TABLE NO. 8 HARBOR TERMINAL OPERATIONS Statement of Operating Revenue, Operating Expenses and Net Operating Revenue (Including Interdepartmental Transactions) for the Fiscal Years Ended June 30, 1951 and 1950, and Comparison 1951 1950 Increase (Decrease) Total Atlantic Pacific Total Atlantic Pacific Total Atlantic Pacific Terminal. Terminal Terminal Terminal Terminal Terminal OPERATING REVENUE:, Wharfag .. ....$ 290,422.63 $ 249,418.21 $ 41,004.42 $ 285,816.29 $ 210,182.88 $ 75,633.41 $ 4,606.34 $ 39,235.33 $(34,628.99 Rent and storage. ... .. 38,930.32 32,515.66 6,414.66 43,735.88 34,240.17_ 9,495.71 (4,805.56) (1,724.51) (3,081.O5 Stevedoring.. ........ ....669,594.78 568,982.14 100,612.64 9 395,252.87 295,655.17 99,597.70 274,341.91 273,326.97 1,014.94 Handling & transferring 2,086,071.82 1,711,757.65 374,314.17 i,679,092.86 1,282,725,39 396,367.47 406,978.96 429,032.26 (22,053.30 Other revenue .. 94,226.09 72,331.64 21,894.45 90,076.41 70,042,88 20,033.53 4,149.68 .2,288.76 1,860.92 Total operating revenue $3,179,245.64 $2,635,005.30 $544,240.34 $2,493,974.31 $1,892,846.49 $601,127.82 $685,271.33 $742,158.81 $(56,887.48) OPERATING, EXPENSES: Stevedoring 517,611.55 $, 453,784.65 $ 63,226.90 $ 257,567.16 197,409.11 $ 60,158.05 $259,444.39 $256,375.54 $ 3,068.85 Handling & transferring . 1314,380.26 1,166,040.12 148,340.14 910,029.179. 764,144.88 145,884.91- 404,350.47 401,895.24 2452 Rentals ..7,920.00 7,920.00 -- 73,947,.02 31,533.27 42,413.75 (66,027.02) (23,613.27) (42135) Repairs-docks bldgs . 91,711.65 74,816.95 16,894.70 73,268.67 40,245.23 33,023.44 18,442.98 34,571.72 (16,128.74 Depr'n.-docks & bldgs . 179,473.91 151,297.55 28,176.36 9.7,988.52 97,748.16 240.36 81,485.39 53,549.39 27,936.00 Depr, n.-equipment . . 64,184.77 49,112.83 15,071.94 66,522.91 50,510.55 16,012.36 (2,338.14) (1,397.72) (940.42 Proportion of local rate (9... 4 (601. quarters operations. 7 .02 7,015.02 7 916.46(901.44) (901.44) Administrative expenses . 156,582.47 118,102.99 38,479.48 137,718.15 104,459.95 33,258.20 18,864.32 13,643.04 5,221.28 General expenses. . 615,042.71 468,402.01 146,640.70 563,519.19 406,311.74 157,207.45, 51,523.52 62,090.27 (10,566.75 Total operating expenses. $2,958322.34 ,496,492.12 $456,830.22 $2,188,477.87 $1,700,279.35 $488,198.52 $764,844.47 $796,212.77 $(31,368.30 NET OPERATING REVENUE$ 225,923.30 $ 138,513.'8 $ 87,410.12 $ 305,49644 192,567.14 $112,929.30 $(79,573.14) $(54,053.96)$(25,519.18