TABLE NO. 1 INVESTMENT IN RAILROAD, STEAMSHIPS, HARBOR TERMINALS AND OTHER PROPERTIES AND EQUIPMENT, AND RELATED ACCRUED DEPRECIATION FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1951 PROPERTY ACCOUNT ACCRUED DEPRECIATION ISTHI S ) Credits to Reserves Chreto ISTHMUS Balance Retirements Balance Balance chargedto t o Baance Jul 115 Additions and crd Reserves aJufly e, 1950 June 30, 1951 July 1, 1950 Retirements 30, 1951 Trasfes Operations Adjustments RAILROAD AND APPURTENANCES: Roadway and track . $ 7,892,336.83 $ 1,547.50 $ 7,890,789.33 Tunnel, bridges and culverts .. .... 1,079,248.05 1,079,248.05 $ 576,965.88 $ 14,389.92 $ 591,355.80 Stations, roundhouses a 0. ......1,144,461.67 $ 87,467.00 ( 193,874.15 ( 1,038,054.52 593,682.70 25,676.04 87,467005 (127,955.52)3 Telegraph and signals 279,740.73 279,740.73 206,804.86 2,403.48 209,208.34 Road equipment ... 2,751,299.45 36,995.93 2,714,303.52 2,284,820.90 86,565.89 $ 36,995.93 2,334,390.86 Miscellaneous eqUipment. ......... 44,948.03 72,928.61 () 13,245.17 104,631.47 24,152.56 3,295.62 72,928.6.1 () 13,245.17 87,131.62 Other buildings: U.S.R.Quarters.. 801,000.00 119,677.00 681,323.00 224999.44 19,999.92 156 ,520.96 ( 60,643.08 340,877.24 L.R.Quarters. 1,186,869.34 149,640.08 17,000.00 1,319 509.42 1,044,369.52 27,371.30 (9:854.78)V 17,000.00 1,044,886.04 Printing plant. 246,405.53 34,45 3 85,243.47 (85,243.47Vk Other Lands: Colon lands . 1,552,500.00 _ 1,552,500.00 (j) _______Total railroad and appurtenances . $16,978,809.63 $ 310,035.69 $ 628,745.28 $16,660,100.04 $ 5,041,039.33 $ 179,702.17 $ 93,862.80, $127,1 Less donations and' grants ($864,195.20 applicable to roadway and track and' $36,883.72 to signal system).... 901,078.92 9 Net railroad and appurtenances... $16,077,730.71 $ 310,035.69 $ 628,745.28 $15,759,021.12 $ 5,041,039.33 $ 179,702.17 $ 93,862.80 $127,1 $ 5,186,720.12 DOCKS, PIERS AND APPURTENANCES: Docks and piers $ 4,735,544.44 $3,943,566.03 $ 8,679,110.47 $ 3,903,145.84 $ 173,276.76 $2,326,338.85 $ 6,402,761.45 Buildings 196,949.65 103,000.00 1$(93,874.15) 493,823.80 146,233.26 6,063.84 45,536.16 127,955.52 325,788.78 Roads and walks. . 56,780.59 56,780.59 56,580.64 199.95 56,780.59 Equipment ........ 842,108.02 26,622.24 4,698.48 () 864,031.78 426,834.87 64,118.13 (468.25) $4 486,266.52 Total docks, piers and appurtenances. $ 5,831,382.70 $4,073,188.27 $(189,175.67) $10,093,746.64 $ 4,532,794.61 $ 243,658.68 $2,499,362.28 $$ 7,27,97.34 *COAL AND OIL PLANTS: Coal structures . $ 533,279.40 $ 68,722.92 $ 464,556.48 $ 361,217.20 $ 10,665.60 $$ 323,95.44 Oil plants ............ $ 173,015.38 173,015.38 4,240.33 $ 164,565.63 168,805.96 Docks and piers . 691,960.25 691,960.25 13,733.88 439,757.02 453,490.90 Equipment ...... 2,853.81 1,761,839.28 1,764,693.09 2,140.20 63,005.95 811,722.61 876,868.76 Total coal and oil plants ...... $ 536,133.21 $2,626,814.91 $ 68,722.92 $ 3,094,225.20 $ 363,357.40 $ 91,645.76 $1,416,045.26 47, $ 1,823,121.06