1973-74 by the urban school district and who were in continuous employment to January 1974. This sample constituted the sample about whom no decision had been made regarding continued employment in the urban school district. Sample C, consisting of 21 arbitrarily chosen teachers, composed the group of teachers who had not performed at a sufficiently satisfactory level to be retained in the urban school district and were no longer employed at the time of the investigation. The teachers in this sample were employed by the district for varying lengths of time during the period from 1971-73. Sources and Collection of Data
The files of the urban school district were utilized
for securing the data for each of the independent variables: personal history data (age, graduate of a university in Florida, years of previous experience, grade point average, marriage status, and race), interview assessment and recommendations assessment for each teacher in each of the three samples. Data relative to the dependent variable, evaluations assessment, were also secured in the files of the urban school district for each teacher in Sample A and Sample B.
1. Personal history data. With the exception of grade point average, the data included in the category were contained on the application form that the urban school district required each applicant to complete. The application form became part of the employee's permanent file along with the transcript, after the applicant was employed. (The permanent files of all personnel were made available to the writer.)