Balcony, $97,000 401 Ocean, priced to seH! Fabulous ocean views, $95,000 326 Ocean, 1 br. renting-out is allowed. Parking, $110,000 345 Ocean, 1 br. Ocean view, low, low price! Hurry! $99,900 345 Ocean, 1 br. ocean view. Covered gated parking, $133,000 401 Ocean, 1 br. breathtaking ocean views. Parking, $134,900 401 Ocean, 1 br. High floor. Gorgeous view of ocean. SOLD! 401 Ocean, 1 br, Covd gated parking. Ocean view, $124,900 465 Ocean, 1 br, covered gat4ed parking. Ocean view SOLD! 465 Ocean, 1 br, covd parking. Ocean view. 10th floor $159,900 465 Ocean. 1 br, desired North ocean view. Parking, $149,900 465 Ocean, 1 br, Terrific views, has gated parking, SOLD! 465 Ocean, 1 br, Gated parking, ocean view, renov, $129;000 465 Ocean, 1 br. North ocean view, secure parking, SOLD! 465 Ocean, Studio, Preferred north ocean view, large, $90,000 1446 Ocean, world famous location! A'great value! $89,900 BRET TAYLOR REAL ESTATE INC. The South Beach Condo Specialist ™ 305-531-BRET 305-531-2738 SOUTH BEACH $49,900 305-531-0390 WHY RENT?? 1 Bedroom apt on Pennsylvania Ave. One block to Lincoln Road. Handyman special. 305-531-7201 SOUTH BEACH $19,900 305-531-0390 YOU CAN OWN Hotel room. Only two blocks to Lincoln Road. Why rent when you can own? 305-531 -7201 5225 COLLINS ALEXANDER 2/2 ....$130K LOOKING FOR A CONDO? EXPERTS 5401 COLLINS CARRIAGE HOUSE 1/1 OCEAN VIEW....$99K • 2/2 BAY VIEW...$135K 5313 COLLINS AVE AMYTHEST...J115K SUNNY ISLES BEACH. 2/21150SQ.FT....$169K “~?tNTHOUSE...OVER 3400 SQ. FT...$425K IL VILLAGO....SO.BEACH...S450K kffflLTT 305-865-2222 SEVERAL PRIME CONDOS AVAILABLE «-OPEN 10-5•5401 COLLINS AVE Luxury Rentals also Available SOUTH BEACH 305-538-RENT/7368 BIG BEN’S CONDO BLOWOUT S Pointe rawer 1:5/2, huge bale, Mex tile, direct ocean.. $249K 1242 Drexel Ave 2/2 totally renov, secure, immaculate $120K 1550 Drexel Ave 1/1 brand new, total renov, never lived in $59K 1200 Euclid Ave Designer decorated, large studio, kitchen ...;.$79K 1990 Marseille Dr 1/1.5, renov, secure, assigned parking $59K BEN NEWMARK @ 305-989-7140 * SOAR REALTY SOUTH BEACH 305-538-RENT (7368) AFFORDABLE LUXURY CONDOMINIUMS 1881 Washington 2/2nice view. Mark Sclar 992-7253..........$124K 331 Collins #10. Clean & bright, tile. D Perdoriio 534-2219.. $63K 1550 Drexel 1 /1 Art Deco, fully renov. B Newmark 989-7140.. .$62K 3120 Collins #704. Beautiful spacious 1/1. M Sclar 992-7253 ....$62K 20 island Ave Gorgeous bayview, 1/1.5, M sclar 992-7253.....$115K 221 Meridian Studio apt, reduced 10,000. B Riley 409-4789 .. .$59K SoBe 1/1'bay view, pkng.pool, lo maint. L Madison 534-3344..$90K Marseille Dr 1/1, new die, wood firs, B Newmark 989-7140 ....$60K Lincoln Rd.1/1, Cent air, great price, P McCarthy 992-6813 $62K SoBe 2/2 Ig terrace, model apt. Brucé Aldori 968-8806 $149K Renter’s Connection SOUTH BEACH FROM $40,000 305-754-0673 South Beach Ig efficiencies, Miami Beach, 1 br apt on canal, all re¬ modeled, owner financing, lo down pmt. Home & Business Realty. SOUTH BEACH $199,000 305-532-1975 THE BENEDICT 1611 EUCLID AVE Open House M-F10am-4pm; Sun 2pm-6pm Beautifully renovated Art Deco studio's & 1 BR's, hrdwd firs & 9ft ceilings, upgrades avail. Donita @ New Riviera Rlty 305-778-2228 SURFSIDE $64,000 305-725-3555 Weekend Oaceanside Getaway, 1BR/1 BA Fum, must hurry! Judy Corrales Bkr-Assoc. Caldwell Banker Res R E. Inc. 210 Houses BISCAYNE PARK 305-893-3080 ¿5 BR/3 BA, pool screened patio, fam rm, 2 car garage, frm 200 Ft deep lot $210,000. •2 BR 2 BA, garage, family rm. Asking $111,000 •3.BR/2 BA, 2 patios, 2 car garage, fam rm, 252 ft deep lot. $144,900 PARKER REALTY SOUTH BEACH $64,500 OBO 305-534-1210 1/1 Mexican tile, balcony, central A/C, secured building, private parking, remodeled. Upcoming area, south of 5th St. Very Artsy SOUTH BEACH $79,900 305-864-9237 Spacious 1/1, upgraded, tile floor, balcony, storage, parking, pool, bay view building, low,maint, near Lincoln Rd Cel 305-788-3907 SOUTH BEACH FROM $175,000 305-710-5827 One, TWo; Three & Four bedroom's in Sunset Harbor! Balcony with direct bay & downtown views, never livéd in! Microwave, D/W, two pools and more! 24hr sec guard. Won't last! DK International Rlty CORAL GABLES $85,000 305-253-7200 Not exactly but 2 blks from U of M. 2 or 3 BR/ 1BA w/ wood firs, central a/c, Ig florida room, plenty of living area. Must See! KENDALL $149,900 305-253-7545 Secluded half acre, rain forest with 4 BR/2 BA. pool house, *irv I come. Located in East Kendall. MIAMI "$147,000 305-253-7545 Downtown. Boaters, a 50 ft dock (free), With 2BR apt in old build, 150yardsfrom Miami River. Income of $1250! 713 NW 7th St Rd. MIAMI - (305) 952-8586 SOUTH BEACH $160,000 305-672-7282 Art Deco SoBe, gorgeous 2/2,1,000 sq ft, plus 1,000 sq ft deck, i $10,000 under appraisal, developer closeout, near Uncoln Rd, huge master suite, 305-672-7282 MIAMI UPPER EASTSIDE Bayfront Neighborhoods SOUTH BEACH $51,900 954-922-5908 ONLY $1900 DOWN!!! Extra large classic Deco studio. One block from Lincoln Road. Bright front corner unit witlroak firs, new appls, paint & tile. ALL AREAS ALL PRICES 305-532-0260 FOUR LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU! The Enclave 4th Street/Meridian Ave From $65,000 All new art deco studio residences. Near ocean. Ron 305-604:3475 West Avenue 1228 west Ave $215,000 2/2, bay views, pool, prkg, immaculate! B Carson 305-286-8199 Dogs welcome 301 Jefferson Ave $67,000-$85,000 1 BR'S with balconies, prkg, pets ok. Frank Calderon 305-983-3165 Art Deco Gem 844 Jefferson Ave $75,000 LTg 1/1, deco details, Irg rms, wdflrs. B Carson 305-286-8199 Metropolis 1569 Michigan Ave $139,000-$l 59,000 Art Deco 2/2, renov, balconies, wood firs, high ceilings, courtyard. **Open daily! 1-4pm. 1 blk to Lincoln! Gary Hennes 305-277^7000 HUNDREDS MORE TO CHOOSE FROM! KENT KARLOCK REALTY & ASSOCIATES, INC SOUTH BEACH 305-532-0260 THE VISTAS OPEN HOUSE $195,000-$539,000 Two & Three Bedrooms. Brand new bldg, berber carpet, custom ' closets, balconies, bayviews, pool, parking. $5000 closing credit. OPEN DAILY FROM 11-5pm. 1 Century Lane on Venetian Csway. HUNDREDS MORE TO CHOOSE FROM! KENT KARLOCK REALTY & ASSOCIATES, INC Bayfront Historic District Fabulous 50’s Redone 50$ ciassiG, 3 BR/2 BA, garage, hew roof, windows, a/c, alarm, kitchen, fenced yard. Asking $145,000 Contemporary with flair 2 BR/1 BA, huge Florida room, new bath, kewl kitchen, large fenced-in yard, new roof, A/C, windows, garage, asking $130,000. Hurry!!!! SHORECREST 2 Story TUdor with guest cottage, garage & 3 lots! Own a park! 3 BR/3 BA with formal living ¿ dining rooms, fireplace, breakfast room, newer kitchen, fish pond, huge open Florida room, fenced & security alarm Asking $210,000 DAVID D’ANTHONY * RLTOR ASSOC 305-751-3237 BP 305 952-8586 NORAH SCHAEFER REALTY MIAMI BEACH $275,000 305-608-6015 Remodeled 4 BR 3 BA, primé Mia Beach aree, jacuzzi, big backyard, across the park, minutes to So Béach & highway, plenty of pking MIAMI BEACH $198,000 305-865-5560 Golf Course Lot BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME! At La Gorce Drive, breathtaking view! By owner MIAMI BEACH $525,000 305-531-6929 Expand your lifestyle! Venetian Isles mansión: 5BR/4BA, wood flbors, 2 car garagé, huge lot with room for pool. Buy.the Beach MIAMI SHORES $250K 305-895-5911 Unique 2/2 end of Shores, must see! Qpen floor plan, 14 ft ceiling, 1/2 moon glass block showéfs, triangular pool, extra large lot. Advantage Associates Realty- Beeper Candy 305-369-2475 MIAMI $980 305-438-9923 Key West style house, 2BR1 BA, Florida room; porch, fireplace, washer/dryer, attic, alarm, 418 NE 25th St South Beach-Open M Tues- Fri.; 1-5 Sat. & Sun. NewStar Realty Introduces: The Bougainivillea 619 Euclid Ave. & The Hibiscus 753 Michigan Ave. Large 1 bedroom’s from $59,900 Parking! Parking! Parking! CHARM! CHARM! CHARM! Historic South Beach at its Best 1337 Euclid Ave. 1 Bedroom’s with Central A/C, Washer .& Dryer hook-ups, some with their own front yard & roof rights! $64,500469,500 536 14th St. “The Everglades” This outstanding Mediterranean building is now a condominium. Studios, 1 & 2 bedroom's & lofts. $49,900-$ 139,900 A Few Choice units left. 1611 West Ave. OPEN only Sun. 2-5pm. 1 bedroom with parking & studios. $39,900469,900 JVy CALL US TODAY % hÍEWSTAR 305-32*4055 !^%%alty & Development, Inc. ; NORTH MIAMI $299,900 305-756-5222 San Souci waterfront. Near wide bay, two level, 4 bedroom wood floors, 2 car garage, pool, large lower bedroom suite OLD CUTLER $119,000 305-856-1034 4 BR/2.5 BA, renovated, 2 story¿ dbl gar, Spanish tile, french doors, new appls, charming courtyard, laked community, avail immed WESTON $4,500,000 305-672-0320 Baseball Great Jose Conseco’s Super Star Home Wind Mill Ranch Estates 3.9 Acre waterfront cul-de-sac. 20.000sg.ft„ 10BR/8.5BA, 4 car garage with 5,700sq.ft. gym, in¬ door toasketball/vollybalL steam, sauna, pool, koi pond and MORE!!! WESTON HILLS COUNTRY CLUB $595,000 3BR/3BA 2c.g., teuatrfuily furnished on golf/water, pool,, spa, maint. comm, 1$ hole golf courses. Just bring your toothbrush. CALL EMBASSY REAL ESTATE 215 Commercial Property DESIGN DISTRICT 305-576-2685 ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS ,2 bldngs sold together, 2BR designérs home with full finished basement, perfect,for live, work, pr showroom. Adjacent 3 unit apartment building room for growth $359,900 ALSO 10 unit apt bldg, W/ prkng, easily converted, tq office or show¬ room $249,000 Rich Raimann Norah Schaefer RE MIAMI $200K 305-672-0320 REDUCED 36th St E of Bise - Charming 1925 3BR/2.5BÁ house w/ :. guest house, for resident, motel/hotel, restaurant, showroom. Adjacent jotfor sale. Embassy RE MIAMI $240,000 BP 305-882-4049 1186 NW 103rd St building with a store, a restaurant & 2x2/1 BR. $40k income. Motivated owner finance. No realtors 305-598-8790 PEMBROKE PINES $140,000 954-430-8896 Uquor store for sale. Great location, All inventbry included and liq¬ uor stóre software. 305-389-3620 220 Income Property MIAMI $200,000 305-539-1700 DOWNTOWN MIAMI, Across from park!!!, 23 Units, 50 x 150 lot, zoned high-rise. By owner. PARC PLAZA LUXURY CONDOMINIUM RESIDENCES LOCATED IN THE CENTER OF THE WORLDS MOST DESIRABLE ADDRESS SOUTH BEACH • Two Bedroom Residencies • Assigned Parking Spaces • Gym & Spa • Tropical Roof Top Pool & Sun Deck • Doorman • Lavishly Decorated Recreation Room The excitement, the glamour, the lifestyle... THE PRICES!!! DEVELOPER CLOSEOUT SALE! Limited Units Available! Prices Start $133.900. 1775 Washington Ave. Miami Beach, Florida 33139 305-538-9794 305-538-1811fax Toll Free 1-888-208-9911 MIAMI BEACH $170,000 305-531-6929 Live for free! Fourplex, two ibris & two 2br's, all cent air, live in one and rent the rest! Excellent condition! Buy The Beach Rlty. 225 Real Estate Wanted SOUTH BEACH UNDER $55,000 011-49-177-711-1666 Interested in relocating to South Beach, 1 BR condo, maintenance under $100/mo. International call or e-mail LKarahan@aol.cOm 240 Real Estate Services ALL AREAS 305-992-7253 95% FINANCING ONLY 5% DOWN Newest program with No Income/No Asset verifications and no Ratios requirements | New Loans - minimum credit required, Loans up to 300,d6cr- * Refinancing - 6.75% or lower Multifamily - below 8% CALL TO GET STARTED IMMEDIATELY MARK SCLAR LIC MORTG BKR * 305-992-7253 MIAMI BEACH 305-825-4999 • 1/1 'Heart of South Beach'Covered parking, Beautiful! Low $70,000 • 2/2 Completely remodeled. It's a beauty, Don't miss! Only . $80,000 • "Beautiful House in the Island” Dock for your Yacht. Sale for $337,000 ■ j ■ 2/2 Indian Creek apt, bay view, l block from Collins, dock your boat, covered parking, security, perfectly cleanl Call Gardenia at GES Realty, Inc 305-825-4999 * Bp 305-363-7006 • Toll free 877-321 -6880 lianti New Times January,(28/r February 3,1999 133 Educating Hands - The Quality Choice in Massage Therapy Education EDUCATING HANDS SCH0OfcOF MASMJfi Beginning in January Seeing is Believing Call Now for Tour ■ ■*Mi jlji I p||jS Day and evening classes. Calf for information. 8th Street near Brickell Metrorail Station 305-285-6991 800-999-6991 Thinking of Becoming a Massage Therapist? Open House Fri Feb 5, 1999 6:30-8:30pm Refreshments & Presentation Please R.S.V.P. LEARN BARTENDING WITH THE PROS Receive quality education 3 Flexible classes Evenings & weekend classes Qne or two week course «ss* [JOB ASSISTANCE www.thenetlink.com\bartending LJ ★INTERNATIONALE BARTENDING SCHOOL 305 Career Training/Schools 310 Computer 315 Domestic 320 Office/Clerical 325 General 330 Management/Professional 335 Medical 340 Phone 345 Restaurants/Hotels/Clubs 350 Retail 355 Sales 360 Salons 365 Technical 370 Entertainment 375 Positions Wanted 380 Business Opportunities 305 Career TTaining/Schools CASINO TRAINING start a winning career in the casino industry as a prof, casino deal¬ er. Blackjack, Roulette, Poker, Craps/Dice. Job placement assit. Call 505-571-DEAL. COMPUTER TRAINING 1 week! WP, Excel, Access, Power Point, Quickbooks, PageMaker. New Professions Technical Institute. 4100 W Flagler St. Accredited by ACCET. 