*THE MILITARY CHAPLAIN NEWSLETTER Official Publication of THE MILITARY CHAPLAINS ASSOCIATION oUR pUPOS then the I _,.,u an'c 6~ morO\itv 0'oe President ----------------R. Adm. Maurice S. Sheehy, ChC, USNR ,o so r i'o deepen 0.o o h ,. _, o n to -,, ven-" Executive Secretary-Treasurer Chaplain (Lt. Col.) William Golder, USA ,orces to oPe t a-ng on reserve nojo; ,s o urderstOn to pvs ". STAFF the b ds oi ary served itere ed Mr. R. H. Rice Mrs. Milton D. Willis shiP of Io iuenc s of the .a oi Mrs. W. Byrn Boswell o sIu vet e Co-U~ jOnus0 11e8 ers and %h pCotsl 3 o \ \ ; t to u e , t o p r o m o t e jorceSi e, stao es; od / \ HEADQUARTERS AND GUEST HOUSE the ce oou " Office Hours: 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. Daily tc pec Sleeping accommodations available for Chaplains and their families. Please make reservations in advance, if possible. Plan to stay with us when you visit Washington. Only a 400 taxi ride from Union Station. Resident manager always at Headquarters Building. Rates: $1.50 a night for adults. 75 for children. THE MILITARY CHAPLAINS ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Organized 25 April 1925 CHARTERED BY THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS 20 September 1950-Public Law 792-81st Congress National Headquarters: 1710 16th St., N.W., Washington 9, D. C. Telephone: ADams 2-1667 Vol. XXIX NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 1956 No. 9 Articles in this publication express the point of view of the authors only and not necessarily those of the Association or of the Services. * Published 12 times a year by the Military Chaplains Association and issued monthly. Editorial and Executive offices, 1710 Sixteenth St., N.W.. Washington 9, D. C. Entered as Second Class Matter at Washington, D. C., under the act of March 3, 1879 at the special rate of mailing. This publication is mailed to all members of the Chaplains,Assoeiatoni. Subscriptions to all others not eligible for membership are $5.00 per calendar year. Foreign subscriptions (non-members) are $6.00 per cal- Ch li G o n endar year. Special Library Rate, 3 years for $12.00. Write for details Cha ln G. Hotal g on Bundle Plan. 68 Bradford Street, POSTMASTER: If this publication is addressed to a member of the Needham 92, Mass. United States Military or Naval Service, whose address has been changed by official orders, it may be forwarded without additional postage. See Par. 10, Sec. 769, P. L. & R. Mailed in conformity with P.O.D. Orders No. 19687 and 27851. RETURN POSTAGE GUARANTEED The Military Chaplain Newsletter 1710 Sixteenth St., N.W. Washington 9, D. C. NOVEMBER o DECEMBER o 0 1956 o * IE MITARY MU APAIN 0 0 NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS: 1710 16th ST., N.W., WASHINGTON 9, D. C. O 0 0 CHAp1 o O 0 T S 0 -~ InS uv*~