99 also rated the degree of fulfillment as "Little" or "Some." It is interesting that this objective was given the lowest "Very Much" rating of any of the objectives. Objective 7, "Providing a Seriousness of Purpose in Life," was the lowest rated objective both on validity and degree of fulfillment. Many alumni responded by asserting that they already had a seriousness of purpose in life and participating on college committees did nothing to enhance this. In some cases, the suggestion was made that participating on committees and the type of motivation implied by this objective were unrelated. However, some alumni expressed the opinion that the participation itself did nothing to create a positive attitude toward a "purpose" in life, it (the participation) was most surely the result of a type of serious purpose. Table 36 shows the responses by groups. Table 29 shows the responses to this objective as compared to the total group. The lack of support for this objective is shown by 63.3 percent ratings being in the "Little" and "Very Little" categories. Objective 8, "Increasing Respect for Needs of Others" received a substantial number of "Very Much" responses and no one rated it less than "Some." The frequencies and percentages by groups are shown in Table 37. One comparison that is significant is the difference in the married and unmarried groups. Even though the numbers in the married group are small, it is apparent that this difference exists. Objective 9, "Developing Initiative," ranks as the second