305-461-2225 JEWELRY SCHOOL intT Jewelry & Gemology School, classes year round. Open Mon-Sat. Call for info, classes & sched¬ ules 305-238-9479 LANGUAGE INSTRUCTION SPANISH For The Modern World • Conversational Spanish • General or Business Spanish • Elementary Spanish • Group & Individual Tuition • Custom Company Courses English • French • Portuguese Save 15% Mention Ad! Electronic Center of Languages 6355 NW 36 St. Suite 402 305-870-9911 310 Computer GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Mac skills needed. Photoshop, QuarkX¬ Press, Ulus. Experience pre¬ ferred. Fun & creative shop. Fax resumes to 305-535-9905 WEB DESIGNER health care comp in need of creative indiv for development of multiple websites, previous HTML and graphics exp req, fax resume 305-792-0620 BARTENDINGSjJ ABC BARTENDING SCHOOL Job Placement Assistance Over 3,000 Graduates in Miami Earn your Certificate in Two Weeks Day & Evening Classes Easy Payment Plans Owner Tony Sylvester has owned bartending schools in Florida for 18 yrs. 305-267-1446 www.abcbart.com 1 -800-BAR-TEND 315 Domestic SEAMSTRESS/COSTURERA needed for an incredible job opportunity! Needs to be highly qualified & have swim¬ wear experience. Call 305-379- 7078 or 505-575-0452 320 Office/Clerical BOOKKEEPER/OFFICE ASST Immediate full time opening. Experience required, comput¬ er literate, high energy small office. Fax resume & salary requirements 305-324-1678 or e-mailrose@haii.net BOOKKEEPER BOOKKEEPER 'Full charge' with experience. Part time with flexible hours (approx 20 hrs/wk). Should know accounting software (Quickbooks a plus) and Excel; construction exp a plus. Relaxed informal environment. Lve message: 305-443-1143 BOOKKEEPER Must know Peachtree/Quickbooks. Also, Secretary needed. Full time & Part time avail. To work from home & on site with clients. Fax resume to: 305-436-3748 BOOKKEEPER BOOKKEEPER NEEDED Part-time for adult school lo¬ cated in South Beach. Must be honest, reliable, with 5 years experience, and excellent ref¬ erences. Ideal candidate is a flexible person with a positive attitude. Schedule/salary ne¬ gotiable. Please fax resume to 305-538-3724 CLERICAL The Romance Department of the New Times is searching for p/t clerical help (20-25 per week). Must be friendly, out¬ going, hard-working, and have a professional attitude. Must also be able to type 40 wpm and be computer literate. Morning or evening shift avail. Please fax your resume to 305-571 -7679 to the attention of the Romance Marketing Di¬ rector. No phone calls please! NewTtmes CUSTOMER ASSISTANT Photo studio in Coral Cables needs responsible person for cus¬ tomer assistant/office work, bilingual. Eng/Spa. Call 305- 441-1865 CUSTOMER SERVICE Positions open for bi-lingual speakers. Now hiring for French and Portuguese languages only, immed P/T & F/T job openings! Must be comp, literate & avail for all shifts. We are an Inter¬ national Cali center open 24hr/ 7 days. Incoming calls only. Medical background helpful. Near Bal Harbor Shops at 96 St & Collins. Fax: 305-868-5444 EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Full time for Real Estate Co. Com¬ puter literate & proficient in MSWorks, Quickbooks. & inter¬ net Well organized for multi¬ ple responsibilities, detail oriented. Spanish a plus. Fax resume: 305-448-8663 ^134 January 28 - February 3,1999 Miami New Times Your guide to the > • • • • best jobs, training fámñ centers and business Mm opportunities. Casino Training Academy ' Start a Winning Career ■ in the Casino Industry as a r Professional Casino Dealer Cáslno AtKtosphesre 1. Blackjadj* -fi. / ■ Roulette ' ' jgggS ’ &* yBpiier r**- _ í Cráps/Dicé P Joi> Placement Assistance ¿Jot! OnpáPrajfities Worldwfcfig Eritl^t^usedTralnto* Taught Üy Casino Industry Professionals ! - Day; ÉVehíh¿, Weekend Classes f Limited Class Size 'jjpFor Rrc^liie^ f 305* 371» DEAL • i , / Tortol Miami, Terminal 1 ' S T265 a America Way* 1st ñr. |j jj 1 - v- ^ | Miami, FL33132 " . customer Service advisor 2 POSITIONS AVAILABLE Well known Publishing Co in Hollywood now hiring. Must be bilingual (Eng/Span). One posi¬ tion is M-F, 10:30am to 7pm, the other position is every day except Thurs and Sun, 8:30am to 5pm. $7.25 per hr. Please call 954-894-8228 Int rim Personnel FRONT DESK Clerk opening. Cash handling, computer and guest service experience a must. Excellent wages and benefits. Apply in person': Miami Beach Marina, 300 Alton Road, Dockmasters office. INVENTORY COORDINATOR for further info visit http://www.cyrils.com/ émployme.htm 25k plus med LEGAL SECRETARY Recep¬ tionist. Needed for Miami Law Firm. Good communication and typing skills a must. Some WordPerctaplus. Call 305-573-4658 OFFICE ASST Marine Engi¬ neering firm is seeking office assistant with a customer ser¬ vice background. English writ¬ ing skills a must. Strong earn¬ ing potential. Call between the hrs Of 8 to 1?. 505-756-2647 office CLERK Part time, flex¬ ible hours, great pay and ben¬ efits. Call after 6:00 pm and leave name and number on vojce mail for appointment or fax resume. To 305-642-0311 Fax 305-642-7912 RECEPTIONIST Salon Rik-Rak. 1060 Brickell Ave, hiring com¬ puter literate receptionist, with experience, if you have com¬ mitment call 505-571-5577 RECEPTIONIST RECEPT/SECY BILINGUAL Want a challenge? Never dull...small company in Miami Beach area looking for person who has excellent English & communication skills, com¬ puter knowledge, can handle heavy phones and deal with cli¬ ents directly. Fax resume to 305-534-1843 SECRETARY PT/FT. Small Of¬ fice. Typing & computer expe¬ rience necessary. Fluent Eng¬ lish. Please call 305-573-4443, or fax resume 305-575-4404 SECRETARY/OFFICE MGR Fluent in Spanish and English, perfectionist, computer Tit, exp required, references. Bal Harbour. 305-861-3050 325 General ALL POSITIONS! WORK FROM HOME... PT/FT-$575 WEEKLY In your spare time. No experience necessary. DON'T WAIT...CALL TODAYI 1-800-242-4713 READER NOTICE Ads listed under 'General' may not be for actual positions available but rather for job lists and in¬ formation about certain career opportunities. Some ads may ask for money through the mail to purchase sucn lists. ANIMAL CARE Miami Bch Vet Hospital seeks high energy an¬ imal lover to care for our pets. PT & FT. Call 305-674-7387 or fax resume to 505-672-5515 AQUARIUM TECHNICIAN part time & foil time, will train, need tFuckfor transportation, exp not neccessary, call Top Hat Aquarium, 305-251-2871 ARTISTS/CRAFTERS Crafters needed for clothing manufac¬ turing company. Must have own transportation. Call be¬ tween 9am and 4pm 305-477-7920 ASTROLOGERS/PSYCHICS TAROT READERS needed, pays $12-18/Hour, PT or FT. Call 1 - 954-467-9776 AUDITORS/GENERAL Inventory Auditors Needed, Part time. Experience with other inventory services a plus. Will train qualified appli¬ cants. Must have own phone & transportation, and be able to work days, nights. & weekends. Call Mon-Fri 9am-5pm only: 305-264-3117 AVON PRODUCTS Start a home-based business. Work flexible hours. Enjoy unlimited earnings. Call toll free 1-888-561-2866 BOAT REPAIR Mechanical/ plumbing/electrical, etc. Must have all around yacht mainte¬ nance experience. Call 305-279-7089 BOAT SHOW Attention South Beach Earn up-to $300 Only 40 hours Miami Boat Show Sales people from now until February 17th, 1999. Bilingual required, any languages apply. Apply Fishermans Paradise 3800 NW 27 Avenue feARNSPAflH Side Your Future-Tow • Conversational Spanish • General or Business Spanish • Specially-designed company courses • English, French & Portuguese 15% off mention AD (Call for details) Electronic Center or Language/ Inc. 6355 N.W. 36th St, Suite 402 Miami, Florida 33166 305-870-9911 www.ecl-mia.com BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY $800 WEEKLY!! Complete sim¬ ple Govt forms at home! 1 - 800-966-3599 Ext 2158 CASHIER/CUSTOMER SERVICE Personable, enthusiastic, responsible, fitness-oriented male or female needed for top local bicycle shop. $8-$12 per- hour, weekends required. Bilingual a +. Apply at 5995 Sunset Drive, South Miami or fax resume to 505-665-2950 COLLECTOR Experienced cok lector needed FT. Must be bi¬ lingual Eng-Span. Work on commission basis. Call 305-919-7912 COLLECTORS COLLECTORS Many positions avail to work at First Union. Extensive phone exp a must. FT positions. Must be able to work until 11prp and weekends. $9.31/hr Call NOW! ACCUStaff @ 305-381-9190 CRUISE SHIP EMPLOYMENT Workers earn up to $2,000+/ month (with tips & benefits). World Travel! Land-Tour jobs up to $5,000-$7,000/Summer. Ask US how! Call 517-336-4278 EXT C73542 CUSTOMER SERVICE Data en- try reps needed. Part-time, flexible hours. EOE. For ap¬ pointment call 305-532-4880 Ext279 delivery person Reliable person for wholesale bakery, must have a car, early hours 6:30am to 2 pm. Call 305-756- 1414 DRIVERS needed for messen¬ ger service. Must have own car and liability. $400 per week. Full time. Call/leave message! 305-598-1533 DRIVERS/MESSENGERS Make up to $700 weekly! Valid driv¬ ers license, own car. Apply at 195 SW15 Rd. #503A, 4 blocks west of Brickell Ave, in Miami GONDOLIER Must like out¬ doors and water. Theatrical Ve¬ netian attitude a plus. Fun job. Flex hrs. (305) 558-6400 GUARDS ELITE GUARD Security Officers, Concierge, Valet, Doorman. All shifts. FT & PT, English required. Top Pay, $75 hiring bonus. Paid holi¬ days, Paid vacation, Medical benefits. Free uniforms. Free Security lie renewal. Dade & Broward. Immediate positions.. 17100 Collins Ave, Suite 222. or call 305-956-9520 HOME BUSINESS WORK FROM HOME! Assemble 4x5 wood frames at home. No exp nec. Full-tome pays up to $384 per week for 16 units of 12 pieces. Part- time. 8 units pays $192 a week. All materials supplied. 407-830-9444 Ex W24 INTERVIEWS THE GALLUP POLLS Is looking for part time inter¬ viewers In the Sweet Water area. Pay is $120.00 per project with one to two projects per month. All interviewing must be done on weekends or sime weekday evenings. To~go through an automated inter¬ view, please call 1-800-874-5992 LOANS AGENT urgently want¬ ed: earn excellent compensa¬ tion, financing people's needs throughout Florida. No pre¬ vious experience necessary. Most aggressive lending insti¬ tution provides comprehen¬ sive training, plus awesome marketing strategies. Call any- time 505-274-9700 ext 105 MANAGER TRAINEE AMC Theatres, naf I motion pic¬ ture exhibitor, is interviewing for the So Florida area. 4 yr col¬ lege degree and previous exp in retail, customer service, of hospitality pref. Exc benefits & advancement $21.320 salary & incentives. Forward resume to AMC Theatres, 5701 Sunset Dr, Suite 300, So Miami. FL 33143 FAX 305-740-8911 MARKETING MANAGER New Times Circulation Dept is seeking a Circulation Marketing Manager. New Times is distrib¬ uted to over 3,000 locations in Dade County. We're looking for a person who is sales-oriented with a keen eye for marketing to develop, manage and ex¬ pand relationships With our re¬ tail distribution outlets. Excel¬ lent entry-level management position with.salary, bonuses and benefits. Applicants must have valid Florida drivers li¬ cense with clean driving record, have own automobile, be prompt and responsible and have an extensive knowl¬ edge of the Dade County area. Fax resume Attn: Circulation to 305-571-7675 MESSENGER Service requires person with Car, scooter/bicy¬ cle for deliveries in downtown Miami area, 8am-6pm. Good Pay! Call 505-575-9557 NANNY Uve-in for Grove fam¬ ily. Responsibilities ind taking care of baby, light cooking & light traveling. Exp & refs a must. Call 505-772-2545 PERSONAL TRAINER The Train¬ ing Zone is looking to hire cer¬ tified personal trainers at an exclusive Miami Beach studio. Call 305-865-2200 or fax re- sume to 505-865-6581 PHONE/DATA ENTRY needed to make calls to real estate re¬ lated businesses for research & compilation of information on properties. 305-674-9311 PICTURE FRAMER BORDERS, INC. Coral Gables Is looking for experienced picture framers, FT/PT, also in¬ cludes deliveries & shop work Please call for appt only 305-444-7618 POSITIONS POSITIONS- ÁLLlPOSmOÑS A'Fisftiailed ? COOKS & SERVERS MIAMI BEACH FLORAL SHOP Is Looking For. • FLORAL DESIGNER • Must be very, very exp, English a must/; • driver • very, very Exp, English a must Fla Drivers Li¬ cense, must have own van Please Fax Resume To 305-535-8216 or call 305-535-8210 processor Earn up to • $l50,000/yr helping the US Government file HUD/FHA refunds in Fla.'will train" Gall 305-460-3114 RETAIL BORDERS BOOKS, MUSIC AND CAFE IN COCONUTGROVE Is Now Hiring • ALL POSITIONS • Full Time, Permanent Positions Available Apply in person at: 3390 Mary street BORDERS BOOK SHOP At CAFE ROUTE MAINTENANCE Make Extra Money Saturday Afternoons! Earn $7 per hour plus milage allowance monitoring New Tithes newspaper routs part time. Must be detail oriented, reliable and have valid Florida li¬ cense with own automobile. Call 305-571-7509 SECURITY GUARDS GROWING COMPANY! Now Hiring: • SECURITY OFFICERS Signing Bonus! Positions in Miami Beach & Miami Lakes, Eng & Security (D) License a must. 1st & 2nd shift avail. For personal interview, xCall 305-625-2002 STAFF CLERK Needed PT at busy marina, 30 hrs weekly incl Sun; must be outgoing & customer orient¬ ed. Boating knowledge a plus DOCK HAND FT including weekends Contact Shelly at North Beach Marina 305-758-8888 SURVEYORS WANTED Atten¬ tion, looking for hispanic males, bétwéen the ages of 25 & 30, to participate In a non¬ medical survey, You must be avail Sun, Feb 7h & or Mon Feb 8th, $100 per day;:if interested please call 305-643-0205 TEACHERS/TUTORS Math, Eng, elementary subjects, SAT prep, study skills & reading. PT, Bachelor's degree a must. Ken¬ dall area. Gall 305-238-7737 TRADES PERSON Carpenter, roofer, drywall, tile. Must have tools & transpt, F/T or P/T. Non smoker/non-df inker. 