THE HISTORY IN BRIEF The Isthmus of Panama is identified with the earliest history of the Spanish in the New World. After the discovery of gold in Peru, the Isthmus became an i-mportant link in the transportation of precious metals ifd other produce from Peru and Chile to thq Caribbean, .hence the treasure fleets sailed with these cargoes to Spain0 Harbors, roads, towns, and forts were developed in the Isthmus to handle this commerce0 LAS CRUCES TRAIL was established during the 1530's. It figured in the British raids by Drake in 1572 and Morgan in 1671, and continued in use through the days of the California Gold Rush. THE CHAGRES RIVER was the middle leg of the Panam'-Portobelo route. Columbus is credited with the discovery of the river in 15020 In 1527 it was surveyed and by 1533 was in regular use for transport, Pressure by the English sea wolves caused Spain to fortify the Chagres before the end of the 1500's. As use of the river increased through the years, the fortifications were enlarged and expanded. FORT SAN LORENZO was built in 1597 to protect the mouth of the Chagres. It was captured by Morgan's pirates in 1670 and by Vernon's English forces in 1740 during the War of Jenkins' Ear (War of the Austrian Succession). Later it was converted into a prison. THE DEFENSES ON GATON HILL are unique stone trenches0 Little is known of their history. However, they were probably supplementary to Fort Gatin, built at the confluence of the Chagres and Gatfn rivers about the middle of the 1700's. The hill defenses are all that remain, since construction of Gatin Dam long ago flooded the river level fort0 6