355 NAYS-3 6-continued Johnston Randolph Talmadge Laxalt Roth Thurmond Long, Schmitt Tower Lugar Schweiker Young McClure Scott Zorinsky Meichor Stennis Nunn Stevens NOT VOTING-5 Bentsen Griffin Inouye Goldwater Hart So the motion to lay on the table was agreed to. Unprinted Amendment No. 3 (Hatch), March 2, 1978 (Congressional Record, S 2744) Rejected 67-2,2 Sumrary.-Provided that the Republic of Panamia would commit itself to abide by the Monroe Doctrine and woul d not aid any European power or satellite of any European power to expand its sphere of influence to Latin America. Text.-Strike Article 1 and insert in lieu thereof the following: "ARTICLE 1 'FTlie Republic of Panamia declares thiat thie canal, as an international transit waterway, shall be permanently neutral in accordance with the regime estblishecl in this Trreaty. The same regime of neutrality shall apply to any other international waterway that may be built either partially or wholly in the territory of the Republic of Panama, provide, ho-wever, that the Republic of Panama comints itself to respect and abide by the MNonroe Doctrinle and shall not aid or assist any European power, or satellite of any European power, in promoting the expansion of its sphere of influence to Latin America." Vote on the amendment, March 2, 1978 (Conigressional Record, S 2Th5). The result was announced-yeas 22, nays 67, as follows: (Rolcall Vote No. 40 Ex.) YEAS-2 2 Allen Hatch Scott Bartlett Hatfield, Paul G. Stennis Belilmon Hayakawa Stevens Byrd, Harry F., Jr. Helmns Thurmnond Curtis Laxalt Tower Eaistland Lugar Young Goldwater McClure Hansen Roth WAYS-6T Abourezk Cannon Danforth Anderson Case DeGoncini Bayll Chiles Dole Bidenl Church Domenici Bumpers Clark Durkin Burdick Cranston Eagleton Byrd, Robert C. Culver Ford