305-538-3583 USHER Needs own transpor¬ tation, part time, evenings and weekends. Will train. Call 305-532-4810 VOLUNTEERS FOOD FOR LIFE NETWORK NEEDS VOLUNTEERS Hand-to-Mouth. Every day, our volunteers stock shelves, pack groceries, sort vegetables & hand them over to People Liv¬ ing With AIDS. They feed over 500 hungry mouths 2 meals, 7 days/week,'52 weeks/yeár. They help answer phones, de¬ liver meals, input delivery info, pick up food donations, assist with databases & give a hand to the only organization in Miami that brings food to PWAs. Get involved 305-576-3663 Ext 104 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED First Call For Help, Broward County's only 24-hour crisis help line, is In need of volunteers to serve as telephone counselors, if you would like the opportunity to help people in need, please call for more info: 954-524-8371 VOLUNTEERS SOUTH DADE YMCA volunteers needed Help children & teens in the after school programs & sports programs (soccer, hock¬ ey, basketball, baseball, foot¬ ball, cheerleading) become a mentor or just help in the of¬ fice. Earn community service hours & feel great about aiding the community. Call Mellisa 305-254-031016896 South Dixie Hwy Volunteers needed for Driving Study 25-40 years and 65 & over. Must have valid driver's li- cénse,;ir%2 hours,required^ Compensation $1 S.’Test on a driving simulator at Institute. Annex III, Jackson Níerñórial. Call 305-243-3382- 330 Management/Professional ACCTS PAYABLE/RECEIVABLE Immediate opening! Accts pay- able/receivabíé person heeded for a great, médium Sized SoBé Réal Estate Management Co. Good Pay & advancement. Fax resume to 305.-535-9049 ASST PHOTOGRAPHER PT With knowledge of exterior lighting for outdoor shooting. Must be able to travel. PpBOX 1142, MiamLFL 33233 or email" ’ us@mail.com NANNY/AU-PAIR for Grove family. Occasional live-in. Must have refs, exp & be fluent in Eng. Good salary! For details call 305-772-2345 or email us@mail.com: For immed com sideration mall résumé to P0- BOX1142, Miami, FL 33233 340 Phone CUSTOMER SERVICE NOW HIRING! $9/hr Large company seeks people with excellent phone skills: Fantastic salary & benefits. Call NOW! 305-350-9888 or fax resume 305-372-0169 PHONE ENTERTAINERS FANTASY TALKLINE Must be 21 + over Work at; home, Choose your own hours Dawn 1-800-285-0012 PSYCHICS/MANAGERS Want¬ ed, must have tax, work from home, make good money, no start up fees, serious inquiries only call Karen 954-455-8195 . TELEMARKETERS YOU SPEAK- FLUENT GERMAN? if Ves; give us a call ■ Monday-Thursday 8am-2pm, $10/hr plus commission, Downtown location. 305-951-1125 TELEPHONE OPERATORS Tdanswer adultline. Must speak English & Spanish flu¬ ently. Experiencehelpful leave message 305-895-8971 TELEPHONE ACTRESS/ACTOR Flexible hours, work from home, exp only, immediate employment. Call for tele¬ phone interview 305-447-7770 345 Restaurants/Hotels/Clubs ALL POSITIONS Fast paced, full service rest & Deli hiring: deliv¬ ery, waitstaff, deli/catering, counter/phones, host/hostess, 2 Iocs, Downtown, Mon-Fri, breakfast/lunch & catering. Call 305-577-0280 * 305-377-8404 ALL POSITIONS High energy, clean-cut, experienced, wait- stafF, bussers, kitchen help, for Coco's Sidewalk Cafe in Aven¬ tura Mall, high volume. Apply in person 19501 Biscayne Blvd ALL POSITIONS • SERVERS • BARTENDERS » RUNNERS • PIZZA COOK • LINE COOKS 4612 Lejeune Rd Coral Gables 305-662-4008 ALL POSITIONS • Kitchen • Waitstaff Top catering company seeking motivated candidates for PT positions, no exp req Call 305-595-1785 Do You Have The “YES I CAN” Attitude? ; Üóteí Sofitel; a 4istar French?^ Hotel, is currently looking fof% individuals, who are^élf motiE'J ' Vatedand have the: ’ Jé? YES-I CAN ATTITUDE!!!! v>. LAUNDRY ATTENDANT RESTAURANT SERVERS PT, AM & PM SHIFTS* £ ROOM SVC SERVERS AM & PM Shifts MUST BE BILINGUAL PBX OPERATOR OVERNIGHT SHIFT, MUST BE BILINGUAL: BANQUET SUPERVISOR ROOM SVC SUPERVISOR GUEST SERVICE PERSONNEL PT, MUST HAVÉCDL LICENSE COOKS VALET PERSON Pt PM SHIFT BAR MANAGER BANQUET HOUSE PERSONS FT & PT ’ vf We offer competitive salaries and benefits. Interested can¬ didates may applyjn person Mon-Fri 9am-5pníorfax your resume to 305-266-9879 EEOC HOTEL SOFITEL 5800 Blue Lagoon Dr Miami, FL 33174 ALL POSITIONS EXCEPTIONAL WAITSTAFF NEEDED TO SERVICE SOUTH BEACH AND MIAMI'S MOST EXCLUSIVE PARTIES AND SPECIAL EVENTS PART-TIME, SEASONAL, TEMPORARY WORK A SCHEDULE THAT WORKS FOR YOU! Call Hospitality Helpers 305-535-9995 ALL POSITIONS La Covacha is currently hiring for: • Prep Cook • • Line Cook* • Waitresses • I Food Runners • AM or PM, Experience only Bilingual preferred Apply In person: 10730 NW 25 St ALL POSITIONS HOTEL ASTOR Currently Accepting Applications for: • Bell person • Front Desk Clerk • Night Auditor • PBX Operator We offer a competitive salary & benefits package Apply in person 956 Washington Ave, MB or Fax Resume 305-531-3193 No phone calls please ALL POSITIONS High class res¬ taurant looking for hostess & busser. Call for details 305- 374-8888 Ask for John or Pe¬ ter ALL POSITIONS Titanic Brewing Company a new microbfew- ery, restaurant &*. music venue opening mid February is hiring all positions. 5813 Ponce De Leon Blvd. FaX resume to 305-668-2326 or call 505-667-ALES ALL POSITIONS PICADILLY GARDEN Now Hiring •FIRST COOKS •UNE COOKS •WAITSTAFF Min 3 yrs exp. New American cuisine. Apply in person 35 NE 40 St. Design District No Phone Calls Please ALL POSITIONS BLUE DOG CAFE FRI JAN 30TH12-5PM HIRING ALL POSITIONS 412 EsaponalaWay Miami beach ALL POSITIONS Dishwasher/ kitchen help 6pm-11pm, Wait- staff part-time and evenings Upper East side Miami Italian Restaurant. Call 305-759-2001 Avalon now hiring dedicated, LineChef,, Dishwashers, Bus- ser/Barback for fast paced', fine dining rest. Exp & well groomed only! Be part of a . jiardworklpg teamLRIease.^ -apply 70Q.Ocean Drafter 3pm ^SSfSTAÍit M AN AG|R U- §| MANAGER pp South Florida's most exclusive • - luxurious community is seek¬ ing an experienced, Asst Man¬ ager for its upscale restaurant. Responsibilities include, but not Iim¡tied- to, reservations, training, scheduling, assuring excellent service and quality control. Qualified applicants may fox resume 305-937-7825 or apply irv person at 7900 Is¬ land Blvd, Aventura, FL 33180 The Florida Rivien BAR STAFF Bartenders and Cooks heeded. Apply in per¬ son: Beaches Bar & Grill, 4299 Collins Aye, Miami Beach Be¬ tween 9am and 9pm BARTENDERS BOOTH BAR & GRILL in Miami Springs now ac¬ cepting applications for day/;;' evening shifts. 305-885-3221 •; BROILER COOK Exp Brolier Cook for Club Tropigála at Fon¬ tainebleau Hilton. Call Chef Michael 505-672-7469 Ext 3157 CAFE STAFF COMPASS MARKET A Gourmet Market Is Now Hiring • Cashiers* Experience preferred. Please apply in person anytime at 860 Ocean Dr, Downstairs CAPTAINS TAVERN Is NOW Hiring: servers, bussers, baker, host/Hostess, FT positions. Apply In Person At 9621 s,Dixie Highway CASHIER needed with experi¬ ence for breakfost/lunch ifi. ■ small diner. Near Omni. Good refs req. Call for appt 505-521-8922 • ; CHEF Edelweiss Bavarian - Gasthaus &. Restaurant Is Now Hiring Exp • CHEF & SOUS CHEF (Day/Evening Shifts) For Appt Call aftér 5pm 305-573-4421 or apply at; 2655 Biscayne Blvd. CHIEF ENGINEER For 130 room hotel on South Beach, experienced all phases incl supervision. Call 305-962-4446 CLUB SÓLtfTÍÓñé New Gay Bar seeking quality customer pleasing individuals to join our highly energetic & charismatic staff. If you want to make good $$$, then.your exceptional efforts will be your reward. We seek: •BAR/CLUB STAFF •BATHROOM ATTDS (With own supplies) • DANCERS Grand Opening Fri 2-19 For interviews, Call/Lv Msg 305-638-7030 COOK Needed for Fox's Sherroalrin in South Miami!: FT/PT, experience is necessary. Call 305-666-2250 COOK/DELI Coral Bagels seeks Exp, Dependable Short Order Cook & Deli persons. Apply in person at 2750 SW 26 Ave or Call 305-854-0556 COOKS Now Hiring • LINE COOKS • Will ITain! Apply in person: 555 NE 15th Street (9th Fir), AskforOtto COOKS Tom's NFL is now hir¬ ing Cooks, Cooks, more Cooks & Cooks!!! Apply in person, 5001 NW 36 ST in Miami Springs, ask for Tom or Jeff AVENTURA fgsvi j^TSOWHIRING ^$en/ers & Vi cooks vyito %- tOP-$$^3§^- Apply in person at 18831 BISCAYNE BLVD COUNTRY CLUB Be a proud part of an exceptional team! Riviera Country Club • Dining Room waitstaff • Lifeguards/Pool Attndts • Fitness Instructor/Attnd Riviera country Club is inter¬ ested in hiring friendly, professional service-oriented staff. We offer great pay and a fantastic benefit package including medical & dental insurance, vacation, retirement and holidays. Full & part time positions avail. Bring youn- réstime and a smile! \ Apply in person Mon-Fri RIVIERA COUNTRY CLUB 1155 Blue Rd, Coral Gables Drug Free Workplace DELI POSITIONS Deli Lane Cafe seeks Prep Cooks & Dishwash¬ ers. Please apply in person after 3pm at 7250 SW 59 Aye, DISHWASHER/PREP PT. Dab Haus Restaurant. Weekend hours. Sundays a must. Please call after 4 pm. Ask for Marina or Barbara 505-534-9557 DISHWASHER/DELIVERY per¬ son needed for Japanese Res¬ taurant in the Grove. FTorPT. Apply at: 3190 Commodore Plaza, Coconut Grove, 12pm- 5pm, or call 5p5-4^-|6172 FRONT DESK CLERK Small lux¬ ury SoBe hotel seeking articu¬ late, resp individuals for front, desk clerk. Must have valid driv¬ er's lie, hotel exp pref, bilingual a plus. ÉOE. Apply in person at. 1228 Collins Ave offox resume attention RoS at 505-675-5984 FRONT DESK & Night Auditor. Exp &.réf; clean appearance. Apply in person between 9am-. 5pm @ Waldorf Towers 860 Ocean Dr or call 305-531^7684 FRONT OFFICE ASSOCIATES DEZER HOTELS OF MIAMI BEACH • Chateau by the Sea • • Thunderbird Resort • • Dezerland Resort • Seeks: Front Office Associates Customer service, computer and foreign languages A-plus. Fax resume 305-932-3743 HOSPITALITY A JOY WALLACE Catering Production PREP COOKS WAITSTAFF BARTENDERS WAREHOUSE Upscale off premise catering company hiring innovative, artistic, smiling, exp staff. Flexible hours, great pay & terrific experiences. Fax resume 305-232-1899 or Call Sam for appt 305-252-0020 HOTEL POSITIONS • Night Audit • Front Desk CASABLANCA HOTEL seeking reliable & experienced individuals for night audit and front desk personnel positions, English/Spanish pref. Fri & Sat night (11 pm-7am) shifts Call Mark at 305-868-0010 ext 7103 HOTEL POSITIONS FRONT DESK/ NIGHT AUDITOR • Pelican Hotel • i fe currently in need of a front desk/night auditor with a minimum of 2 yrs experience. Please apply in person at 826 Ocean Dr Mon-Fri, 2-5pm HOTEL POSITIONS Small South Beach hotel seeks experienced full time front desk clerk, part time night auditor, bartender & full time housekeeper. Flex¬ ible schedule. Apply in person 736 Ocean Dr; Colony Hotel HENRY HOTEL Has the foUotyingfull and part-time posttons available: : Front Desk • w • Housekeeping* I Apply in person between 9am & iiam, MdhvFri: r 536 Washington Ave Miami Death, ór call 305-672-2511 HOTEL POSITIONS C4liST£MliLD • Night Auditor dlpm-7am) • Housekeeper (FT & PT) ' Weekends are a must. POSITIONS AVAIL IN 3 HOTELS: • Chesterfield • Hotel Shelley • Lily Hotel Please apply in person @ 855 Collins Ave, Miami Beach HOTEL POSITIONS FRONT DESK/GUEST SERVICES In search of a friendly, upbeat ¡dividual to perform front desk duties answer guest re¬ quests at our up coming South Beach hotel. Experience is preferred. Fax resume to: 305-999-9379 KITCHEN STAFF With experi¬ ence neéded for upscale Co¬ conut Grove restaurant. Call 305-255-9845 fox References/ Resume to 305-448-5226 . NIGHTCLUB restaurant positions. Rose sales,.$i5 per hour and up. Must be moti¬ vated and outgoing. Call Nancy 305-595-725Ó; V; POSITIONS THE DECO PLAGE SoBe Condo Is Now Hiring: • Front Desk Personnel • (Good appearance; company benefits) ' • Pool Attendant • (PT, Mon-Tués) Apply in person Mon-Fri 10:00AM-2:00PM, 100 Lincoln Rd, or call 305-672-2782 POSITIONS ALBION Hotel Currenetly accepting applications for Front Desk Agents Reservation Agent Telephone Operator We offer competitive benefits + a potential for growth APPLY IN PERSON 1650 James Ave, Miami Beach M-F 10:00am -1:00pm • Or Fax Resume To: 305-674-0507 E.O.E We are a drug free workplace & conduct criminal background checks. RESTAURANT STAFF PETROSSIAN New Upscale restaurant in the . heart of Bal Harbour Shops FILUNG ALL POSITIONS Experienced line cooks. Dish¬ washers, Quality Bartenders, & Hostesses, If you are good at what you do & would like to be part of Miami's next great res¬ taurant adventure. Apply in person M/F10 to 4, 9700 Collins. Miami Beach irt The Bal Harbour Shops. 305-861-4230 Fax. RESTAURANT POSITIONS Spot-EjO Is Looking For: • WAITSTAFF • • BUSSERS• • HOSTESS • • BARMAID • Apply in person at 17901 Biscayne Blvd, Aventura Call 305-935-2202 Want a job that’s tons of fun? Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. Restaurant is looking for team players who are outgoing, m people oriented and fun- * to work in a fast paced, high volume environment! All positions available • Line Cook • Food Servers • Prep Cook • Host/Hostess • Dish. Machine • Merchandise Operator Salespeople • Bartenders • Bookkeeper Apply in person Best Western Marina Park 340 Biscayne Boulevard (across from Bayside Marketplace) Opening soon m Bayside Marketplace/ RESTAURANT POSITIONS NOW HIRING: The Season Is Here Top $$$ • Host/Hostess • • Waiter/Waitress • • Bartender • • Cocktail Servers • Apply in person, Mon-Fri, I0am-8pm, 5420 Crandon Blvd, Key Biscayne. RESTAURANT JOHN MARTINS RESTAURANT & O’CASEY’S Now hiring for the following positions: Experienced Servers Bus Persons Apply in person Mon-Fri 11 am - 6 pm, at 11415 S Dixie Hwy, or call (305) 256-2667 If you've previously re¬ sponded to one of our ads, you need not reapply. EOE M/F/D/V RESTAURANT POSITIONS Caffe Sambuca is currently.riiring: • waiters/waitresses • Chefs • Bussers Experienced only. Call 305-532- 2800 to setup an interview RESTAURANT POSITIONS LA SANDWICHERIE A high volume SoBe sandwich shop, needs responsible and honest individuals for FT work. • Counter Person • Delivery Person Call after 3pm! 305-532-8934 RESTAURANT POSITIONS 94th AERO SQUADRON RESTAURANT Now Hiring • Servers • • Bussers • • Host/ess • • Banquet Servers • Apply in person: Between 2-5pm, Mon-Fri, or call 305-261-4220. RESTAURANT POSITIONS Career Opportunities Apply NOW: New South Beach Location • Management* • Servers • • Bussers • • Line cooks • • Dishwasher • • Sushi Chefs • Apply in person 9AM-11AM 100 S. Miami Ave Fax 305-379-1520 ROUNDSMAN IMMEDIATE OPENING ROUNDSMAN Proficient in broiler, pantry, saüte & grill a must. Min 3 yrs experience. Please apply in person at 7900 Island Blvd, Williams Island, FL 33160 or fox resume to 305-937-7825 The Florida Rioim RESTAURANT STAFF WAITSTAFF AM & PM Shifts, 30 plus hours per week, Apply in Person- PIZZERIA UNO SW 117 AVE & KENDALL DR Kendall Town & Country^ Center, No Phone CaHsr*^ Miami New Times January 28 - February 3,1999 135 ■ ' CHEF For Private Residence Requirements: • Experienced. • Mature Person | • Own Tj • Referen.- • In ckarge of initial set-up a mmmm for family or four, .Six days a week between: 5pm -aáaü" ■ PSease-c4t|^^^® or fax resume" mm RESTAURANT POSITIONS STAFF SWISS MELODY RESTAURANT In Gorai Cables, isjnow hiring: • GRILL COOKS* • WAIT STAFF • •BUSPERSONS* ¡ffffé Call 505-448-0022 RESTAURANT/KITCHEN MGR NOW HIRING • WAITSTAFF • • BARTENDERS • Apply in person at 9809 Sunset Dr, Miami STAFF BAYSHORE GOLF COURSE WOLFIE’S • RESTAURANT/ KITCHEN MGR Must be highly exp with ref. Yr round job. 2Ó35 Cóllins Ave Apply in Person or For Appt Call 305-538-6626 RESTAURANT POSITIONS SHOOTERS North Miami Beach now Hiring:' • FLOOR MANAGERS • HOST/ESS • BUSSERS •SERVERS Apply at; 3969 NE163 St RESTAURANT POSITIONS Busy Italian Restaurant Is Now Hiring: • Buspersons • • Waitstaff • • Lunch Cook • Experienced only! Drug Free Environment For appt, call Tony 305-861-8114 RESTAURANT POSITIONS LIVING ROOM at THE STRAND • BUSSERS • BAR BACKS • BARTENDERS • PREP COOKS • LINE COOKS EXPERIENCED ONLY! Apply 2-5pm @ 671 Washington Ave 3SflPLERS NEEDED Earn $18- $20 an hour sampling liquor in nightclubs and restaurants. Please send resume and photo to JP, ‘8846 SW6 Street. Miami, F| 33174 SECRETARY F/T. days, general office duties, exp. quick, with good memory, Win' 95. Reli¬ able, hbnbst.. organized; Must have exceptional phorie^skills & perfect English, Span a +: Apply in person 700 Ocean Drive, i SERVERS Tired of being the topserver and not making the top money? Monty's has the job fpi^pu. We need experi¬ enced Servers to work our lunch & dinner shifts. Our shifts are the best in town! Apply in person M - F 2:30 - 4:30 pm Monty's Raw Bar 2550 S Bayshore Dr in Coconut Grove : SERVERS Deli Lane Downtown seeks Servers. Please apply in person after 3pm at 1401 BrickellAvé. NOW HIRING: •WAITSTAFF • BEVERAGE CART ATTENDANT Apply in person at 2301 Alton Road, Miami Beach STAFF WILDERNESS GRILL Paradise Down Under Step into the great outdoors of Australia with an exciting new. concept from Ogden En¬ tertainment located at The Shops at Sunset Place We áre looking Tor a talented, énthúsiásticand énergetic staff SERVERS BUSSERS HOST/HOSTESSES BARTENDERS COOKS PREP COOKS DISHWASHERS We offer competitive salaries, flexible hours and an oppor¬ tunity for advancement, come and grow with us. APPLY IN PERSON AT: 7210 Red Rd. Suite 221 or call 305-669-4426 VALET PARKERS Runners needed, responsable, must speak engiish. all shifts, valid li¬ cense, immediate openings, good pay, 305-875-3658 VALET PARKERS & Lot atten¬ dants. F/T & P/T positions avail¬ able immediately in S Beach, Coconut Grove & Coral Gables. Must.be dependable & outgo¬ ing with good driving record. Fluent engiish. Apply at 100 N Biscayne Blvd Suite 1410 M"F from7! 0-4 VARIOUS Night Flight is hiring people for Security, Cocktail Servers, Bartenders; Bar-back, dancers & outspoken person for cashier Apply Wed-Sat I2pm-6pm at 643 Washington Ave. 305-538-0230. VARIOUS POSITIONS • Breakfast/Lunch Servers • Breakfast/Lunch Bussers • Room Service Server • Pool Bar Staff • On call Catering staff THE RALEIGH 1775 Collins Ave Apply in person,. Ask for Vicki DRUG F^EE WORK PLACE WAIT STAFF Professional Wait Staff needed for Club Tropigala at Fontainebleau Hilton: Call Albino 672-7469 . Ext 3131," WAITSTAFF THE FILLING STATION Busy Downtown full sérvice restaurant séeks waitstaff, M-F lunch. Apply in person be-' twéeri .8ám-iiam/2pm-3pm 169 f Flagler St305-577-0280 A ® MAX STUDIO RETAIL MANAGEMENT Able to manage store and staff. Responsibilities include customer service, sales, merchandising, hiring and training, store standards, and operation goals. Mgmt exp in women’s specialty or better dept stores required. Fax/send resumes to:. Max Studio 415 W. Broadway NY, NY 10012 Fax (212) 941-1619 Attn: Carla Growing Nationwide Company seeks self-motivated enthusiastic people with strong communication skills (bilingual) for a great long-term sales opportunity. If you are ambitious and looking for a profitable sales career, call us today Page Albert @800-495-1752 (Mon-Sun, 8am -10pm) or fax 305-592-4247 waiter/prep cook needed at family owned French res^ taurant. French influence or speaking preferable: Apply in ' person 22713th St; Miami Bch WAITSTAFF NOW HIRING • WAITSTAFF • Apply irt person @ 555 NE 15th Street (9th Fir). Askf or Debbie 350 Retail CAMERA SALES F/T Or P/T, experienced in recent retail camera sales only Aberbách's 441-41st Street, Miami Beach: Call 305-532-5446 CASHIER For hotel gift shop; 67th & Collins, immediate por sitions openings for F/T & P/T, all shifts available,Will train, 954-816-3469, ask for Sidney MERCHANDISER Part time po¬ sition for Retail Store Merchandiser in high-end bicycle and fitness store. Éxp with hard & soft goods. Send resume tó P.p. BoX 431597', : Miami FL 33243-1597 or fax to 305-665-2930 RETAIL Harley Boutique Model Types for Sales in Hot Downtown store specializing in Motorcycles, Parte; Leather, Clothing, Jewelry. English/ Spanish/Portuguese. Salary+Comm 305-371-7211 RETAIL U.S. ARMS Spy & Gun Store Seeking Experienced Sales¬ people, English/Spanish. Excellent opportunity. Salary plus Commission 305-371-6844 RETAIL SALES MANAGEMENT United Colors of Benneton Our South Béach & Dadeland Mall locations, has Managment positions available. We ar.e looking for sales oriented indi¬ viduals with a minimum of 2 yrs retail/management expe¬ rience. Please fax Human Resources: 305-532-7888 RETAIL/SALES ALTON ROAD NURSERIES Is Now Hiring: Retail Sales Associate Must be energetic, friendly, Outgoing- Driver's lie & engiish a must Some lifting, Drop off resume to: 1239 Alton Road, MB or call 305-532-7939 SALES BETSEY JOHNSON Now hiring. Part time sales help needed. Retail sales experience a must. Apply in " person between 11#7;^ ’; Tuesday-Friday 805 Washington Ave Miami Beach SALES FITNESS DEPOT USA Part time & Full time • SALES • Nutrition and Exercise experi¬ ence preferred. 305-225-9224 SALES ASSOCIATES PLEASURE EMPORIUM is Now Hiring: • Sales Associates • Excellent Benefits Apply in Person: 1019 5th street, Miami Beach 305-673-3311 SALES/MANAGEMENT Ritchie Swimwear seeks exp, energetic individuals for P/T & F/T.posi- tions. Groye location. Manage¬ ment opportunities also avail for various locations. Great benefits. Please call 305-443-7919 SALESPERSON NEW DAWN FUTON & FURNITURE now hiring enthusiastic sales people for F/T & P/T positions. Salary plus commission, flexible hours, exc working conditions. Apply in person: 5820 S Dixie Hwy, S Miami SALESPERSON Post Blue Jean Go on Lincoln Rd is looking for experienced salesperson. Please fax resume to 305-673- 2824 salesperson Experienced Salesperson wanted for luxury shoe stores. Apply in person at: Neo Scarpa. 753 Washington Ave, after 11am SECRET SHOPPER Be paid to shop!!! Rate quality, service and pricing of local department stores, restaurante and malls. P/T and F/T. Cali 770-772-1973 For top bicycle retailer. Offers top payfor qualified, energetic individual with great Organiza¬ tional skills. Bi-lingual a plus. Apply at 599.5 Sunset Drive, South Miami or FAX a resume to 305-665-2930 SUPERVISOR/PURCHASER High volume retail establish¬ ment seeks.- SUPERVISOR/PURCHASER Min of two yrs supervisory exp required. Some purchasing experienced preferred. Bilin¬ gual (English/Spanish) a plus. Competitive salary + benefits. RECEIVING CLERK Min 1 yr retail/stockroom exp req. Basic computer knowl¬ edge pref. Must be able to lift 45 lbs & speak fluent English. - Please contact Gregg by fax: 305-672-0697 355 Sales CUSTOMER SERVICE REPS Vacation Sales Reps & Appointment Setters GRAND VACATION CLUB is look¬ ing for sales reps & appt set¬ ters. Base + top commission, $500-$1,000 wkly, bi-lingua! (Eng/Span) a plus, hrs 4-9PM. Call 9:00 TO 5:00 PM 305-438-9818 DIGITAL EQUIPTMENT SALES WORLD CUSS CAREER Build a World-class career in sales with your local Xerox sales agent. Benefit fórm significant earning potential, continuous training and education, a prov¬ en lead generating process; an establ ished marketi ng data - base, cutting edge technology ■including the most advanced digital document solutions & industry leading service to sup¬ port your customers Fax Resume 305-573-5228 DISPLAY ADVERTISING SALES MAKE OVER $30K YOUR FIRST YEAR! Miami New Times is hiring outside Salespeople hungry for a profitible career. If you are seeking an advertising sales position where strong sales performance will be rewarded With rapid income growth and advancement opportunities, we want to hear from? YOU! New Times is part of a na¬ tional publishing firm With op¬ erations in ten major markets. We. offer basé salary plus com¬ mission, bonuses and full ben¬ efits. EOE ; Call 24 hours: 305-571-7663 Or fax your resume with cover letter to: 305-571-7677 NewTunes DRUG TEST PRODUCTS Giiar 200 %, double your $ back. In¬ stant Vial Additive $30, Masking Garbo Shake $25, Masking shampoo $35. Test yourself kits $25.305-258-9744 INSIDE SALES MAKE $26K-$30K YOUR FIRST YEAR! Work at our Miami New Times location in Downtown Miami, sell .and service Classified ad¬ vertising accounts by tele¬ phone, develop new accounts, focus on product and market knowledge to develop new ad¬ vertising vehicles. At least one year of advertising sales expe¬ rience is required, preferably in newspaper or other print me¬ dia. consultative selling and communication skills also re¬ quired, college degree pre¬ ferred, ideal candidates have all of these plus creativity and at¬ tention to detail. Exceptional bénefits include medical and dental coverage, domestic partner benefits, 401K. paid va¬ cations, bonuses and sales in¬ centives. Fax your resume to 305-571-7676 NewTimes INSIDE SALES REP Manufac¬ turer MFC of Wire and cable in North Miami is seeking a,per:; sonable & aggressive sales rep. Sales & marketing exp. Good career oppty. Salary open. Call 305-893-3924 or fax resume, 305-895-8178. LIC REAL ESTATE AGENTS $$$ NOW!!! $$$ Sales & rental office in North Miami -Lots of Leads! From Sobe to Ft Lauderdale -Will train. High splits,- FT/PT Call Candy @ Advantage assoc Realty + Best Rentals 305-895-5911 www.rentersbest.com LICENSED REAL ESTATE Sales Great office atmosphere, sup¬ port and South Béach location in the South Bay Club Condo. Excellent split. Buy The Beach Rlty. Direct line, in confidence 505-865-9109 FX505-866-1419 LOAN OFFICER m SUNNY MORTGAGE CORR. MORTGAGE LENDER Fast paced mortgage corpo¬ ration seeks energetic profes¬ sional with 1 yrexperience. Excellent commission splits; Please Call 305-261-2837 phone SALES Seeking indi¬ viduals for PT phone sales in North Miami area, draw While training, we supply good leads. Cali Shane 305-895-5655 PHOTO SALES Exp in direct sales & Bilingual a must! Appeamace & communicative skills important. Call, for appointment 505-551-5910, REAL ESTATE SALES Gntu%j Licensed or unlicenced agents needed for busy real estate offices. Our average agent earns up to $40K/yt. Top agents earn over $lOOK/yr! WE TRAINI We are dade county's largest CENTURY 21 Franchise. Best training in the industry. Of¬ fices in Miami Lakes, Hialeah, South Miami and Kendall. License classes forming now! Call Maria at QEI"»§8»a,tv REAL ESTATE AGENTS WORK FROM OFFICE OR HOME!! Real Estate office expanding and looking for licensed RE agents. Living in South Beach. Kendall, Aventura, Hollywood, Ft Lauderdale. Mark @ Renter's Connection Inc. 305-992-7253 REAL ESTATE SALES Want to be a top, producer? Working harder, earning less? We have a proven track record in Luxury Real Estate Sales. ' Call Frank Rodriguez 305-534-1999 SALES Inside Sales Make $500-$1000 wk! Seeking serious motivated pros for Natl Real-Estate publica¬ tion. Salary + comm, day/night shifts avail. Call M-F 9am-6pm 305-674-1631 SALES Exp. sales reps needed to handle inbound calls for fast paced call center. AM/PM shift. Salary+commissions + daily bonus + monthly raises. Call for appt 305-275-6000 ext 116 SALES Good doserfor Inside Sales, leads provided, can make up to $50K! Must speak Eng & Span. Romance co. Easy Money! Call 305-650-9008 SALES Leaders, make up to 63% Comm, checks cut daily, service everyone's needs with largest dental plan co in Amer¬ ica, will train 305-791-1800 SALES P/T position avail, for flower girl 9;PM to 4:AM, must be presentable with good at¬ titude, please call 