STOOM. MATT. OCSTZEE, ETC., V. U. S. ETC. U.S.V.S.S. "WOLSUM." 431 In any judicial hearing here in the Canal Zone involving the reasonable market value of any services rendered or materials furnished in connection with the repair of a damaged vessel the situation is unlike that generally prevailing elsewhere within the jurisdiction of our courts. Here the two harbors and Canal are under the management of The Panama Canal and the latter alone and without competition is the only local agency equipped for rendering such service. In this instance the Wolsum as a condition precedent deposited with The Panama Canal the required amount of cash funds before any repair work was started. The cash in settlement of bills incurred of any nature was paid out of said sum deposited upon approved bills some of which were and some were not itemized so as to be self-explanatory. On the hearing herein no objection to any Wolsum expense bill was interposed by proctors for the Government because of its amount or lack of a showing of reasonable market value, but in some instances objections by them were made on the basis that there was no connection between claims made and the accident, or that there were unnecessary charges made which had no direct connection with the accident. With the foregoing outlined situation in mind and in harmony with what appears to be justifiable under all the circumstances, the damages sustained by the Wolsum directly growing out of said collision are fixed in the sum of $36,290.99. As a result of the accident its bow was stoven in, its stem broken, its decks broken on its port side and its starboard side below the water line was damaged by coming in contact with the east breakwater. Some of the steel plates were repaired and others were replaced by new ones. The vessel was in dry dock about 11 days. Following is an itemized statement of the items entering into the said sum of $36,290.99: ALLOWED Item No. Amount. Exhibit. Remarks. 1 $237.00 D Services of 2 tugs, 8 canal seamen after accident, and pilotage. 2 37.35 E I doz. Mazda globes. 3 7,746.85 F For stevedoring about I of cargo on April 5. 4 65.75 G For tug and launch hire from cargopier to dry dock. 5 35.00 K Service of tug from dock 8 to doc 18. 6 1,996.61 L Stevedoring about f of cargo. 7 140.00 P Diver and outfit examinig Woisum. 8 472.02 Q Overhauling Weoum's machinery in April. 9 15,391.65 K Repairson Walsumhull. 10 256.96 5 Windlass repairs. 11 6, 53.25 T Repairs, dock and undock in April. 12 1,365.00 V For tug, launch, wharfage and pilotage. 13 70.00 X Tg service May 7th and 8th. 14 30.00 AA Preliminary surveys of Wosur on April 2 and3. 15 589.80 FF Wolkum's supplies of paints and oils damaged. 16 30.00 J Translating testimony at hearing before Notary Sheibley in court house on May 6, 1922. 17 50.15 PP Fee of Notry Sheibley in taking testimony of witnesses on hearing. 18 1,048.60 KR Oil consumed for fuel end lubrication. 19 225.00 00 Additional services for surveyor by Lloyd's Agency. $36,290.99, total amount allowed. /