DEUDAS DE LA REPUBLICAN converted into nominative before the 31st. of December of the year I930, as hereinafter provided, to the registered holder thereof on the 30th. of June of the year 1935, or before, the principal sum of ....... dollars, and will pay interest upon such principal sum from the 31st. of December of the year 1930, at the rate of five and half per centum per annum, until such principal sum has been paid the interest being payable upon presentation and delivery of the interests coupons as they become due. The first five interests coupon shall become due on the 30th. of June of the year 1933, and shall cover and represent the full value on each semiannual payment due on June 30th. and December 31st. of each year of all the compound interest of the same, computing from the 31st. of December of the year 1930. The remaining coupons, from number six to number nine, both inclusive, shall mature and be payable semi-annually, on the 31st. of December of the year 1933, the 30th. of June and the 31st. of December of the year 1934 and the 30th. of June of the year 1935. If upon maturity of the principal of this Note it is not fully paid the total amount or the unpaid part of it shall continue to bear interest at the same rate of five and half percentum until its final payment and complete cancelation. Such principal sum and interest installments at their respective maturities shall be payable at the option of the holder of the Note in the principal Office of the Fiscal Agent at the City of Boston, State of Massachusetts, United States of America, or in the Office of such Fiscal Agent at the City of Havana, Republic of Cuba, in gold coin of the same weight and fineness as that of the gold coin of the United States of America existing and in circulation upon the first of January of the year 1930, or its equivalent in gold coin of legal currency, in that Country, on the date of the payment of the Notes, without deduction for any taxes income tax included, present or future, established or which may be established in the Republic, by the State, the Province, the Municipality, the Central District or any other political subdivision that may be established in the future. This Note is one of the issue of "Five and a Half Per Cent Sinking Fund Notes of the Treasury of the Republic of Cuba", limited to the total principal amount of twenty million dollars outstanding at any time, issued in accordance with and also secured by the Agreement dated the ...... of ...... of the year 1930, executed between the Republic of Cuba, party of the first part, Warren Brothers Company and Compailia Cubana de Contratistas, S. A., party of the second part and The First National Bank of Boston, hereinafter called "The Bank", party of the third part, under the authority of the Constitution and Laws of the Republic of Cuba for financing the construction of the Central Highway, in accordance with the Public Works Laws of the 15th. of July of the year 1925 and of the 24th. of July of the year 1928, to which covenant reference is made herein for a more detailed explanation of the nature and extent of the guaranties for these notes and of the rights of the holders thereof. This and the other notes of 316