305-642- 0599 SALES PERSON Prestigious Art Gallery Lincoln Rd gallery is looxing for a sales person with a minimum of 2-3 yrs experience. Excellent benefits and commission. Fluent English & Spanish a plus. Call Roberta at 305-531-8821 SALES REPRESENTATIVE for further info visit: http://wWw.cyrils.com/ | employme.htm Salary+comm+bonus=approx 40k+med benefits salespeople Experiehced and bi-lingual focused Car sales. Apply in petedh át‘5333 NW 27tn Ave. Miami Florida. Southeast Auto. 305-856-8600 SALESPERSONS National com¬ pany seeking executive phone reps $50,000 first yeatrsome traveling; fax resume 305-549- 6554 SALESPERSON CAREER OPPORTUNITY Lincoln Rd Art Gallery Seeking FT Salesperson. Will Train. Must have outgoing personality, good customer service skills & sales back¬ ground. :Sál, Comm + Benefits. Opportunity for advancement. Fax resume 305-358-8833 telemarkerters needed to. introduce new product being launched with a Fortune 500 Co: Cali305-285^2005 ext 20 TELEMARKETERS IMMEDIATE OPENINGS National company is currently seeking candidates for our. new Kendall office to call ex¬ isting customers, FT or PT, eves/weekends. Salary plus bo¬ nuses: Gan earn up to $l5/hr Call 305-273-9970 TELEMARKETING Arts tele¬ marketing, experience pre¬ ferred for local, world-class dance company. PT evenings; Competitive base wage plus commission. Call Monday-Fri 12pm-8pm EOE 305-532-4880 EXt285 TELEMARKETERS TELEPHONE PROS NEEDED Twenty year old company fea¬ tured in Forbes magazine is looking for telemarketers for part time shifts. Hrs: 10am- 2pm or 2:30pm-6:30pm. Near inti Mall. Salary plus commis¬ sion. College students en¬ couraged. Call Belen at 305-592-7800 EXT 604 360 Salons hair SALON Booth Rental. Shapers Hair Salon, in Coral Cables. Call 505-446-9696 HAIR STYLISTS for Great Ex¬ pectations, busy Westland Mall salon: Bilingual, professionals with a sharp image. For confi¬ dential interview call Mina at 505-496-8745 * 505-825-5412 HAIRSTYLISTS Now Hiring Experienced: • Hairstylists • • Manicurists • • Shampoo Washer* Call Maby at 305-534-0081 after 7pm 954-927-8125 HAIRDRESSER Delightful and spacious salon in the Infracos¬ tal Mall seeking established hairdresser With clientele. We will offer you a bonus for your efforts. Well also give you an additional bonus equal to one week of your booking. Contact 305-949-9701 for appt to interview. Station for rent also available HAIRDRESSERS Salon Rik-Rak, 1060 Brickell Ave. hiring the ex¬ perienced & talented to join our team. If-you have com- mitment call 305-571-5577 HAIRSTYLIST Hair salon in Coral Gabies needs Experienced hair¬ stylist, be a part of your own business. Ask for Tony or Marisel 305-441-1424 MANICURIST & ESTHETICIAN II Páradiso Day Spa in Miami Beach now hiring PT licensed manicurists & esthetidans. Cali 305-672-2600 POSITION Ugo Di Roma Salon Coconut Grove Is Now Hiring.- • Recept/Retailer • • Stylist • • Assistants • • Esthetican • (with exp in Aroma Therapy) Please fax resume to 305-854-9865 or call 305-444-4661 SALON Day Spa needs Mani- curist/Waxer, Massage Thera¬ pist. Aventura Area Cali Allen 305-947-6090. SALON POSITIONS Olazabai Sa¬ lon, C Gables has opportunity for stylist, colorist/asst. English guarantees vacation & bonus, if fit the bill, call 305-445-9691 SALON POSITIONS Kendall sa¬ lon seeking hair dresser & nail tech. Renting or cqmm .sta¬ tion, must have éxp & lie. Plen¬ ty of pking, close to beauty supply. Call 305-595-7778 SALON POSITIONS Robar Haif Design in the Sea View Hotel in Bal Harbour.; is now hiring: • HAIRDRESSERS • •MANICURIST* Call 305-868-4665 or 305-861- 8889. Exp ^following pref. Fluent in English a plus. Great opportunity to buy/rent or on commision basis SALON POSmONS SOME LIKE IT HOT is Now Accepting Applications For: • Assistant FT • (Training provided).... • Receptionist FT, PT * (Salon exp only)* • Stylist FT • | (Lie req. cutting only) • Manicurist PT • (Suh-Mqrvbnly) • Stock Person FT • • Massage Therapist PT 4 Apply in person 841 Lincoln Rd or Fax Resume to 305-538-3910 SALON STAFF Suifside Beauty Salon seeking fadalist and hair¬ dresser. Apply at in person at 9521 Harding'Avé or. Call Ben or Miriam 305*866-5268 SALONS Growing South Beach salon wants lisencéd hair dress¬ ers specializing in either cutting or color. Preferrably with a following. 305-673-8344 STYLIST THE MAGPIE Aveda Concept Salon Seeking stylist with following. High commision paid. Individ^ ual must be self-motivated, creative and dependable. Call For Interview 305-661-9050 STYLIST Wanted With Clientele For Upscale Cables Salon. Partnership Style Operation, Up To 80% Commission! Call Tony: 305-442-1552,145 Aragon Ave 365 Technical TECHNICIANS C-41&E-6 TECHNICIANS For Refrema. 2 P/T Freelance positions needed immediately at Pro Photo Lab located in SoBe. Experienced only need apply. Please fax resume to: (305) 532-4202 370 Entertainment ADULT MODELS Adult agency needs international females, for adult entertainment Residence, office, etc. Call 305-389-0462 BOAT SHOW MODELS exp trade & boat show models for Miami Boat Show, attractive & personable, Feb UtlvFeb 16th, call immed 505-932-5999 CLUB POSITIONS BARTENDERS & DANCERS! EARN BIG BUCKS! 305-681-1756 DANCE INSTRUCTOR DANCE INSTRUCTOR!! Exciting work, fun atmosphere! Now taking applications. No Exp Nee Learn to be an expert in Latin, Night¬ club and Contemporary danc¬ es. Call Mon % tyifrom 1pm to 8pm for appt 305-444-6136 Arthur Murray Dance Studio DANCER/MODEL $4,000 TO $5,000 WEEKLY Paid Daily Bikini model type wanted for FT/PT positions. No Experience . necessary •Selective Hiring High Class Adult Agency Call 888-825-4433 1£¡l ( January 28 - February 3,1999. Miami New Times DANCER/MODELS DANCER/MODEL • TYPES • Rich & Famous Adult Service $5000 per week No experience necessary. Busy, Busy service 1-800-243-4990 DANCERS DANCERS Big Money $$$! No exp necessary Over 18 years! Call/Apply in person at 3875 Shipping Ave (SW 41 SO Coral Gables 305-446-8346 Alley Cat DANCERS PARTY GIRLS LOUNGE NOW HIRING • Dancers • 2 shifts available, no exp necessary. 11340 Biscayne Blvd. call after 3pm (305)895-8737 DANCERS STONEWALL LOUNGE DANCERS WANTED! Make Lots of $Money$ No exp necessary! CALL NOW 305-885-2739 DANCERS 3 ADULT CLUBS NOW HIRING: DANCERS 3 Shifts Available 18+ No Exp, Will Train 305-670-2373 305-248-7712 305-264-4551 DANCERS DANCERS $350 PER SHIR GUARANTEED MINIMUM To start for those qualified! No nudity or experience necessary. Will train. FT/PT AM and PM shifts. Ask for Mrs Taylor 305-633-4000 DANCERS Models & couples for exclusive adult entertainment agency. Imme¬ diate openings. $1,000 wkly Call now! 305-229-5204 ENTERTAINMENT Adult en¬ tertainers wanted for Classy Agency. Immediate hire. Please Call 305-710-3530 ENTERTERTAINERS NOW look¬ ing for people for a ladies ser¬ vice, potential to make BIG ,$$$, must have a car. Call for info 305-535-9953 MODELS SEXY BIKINI MODEL TYPES WANTED • Elite diente! • All Cash Paid Daily • Willing to Travel • Realiable a must • Flexible Schedule • Vehede a must $3,000 to $5,000 WK Safe & professional agency 1-800-287-1411 MODELS $$$.5,000 to 6,000 monthly, exp models/dancers, bikini type. Call 305-770-2070 MODELS Model types needed for studio. Will train. Make good money!! Please call for more info 305-264-8006. MODELS WORK FOR ADULT ENTERTAINMENT SERVICE! Hiring men and women for very upscale, adult agency. We cater to the very wealthy $ No exp necessary, work locally or travel. Only serious candidates apply. 305-460-3110 POSITIONS We’re Back! Now hiring ail positions •Entertainers* •Waitresses* •Bartenders* •Hostess/Floor Hosts* •Dance Choreographer* North Miami Beach 305-956-5726 STAFF ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Immediate Openings! Waitresses & Cooks DANCERS ALWAYS WELCOME OVER 10 YRS IN BUSINESS 7565 W 20 Ave HIALEAH/MIAMI LAKES 305-558-2221 STAFF • DANCERS • • BOUNCERS • WANTED! Come and dance for us. Come and dance for fun. Come and dance for money. BIG MONEY m No nudity No exp necessary 305-887-1550 380 Business Opportunities ASSEMBLY $1,000+Weekly From Home! Assembling prod¬ ucts for rrigjor manufacturers. For more information send $4 and a s.a.s.e. to Andrea Villa¬ nueva, 1800 James Ave, apt 19b Miami Beach, FL 35139 BANKRUPTCY SERVICE Divorce, criminal, personal in¬ jury. Free consultation, Pay¬ ment plans Saturday arid eve¬ ning services. Attorneys at Law Joseph Gorey call 305-557- 1750. BE YOUR OWN BOSS!!! Highly Successful Outdoor Vending Cart Business Seeking Energetic, Dependable, Go Getters To Operate... SMOOTHIE CARTSr In Miami Beach Area. Great OppprtunityTo Build Your Own Business! Potential Unlimited For Highly Motivated Individual. Must Have Good Car. For Serious Inquiries Call David at: 305-531-5492 BUSINESS OPPRTUNITY1000 Envelopes=$4,000. From home! $4 per envelope you stuff. Guaranteed! Free info. Gall now 305-668-7588 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FATTEN YOUR BANK ACCOUNT Earn $2.000-$5.000 weekly starting within 1-4 weeks. 78% profit paid daily. Work from home, not mlm. Call now 1-800-607-6006 X 5571# Op.1 DRY CLEANING STORE For sale by owner. North Miami Beach área near business district. Price for 1st sale. For info call 305-949-5560 EMPTY BUILDING Owner des¬ perate must sell, lease, or joint venture. Self-standing 1200 s/ f. Former laundromat, OVer- towg Call Phillip 305-255-7200 FREE Workshop. Business opp- ty. Women's Finance Aware¬ ness. Every TUes, 5:50-7:30 PM, 782 LeJeune Rd #205, free pking 3rd floor. For Directions only. Call 305-576-3518. Full training/office support avail. HAIR SALON For sale, 6 hair stations* 3 manicure stations & facial room. Great location. Leave message 305-993-3107 or Call 305-673-0401 HEALTH BAR New Health Bar needs working partner. Busy area near MOCA. Call owner 305-893-4336 HISTORIC-KEY WEST New 98 seat restaurant in historic old town. 1500 sqare feet; 2 story, indoor & outdoor dining. Call 305-296-1600 for info. MAKE MONEY Imagine earning up to $1000 per week, without quiting your job. Serious in¬ quires only. Call 305-949-4946 PARTNER/INVESTOR Seeking individual with strong man¬ agement. skills, excellent op¬ portunity, income growth, call Bp 305-963-1510, or ‘www.talkingmail.com PRODUCT BROKER MLM'S are out. The Unfranchise is in. Earn high income weekly. Leaders needed in this area. For details please call 305-275-9030 f RESTAURANT SIDEWALK CAFE For Lease Fully equipped. South beach hotel location. No key money. Excellent oppurtunity for ex¬ perienced operator Call 305-962-4446 SALES REPS & DISTRIBUTORS HOME BASED BUSINESS .Internet Service Provider is looking for independant rep¬ resentatives to market and hire staff. For opportunity info, please call 888-298-4173 After listening to recording, please call Joe 305-412-1380 TOUR BOAT BUSINESS Unique! Set up and operating inMiámi prime hotel location. No com¬ petition. Once in a lifetime op¬ portunity- Will deliver & set-up anywhere in the South-East U S.. Owner relocating. Princi¬ páis only! 954-466-3652 UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY SINGLE MOTHER? Would you like to stay home earn $$, arid make an income you deserve!' Call for info 305-665-0550 WORK FROM HOME $1,000 weekly, stuffing envelopes at home. Free details! Guaranteed! Send S.A.S.E to.PO BOX499-MQ, Lima, PA 19037 WORK FROM HOME EASY WORK! EXCELLENT PAY! Assemble Products At Home. Call Toll Free 1-800-467-5566 EXT. 11388 405 Antiques/Arts/Collectibles 410 Appliances 415 Business/Commercial 420 Clothing 425 Computers 430 Electronics 435 Exercise/Sports Equipment 440 Furniture 445 Garage/Yard Sales 450 Jewelry 455 Lost & Found 460 Miscellaneous 465 Pets/Supplies 470 Photo/Video 475 Tapes/CDs/Vinyl 480 Tickets 485 Wanted to Buy 405 Antiques/Arts/Collectibles COLLECTIBLE SUIT ELTON JOHN. One of a kind electric blue Versace tour suit with matching blue Versace snake- skin shoes. Worn by.Elton John on the 1994 Two Mán World Tour with Ray Copper. $25,000 ObO. For mofo info: 668-4727 COLLECTIBLE HELMET DON SHljLA collectible. One of a kind helmet, #325 from all time record breaking 325tiiwin!( Signed by the coach hirriseifv i $7,500 or best offer. For more info call 305-668-4727 FURNITURE Deco furnishings, Marble top dresser, 50's dining room table, boudoir chairs, and decoritive items; mirrors,•: beds, and other furnishings as well. Must sell test & Cheap 305-992-7355 VASES Muteno Venetian Glass¬ es. Directly from Italy . Unique pieces of a collection. Please call 305-337-2592 Bp 410 Appliances REFRIGERATOR & STOVE Stainless steel Subzero-style matching pair. 48 inch 6-burn- ers-gas range/2 stoves. Like new, call Phillip 505-253-7200 415 Business/Commercial PIZZERIA EQUIPMENT HObart 60 quarts, pizza oven, tables and chairs, refrigerators, arid more- Call 505-759-2001 420 Clothing MISCELLANEOUS Closeout Items! 350 T-Shirts $300> 3,000 posters $300, numerous as¬ sorted items Call Paul 305-674-1000 WEDDING DRESS White designer gown, head piece, 3 pc cathedral vail & train, site ' 10, $1.500 OBO, 305-792-7610 orPager 505-452-9598 - 425 Computers COMPUTER “GREAT PERF0RMA!” Reduced to $400 MUST SELL! Macintosh Performa 631 CD System with 32 MB RAM, 14:4 fax/módem, 14' color monitor with glare screen, GD ROM, printer. Software package Call after 7pm @ 305-821-7470 COMPUTER IBM 300 MMX system, 32 MB SD 3.2 GB, HD, 56KV.90 Modem, sound card, 4mb V C; 32x CD ROM. All for , $499!! Call 505-952-1215 COMPUTER New Pentium II, 400mhz, Iritél, complete system $795. New scanner 9600 res $95.305-931-4540 COMPUTERS Cheap! Lowest prices on parts for your cpriv puter systems, upgrades, re¬ pairs. Call Darían Computers 305-593-6510 MOBILE SERVICE Computer Upgrades & repairs at your home or office Rea¬ sonable rate. Bp 305-201.