DEUDAS DE LA REPUBLICAN The total issue of these Notes is represented by the following units and series: Serie A. Formed of 20,000 Notes, numbered from 1 to 20,000, of $100.00 each: total: $2.000,000. Serie B. Formed of 8,000 Notes, numbered from 20,001 to 28,000, of $500.00 each: total $4.000,000. Serie C. Formed of 14,000 Notes, numbered from 28,001 to 42,000 of $1,000 each: total $14.000,000. Total 42,000 units: Value $20.000,000. All these Notes are of the same value and grade and have no preference regarding each other, neither by reason of series, nor by reason of numeration of each one, nor by any other reason, and all of them have the same rights without any preference of one over the other. In testimony'whereof, this Note is issued by the representative of the Republic of Cuba, by means of the handwritten signature of its Secretary of the Treasury or his authorized representative, upon all of the Notes, the Spanish text and the English text of this Note form a single document, the Spanish text controlling in case of discrepancy. By the Republic of Cuba, Secretary of the Treasury. .. ....................... By duly authorized representative. Countersigned for authentication: The First National Bank of Boston. By ............... ................ FORM O.F THE FIRST FIVE INTEREST COUPONS: Serie....... Number....... Coupon number....... $....... On the 30th. of June of the year 1933 provided this note has not been'previously redeemed the Republic of Cuba will pay to the bearer without deduction for Cuban taxes the amount of $...... in gold coin of the United States of America of the weight and fineness existing on the First of January of the year 1930, or its equivalent in the City of Boston, State of Massachusetts, United States of America and at the Office of the Bank in the same City or at the election of the bearer 319