694 03.600 Responsibility of Controller: The natural person designated by the license applicant under Section 03.100 is deemed by the Board to be in control of and primarily responsible for operations conducted under the terms of any permit. However nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent appropriate enforcement of any regulation, limitation, permit condition, or order against either the permittee, or licensee, whether or not such licensee is a natural person. R2-0 704 LICENSES-SUSPENSION, REVOCATION AND RESTORATION 04.100 Suspension, Revocation, Refusal to Renew a License: The Board may suspend, revoke or refuse to renew a license for any one or any combination of the following reasons: 04.101 Incompentency; 04.102 Dishonest practice; 04.103 False or fraudulent representation in obtaining a license or permit under the Act or these Rules; 04.104 Failure to comply with any of the provisions of the Act or of these Rules; and 04.105 Violation of any permit or permit condition. 04.200 Restoration of License: At any time after the suspension or revocation of a license or after refusal to renew a license the Board may restore it to the licensee or renew it upon a finding that the requirements for issuance of an original license have been met by the licensee. R2-0 7-05 PERMITS-APPLICATION, CRITERIA, ISSUANCE 05.100 Application for Permit: Application for a weather modification permit shall be made on forms furnished by the Board. A properly executed application shall be submitted to the Board by every applicant. The application may contain such information as the Board deems necessary, and shall include the following information: 05.101 Name and address of the applicant; 05.102 Whether a weather modification operational permit issued to the applicant in any jurisdiction has ever been suspended or revoked or whether there has been refusal to renew such a permit by any jurisdiction. If the answer is yes, the circumstances must be explained in detail; 05.103 If the applicant is a corporation, whether it is licensed to do business in North Dakota; 05.104 Whether a license has been issued under Section 2:-07-03.3 of the Act, and if so, the names, addresses and professional license numbers of the controller (s); 05.105 Whether professional weather modification licenses issued to such licensee (s) in any jurisdiction have ever been suspended or revoked or whether there has been refusal to renew such license(s) by any jurisdiction. If the answer is, yes, the circumstances must be explained in detail; 0-5.106 Whether proof of financial responsibility has been furnished in accordance with Section 2-07--04-3 of the Act and regulation R2-07A~8; 05.107 If the operation will be conducted under a contract, the value of the contract; 05.108 If the operation will not be conducted under a contract, an estimate of the coss of the operation and information as to how the estimate was made; 0-5.109 Whether the applicant has paid the application fee; 05.110 Whether the applicant has North Dakota workmen's compensation coverage; 0.5.111 A copy of any promotional and advertising material used in connect ion with negotiations for the contract (if any); 05.112 Whether the applicant has furnished a performance bond, as required ~ susecion10.2N4 of these rules; 05.113 Whether the applicant has furnished a bid bond, as required by Section 207 09.1 of the. Act; 0.1114 Whether the applicant has registered all pilots and aircraft to be used iii the operation for which the permit is sought with the North Dakota AeroIla lii c5 ('oninis Sionl. 015.115 A complete andl detailed operational plan for the operation which iil aides" (1) Themnature and object of the operation: (2) The legal descriptions of, and a map) showing the operations area. ai d th tw argettareai