-3491 or Home 305-865-2124 435 Exercise/Sports Equipment MASSAGE TABLE and chairs wanted Will pay top $$$ for good condition. Please calf , 305-794-2340 MEMBERSHIP 1 year mem¬ bership available forX-S Fitness Center at South Beach for óniy $450 For more info .call 305- 854-4822 MISCELLANEOUS Used sport¬ ing goods wanted! We buy and sell new and used sporting goods. Kendall Mall 9019 SW 107th Ave. Gall 305-596-6380 PLfW ITRGPtm TANNING BEDS WOLFF TANNING BEDS TAN AT HOME! Buy direct arid SAVE!! COmmércial/Home Units from $199 Low Monthly Payments FREE color catalog Call TODAY 1-800-711-0158 TREADMILL Sportsart 3006, BRAND NEW! Never used $800 or best offer. Call Rosefor info 305-944-7120 WATER SPORTS GEAR Surf boards: 6-8 thrust, 6-3 fish, Windsurf gear, Dacor regulator, tennis: Prince Ripstiek; Wilson Pro Staff. All $50-$200, Mike 305-538-7873 or e-mail tb rriichaelg@bizwire.com 440 Furniture BABY CRIB White wood, good condition; includes bed dress¬ ings; $100. Leave message 305-285-3262 BED Brand New. King size* Serta Perfect Sleeper (mattress & boxes) Still in plastic! Was $1500, will sell for $375, ran deliver; call 305-649-2351 BED Brand New, Queen size. Serta Perfect Sleeper (mattress & boxes) High quality! Was $900, will sell for $275; ran deliver, call 505-649-255.1. BED King size Sealy Poste- rpédic. New! Never used. Was $1400, will sell $375. Cán deliver. Call 305-446-9346 BED Name Brand mattresses from Hotels. Full size set $69. King size $89 and $119. Free delivery. Se Habla Español. Call Bp 305-363-8162 BED Queen size Sealy. New! Never used. Was $900, will sell $275. Can deliver. Call 305-446:9346 DINING TABLE arid two chairs. Adorable wrought irori legs. Colorful! Must see. $50 OBO Gables area 505-567-0051 ENTERTAINMENT STAND heavy woven, white washed, wicker, T.V/VCR cabinet, mint $75. callTom 305-385-2608. before 9 pm FURNITURE Country French quality BR set, incl sleigh bed; brand-new pillow top mat¬ tress, armoire, 2 side tables, chest of draws, kitchenette set, & more, 305-857-9577 FURNITURE Scandinavian full size wooden bed by Xilo Jn-, eludes full size bed w/3 sets of sheets; Under warranty Asking $550 Call Herb 305-551 -0448 FURNITURE White mica bed¬ room furniture, $25.00 each. Dining roorn table, 6 cháirs $150. Real pearl necklaces $50. Call 505-866-1861 FURNITURE Leather living room set, glass dining room original paintings, wood fu¬ ton, wood wall unit, & new baby furniture. 305-866-6472 FURNITURE 2 full-size cream top quality leather couches, mafble/glass coffee table, brass foyer table, 10 dining chairs, commercial buffer, 3 leather jackets & more! Call for prices 305-868-9166 FURNITURE For sale rattan set, entertainment unit lamps & mirrors. Please call 305-531 - 8217 MOVING SALE Basset living room set like new, rattan with beige & mauve cushions, 2 dressers & odds-n-ends, best Offer, call 305-865-1304 MOVING SALE King size plat¬ form bed $l75/couch & love seat $400, desk with 4 drawers 75, wood ding room set - 200, single bed with bottom drawers other items 305-868-3107 SOFA SLEEPER Brand new Queen loveseat with connect¬ ing chaise. Kakhi cotton with white piping and throw pillows. Fabric sealed. Moving, must sell! $650 OBO 305-604-9591 VARIOUS danish, modem din¬ ing set, breakfront, couch, rocker/recliner, bar, matrasses, desk, microwave; ect, very af- i fordable 505-865-5980ext#3; 445 Garage/Yard Sales GARAGE SALE ALL WEEK LONG!, Refrigerator (31 in), wall units with round coffee tables & matching artmirror, office conference table with chairs, TV, soloflex, cardioglidér, and much more. Call 305-535- 1168. MOVING SALE High end items tv, pool table, piano; many more items. Everything must go! 305-949-1273 • 450 Jewelry WEDDING RING Men's 40 points of diamonds, 18 carat pave' Italian gold. Sacrifice $495 ObO. 305-358-6400 455 Lost & Found LOSE A PET? FIND A PET? Call the Pet Network: 305-657- 6339 We try to lirik finders with owners LOST Gold, name tag bracelet, engraved 'Mohamed', lost Fri 1/22 at Splash. $300 reward. Contact Diana at 305-535-6173 or cell 305-904-3637 460 Miscellaneous DISCOUNT MEMBERSHIPS Save Big $$$ on name brand merchandise below wholesale with yearly membership. Only $491 -800-205-8499 Ext 604 FOSSIL SHARK TOOTH Huge Magalodonfqssil shark tooth. Millions of years old. Alive at \ the time the giant dináSaurs roamed the earth. $425 obo. Call 305-358-6400 RESTAURANT EQUIPTMENT Scottsman Jce machirie, fried,, cube, exc condition, $950, | Fleetwood slicer, exc condi¬ tion, $350, both for:$:i,100 OBO, for restaurant, home* or Office, call 305-6Ó4-8289 SPA BED Self contained user operated unit. Offers the .. benefits,of a personal and hy¬ dro massage without getting wet. Combination of full body flotation, deep heat, arid trig¬ ger point massage. Price upon request. Call 305-668-4659 465 Pets/Supplies BLACK LAB/CHOW FREE* to loving home! Beautiful dog from Vet's office, has shots, good guard dog! For info please call 305-591-2852 CATS/KITTENS all colors, sizes & ages. Healthy, dean, tested, shots & fixed. Rescued, looking for loving indoor homes. We deliver! 305-255-3482 press 2 FREE CATS 1 is Persian mix w/ long hair, other is Tabby w/ short hair, both 1yr old, fixed with all Shots, owner allergic, must give away. 305-532-0784 KITTEN Adorable, 4-5 mos old, female, purring machine, gray tabby with white nose & paws, spayed, tested, shots. To good home only. 3Ó5-253-9344. 480 Tickets STORE FIXTURES Show cases; reception desk, grids, & gan- dóla. close out prices. Call irri- mediately. 305-891 -7128 or 305-949-1133 515 Business Services laundry MAT Fully equipped and licensed; great Coral Gables Ideation. Réadytó gb! ;Oiiily^25K-ol9bl305r442-2782 LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS NAME Name: My Cyril Children's ; Fitness Center, Owner: Jen's Gym, irie., Address: 16523 NW 83 Place, Miami, FL 33016 LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS NAME Innovative Research. Owner: Steven Perez 1825 Ponce de Leon Blvd #406; Miami 33134 LEGAL NOTICE FICTICIOUS NÁME Shifrah Inc DBA Pro-Tech-Team 350 Lincoln Rd Suite #426 Miami Bch, Fl 33139 LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS NAME ¡"Jgg Name: Orchids in Blobm, Owner: Banyan Group; Inc., Address: 2809 Bird Ave, Ste 201, Coconut Grove, FL 33133 LEGAL SERVICES Legally avoid paying photo radar arid red light tickets Call 900-328-7444. Must be 18+, $20 per cajlpi ‘www.ffmail.eorn/photoradar LEGAL SERVICES Criminal De¬ fense. State & Federal all mis¬ demeanors and felonies: call . Elizabeth Delgado; Attorney 305-545-5800 LEGAL SERVICES Dui, Sus¬ pended license, Crlmirial law, Free Phone Consult, 7 days-24 hrs. Law offices of Randy M. • Weber P.A305-653-SUIT LIEN CLAIMS $170 for con^ tractors, subs, interior drap¬ ers, architects, engineer^/ surveyors. Notice to Owner for Sub-contractors $100. All FL Liens, .Corp 305-529-$631 MACINTOSH SERVICES ¡MAC, Internet, crashes, si/|tem soft¬ ware upgrades. Photoshop & Quark help. House rails Patrick 305-389-MAC1 NOTARY PUBLIC Need to No¬ tante Documents? Need to Get Married? Always Reason¬ able Prices! Always Reliable' 7 days! Gall Bp 305-994-014^ 505 Home Services AIR CONDITIONING SERVICE Repairs*Sales*lnstallation EMERGENCY SERVICE Friendly dependable service •Satisfaction guaranteed •Hi-efficiency experts •All makes & models •22yrs Lie & Ins# rac025435 PENGUIN AIR COND 305-893-9055 CLEANING CLEANING QUEENS We're as picky as you are! Leave the dirty work to us. Honest and reliable. 505-446-6787 CLEANING SERVICE We do all kinds of cleaning any time at location. Our work is guaran¬ teed. Try us! Call 305-261-0423 or Bp 305-706-1843 DEUVERY COMPANY Home & office deliveries from $20; guaranteed. Free estimates. Lic#391093-3. Call Angel 505-265-8751/505-618-8750 ELECTRICIAN Residential and commercial. Remodeling arid new Construction. Fast service, free estimates. 24 hrs 7 days Lic#CC18769.305-252-3476 LANDSCAPING REASONABLE RATES!' ; Maintenance, manicuring & ferdizatiori; Serving Dadesince 1981.305-253-7087 515 Business Services READER NOTICE The hiririg of a lawyer is an important deci¬ sion teat should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask the law¬ yer or the law firm to send you free written information about the lawyer or law firm's qual¬ ifications and experience. BANKRUPTCY $189 Divorce from $39, Wills $89, Incorp $99, Support Reduced or in¬ creased $79, Name Change $99, Pro-File 305-857-0988 CABINETMAKER REGOSA CABINETS We custom and make kitchen rabiriets, wall units, office fur¬ niture, tars, and any wood products. Regosa Cabinets 46 NW 36th St. Miami, FL 33127 305-576-7530 COMPUTERS IBM 300 MMX system, 32 mb sd 3.2 gb. hd. 56KV.90 modem, sound card, 4MB V C, 32x CD ROM. All for $499!! Cll 305-932-1213 CREDIT SERVICES 10,000 iri unsecured credit cards. Fix credit problems! Advotech, Inc 305-672.1004 LEGAL ANNOUNCEMENT Commonwealth of MA; P.^d*' bate & Family Court. Dena Rae SdrpoiPI.) VS Robert Louis Sdrpo(Df ) A complaint has been presented to this court by the plaintiff Dena Rae Scir- po, seeking to dissolve the bonds of matrimony, order a suitable amount of support for the plaintiff, conveyance of the real estate and/or personai property, order a suitable amount of support for de¬ pendant 20 year old child and for plaintiff to résumé former ñamé. You are required to serve upon Linda Mblta-Tetra- ult, ESQ. plaintiff's attomey- whose address is 188 Maple Street, Springfield, MA 01105. Your answer on or before March 12,1999. If you fail to do so, the court will proceed to the hearing and adjuration of this action. You are also re¬ quired to file a copy of your answer in the office of the Register of this court at Springfield. Witness, David G. Sacks, Esquire, first justice^ said court at Springfield, this 18th day of December, 1998 MOSAIC DESIGNING Customize Anything! Choose Mosaic Art¬ work From My Porfolio Or One of Your Own. Téctufe/Color tiles Available. Very Reasonable Rates, Call 305-554-1855 MOVING/STORAGE ALWAYS MOVING Flat Rate! Licensed & insured. L#MR95/125. Local and long distance! Call 505-650-9080 MOVING SERVICES ;at low, low cost. Ins; & lie. MR#226. Two men & a truck $50/hour. Three mén & a truck $70/hour. Expert piano mdvérs. Cáll 305-940-7044 MOVING SERVICE Econo-Move & haul, Ige. sml or partail move, Turn delivery* garage clean outs, const, debris, fum, appls, cheap, bade dell 954-295-3538 MOVING/DELIVERY Affordable prices. Residential/commercial. Any size job. Prof-courteous. Lie #382510^7: Call Eriderson at 505-757:7640 * 305-658-5559 PERSONAL COOK Raffirié, Mediterranean cuisine for your private party or for your Own pleasure; Gall Amel for info at 305-867-3580 | ROOFING ROOFING PROBLEMS? State Lic&Ins, Contractors Serving Dade, Bfoward & Mon¬ roe County #C039764 Gall AI-. , fredo J&C Roofing Corp 305- 857-5440 or Bpr 3Q5r5T6-102T TILE & MARBLE Professional Installation & Repairs 100% Guaranteed! Free Estimates. ;IIic #98BS00064 & Insured. Mike 305-865-5082 B#305-655-9598 FICTICIOUS NAME Name:Silver Art OWnef: Jaqueline Diaz INSURANCE • Low Auto Rates! • Homeowners Insurance! • Health (Medical/ Dental)! • Ensure Any Business! Lowest Rates! Call Now For A Free Quote! Navarro Insurance Service, Inc. INVESTIGATIONS M.S.PRIVATE 3K£ 1-800-729-2024 24hours,7davs INVESTIGATIONS M.S.PRIVATE 1-800-729-2024 24 hours, 7 days; Unlawful*.. rln. Annette Himmelbaum, Esq. OF MIAMI f Please Call f 1-305-861-3220 or 1-800-298-4221 Free Initial Consultation ■ Wg The hiring of a Idwyer is ah W important decision that should not ■ be based solely Upon advertise- l ments. Before you decide, ask us to send you frep written information about our qualifications and experience. TICKETS Tickets for any event. Tailgate parties avail as well as transpprtation. Very reason¬ able prices: Please call Gary 305-649-3648 500 Home Services 505 Home Services Miami New Times January 28 - February 3,1999 137 CAR ACCIDENT? Need Relief? Free Report uncovers information that the insurance company hopes you don't discover. Call 1-888-866-2361 24 hour recorded message to order your FREE REPORf INJURED? PROTECT YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS For a FREE initial consultation call the law firm of: MUSTELL & BORROW FORMER INSURANCE COMPANY DEFENSE ATTORNEYS 305 • 573 • INJURED Outside of Dade County call Toll Free 1-877-MB-AT-LAW &S3 No games, No gimmicks, No joke Capital Beepers+Cellulars 305-285-4747 Call for the location nearest you Some Restrictions Apply Cleaning Queens, /«. Because cleaning can be a Drag/ 305-446-6737 and 305-959-1624 525 Business Services continued MERCHANT SERVICES STARTING A NEW BUSINESS? .