DEUDAS DE LA REPUBLICA elusive, and are not callable for redemption prior to such respectives dates of maturity. This bond shall not be valid or negotiable until countersigned for authentication by the National City Bank of New York. This bond is executed in behalf of the Republic of Cuba by imprinting hereon in facsimile the signatures of the Secretary of the treasury and of the treasurer general of the Republic and by inscribing hereon the manual signature of __...........-_... duly empowered and the coupons for the interest hereon are executed in like behalf by imprinting thereon in facsimile the signature of the Secretary of the Treasury. The Spanish text and the English text of this bond are counterparts, constituting together a single instrument only, the English text controlling in case of any variation. Dated July 1, 1927.-For the Republic of Cuba ..-.-- ..., Secretary of the Treasury.......... Treasurer General. Countersigned for authentication The National City Bank of New York.-By ............-....-., Authorized Officer. FORM OF COUPON No. .--...--._._... $27.50 On the first day of ............ 19.the Republic of Cuba will pay to bearer twenty seven and 501100 dollars gold coin of the United States of America of the standard existing July 1, 1927, free of Cuban taxes as specified in the below mentioned bond in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New York, United States of America at the Office therein of J. P. Morgan and Co., or at the option of the bearer, in the city of Havana, Republic of Cuba, at the office therein of the National City Bank of New York, being six months interest then due on its serial 5 percent gold bond, Series ---. ---- due July 1, 19.. No.........--. For the Republic of Cuba-....... . ANEXO B BONOS PROvISIONALES-CANJEABLES POR BONOS DEFINITIONS CUANDO SE GRABEN Y ESTEN LISTOS PARA SU ENTREGA No... ___.... $1.000 REPUBLICA DE CUBA. BONOS DE ORO EN SERIES AL 5 % Fechado el 19 de julio de 1927.-Vence el 19 de julio de 19 .. SERIE La Repaiblica de Cuba (a la que se hlamari en lo sucesivo la Repiblica) por valor recibido promete pagarle al portador el dia 1Q de 100