DEUDAS DE LA REPUBLICA in the City of Havana, Republic of Cuba, at the Office of the Fiscal Agent, for six months interests, due on the ...... of ...... of the year 19 ..., then due upon the Five and a IHalf per cent Sinking Fund Gold Notes of the Treasury of the Republic of Cuba, serie.... number..... payable on the 30th. of June of the year 1935. To the principal of this coupon must be added the amount of compound interests accumulated semiannualy on 30th. of June and 31st. of December from the 31st. of December 1930 until the day of payment. of this coupon. By the Republic of Cuba, Secretary of the Treasury. Form of the Remainder Interest Coupons from Number 6, to Number 9 both Inclusive. Serie......... Number......... Coupon..........$ ..... On the ...... of ...... of the year 19..., provided this Note has not been previously redeemed the Republic of Cuba will pay to the bearer with out any deduction for Cuban taxes, the amount of $...... in gold coin of the United States of America of the weight and fineness existing on the First of January of the year 1930, or its equivalent in the City of Boston, State of Massachusetts, United States of America and at the Office of the Bank in the same City or at the election of the bearer in the City of Havana, Republic of Cuba, at the Office of the Fiscal Agent, for six months interests due on that date upon the Five and a Half Per Cent Sinking Fund Gold Notes of the Treasury of the Republic of Cuba, Serie ...... number ...... payable on the 30th. of June of the year 1935. By the Republic of Cuba, Secretary of the Treasury. The Blank space for the Conversion of the Notes into Nominative shall be filled with the following formula. Serie........Number........$...... By virtue of the compliance with the provisions of the deed of issuance in regard to the conversion into nominative of the Notes to the Bearer, this Note to the Bearer shall be considered from this moment, as nominative. By virtue thereof the Republic of Cuba will 320