¿¿¡EVER LOSE A SALE! Accept All Major CC’S • ATM PIN PADS • • CHECK VERIFICATION • • CREDIT CARD TERMINALS • APPTS AVAILABLE, Please Call For Registration Or More Information On All Our Different Services & Systems. Fina C. Villarreal, Universal Bank Acct Executive Pager: 305-833-3883 TYPING SERVICE Professionally executed. Confidential letter writing & proof reading. Rea¬ sonable rates 305-940-8862 or Broward 954-432-1587 WEB DESIGN Elegant & Professional WEB DESIGN • Personal/Business Sites • Photography • Graphic Design • Reasonable Rates (305)443-1617 520 ^ ^ Personal Services 525 Personal Services 530 Singles Scene 525 Personal Services CROSSDRESSERS Would you fifcesjsafe, comfortable, place to dress and meet others in drag? If so Call 954-748-5855 www.drag-queen.com ITALIAN LESSONS Do you want to team Italian? Private lessons by Mother Tongue Italian teacher. Will come to you. Call 305-695-8361 * 305-337-2592 LEGAL HELP Divorce, name changes. Criminal & more. (Legal Insurance accepted). Call J Winokur, Atty. 305-673-2425 PET SITTING SERVICE If you want someone to spoil your pet while ypu are away, don't worry, I'am right here III I will feed, talk, play with and have fun with your loved one, while you are away. Pet Sitting Service Short and long term services available. . References available upon request. Just Give Me A Call. Or Fax In Your Special Requests To: 305-571-6632 AskforJosete: 305-371-9380 TRANSLATOR Italian, French & German languages. Available for interpreting & translating services. Pis call 305-695-8361 530 Singles Scene DATING LATIN LADIES OF FLORIDA From different countries. Meet these wonderful women in a selective way. Established in 1984. Call today find your lovely latina tommorrow. 305-779-1150 DATING START DATING TONIGHT! Have fun playing The Florida Dating Game. 1-800-ROMANCE. Ext 9127 INTERNATIONAL LADIES Meet Beautiful Ladies from Asia or Russia. For free, color photo brochure, call 24 hours 1-702-320-4815 COMPUTER °\ > s-* NERVOUS??/ KNOWLEDGEABLE: >- QuickBooks Pro > >- Peachtree Complete Accounting i > WINDOWS 98, 95,3.1,3.11 / Personalized training at your location / Call Tom at A1 C.O.M.P., Inc. If 305-598-7145 ROMANCEAOS FREE LOVE! New Times Romance offers several ways to get a FREE 40 word Romance ad: • Call our 24 hour Advertiser Line at (305)571-7551 and leave your ad on our voicemail system. • Call the Romance Line now at 305-571-7525. Monday-Friday. 9:00am-9:00pm, and place your ad UVE with a Romance representative. • Attend one of our Romance Events advertised in this week's Romance section! For more Information, call New Times Romance during regular business hours at 305-571-7525 ROMANCE Latin Love Connec¬ tion. Gorgeous Latin Women ready for dating, love, marriage! All women in So Fla. www.latinloveconnection.eom Call 305-650-9008 535 l||j Mind/Body/SpiPit 540 Licensed Massage 545 Health & Fitness 550 Mind/Body/Spirit 540 Licensed Massage READER NOTICE The State Of Florida's Department of Health requires licenses for individuals who practice massage. License numbers are verified and in¬ cluded in all ads within this dassification. Further concerns should be directed to: Depart¬ ment of Health, Medical Quality Assurance. 2020 Capital Cirde SE. BIN #CO-9, Tallahassee, FL 32399-3259. Call 850-488-0595 ALL MODALITIES EXECUTIVE MASSAGE THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE Hotel • Home • Office •Lynn 305-793-7572 • Jose “984-8709 • Marylin ”793-7998 MA16967, MA26806. MA0028247 Open 'til Midnight ACCUPRESSURE/DEEP TISSUE 11/4 hr massage. Therapist to the Centennial Olympic Games/ Atianta'96. Intro spedal $40! Lic#MA14738 Robert Allen 305-673-5222*305-962-6684* 305-605-4515 ACCUPRESSURE/DEEP TISSUE SWEEDISH, SOOTHING, Relaxa¬ tion massage. Relieve stress,' sore musdes, neck & back pain! Highly skilled therapist Home/ Hotel/Office. Jay 305-662-2829 MA#26671. Bpr 505-441-3189 AROMATHERAPY Achy Breaky Body?? Swedish Massage & Energetic Touch by Deborah's Heavenly Hands. An Electrifying Exp!! LiC#12904 BE HAPPY!!! 954-455-0244 BODY & MIND Tantalizing, sensuous, deep tissue mas¬ sage, relieve pain for pleasure, 9am-l1pm, 7 days. MA#49267. India Bp 305-339-5086 BODY - MIND Housnc Reduce stress & muscular ten¬ sion by Holistic directed relax¬ ing Swedish massage, also deep tissue and Myofadal ther¬ apy. Improve drculation, in¬ crease joint movement elimi¬ nate pain due to stress and body trauma. SoBe pvt office & out calls, Chalmer MA#26569 305-673-6085 BODY-MIND FEEL THE DIFFERENCE! Intuitive caring massage. 8am-l0pm * 7 days * Out calls. Studio in NMB. MA15601. Wonne Weston, 305-655-2166 BODY-MIND Touch Of Paradise, Barbara and Jolie, Terrific Tandem Team. MA#3100. Call 305-751-1897 or Beeper 305-605-4174 COMBINED MASSAGE Kendall area, $35/hr. For stress relief, relaxation, pain, tension, good health, light/deep massage. MA11295. Rosé 305-387-7982 COMBINED MASSAGE Swedish & Sports for relief of mind & body tension. Highly skilled therapist Home, hotel or my office. MA #12331. Call Tom. 10am-l2am 305-937-4412 or Bp 305-839-2266 COMBINED MASSAGE A HEALTHIER ALTERNATIVE Réduce stress and chronic pain. Feel better all around! #8755. For appt, call Jose at 305-441 -2049 or Bp 464-4800 COMBINED MASSAGE melts stress away, hands from heav¬ en. 70 min relaxing massage only $30, MA#0006625, Nelson at 305-866-3272, Bp 464-5861 COMBINED MASSAGE & Stretching and feel the muscle tension, the mental stress, the stiffness, the aches and pains float away. You'll be relaxed and more flexible. Trained in Acupressure, Taoist, Swedish and Neuromuscular tech¬ niques as well as Tai Chi. Gift certificates available. MA23364. 305-389-6095 COMBINED The right touch for women to experience deep re¬ laxation and full body delight through the art of sensual massage $40. Couples welcome! MA#24087 Cali Jorge 305-387-2687 or Bp 286-3006 January 28 - February 3,1999 Miami New Times rát i A S ¡i & i, 4 • : 4 £ ü i, ü b l -Si Í» ir 1 fíiH Ú k. b! I t REAL ASTROLOGY For a n (I n re a I World By Rob Brezsny ARIES (March 21-April 19): Here’s the hypothetical situation, Aries. As prophesied in the Book of Revelations, one million Chinese are marching towards Israel, preparing to seize the Negev region and turn it into a vast theme park based on characters and stories ripped off horn Disney, DreamWorks, and TimeWamer. You are in charge of the U.S. troops which are massed in defense of the trademarks and profits of the entertainment conglomerates. Your challenge: What inner resources do you call on to marshal the supreme efforts of your forces and lead them to victory against the Beast, thereby averting Armageddon? (By the way, these same resources will be invaluable in your actual life this week. Your tribe faces a showdown that, while less spectacular than the scenario I described above, is just as crucial for your collective future.) TAURUS (April 20Muy 20): Due to the cosmic version of a clerical error, you have been granted more than your share of slack this week. Don’t worry, the cosmos isn’t like a bank. You will not be forced to pay it back at a later date. Therefore, why not fulfill a lifelong dream to race stock cars or make out in the cereal aisle at the grocery store or run with scissors in your hand or have Hershey bars for breakfast or leam the Tunisian Tickle Fish Dance or ask God for a special little favor or embody the spirit Heraclitus spoke of when he mused, “Fire rests by changing”? GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You’re not the hardest worker in the zodiac, and this week you’ll prove why you don’t have to be: Being the smartest worker of them all means you quickly penetrate to the heart of the job and do exactly whats necessary to master it No false starts for you. No wasted effort or reliance on incomplete data or messy trial- and-error experiments, either. As a result you can take cool shortcuts that would leave others gasping for their mommies. CANCER (June 21-Jtriy 22): My left brain pontificates, “You’re not performing your duties in a manner consistent with the task of becoming a more efficient and useful social unit” But my right brain screams, “Explode the goddamn mold, wild maestro! Bust out of your straitjacket and jam it in the jaws of the neurotic guard dogs! Spit into the winter wind! Moon the wrongfully privileged!” Meanwhile, my north brain coos, “Please carry out your duties in a manner consistent with the task of quietly dismantling the goddam mold.” LEO (July 234ug. 22): Let’s say that you have a vision of a better life for those you love. Maybe you think you know exactly what they need to do in order to quit their self-defeating behavior and turn into the powerhouses they have the potential to be. My brilliant advice is not to nag and cajole them with your brilliant advice. Instead, work behind the scenes to make it easy and natural for them to arrive at your conclusions on their own. Redesign the world around them until every conversation, every event, every omen, is luring them towards their shining destiny. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept 22): “Expel the mangy sheep from the fold, lest the whole flock perish,” proclaimed the medieval Christian philosopher St Thomas Aquinas. But then he also said that women were defective* and misbegotten, that heretics should be killed, and that all vultures were lesbians that conceived new little vultures after being inseminated by the wind. So I wouldn’t put too much stock in anything that deluded dude said. As a matter of fact, I recommend that you do the exact opposite of the advice contained in his quote. The only way the whole flock will prosper is if the mangy sheep is welcomed and cared for. LIBRA (Sept 23-0cL 22): One day maybe I’ll write the book I’ve been threatening to unleash on the world for years: A Feminist Man’s Guide to Picking Up Women. Of course then IT1 have to create the prequel, An Uppity Woman’s Guide to Scoping Out Men Who Aren't Scared of Strang Women. And I probably couldn’t stop there. Sooner or later Fd have to pen the sequel, Gender Benders Don’t Need Any More Cute Self-Help Books Written by Heterosexists. Sorry that none of these tomes are ready yet As you libras plunge into the thick of the season of reckless romance, you could use all the unstereotyped perspectives on love you can get Here’s one to tide you oven If you sell your soul for love, make sure you get a receipt SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov. 21): Psychologist James Hillman says images have an uncanny power to hurt or heal. In that spirit I offer you a dream I had; may it cure your smoldering dementia. In the dream, you’re a mad scientist clad in purple frock coat and orange pants, who has just run out of your laboratory clutching test tubes fall of bubbling green liquids. You seem exasperated, at wit’s end. You turn your face up and yell in the direction of heaven, though your words sound like gibberish. In response, the giant hand of God reaches down from tiie clouds to offer you a boon. The fingernails fc on the divine hand are painted cherry red and there’s a blue band-aid partially covering a booboo on the wrist And the gift? It's a miniature pink fends wheel with she yellow canaries riding in the cars. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): If you’re offended by vulgar metaphors, even those designed to shock you into being more ferociously true to yourself, stop reading now. This horoscope contains graphic testimony from a Sagittarius reader. “Years ago,” says Janet from Austin, “a therapist told me that eventually I would hear a Big Pop. It would come, he said, when I got my head out of my ass. Now, finally, I think I’m close to fulfilling my shrink’s prediction. Why? Because I realize how my beloved Jupiterian expansiveness has hurt me. I see that Fm a great problem-solver for everyone else except myself; I help the whole world but neglect to help poor old me. Tell me Fm ready, Dr. Brezsny. Tell me the Big Pop is imminent” (Dear Janet It is, for a majority of your tribe.) CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Astrologer Forrest Fielding once studied 50,000 people to determine which astrological signs were best and worst in various categories. He found that Capricorns work the hardest and get the most done in the shortest time. Not surprisingly, you also daydream the least I bring this up, my dear, because this week Fd like you to uphold the first part of Fielding’s assessment while confounding the second. Plug away with your usual tireless productivity, in other words, but do it in behalf of fantasies that you usually suppress. To pull this off, naturally, you’ll have to exceed your normal quota of daydreams by a large margin. AQUARIUS (Jan. 2 Web. 18): When most people think of a magician, they picture a stage performer who pulls rabbits out of top hats and saws leotard- clad assistants in half. Other folks, more / mystically inclined, visualize a wizard who uses incantatory spells to command spirits and attain occult power. There is a third kind of magician, though. Its anyone who aspires to control her own thoughts, ceaselessly shepherding her psychic energy in a direction that will serve her highest values. For this kind of wonderworker, magic is nothing more than the art of creating desirable practical changes. I myself aim to be one of these, j) ff and I hope I can convince you to do the same. If s a perfect moment to start your training, or intensify it if you’re already on the path. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Ifs prime time to make your confession, Pisces. Not to me. Not even to God. Offer it up to your higher self. To serve as a role model and get you in the mood, I’ll spill my own guts now. I confess that I have loved my own pain more than anyone else’s pain. I’ve eaten food without feeling gratitude for the people who grew it and picked it for me. Once I got free cable TV by hooking up to the main line illegally. I’ve longed for freedom but haven’t worked hard enough for it I’ve failed to blaspheme humorless gods. I am a jumble of inner voices, yet unfailingly pretend to speak with the one-pointed authority of a pharoah. Worst of all, I haven’t forgiven myself of all these sins even though I could easily do so. Now you can call Rob Breraiy, day or night, for your EXPANDED WEEKLY HOROSCOPE 1-900-903-2500 $1.99 per minute * 18 & over * Touch tone Phone * C/S612-373-9785 Don't forget to check Rob's website at www.newtimesbpb.com/realestrologyframeset.htnil COMPREHENSIVE THE MASSAGE TEAM Therapeutic & Relaxation* Full Body Swedish Massage • Carol 305-618-0811 MA #0024491 • Gita 305-955-0164 MA #0026210 • Ivan 305-277-0901 MA #0026633 Home • Office • Hotel *(NON SEXUAL) DEEP TISSUE/SWEDISH Profoundly Comforting Deep Tissue/Sports Massage and Neuro-Muscular therapy for stress or pain relief. MA18547. insurance & credit card accepted. John 305-794-2340 DEEP TISSUE/SWEDISH Feel¬ ing the stress? Treat yourself to a soothing, relaxing session óf body work to ease the pres¬ sures of life) 24 hours! Miami & Broward. Lie# MA25781 Call Miguel 305-582-4310 or . 954-435-9804 DEEP TISSUE FRENCH MASSEUSE GREAT HANDS Specializing in Swedish and Shiatsu relaxation. #MA0012738 Call cell 917-945-5224 GENERAL BARBYONTHE BEACH Magic hands for facials and massages. By appoinment only, please llam-8pm MA#FD0716228.305-867-4145 Or Bp 305-410-1069 GENERAL Full body massage, an experience not to forget. , by a muscular therapist. Ser¬ vicing Dade and Broward. Home/OfTice/Hotel. $50.00 per hour. UC# MA0019871. Call Omar Beeper 305-617-0044 GENERAL One hour, full body relaxation massage by strong hands. MA# 14695. Cali Carlos, 7 days a week at 305-674-1183 NEUROMUSCULAR Swedish & Deep Tissue, release stress, sport injuries & migraines. i*hr intro offer $50. home/office. MA18108 Frank 305-791-3316 REFLEXOLOGY: Foot and body massage plus accupressure to relieve pain or stress, improve organ functions, and be ener¬ gized. 1.5 hour $40. Call Leo or Jimmy at 305-757-3775 MA#00780 RELAXATION Break through in relaxation! we will pamper you with pedicure, manicure, facial, aromatherapy, massage, and much more! Lie#: MA0020706. 8370 SW 8th St. 305-263-9070 RELAXATION Pamper yourself, escape to a pleasurable mas¬ sage with gentle touch. MA#21363. Miami Beach. Call 305-367-2294 SPORTS MASSAGE with body builder specialist James Dipp! R;.e..v..i..t.,a..l..Lz..i..n..g..!!! non-sexual, SoBe area, Mon-Sat 10-10pm, $60/hr, MA-0023833 305-532-5690 Bp: 690-1213' SWEDISH Combined Profes¬ sional Swedish massage in¬ cludes 5 therapeutic tech¬ niques, discover more for less MA0022910. Out only! Michael 305-625-2069 305-543-9447 SWEDISH Enjoy stress relief & total relaxation. Full body swédish massage available in S Dade. Uc 21695. Call Bill any¬ time 305-870-7291 SWEDISH Experience the ultimate unique massage tech¬ nique: complete stress relief & total pleasure. MA#0019775. Donna 305-690-9800 SWEDISH Full body massage. Experience renewal in body and soul. Non-sexual. MA27514. Please call Rick. Bp 305-334-1121 SWEDISH Lost your tranquil¬ ity? A massage that'll help you find it! Bill SoBe $45 MA23795. 305-672-6548 or Bp 706-7523 SWEDISH Lost your tranquil¬ ity? A massage that'll help you find it! Bill SoBe $45 MA23795. 305-672-6548 Beeper 305- 706-7523 SWEDISH With caring hands that will soothe your stress away. 9AM -10 PM 7Days #MA19978 Tom 305-401 -0300 BEEPER 305-842-9239 THAI/NEUROMUSCULAR Good massage-just what you needl Feels great & is effective to re¬ lax, relieve stress, pain & injury. Uc#MA4773 Zoi 305-270-0031 THERAPEUTIC TOUCH Massage Therapeutics Spa HR MASSAGE $40 HR FACIAL $40 Scrub W/Massage $65 STEAM ROOM SHOWERS M/F THERAPISTS BODY SCRUBS-SPA PACKAGES 954-925-9246 500 N Federal HWYG Hollywood MM3915 THERAPEUTIC TOUCH Treat Yourself to a Full Body Massage Imagine no stress, no tension, forget about your boss and your problems. Your going to get up, feeling rejuvenated. Couple massage specials. Like Heaven on Earth, You’ll feel incredible. $45/session. Lie #MA0024512 Call Melody at 305-655-5213 or Alan at 305-217-5001 THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE BODYWORK MASSAGE Hotel, Home, or Office. Total relaxation, stress exp, post swiss, muscular massage, don't forget muscular therapy. Will travel, call anytime! Tony 305-919-9648 *305-488-8225 M#145967 545 Health & Fitness BODY-MIND Will put your mind at ease, gentle yoga, tone your body. $25 Per hour introductory offer. Call Carolyne 305-931-5651 EXERCISE CONSULTANT ACE Certified personal trainer. USP- TA Certified tennis instructor, offering one complimentary exercise program or tennis les¬ son. If interested, call Jamie at 305-932-5821 HEALTH FAMILY & EMERGENCY HEALTH CARE A full service center for the entire family. Specializing In: • Family Medicine • Rehabilitative Medicine • Obstetrics • Physicals • HIV Testing & service Medicaid. Medicare, & most private Insurance accepted. FREE TRANSPORTATION 3800 North Miami Avenue Miami FI 33127 For info Call 305-576-4800 or fax 305-576-4804 HEALTH FOOD STORE THE HONEYTREE Natural Food Emporium • Vitamins • Grocery • Herbs • Body Care • Books vegetarian Dishes Daily 5138 Biscayne Blvd, Miami Call 305-759-1696 HEALTH STOP AGING NOW! avoid painful injections proven hgh over 28,000 medical studies 1 -888- 828-2609 jazzercise on Miami Beach. Dance Aerobics & Circuit Train¬ ing. No contracts. Start now! Your body will thank you. Call Usa 305-383-1481 JAZZERCISE FREE Miami Beach instructor in search of Class Manager to greet and register students. Mon & Wed, 6pm or Wed 9am. No pay, but unlim¬ ited, free Jazzercise and fun! Call Usa 305-383-1481 LICENSED MIDWIFE prenatal care, child birth classes & home birth, Medicaid & most insu¬ rance, Marcela Guyton 305-220-1772 MARTIAL ARTS BRUCE LEE’S JEET KUNE DO!!! • Kali-Arnis-Eskrima • Muay Thai Kickboxing • JKD Grappllng/Jiu-Jltsu • Cardio Kickboxing • Kids Kickboxing PMAACADAMY 8348 SW 40 ST Ph# 305-559-4914 PENILE ENLARGEMENT Gain 1- 3' Perm, safe. Free Brochures! 's Dr. Kaplan 312-409-1950 Latest Info 900-976-PUMP $2.95/min. E-mail: www.drjoelkaplan.com PERSONAL TRAINER Lose unwanted fat and unleash your body's full potential in '99. Personal trainer with prov¬ en results is now offering S. Fla's only 30 day 100% money- back guarantee if not satisfied. The only thing you have to lose...is fat! 1 : v : Call Andy 305-975-3286 Gables Personal Fitness 305-667-0807 PERSONAL TRAINER •CERTIFIED & A NICE GUY!* Training or weight loss in your own home or In my gym. Put your body in the best shape possible! Call Frank 305-672-5260 PERSONAL TRAINER Unleash your fitness potential! AFAA Certified. Charles P Pinto. 1st consult free! Results guaranteed! Call 305-662-2714 or beeper 305-344-7244 PERSONAL TRAINER one on one. From Kendall to Miami Beach. Call 1-800-293-4853 or Cellular 305-979-9702 550 Mind/Body/Spirit ASTROLOGER Psychic Virginia. Tarot card & palm readings tells past, present, future? Answers all questions. $5 with this ad. Avail for parties & pvt consul¬ tations. Call now for a brighter tommorrow. 1428-A, Alton Rd, Miami Beach. 305-532-9499 AWAKEN SENSES Relax and feel tension release. 1 hour sessions. Call Blondie at Bp 305-566-2330 ortiva at 305-268-0801 COUNSELING EMPOWER YOURSELF! Women's Self-Esteem Group meets wkly in N Miami; $25. Susan Alvey; Uc Mental Health Counselor. 305-933-8521 DREAM ANALYSIS DREAMS!! HAVE YOUR DREAMS ANALYZED!! CALL TOLL FREE 1-888-553-6397 PSYCHIC I’LL TELL YOUR FUTURE NOW!!! 1-900-420-3012 Ext 4818 $3.99/mln, 18+,. Serv-U 619-645-8434 PSYCHIC NO QUESTION IS TOO PERSONAL! Call Your Own CERT Psychic 1-900-993-9603 Or 1-888-204-7490 Visa/MC, 18+, 3.99/min PSYCHIC Power reading by Alex. Learn about the present and destiny to come. Will re¬ unite you with loved ones. Call Alex at 305-944-6481 PSYCHIC SUMA 24 yrs of spiri¬ tual psychic mediumship & documented affidavits to cer¬ tify her authenticity & accuracy. Suma offers private consulta¬ tion by appt 206-325-0089 305-604-3626/1-800-726-6217 REGRESSION HYPNOSIS If your whole life Is a mess, may¬ be you need to understand your past life in order to figure this one out! Call for appoint¬ ment 305-267-8277 RELAXATION INVIGORATING Complete relaxation treatment by Carrie, intuitive & releasing. South Beach area 672-6950 ROLFING Jeff Reisman. Beeper 305-352-1626 or Voice Mail 305-952-0125 L.M.T.#4861 SEDUCTION OF THE MIND At Seduction School. Leam the hows, wheres and whens of meeting the right people. Changing your outlook on life, love and finding happiness. Call 305-992-1012 or visit www.seductionschool.net SENSES AWARENESS A unique sensory experience leading to total relaxation. Hallandale Blvd & Hgwy I-95. Call Paula 9:00 am to 8:30 pm at 954-894-7911 SENSES THERAPY Uve the Ultimate enjoyable experience in a harmonious setting. You have to try it! Call Marie from 9am-7pm 305-935-5109 SENSUIST To enhance your pleasure, one needs to awaken the body through senses. Re¬ laxing ambiance for total stress relief. Mon - Sat. 10-8 pm. Call Jennie 305-653-9006 SENSUOUS RELAXATION The ultimate in mind and body awakening. Flexible hours. Complete stress relief. For ap¬ pointment. Call 305-535-0996 SKIN CARE ASHAMED OF YOUR SKIN? Learn how to get great skin, In¬ expensive & safe, for a consul¬ tation call Carol 305-945-2090 SPA THERAPY Sensual care by Tanya relax & unwind. Total stress relief. Upscale clientele, sea salt, bubble bath, out calls only. Call 305-584-6443 STRESS RELIEF WANT TO FEEL RELAXED? Avoid stress through relaxation therapy. South Beach. Call Dana at 9am-8pm at 305-538-7718 600 J00^ Music 605 Music Services 610 Instruction 615 Equipment/Instruments 620 Musicians Available 625 Musicians Wanted 605 Music Services CD DUPLICATION $999 per 1,000, mastering - free air-play evaluation with order. Oceans Of Ufe Records: •www.oceansofllfe.com. Call 305-596-9786 CD DUPLICATIONS Bands du¬ plicate your demos at a com¬ petitive rate, jewel case graph¬ ics available, as well as cd mas¬ tering 305-235-1290 COMPUTER STUDIO configure your computer for music pro¬ duction, upgrades or built to order, starting at $100 call Mjke or Rob 305-895-7797 DJ SERVICES Mobil dub DJ available for all types of parties. 10 yrs exp in house, hip-hop & latin. Voted best Miami DJ in 1996 'Best of Miami' issue! Callos Martin at 305-823-2507 EVENT PRODUCTION Com¬ plete entertainment booking & consulting service, corporate/ private, call M E C C A, inti 305- 899-7331, member (Grammys) NARAS MUSIC PRODUCTION GettWO songs plus one video with 100 copies and 5 cds of the songs, will help market, write & pro¬ duce, start to finish for one low price, for the chance of a lifetime call Beanny Boy pro¬ ductions 305-613-5457 MUSIC VIDEOS From $3500 and up. Top quality on film, full service production company. Call 305-225-6313, www.n2productions.com PROMOTION BANDS & CLUBS!! If you have a band or club you want to advertise in New Times for FREE in our Club Ustings, call 305-571-7572 RECORD PRODUCTION Singers and songwriters needed for immediate record production 954-922-6505 RECORDING STUDIO SOUND DESIGN STUDIOS Since 1986! World dass equip¬ ment. 48 track Digital, Uve or MIDI. Artist Demos to CD Re¬ leases. In-House Producers/Tal¬ ent. Recordable CD's. MC/VISA/ AMEX. Call 305-945-1728 RECORDING STUDIO Only $35! The best equipment. All the in¬ struments you need. CD/Mas¬ tering. Call 305-532-4741 or 305-725-5940 érti to” & ■ ■ irartiTii h » w « ft « es'a á Si it £ I-V f fr -jl'T N fi H ■ m Romantic ** Chocolate R< Animals^ H^hampagne & Much, M ouquets Delivecy. Halt mm 305-669-1000 41-800-^^fc2 recording STUDIO Lowest Recording studio rates Audio, digital, midi, loops, CD's, NYC producer: 305-535-1199 610 Musical Instruction GUITAR LESSONS EASY GUITAR Rob Friedman, pro player/1 teacher offers a fun & quick approach to playing. Leam fa¬ vorite songs overnight. All Ages. 20 yrs exp. 305-232-1337 GUITAR LESSONS ALL STYLES & TECHNIQUES Beginner to advanced. Flexible approach. Trained at UM and Berklee (Boston). 31 yrs exp. Alex 305-285-6887 PIANO LESSONS Adults Only! Beginners through Advanced. Master teacher and Virtuoso Pianist. Special Rates! Miami Beach. Call 305-534-0055 SINGERS THE NATURAL SINGER WORKSHOP 'Even if you can't hit a note!' One Day Only - 2/13 Clients on MCA. Polygram, is¬ land, Atlantic, Warner Bros, Vir¬ gin, Geffen, Elektra, Sony One day super-workshop $125 305-271 5866 SINGERS Leam the mechanics of singing and the importance of a good technique. All levels welcome. Call Alejandro today at 543^1866 or 222-4740 615 Equipment/lnstniments RECORDING/STAGE Like new, great deals, Microphones, Dat, Stage monitors, and much more, best offer call Felix 305-672-6610 620 Musicians Available ONE MAN BAND Ray Romar - flute, tenor sax, vocals, key¬ board-sequencer, one man . band for all styles, all occas- Slons. Call 305-888-4905 VOCALIST Female, professional available for recording sessions & jingles. Good stage presence and appearance. NY exposure. Please call 305-534-5335 625 Musicians Wanted CLOSET musicians Singer/ Guitarist new to area, seeking people to jam/gig with, into current/classical rock, blues. R+B. Call John @ 305-864-6798 DRUMMER/BASSIST needed for new pop rock project, must be avail to rehearse twice a wk, must have positive atti- tude, call Erick 305-273-4211 DRUMMER/GUITARIST Blind Rhino looking for guitar player and drummer, Influences would be Jaynes Addiction, Bauhaus, Black Sabbath, and Prong have space and cd's. Please keep calling. Call Chris at 305-672-2209 or Joey 305-534-6484 MUSICIANS MUSICIANS WANTED at the Chesterfield Hotel, South Beach. 7 day a week gig. Part Time. All styles of music preferably funk & jazz. Bring copy of demo. Apply in person at 855 Collins Ave. Mon-Fri, betl &5pm C-U-EStEmH-CLD "n—s—v—m—c” MUSICIANS WANTED (Classic Rock Experience) KEYBOARD With VOCALS BASS With VOCALS FAX one page BlOtO; 305-662-8637